#sorry for talking so much bjklsdhgsjf i like rambling and i never do it
side-of-honey · 1 year
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Wooooo the rest of the team is finally done! Overall they didn't change nearly as much as Okoru, but I made a lot of changes in the little details and I like these designs a lot more :)
Uhhh ill put rambles under the cut bc the images already kinda make this a long post and ik most ppl probably dont care abt this stuff but I like talking about it! <:D
I tried a lot harder to make Kare + Sunai and Haji + Okoru look plausibly like siblings, aaand I think it's at least better? They have a few little nods to each other if you look hard enough :) I also tried to make them look less like the real world counterparts they were based off of, although tbh they still look too similar for my liking... oh well TwT
I was reaaally conflicted about changing Kare's weapon, and tbh I still am? But the ice cream ball was just too obscure and didn't really fit </3 Oh well, what's done is done...and probably nobody but me cares about this JKSDGLJSDG
I also actually drew the Hideout this time!! (Neighbor's Room equivalent) It turns out that I really like drawing areas as like concept art but not backgrounds lol so you'll probably see more of that? Maybe?
I know Doubloons sounds really. Cheesy??? But like its the quintessential pirate money ok it can't be anything else
Ummm and lastly... normally I'd leave this to other people to possibly figure out but I highly doubt anyone's going to get this one SO Esha is Jori's dog and he named him after his favorite drink, Esha Jo' :) Briefly mentioned in Jori's Guide to Favorite Drinks WAYYY back JKLSDJG
Anywayss that's enough from me! Next up is Jori and Basil, and then one more special post before we're caught back up ^^; If you read this far... thanks!!
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