#sorry for the awkward ending i dont know shit bout ending real long posts effectively
afklancelot · 9 months
Are you able to explain without heavy spoilers why Melusine is the best?
hooo boy that’s gonna be hard and pretty long. ill try to be as coherent as possible in explainin why i like her so much
well for starters, melusine is really fucking cool. i assume you are at least aware of her battle animations, but theyre good. her first and second animation has her alternating between punching, slashing, and both to beat up her foes, and the sound effects and graphics really shows how strong she is. special mention goes to one of her extra attack lines going “Haaaaaaaaa, BUNKAHHHH!” her VA put her soul into that line.
this dont even cover her third ascension’s animations. that’s where her dragon part comes out, and i fuckin love dragons. she slashes, she chomps, her extra attack animation is as good as Arjuna Alter’s, if not more. and her NP having her flying through Fae Britain’s twilight sky and fully transforming into her dragon form… good shit.
and her being able to change from first/second asc to third asc w her skill is insane, and the fact her np changed from Arts ST to Buster AoE was a huge game changer. the only other servant who does something like that is Jekyll and Hyde (who sucks gameplay wise. sorry man).
not to mention i love her ascension art. the first asc having her in full armor, and her second having a pretty dress befitting of a lady knight (or maybe even a princess?), and both of them having those big ass sword sheathes on her wrists and mask costumes for them. i love characters with masks covering at least part of their face, and im real glad theyre costumes for her. her third ascension is also cool too, with the big swords and the black wings on her. for me it’s second asc > first asc > third asc
another thing bout her is that melusine… is a huge dork. like i said, her VA did good work at portraying a refined knight who is actually pretty expressive underneath. you see it even more in her summer form but even her tam lin/fairy knight version she was always Like That. her first asc’s line for your birthday is her being despondent over guda being busy and then deciding to destroy Chaldea. melusine said fuck work
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and to say nothin bout her… expressions
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one of the only minor complaints i hav w her summer form is the lack of scribbles in her expression, but ah well. we have this
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as for her story in the lostbelt… i dont really know how to explain how much i love it bc a lot of it is only really shown in parts 2 and 3, but her relationship with Aurora and Percival were handled really well. you have to get to reading the lostbelts to really understand her character and shit like that. her very last scene of her (and aurora i guess) makes me real emotional
so yeah
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