#sorry for the constant lars posting but I’ll never be over him
ken-dom · 3 months
I love him* I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love-
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mrevaunit42 · 7 years
The princess and the bad boy part 3
Hey everyone, Mr.E here and still alive! yay! sorry about the long wait but I decided to take the last month off from writing. I realized that despite the fact there were periods of time i couldn’t write for whatever reason, in the nearly 2 years (this june) I’ve been writing, I hadn’t actually taken an actual break. like a real break where i wasn’t concerned about what i was going to write. 
So i took one and I come back to you at the turn of the tide, refreshed and ready to go and what better way to start than a super late prompt for @starcoweek3 haha I’m so sorry i didn’t mean to be gone so long and i know this is so late but i hope you enjoy it
a special thanks to the person who left me a review on ff about this very idea. I really wish I could remember who it was but i can’t seem to find the review. I will update this with the info asap but for now onward with the story.
So in this third part of the au, Star’s parents are thinking of sending the princess back to Saint Olga’s and Marco isn’t having any of that but the real question is how far is our bad boy willing to go to keep star in his life?
Have an amazing week, stay awesome everyone! I’ll be back with my au of choice legend of zelda, maybe ladybug and a covy phantom thief au i’ve been obsessed with because damnit persona 5 came out. stay awesome everyone!
part 1 https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11341726/72/There-s-always-a-star-and-a-hoodie
part 2 https://mrevaunit42.tumblr.com/post/142780634772/princess-and-the-bad-boy
and let me know if you want to be a part of the tag list.
@artgirllullaby @hipster-rapunzel @isolated-frequencies @aweirdlatina
Star pouted, tucking her bottom lip under the upper reflexively. Marco crossed his arms defensively, glaring at the princess though conflict bubbled over onto his face.
The two not friends gaze never left the other as they remained silent.
It had been nearly a year since the magical princess from another dimension bounced into his life and while the two hated to each other at first, they grew to be surprisingly close to one another after Marco beat Lars into a pulp with a rather stunning display of kindness.
It's a long story.
The point remained the duo would never admit to being friends. “She's just an uptight princess” Marco replied while Star answered with the more neutral “He's just a roommate in a house I live in.”
No one was fooled of course. Everyone saw what the pair tried to hide.
The once barbed and purposely hurtful jabs were more lighthearted, even flirtatious nowadays. Where once upon a time Marco would attempt to avoid any contact with the princess, he now walked alongside her wherever she felt inclined to roam. Rumor had it (and by rumor, it was really Janna watching them through the window with a pair of binoculars) they even stayed up watching movies together after Marco finished his homework and Star completed a level of a video game.
The bad boy and the princess became close friends. Some would even go as far to say the best of friends.
“I'm not doing that princess.”
but an unlikely friendship was still bound to have some friction.
“Marco, you don't understand” Star pleaded, taking her braided ponytail into her hands and began tugging anxiously
Marco scoffed, his brown hair messy and ruffled from being under his beanie all day “What don't I understand princess? That you want me to dress up...”
“Marco, it's not....”
“or the fact you want me to pretend to all prim and proper? Something I am not and I hate” Marco went on
“Please, if you just...”
“I thought we had an understanding princess.”
Star stopped, the pain that underlined Marco's tone all too clear to her ears.
Star may have been a forcibly refined princess but she knew people as well as she knew her princess protocols (which were drilled into her head from the moment she arrived in Saint Olga’s) and she knew Marco was really hurt.
This really bothered him, far more than it should've but that was only proof how far Marco had let his guard down around her.
Marco was protective about anything that clashed with his bad boy aesthetic, an image that he held in higher regard than his own happiness but despite his best efforts of hiding his true self from her, she had seen the real Marco underneath.
And what was more surprising than the real Marco was how much Star liked him.
Marco was naturally gifted cook, incredibly smart and exceedingly kind despite how aloof he acted.
Whenever Star would ask for nachos, he would give theatrical sigh, resist for a minute or so before caving in. Sometimes she would approach him for an explanation for one of the many devices that littered the dimension or some help on a homework assignment only for him to reply he was in the mood for his tasty snack. He would cook with some assistance from Star and the two would spend hours in each others presence.
It was nice and intoxicating. So much so Star forgot there was a wall between them. A wall that seemed to hardly existed anymore.
Until now that is.
“....I'm sorry” Star muttered softly, resisting the urge to cry. She knew it was too much to ask for and truthfully it was unfair of her to ask such a thing of him. Despite Skeeve's words and the fact she was practically shoved into his life, he held no responsibility over her or for her.
She would accept her fate with grace and poise that was forcibly a part of her now.
“Do not worry Marco” Marco's head snapped back towards Star, her voice low and forlorn “I apologize. It was rude of me to ask such a thing.”
Marco could feel the guilt clawing at his resolve, bubbling and churning with a sickening wave that spread through his being.
He didn't mean to blow up at her, to lash out unnecessarily but old habits died hard and he was caught unaware by Star's sudden request for him to make some mild clothing adjustments for some unknown reason.
Truthfully Marco hadn't the slightest idea why he had taken Star's request so personally: Whether he publicly admitted it or not, there was no doubt that the magical princess had dug herself a nice, cozy place in his heart and that brought the emotional baggage that he was currently lugging around which he had to conclude was probably leading to irrational decisions. After all....
“I'm afraid I have other matters to attention. Good night Marco.”
Marco blinked but before he could realize what happened while lost in his train of thought, Star pivoted on the balls of her feet with an unearthly grace and strode out of the room without another word.
Marco was torn between chasing after her and sulking in his room. Both options were not very appealing and more than likely neither would end in a result that was acceptable.
Marco frowned, the guilt intensifying with each silent moment that passed.
Marco sighed. He needed to apologize or at least try at a poor attempt of one.
Marco was slow in his steps, his halfhearted attempts to justify his actions failing to halt his motions.
He rose his fist to knock on his roommate's door only to notice it was slightly ajar.
Marco was instantly worried: Star was an intensely private person and never once during her entire stay here did she ever leave her door remotely open. It was always closed no matter what.
Marco pressed against the wood gently, cringing upon hearing creaky door.
“Yes mother.”
Marco released a sigh he didn't know he was holding. It sounded like Star was too wrapped up in one of her mother's weekly calls. It used to be daily but enough time had passed that Moon felt Star didn't need her mother badgering her ever day.
Marco pulled back slowly. The last thing he wanted to do was eavesdrop on Star's private conversations. He had done enough damage today and being caught listening would deteriorate their friendship further.
“Yes I remember. Father will be visiting tomorrow.”
Marco paused. Her father? The king?  Here? Why?
Curiosity bit at Marco's resolve. Star hadn't informed him of this visit from her dad and she would've told him to ensure he wasn't intruding on any of their....umm.....hang out days.....
“Your father” Moon's refined yet distant voice cut through the still silence “will be there at 8 in the morning. Do you remember why he is coming?”
“Yes mother” Star's voice was neutral though Marco swore he heard the dull edge of defeat laced within “Father is here to see if the Diaz's are a more suitable place for my training than Saint Olga's.”
“and have you told them?”
“No. Like you asked, I...I hadn't told them of his visit”
Marco inhaled sharply, a moment of clarity overwhelming his emotions. Everything made sense the more he thought about it and made him sick to his stomach the longer he went on.
Moon was trying to see if Earth and more importantly the Diaz's were having a positive influence on Star. She did send her to Earth under their care after all but Marco knew his parents weren't the ones Moon was concerned with.
He was the one she was afraid would corrupt her daughter.
Marco knew Moon disliked him though he couldn't fault her given how the two treated each other early in their relationship.
Er friendship.
Though the two buried the hatchet and began a much more healthy, positive...friendship, he was well aware Moon still held reservations about him despite Star's constant praises.
Marco backed away from Star's room, making a mad yet silent dash for his own.
Now he understood Star's request.
She loved Earth with all her heart. Here she was free to do whatever she wished. Here she was popular and loved. Well mostly but Brittney never counted for anything. And with her here, Marco had found his best friend.
Alongside Ferguson and Alfonso of course.
Marco threw open his closet, coughing as the layers of dust trapped within flooded around him.
He recklessly pushed through the untouched corner of his room, the screeching of metal hangers against the bar filling the room until he found what he was looking for.
Gingerly, he pulled the bag covered clothing, trying to ignore how dusty the surface was.
“Okay” he spoke softly, jabbing at the covered item with his finger “You don't expect this to be a thing and I'll behave, deal?”
The article of clothing did not respond.
“Deal” Marco muttered ominously
Star let out a sigh, tucking her braided ponytail over her shoulder with her gloved hands, her blue princess dress perfectly pressed as always.
She didn't know what her father would say of Earth or how Marco would be this morning. Neither thought would bring her comfort and she was far too anxious for the day to begin to care.
Star stared forlornly at the photo her and Marco had taken the week before. The two not friends had gone into something called a photo booth to take their first photo together (Star insisted and Marco barely put up a fight)
she traced her fingers over the still image of Marco sticking his tongue at her while she gave a cheeky grin and peace sign, his stolen beanie sitting on top of her head.
She took a deep breath. If this was her last day on Earth, she was going to enjoy it to the best of her ability.
A swirling portal appeared without warning and Star scrambled to her feet, taking a soothing breath as she straightened her posture and resumed the well know Butterfly poise.
River strode out of the swirling magical gateway and with a pop, the link between dimensions faded out of existence.
“Star!” River beamed cheerfully, opening his arms for a hug.
Star gave a timid smile, wrapping both arms her father tightly and giving him the biggest squeeze she could.
“ooomphf!” River groaned, surprised at Star's firm embrace.
Star let go at once, rubbing the back of her head embarrassingly “S-sorry dad. I mean Father, I didn't mean to squeeze so hard”
“That's alright my dear! Say where is this Marco fellow that is supposed to help guide you around this....dimension”
Star chuckled nervously, her smile strained as she tried to think of an excuse why Marco wasn't up yet. Or going to see them at all today....
“Oh, I am terribly sorry” Marco's voice called from the hallway “I didn't realize where the time had gone. I was downstairs fixing up breakfast for Star and I. I hadn't the slightest idea you were coming King Butterfly.”
Star pivoted on her feet at the sound of Marco's voice.
“Marco!” she squeaked “I...I..aye...aye...aye.....”
Star fell into a hypnotic daze as she lay her eyes on Marco for the first time that morning and found an unexpected surprise.
Marco was dressed well! Actually, not just well but amazingly well. Incredibly well, did she mention amazingly already? Because he was.
His hair was combed to one side instead of the usual tangled mess it was. He wore a jet black suit that was in pristine condition, a red collared shirt underneath though no tie (the top button of his shirt was undone) elegant, well polished loafers that reflected light itself and the most surprising accessory, a pair of thick rimmed square glasses that gave him a sophisticated look.
Star blushed wildly at the sight of Marco. Thank god she possessed self control or she feared she would've gone slack jawed.
“Star, your jaw is hanging a little loose.”
Star carefully touched her face to discover her jaw in fact dangling openly.
Star coughed loudly in an attempt to regain her composure.
“Ah, you must be this Marco figure I've heard so much about” River spoke low, eyes narrowing in suspicion.
Marco confirmed with a nod “That's me. I'm afraid my reputation has preceded me.”
“Not at all my boy. May I join you for breakfast? I left the castle in a hurry to get here in time.”
“of course!” Marco gave the most charming smile he could muster. He could physically feel his muscles ache at the gesture “Shall we?”
Star stared dumbfounded as Marco offered his arm towards her with a subtle hint.
Star shook her head, coming out of her stupor and taking his arm with her own.
“Lead the way my boy!” River said with a smug grin.
Marco and Star headed towards the kitchen with the straightest faces they could muster.
“This is amazing my dear boy!” River beamed cheerfully, wolfing down his food with reckless abandon.
Marco chuckled, unsure what to make of Star's father behavior.
Star sat nervously between her father and her hus...er best friend, eyes darting back and forth with utter confusion about what was going on.
Did Marco know what was going on?
Did her dad know that Marco knew?
Did Marco do all this for her or just to mess with her?
What did her dad think of Marco?
Were either of them going to let it slip what was going on?
River eyed Marco carefully, knowing full well what the young man as up to. He had discovered what was River's real purpose here.
Based on what his wife told him about Marco, this was all an act to ensure Star stayed here on Earth.
Marco was good. River had to give him that and if he had been any other man, he would've been fooled too but River knew full well what it was like to hide your true nature for someone you cared about.
Or loved.
River gave a mischievous grin neither of the teens noticed.
“So Star?” River called out suddenly
Star eeped, flushing a bright red as she dropped her fork onto her plate.
“Y-yes Dad? I mean father....”
“You are aware why I am here, correct?”
Marco's face was calm though he could feel the anxiety threaten to wrestle all control away from him.
Star shifted guiltily under her father's knowing gaze.
“I've decided it is time to take you back to Mewni. I feel it's best to further your education at Saint Olga's.”
Star could feel her heart drop, a cold numbing feeling overtaking her.
Marco clenched his fork, his mouth tight with barely held restraint.
River eyed the two carefully “ I feel while Earth was a nice break for your studies, I don't know if it is really best for your training with the wand. After all, there is no magic on Earth.”
“I...I see....I...very well, if that is what you wish....” Star's face was smooth and still as stone, only the dim look of lost in her eyes cluing anyone in about her true feelings about the situation.
River leaned back in his seat expectantly, watching Marco carefully “Very well. It's settled then.”
River held back his grin as Marco rose out of his seat, fist slammed against the table
“Marco!” Star cried out, appalled at his choice of language.
“Don't Marco me Star! This is bullshit and you know it.”
“MARCO!” Star's voice cracked.
River smugly smiled towards the angry teen “and why is it wrong of me my lad?”
“Star likes it here” Marco began “She likes being here. She likes using magic here. She likes the fact there's no one hovering over her, telling her what to do. She likes the fact she's free to act like the lady she was forced to train be or not be that person. She likes being Star, not princess Butterfly and people like that she's here! She deserves to be her!”
The anger flushed out of Marco's system, his voice soft and gentle, barely a whisper
“I like her being here.....”
“I see, Star?”
Star jumped once again at the sound of her named being called.
“Y-yes father?”
“What do you think?”
Star paused, pulled between the truth and her training.
She took a deep breath, calming herself as she drew on her princess training.
“I hate Saint Olga's.” Star admitted, her eyes downcast and avoiding her father “I hate how restrictive it is. I hate how they demand everyone to be cookie cutter princesses, one among many and switched out easily without a second though. I...I do not...”
Star cleared her throat, her voice rising with each passing moment.
Star let loose her held breath.
River's laughter was not what Marco and Star were expecting, the joyful shout with a wide smile that was infectious.
“Well, if that's what my little girl wishes, that is what my little girl gets.”
“Wha?” Star stared at Marco who shrugged in response.
“We only want what's best for you dear” River explained calmly “We thought you were happy at Saint Olga's but evidently we were wrong. If you wish to stay here on Earth, then stay on Earth you shall”
“YES!” Star jumped to her feet, rising her hands high into the air before leaping at Marco, holding him tightly as she nuzzled his chest.
“and Marco?”
Marco looked at River's deadly serious face
“Take care of my little girl or else I will have to hurt you. She may be your girlfriend but she's my daughter.”
“of course!” Marco quickly agreed “I ...wait, what?
River gave a cheerful wave “Goodbye dear!”
“Daddy!” Star cried out “Wait, he's not my...” but River was gone. With a might swipe of his arm, the portal reformed and he vanished into Mewni.
A thick awkward silence filled the air .
“Oh man” Star covered her eyes embarrassingly “He's totally got the wrong idea.”
Marco gave a noncommittal shrug, slapping a fresh band-aid onto his cheek “Whatever, people will think whatever they want. What is more important is that you're staying!”
“YAY!” Star cheered, her bright wide smile infecting Marco with one of his own “Nice touch with the glasses.”
“Thanks, it was easier than putting my contacts in.”
“Contacts? Wait you mean...?”
“Yep, these are my actual glasses. Thought they made me look more gentlemanly”
“Thanks Marco...I...I'm sorry I didn't tell you yesterday...I..”
“Blah blah blah” Marco falsely mocked “princess keeps her promises which is ironically paradoxical with the whole princess never lies rule”
Marco gave a cheeky grin as Star smacked his arm playfully
“oh shut it Diaz and make me nachos!”
Marco bowed respectfully “as you wish princess.”
and as Marco made his way into the kitchen, the goofiest grin dancing on his lips, Star took one last look at the bad boy who dressed up for her and muttered to herself.
“I'm in trouble”
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theodoredimas · 7 years
Show Me a Hero - 1/3
Summary: Mon-El’s past finally catches up to him, prompting him to make a decision that will change his future forever.
A/N: The biggest issue I have with Mon-El’s character is him being robbed of all his actual powers. This story will fix that. It will also delve into how I imagine what could happen with Mon-El’s arc to becoming a superhero. He will also get his suit in this story! The boy needs one badly, let’s be honest. I have most of this already written out and was planning on posting it as a one-shot until it went way over the 10k mark. So multichapter it is.
“Show me a hero and I’ll write you a tragedy.” - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Mon-El woke suddenly, his chest tight as he gasped for air. It was the same nightmare he had had since landing on earth. The day of Daxam’s death. The scenes would change each time, but there was one constant fact. He would have to watch as his people died without him. Pushing himself up, he swung his legs down, letting his feet hit the cool floor. As his elbows rested against his knees, he brought his head down to his hands. He tried to even out his breath, but found it more difficult than times before. This nightmare had not been a made up scenario, but the memory of his best friend dying for him, instead of him. He felt the room start to spin as he started to gasp for air, panic rising within him. Sweat started to bead at his temples as his hands began to shake. He didn’t want to think about Daxam or that day. He wanted to forget it all. To keep pretending that it never happened. He tugged at his hair, welcoming the sting of pain. However, it wasn’t enough of a distraction to quell the rising panic.
Spots started to dance in his vision when a warm arm wrapped around him from behind. Kara’s sleep-ladened voice spoke soothingly to him. “I’m right here. Just focus on my voice, Mon-El. I’ve got you.” She continued to speak softly, her hand resting on his chest over his heart as she pushed him gently back into her own body. Mon-El focused on her, feeling the rise and fall of her breasts against his back. Her warm hand pressing so close to his racing heart. He focused on the way her hair tickled at his skin as he felt her lips just barely graze his shoulder. He let her words wash over him as he tried to match his breathing with hers. He focused on her own heartbeat, using it as a metronome for his own heartbeat. Finally after several minutes passed, his breathing normalized as his heart slowed to a steady beat. Letting out one last huff of air, Mon-El’s spoke gruffly, “I didn’t mean to wake you. Sorry.”
Shaking her head, Kara kissed his shoulder before kissing his neck. “It’s alright.” She paused briefly before asking softly, “Was it that nightmare again? About Daxam?” At his short nod, Kara wrapped her other arm around Mon-El, crushing her breasts against his back. She remembered when she first landed on Earth how she had had nightmares of Krypton’s death. Eliza had been the one to comfort her back then. She had let Kara mourn for her planet’s death.
Kara now offered that to Mon-El. She had witnessed his nightmares two other times. The first one had scared her half to death before she realized what was happening. They had talked briefly after that one. Mon-El admitted that he had had those dreams before and Kara felt stricken at the knowledge that he had been forced to go through that alone. He reassured her he was fine and they happened rarely. When she asked what she could do to help, Mon-El had shrugged telling her he honestly didn’t know. When the second one happened, Kara had tried just talking to him at first but soon saw that her words weren’t getting through to him. She then placed her hand against his back and watched as he leaned into her touch. Later, after talking to Eliza about her concerns, she realized that Mon-El needed to be grounded to the present to help him be released from the past. Eliza also warned against her pushing for more information than he was willing to give. She promised Kara that, given time, Mon-El would open up to her. Kara had been the same way, having finally opened up about her nightmares to her adoptive mother after six long months of dealing with it silently.
Now, Kara pressed another kiss to his shoulder. They stayed like that, Kara on her knees with her chest pressed against his back and arms wrapped tightly around him, for a few more minutes. His weight against her chest bringing comfort to not only him, but Kara as well. Mon-El was the one to break the silence as he whispered, “You need to get some more sleep, I know you have a lot of work to do at CatCo in the morning.” He squeezed one of her hands gently, prompting her to slowly move out from behind him. They resettled themselves in Kara’s bed, Mon-El pulling Kara so her back was pressed against his chest. His arm wrapped around her midsection as he whispered, “Thank you.”
Smiling, Kara threaded her fingers through his that rest on her abdomen. “Always.” She didn’t fall asleep until she felt his slow, even breaths against the back of her neck.
It had been a uneventful day for Supergirl, however a hectic day for Kara Danvers. Sighing as she entered the alien bar, she smiled at Mon-El as he quickly prepared her her drink. Smiling back at Kara, he asked her as she got to the bar, “How was your day?”
Taking in a slow drag of her club soda, Kara told him, “Long. Snapper was on a rampage earlier. He axed three of my stories, but kept one. So I’m counting that as a win for today.”
Leaning forward, Kara was about to kiss Mon-El when he pointed toward the cluster of tables. “We have an audience.”
Huffing softly, Kara leaned back before she looked over her shoulder. Sure enough, everyone was there. Alex gave Kara a knowing smirk, before turning back to whatever conversation they were having. Groaning softy, Kara muttered, “I really wish I hadn’t said I wanted to keep this between us right now.”
Smirking, Mon-El leaned forward a little. “I can definitely change that so everyone knows.”
Laughing, Kara smacked at his arm. “I’m sure you would like that. This is best for now, though. We’ll tell everyone else soon, I promise. I just want this to stay ours for a little longer.” Mon-El nodded, accepting Kara’s terms. He was honestly still surprised day by day that she wanted to be with him. Even after learning about his past on Daxam. Kara smiled at him, before she headed toward her sister and friends. Mon-El watched briefly as the group welcomed Kara before he went back to work. An hour passed, along with it two more rounds for their table, when they heard a sonic boom and felt the ground rumble beneath them. Glasses clanked together as the bar patrons shouted in alarm. Kara along with the rest of her friends all looked at each other before rushing out the door to see what caused it. Mon-El quickly followed behind them and looked toward the night sky. Entering the atmosphere was a large spaceship and it appeared to be heading directly toward National City.
Kara looked at J’onn, nodding at him once, before she tore her shirt open as she started to run. Shedding her clothes, she took off into the air with J’onn right behind her in his natural Martian form. Alex was already on the phone calling for back up while Winn and James rushed off to help out Kara in whatever way they could. Mon-El watched as the ship circled once before making its descent. With as much force as he could, he squatted down before pushing off the ground, leaping into the air. It was moments like these that he could almost feel himself flying, like it was in his blood. It seemed that with each leaping jump he took, his distance grew farther and farther. He landed with the ground crumbling beneath him as Kara and J’onn slowly approached the ship as it landed. Mon-El could hear the distant sound of a helicopter coming, no doubt Alex with a team of DEO agents, as well as sirens from the NCPD.
He watched as a door slid open, a hissing sound filling the air around them. James, dressed in his Guardian gear, pulled up next to Mon-El on his motorcycle as two dark figures slowly started to descend from the ship. They both moved forward as Kara called out, fisted hands resting on her hips, “Who are you? What do you want?”
One of the figures tilted their head slightly before raising a gun and aimed it at Kara. Both Mon-El and James shouted a warning as Kara shot up into the air. The blast of the weapon missed its target, sending it toward Mon-El and James. James lifted his arm, his shield forming just in time to take the full force of the blast. However it sent him flying back as the dark figure continuously shot at Kara’s flying form. As Mon-El looked toward Kara, wanting to help, he knew that she would much prefer it if he went to help James first. Pushing down his first instinct, Mon-El rushed toward James’ side to see how the man was doing. Offering a hand for assistance, he asked, “Are you alright?”
Groaning James ignored his hand as he rolled to his knees and pushed himself up. “I’m fine.”
Mon-El stayed only long enough to see that James stood on steady feet before he turned to join the fight. He watched as J’onn was thrown back by a shot from the hostile aliens. His eyes darted to Kara, just as she used her heat vision on the other alien’s gun. Seeing it fall to the ground, Mon-El moved at superspeed to assist J’onn in any way he could.
He watched as the alien aimed it’s gun at J’onn again and quickly slammed into the figure. She flew back, her head covering being dislodged with the impact. Mon-El stood in front of J’onn, using his body as a shield as the female alien groaned in pain before standing up. Mon-El was about to move forward to attack when she turned to look at him.
At first, he thought he was hallucinating, that his eyes were playing a trick on him. However, when she spoke he knew that she was real. “Lar?” His eyes slid shut for the briefest of moments as his emotions consumed him to a paralyzed state. His mother was still alive.
Everything slowed for him in that moment. He could see in his peripheral vision that Alex had arrived in a helicopter, dropping down from a rope as she shot at the alien attacking Kara as James too ran forward to try to help Kara. He saw the woman before him take a tentative step forward, her own disbelief in her eyes.
However, everything sped up as a shot rang out and he heard a cry of pain come from the other alien. A voice he knew all to well. His father. He watched, unable to move, as his mother reacted to his father’s cry of pain. She moved quickly to her husband’s side, aiming her own weapon at anyone trying to harm them. Kara easily dodged the blast from the gun. James, in his haste to help, was hit in the shoulder by one. It sent him flying back, prompting Kara to fly down to protect him from any other harm. Mon-El’s mother started to drag his father toward the ship, firing at Alex and the DEO agents as they shot back. She just entered the ship, looking at Mon-El directly one last time before the doors closed and the ship took off, cloaking itself to not be seen.
Still frozen in his place, Mon-El heard J’onn groan in pain from behind him. Blinking slowly, he started to feel the world open back up to his senses. He took in a deep, sucking breath as his mind raced with what he had just seen. His parents were still alive. The King and Queen of Daxam were on Earth. Doing the only thing he knew how to, he pushed what he was feeling down deep within himself as he moved to help J’onn up. As he did that, Alex and Kara helped James up into the helicopter to be brought to the DEO to get looked at. Offering the Martian his hand, Mon-El helped J’onn stand. “Are you okay?”
The man before him, transformed back to his human persona, stared directly into Mon-El’s eyes. Swallowing thickly, Mon-El felt as if his soul was being read and his deepest secrets were being revealed. J’onn nodded once in answer before asking back, “Are you?” Mon-El didn’t know how to answer that and was thankful that the sound of the helicopter taking off distracted both of them. They stood in silence for a tense minute, J’onn no doubt waiting for Mon-El to answer his question. In that minute, they watched as Alex moved to talk with the NCPD as Kara looked toward both J’onn and Mon-El, her brows furrowed deeply. When no answer was given from Mon-El, the Martian sighed before saying, “I’ll need you to come to the DEO as well. We need to debrief everyone.”
James grimaced in pain as Alex finished treating his wound. Kara stood behind her sister, watching pensively with Winn behind James, concern for his friend clear on his face. Once Alex stepped back, Kara reamed into James. “What were you thinking! You could have been killed.”
James looked at Kara in disbelief. Sliding off the exam table, he shouted back at her, “We were trying to help!”
Kara scoffed, turning around as her fear over losing her two friends turned to anger. Turning back to look at both James and Winn, she said, “Those were aliens, hostile aliens, and you are only human. This is a battle that you can’t win. Why can’t you understand that?”
James’ nostrils flared in anger at that. “Oh, you mean because we’re not like you or Mon-El, right? The guy who let the hostile aliens get away. Right? You saw what he did. He just watched them leave! He was standing right in front of them and did nothing to stop them. He just let them leave. I don’t understand why you are so adamant on him being a hero when he clearly isn’t one, Kara. At least we were trying to help. Why can’t you see that?”
Kara had seen Mon-El let the aliens get away. She was going to talk with him next, after his debriefing with J’onn. She knew Mon-El would never intentionally let a hostile alien get away. However, she couldn’t deny James’ words. Dialing back her anger, Kara sighed heavily. “I know, just…”
However, Winn stopped her from whatever else she was going to say by pointing behind Kara and speaking softly, “Guys.”
Kara turned to see Mon-El standing on the other side of the closed door. He looked crushed and she knew that he had heard everything they had just said. Mon-El’s eyes darted from James – the man’s anger and disdain for him clearly seen – before looking at Kara.
He could take everyone else doubting him, but not her. Not Kara. She was the only person that ever saw any good in him. That ever saw the real him. For her to agree with James, it took his breath away as his heart constricted painfully. He had been working so hard in becoming a hero. Maybe not on the same level as Kara (and he knew he would never be on the same level), but he had been trying. His vision blurred as all the emotions of the night came crashing down on him.
Taking a step back from a team that clearly did not want him, he watched as Kara moved to follow him, calling out his name. Shaking his head, Mon-El turned quickly, bumping into J’onn, before he rushed off at his top speed out of the DEO. He kept running until the city was far behind him, only stopping when the night sky sparkled with the stars above him. The desert sand whirled around him as he looked up toward the sky.
Alone, with no one around to hear his despair, Mon-El screamed. Falling to his knees, he felt – for the first time since landing on this planet – tears prick at his eyes for what had happened to him. His planet. His hands dug into the sand as he screamed again. Memories of his home world rushed to his mind as well as the day of it’s destruction. Mon-El had been pushing the knowledge of his planet’s death behind him, not wanting to face that pain. Now, though, he let the anger and despair of his planet dying overcome him finally. For all his people. His family and friends.
Their deaths crashed down on him as he heard Kara’s words echo in his mind. Her agreement with James. She knew he wasn’t a hero. All he was was a prince with no world or people to serve. A world and people he had let burn without him. A people whom he had abandoned to save his own life. As he screamed, he started to feel a burning sensation at the back of his eyes. His scream though turned to a sob as his thoughts turned to his parents. His parents, the King and Queen, who had been looking for him for over thirty years. The only thing left of his home world. To know that he wasn’t alone anymore, that he wasn’t the last of Daxam, brought a flurry of emotions within him. To see his parents were still alive had been enough to immobilize him, to know that they were looking for him had brought a feeling of home he had been missing since landing on this planet. One he had started to find with Kara again. He had felt that stir of something whenever he was with her. Safety and calmness. Serenity at its finest.
Mon-El’s body shook violently as he let everything he had been bottling in since he had woken up on Earth be released. He wanted all the pain he was feeling to be taken away. Just like when his mother would soothe his pain away when he was a young boy after a bad fall. As if she could hear his thoughts, he felt a hand come down on his shoulder. Looking up, he watched as his mother sank to her knees before him. “Mom?”
Brushing his hair back, she smiled at. “I’m here, Lar. I’m here.”
As she embraced him, Mon-El sobbed again. While he and his parents never saw eye to eye on many matters, he still loved them dearly. To have his mother in front of him now though. It was overwhelming. “I thought I lost you. I thought I was alone.”
Shushing him softly, she ran a hand through his hair. “Everything will be alright. We found you now. I’ve got you.”
Mon-El let her hug him for a few more moments before he pulled away. She wiped at his tears, as he asked, “Where’s father? Is he alright?”
His mother’s face turned into a scowl as she said, “He is healing from his wound. That Kryptonian has many allies at her disposal. We will deal with them in due time. First, he wishes to see you.”
Mon-El frowned at her words. “Deal with? What are you going to do?”
Shaking her head, she stood and gently pulled him to his feet. “All in due time, my son. Your father wishes to see you. Come.”
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trashmykrp · 7 years
Hi guys! It’s @yaboynez here. I wasn’t going to get into this, mostly because it’s extremely petty and the one person fueling this is slowly cracking and showing everyone their true face, so I don’t think I need to do much before karma comes back around, but I’ll send this in. And according to Natalia, a lot of people talk about me behind my back? If it helps at least one person see the truth, whether it’s about me, or someone else involved, then that’ll make me happy.
It’s about to get real lengthy up in this bitch, so grab ya ass some tea and get cozy.
I never forced myself into any argument between Hunter and Lars. I have my opinions on them, and usually they’re valid ones (like how hypocritical it is for one trans person to misgender another trans person and then expect people to respect their decision and NOT misgender them– and then lie about ever doing it). I don’t really know where I forced myself into their arguments, but trust me when I didn’t want jack shit to do with it. I think they should have stayed out of each others’ lives. I actually find it funny that Hunter spent all that time trashing Lars and actively going out of his way to continue to slander someone’s name, just to end up with them again. I don’t think you would talk so badly of someone if you truly cared about them. I know Lars has done bad things but damn? DAMN. How do you go from misgendering someone and trying to get everyone to dislike a person, to dating them again and defending them when someone brings up a small altercation with them? It’s just weird to me, that anyone would put so much effort into hating someone and trying to get others to hate a person that they would just go back. Like that. I don’t really care if there’s proof of me somehow forcing myself into any arguments, because I’m 100% sure I never did that.
I don’t need to know the full story to have my opinion. In the three or so months now? Maybe? That I’ve known Lars, there have been ups and downs. He’s definitely done things ic and ooc that made me want to be done with him, shit I didn’t want to put up. I had a lot of heated arguments with him where I felt more assholish than I honestly think I should have been, where I repeatedly told him we wouldn’t ship, moments where I told him I didn’t even want to be friends ooc anymore. But the thing about Lars is, he usually comes back and realizes that he’s done something wrong. And when he does, he seems genuine in wanting to make things better. During this time, he’s made improvements with me, how he acts around me, with some minor hiccups here and there. But it’s not as bad as it was that first month. In all the time that I’ve known him, I haven’t seen him be all that malicious either. I think he’s told me not to trust Natalia, and hell maybe he even said not to trust Hunter at some point? But those conversations were brief and more of a “hey friend, I care about you so I feel like you shouldn’t trust them”.
In the month or so? Maybe a little more than that, that I’ve known him, I’ve seen more bad things about Hunter than anything else. Before even meeting him all I knew about him was that he continuously talked shit about Lars. Which I didn’t judge him for initially because based on what I’d heard, they hat a tumultuous relationship that definitely went sour and I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. And upon meeting him I had no real qualms, he seemed okay. We didn’t really talk until his muse, Tem, gave Eumae a second chance to try things with him. It was after that when we got close. Our muses started to talk to each other and there was an instant connection, too great to ignore. Hours after the movie we watched together, Hunter expressed to me that he didn’t actually want to ship with Natalia anymore and that he was guilted into it by her. He said his muse no longer had the desire to be faithful to her, which was evident in what happened on rabbit. I struggled knowing this information, because I wanted to talk to Natalia, but I didn’t want to be the bearer of bad news. I just tried my best to tell Hunter that he should be honest about it with her. I don’t think he was until shit hit the fan that she found out though, or maybe he told her and that’s why everything melted down the way it did. But I may have been the one who ended up saying honestly. Who knows, I don’t know what was said between them that day.
Hunter has shown me that he’s two-faced in the way he treated Natalia, who he has already crawled back to. Something he claims of me for what I said to him about Natalia. I’m sorry I didn’t word everything the exact same way the multiple times I spoke to her, but that doesn’t mean I hid anything from her? I may not have said it all right away, but I definitely had multiple conversations where I showed Natalia I was discontent with her and all the reasons why, if not all at once then over time.
Because honestly talking to Natalia about anything unpleasant with her is really hard, she’s not… it’s hard to talk to her earnestly about my feelings when I know that she’s going to be cold and distant and not really care about it. I have expressed my main points to her but even the times where I said I was going to explain everything from the start I chickened out because I didn’t want to have her look me dead in the eyes and be like yeah idc I’m not sorry. But, she knew the gist of how I felt, even if I didn’t go into detail. I guess I should have, then none of this would have happened and there would have been no reason for any of this to have happened today.
I find it funny that I’m being called a hypocrite too, because here’s the thing. Hunter decided to not trust me and ship with me, because of the negative things I said about Natalia while she spoke negatively of me and basically told me to fuck off and I found out everyone elses’ stories about what went down with her. Things I had every right to say, things that anyone in that situation might say when they find out their best friend has possibly lied to their face about everything just about. I was pissed and hurt and angy that I spent so much defending someone who would just straight up go behind my back like that. He didn’t trust me because he was afraid I would talk behind his back. Yet– he was talking… behind my back… to his friends? He shaded me on the TL and his friends all replied knowing EXACTLY what it was about ?? On top of that, he’s talked mad shit about Lars behind his back, yet took him back. However, me saying negative things because Natalia had hurt me and I felt like I was seeing her in a new light, but then the idea of me and her suddenly going back to normal and being friends, is enough for him to worry and stop talking to me. Hunter actually made an assumption at that point, because when I posted asking for someone to get her to message me, we weren’t okay yet. I wanted to finish the conversation we had. I wanted to know where she and I stood, if we were going to work things out.
And the thing is it never really became okay. This whole time I’ve felt extremely negative feelings towards her because of her hypocritical actions and knowing she went behind my back to talk shit just made it even worse.
As for emotionally manipulating and invalidating feelings? This is really funny because at least one of these asks is Hunter, and the other one might be Natalia. Hunter seems to have sent the one about invalidating feelings, which is really funny. It hadn’t even been a week yet but we saw each other basically every day. We spoke pretty much the whole time he was here, whenever he was here. We watched a lot of rom coms together and plotted shit. It was a lot of fun. Our muses were supposed to go on a date one night and I made sure I had time for it. But he didn’t show up that night. He wasn’t there when I went to bed. I think he was gone for over 24 hours and at this point I was a little worried because it wasn’t like him to disappear that long, or at least as far as I knew. My concern had more to do with hoping he was okay and not that he hadn’t shown up. When he did finally show up, he said something but I don’t remember what it was at this point, nothing memorable. I was just happy to see him again and know he was okay. I think he sort of explained that he was exhausted or something, but it wasn’t anything major.
The next couple of days, he was there around his usual times, but when he was, he wouldn’t answer any of our chats, not the ic ones or the ooc one, illit or lit. He wouldn’t respond to anything I mentioned him in, even the cute things. He wouldn’t talk to me even if we were both on the tl posting and talking to our friends. I was busy around this time so I didn’t spend a whole time looking at the ACTUAL TL, just my notifications and going to certain twitters to check up on certain people. The next couple of days, that’s how I found out he had actually been online for a good while talking to the rest of his friends. The first time I said anything his excuse was not always being in the mood to talk or being spaced out, not noticing things, etc. I was like okay cool I’ll just try hard to get your attention when it’s just you spacing out or whatever. No biggie. The way he spoke to me was a little ?? I don’t know, it’s like he was telling me to shut up I’m being unreasonable or something. It was the second time I think he mentioned his disease or whatever that basically means he’s in pain all the time, and sometimes it’s too bad to reply. So at this point I was like OHHHHH WOW OKAY I GOT YOU, THANKS FOR TELLING ME !!! Having him actually be fully honest and tell me why he may not be here or reply to dms or some shit, that made sense. I understand. My mom has fibromyalgia and I don’t know what my deal is, maybe I just work too much, but I’m in constant pain and forever exhausted, so it’s not like I was going to be like IDC REPLY TO ME.
My issue though is how he would say he couldn’t keep track of things because he spaced out or was in pain, but with his other friends he seemed to do just fine? Still I bit my tongue because Hunter had already sort of made me feel bad for wondering why he wouldn’t talk to me. I feel like if your muse is interested in another muse, and supposedly dating, that probably means when you’re around, you’re gonna want to them talk right? Like I’m not crazy in thinking that? Because why would your muse be involved with someone you don’t feel like speaking to when you get here? But he always found a way to invalidate my feelings so I never spoke about it much. If something was going on he had some excuse for it, and even though he didn’t want sympathy for his disease he sure liked to use it as an excuse for why he didn’t notice me anywhere despite talking to others.
I haven’t done anything to be emotionally manipulative to anyone, and it’s really frustrating that I have to be called all of these things when all I’ve wanted to do the last few months is rebuild my muse’s life after dealing with shitty person after shitty person. I just got him to the point of letting go what his ex and ex best friend did to him, which took way longer than it should have honestly. All I want is for my muse to be happy and have good friends and be around good people. And it’s fucking annoying that I have to be in this situation.
The good thing in all of this, that makes me feel better, is no one has turned on me beyond Hunter and Natalia. At least, not that I know of. Not the friends I speak to regularly. I think they all see the truth here. I have neve been perfect. I have fucked up and did bad things, I’ve tried my best to make up for them despite some people not wanting any of that. My muse is extremely emotional and can be petty, and it affects me too, often times. I’ve done things that might be hypocritical, yes, but it’s nothing I won’t own up to. And a lot of people are seeing that even though I have my issues, I’m doing my best to work on them. I’ve gotten really far in the last few months and I’m proud of myself because I’m finally salvaging a muse I love dearly, instead of letting toxic people ruin him for me.
Anyone who takes the time to really get to know me or my muse, knows how kind and giving I am. I’ve offered so many times to pay for people to see doctors, I’ve offered to pay bills, I’ve sent people gifts for their birthdays spent 80 bucks on them to never see a dime or even really hear from them for long afterwards. If someone here was suddenly homeless and needed a roof over their head I would come and help them if I could. I was raised in the midwest/south, in the city but with a country mentality where no one’s a stranger and everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves. I have done my best to make sure both myself and my muse are very transparent, as is probably the most important thing when having a very flirtacious muse where a lot of other muses can get their feelings involved. I have done my best to make sure that nothing I say is a lie, to look at everyone and make my own opinions of them despite how much everyone likes to try and convince you otherwise. I have made as much as an effort as I can to talk to the people who seem lonely because I know how they feel and I want them to have a friend. I think that despite the flaws I still have, my kindness shows and so does my sincerity. Things that aren’t very valued here by many, which is okay.
I don’t care what anyone thinks. If people want to believe the shit that’s going to be flying from someone’s mouth from here on out, that’s okay. If you’re the type of person to let others make your opinions then I’m better off. The thing is I’m done letting people walk all over me and tell me who I am and what I feel, or how I should express how I feel. I think that in the end people are going to see everyone for who they really are, and while I’ve made a fool out of myself and definitely been in the wrong before, that doesn’t change my true colors. But for some of you time is running out and more people are seeing it every day.
Hunter, move on with your life. You already have so much shit to deal with, your ooc life isn’t something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy and I sincerely feel like you could spend your time doing something more pleasant. You don’t trust me, okay whatever, so move on. I just hope from now on you’re more honest with people, and that you treat people you love with the kind of respect they deserve. And if someone isn’t good to you, you should move the fuck on and find someone who does. Karma tends to take care of everyone who deserves it, so keep that in mind and focus on doing you instead of being shady about others. If you want people to be sympathetic about how much you were abused in your relationship supposedly, then don’t abuse others in return. Being abused does not give you the right to be abusive in return, it just puts you on the same level as your abuser, and the people who support you won’t be so quick to do it anymore when the truth comes out and they see the things you’ve done. I wouldn’t call you out if I didn’t know personally some of the things you’ve done, based on my own experience I hadn’t even shared yet. But to hear the same thing coming from someone else’s mouth, that really set it in stone for me.
Anyway nobody probably gonna read this but HEY HERE WE GO. If you got shit to say, talk to me privately. Otherwise I’m not gonna respond.
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