#sorry for the kin talk but thats also my whole personality at the age of 25
otaconsloverboy · 1 year
Ive been away from home but i got to go and see my luffy wig today and its taking everything in my power to not style it into ace
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kingof-spades · 4 years
Hi! I'm Hana, call me H. (if this is a thing) I'm a halfling. I watch both anime and "normal" shows! I don't write but I do reblog to show some love. Here's some stuff about me <3
If I have sent a request and it's specifically for your mutuals or if I sent a request that made you uncomfortable, please DM me or if you're too shy know that I'm sorry! I don't mean to offend anyone in any way <3
(hi to any person i sent to for a match-up. if it helps my #me - h has a few people's opinion on who they think i'd be best with, so you can look at that if it helps!)
damn, now i want a character anon lover 😔
Status: Offline
Updated: 12/26/20
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𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝙸𝚗𝚏𝚘 𝚘𝚗 𝙷
Name: Hana/H
Age: 19
Birthday: February 12th 🙃
Zodiac: Aquarius
Pronouns: She/Her
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight - girls are hot though
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𝙴𝚡𝚝𝚛𝚊 𝙸𝚗𝚏𝚘
Favorite Drinks: Boba, Soda, and Coffee
Favorite Food/Snacks/Candies: Fruits, Fruit Snacks/Gummy Bears, Twizzlers- :), Altoids(wintergreen), Lollipops
Likes: Music, Anything/Most things Vanilla, Leggings, more to be added
Dislikes: certain Vegetables(sorry, i cannot stomach them), Jeans, my Voice, People watching me eat, more to be added
Height: 150 cm - 4'11
My Kinnies: Mary Saotome, Aisaka Taiga, Suna Rintaro,
Words To Describe Me: Complicated, Confusing, Sadistic, Indecisive, Extra :), ditz, etc.
My Love Language: Quality Time + Acts of Service
When I Made This Account: October 15th - Though I'm not new, just lost my old account :(
Current Songs I Love: Blueberry Eyes, Quarto de Hotel, Gotta Love the LOV, and any song from Melanie Martinez :)
Favorite Haikyuu Ships: Kagehina, Bokuaka, and Asanoya 🥺
Favorite Haikyuu Team: Karasuno
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𝙷𝚘𝚠/𝚆𝚑𝚘 𝙸 𝚊𝚖/𝙼𝚢 𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢
I'm shy at first but get to know me, I am a whole different person. I can be quite blunt but I know when to shut my mouth. If my man likes someone else, he better tell me instead of cheating :( I don't stand cheaters. I'm not the type to "forgive and forget" I'm pretty bitter(sorry), only sometimes though.
A pretty negative person, not gonna lie. I'm a foodie/snackie and also insecure. I am clingy... but I still need/want my freedom and space. I have a tattoo on my knee that says "everything" in the shape of a question mark, and a skull for the dot(y'know, the . at the bottom).
Absolutely not into "perfect" things or people, only sometimes though. I prefer those who has demons. I absolutely CANNOT handle people who can't admit when they're wrong, I can't find it in me. Into chill dates or exciting one or just chilling(ex. Like in the bathroom brushing our teeth while vibing to some songs <3) Loves a good comfortable silence. I bite the inside of my cheek... good or bad thing, I dunno. It relaxes me though.
I get what I want because I'm nice, but sometimes I don't because I can be a b*tch at times :/ I have dry lips because idgaf, sorry :(( I need a man that can get me the snacks anytime and anywhere because I need them. Or one of my favorite drinks, either one and I'll be nice/fine! :p I tend to suppress my own feelings and needs so I need a guy who knows me(im also selfish...). I need a honest guy who also loves me for me and would never judge me because I hurt pretty easily :((
I'm one to ask people to do my homework... and hope they do :) I'm pretty boring so my friends, etc have to be the fun one. My friends consider me bossy, I am, in a good way. I'm sensitive so people trying to teach me things will make me cry, only my teachers/professors can teach me stuff. You have to be someone I trust and is really special to teach me. I'm clumsy. I don't like compliments because I feel like I don't deserve them. If I run out of clothes I will wear others with no shame :) ahem, im sensitive. I like being a exception because it makes me feel special.
My best subject is English, but I don't think I'm good at it :/ I'm very cat-like :) Take me on a roller-coaster and I will throw up or cry and scream. Also a scaredy cat. On the outside I seem very crazy or whatever but at home I just chill. I'm a normally cool person. Please, I have so many issues and mental problems. I'm picky, yet I'm not? I can be easily entertained, sometimes. Like I can play with a string of yarn or a stick and not fall asleep from boredom. I have random hyper moments as well :)) Respect my privacy, thank you. Give me someone who doesn't mind me being weird, we can be weird together~
I wasn't raised properly. I learned most things a kid should know as a teen and also did everything myself. So I get embarrassed to do everything or anything in public/in front of someone. Practically slow and clueless :) I also don't really know myself :/
How my friend describes me: "You seem pretty straight forward and confident but at times you can be kinda shy you can also come off mean to some people but you dont realize youre being rude because thats how youve always talked. You can be generous and yes you are annoying and pushy. You also like money or expensive things." My friend kins me with: Akaashi, bit of Kenma, Nishinoya, Kageyama, Bokuto with the emo stuff
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Took @shoutas-kitten info and added/changed/deleted a few things, with Luna's permission! (sorry im just not creative enough :( but i tried adding a few thing)
I hope we can be friends! Just know we're not gonna talk a lot because I'm pretty dry :( but I'll always support you <3 (also im not the brightest person, legit)
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cherubsoda · 5 years
sorry this is so late and technically,,,i’m breaking the rules but,, im booboo the fool
i just wanted to thank @robotarmjokes​ for setting this event up and @dokiquents​ and @heartstringsymphonies​ for tagging me!
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What got you into self inserting? Was it something you’ve always done, or something you were inspired to do?
From a pretty young age i would kinda insert myself in the place of the main protagonist (the most prominent instances i can think of would be haruhi from ohshc or tohru from fruits basket ^^; i kinned hard) or i’d envision myself as a pokemon trainer or something but i think everyone did at one point ajhfdegl
i never really knew self shipping was a thing, i was always like “lmao what if...” and would read reader insert fics but i really got into self inserting/shipping in middle school when my friend mentioned it one day over a phone call. She was like “i think you and __ would be good together” or “i kinda see you with __...”; after that, our convos went from 3 minute talks to 2-3 hours :0! 
At that time, I did it for fun but now i definetly use it to cope and such and ngl i have no idea where id be without this sort of self love and indulgence! Self shipping brought me closer to my best friend and like wow thats kinda dorky but I couldn’t be happier ♡ฅ(ᐤˊ꒳ฅˋᐤ♪) I didn’t know there was a whole community dedicated to this though, and i mean, i haven’t experienced anything horrible yet so yknow.
For some of us, aesthetic is key. Do you have a theme or an aesthetic for your self insert content
Aesthetically, my f/os kinda have the same traits bc i have a type,, i hope this isnt breaking the rules bc i kinda am talking about my f/os but many times my f/os are associated with the color red and i think that’s why i like red so much now? So, the moodboards i make usually include the color red, and i associate myself/self insert with pink or red (blue irl);
i honestly enjoy the short/tall/big/small trope and i typically play the uwu sweet, mary-sue s/o and try to help the sad boi characters bc,, real pisces hours (sunshine gf and goth bf). BUT i love to make my s/i a fucking,,, op motherfucker bc man,, irl me sucks ass!!! give me godlike powers and lemme ride that dick!!!
im a huge angst monster though my friend admitted that i made her cry a few times when i sent her headcanons/short writings or over call like sorry but also heehee
What’s your favourite way of self inserting? Do you like to write, or draw, or make content via other means?
every so often, i’ll make moodboards! i enjoy drawing but i feel like im limited and rarely post my art bc i’m too anxious to show my art, plus they dont get notes so im like ok nevermind sasdfjkag
i actually have a few sideblogs dedicated to headcanons that i write but they're on (probably) permanent hiatus bc i got lazy, busy, and i didn’t feel like my writing was up to par,, you can go check them out though: @org13reactions was my kh blog and @megatwunk was supposed to be a ffvii/xv blog lmao theres only like 1 thing on it though sorry yall 
other than that, my friend and i can talk for hours almost every night about our f/os and story ideas so yeehaw. i guess thats just roleplaying HHAEGAFA
Friends are very important. Have you made any friends within the community?
ngl im pretty antisocial within this community and im really anxious to interact with other people like i try to but,, idk i dont wanna bother anyone!
the person i feel the most comfortable with is my friend that introduced me to self shipping, 
im not very close to anyone in the community but again!!! @dokiquents and @heartstringsymphonies have been really kind to me and ill talk to momo every so often and theyre super sweet and chill! and i joined @cryptidchaos‘ self ship discord when i first entered this community! so thanks so much to yall! 
i’d love to talk to more people but i know we’re all anxious mfs on this site so it’s ok and i love yall bc i can see you in my notifications :’D
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5sos-kingsandqueens · 6 years
Mr. Book Store~chapter33~Luke Hemmings
Luke still wasn't 100% better but I needed to get my shopping done. It was the day before Christmas and both of our offices were closed so while I was shopping, Luke was hanging out with Ashton at our place. I was scared to leave him there but I knew I needed to.
We did most of our shopping online but there were some thing that wouldn't be shipped in time so I went and found the things that we couldn't order online.
I was a little nervous to head home. I hadn't seen most of them for a long time and I'm sure most of them were thinking that I wouldn't have lasted with Luke as long as we have. I was never the type of person to date someone. Luke was my first ever relationship that lasted past  a few months. Luke was my first ever relationship where I moved in with the guy.
It was crazy how fast my relationship moved with Luke. I wasn't complaining. I loved everything there was to love about our relationship. I loved living with him, even if he forgot to put the toilet seat down and I would fall into the toilet at 5am. Even when he left dirty bowls under the bed thinking I wouldn't notice. Even that one time he put too much laundry detergent in the washing machine and it overflowed all over the floor and we had to get it redone. And yes that was only two weeks ago.
He was the love of my life.
I was spoiling him for Christmas since he spoiled me for our one year. I had purchased us tickets to Vegas for the day after Christmas since we both had the time off from work. I also got him some new shirts, some new pj pants because I'm sick of waking up to his morning wood in my face, and I got him a new ipad since his other one broke and he hasn't been able to play his games.
Just as I finished shopping and was heading to get food Courtney called me.
"Oh my god. Can you come over?" She asked.
"Uh, yeah. But not for long I have dinner plans with Luke and Ashton."
"It won't be long just please hurry." She rushed into the phone before hanging up. I then called Luke to let him know that I was going to be a little late bringing dinner home. Courtney and Nick had moved to a house outside of the city so that they could raise a family and the house was beautiful.
I knocked on the door before she opened the door and pulled me inside.
"Jesus. What's going on?" I asked taking my jacket off and sitting at the island on a stool. She laid three pregnancy tests down on the counter. I picked them all up looking at her. "Are you serious?" I asked and she nodded smiling. "Oh my god! Congratulations!" I shouted jumping up to hug her. "This is amazing."
"We just found out." She smiled. "I didn't expect it to happen this soon but I'm so excited."
"Holy crap. I can't believe this. Does Nick know?"
"Yeah. He's out getting dinner and probably telling everyone that he's gonna be dad who he sees." She laughed. I looked at the tests that were still in my hand. I remember taking one of these with her and feeling panicked that I was pregnant and now that one of us actually were we could be excited.
"I'm so excited for you both!" I smiled. We sat around talking for an hour before I really needed to leave or I would be going home to two cranky grown men. I stopped and got the food from Outback that we had all agreed on.
I pulled in the driveway and found the cat sitting on the top of Luke's car.
"What are you doing?" I tried to get him to come down. I shook my head before heading inside. "Why is the cat on the car outside?"
"He's sitting on my car?" He asked and I nodded. Of course when it's his Porsche he's worried. He quickly rushed outside to get the cat off the car as I got plates out for us to eat. Ashton came into the kitchen to help me.
"How was your day?" He asked.
"Good. How was yours?" I questioned. "Hope Luke didn't annoy you too much." I giggled.
"Everything was fine. We just played video games and such." He shrugged before sitting down at the island. I grabbed two beers and a sparkling water for myself before sitting down next to him.
"Your dumbass cat scratched my car." He huffed putting the cat down and joining us at the island.
"Your dumbass shouldn't have let him out in the first place." I commented as I cut into my steak.
"I'm not dumb." He muttered making Ashton laugh. I wanted to tell him he was right and tell him he was something much worse but I kept my mouth shut.
"Wanna know something?" I said changing the subject.
"Sure." He commented.
"Courtney's pregnant."
"Oh that's nice!" He said. "We'll have to send her flowers or something." He smiled.
"Too bad it's not Nick's." I commented just to see what he would say. Both Ashton and Luke looked over at me.
"What?" Luke asked. "She cheated on him?" He asked and I nodded my head. "I'm gonna tell him." Luke said.
"No no no. I was joking. Don't tell him anything." Luke and Nick had gotten close since the wedding. They didn't hang out often but talked a lot.
"How far along is she?" Ashton asked.
"Not sure yet. She hasn't been the doctor." I answered. As much as I didn't want kids, I was so excited for her. Pregnancy was a beautiful thing and I was going to be here with her every step of the way.
"Have you guys talked about kids?" He asked and I nearly spit my steak out. "I'm gonna take that as a no." He chuckled.
"We are in no rush to have children, Ashton." Luke answered. I had one scare once and since then we have mostly been extremely careful about what we do. We have only had sex without a condom a few times and I make sure that it's a time when there would be no way I could get pregnant.
After dinner I cleaned up while they went back to doing whatever they were doing before I got here. Once I was finished I went to shower and then sat on the edge of the bed in just a towel. The talk of kids has never come up before and it scared the crap out of me.
I watched Ashton leave before heading to the bedroom where I thought McKinley was asleep but the light was still on. I walked inside to find her sitting on the bed, still in a towel, and she was staring at the wall.
"Kin?" I asked moving closer to her to not freak her out. "Kinley?" I squatted down and touched her knees. "McKinley!"
"What?" She asked moving her eyes to look at me.
"What's wrong?" I asked standing up and going to find her pj's. "Tell me."
"Do you want kids?" She blurted. It wasn't something that I ever thought about. I wasn't sure if I wanted kids. I never pictured myself as a father whereas my brother's did. Growing up they talked about when they became dads and I never did.
"Not really." I said to her and she nodded. "Maybe in like 10 or 11 years but no. Not right now. Don't let Ashton freak you out." I came back into the room and thankfully she was now standing and dropped the towel from her hair before pulling it up into a ponytail. She then dropped the towel from around her body and took the clothes from me.
"No more sex without condoms." She commented making me whine. "I'm serious, Luke. Neither one of us want kids so I'm not taking any risks. I think I'm gonna go get that thing in my arm."
"Nooo not the thot rod." I commented and she looked over at me.
"Excuse me?" She asked crossing her arms.
"Nothing." I commented changing my clothes.
"Don't call it that!" She said annoyed. Now I've done it. I sighed to myself before crawling into bed with my laptop.
"I'm sorry, baby." I said looking at her as she stood in the bathroom putting something on her face. She came over and sat on my side of the bed looking at me.
"I wanna punch Ashton in the throat." I laughed putting my laptop to the side and pulling her into me. "Why did he have to ask that?"
"He was just curious. We're getting to that age when people are going to start asking us about marriage and kids and we can't freak out every time they ask."
"I know." She sighed. "I just..." She trailed off looking at me.
"Listen to me, I wanna grow old with you. If that means a wedding fine, if you don't want a wedding thats fine too. If you want one child, fine, none? Fine. Five? That's a little too much." She giggled.
"I don't want five kids. Maybe two." She shrugged. "Still not sure about how the whole wedding thing though." She said wrapping her arms around me. "I know I want a life with you." She commented after a few minutes of silence. "If you want a wedding and a marriage, I'm down." She leaned back and smile at me.
"I'm not going to force anything." I commented. "We can discuss it when we're ready." I smiled rubbing my hands under her shirt. I was no where near ready to get married or have kids. I was in no rush to start that part of my life. I liked exactly how we were now.
I was up before McKinley which sucked because usually I could sleep in but I was too stressed. We would be leaving for her families house tomorrow and I hadn't packed anything. I tried to be as quiet as possible as I moved through our bedroom and into the closet and then the bathroom.
"Luke." She whined from the bed. "Stop."
"We have to pack." She groaned and threw a pillow at me. "I mean I can pack for you. I love looking at your panties." She laughed and threw another pillow. I turned to look at her and she was sitting up leaning against the headboard. "You look so beautiful."
"You look like dog shit." She said making me laugh. I walked over to the bed and flopped down between her legs and rested my head on my hands. "The perfect pile of dog shit." She whispered playing with my hair.
"Thank you. That's the nicest thing someone has ever said to me." I commented moving my hands under her shirt and holding her boobs. I played with her nipples and she sucked in a breath. I smirked before sticking my head under and sucking on one.
"Luke." She moaned pulling her shirt off. She was already out of breath. I loved how sensitive her nipples were. She lifted her hips into me before I pulled back and got off the bed and went to the closet to finish packing. "Luke!" She whined. "Why would you do that to me?"
"It's fun." I shrugged smiling at her.
"I can do it myself. I did it for months before I met you." She commented and I leaned around the doorframe to look at her.
"You wouldn't." I narrowed my eyes at her.
"Bet." She smirked, a word that she picked up from the guys. I watched as she slowly slipped her pants off before opening her legs.
"McKinley Grace." I said. "Don't." She smirked before slowly bringing her hand to her clit and rubbing it making direct eye contact with me. I watched her for a few minutes before going over to her and pinning her hands down. "I'll do it." She sighed as I brought my tongue to her clit and flicked it.
"Luke." She moaned gripping my hair in her hands. I added two fingers into her and curled them making her moan loud and lift her hips. "You're not funny." She said when I laughed. I took my pants off and grabbed a condom. I put both of her legs on my shoulders and thrust into her. "Holy shit!" She gripped my arms and dug her nails into me.
She clenched around me making me groan. I pulled out and flipped her around and slapped her ass making her yelp. I spread her legs and thrust back into her. She gripped a pillow and held her to her face but I moved it away. I liked hearing her moan and there was no way I was going to let her moan into a pillow.
"Harder." She moaned out lifting her butt closer to me. I held her hips and thrust harder. "I'm gonna cum!" She cried out making me speed up. Her moans filled the apartment as she came and fell onto the bed. I slowly pulled out and tore the condom off before cumming on her back. "Fuck." She whispered and turned to head to look at me as I laid beside me.
"You're amazing." I kissed her. "Now. Let's go take a shower and start packing." I kissed her shoulder before getting up and grabbing a tissue to wipe her back off. I wiped it off before going to start the shower.
"You have a nice ass." She said coming into the bathroom and grabbing it. "Your arms are bleeding." She ran her finger over the blood.
"You need to learn to be nice." I slapped her ass as she stepped into the shower. I rushed through the shower and got out before she did. I dried myself and got dressed before starting to pack again. We would be with her family for four days but I packed extra clothes incase we got stuck there due to snow or anything.
McKinley walked into the closet naked and grabbed a bra out of the basket and slipped on a pair of panties.
"You're driving me nuts." I looked at her.
"That's the plan, Mr. Book Store." She smiled before slipping one of the shirts over her head. She sat down and started looking through her clothes. Her's were on the lower shelves so that she could reach it.
I had all of my things packed and ready to go. It always took her a lot longer than me to do any type of packing.
"Did you pack a button down shirt?" She asked coming into the living room where I was watching t.v.
"Yeah." I answered. "It's blue."
"Okay good." She said coming to sit next to me.
"Did you finish packing?" She nodded and grabbed the blanket off the side of the couch and laid down with her head in my lap. I played with her hair as I watched my show. She fell asleep and somehow I knew that this is where I needed to be. With her. For the rest of our lives. Me and her and our pets.
I woke up next to McKinley and kissed her good morning before heading to the bedroom next door to find out 5 year old son still sleeping. He had long brown hair and freckles covering his nose and under his eyes. Loki was laying under his arm and she was also sleeping.
I walked into the living room to clean up a little before making breakfast. The ring on my finger suddenly felt heavy as I looked at it. I smiled down at it and played it before getting back to making the pancake mix.
McKinley wrapped her arms around me.
"Good morning." She yawned.
"Good morning." I smiled looking over my shoulder at her. "Hungry?" I questioned. She nodded and stepped around to stand beside me and that's when I noticed her big belly.
"She's very hungry." She rubbed her hands over her stomach. She sat down at the table and read something on the Ipad before our son came out rubbing his eyes with Loki by his side. "Good morning, Dean." She smiled holding her arms out and he went to them. "Daddy's making pancakes." She said as she sat him on her lap and he rested his head on her shoulder.
"Can I watch cartoons?" He asked.
"Of course." She set him down and he ran off to watch cartoons. I finished cooking and set our plates at the table.
"Dean, come eat." I called to him. He ran in and climbed onto his chair and started eating. "What should we do today?" I asked looking at both of them.
"Zoo!" Dean shouted.
"That sounds perfect." I smiled looking at McKinley who nodded and played with Dean's hair. Our life was perfect. It was everything that we both wanted or needed and I had her. She was mine and I was hers and we were happy.
We were so so happy.
*I debated if I should have done the future thing but I decided to do it just to see what would happen. And yes I did name their son after Dean Winchester.*
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