#sorry for the late response lfkjkjlff
kirayamidemon · 1 year
Your version if Yuu is so tiny and cute 🖤 do you have a particular backstory for him?
aaaaaaaaa thank you so miuch, im glad you find them cute! ;;;;
They don’t really have a particular backstory or anything much really cause they are the (game) MC n I treat them as such, so essentially their “canon” is the games canon. For me with MCs in games or media, I always go with media canon n to me theyre more like one of the “canon” chars in said media than an “original” one. Its just that I’m given more free reign/creative liberties n more leeway with the appearance n design in some media when they dont have a “canon” appearance/design, like with twst.
I’m not really good with coming up with those kinds of stuff or info of any kind, msotly cause Im not really much of an OC creator nor do i really make ocs. Coming up with a design is already hard enough for me, so coming up with like stories or backstories or char info or anything is practically impossible lkjkd
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