#sorry for the text wall i'm thinkin abt the lukas family today
jara257 · 4 years
starcrossedcowboys replied to your post: <p>slightly weird thought but what if Jonah Magnus...
One would assume all these body hopping assholes who want to live forever are too arrogant or self obsessed to have kids live on past them when the idea is that they never wanna die but it’s definitely a wild thought lol
ok HOLD UP i do have thoughts abt this bc of mordechai fuckin lukas
i’ve seen some headcanons that mordechai is actually peter (and other lukases in between) via body-hopping or just change in identity ig BUT personally i’m more in the camp that peter is legitimately his descendant bc it does find a way to hit me closer personally
bc assuming mordechai was actually the first lukas to start the legacy of serving the Lonely, that means his legitimate plan after his own ritual attempt (it isn’t stated in canon he ever actually made an attempt himself but let’s make that assumption as well) was to pass down his devotion like a family faith until his descendant, long after he’s gone, could do it on his behalf 
and honestly it bears the same sort of energy as body-hopping anyway but just a little closer to home rather than supernatural body-snatching: bc he’s essentially stripped away the chance for his children (and his children’s children and so on) to live a normal life, to live a life outside of servitude to his own god
...i realize that has nothing to do with jonah but i’ve had mordechai lukas on the brain today and i apparently i needed to spew
anyway jonah, i think it’d be more a case of like--he had kids at some point that he may or may not have been Aware of but didn’t much of a hoot about unless they served his needs somehow
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