#sorry for two personal posts in a row ehe i've been meaning to change it for a while
snowflop · 1 year
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obligatory I'm changing my icon post ^w^)/
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citycfangels · 7 years
text: raquel ⇄ charlie
Raquel: knock knock.
Raquel: nevermind forget knock knock almost jokes. Did you forget about the starving really hot girl in your apartment?
Raquel: is this is a hint for me to leave?
Raquel: maybe it isn't but I hope everything is okay. I'm worried.
Charlie: everything is okay, babe. i just ran to someone and i had to say hello
Charlie: i wouldn't forget about my almost naked, hot, starving girl.
Raquel: okay, just making sure. I wasn't thinking up crazy scenarios or anything. Nope.
Raquel: well I hope you wouldn't forget about me. Not even if you get amnesia or something. You're supposed to remember me forever.
Charlie: i wouldn't do that ever, babe.
Charlie: can i ask you something hypothetical, babe?
Raquel: well you're still away but you sure are making up for it by being cute. 😘
Raquel: ... what's the hypothetical????
Charlie: my face and my body makes it up for it, babe
Charlie: okay, i don't know how to say this so
Charlie: imagine a couple in which A and B are 'dating' but B is with C too
Charlie: what if A sees C cheating on them?
Raquel: this is a weird hypothetical. I just want you to know that.
Raquel: what are you trying to say?
Charlie: yeah, it sounds weirder that it did in my head
Charlie: i saw Nathan with another girl a moment ago. i don't know if he saw me but
Raquel: babe, nathan isn't even in town.
Raquel: I am with you and I know that I'm the bad guy in that relationship. I know you think he isn't right for me and that I should be with you, and I already said I would but you don't have to tell me he is cheating on me when he isn't even in town. He wouldn't do that to me.
Raquel: are you sure it was Nathan?
Raquel: i know how my last texts sounded and I don't want to call you a liar and I'm not it's just I was okay knowing that I was cheating on him. I was okay with being a bad person and not giving our relationship a shot. I was fine with being in love with you and not with him even when I knew I should be with him. And I know it's wrong that I might be a bit upset if that was him. I just didn't think someone would actually cheat on me. Maybe flirt with other girls or whatever but I don't know.
Raquel: shouldn't you be happy about this?
Charlie: then he lied to you.
Charlie: i know it sounds crazy but it was really him, with one of the girls that came to his promotion party. it may sound like something i'd say so you can finally break up with him, but it's not.
Charlie: no, it's not, i guess. i've never been in your position but i would have probably be upset too.
Charlie: as for me, i don't know. a part of me is because i always thought he was going to do something sooner or later to fuck things up between you two, but the other part of me doesn't want to see you upset.
Charlie: i'm sorry i'm the one breaking it to you.
Charlie: wait, did you just say you're in love with me?????
Raquel: no, if anyone had to tell me he was cheating on me I'd rather it be you.
Raquel: I'm sorry that you have to tell me and that I'm being this weird. I shouldn't care.
Raquel: I guess I'm not upset. I just I don't know. It just means our relationship went longer than it should have if we both weren't in it. It's just I was fine with being the bad person in this. It's just shocking to know that he wasn't the person I thought he was.
Raquel: of course I'm in love with you.
Charlie: no, i think it's something normal. you were in a relationship with him, even if you weren't as invested as you are in ours. still, i'm okay with you being weird about it.
Charlie: besides, i can't tell you how to feel about it. i had a feeling about him, but i hoped he was a good man. it was shocking to see him with his tongue down someone else's throat.
Charlie: damn. now i'm here smiling while looking at my phone like an idiot in the middle of the street.
Raquel: maybe I should just be happy for him. Maybe he found someone to be with just like how I'm with you.
Raquel: he is a good guy. Unless Im saying cheating makes you a bad person. I don't know because ifit does then I'm worse, right?
Raquel: then maybe you should get out of the middle of the street crazy person.
Charlie: if you tell me he is, i believe you. you're not a bad person for cheating, but there's people who won't see it the same way.
Charlie: who are you calling crazy now???
Raquel: maybe other people don't matter. At least not when it comes to this.
Raquel: I'm still calling you crazy. You're completely crazy. I'm the sane one in this relationship.
Charlie: you're right, they don't
Charlie: what did i do to deserve this attack?
Raquel: at least they don't matter when it comes to this and honestly the only person whose opinion really matters is yours
Raquel: you can't call it an attack if it's the truth.
Charlie: that's it, you just lost the privilege of seeing me cooking while naked, just wearing an apron.
Raquel: what?
Raquel: don't be a tyrannical dictator you cant just start taking things away from me. I can do that too you know. Or I can just go home.
Charlie: in that case i'm open to negotiate as soon as i'm home in a couple of minutes
Charlie: although i could do that without a problem because we're at my place, remember?
Raquel: which is exactly why I can go home if you want to start taking away reasons for me being here. There's no negotiation.
Charlie: oh, so you're there because of the nudity?
Charlie: i think i will cook with nothing under the apron then... if you're also naked.
Raquel: obviously. Nudity and the coffee and maybe the comfortable bed but that's it.
Raquel: do I really have to be naked? I was thinking of wearing a full on nun outfit for a change.
Charlie: and you're not there to see me read and look smart and sexy while i'm at it? now i'm hurt
Charlie: yes, you have. i'm not going to be the only one naked, right?
Raquel: eh maybe I am but that's just a bonus.
Raquel: depends... what are you going to do to convince me?
Charlie: for starters i'm going to cook you a decent meal instead of ordering food, whatever you want me to make with everything i bought. naked, of course, only wearing an apron
Charlie: then we'll see what happens. i haven't thought about it yet
Raquel: sounds like the beginning of a good plan.
Raquel: maybe you shouldn't overthink this. From the sounds of it food, maybe wine and you is a pretty solid plan.
Charlie: a good plan that will likely end up in sex
Charlie: i haven't bought wine but i'm sure i have something in there, you can look for it before i arrive
Raquel: Is that all you think about with me?
Raquel: I'll start the scavenger hunt now. hOpefully I find something good.
Charlie: not always, but it's what happens when i've been in my apartment with you for myself for two days in a row
Charlie: good luck, i'll be there in a few minutes
Raquel: really? So it's only because I've been here and it's not just because your mind just automatically goes to the gutter?
Raquel: So there's no weird stuff I shouldn't find? Nothing you want to hide from me?
Charlie: maaaaaybe yes, maybe not
Charlie: i have nothing to hide, what would i hide?
Raquel: I think that just means definitely yes.
Raquel: I don't know. Stuff. There could be a lot of things you can hide at your place. A collection of weird dolls, drugs, other girl's panties. The list is endless.
Charlie: busted
Charlie: i don't do drugs, i haven't fucked any other girl since we started being somewhat serious and i don't have creepy dolls. and the porn is on my laptop, so you won't find any porn either
Raquel: big time.
Raquel: Okay. I believe you. Not like you would find anything at my place if you did want to go snooping. i don't have anything from you
Charlie: i thought you'd have at least one t shirt at this point
Raquel: If I did I wouldn't be hiding it. Your t shirts are only yours while you wear them. Once they go on me they're mine.
Charlie: oh? then i'm never get them back?
Raquel: nope. They're mine now.
Charlie: well, keep them. i don't really mind you having them to be honest
Raquel: so should I take that as code for "sure babe, you can have all my shirts"?
Charlie: yes, you can have them. i can always buy new ones anyways and you look good in them
Raquel: you do know that that just means that you'll just always be buying shirts.
Charlie: i only ask you to not steal too many of them, or else i'll have none to wear
Raquel: you not wearing a shirt wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.
Charlie: in private, but me not wearing one in public and attracting too many girls at work? you're sure you want that?
Raquel: .... maybe I don't. You did say that you weren't seeing other girls so if we are going back to being exclusive, exclusive then they can look but they can't touch.
Charlie: i wasn't seeing other girls, so yeah, i can do that. i have no intentions of having anything with someone else if that's what you're asking
Raquel: it's not exactly what I was asking but it sorta is.
Raquel: there's just me for you and I know that now. I just wasn't sure if we were on the same page or not.
Raquel instagram post: https://78.media.tumblr.com/30e75391e84d85e259bea50f5133086d/tumblr_or6lnecFwu1w7ltgxo1_500.jpg Quellersmal When you’re completely okay with the thought of never wearing pants again. #mymanisnttheonlyonewithabs #nopantsforme #noshirtsforhim
Charlie: we are in the same page and you can have my shirts
Charlie: and by the picture you just posted, it seems like you're going pantless
Raquel: yessss I get a new part of my wardrobe.
Raquel: any objections?
Charlie: nope, no objections. you know i like your ass so much, so you won't hear a complaint from me
Charlie: it may distract me, but i won't whine about it, babe
Raquel: well distracting you is what I'm best at even if I do want you to get through your books.
Charlie: you're the best at it. your ass is distracting, especially when you're not wearing pants
Charlie: what if i don't read today and we do stuff together? watching a movie, for example
Raquel: sure we could do whatever you want. I think us taking a break from sex will actually be just what your neighbor wants. Either she is just not a nice person or she is just sick of hearing us. I went out and saw her and let's just say I didn't get a warm welcome. Hopefully for neighborly sake she is nicer to you.
Charlie: which one of them? is she the blonde one?
Raquel: yeah, I think she said her name was Candice or something.
Charlie: oh
Charlie: she's a bitch, don't pay attention to her. she's probably jealous.
Raquel: jealous? Why would she be jealous? She's a knock out and if I were completely single and in a world where you didn't exist maybe I would try to hook up with her
Charlie: i don't know, it was a guess
Charlie: i know, she's hot, but i find you hotter, babe
Raquel: I don't think I'm someone pther people would be jealous of. Even if I am pretty lucky and I have you.
Raquel: you are winning a lot of boyfriend points. But since when is leggy beautiful blonde not your type?
Charlie: yesh, you're lucky bc you're with me, but you're hot and smart, so that's hitting the jackpot
Charlie: i'll be honest with you: i hooked up with her once, she became clingy and i don't do clingy
Charlie: don't worry about her, okay? she may be jealous and bitchy but i'm with you, babe
Raquel: when did you hook up with her?
Raquel: was it when we were together?
Charlie: no
Charlie: it happened at some point in those four months after we broke up. i can't recall when, but we weren't together at that point, that's for sure
Charlie: she's the only girl i regret hooking up with, and that says a lot coming from me
Raquel: right, because you have hooked up with so many girls.
Raquel: it's not that I don't appreciate your honesty. I do. I just don't know how I'm supposed to feel knowing that some girl you hooked up with a) lives so close and b) still acts like she has some sort of claim over you.
Raquel: I guess I was okay with not knowing who you hooked up with but now it's like I can picture it. You with her and I hate it because I know I shouldn't worry. I know I should just be fine with it but right now I don't know.
Raquel: I'm not upset but maybe I should go home (unsent)
Charlie: she's pretty much aware of me not wanting anyone but you at this point, so she won't make a move. or at least i hope she doesn't pull off any shit.
Charlie: the only girl i want is you, babe. isn't that enough? she may live next door, but i wouldn't go to her ever, not even if things get rough between us.
Raquel: are you 100% sure? I don't want you to wake up one day and realize that you want her and just go next door because I am in this. There is no one else for me. What happened with Nathan and us breaking up was a mistake. I know that now and I know you're saying I'm the only girl you want now, but I don't want those to be just words. You gave me time to figure things out and if you need the same then I can give you time. I just don't want you making a decision you might regret later. She isn't the only one that can be clingy or obsessive.
Charlie: babe, why are you insecure?
Charlie: sure, she's hot, she has the legs and the body and she looks like a damn model, but that means nothing to me if she's ugly inside. you're beautiful outside too, but what makes you different from her is that i fucking like you for who you are. you're beautiful inside.
Charlie: i would never go to her, i'm 100% sure of that. i don't even need time to think about it.
Raquel: I'm insecure because the fact that you're with me still baffles me. You could be with any girl in the world.
Raquel: can you just come home please?
Charlie: i could, but i chose you
Charlie: let me take the elevator and i'll be there
Raquel: i guess I choose you too. And I'm going to keep choosing you until you get sick of me.
Raquel: chop chop.
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