#ship: rarlie
tansyuduri · 4 months
I am once again reminding people to let people ship who they ship and like who they like!
Okay you hate this character. Thats fine. It doesn't mean anyone who doesnt is inferior to you. People interpret fiction in different ways depending on their life experiences. Your way of interpeting it is valid. It does not mean everyone who has a different one is wrong or lesser. Also hating on characters in places where people love them and ESPECIALLY insulting people who do love them does nothing but harm people.
Fiction comforts people in different ways. If A character or pairing can make people's lives better isn't that a good thing?
Just let people indulge in fandom how they want. The real world is a shitty enough place that if something helps someone deal with it that should be accepted.
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novadoesartforfun · 1 year
Coffee Shop Au [ Family Minecraft Gameplay ]
Replant every tree when cutting
Have a silverfish pet, he caught it via tutorials and stuff.
Build houses based out of woods and stones. Rarly use other materials.
He do strip mining for Diamonds and got a good amount.
Does MLG Minecraft stunts and stuff.
Trolls Narinder and Kallamar with Lamb alot.
Underwater House
Have all type of fishes in his underwater aquariam
Got the riches from treasure chests and sunken ships.
He do be getting those Tridents with insane enchantments.
Does the most Red Stone contraptions.
Insane Luck when it comes to finding diamonds.
But never made diamond armor or tools because they end up giving it to others alot.
Have a house that looks simple and easy to build ( but filled with red stone hidden doors and rooms )
Not that good at playing the game. Leshy is teaching her.
She likes building around the swamps.
Kill everything in sight expect frogs.
Still have to let Leshy or Narinder builda house for her.
Does not have a house but has a farm with a sign that said "Narinder's farm"
Build secrets rooms in his siblings houses.
He took their stuff and use their stuff too.
Knows how to play pretty good and the frist to get a full set of Netherrite armor.
He stole netherrite from others little by little but they cannot prove it that it's him.
Server Admin
They make sure Leshy and Narinder's pranks does not go out of control.
Has a sheep farm. They are all colored and has a _jeb and rainbow sheep.
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searsage · 1 year
"Abandonment was not our intentions, we were not your creators simply curious travelars, we sought to ensure you species survived long enough to thrive, we did not intend to leave traces of our tamperance with your existence mearly…encouragement."
"Guess that explains the crop circles.."
"If I am correct what your species refers to as crop circles are simply intergalactic advertisements, corn is often considered a uniquely versatile universal fuel source, yet it is particularly difficult to maintain and cultivate in outer worlds, perhaps due to its fickle environmental requirements, hense it is rarly used, but on earth it flourishs in abundance, in the event of emergency a ship can land and deacreetly pillage enough resources to fuel it's reserves for years." The architect explained calmly.
"Wait so all these mysterious symbols simply mean 'Free gas here' your shitting me right?!" Ryley scowled with disbelief, yet Al-an just trilled with amusement.
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moonlight-yuyu · 11 months
Hi Sweetheart, I hope you're well, if not too much of a hassle could I please get a special ship with &team's Nicholas or fuma? Thank you :) Libra - sun + mercury leo - moon virgo - rising scorpio - venus Taurus - mars
here you go my love! thank you so much for requesting for them💕
you're both thoughtful, considerate and sensitive
having great personal relationship is super important for the both of you
you love harmony and peace and conflicts such as confrontations will rarly appear
you're both very loyal, protective and warm toward each other
Fuma will be super supportive and have a great sympathy for you
both of you hold onto the relationship and it will mainly last super long!
Fuma can be a great ice breaker for you as well
you would appriciate Fuma's love which may be a lot at times but you'll love his afforts
Fuma would fall for your intensity and loyalty
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sharpth1ng · 1 year
Making shitty ship names cuz that’s just what this fandom got going on (also idk if these already got established names or not):
Charlie x Robbie= Charbie? Charobbie? Roblie? Rarlie? Chobbie? Charrob? Horrendous names
Kirby x Jill = Kill, best ship name in the fandom, or you can be a little goofy and go with Jirby
Sidney x Hallie = Sillie, so silly
Billy x Stu x Randy = Standilly?
Nancy x Maureen = Nanceen (I’m a bit crazy for this one☝️old woman yuri 💯💰)
Tara x Amber = Tamber?
Tara x Mindy = Tindy, Mara, Mindara?
Anyways baiiii 👋
Ohhhh woooowwww-
-Chobbie is fucking atrocious so thats the official ship name on that one, I've decided. It sounds like an insulting name for a penis.
-Kill= so fucking powerful. Jirby= soooooo fucking silly. This sounds like a nintendp character they decided not to use
-I would like to also suggest Sallie. Their ship name is just...some lady
-STANDILLY I CANT. Also I know ppl ship this because of the video store scene and ngl the threesome energy is..... 👀. But also I love Randy to much to subject him to this
-NAncEEEN IS INSANE. Ive never heard of this combo lmao but holy shit so unhinged, lets go old woman yuri why not
-Tamber: actually not the worst ship name, also, a good ship
-Tindy lmao, its tindy. Knockoff tinder.
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candichan · 6 months
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Meet meola a member of the tadc fanon universe this version is actually the second time I drew her the second image is the first time I drew her since there's more going on in the second image.
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Now she may be flirtatious and all but in Canon where no character's ship becoms Canon she pretty much loves everyone to a point were if anyone even touchs her she might faint not literally.
She like an opposite to pomni where she doesn't like being touched meola loves it to a point she's can't control herself but is self aware enough to try to hide it from the Others as she knows the acting the way she dose is pretty embarrassing but if anyone where to use that against her she handles the situation very well by making anyone who dare trys to make fun of her will only motivate meola to embarrass them back.
and rarly ever get angry at anyone nobody ever saw her get physical against the others or yell at them you really have to break her to the breaking point to see a whole new person trap from the inside and unlike the others she the only few that never want out or leave as she more concerned about where anyone will go if they leave or what would happen. To her if she left what if they can't really leave she doesn't want the people she loves to just disappear so she may be a antagonist that will stop pomni or the others from leaving.
So if you have any questions I'll be happy to respond to them!
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lexiifezco · 5 years
The ship meme for rarlie, lorett, beric, camber and tonsey 😘
who wakes up first in the morning: Rarlie: Charlie. He has to get his ass up and make her coffee. Lorett: Brett. He wakes up to hold his wife and then kiss her cheek. Especially with her being pregnant he wakes up first to make sure he’s awake if she needs anything. Beric: Eric. Nothing cute, just that Beatrice likes her sleep and presses the snooze button until the last possible second she can. Camber: Amber sometimes wakes up startled but Carter works weird shifts at the hospital so some months of the year he is coming home when she is waking up. Tonsey: Casey and she makes Tony wake up so that they can do something instead of just sleep in all day. 
who’s the first to fall asleep at night: Rarlie: Raquel. Lorett: Brett. He always falls asleep next to Lorelai probably when she is reading a book or flipping through a magazine. Beric: Eric. Beatrice sometimes messes with him if he falls asleep too fast. She would pinch his nose to wake him up even if it gets him mad. Camber: Carter can probably fall asleep in the blink of an eye because of residency so he does. Tonsey: Tony. Casey is used to being up super late. 
what they playfully tease each other: Rarlie: both. Lorett: Brett. He likes teasing her about a bunch of things. Beric: It usually starts with Beatrice teasing him and then they start really talking about things and then it turns into the spongebob meme below. Camber: Carter starts teasing her more and it takes a while for Amber to really mess with him back. Tonsey: Casey is always messing with Tony 
what they do when the other’s having a bad day: Rarlie: Sex. Lots of it. But also raquel takes him out and makes sure things are about him. She constantly tells him how much she loves him. Then she is just really affectionate. Lorett: Brett does anything and everything she wants. Like he’s just really attentive to everything and then would get her like soup or something just because the people he was raised by would always get each other soup if things were bad. Beric: She tells him that they can have sex in a public space and keeps teasing him. Then she pretty much just tells him that he needs to get over it and tries to get him to talk about it all. Tonsey: Casey isn’t great but she just listens to him and then holds him close and tells him that he can just use her boobs as a pillow so that he’s more comfortable with the thought. 
how they say ‘i’m sorry’ after arguments: Rarlie: depends on the fight but usually Charlie I think based off their history. If not they just address the issue which is raquel’s least favorite thing. Lorett: Brett. He always is like I don’t know what I’m apologizing for yet but I know I did something wrong. Or when he knows he says he is sorry for hurting her feelings first and then for what he did wrong. Beric: Neither. She’s like so are we fucking over or what? If we aren’t I’m going to need you to build a fucking bridge and come over because I can’t sleep without you so make it snappy. Camber: Amber usually apologizes immediately because she’s still like in the survivor mode and she doesn’t want to upset carter ever even if she knows he isn’t like her ex. She also just says sorry for a lot of things. Tonsey: Casey would apologize only if she thinks she is wrong if not she would tell Tony “You owe me an apology”
which one’s more ticklish Rarlie: Raquel and she is like never tickle her feet beacuse she’s not liable if she kicks charlie in the face. Lorett: Brett is ticklish in certain spots but he thinks lorelai is more ticklish. Beric: Beatrice and she starts saying no before Eric even starts tickling her. Camber: Amber and she is the type to just try to fall when tickled like play dead and maybe he’ll stop. Tonsey: neither. Casey isn’t even a little ticklish and she would say that Natalie probably even thinks she should get  checked by a psychologist. 
their favourite rainy day activities Rarlie: Raquel stays in bed and reads scripts all day and then makes charlie make her coffee but then also sex. Lorett: netflix queue gets watched. Camber: Amber likes watching the rain and just talks to Carter and is always grateful when she is able to have him home instead of him working because she knows rain= more people coming into the hospital which means that he gets more work and comes home even more tired. Beric:  sleep. Tonsey: Casey finally ets around to writing and Tony probably does the same as raquel and reads but then casey also likes just being around him. 
how they surprise each other rarlie: Raquel buys things they don’t need but then charlie always does like some grand gesture. Lorett: Brett does small things all the time and then would talk to her sister or her family about other ways to surprise her. Camber: Lunch at the hospital with him. Tonsey: she doesn’t even know. Beric: she sends him things like lunch while he’s at work or she gives him gifts that are really for her. 
their most sickening shows of public affection Rarlie: what don’t they do as pda. Like they’re really affectionate as a couple in front of everyone. Lorett: Brett is always holding onto Lorelai no matter what he holds her and kisses her temple all the time. Camber: Amber just holds on to his arm when they’re in public because she doesn’t want his coworkers to get the wrong idea like that he can’t be serious as a doctor if he is always kissing on his girlfriend. Like they are very work appropriate. Beric: Chris wants to spray them down with a hose or probably blows air from the air compressor their way and tells them to leave. They’re almost like rarlie but like raunchier. Tonsey: Because Casey is private in general and because Tony has to be careful because of tabloids it is rare when they have a lot of pda. They save that for when they are in private. 
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citycfangels · 7 years
Text: Raquel  ⇄ Charlie
Raquel: so if I told you that I might get to see you soon how excited would you be? Like on a scale of 1-10
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spoonoftar · 3 years
if you were to ask me which of team rwby were to die I would vote on yang rubys sister
Okey, so from a writer standpoint you axe characters who:
1) you planned their death as motivation for other characters (aka the dead mother syndrom),
2) you planned their death to tell readers about a world,
3) fullfill already their plotline and now are just dragged with it,
4) shock value. (Yes, you can pick more then one point at once).
RWBY girls are point 3. At this moment their main plotline ended Yang (all Raven stuff) and Blake (no more White Fang). And now there is a question - Did RT give (already or soon) them a subplot? (Shipping isn't subplot - it's fanservice). They seem to give all "don't trust anyone and Ask everything" ...dynamic? to Yang. Who death would serve Ruby character as consequence of leader's actions and decisions. And a big loss of power for protagonists. On the other hand you have Blake who is kinda here, speaks rarly to anyone then Yang and being useless to main plot. Her death would be less gutpunch for audience (she's not Ruby sis after all) but serve the same as Yang - as consequence of leader's actions and decisions. One of them should be dead by the end of Volume 8.
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couldyouspeakmyname · 3 years
Hello, can I have a match? My hight is 5"4 feet. A person who has a soft character, but understands when to be rude, but l don't like it, l often fool around and behave like a child, due to the fact that l had to grow up very rarly. I have a face that does not exporess emotions, aspecially in public. I am an introvert and I like to spends time reading books. A low pain defect that causes inconvenience and memory lapses. Due to the fact that it is always cold here, l do not tolerate heat and heat,because if it rare. I take care of.
I also have a younger brotner who is given to me for the weekend, and now my whole family is used to calling me nanny instead of my real name. A big fan of sweets... A fan of watching old moves.
I read the entire manga and watched the anime.
Jack knows how to have fun, but when to be serious. He likes that you don’t enjoy being rude, but still can be if you see fit. The fact you can enjoy yourself, even if people may see it as childish, Jack would see as genuine. He also is calm enough to let you enjoy your alone time, or just stay by your side as company. He also has a number of books and would probably share them with you. Despite the fact you don’t show emotions, Jack learns pretty quickly how you’re feeling based on the rest of your body language. He’d go out of his way to take care of you, and even when you do have memory lapses he’d be patient and understanding.
Legoshi is also pretty introverted and quiet, and also has the same problem you do where people often find his expression difficult to read. He finds a kindred spirit in you. He also appreciates you can have a little bit of fun without holding back, since he often keeps himself from enjoying games unless he’s with people he trusts. You ability to sit and read and just enjoy your alone time allows him time to enjoy his own interests, without putting all of his time and energy into you. He also would LOVE if you’re the kind of person to info dump on him, and if he could do the same that would be a BIG bonus. 
Gouhin is an old soul, and while he has his temper, he knows how to control it. He also appreciates the fact that you’re generally pretty calm, and don’t need to be by his side and in his company 24/7. He doesn’t like sweets himself, but does enjoy watching older movies with you. It’s a chance for him to turn off his brain and just relax. As far as not showing emotions? Not a problem for him. He’s good at reading people, it’s his job. Even if you do have moments where you’re sort of childish, it has the strong potential of bringing out the child in him and just reminding him it’s okay to have fun. He also likes that you’re a caregiver for your brother, since caring for someone else, despite your own needs, is something he deals with frequently. Having someone who understands that is a HUGE plus. 
Who I ship you with most, in order
Jack, Gouhin, Legoshi
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i-actually-never · 3 years
I think I finally get why the tod-deku ship bothers me sm (and some times the kir-baku or some ships with bakugou) don’t get me wrong in these ships they have great shared character growth and build each other up in those ships and I probably appreciate them more if this issue thing didn’t exist. Its the fact that both of these ships have a tendency to put Bakugou’s and izuku’s characters in a different boxes. 
With tddk it is easy to put Izuku as a distressed damsel thats victim to Bakugou whos normally portrayed as this messed up character with some variety of a borderline villainous trait. Or they leave out his character completely or at the very least make it seem like him and izuku dont interact at all cause shippers don’t want his personality anywhere near that ship.
Izuku never acted like a victim, he didn’t just submit to bakugous aggressiveness. He definitly was effected by his situation and he was weaker than him as well but he’s never allowed bakugous personality to break him or stop him from his goals. Bakugou in turn does not have a bad personality, he’s made some bad choices growing up but him being prideful about being strong does not make him a bad person or an idiot. 
overall ships with bakugou  rarly with bkdk but mainly other students and esp krbk shippers do a few things. Try to tame him or try to depict his personality as something fake. Idk if this is news but personalities in emotional situations tend to reveal the truth of the person. Katsuki’s tried very hard to repress his timid emotions for the sake of being strong but its pretty clear he can show how he feels. He literally smiles all the time when he’s fighting, he loves it he loves the feeling of victory. Yeah so showing his personality as some sort of front for his ‘real feelings’ just isn’t right because when it comes to it he internalizes and processes feelings then comes to a conclusion of how to react to them. I’m not too bothered by that tho its easy to misread him internalizing and being unable to word his feelings as him hiding his emotions. 
The real problem comes with the shipping for the sake of taming him like okay literally tho if you go into a relationship with this in mind this will hurt someone. Personalities are beautiful and different and trying to mold bakugou into a more socially acceptable character is just messed up. Can you imagine you S/O trying to change you because they think you talk too bluntly or tell you your face seems too angry, or they tell you to behave cause they think your personality will ruin the setting. I can’t be the only one who gets mad about this when somebody depicts this cause his personality is not a flaw.
As if being an ignorant aggressive child or having a bold personality qualifies him as an unchangeable and horrible person that should be ignored or fixed by someone. Just let him be himself and let him have his weird rivalry with Deku.
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I hope people realize that while i don’t support pedo/groomer ships, this blog is otherwise open to all ships that are age appropriate.
Legit if you want a fun crack ship like killertree or Kakabaki or some of the kids that rarly interact together, i’m here for it
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rhythm-catsandwine · 4 years
Why I need to step back from the SPN fandom.
This is mostly just venting. 
Don’t read if easily offended. 
Most of the fandom is over all good. 
Some things that have haunted me
1 I was blocked from some blogs one for writing wincest as switches in a fanfic and one for simply shipping wincest. I did nothing personalty to those blogs.
2 The stans and anties. More specifically the ones who go to extremes.
3 those that freak over who bottoms and who tops.
4 I’m fine with desiel, but there is the destihellers. 
5 This one doesn't really count. So many write just to get kudos and comments. i honestly don’t usually like the fics with tons of kudos. I rarly get even 100. i write for myself and some requests. I write for myself! I write and read what I want. Usually I like the fics with relatively low kuto counts. 
6 If you enjoyed the fic even a little , give a like and comment. The only time I don’t, is if i couldn't get through the story. Comment something as simple as ‘thanks for writing this” or “i enjoyed this”. I thought with all of this stuff going around we would see more comments and kudos. I have been getting kudos on my old stuff and the new stuff, but not much, and only one comment! I mean come on! writers and artist are keeping us entertained! 
7 How some people treat the cast. That’s all I’m going to say about that.
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moonlight-yuyu · 11 months
Hi love, can i have a special ship reading with nicholas from &team? tysm <3
sun: Libra
moon: leo
mercury: libra
venus: scorpio
mars: taurus
asc: virgo
here you finally go love! <3
you're both thoughtful, considerate and sensitive
having great personal relationship is super important for the both of you
you love harmony and peace and conflicts such as confrontations will rarly appear
you're both very loyal, protective and warm toward each other
Nicho will be super supportive and have a great sympathy for you
both of you hold onto the relationship and it will mainly last super long!
there will be a lot of passion between the two of you
you two need a emotional commitment in the relationship
you will never shy away when the relationship gets intense
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raquelmallory · 7 years
Trouble || Rarlie
Raquel: typically wasn't the type to cheat. She had once prided herself in her high moral standards. She had been the good girl only to be hurt time and time again. Besides, was it really cheating if she had already been in a relationship with Charlie? Looking around the dark alleyway leading to the staff entrance of the bar she smiled at catching sigh of the dark haired male she had been waiting on. The shameless teasing and countless flirting texts already had her body tingling with excitement. Licking her lips she walked closer before wrapping her arms around the taller male's neck. "Hey you," she smiled. Her dark eyes surveyed his face, looking to see any subtle changes since the last time they had been this close. His shave seemed a little closer. His eyes just a tad brighter in contrast to the dark alleyway. Raquel pressed her light frame against his before standing on her toes and pressing her lips to his. Not putting much emotion at first she reminded herself that this wasn't her boyfriend. She reminded herself that despite the history they had together that this was just something to scratch an itch. This wasn't a step towards reigniting their relationship. With that in mind she allowed herself to let her body take the lead. Kissing Charlie more feverishly she welcomed every change in pace. Pulling away nearly breathless she smiled before discreetly looking over her shoulder. "We should get out of here." Her dark eyes still locked on his. "Take me home."
Charlie: was looking forward to closing time to take his ex to his apartment and do all those things he had been thinking off since they started talking about having sex that same evening. The night had to be a busy one, but it was filled with lustful gazes and a lot of teasing from both parts. Although Charlie wondered why was she teasing him so much when she had a boyfriend --someone he didn't like and was jealous of, but he would never mention it to anyone-- but he wasn't going to question it. If sex was the only way he would have her, even if it was meaningless sex, he would have it that way. Charlie spotted the brunette as soon as he exited the bar through the alleyway exit, and the first thing he did was take her in his arms and kiss her back. Charlie was aware of the fact that his ex had someone else in her life and that he should keep his feelings aside, so he didn't want to think their kiss meant something, but hell, he missed her. He was glad he didn't forget the way she kissed. Once they broke the kiss and she spoke, he couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, let's go. Let's take a cab, shall we?" Raquel: "Well a cab does beat you carrying me." The girl still smiled in his arms. There still was a tenderness in her tone. Pecking another kiss to his lips she let her hand slide in his. Little did he know she had been wanting to kiss him since the moment she had walked away frkm him months ago. Sure her boyfriend made her happy, he took her on amazing trips and had the wildest stories about his friends, but at times Raquel wasn't sure if that was enough. Was it enough to just be someone's trophy piece. She was introduced as his girlfriend while no one asked her questions about anything. When she was next to her boyfriend around friends she was just another fly on the wall. Not wanting to think of her boyfriend she stayed close to Charlie. "Let the kidnapping begin." She wasn't sure if she was kidnapping him or vice versa. All Raquel knew was she was happy she didn't have to see him leave with someone else. Picking up her phone she looked at the app on her phone. "Uber would be faster." Again she bit her lip giving him the indication that she wanted to get to his place as soon as possible. "They said four minutes." Still unable to wipe the smile on her face she brushed at the strands of his hair. "Wonder what we could do in the meantime." She only teased but continued before giving his hand a squeeze.
Charlie: "And here you are making me look bad with that word," he said after rolling his eyes and pretended to be serious while saying it, but he couldn't help but burst out into laugh. Charlie was pretty sure that, whether this was a kidnapping or not, it was going to be a good night to relieve that sexual tension there was between there all night long with all that eye-fucking and lingering touches here an there. It was something they needed to resolve, even if it was likely to bring consequences after they had sex. He stared at her as she went through her phone to order a ride for them, smiling at her even when she turned her face to him and played with his hair. "Four minutes? I could think of a few things we could do," he teased her back with a smirk on his lips as he walked her backwards to press her against the nearest wall, placing his hands on her hips and sliding them down her ass as he crashed his lips against hers, kissing her with more intensity than before. Raquel: moaning into his kiss Raquel didn't even try pushing back. There was no denying what was going to happen or even what she wanted. Pulling him closer she returned the intensity of his kiss. God she had missed him. Her heartbeat raced in her ears even more so as she deprived her lungs of the air she needed. Moving her neck she closed her eyes and hitched her leg against his just to give him move to grab on. Finally those squats she had been killing herself at the gym with recently were paying off. Out of breath and now filled with even more need she pushed away from the wall, only having their hips meet. "You shouldn't start things we can't finish just yet, and maybe it's not kidnapping so much as whisking me away." At least whisking her away made it sound a bit more romantic. Still not wanting him to move she looked into his eyes again. "Unless you're sure you want to take me home and don't want to go for one of the girls in there." She bit the side of her lip. "One was really into flirting with you." A hint of her jealous tone came out despite never having been the girl to show how jealous she could get. Before he could even jokingly pull away from her she shook her head. "No, never mind." Smiling she glanced at his chest. "You're mine." Seeing the lights of the uber pull up she nudged at Charlie. "You just have to behave until we get to your place. I don't want the driver getting a free show."
Charlie: looked at her in the eyes as she started to mention those girls he had been serving drinks that night. He could sense a hint of jealousy in Raquel's voice and he was about to tease her about it, but he decided not to. Things like that were the things that slowly killed their relationship and he wasn't going to ruin it. "Hey, would I be making out with you in an alley and waiting for an Uber to take us to my apartment to have hot sex?" he asked in a serious voice as he put his forehead against hers, not breaking the eye contact they had during that moment, but then Charlie smiled when she said he was his. That moment was interrupted when their Uber was there and he dragged her inside the car. "Okay, but the same goes to you. Let's see who's hands off for longer," he chuckled as he sat. "What a good thing my place isn't too far away from here." Raquel: At the thought that the same went for her she nearly pulled him closer. As much as she was falling for Nathan she still somehow felt as if her heart belonged to Charlie. She doubted that anyone could go from being with someone for a year and not feel the same even with months that had passed without him. "I guess not." She smiled in response to his question before sliding in. Once inside she was glad his place wasn't far away. With the looks he was giving her she found it hard not to blush or even move closer. Absentmindedly moving her hand closer to his throughout the ride she instead started small talk with the driver. Promising to give the college student a five star rating it was Raquel who now tugged Charlie towards his front door. "Time's up. No more hands off." Already beginning to tug at his shirt she walked backwards until she reached his door. The subtle changed of the building were noticed right away by her observing eye. Pausing her make out and saving his neighbors from seeing him shirtless she looked at the door across the hall. "Did someone new move in?" Her eyebrows knit together in confusion. She couldn't help but also mentally kick herself for being sos easily distracted. "Whatever. Doesn't matter." Shaking the thought she went back to holding onto the taller male's neck. Clinging on she hopped before bringing her legs around him so that he could carry her inside. "Now you can stop eye fucking me and actually fuck me." She wasn't one for swearing too often but there was no other word for what she wanted.
Charlie: was glad that his apartment wasn't that far away because the temperature between them was running high as they looked at each other with so much lust in their eyes, those light touches whenever their hands found each other while Raquel was talking to the driver, something he wasn't listening to at all. Charlie was more focused on looking at her and her features, noticing some changes since the last time they were that close, like for example, the color of her hair. He didn't mind being dragged to his apartment because he knew what was going to happen within the four walls. "Whoa there, you don't want to get naked before we go in," he chuckled as he left her on her floor on her feet and managed to pull his keys out of his pocket and opened the door for her, carrying her in his arms again and pushing her up the wooden door once it was closer. "Now, where were we?" he teased her as he positioned himself between her legs as his hands slid under the shirt she was wearing. Raquel: wincing a bit at being pressed against yet another surface she still smiled. If anything she welcomed any sort of pain that came from sleeping with him. "No idea," she teased in response just to spur him on. "Babe," she breathed while looking down at his hand in her shirt. He probably could already tell based off how her upper body gravitated towards his hand how turned on she was. "Baby." Her entire body relaxed being with him, along with being in his apartment. She never had told him but she always did feel more comfortable at his apartment than in her own. "Stop teasing."Her toned legs held on tighter Knowing he would hold her up she reached towards the bottom of her own shirt before peeling it off. Helping him with her bra she undid the snap. Her toned stomach only accentuated the size of her chest. Flicking her tongue against her lips she finished what she had started outside with his shirt. "Hopefully your new neighbors won't mind the noise," she chuckled pressing her chest against his.
Charlie: smirked as he heard her words of appreciation while he touched her torso, a sound he really did appreciate whenever he was teasing her. His eyes couldn't help but scan her upper body as she started to take off clothes, leaving her breasts completely exposed to him, and one of his hands travelled up her body to knead it gently. "You're still as hot as the last time I saw you naked," he said as he helped her to take off his shirt and held her up, carrying her to his bedroom and laid her on her back. "I hope so too, or else I'll wake up to a complaint from one of them," Charlie smirked as he leaned in and kissed her again, playing with her hair with one hand as the other one slid down her body until he felt the waistband of her skirt and started to tug on it, trying to take it off as soon as possible. Raquel: "Only just as hot?" she questioned teasingly. Of course she wasn't fishing for a compliment but it had been a while since he had her naked. Her hair haloed around her. Arms going at his side just to keep him close. "Who cares if they complain." Not breaking the kiss she lifted her hips up to help him tug off her skirt and panties. At this point she didn't even care if he tore it off her or even stretched her legs for access and pushed her panties to the side. All she wanted was him inside her. Sure that her panties were a lost cause she didn't care that they were flung aside. Widening her legs she pulled him closer using the strength of her toned legs. sitting up she reached for his jeans. Unzipping the dark pants and pulling them down slowly she already allowed her mouth to gather spit. Before he could even get a words in, Raquel stroked his cock. Holding him steady she opened her mouth welcoming him inside. Humming against him, the girl continued until she felt him hard enough for her. Sucking her teeth as she pulled away Raquel continued to stroke still spreading her spit. "You taste so good." Using the end of her tongue she teased the tip of his cock swirling against it slowly just to work him up even more.
Charlie: "That's right, who cares?" he smirked against her skin as his mouth explored all it could of the newly exposed skin --her neck and the valley of her breast, areas that he knew he would get a reaction if they were teased--- as he helped her to get rid of her clothes, but as soon they were gone and Raquel was completely naked in front of him, she flipped them over, and he would be crazy if he didn't say he liked the views. All Charlie could see was his crazy sexy ex-girlfriend on top of him, with no clothes to cover her insanely hot body. "Wow," it was all he breathed out as he eyed her naked body and felt her hand on his jeans, freeing his cock from its confinement and groaned as she teased him so painfully slow by touching him. It was frustrating, but that feeling disappeared as soon as she took him into her mouth, and holy shit, Charlie missed what her mouth could do to him. He tilted his head backwards and let it fall in the pillow and he let out a soft moan as his ex kept on pleasuring him, placing his hands on her head and playing with her hair. "You look insanely hot from where you are, does he tell you that?" he complimented her as he looked down at her, seeing how her tongue was teasing the tip of his cock. "You're a fucking tease, babe." Raquel: paused when she heard his question. Anyone who had a bit of remorse would have stopped. Maybe this was a sign that she couldn’t feel for Nathan the way she felt for Charlie. Sliding against him so that they were face to face and taking a hold of his face she softened her eyes. The look of complete lust gone temporarily from her eyes. "I'm not thinking about him." She didn't even say her boyfriend's name as she spoke. "Not when I'm with you." She kissed his lips tenderly. "It's just you and me." She nodded her head still holding on to his face so that he could understand and nod along with her. Dropping her right hand from his cheek she dragged it down his bare chest. The light trace of her nails against his skin on served to tease him more. "You can always stop letting me tease you." Angling her face she left the severity of her earlier tone fade. "You're the one that's making me wait."
Charlie: looked into her eyes as she spoke, feeling how the tone changed and instead of being a teasing one, she was being honest with him, or at least he hoped so. Secretly, he hoped they were true and that she wasn't really in love with that new guys of hers. Maybe he wasn't over their relationship after all, but if she was happy, he wouldn't ruin that. All he cared about was about her happiness. All he could do was nod and refrain himself from saying something he could regret later, from saying all the things that were forming in his head, but those thoughts disappeared as she kept on teasing him with her touch and he didn't think it twice. Charlie rolled them over easily until he was on top of her. "Be a good girl and you won't have to wait for much longer, I swear," he whispered and let his hands explore her torso, cupping both of her breasts with her hands before one of them slid down her stomach until it sneaked between her legs, teasing her folds as he played with her nipple with his other hand. "It'll be worthy, trust me," he said with a smirk on his lips. Raquel: genuinely laughing and letting a small squeal of excitement she felt a weight come off her shoulders. Maybe this was what she had been needing. Despite whatever was going on in her relationship with Nathan, things at work, her auditions, everything-- at least with Charlie she felt free. With Charlie she felt like she didn't have to worry about what was happening because there was no outside world when they were together. She held the thought of what she had said about her boyfriend for a moment longer. With her bottom lip between her teeth she looked deep into Charlie's eyes. Arms around his neck to keep him close she let a small gasp escape her. "But I thought you liked bad girls." She ran her thumb against the hair on the back of his neck. Closing her eyes she moaned knowing that he was going to give her some sort of cheeky remark about how wet she was for him. With his fingers in her folds she groaned, moving along to the rhythm of his fingers. Already she felt her walls crave him. Stopping she took hold on his forearms. "i don't want fingers." She could hear the anticipation and desperation in her voice. Moving her hips upwards she placed pressure along with his hand causing her to moan at the pleasurable feeling. "Fuck," she whispered while closing her eyes. His hands and mouth seemed to be everywhere on her body. "I'll be good." Her legs widened to give him more room. "Baby, I'll be good just stop making me wait." Her hand dropped to grip at the loose sheet "Fuck me,"
Charlie: Hearing her laugh was a relief from the serious moment they had seconds ago and one of the best sounds he could hear, as if it was music for his ears. He loved to hear her laugh, no matter how silly was the thing, and he missed that. "It depends on the moment, you know," he chuckled before he started to kiss her skin, especially her breasts, teasing her nipple with his mouth by grazing it with his teeth, tugging on it slightly before he felt her hands on his forearms, nodding at her request and smirking as he listened to her almost begging him to fuck her. "You are so eager," he said as he retired his hand for a couple of seconds as he positioned himself between her legs, lining up his cock and her entrance. "You are incredibly hot when you beg," he smiled at her and placed his forehead against hers, keeping eye contact as he entered her with a swift move. Charlie stood still for a moment as he got used to that familiar feeling of her walls around him, a feeling he missed so much, before starting to move. Raquel: mouth ajar, she gasped sharply, her eyes never leaving his as he entered her. Her walls automatically tightened around him as if welcoming him back home. Even with how good it felt with his hands on her, his teeth making her nipples perk even more, nothing compared to having him inside her. Grasping at his sides she pulled him closer, wanting as much of him inside her as possible. Legs moving to an angle she didn't break eye contact as she nodded. Part of her mind screamed at her. Why was she nodding yes? Why was she nodding to give Charlie more consent to do whatever he wanted? She had a boyfriend. Well-- she had a boyfriend that wasn't Charlie, who couldn't make her feel like this, As he began to move she pressed her forehead against his. Matching his rhythm, she moved along with him allowing their bodies to crash against one another in time. She held on to his sides. Her nails digging into the skin on his back. Moaning softly with each deeper thrust, she finally broke gaze as she laid kisses on his neck. Leaving her mark on his pulse point she knew it wasn't fair considering how he couldn't do the same to her, but this was the most she could get. Tonight and maybe a reminder of the night through her memory and the mark on his neck. Finally biting into his shoulder she stopped her movements, letting him continue before she nudged one of his shoulders to ask him to change positions. With her on top she gave him a better view of her chest, and abs. But it also gave her an opportunity. Able to think of their earlier conversations she sunk down onto his shaft and stopped. Just letting him deep inside her she bit on her lip. Calling his attention she leaned forward. "I'll show you just how much you like bad girls." not that she honestly could consider herself one. Angling her lower body so that she still hovered above him she used her hips and knees to move against him. She moved quickly and with desperation as he hit against her deepest spots. Deep throated groans escaped her, her eyes half shut in bliss. Taking his hands she guided them towards her ass. Knowing just how much she loved her ass being smacked she knew he would have no problem taking the hint. Wincing in pleasure she chuckled. "let' see..." her jaw opened as she crashed harder with purpose. "if you like to beg." Purposely she tightened her walls as she pulled her hips away. "Don't you want to come inside me" She hadn't been one to let him ever do so before, but this was different. As much as she pretended this was just sex, she knew this was more than that. Raquel knew now that it was two bodies tired of fighting what should be. She placed her hand on his lower abs, feeling how tight they were. Just to prove a point she changed the pace almost to a stop for him to answer.
Charlie: Sex always was fun for him, something he loved to do whenever he had the chance, but sex with Raquel felt like home to him. Somewhere familiar and warm to go to that would always make him happy, and that's what he felt in the moment he entered and move within her. His movements started being slow to make it last as long as he could, but it wasn't enough, so he picked up the pace as she moved underneath him and dug her nails onto his back and moaned in her mouth while kissing her, but that was soon broken when her lips were on his neck and shoulder, kissing, biting and sucking on his skin. He couldn't help but groan in frustration as he couldn't leave a mark on her the way he used to. It hurt him, but it wouldn't be fair to her to mark her and create a problem in her relationship with another man. It didn't surprise him when she managed to flip them over, giving him an amazing view of her body, which made his jaw drop at the beauty of it. "Quel," he breathed out as she moved on top of him in a raw and animalistic way and he kissed her to muffle their moans while placing his hands on her ass as she guided them down her body. Out of an instinct, he smacked her ass hard enough to elicit a giggle from her. "You're a bad girl, a very bad one," he sighed in frustration as she stopped while she touched his body, stopping at his lower abs, where he was pretty sure she would feel how tight they were due to him being quite close to his orgasm. "Of course I do," he answered to her question as his hands were in her hair, playing with him as he breathed. "Fuck. Me. You know you want to," he said with a smirk on his lips as he pulled her head closed and their lips melt into a passionate kiss, his hands cupping her cheeks. Raquel: Of course he wouldn't answer her question. Biting at his bottom lip she still lowered her hips not stopping her own nearing orgasm. "Harder." Their bodies meeting already made audible sounds in the air, but Raquel wanted more. She wanted everything that she had spent months without. Her body craved release. Tossing her head back, a light layer of sweat already glistening on her forehead, she moaned loudly. Kissing his lips she held on to his cheek feeling the stubble underneath her palm. Her kiss said what she had failed to say before. A smile on her lips she buried her face into the crook of his neck. "So close," she whispered into his skin. Closing her eyes she laid her chest on his. Her skin sticking onto his. Raising her hips she slid completely off his cock. Already missing him inside her she knew she couldn't last without him for long. To prove her point she shook her head. "Not unless you beg." She lined his cock with her entrance again. Teasing just the tip she let him enter her again. Tightening around him she returned his smirk. Crashing her hips once and feeling him disappear inside her she moaned. Her moved his hand so that he could play with her clit and get her close again. "We can come together."
Charlie: All he could hear was their moans and the sound of skin against skin in the silence of the late night as he fucked her, guiding her ass so Raquel moved on top of her faster and at the same pace than him as he started to move his hips to match her speed. He could already feel his orgasm building up in the pit of his stomach, something that warned him that he was about to come in any moment. Their lips locked once again in a fiery kiss, a kiss that was broken soon as she moved her head and buried it on the crook of his neck. Charlie ran his hands up and down her hard, not getting enough of her and touching her as much as he could to make up for four months of not having her. When she slid off his cock, he couldn't help but sigh out frustration. "Quel, please," he breathed out as he entered her once again, but this time he rolled over in the bed and remained on top of her, smirking as his hand sneaked between their bodies until he teased her folds for a second, then found her clit and started to rub it in circles at the same rhythm he thrusted his hips hard, deep and fast, making sure Charlie was giving her the best sex she had in months. "Come for me, babe." Raquel: gasping as they moved she wasn't surprised by the new position. She relished knowing that he had to have her and that none of her games would stop him. "Cheater," she joked, not even registering the word despite it being her new title. Being pinned beneath him she arched her back, already starting to feel her toes curl. "Oh my god," she breathed. Scratching at his back again she held onto his sides. "So good," she groaned, her voice vibrating with the thrusts. "Don't stop." Her eyes closed tightly as she felt her orgasm overcome her. "Don't-" Toes curled, her shoulders relaxing. Even as her orgasm crashed over her in small waves she opened her eyes. Wet eyes from the pleasure she felt his warmth between her legs. Kissing his lips softly and tenderly she moved his hands away from her lower body. Kissing his fingertips before sucking on them lightly she smiled before biting his finger. A bit of playfulness still present even as she came down from her high. "Guess you haven't lost your touch," her raspy voice husked out showing just how desperately she needed water. Not wanting him to move too much she laid on his chest, already feeling a her a difference without him between her folds. "I caught on to your plan," she smiled. "Fuck me to the point where I can't even get up to leave." She kissed his bare chest, being honest to the fact that she doubted she could stand to leave.
Charlie: chuckled at her comment. "More like wanting to make you come, babe," he said while leaning in once again and kissing her. He kept on fucking her and moaning until he came just seconds after her, feeling how the tension in his shoulders was disappearing and he was on a high, a high he started to come down from slowly as he laid on his back, giving her some space to lay next to him. "Did you ever think I've lost it?" he teased her when she bit his finger playfully, chuckling at the gesture and pulling her closer to his body. "Busted," he laughed and smiled while looking down at her, getting all those images of them in that exact position when they were together, in a post-sex bliss that lasted all night long. "Is that enough to make you stay, Quel?" he asked softly as his hand ran up and down her back, his fingertips touching every inch possible of skin as he regained his breathing in a very calming moment. Having her in his arms was quite relaxing and calming, and he definitely missed those moments. Raquel: felt her body cover in goosebumps with his touch. A smile on her lips as looked up at him. As much as she liked having sex with him it was the tender moments like this that often made their relationship. Walking her index and middle fingers across his chest she shrugged. "Maybe." Her voice changed a bit knowing that she shouldn't have been there in the first place let alone should she stay. "If not I guess you're going to have to find another way to get me to stay." All he had to do was ask honestly. "I'm sure you'll find one." Her head nuzzled into his chest to hear his calming heartbeat. Her arm crossed his chest to hold onto him. "Let's just stay like this," she whispered, unknowingly admitting that she didn't want to get back to the real world.
Charlie: "I guess I will work hard to find one," Charlie laughed as his fingers played with her hair. He knew they shouldn't be where they were cuddling after sex considering she had a boyfriend, but it was hard to not be like this with her. After all, those were the moments that made their relationship a good one. He closed his eyes as the warmth of her skin surrounded him, not wanting to move for a while. "Would it be bad if I went to the bathroom and came back in a minute though? I promise I'll be back," he whispered. Raquel: Still holding onto him she playfully rolled her eyes. "As long as you come right back." Kissing his chest again she moved her arm and nudged him towards the door. "Wait." reaching for his arm she pulled him back and puckered her lips for him to give her a kiss before he left. "Now you can go. Your one minute starts now." Sighing as he went to the bathroom she got comfortable in his bed. moving from the rumpled spot on the bed she took hold of his pillow and held on to it tightly. The times she was in this bed without him were rare but now she felt like it was the only place she was supposed to be.
Charlie: Charlie was took of guard when he felt her grabbing his arm and pulling him to bed for a kiss, but he wasn't going to complain anyways. "I'll be back," he smiled and walked away towards the bathroom to pee, wash his hands and his face. He couldn't help but notice the hickey Raquel left on his neck and smiled as he brushed his thumb against it. That bruise would be there for a couple of hours to remind him of what happened in his bed that night. Charlie went back to his bedroom and folded his arms against his chest as he saw his ex still naked, holding onto his pillow and in a playful manner. "I think the night is far from over..." he said softly as he climbed over his bed and hugged her from behind, starting to leave kisses on the back of her neck. Raquel: Welcoming him back to bed she laughed and even attempted to hit Charlie with his own pillow before settling in his arms. Sinking her neck into his kisses she smiled. "Really, far from over, huh?" Her body now recovered from her first orgasm she was ready for whatever he had in store. "Then we should get to it. Hope you don't mind not getting any sleep tonight." Turning her head she kissed his lips before laughing and accepting the fact that she wasn't going to leave his bed for the night.
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sockmonstergotstyle · 6 years
Hoe 2 questions why is your book so damn good 1)is Charlie a murderer bc he’s my favourite character but I’m up to the bit a little after the first detention 2) what is the ship name for Charlie and rose
Hahaha thanks! 1) I also love Charlie. Like I shouldn't because he's my character and like yno there shouldn't be favouritism but I love him anyway. But who isn't a murderer, really? We've all murdered at least in dreams, or in thoughts or writing. He's no different. Ha. 2) Charlie and Rose??? That really caught me off guard lmao idk Chose? Rarlie? I think I prefer Rarlie *Cough* To keep people in the loop, I'll just mention this is about The Fable Warriors: Lucifer's Kin available on Amazon *cough*
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