#sorry i got woken up earlier than planned and im immediately getting angry about things OH WELL
lesbiangiratina · 1 year
I think making fun of people for being scared of something makes you 1 million times more of a loser than the scared people. Genuinely
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thatsgay-writes · 4 years
Hi um, first of all OW, rude. That last Leah x reader was awesome but now it mad me sad :( would you consider writing a sequel where the reader lives but she was actually another confederate somehow? If not that’s ok.
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Leah knew something had been wrong since before getting rescued off the island. She knew when she found that Jeanette had a second phone, she knew since bags filled with what they need kept showing up on the beach. She knew when Jeanette’s body went missing, she knew when your body went missing. She knew when Nora trapped her in a ditch before she died saving her sister, Leah always knew something about that island just wasn’t right.
“You were right.” That was all Leah needed to know to go through with her plan. She had unfolded the paper more and read about how Shelby and Dot had already worked together to make sure there was a distraction for Leah to sneak out. Leah did flinch a little when she read that Shelby was going to purposefully give herself an allergic reaction.
Leah ran as fast as she could as the sounds of alarms rang all around her. She hoped that they were for Shelby and not her. But just to be safe, she entered a room she was near to make sure there were no footsteps following her. She let out a breath of relief as she didn’t hear anything. She turned around to look at the room she was in and her eyes narrowed in confusion as she saw one lone ancient looking computer by a desk all by itself. She walked towards it cautiously, not knowing if there were any alarms she could trip. When she finally got to the desk, she sat down in the seat and decide to play the different feeds on the computer one by one.
The first video was shocking, it was boys stuck on an island just like they had been. “Twilight of Adam...” Leah mumbled as she watched the feed for a few minutes, trying to find a time stamp to know when all of what she was seeing was taking place. When she couldn’t find one, she just went to a different video. Each feed had a video of all the girls in their “rooms”. Leah could tell this was live because she watched as nurses and doctors looked over Shelby and how the other girls were freaking out about the alarm, except for Dot.
“What the fuck?” Leah almost yelled out before remembering she was supposed to be sneaky. Each feed of the girls she had looked at had their names and the word subject written under it, but under Nora, Jeanette, and your name was the word observer. She figured someone had to have known about what was going on on the island but you being one of them... It broke Leah’s heart and made her angry at you... not really, she was completely torn up now and didn’t know how to feel. She clicked on Jeanette’s feed and almost threw up at the sight of Jeanette’s dead body being in a cryopreservation chamber. She clicked on Nora’s as well to see the same thing, her injuries still very prominent in the freezing temperature.
Leah paused before clicking on yours. Did she really want to see your dead body again? On one hand, she didn’t want to see the dead body of her best friend and girlfriend but on the other hand, she wanted to see your face one more time. She knew she should have been angrier than she felt but you had to have had a good reason to know about the experiment, to know what would happen and not tell her. Or that’s just what Leah tried to convince herself. She took a deep breath before clicking on your feed and her heart stopped.
You were alive. Seemingly in a coma but alive. Leah felt tears leave her eyes immediately, she had watched the light leave your eyes, felt your body slump and go unresponsive, but here you were... Alive, plugged up and drugged up but alive none the less.
It had been a few months since Leah found out that you were alive and that the girls still weren’t safe. Luckily, they have had chances to meet up and have brainstormed a way to escape with the help of Agent Young. Leah had kept the knowledge of you being alive to herself incase you didn’t wake up from the coma in time for them to escape. Today was the last day they would meet together before they attempted to escape and Leah just got word from Agent Young that you had woken up the night before. “So we all know the plan?” Rachel asks as she looks at the girls. All the girls nodded their heads except for Leah, who was rubbing her hands together nervously. “We need to wait longer.” She spoke up, surprising the other girls.
“What? Why?” Toni asks confused, they had all agreed that they would leave the next day. “Y/ns alive.” It was completely silent as the girls take in the information. “What?” Fatin whispers out brokenly, she had considered you her best friend on the island, after Dot of course. “She... I...” Leah stutters over herself nervously as the girls all look at her for answers. “When I told you about how there was the Twilight of Adam and camera’s watching our rooms... I also left out a few parts.” “No shit.” Rachel stated, annoyed. “What else did you see?” Shelby asked, worried about how broken up Leah seemed about she was going to say.
Leah felt tears come to her eyes as she imagined Jeanette and Nora’s lifeless bodies. “They have their bodies.” The girls looked confused, “Who’s body?” Dot asks. “Jeanette’s... Nora’s...” Leah trails off as all the girls looked at Rachel who’s face showed deep sadness as she collapsed back onto a bench. “What?” “They- they have Jeanette and Nora’s bodies in some sort of cryo-containment pod.” “And you thought that you wouldn’t share that with us!” Rachel yells as she stands up and gets in Leah’s face. Leah gives Rachel a look of pity, “If I had told you, you would have blown up like this way too early and ruin any chance of our escape. It’s not there is anything you can do!” Rachel deflates back and stays silent the rest of the meeting.
It’s silent for a few minutes before Leah restates what she said earlier, “We need to wait a few days. Y/n just woke up from a coma and needs a few days to regain strength. The other girls nodded and started reworking their plan. Leah looked at Rachel one more time before they all were taken back to their rooms. She wanted to tell the girls about the fact that Jeanette, Nora, and Y/n knew about the island and what would happen but Rachel and the rest of the girls looked way too hurt by the new information for her to continue, maybe she would tell them... One day.
You slowly regained your energy as the days past and kept asking about what had happened, your last memory being of you dying in Leah’s arms. No one would speak to you, not the nurses or the doctors. They wouldn’t even tell you about how your condition was. The most they did was give you a bottles of pills to take once a day once you were released from the room. It had been another boring day in the hospital room and you were almost asleep when the door to your room opened. You cracked your eyes some still pretending to be asleep, you did it many times in hope that you let the doctors feel like they could talk about stuff around you.
You eyes open immediately as you saw Leah peak her head through the door. “Leah...” Leah stops checking the room and gives you a big smile as she enters. You try and get out of the bed as Leah gets closer to you. You manage to stand up but stumble at not having used your legs much in the past few days. Leah catches you and holds you tightly as the both of you let out tears. “Im so sorry... so sorry...” You mumble over and over into Leah’s shoulder. Leah doesn’t know whether you are apologizing for dying or for knowing about the island but Leah already decided that she had forgiven you.
Leah pulls back from the hug and wipes your tears with her thumbs. “I missed you so much... I thought I lost you...” Leah mumbles as she studies your face, finally realizing that seeing you through the camera’s wasn’t something that she imagined. You bring Leah in for a kiss but end up having to disconnect due to the big smile the both of you were sporting. You lose your smile for a second and look at Leah concerned. “What are you doing here? They wouldn’t let me see anyone or answer any of my questions.” Leah gives you a smile and starts pulling the cords off your body, ignoring how the machines started going off, along with the alarms. “We’re getting the fuck out of here.”
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