#sorry i sound like an incoherent dork but yesyesyes anyways i am so very grateful that anything. me. is liked at all its .. encouraging
krikidilly ยท 8 months
Delicious art style. Delicious attitude. Delicious sense of freedom and expression. Delicious humor. Delicious rarepairs.
Delicious comments in my tags about childhood wonderment and emotion that I think about every day without fail and revisit frequently because they make my week better.
Delicious blog. One of my favorites. /pos /gen
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GUGH,, trying so hard to formulate a coherent sentence here because my mind is complete giddy brain soup. The joys.. butAGCK!!!! Vague hand motions, I am very very happy thank you soso much! ! I've been trying be more raw with my emotions in like day to day and with my art, and being as indulgent and unfiltered as I can manage and hearing its enjoyed is! Eek! Runs away! (Positively!) Especially with my tags,, elated to know you look at them often! It means a lot to me because YOUR art means a lot to me!! Both in style and meaning and overall just. The filling and the crust does that make any sense at all! It makes me feel a lot!!! I think im rambling a little um um EEK thankYEW! I appreciate you and this sos much! All the same back to YOUโ— FOR REALLY!!!!๐Ÿ™‡๐Ÿ™‡๐Ÿ™‡๐Ÿ™‡๐Ÿ™‡
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