#sorry i've been so MIA BUT IM BACK AND IM HERE!!! this continues all day until new year (sunday) :D
daisylore-au · 2 years
anyone got any nice holiday plans? :>
Holiday Event! - Beginning Post
“I’m spending it right here!” Daisy grins, flopping down between her dad and Dream with a giggle. “They got me loads of stuff this Christmas!!”
Beside her, Dream and George won’t meet each other’s eyes. They’re both dressed up as poor-passing Santas, Dream missing the hat and George missing the white hair, but despite that, they’re surrounded by presents and both seem happy enough. Dream nurses a mug of hot chocolate, and he seems much more at-ease as months have passed: there are even some drawings Daisy has on the fridge showing it. They document the passing months - George and her and Dream all looking nervous, Daisy and Dream holding hands while George stands apart, and, in the past months, Dream and George holding Daisy’s hands under a rainbow, a big bright smile on all three of their faces.
“Show your favourite present,” George says eagerly, “it’s mine, right? I literally built that pool with my own two hands. It took me days.”
Dream scoffs. “Oh, come on. It’s obviously mine. The pool kind of looks more like a pond, George.”
“That’s not true!”
“It is, look at it! There’s literally a duck in it right now!”
“Actually,” Daisy grins, “neither of those are my favourite. It’s this one!”
She jumps up again and runs over to her bike! It’s bright pink and blue and still has ribbon on the wheels from when she’d torn the paper off. There’s a card on the ground next to it, that reads: TO DAISY, HAPPY CHRISTMAS!! FROM BOTH OF US.
“I just learned to use Michael’s without stabilisers!” Daisy says, brimming with pride. “So when I got this, I’m gonna let Michael use it sometimes, but not Emm, ‘cause she wouldn’t let me use hers after I scratched the paint on it, but that was only because I fell. Henry and James can use it, sometimes, and Helga, but Helga can’t ride a bike. She sucks.”
“I don’t suck! Look, we’re early!” Helga yells, crashing in through the front door. Her eyes widen when she sees Dream and George there, and she promptly shoves James back through the open door, hurtling into their parents and a bemused Sam and Ponk. “Wait, wait, everyone look at me!”
Dream and George aren’t smiling anymore. Neither is Daisy. Their guests are early, and Dream is-
Dream is heading straight for the stairs before anyone can say anything, racing upstairs without a word, while George looks wildly around the room for anything that could possibly suggest Dream’s presence. They haven’t told anybody else about the fact Dream is alive again: the only person that knows is Punz, who is away right now in a snow biome trying to find enough snow to decorate the back yard. 
Who’s due to be here again? George thinks desperately. Quackity, Karl, Sapnap. Sam, Ponk. Bad, Skeppy... The kids. The kids were all coming round, their presents arranged in neat piles thanks to Daisy and Dream the night before-
“They weren’t supposed to be here yet.” Daisy whispers, voice small, scared. “Are they gonna be mad at me for finding Dream?”
“No, no,” George says automatically, mind reeling, “they won’t be mad. I mean. They will be, at me, if they find out. So let’s just not tell them yet.”
“Lie?” Daisy asks. George hesitates.
On one hand, he’s sick of hiding the truth. He and Dream have... reconciled, over the months. Things are... almost fine between them, ignoring some of the major bumps they refuse to mention or ever talk about, but they get along well - of course they do. How can they not? He and Dream and Sapnap - they’d been parts that made up a whole, and he wants to tell people, he wants people to know and just be happy. 
Except that won’t happen. He’s not naive enough to think that. This isn’t the Red Days anymore (George’s hand strays to his neck, where a thin white clean scar refuses to fade away): he knows, now, the extent of the server’s anger and unease of Dream. And more than that, he won’t put Daisy at risk. She brought Dream back to life - the last thing he wants is for the server at large to find that out. George doesn’t want to think about what they’ll do to his daughter if they do.
“Yeah,” he agrees quietly, “lie. Just for now. Go and distract the others for a bit while I tidy, right? Give me two minutes.” And then, seeing his daughter’s face- “It’ll be fine. Pinky promise.”
Biting her lip, Daisy nods resolutely. “I trust you,” she says simply, and squeezes her pinky around her dad’s, before rushing outside. The front door slams shut, and George hears her join Helga and James in distracting his friends - which buys him a few precious minutes to rid the house of anything Dream related.
Where does he start?
HOLIDAY EVENT!! As Dream, George, and Daisy celebrate Christmas, guests show up unexpectedly early, guests who don’t know about Dream’s revival. It’s up to you to make sure they don’t find out on Christmas and ruin the day for everyone involved!!
TASK ONE - George can do five things before the adults come into his house. He can move things, throw things in the trash, hide things, close doors, etc. The more tasks you get right, the less chance the others have of finding Dream! Send asks with tasks George needs to do to avoid being caught out, and save Christmas for the kids :D
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helloo I'm back!!!!!! im so sorry I've been gone, it's ramadan right now and i can't be reading smut or anything like that, plus my exams are coming up and it's my final year in school so i can't mess this up. I've had ALOT of thoughts lately that no sane person in my circle can handle but i know you will. what do you think about a mamma mia typa situation in Greece with bucky (my feelings for him have resurfaced recently), tangerine and pietro? three very different people and one of them is the father (and one of them is gay bahahahaha). like reader meets pietro, then tangerine, then bucky (i know you'd be rooting for tangerine) then she has a kid and they all left her so she doesn't know who's the dad but then years later they all come back into her life and BAM her daughter should know and everything is all over the place. bonus points if reader sings at least 5 abba songs. obv you don't take requests and this isn't one but share your thoughts with me on this since im a bit of a scatter head and my new personality is donna sheridan so... yeah. love you and hope you're much better now 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
- 🦢
angelface!! omg hii hi!! firstly, ramadan mubarak to you, hope you’re doing good!! good luck for all your exams too, I believe in you!! be sure to take care of yourself😽
so…!! I read this as soon as I received it but couldn’t reply straight away and this has been ruminating on my mind!! IDEAS HAVE BEEN MARINATING BC I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS!!! and you calling me insane?? 😧😧 (kidding, but exactly that, same with me. no one would understand my brain rot except you guys. so we all in the same boat my pal)
I go through my bucky phases very often, and rn im in a deep one😭😭😭 usually I would go with tan no question, but now im not so sure (reckon tan would be the gay one???😭 but for the sake of this gonna say he’s not)
pietro: maybe you meet him when you’re travelling, maybe backpacking through europe with a group of strangers (guess who is in your group…😏) perhaps get close with pietro and have a summer fling. maybe exchange info towards the end of the trip, but both know it’s not going to work or go any further than a fling. might lose contact—but a message here and there
tangerine: next stop on your travels is england. not backpacking anymore, so it’s a standard holiday/ vacation (idk the logistics, so you have your stuff mailed over?? or go home for a few days and continue your travels??) but you decide to go sightseeing and find yourself in a pub. maybe it’s really busy so the table you had to yourself becomes one you share with 2 guys (can you guess who?) one of them goes off to play pool so the other gets left behind with you (can you guess who? see where this is going?) you two talk casually for a bit, you mention where you’re staying and what you’re doing in town (DO NOT DO THAT IRL !!) maybe you go back to your hotel room and he leaves early the next morning. would leave his name and his number on a piece of paper?? but you never see it bc it gets knocked off and falls under the bed and cleaned up by housekeeping the next day
bucky: would be several days after meeting tan and you’d be in the hotel lobby trying to work over some issues with card payments?? maybe there’s been an issue in their system so you’ve been hanging around the lobby/ reception a lot while they try to sort it. someone would come up beside you (have a guess who) and he’d ask you if everything was okay bc he’s seen you down here constantly for last couple days. he’d ask if there was anything he could do, then segues into asking you out tonight for dinner. he’s here for work so his schedule isn’t flexible and tonight is the only time available. you agree and would have a really lovely date, seal the deal later that night. and when you go up to his hotel room the next day, he won’t be in there. he didn’t know your room number, so he left his contact info at reception for them to give to you, but they never give it/ staff changes over so
kinda broke my heart with the tan and bucky one 😭😭😭
no idea if these make any sense. I write these as I think of the words, so essentially im just rambling in my brain and I type it out simultaneously. talking shit in other words😭 omg why does this make me want to do a 3 part series of their individual stories!!? (I know I won’t be able to do that, but man I wish I could)
love you and I am doing better now, thank you bby. sending love 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
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hunnylyss · 4 months
May 18th 2024
I'm constantly in thought and today I realized I want to release all of my inhibitions. I want my jaw to finally unclench, my shoulders to relax, and my head to stop hurting. I want to enjoy this life the best way I can. I realize I'm not in control of anything other than what I can do with my physical body and mental thoughts. I've been holding myself back thinking that I have to get to the next step each second instead of enjoying the current step and setting. Im tired truthfully. No more stressing over tomorrow's problems, no more feeling sorry for myself, and no more sitting in the idea that I'll never make it. Im in my truest isolation season, truly I have no friends. No one is continuously checking for me, and I have no man to answer to. This is the freedom I was praying for years ago and now that it's here I feel so stuck and alone. The point I'm trying to make is today at 9:23 pm; I realized I could change my perspective. Nobody is checking for me so I can do whatever I please without thinking of others first. I have no man to answer to which again means I can please myself. im basically MIA and I can do whatever I want. I'm not hiding from anyone, I'm not choosing to be mean or isolated. I'm just simply not forcing anyone to speak to me or see me unless they want to and I want to. It's strange to know that nobody is checking for me for days on end but for some reason, this is what I prayed for. Im in this place where I have to just commit to going through the motions and being okay. Praying, meditating, working out, going for walks, creating, reading, going to work, and doing God's work. Hopefully, I become a person who can appreciate all that I have so that I never feel like i'm missing anything.
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pr1ncessm00n · 3 years
Hi, everyone!! thank you so much for all the support and compassion. i'm sorry i've been kinda MIA for two days lol. that's kind of shitty of me to just not drop an update on Sunday and then disappear. but here's an in depth explanation as to wtf i've been doing and whats going to happen!! tw: heartbreak, depression, academic struggles
so obviously most of my chapter got deleted. i am actually almost done with rewriting it and i think it shaped out to be better than what i had previously written. i think by at least the end of the week it should be out, and it's VERY long just to make up for sunday's non update!! so i've been working a lot but thankfully my days off start tomorrow. i have a lot fo academic stress bc of some personal issues regarding my school quite literally fucking my schedule up and pushing my estimated graduation date back by oh... a few fucking months! great! literally hate that !! so ive been running around like a headless chicken trying to fix what wasn't my fault. sigh, i guess it should be resolved in a week or so, but as you can imagine i am so stressed about it. what makes me angrier is that it was not my own error. like to have to fix an issue that i did not cause?? i swear the staff at my school makes our experience harder not easier.
secondly, don't be fooled lol. i am writing this with tears down my face listening to harry styles and the aot season 3/4 theme song endings on repeat for almost 30 minutes because i had to end my 4 year relationship. that's a whole story for another day, but i don't think i will be okay mentally for a long time. he was my best friend and my first real love, so yeah. i might make our own love story into a fic or something just to cope but as for now thats another thing i have to deal with now!! my heart hurts a lot !! it's always the things you least expect. the worst part is it really isn't either of ours faults... or choice. i don't want to go into too much detail because even tho he's not on here and y'all don't know him, i want to respect his privacy. but the main reason is he has become very depressed, and even though i tried to help him as much as i could theres just some things you can't fix as a partner. i wish so much that i could take his pain away but i can't, i just can't.
sorry for that weird rant lol. it was a mutual decision, but it still hurts regardless lol. he was my bestfriend and lover in one, and i don't know how im going to continue my boring routine without him lol. but don't worry, i'll still be writing. if anything i'll probably write more. it distracts me, soothes me and is. great outlet. i don't plan on abandoning tumblr anytime soon lol.
thank you all so much for the support you guys are seriously the best group of people/fandom space i have witnessed in all my years as a fangirl. and i was around for 2014 tumblr so thats saying something. you guys have motivated me a lot to write more and improve, and i actually feel heard on this tiny blog (altho u have managed to make it not so tiny any more in the span of such a short few months?? im literally at 420 followers and i was at 300 a few weeks ago?? wow. im also about to hit 500 notes oh god.) you guys have literally given me so much inspiration and im so grateful for the friendships ive made already!! i have plenty of requests in my inbox to work on as well. im also creating a tag system so stay tuned!!
anyways, i feel so blessed to have such attentive followers and readers and you guys literally make me laugh everyday. its not just about notes or followers to me, but its so amazing how through tiny screens we can all share our love for some 2d characters and how for some reason my writing has struck a nerve with some of you. i love you all <3
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castiel-barnes · 3 years
In Uniform.
Pairing: WW2 pilot Poe x fem! Reader.
Summary: After lots of trouble, Poe finally comes home to you. Set in World War 2.
Warnings: Hurt comfort. Mentions of blood. Swearing.
Wordcount: 1.8k
Tags: @mandosmimi @phoenixhalliwell
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When Poe said he was going into the Air Force, you wanted to cry and slap him and tell him "no." But you also wanted to spend almost every waking moment with him and saying "I love you."
Whilst Poe was away, you spent every Monday and Friday with his father Kes. Kes was just as worried for Poe as you were. This was because Poe was his only family he had left. When Poe was young, his mother died in a flight accident. And since then Kes worried about Poe whenever he done one of his stupid stunts.
Dear sweetheart,
I honestly can't tell you how much I hate being away from you, and how much I am missing you. I wish that the two of us could be on that beach again with beebs from our last holiday. It's boring without you next to me darling. Just wish I could feel your touch again.
I'm going on a mission soon. I'm not sure how long I'll be in the air for, but it shouldn't be too long. The boys pick on me for having your picture amongst my stuff. It's in that book I said I got, to keep it nice and so it won't get creased.
Its a beautiful picture of you. I really like that summer dress on you.
I love you with all my heart.
Your pilot,
Poe xx
You smiled everytime you got a letter from Poe. Although sometimes you couldn't really read the pencil scribble, cause it was written in such haste. The two of you sent regular letters, sometimes you would add a photo and a small flower.
Darling Poe,
I think I miss you just as much as you miss me. I know that Beebs definitely misses you, he keeps sitting in your spot and whining.
I hope you are well my love. I wish you could be here holding me. Breena McKenna got a telegram the other day. Both Joseph and Richard died at Omaha Beach. Beebs and I went over there to comfort her. I wish you would've been here to help.
I hope that this war ends soon, so that I can be back in your arms again. Stay safe my pilot.
I love you so much.
Your sweetheart,
Y/n. Xx
You started to worry though. Poe's letters hadn't been arriving, and you thought that maybe he was busy. But it dragged on, and the pit of worry started to form in your stomach.
You and Breena were out on your porch, when two men dressed in military uniform came up to you. Breena looked at you, worry starting to show on her face.
"Mrs Dameron?" One asked,
"That's me." You replied feeling Breena's hand touch yours gently. The other guy gave you a telegram, and you felt your heart stutter for a moment. Opening the telegram, you saw 4 words written neatly on the paper.
'Lieutenant Poe Dameron. MIA.'
You felt tears threatening to spill onto your cheek.
"E-excuse me, what does MIA mean?" You ask to double check you knew what it meant,
"Missing in action. I'm sorry Ma'am." The first man replied. As the men left, you felt your breathing pick up.
"Y/n come inside." Breena stated quietly. But you didn't get inside, you fell to the ground and started to sob.
"H-he promised Breena. He promised me he'd come home." You whimpered as Breena held you.
Somewhere in France:
Poe's plane had been shot down by a Messerschmitt 109. Now he was floating down to the ground.
"Shit... shit." Poe said as the parachute drifted towards some trees. He managed to miss the trees and land safely on the ground.
The only things Poe had on him was a knife and his side arms. He looked around and found that he was completely alone. It was quiet and everything around Poe seemed to be completely still. That was until he heard a twig snap.
"Flash" a voice came,
"Thunder." Poe replied. Out of the woods came a platoon of airborne troopers. Easy company.
"What's your name trooper?" A sergeant asked,
"Lieutenant Poe Dameron 2nd squadron." Poe replied looking at the small platoon of airborne troopers.
"Sergeant Lypton sir. What's an air force officer doing in the middle of the woods sir?" Lypton asked,
"Plane got shot down. Just a simple recon mission." Poe stated.
"We'll get you back to our section sir and you can talk to Captain Winters." Lypton said. The platoon formed in to staggered form, with Poe walking next to Lypton.
All of the sudden bullets started to fly through the air. Everyone dropped to the ground and started to fire back. The tree near Poe exploded and wood fragments went into his leg and partially into his side. Lypton heard Poe scream in pain and instantly went to help him.
"Sir!! It's alright you're gonna be alright. Poe come on stay with me." Lypton shouted applying pressure to Poes wounds. Lyptons hands were covered in blood. In Poe's blood.
Poe could feel his body getting lifted up and carried. But other than that Poe's senses had gone and he was on the verge of passing out.
When Poe came round, he found himself in a tent amongst other men. He tried to move but as he did he felt the pain yet dulled down go through his side and down his leg.
"Try not to move sir." A voice from next to him said,
Poe looked to his side and saw Sergeant Lypton. Poe smiled a little and laid his head back down.
"Is it bad?" Poe asked, his voice slightly croaky,
"If I'm honest sir. Your leg is in quite bad shape sir, but you still have it. You're getting transferred nearer to where your base is." Lypton explained.
"Okay, thank you Lypton. Thanks for helping me." Poe responded,
"It's my pleasure sir, stay safe." Lypton stated standing up and saluting. Poe slauted back and rested for the rest of the day.
Later that day, Poe had managed to get transferred to an aid station right near his base. His best friend Snap came into the tent and found him.
"Shit Poe, we thought you died." Snap stated hugging Poe,
"I thought I did for a moment. I- I need to call Y/n she'll be worried as hell and so would dad." Poe groaned.
"Alright, here." Snap pulled up a wheel chair and helped Poe into it. "Careful Poe, I've got you." Snap continued,
Snap wheeled Poe of the Aid tent, and found a spare phone that wasn't in use. Snap left Poe for a bit, so he could talk to you and his father in private.
Your phone rang and your head snapped up from where it was reading the newspaper. You quickly went over to it and picked it up.
"Hello?" You stated,
"Y/n? It's Poe... darling it's me." Poe responded. Your heart stopped.
"Poe? It's you, are you alright? What happened? Oh I can hear you." You said sobbing over the phone,
"I'm alright apart from my leg and my side but don't worry. Baby listen to me, I'm gonna see you very soon I promise." Poe said closing his eyes, tears coming to his.
"You're coming home?" You asked,
"Yeah baby, im coming home." Poe replied. "I'll be home soon Y/n, I love you so much." He continued.
"I love you too, be careful Poe." You responded finally smiling after days. As soon as Poe hung up, you ran over to Breena's.
"Breena!! He's alive!!" You exclaimed,
"What?" She asked.
"Poe! He's alive." You said. She smiled and hugged you. Breena really didn't want you to go through what she did with her brothers.
Snap took him back to the tent, and helped him back onto the bed.
"We're gonna miss the hell out of Poe." Snap stated,
"I know you will, we'll go for drinks once this shit is over yeah?" Poe replied, snap smiled and agreed.
A few days later:
Poe was finally on his way back to you. He had all of his belongings, especially the book he had with your picture inside of it. He was in full uniform, but he was also on crutches so his leg could continue to heal properly.
You heard a knock at your door, and you quickly brushed yourself down before answering it. As you answered it, your jaw dropped to see your pilot. You smiled and hugged him and felt one of his hands come to your back.
"Hey baby." Poe whispered,
"Hi." You replied holding back a sob.
"I'm home." Poe said kissing you on the forehead. You smiled tearfully and felt him wipe the tears away. Helping Poe into the house, you looked over him fully. There he was wearing uniform, but on crutches at the same time.
"What?" Poe asked, noticing you looking at him,
"You look handsome in uniform." You responded smiling and smoothing down the lapel of his jacket. Poe blushed, and it wasn't often you could get Poe to blush.
"Thank you honey." He smiled back kissing you gently. All of a sudden you heard the quick patter and sliding of nails on hard wood floor. Beebs, your and Poe's yellow labrador came barrowling through the house and practically jumped at Poe. Poe landed with a soft grunt and a groan which quickly turned into laughter.
"Hey buddy I missed you too." Poe stated smiling "you been doing your job beebs?" He continued playing with Beebs. Poe played with Beebs a little longer and then Beebs went off to have dinner.
"Do you want help honey?" You asked Poe who was still sitting on the floor,
"Yes please darling." Poe replied, you helped him up and gave him back his crutches.
"I'm going to get out of this uniform." He continued,
"Okay sweet." You replied and watch him go off into your shared bedroom. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Breena walking up your walk. She smiled at you.
"Is he okay?" She asked,
"He's on crutches but at least he's in one piece." You replied smiling back. And speaking of the devil, Poe came back dressed in normal clothing for the first time in over a year.
"Hey Breena." Poe smiled,
"Hi Poe, how are you?" Breena asked.
"As best as i can be in these." Poe gestured to the crutches, "I'm sorry to hear about your brothers." He continued,
"It's alright, we all knew it could happen. You're a lucky man to have this lady here Poe, she has the kindest heart out of everyone I know." Breena replied smiling. You smiled and blushed a little. Breena said goodbye and left the two of you be, for the rest of the day. The two of you sat together cuddled up on the sofa, sharing soft glances and sweet kisses.
"Does it hurt?" You asked quietly,
"Only a little, but not as bad as it did when it happened." Poe replied kissing the top of your head.
You were so glad to have Poe home. Although he was still recovering from his injuries, he was there.
You had your little family back.
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