#sorry if i disappointed vsdjivndjd
werewolfannie · 3 years
thought on community characters as tma fears? 👀 (u can take slaughter annie from my cold dead gay hands)
first of all, i want to thank you profusely for asking this question. i’ve been waiting for an opportunity to talk about this for such a long time sfboiidfnv
second of all, i want to preface my thoughts with a disclaimer that i think all members of the study group (except for britta and troy) are in one way or another fitted for the web, but for the sake of unique answers, i’m only assigning it to the one i think works best
let’s get on with it shall we
jeff: the lonely. if anyone from the study group were to kin the known edgelord petey lukas, it would be jeff. aloof loner who took a chance on friendship, but still finds it hard to get used to it. now, i know jeff’s pursuit of solitude is most likely a defense mechanism, not a deep-seated desire, but it’s still something he actively tries to draw his power from. and that’s just what the fears are waiting for
britta: the corruption. i struggled with britta, cause she is so undefined and mutable by the show’s own admission, but i think corruption fits her best. evidence no. 1: she loves worms. evidence no. 2: she’s definitely vulnerable to romanticising toxic love and to getting fully corrupted by someone who’s using her.
shirley: the eye. i don’t think shirley would be a good target for any of the fears due to her principles, her firmly established boundaries, and the importance of faith in her life (she shares those traits with adelard dekker i think. she’s not gertrude bc she’s a good person actually disvusfvi sorry gertrude stans), but her love for gossip and her fear of other people’s perception of her definitely put her on the eye’s radar.
troy: the dark. troy’s need for guidance and the perpetually lacking sense of direction make him a perfect match for the dark, which promises spiritual fulfillment through a lack of total understanding. i think he’d really vibe with manuela’s statement and its praise of the unknown. he’d also love the “the monument” episode and its critique of academia but that’s by the by
abed: the web. okay, i’m a little behind on tma, but from what i do know, the web is the brilliant and inconspicuous puppeteer that really digs visual media and, well, what’s more abed than that? abed, just like the web, has the ability to contrive intricate plans whose details remain unknown to anyone but him and which (almost?) always succeed. plus, he definitely gets a kick out of pulling the strings (although, as we know, he’s never outright cruel and has tons of love and compassion, which the web most likely lacks).
annie: the hunt. while i can certainly see annie being assigned to the slaughter, her determination in pursuing her goals combined with her fierce loyalty make her a textbook hunt avatar. in my opinion, her violence is rarely senseless, and almost always directed at something very specific.
pierce: the desolation. i wasn’t sure whether to assign him to the slaughter or to the lightless flame, but i ultimately decided that his acts of destruction are enacted with a specific goal in mind — to kill what’s important and meaningful to others. yes, his reasoning is vengeance, not unadulterated pleasure, but it doesn’t change much in my opinion (and he definitely does like hurting people for no reason).
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