#sorry if this is all over! its been a while so im shakin the crust off
limbusimagines · 2 years
Hi Mod Liqui! I'm so happy to see someone writing for LC. This game is so cool but a bit hard xD
Could you write a platonic! reader(gender neutral) x emil? Reader may or may not be a sinner. As for genre, maybe angst but with a happy ending? Like reader is in danger but our german boi is here to save us. Hope that makes sense lol
Thank you in advance!
p.s. sorry if I said smth dumb. I struggle a lot with english
Of course! Also no worries hehe, you came across perfectly fine! Congratulations on being the first ask!
Sinclair saving civilian Reader
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
You just had to have been stupid enough to dart out of your dingy home without checking the time properly. Your adrenaline fueled mind hadn't made the connection to cast a glance at the LED clock on your nightstand after you had realized your cat had bolted out of your apartment through a window you had forgotten to close.
Rushing through the streets in your pajamas like a disheveled madman, you hadn't yet realized the danger that would continue to arise with every call of your cat's name.
It was only once you found the poor thing with paws layered a deep black and fur matted with grime and dirt, fearfully trodden deep within the backstreets, you had realized the situation you were in.
While your adrenaline addled self was too busy coaxing your terrified cat down a rusted apartment fan unit she had somehow leaped to, a hulking figure began to approach you.
The unpleasant grind of metal against metal working in unison to approach you gave way to another presence and you were (unfortunately) able to recognize what this presence was.
Rusted plates, quiet whine of release valves, a stark and stained blade, and piercing amber glow.
It was 3am in the backstreets, and you found yourself in the middle of a sweeper cleanup.
Instincts kicked in, and you bolted.
Despite the frenzied thoughts going through your mind, you had managed to pick out a single coherent one & figured it was better you than your poor cat, who you wish you could've taken better care of.
You weaved corner after corner, ungracefully leaping across some piles of rubbish, nailing a couple of rough landings that your ankles nearly gave way to. You'd hadn't looked back at your pursuers to see if they had gained distance on you, you didn't want to.
You figured that, maybe, by some stroke of luck, if you could bear through the burning of your lungs and ache of your feet long enough, you would be able to run into a fixer office.
However, you approach a dead end.
Perfect. Excellent.
It was over, you had officially taken the reward for Dumbass Of The Year. You didn't even want to bother with a prayer or some grim ovation as a testament to your life as the seconds count down. Your cat was the only one who would've ever really known you were missing.
You let out a derisive snort and, in an act of complete defeat, hunched down. Accepting your gruesome end.
However, what bode for you wasn't exactly as you had thought.
Wet, light steps sounded out, the rhythm of it's approach sounded.. cautious? It was as if they were carefully inspecting the scene of some wreck, the metaphorical wreck being you. You could tell this wasn't a sweeper.
You looked up and, what you saw was a stark contrast to your expectations.
A short, dirty blonde boy, clad in a black coat with red accents and a slightly yellowed from age dress shirt with suspenders and a red tie.
He was carefully holding your cat.
"..Um, I think this is yours?" He delicately called out.
Despite your heart hammering out of your throat, you could tell from your assessment, he did not belong to any fixer association you were aware of, which did set off some internal alarms but he seemed to have no ill-intent and even went out of his way to fetch your cat.
"W..Where's the..-- There are sweepers," Your voice was frail and taught, "Here. There are sweepers out. One was..--"
The boy flinched and looked around, nervously scanning the area.
"Oh, um, I think I got that one that was targeting you..?" He looked back, clearly unsure of how to approach your terrified figure.
He cast a glance at your cat in his arms and delicately smiled.
"I never had a pet when I was young." He seemed unsure of what to say now, as he tentatively outstretched his arms as he lowered himself to the ground, letting your cat comfortably ease out of his hands.
You, on the other hand, leaned against the wall that caved you into this dead end, breathing a sigh of relief as you felt the adrenaline begin to wear off. Your lungs and feet were burning, but that couldn't have been as worse as death.
The boy looked at you with a sympathetic look, seemingly wanting to offer a reply, before your cat had begun to rub herself between his legs.
He let out a small laugh and you straightened back up to call out, "Mimi! Come on! you've caused enough trouble for the fixer tonight, last thing he needs is your dirty ass hair on his work suit!"
Despite your scolding words, there was a mental reassurance behind it. You had been saved, your cat had been saved, you could go home with her. You had known living in the backstreets was not a cakewalk and had heard of all the horror stories, so it was for that, you felt as if you could burst into tears.
"Heheh.. it's no problem, um.." The boy hesitated, you could tell that naturally in his manner of speaking he wanted to roll your name off his tongue but had not much to go by. You noticed this and shared it with him. He repeated it back to you to affirm he had been listening.
"Right, as I was saying," He cautiously reached to pick up your cat once again, who had still been lovingly rubbing her face against his legs, "It's really no problem."
He walked closer towards you, dropping your cat near your side as he took a couple of gentle pets on her head.
"She's a sweetheart." He remarked.
You pondered back on his earlier comment about never having a pet, and wondered why he had even bothered with you in the first place.
Almost as if he read your mind, he continued, "Uhm.. as I said earlier, I never really had a pet. Closest thing was the bugs and worms."
You let out a tiny smile, and gave him a curious stare.
"Bugs and worms?" You would've offered a witty follow-up, if it wasn't for the fact this man had saved you seconds ago, so you held your tongue.
He seemed to nervously recount his earlier sentence, as if he were embarrassed over saying the wrong thing, nonetheless he replied.
"Yeah.. um, I'd feel bad for stepping on them, I had named 'em too, y'know. So, when I heard you earlier, calling out for your cat and all, curiosity got the best of me and.. well, I don't think I could've not intervened."
Silence fell over the both of you, as you cryptically stared back at him.
"T-Thank you.." The light of the moon happened to catch his ID at a perfect angle and, you could make out his name from it.
"Sinclair. Huh.." A small smile tugged at the corner of your lips.
Mimi grazed her head against your chest, and you reciprocated the attention she craved.
"You're more than welcome to pet her, Sinclair." You follow up, "It seems she's taken a liking towards you."
The boy, now recognized as Sinclair, slightly tenses up. Uncertainty painting his expression as he muses on a thought.
"Well, I can't be here too long but.."
He cradles Mimi's head, hesitation to touch her completely dissolved.
"I think I can go and escort you two back." A gentle look falls over his face as he watches your cat, "Wouldn't want anything to happen to this sweet girl."
Your heart fills up a bit, not in the sense you were infatuated with Sinclair, but you were always appreciative of those that respect and dote on animals.
You had a feeling the walk back wouldn't be short of conversation between you two.
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