#sorry if this is like. everything you’ve heard before JKDKSWN
ktsumu · 6 months
hi this is so unrelated but I’ve seen you post about being a stem student (I think) and literally how do you cope with finals 😭😭 i did so bad last sem and I need advice (1st year chem eng) if you have any!
i am so unqualified to answer this but here’s like …. my tips … for having written 8 finals in like 6 days last semester in the same boat as you basically SO!
this might be different because I’m a biochem major (technically bio with a chem minor now but still taking courses for introductory BSc requirements) and not chem eng BUT my friends in chem eng share a lot of my courses right now SO:
for math, physics, chem: practice problems until u want to die. like until you seriously want to scratch your eyeballs out. i aced my physics final by JUST doing practice problems FOR HOURS and watching theory videos on youtube for long-answer questions!! if you get stuck (ESPECIALLY on physics) take a break or get a fresh set of eyes to set you in the right direction. if i ever got stuck I literally just left it for an hour, came back and could do it
for calc (calc 2 especially because jesus fuck) i do active recall on a whiteboard for all of the trig substitution stuff (power reducing, product sum etc) because there’s a LOT. also the trig subs for like 1+x^2 and all that. OR i remember one and learn how to get the others from that but that’s kinda hard … mainly I focus trig because that’s what i think is the most dense but reddit forums can help you deal with any problem areas you have!! discord math help servers rock too
if you’re taking biology or psych as an elective or pre req, ACTIVE RECALL. bio pathways on whiteboards especially!!!! so good for metabolic pathways (we did a baseline coverage of them) and the krebs cycle!!! acronyms and rhymes are super good for bio (mainly bio 1 but you know)
also biochem if you’re taking it before second year: the app ‘amino acid quiz’ is a LIFESAVER i memorized them by doing it like once a day … i could draw them in my sleep right now i swear to fod
OVERALL: prioritize yourself overall! also do not compare with your friends outside right before the exam, i found it could be helpful but overall just stressed everyone out because we all studied the content in different ways. you’ll do great!! 🤍🤍 be kind to yourself always, university is hard!
drink water and you got this!!! sending you hugs for finals season friend!
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