#sorry if this isn't what you meant but it was either this or stats :D
poisonedfate · 2 months
Ooh an ask game-- tell me a story about you/your day? Whatever you'd like to share.
hi lovely!
my day has been quite uneventful - just a bunch of gif making and exam-prep avoidance, so we'll go with something a little more overall.
i don't know if this counts as fun or a story, but all that's in my head right now is what we've talked about in class recently. a favourite of mine was discussing common myths in media, such as - we only use 10% of our brains or better learning is based on preferred learning styles or hemispheric dominance can be used as an explanation for differences amongst learners.
don't know if it as fun of a fact to others as it is to me, but hey! i hope it's at least a little interesting
ask me stuff
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