#sorry if you two have been getting confused heehee. symptom of being friends with me
southislandwren · 2 years
fuck i just proofread my friend's research so she could submit it to a journal and i forgot how much i love proofreading :((
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theinsanecrayonbox · 7 years
KP watches Gifted ep 12/13
woooo! 2 hour season finale! and by 2 hour, they mean 2 episodes...lets see if this needed to be a double douse, or if we could’ve had 3 weeks of episodes after the winter break, instead of the stupid “on 1 week, off 1 week, on for finale”
this is super extra long so i’ll spare you with a cut
oh last time tells us that the Friends of Humanity equivalent are “Purifiers” ok...disappointing...but they are FOH until they actually show up then
gasp! diet-Sinister backstory?? we could’ve had this way sooner if we didn’t have all the Wonder Twins subplot...wow you really do sound like a HYDRA guy
still adoring the Cuckoos. and we reiterate that they’re “Purifiers” ok....and that event sounds an awful lot like the one that Bishop was sent back in time to prevent Senator Kelly from getting assassinated from in TOS and the event that Senator Kelly was killed at in the movies...though i know Pro-Human rallies are common...
Blink’s old criminal friends??? ZOMR is she a Creed???? oh...it was against the FOH...and eeee she hooked up with the Brotherhood!!! she could’ve worked with Victor. i’m taking it. first Lorna is Erik’s, now this; you are finally delivering Gifted
Lorna tell Marcos you’re a Magnus
oh hi Wonder Twins....are you saying your great-grandparents were building Eden? is that where this is going?
if not-Sinister wants to eliminate the X-gene...did Price use that research in making his corn in Logan?
yup gotta remind us that Mom and Dad Strucker aren’t mutants
heehee Roswell. sorry that make me chuckle
wow Andy, explaining the magic friendship bracelet sounds stupid when you say it too
ah so the *MAIN CHARACTERS* are gonna go off on their side quest to grandma’s house. gotchya. at least it makes sense in context and we’re not ignoring the people we wanna see...
pft Brotherhood ain’t backing this Johnny. they don’t have money. idk why you didn’t think Hellfire Club, it was mentioned by you guys before you know...
seriously Mom is the best Strucker, Wonder Twins go home
Lauren don’t nearly quote Spiderman, you’re not cool enough for that
oh we’re in North Carolina...did i know that?
haha say Campbell’s name all you want tv, he’s still diet-Sinister to me
that was a bad affect on Lorna’s knife...
billionaire mutant?? Warren??? or did she say it was a “she”...i might’ve missed that... awww no hint about Vic looking for Clair? gimme more Esme! you’re the best for exposition and easter eggs!
and the knife affects are still bad...how can you mess that up when everything else looks good?
and cut away to Struckers....feels a little sucky since we were having a cool moment with the B-team...and cut to commercial, so lets see who’s big dramatic moment was more important then as we’re a quarter through the finale...
oh i guess the Struckers are more important...ask a stupid question, and get the obvious answer i guess
season 1 is gonna end with Andy going off with the bad guys and Lauren staying with the good guys isn’t it? and Lorna will leave with the bad guys too...and not-Sinister will idk, change colors. i’m calling it now.
the senator from Georgia is in NC...ok? why not ask the NC senator?
hey back to the B-team! Frost eyes are purdy
oh it’s Blink’s eyes that everyone sees as weird not that she’s pink...again, colored contacts anyone? wait bad guys in your family’s past? are they keeping Blink’s familial relationship to Apocalypse? as far as i knew none of her family had the X-gene present...unless she was adopted young by Victor and doesn’t know they aren’t blood related? or...they are blood related here for some reason?? and if she was part of the Brotherhood, did she think Lorna was related to Erik earlier too? “you don’t wind up looking like me without the X-gene floating around your gene pool” (excuse the paraphrasing) i mean...what?? explain yourself Clair, i am very confused, and intrigued, and excited. are you...are you actually going to do the thing i said way back in the beginning with Clair and Lorna being parallels about dealing with their family’s legacies?
grandpa Strucker had an assistant...who is it??? Magdalene Rismen? idt she’s a real Marvel person... stop with the teen angst Wonder Twins
wait this FOH event has been going on for 10 years? 
ok touching moment Thunderblink, but now’s not the time to be having it...
oh yeah you’re pulling an Anikin Andy, turn away  from the darkside before it’s too  late!
is she squishing the cell reception? that...seems implaussible...yet makes more sense than internet ghosts hating red, so...
children meat shirleds-oh how evil! and showing off Johnny’s imperviousness-yay!
and oh halfway mark since we have a sudden cut away because these weren’t edited to be aired together. goodie... >>
Lorna backstory! and we revisit her bipolarness...neat...Evangeline the layer who can turn red demony...you’re Vange Whedon, neat!
and against since not edited to air together, lets replay the opening title and credits
ok time to count how many times they say Xmen in this half; count so far 2
it’s not too late Andy, stop going Vader!
oh hi Sentinel Services guy. you got some new knockoff Wonder Twins with their magic friendship bracelet
why is your blood red on your shirt Marcos when you bleed gold goo?
you’ve never seen a conference like that...even though it happens every year for the past 10 years? and yeah we’re really  going to highlight Lorna’s bipolarness now 
and Wonder Twins being emo... (Xmen count: 3)
Nice thigh holster Lorna. and Erik saw Lorna when she turned 13?? or maybe the medallion was mailed to her...but huh, i guess he decided to keep tabs after realizing he missed out on Peter’s life maybe? after, you know, waiting to see if she had powers...
uhoh Sentinel Services guy found the mutant hideout...hey it’s the guard guy from the first episode, hi!
you tell him Mom! also dude, why question that order; you don’t want to get the little kids out safely?
oh they can see the Cuckoos’ eyes change colors when they use their telepathy...wow that’s inconvenient...i almost thought it was just for us the viewer’s sakes
let’s dig a tunnel! why...didn’t anyone else think of that? and thank goodness for *MAIN CHARACTER* to take control of everything, not like there’s any other high ranking underground peoples who know what to do around...
oh you get a name Shatter? neat! who’s our strongman? and the teenagers get names that i couldn’t catch and won’t look up ^^;
why is Dad the only one with a gun? why aren’t there more people with guns?
“i’ve had friends who were bipolar, and assassination plots are not one of the symptoms” lol oh Blink, you are awesome and sassy and i love you
oh you brought out the other Hounds to attack now...that’s not good
oh sweet Mom can use a sniper rifle...i really hope she doesn’t die
oh Wonder Twins if you blow up the building you won’t die, you’re *MAIN CHARACTERS*, so your offer of self sacrifice is hollow to me...but the show down against  your knockoff version is pretty neat, ii’ll give you that
and a nice scene transition!
(Xmen count: 6)
wow that was pretty much an Erik vs Charles speech Lorna and Marcos had...fake explosion was fake though boo. where’d your effects budget go? it went to the Wonder Twins didn’t it? booooo
why are we in Nashville suddenly? haha “J. Kirby’s” though, cute
see the Wonder Twins lived, and so did Mom so yay! i was sorta worried there cause they kept making her so awesome...
oh wow you’re surprised that they’re backstabbing you Sentinel Services guy?
(Xmen count: 7)
Lorna why are you wearing that stupid low cut thing? are you the Black Queen now?
and yup Andy pulling Vader, so duh (Xmen count: 9) though pointless to take only 1 Wonder Twin there Cuckoos, don’t you know they’re useless otherwise
HA! House of M logo! yaaas! 
but ok, i almost called the ending; Lorna goes bad, Andy  goes bad, but not-Sinister didn’t turn colors...as far as we know. did i think these two episodes *had* to be aired together; oh heck no. i’m glad i didn’t have to wait sure...but i still think the on again-off again-oh we’re done scheduling was stupid. and if they had to air them together, they should’ve been edited to flow better.
but we are getting a Season 2, and i am looking forward to seeing where that takes us.
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