#sorry ik it’s london and they don’t use those terms
es-3 · 2 months
i’m sorry, if jessica died when she was 15, and she’s 6 years older than lockwood, and she died 6 years before he showed lucy and george her room at the end of the whispering skull, which takes place the june after the november of the screaming staircase, which is 6 months after lucy joins the agency, and george joined a year before her, that means that he was 15 when he showed them the room, 14 when lucy joins the agency, and 13!! when george does. he was either like 12 or 13 when he started the agency. i thought they were like 16 screaming staircase and 18 by the end of it this is so weird
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Yet Another Rewrite (Part 2)
For the thomstair appreciation week by @youngreckless ik it's over. Sorry I'm late :(
You can read part 1 here then come back and read this one.
Thomas and Alastair working things out part 2. Enjoy!
Tw: mentions of racism, bullying, abuse, colonialism
"Even our angels have mercy, Thomas." His voice was hollow now. 
Despair threatened to pull him under. It wasn't worth it. Anything. He would always be like this. It was a miracle even Cordelia was able to look him in the eye without hate. He did deserve this, he thought, settling back on his bed, all the fight drained. He deserved every blow and every bruise he'd inflicted on others.
Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa 
Funny that he now remembered his Latin lessons.
The bed dipped under Thomas's heavier weight, and he felt a flash of warmth when hesitant fingers crept over his skin. Too close. He was too close. 
Let go, he wanted to say, but lies seemed to evade him whenever Thomas Lightwood was present. His eyes looked dark brown in the dim lighting. There were  dents on his bottom lip where he must have bitten it. It took everything in him to not let his hands rise and trace the lines of his jaw.
"I remember Paris."
Alastair's eyes widened. He sat frozen, and Thomas took that as his cue to continue. "You were kind to me when I was very alone, and I am grateful." He looked up, face a bit red. "It was the first time I realized you could be kind.”
He tried not to let the last comment needle him. “It is my favorite memory of Paris as well.”
“You don’t have to say that. I know you were there with Charles.”
His jaw went tight. Not that. Anything but that. "Charles Fairchild? What about him?”
Thomas cocked his head to the side, his expression innocent. “Wouldn’t that be your best memory of Paris?”
“Exactly what are you suggesting?”
“I’m not suggesting anything." His tone indicated the exact opposite though. Cheeky little–
"I’ve seen the way you look at Charles, the way he looks at you. I’m not an idiot, Alastair, and I’m asking …” Thomas shook his head, sighing. 
He was going to say it. Right here. Angel help him.
“I suppose I’m asking if you’re like me.”
There it was. 
Perhaps he could salvage this conversation. He gathered his thoughts, straightened out of his slouching position.
“Thomas Lightwood,” he said. “I am nothing like you."
Thomas stared as if he'd been clubbed on the head, eyes dazed in shock again. He was shuffling from side to side, probably preparing to launch himself far, far away from him.
A bit more effort, dâdâsh, Layla said in his head, amused and exasperated.
Right. “I am nothing like you, Thomas." His breathing was faltering again, throat closing up, fighting against the vulnerability he was exposing. “Because you are one of the better people I have ever known. You have a kind nature and a heart like some knight out of legend. Brave and proud and true and strong. All of it.” 
He smiled bitterly. “And all the time you have known me, I have been a terrible person. So, you see. We are nothing at all alike.”
His head snapped up, surprise etched on his features. His eyes started twinkling again. What was he doing to him? Even looking at him made Alastair want to smile. 
He hadn't wanted to smile in a long, long time.
"I'm not—" Thomas broke off. "That's not what I meant."
Don't I know that, eshgham? "I know what you meant." His voice had softened. The words hung in the air for a moment. But he needed some answers of his own now. "How did you know about Charles?"
“You wouldn’t tell me what you were doing in Paris,” Thomas replied. Alastair thought he heard a note of hurt in his voice, but promptly dismissed the notion. “But you mentioned Charles, over and over again, like you got pleasure out of just saying his name. And when you came to London this summer, I saw the way you looked at him. I know what it is to have to hide the—the signs of affection.”
“Then I imagine you may have noticed I don’t look at Charles that way anymore.”
What did you just say, Carstairs? Admitting to your own failures now? Couldn't even hold on to first love?
His jaw tightened again. Get out of my head, baba. Charles. Get out, both of you.
“I suppose I did,” Thomas said. “Though for the past four months, I’ve been trying not to look at you. I told myself I hated you. But I could never really make myself. When Elias died, all I could think about was you. What you must be feeling.”
His father's name reopened the gashes on his heart. Heat sparked behind his eyelids. “I insulted your father and blackened his name. You were under no obligation to care about mine.”
“I know, but sometimes I think that it is much harder to lose someone who we are on bad terms with than it is to lose someone with whom all is well.”
“Bloody hell, Thomas. You should hate me, not be thinking about what I must be feeling—” Alastair passed a hand over his face. It came back wet with tears. He didn’t even know when that happened. He’d never had an audience for his crying before. 
"But I do," said Thomas softly. His fingers ghosted higher along Alastair's wrist, making his heart skip a beat. Once, twice, three times.
Bewildered, he marvelled at the sensation such a small touch could cause. 
"I'm sorry." Thomas's voice was soft, filled with guilt. His head bowed as if in prayer. "I—what you said. What happened at school." His gaze trailed over Alastair's features, and he shook his head. "I always found you beautiful. Then and now. I didn't know people hated how you looked. You're like a poem, but in human form."
"Poem," Alastair repeated numbly. If his brain had short-circuited before, it was blown to bits now. No one had ever called him that.
Charles had called him a beautiful secret. His safe haven. His comfort and best friend.
Never a poem.
"Yes." Thomas's cheeks were slowly flushing rose. Another nice contrast with his skin and hair. "Graceful. Elegant. Confident. You were always so poised and sharp. Like one of Jamie's knives. You were smart, managed to turn people over. They listened to you. Look what you did just now. I didn't know what to do. If I wanted you. Or if I wanted to be you. Remember when I followed you around school?"
Alastair's rusty throat muscles regained a bit of their ability. He wanted me? It wasn’t the best, but it was okay. Charles had wanted him. It hadn’t been too bad. Until the end. Until the horror of his actions had dawned on him. Until he realized that all his time spent with Charles had been wasted in tending to his needs, not Alastair’s. He hadn’t even known a relationship required his own needs to be taken care of. That it was a necessity. 
"I remember,” he managed. “Then I met you in Paris and you’d grown up and turned into Michelangelo’s David. I thought you were beautiful. But I was still caught up with Charles—” He broke off, regret weighting his stomach. “Just another thing I’ve wasted. Your regard for me. I wasted my time and my affection on Charles. I wasted my chance with you.”
Thomas blinked. And blinked. And blinked. A pulse had started in the base of his neck, thudding against the delicate skin. Alastair raised his eyes only to find him already staring. 
"Thomas?" His name tasted strange on his tongue.
"You said angels too have mercy," he said in answer. "I—I must apologize. I'll admit I didn't know how people treated your family. I have been sheltered in that regard."
"You must know where those indigo-dyed silks came from," said Alastair softly. They were from India. Ariadne had mentioned it during their little dance, the news that had trickled in. The brown-skinned, hollow-eyed servants brought in for labour by mundanes and Shadowhunters alike. "Or why England never has a shortage of adamas, but my country does." 
That one was still going on. Britain liked guising their nefarious schemes behind offers of trade. 
He released a sigh, shaking his head in despondence. "They never tell you. Layla and I knew because we saw it happen; we know our histories ever since we could walk and talk. And it still happens. It's more than demons and humans for us. It’s always been that way." He held one brown hand up to the light, and Thomas’s eyes followed. “This isn’t apparently how we were supposed to look. I tried changing that, and it did work for sometime but.. I hated myself even then. I hated my family and my culture and my books. Do you flinch from your own face, Thomas? I always did. Still do, sometimes. 
“I hate that my skin isn’t like yours. If it was, perhaps people wouldn’t have said so many things. Perhaps I wouldn’t have as many bruises.” He leaned his head back against the wall, ignoring the tightness in his chest. “In another life, perhaps we would’ve had our chance, you and I.”
His words ended with a plaintive note; the bone-deep weariness that there was nothing he could do, aside from ripping off his own skin or trying to be like his father. In appearance, at least. They remained silent for a long while, but it was the thoughtful sort. Alastair didn't know how many hours he passed by just counting the cracks in the walls when Thomas's voice pierced the quiet.
"Teach me."
He jerked awake. "What?"
"You said there are things I don't know about you. About where you come from and what you and Cordelia have to face. And… perhaps I'd like to know. I'd like to understand how the world works." A small smile ticked up the corners of his mouth, and Alastair found himself besotted by the expression.
By the Angel. Definitely not coming out in one piece.
"You'd like to… umm…" Words had fled when he'd needed them most. Damn you, Thomas. 
Thomas’s fingers enclosed over his wrists. The warmth was steadying, comforting. His expression was hesitant, at odds with the way his body commandeered space. “I want help. Really, truly. I found myself fascinated in Spain by the difference in language and culture. And then Paris. One-time travel gave me a different perspective, so imagine what more knowledge would do.” He was practically shaking with excitement at the prospect of learning of his ancestor’s atrocities. “You’ll be teaching me, so it won’t feel like a debt to you.”
“Are you sure you want to know, Thomas? People have done some terrible things.”
“I need to know what I’m redeeming myself for before I ask for forgiveness.” His hazel eyes were clear, expression determined. Like a knight readied for battle. A scholar rewriting history on pages. 
Alastair felt his throat tighten at his excitement. He wasn’t used to any of this. Apologies. Forgiveness. Love. Hope. His story was supposed to have died after all his attempts to apologize to The Merry Thieves. He’d failed then to ask for friends, so why would someone give him another chance?
“And maybe you’re wrong,” Thomas added in what was supposed to be a nonchalant tone, but Alastair detected a slight tremor in it. “About me.”
“Speak sense, Lightwood.” His tone sharpened, a defense against his wrecked emotional state. “What do you mean?”
“I mean this.” In answer, Thomas hooked his hands around Alastair’s shoulders, and the sudden onslaught of warmth and gentleness made his body sway with the sheer impossibility of the situation. No glass. No manipulation. Nothing but warmth and truth and compromise. The good sort. 
This had to be a dream. He would wake up any time now, but he couldn’t stop staring at him. Couldn't stop admiring his smile, the brightness of his eyes, the shape of his mouth, that damned pulse at his throat. And more. His strength. His passion for learning. His bravery in venturing after a killer alone. The openness of his heart.
I’m not worth it, Alastair wanted to say, but by then his head had fallen on his shoulder, nestled in the crook of Thomas’s neck. He felt lighter than air. For the first time, his head felt empty of anything: trouble, grief, responsibilities, duties. It was just them. Thomas with his arms around him, holding him in the storm of his life. His heartbeat was a steady clock that Alastair could time his breaths to. 
With Charles it had been all heat and desire, and the furious pounding of his heart in the thrill of being wanted by someone. This felt like coming home, sitting down for a cup of tea with his favourite book. Warm and right and natural. Tears slipped down his cheeks, freed after years and years of being locked away for the sake of his family. 
Thomas set his lips to Alastair’s brow. 
His body seized up at the soft pressure. It felt like someone had poured sunlight into his veins. Another tear slipped down his cheek. Impossible. Wake up, now. Happiness wasn’t a part of your life. But he was still here, feeling Thomas lean his cheek against his hair. Through the swirl of emotions, he heard his voice again.
“We’ll get past this together. I will relearn you, Alastair.” The sound of his name on Thomas’s lips sent his heart careening again. “Negaran nabash.”
Don't worry. Even with the different cadence, it would’ve been hard to miss. Thomas had just spoken in Persian. 
Lifting his head, he raised an eyebrow. “Where did you learn that?”
“Oh. Umm. Just something…” That adorable smile surfaced again. “A little hobby? Like Kit and his test tubes?”
Shaking his head, Alastair allowed himself a little smile. Perhaps, it had been worth it to risk his neck. For this. Only for this.
Taglist: @cherilyn-rose @youngreckless @eugeniaslongsword @nott-the-best (2nd part eeeeeeee🥳🥳🥳) @cant-think-of-anything @livingformyself
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humansoulsarg · 7 years
'personality' Video Solve
February 16, 2016, Signal and Noise posted this video, with hex title ‘personality’: https://youtu.be/iK-H7QDHG0o
This four second video shows several glitchy shots of Lottie which appear to be from the archive named s5e5r5 revealed in the first sequence of videos and available here: http://www.mediafire.com/?f4c755tb7rrg3od
At the end of the video, the background changes to an image of two icons, a male and a female figure before changing to a screen stating 'Your Career at Pangent Technologies’
The audio is a spectrogram:
Which links to mediafire.com/?o1bdngafkitomub a ZIP archive named pangent-1.0-all which turns out to be a Ren'Py Application for 'your career at Pangent Technologies’ where you can select a 'New Application’ to begin the process.
We’ll get back to that in a minute, let’s focus for now on the rest of the codes on the 'personality’ video page’s description.
The first entry states 'definitive proof’ and was a way for those at Pangent to confirm the tumblr and twitter accounts were official.
Next up is hex for 'forabettertomorrow’
Then there is binary which decodes to vigenere text with keyword 'pangent’ which states:
so what were your test results youre like her you know as brilliant as she was i could never keep up with her she was always moving too fast missing the forest for the trees
then binary for 'i’m tired too’
Then more hex to Vigenere, this time with keyword 'argentina’ stating:
With blood on my hands, i plugged him in. I'll never know if it actually worked.
Then some Vigenere with keyword 'conscioushumansouls’
im sorry im not very organized could you put all these notes in order for me
(Which appears to still be an ongoing project)
And hex at the end which is again Vigenere with key 'conscioushumansouls’
i try to be honest i dont know why i scored so low
Getting back to the pangent.exe Ren'Py game, it begins with Pangent’s introduction text:
Thank you for your interest in Pangent Technologies. We are always searching for the brightest minds of today, to build a brighter tomorrow. For twenty years, our offices in London and New York, and more recently Marseille, Vancouver and Buenos Aires, have served as a beacon of technological research and progress for the world at large. Our employees are selected from the best and most qualified science and technology workers alive today, and work at a standard and pace unknown outside of our walls. At Pangent Technologies, we don’t invent technology. We reinvent technology.
Followed by:
This is a personality test. It is designed to help us, and help you, understand why you act the way that you do, and to understand how your personality is structured. Your answers are confidential and known only to you. They will not be uploaded, judged or graded at this time. If you are selected for further consideration at our offices, you may be graded, retrained and restructured based on your average response to these stimuli.
After the completion of the test, the following is presented:
Extroversion (X) is the personality trait of seeking fulfillment from sources outside the self or in community. High scorers tend to be very social while low scorers prefer to work on their projects alone. Conscientiousness (B) is the personality trait of being honest and hardworking. High scorers tend to follow rules and prefer clean homes. Low scorers may be messy and cheat others. Openness to Experience © is the personality trait of seeking new experience and intellectual pursuits. High scorers may daydream a lot. Low scorers may be very down to earth. Agreeableness ® reflects how much individuals adjust their behavior to suit others. High scorers are typically polite and like people. Low scorers tend to 'tell it like it is’. Neuroticism (E) is the personality trait of being emotional.
With interesting letter choices for each trait. It is theorized the letters correspond to characters, X=Alex, B=Bill, C=Charlote/Lottie, R=Rachel, and E=Eric
Thank you for your interest in Pangent Technologies. While only a handful of candidates will meet our exacting standards, we are happy to hear from anyone who shares our vision for the future. You may apply via this test, or in person four times a year during our open house days, as listed on our website. In person you may speak to a personality specialist and upload your information to our cloud server for future consideration and exploitation. Any information shared with Pangent Technologies via an in-person meeting at our offices may be used by Pangent Technologies. Your information and personal pattern may be duplicated, edited, and/or exploited in whole or in part by Pangent Technologies, in all media, throughout the universe, in perpetuity, and may be incorporated into other works in any form, media or technology now known or hereafter developed. Do you agree to these terms?
So do you? Do you agree? Have you tried answering the first question in the extremes? Have you shared your results with Pangent Technologies? You really should. Submit a screenshot of your results to see how Pangent responds, and reserve your spot in technological breakthrough history!
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