#sorry im thinking about lycion again..........
leezuhh 7 months
you cant tell me there's a dungeon meshi character whose entire backstory is that he hated his body so he performed illegal permanent body modifications to himself and now loves his body so much that he walks around half naked to expose as much of it as possible and expect him to not be my favorite side character. and also is a twink werewolf
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softestkabru 1 month
I think Fleki and Mithrun could be close friends into Mithrun's retirement
Theres an extra where Fleki talks abt staying with Mithrun on Melini like Helki stays with Milsiril but she gets talked out of it bc he's like "it will not be exciting I'm not planning on having adventures. Im going to make noodles and be retired. Plus you'll be stuck hanging around a bunch on non-elves" and Fleki's like 馃あ nvm ur right
But like, thats so fucking cute. She'd like his live-in, burnout, non-niece on Melini for the next 200 years or whatever
Thinking abt a "10 years later" kind of deal where Mithrun's canary squad comes to visit him and they tease him kindly about how much he's changed (he smiles a lot, he's a bit chubby, he's really domestic w/ kabru, he has an eye prosthetic that actually fits,he's very kind to them) and Fleki almost starts crying because she's so emotional about seeing Mithrun happy and recovering and she's like "i'm sorry we tease you so much, I'm sorry we were so mean to youuuu we should have been nicer 馃槶 you kept us safe and we didn't even care" and Mithrun is like "I know, Fleki, it's ok. You all kept me safe too and I'm grateful for that" and he invites them for a nice dinner at his and Kabru's home and they talk about how the queen doesn't really know what to do with the former canary prisoners so she's been trying to pair them off with their wardens to just have normal lives which has been going...... not completely great
So their Melini visit goes by and at the end of it, Mithrun asks Fleki if she'd like to stay with them and he tells her it's ok if she doesnt want to because it will be boring and he'll expect her to behave herself and she'd be seperating from Lycion (her bestie/ emotional support whore) and she cries and is grateful and has to think about it but she comes to say yes because being an socially outcast elf is a hard and long life and her future back there is so uncertain and Mithrun and Kabru have enough faith in her to offer her a place in their home and lives and she never thought anyone would ever give her that much credit again.
So, it's not always easy (i can imagine her getting on Kabru's nerves a bit) but she keeps Mithrun company when Kabru is away on business and that's very important to Kabru. Senshi comes around from time to time and teaches her how to cook so she makes meals for their house. She of course still has her crow familiar and is good with other larger birds of prey (she could get into falconing as a hobby) and Lycion comes to visit every once in awhile and theyre still close.
This got a lil long but i was floating around in my pool for an hour thinking abt this and for rlly emotional abt it :')
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squingy 3 years
sorry im thinking about dungeon meshi again
i really love how every character has their own distinct body type and features, no character looks much like another (unless meant to be related, like falin/laios and kiki/kaka). the characters arent just the same base with different hair, theyre all different, even when compared to others of their race.
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laios is tall and beefy (in a construction worker kinda way) while kabru is thin
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falin is tall and round while izutsumi is short and angular
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even the canaries are all distinct, despite all being elves. theyre all thin, but each have seperate features (on a level more than just hair and skin) that set them apart from each other. otta is small, pattadol is rounder and has a larger nose, lycion is quite a bit taller than everyone else, etc etc.
i guess overall the point of this is that ry艒ko kui is really good at character design. theres so many other characters i could bring up but that would probably get annoying fast
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