#sorry in advance to anyone following me purely for fandom content but this stuff is important
lupinsmissingnipples · 8 months
btw if anyone has any resources related to the stuff going on between palestine and israel that i havent rbed yet please lmk
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tortilla-of-courage · 3 years
Blog Intro/Master Post
Hi! I’m Tortilla (or Tort lr whatever you wanna call me), she/her, local SkSw nerd
I periodically reply to a bunch of asks in a row, so... yeah, be aware lol.
i try to tag TWs if possible but if you ever need me to tag something just hit me up! (i usually do it in “#tw thing” format)
like/reblog spam are more than welcome! go wild, don’t be shy, you’re not annoying me at all /gen
i’m currently in college so i’m not posting as much but i usually try to setup a queue
i swear. a lot. i say the Fuck word Everywhere. i usually only tag “#swearing” on art posts, otherwise it’s free real estate
please don’t get overly NSFW in my asks or i’ll block you
i tag spoilers for ALL Zelda games, in case you don’t want to get something spoiled! format is “#game subtitle spoilers” (like, “#skyward sword spoilers”)
i also do post reacts of zelda games whenever i play! in that case i tag them as “#tortilla plays acronym” (ex. “#tortilla plays sshd”, “#tortilla plays oos”), so just assume those have spoilers AND will be spammy sometimes, so if you wanna block them go ahead. general tag for these will be "#tortilla plays" if you want a block all lmao
On Art Usage, you CAN use my art as: 
profile pictures/headers (with a link to my blog if possible)
discord emojis/stickers
reaction pictures
for translation into other languages, please DM/send in an ask first!
please DON’T:
repost my art (with “repost” meaning saving the picture, then uploading it yourself somewhere, like say Pinterest, Twitter, Tumblr, etc - reblogs are NOT reposting, and those ARE encouraged)
LU Master Post (oh my god. the links all broke. i need to fix this. eventually. sorry.)
Zelda Master Post (needs updating)
Fast Food AU Master Post (needs updating)
For navigation tags and more info check the read more! <3
Other blogs:
main: @amamillalatortilla
fast food AU (WIP): @tortilla-of-wisdom
theories/language analysis/translations (WIP): @tortilla-of-power
AO3 Account: TortillaKun
normal art account: @tortillakun
english isn't my native language (it's spanish), so if i ever make a mistake I'm sorry in advance. i dont really need you to point it out unless it's like smth bad lmao
About asks/DMs: PLEASE don’t send in asks with overly NSFW content (xILF jokes and similar stuff are okay, but nothing explicit). I am 23 but i have no interest in getting that kind of message, fandom related or not, from anyone. Also please don’t objectify me in any form??? Overall don’t be an asshole. If you do that stuff I won’t hesitate to block you.
related but id prefer if you dont send me several paragraphs of fanfiction. if you really want me to read smth you can just post it somewhere and let me know where it is and I'll probably check it out
as for tags, here’s the main ones i use for original content besides fandom-related ones:
#tortilla rambles: just me saying whatever nonsense in a text post
#tortilla thinks: theory posts, or just pointing out coincidences between the games
#tortilla asks: asks i reply to 
#tortilla posts: most of my original posts (art / theories / writing / etc), but lately i’ve been using it to tag stuff that doesn’t fit the art/writing tags
#tortilla reblogs: for, well, reblogs. in case you want to block that since i sometimes reblog a lot of stuff.
#tortilla writes: my writing (don’t write much but.. it happens sometimes lol)
#tortilla arts: all my art (will mostly be mspaint doodles but there might be something nicer thrown in every once and then)
#tortilla queue: queue tag
#Zelda art: my Zelda art (no AUs - besides maybe my own every once in a while)
#linked universe art: my Linked Universe AU art
All purely Zelda content (both original and reblogged) will be tagged #legend of zelda, with Zelda games tagged by their subtitles (”#Skyward Sword”, etc). The spoiler tag for each game is the title followed by Spoilers (”#Skyward Sword Spoilers”). will use #tortilla’s zelda tag for asks to not clog the main tags
All Linked Universe stuff (both original and reblogged) will be tagged #linked universe. Will use #tortilla’s lu tag when it comes to asks relating to LU, to try and not flood the actual tag with all that
LU stuff won’t be tagged with the main games’ tags, to keep stuff separated, unless under very specific circumstances (mostly in reblogs). if any of my original posts do mix the two it was probably an oversight, as i try not to do it, both at request of LU’s author and to respect the Zelda fandom’s space as a whole. The one exception to this might be my post about the Hylian Written Language, where I only included LU at the end for a brief conclussion regarding the entire thing
also, very rarely i’ll reblog something that’s not Zelda, like, at all. but if I do it’s almost 100% because it reminded me of a Zelda/LU character. anyways, if you dont wanna see those, i’ll tag them as #not zelda
feel free to @ me in anything! you can also send in asks or a submission, but please note that currently i have almost 200 asks, so it might take me a while to reply, or i might not in the long run if i end up deleting them if i feel it’s too late to reply to them. sometimes i overlook stuff since i can get a bunch of asks a day, so if you think it’s of utmost importance i look at it right that moment, feel free to send in another ask asking about it
Additional tags you might wanna check out/block/silence/etc:
#tortilla cries over animals: asks with pics of people’s pets - not sure how they started but they still come every once in a while, so if you wanna block it (or browse it) here it is. will usually be tagged along “#animals” and the respective animal in the pictures
#loftwingsona time: the craze about what SkSw Link would name his loftwing that slowly evolved into people making loftwingsonas. yeah oddly specific
#the linkceler saga: what the title says. look in it at your own risk
#tortilla plushie world: people shared plushies with me so?? yeah
#translation shenanigans: me and other people talking about translation differences in SkSw (at the moment, might cover other games later on)
#fav tag: very recent, but i’ll use it for posts that i really want to go see again from time to time c:
#tortilla plays sshd, #tortilla plays oos: my live-react posts about stuff that happens while i play the games. will add more as i play them. they WILL have spoilers so be aware
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thickenmyblood · 3 years
2/3 a fic like that. i started following you again after january because it was completed and (to put it bluntly) you went 'anon' so you were not blogging as much. it's happening again with another author whose capri fics i looove and i do not want to unfollow !!! being jealous is bad and im not a bad person
The first and final parts of your question never made it through. However, I wrote a reply to what I think the issue here is.
You’re not the devil for being jealous of other people. It’s not a pleasant thing to feel, mostly because it stems from comparing yourself to others, but it’s not unnatural. It seems to me that you’re talking about authors’ popularity and how well received a fic is in fandom, and so the reply I’ve written will focus on that. If that’s not what you were talking about… sorry in advance. 
It’s taken me a while to answer this because I kept falling into the old trick of saying kudos and comments don’t matter and they don’t necessarily mean anything. But that’s not the thing you should be focusing on. Some fics are popular because they’re really, really fucking good. Some authors are BFNs because they’re very good at fandom stuff (plots, writing, characterization, meta). Chances are if people like something, that thing is good. There’s a reason people like certain stories so much and go back to them over and over again, and me telling you that happens because life is random isn’t fair to those who work hard at creating content for all of us to enjoy. It’d be dishonest and simplistic.
But what also would be dishonest is saying that it’s about merit. X worked really hard on their fic, they deserve every kudos and comment they get. Y had the most original idea on earth, it was groundbreaking, and so they’ve earned their likes and reblogs. Z took thirty writing courses, of course they’re the most read author in this fandom! 
Sometimes you work hard and people don’t like what you wrote. Sometimes you research and put in the time and effort and tears, and the response you get is “meh”. It’s not about who deserves what. I think jealousy comes from a place of entitlement a lot of the time. Why is this person getting the attention I think I deserve? It’s not about deserving. How does one even measure merit, be it one’s own or other people’s? Are merit and effort even related to greatness and quality and popularity? I don’t think so.
I feel jealous often, not so much of other authors having bigger platforms or a lot of followers or their fics being far more popular than mine will ever be. I’m jealous of people who write honestly. I often write characters I can’t relate to in situations I would never be in/put others through. That is pure escapism, which is fun, but not very honest. I wish I could write more truthful things, but truth is itchy and uncomfortable and I don’t want to think about it too much. So I don’t. I’m also scared of making the reader feel uncomfortable. I envy people who don’t care about that.
I’ve read fics and thought, “I will never be able to write like this”. And that’s fine. It’s a normal thing to think. We’ve all been there. You shouldn’t write like anyone else. You should write like yourself because everyone else already has their own writing style, their favorite adverbs and adjectives (mine is warm, by the way), and so why would you try to sound like somebody else? It’s like faking your voice all the time. Imagine if you tried to talk with an accent 24/7. That’s what copying someone else feels like to me, like I’m forcing myself to be something I’m not. It’s fine for the first two paragraphs and then I just want to quit.
Something that’s helped me a lot over the years is not putting people on pedestals. I admire other writers. I admire artists. I admire kind and patient people. But the moment I start treating them like gods it all goes to shit because it means that whatever good qualities they have are divine/impossible to incorporate and develop, and so I stop trying to be better because what’s the point? I also don’t strive to be better than X or Y or Z. I just try to be better than what I’ve been in the past. I’m better than I was in middle school, and high school, and the first two years of university. And I’ll be better next year. Hopefully.
Another thing that helps is talking to those BFNs. Once you interact with them you realize they’re human beings (so, in essence, walking Ziploc bags of flesh and feelings) and they feel inadequate and weird and jealous too. Send them a question on anon. Ask them what they dislike about their own writing, what they struggle with, what fics inspire them, what it feels like to be popular. Not all of them will respond, but those who do will flesh out in your mind. They’re just people. 
There’s a lot of stigma around jealousy. You’re not a bad person for being jealous*. If you never felt jealous or envious or even hurt over someone else’s success then I don’t know what you were doing in middle school. But although jealousy is entertaining... it doesn’t get you very far. 
If nothing I’ve said helps, remember we’re all cheetoguy213 here. Try explaining to your friends in real life that you’re famous online because you wrote a fic about one dude double fisting another dude while wearing a duck costume. Yeah, that’s what I thought.
* What does make you a sucky person is acting on those jealous thoughts. It’s one thing to feel angry that someone’s fic is doing better than yours and another thing entirely to message them about it or leave a mean comment or talk shit publicly about them/their work. That is problematic. Vent to your friends in private. Go to therapy. Walk your dog. Read TMG. Don’t hurt people.
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