#sorry its sloppy I threw this into my tablet so fast
underhanded-lamb · 2 years
hey :) for the face/ color palette thing, how do you feel about E 10, maybe in Rickroll or Catjam? Anyone from the fnaf crew (but we all know it's a dca mood)
I cannot tell you how fast I drew this lmao I hope you wanted pizza!
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guidedbygunpla · 3 years
Gundam REDUX Side Story chapter 1
             “dad, I’m so sorry, Honeydew tripped while we were out riding, she can’t get up. Dad what do we do” the young child called up to his father, an older man, twice the age of his wife, and ten times the age of his young son.              “son, Honeydews leg is broken” his father said, cold and expressionless, looking at the horse laying in the mud mewing in pain. His son barely tall enough to ride it. Apparently too young for the responsibility.
             “but the animal doctor can help her right? The man who came to give her her shots? He can fix it right” his son said, tears in his eyes pulling at the robe his father wore. Regal and clean, white and gold
             “son he could set her leg yes, he could mend it and it could heal. But it will hurt her forever. She’ll never walk correctly again. She’ll never live a moment of her life not in pain again. The right thing to do is to put her down. “ he said crouching down and running his hands through his sons blonde hair.
               “Cassie, go grab the rifle from the car…..it’s the right thing to do” His father said, his tone low and calm
             “dad no! we can’t! I love Honeydew you can’t kill her!” he said tears pouring down his face
             “I won’t kill her son….you have to do that, she’s your responsibility. She needs to know that you made her pain end”
 His father went and grabbed the bolt action rifle from the back of the black limosene that sat at the front of the stable. The boy laid there holding the horses neck, trying to comfort them. His father came back, rifle in hand and put a hand on his shoulder
               “Casval, it’s time.”
Char lay slumped against the control panel, his zaku buried slightly in the remains of the woods that the forest fire had left behind. Kentucky was still burning, and he was still far too close to the federations mobile suits to be safe. He couldn’t breathe, its like his throat had closed up on him, he was crying, but there was no gasp for air, just tears, tears and tense muscles.
               “I killed him” he spoke, his voice a growl
             “I killed Garma……why in the world did I kill him”
               Images flew through his head, his father gasping for air on stage, as Degwin, Garmas father began to smile, standing at his side. The zabi soldiers pounding on his families mansion, his mother crying as he and his sister were taken away from her. Her face in the newspaper when he was on earth, Wife of famed cult leader Zeon Zum Deikun found murdered.
             Garma the first day he met him, a fresh faced 19 year old. Didn’t even know how to tie a tie.
Soft skin, soft hair
That little way he twirled his hair when he was nervous
His sister crying for days after they landed on earth
Being trained on his place as the head of the family by a family friend Jimba Ral
Sneaking away from that life, taking the place of another family friend Charles Aznable, and flying away to a Zeon military academy
Why did fate have to do this to him
Why did I have to do this
Why did I have to kill him
 He was shaking in his seat now, panic gripping him
They would find the camera data In his suit, or Garma or Grams suit, they would see his suit was pristine, and draw a conclusion, he had to do something
  Chars hand shook nonstop as he pressed the button to open his hatch
               “I need air”
He could hear his voice, but he didn’t feel like he was speaking
 He pressed the button on the side of his seat to pop up the emergency maintenance system, turning his center monitor into a small keyboard.
               “First things first, I need to wipe the video data……no but if I do that, they will be able to pull that from the black box” char slumped against his chair
What the fuck had he just done
Was this worth it?
                                          An idea crept into his mind
He typed away at the keyboard pulling up maintenance logs, a picture of a beam saber wound left on another zaku.
               “it just might work” Char said as he pressed away on his control stick, engaging the heat hawk and cranking its temp beyond its limiter, he raised the zakus arm twisted the heat hawk around and slid it into the body of the zaku slightly below his cockpit, melting the hard drives for camera, and audio recording. Now was the matter of the black box, it sat right below the pilot seat. Char grabbed the pilots helmet that sat locked in above him, slid off his captains helmet and then pulled the helmet down over him. He pressed the buttons to close the cockpit hatch. A few maneuvers of the control stick and infront of him his monitors began to melt, and crack as the heat hawk slipped through the wall that protected him from the outside world, he raised his feet up onto his seat, moved the hand and heat hawk away from the hatch, and opened the hatch again, he then took the leading edge of his heat hawk and slid it into the front of the cockpit, the heat was over whelming, but he watched his seat catch fire below him, and watched the side of the black box’s orange covering melt and bubble and then watched the boards inside of it become exposed, pop and bubble and catch fire as well
 He pushed the control stick back fast, and stomped out the fire on his seat. The smell of the burning plastic and metal made him woozy.
               “there, all the data is gone, now to sell this damage before the heat hawk burns up”
He began throwing the hawk into his suit wildly, and sheered off the left arm of his zaku. Char started laughing, as tears rolled down his face. He stumbled out of the Zaku and reached up and grabbed ahold of the climbing wire that hung inside the cockpit, and rode it down to the ground. It was cold out, despite the forest fire around them. Chars hands were still shaking, he reached around his dress uniform and found the pocket where he stored his cigarette case              “keep saying I’m going to quit you” he said with a small laugh as he slid one between his teeth and used the lighter he kept in the case to light it. The smoke slowed his shaking, and his mind.
             “he didn’t deserve that…” Char said, exhaling slowly “he was a good man, sure his dads a murderer, and he only got where he is because his dad murdered mine…..but” he stopped, taking a long drag “he didn’t deserve that……fuck…..Cassie what is wrong with you……ugh” he grunted as he threw the cigarette to the dirt, and rubbed it out with his foot. He heard a gun cock behind him
             “Char, you have 10 fucking seconds to explain to me what just happened.” He heard, the voice was familiar it was Garmas wingman, Gram.              “Gram now there is a perfectly reasonable answer……let’s be adults about this, no need to point a gun at me” Char said as he turned around and saw the man, he seemed to have broken his arm and his clothes looked to be badly burned
             “fuck that Char, you shot down Prince Garma, and then I find you here in the woods carving up your own Zaku? The fuck could explain this?”              “it’s easy, this will explain everything” Char said as he reached into his pocket and grabbed his officers tablet, and started to walk towards Gram, he saw gram lower the gun slightly, and then quickly with his other hand he pulled his side arm and shot gram!
             The shot was sloppy, clipping Gram in the lung, Gram fired a shot off too, that caught Char in the bicep of his left arm
             Gram lay on the forest floor gasping for air
             Char clutched his arm, and approached Gram
             “Gram you could’ve just walked away, you didn’t have to get involved….”
He saw Gram reaching for his side arm, Char kicked it away and stared down at the man gasping for air
             “figure I could just leave you here, you’ll die before someone comes to get you, or I could end this fast for you….before I decide that though.... I want to tell you something Gram, see how you react” Char said staring down at the man who was trying to yell at him, but couldn’t find the air
               “I killed Garma Zabi because when I was a very small child, his father, Degwin poisoned my father with Aconitum, I know that because while Kycelia Zabis Royal guard didn’t detect anything was amiss, Jimba ral found a large stash of it, and books on processing it in a fire place in my fathers former palace. I killed Garma so that Degwin would have to feel the pain I have lived my whole life feeling…..how does that make you feel Gram, am I justified in my actions or am I a monster?” Char said aiming the gun at Grams face
             “you…..dumb…..fucking……liar” Gram got out between gasps, blood coming out the side of his mouth
             “Seig Zeon” Char said as he fired 3 shots through Grams head
   Char reached into his boot grabbing the knife he kept there. 
              “the things I do for love” he spoke slowly as he poked the blade into the hole in his arm and popped the bullet out, luckily it was a low caliber and it didnt dig in too deep. he thought about laying his arm against the heat hawk, make it look like a burn instead of a gun shot wound, but he figured he’d be under enough suspicion as it was, selling a gun shot that strayed into his slashed open cockpit wouldnt be the hardest thing. at least now there wouldnt be a zeon round in the wound 
The door came up with a creek  when Char climbed back into the Zaku, and he had to pilot using the emergency screen stored in the attic above his seat, luckily the hole in the cockpit hatch made it easy enough to breath as the smoke was able to leak out of the room.
  Char piloted the suit north, knowing reinforcements would be heading for Kentucky soon enough.
             A great Green Gow broke over the horizon, and a garbled transmission called out over the emergency receiver
             “CHAR IS THAT YOU? WHERE IS MY BROTHER? WHERE IS GARMA” he heard through the static. It was Dozle. Char didn’t respond, he simply kneeled the zaku down, and climbed back out. The gow landed and dozle came out to meet him
               “Char where is the rest of the team that went to hunt the feddie suits?”
             “it’s just me, they were so fast…..they just overtook us so fast”              “Char…..Char don’t lie to me” Dozle said, tears welling up in the great mans eyes
             “I watched him get shot down Dozle, that sniper, his rifle, the beam left a hold like a rocket blast in Garmas suit, there was nothing I could do, and the white knight nearly took me out, it would’ve succeeded if Gram hadn’t shot them and given me room to get away
             “Char no……he was your……he was my…..” Dozel hugged char in a great hug and cried hysterically
             Char felt tears run down his face too
               "I wish I had your luster Garma, I wish I could hold you for the rest of your life, I wish I didn't have to say goodbye to you"              "you'll be the death of me Char, you're too much"
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