#sorry jake and leah i love u but everything i wanted to say has been said before and better!
witchyangela · 4 years
Twilight tag game!
pick 5-10 characters and write your take on the canon version of them vs. fanon version of them. fanon doesn’t have to be what is generally accepted in the fandom, it can be your own idea of what you think a character is like. then tag the same number of people as characters you pick, if you can.
Ay thanks so much for the tag @leahclearwaterdefensesquad and @teamjacobthot !!! Gonna use this opportunity to talk about my BOIS, cos ngl running @incorrectwolfpack has given me many ideas !!!! (I also wanna do characters I haven’t seen many of these about!! So I’m leaving out som of my faves!!)
Paul doesn’t really have a huge amount of personality in canon that isn’t just ~angry~ which ... hmmm has some implications.. plus like annoying to Jake and loyal to Sam? Like okay let’s give this boi some flavour!
Anyway the way the fandom stuff I’ve seen and I interpret Paul is as a Snarky irrerevent lad! Like he’s a lil mean sometimes but it’s always like fun mean, and he would never hurt anyone! Plus he has a *super secret* soft side that literally everyone knows about, plus he still defo steal Jakes chips because ngl that was funny. He’s also super close to his friends, especially Jared and Sam, and he loves them with his whole heart.
Really he’s much the same as Paul in canon except with even less personality! Like I looked at the guide and his only personality was “good vision” ... I ...
Anyway my Fanon Jared is just the most of a himbo a mans can be! Like he’s the epitome of pure of heart dumb of ass. He loves his gf and his friends and he loves doin dumb risky stuff cos of his wolf powers! He is super close with Emily also ( ac this is kinda canon) and he loves to bake with her! He’s just alround nice and fun, and his kindness and dumbassery is really well balanced out by his BFF Paul’s sarcasm and way more common sense.
Again! Canon Embry is kinda a typical boy, like cars and that and his dad is a mystery and like... that’s it? This is one of Jakes best friends Smeyer, a personality pls!!
Anyway my fanon Embry is a bit of an emo, a bit anxious, but he’s trying! He has a lot of work though especially dealing with not telling his mom about being a wolf, and I think that it makes him a little more serious sometimes, still he can forget about that when he’s with his friends!! I’m also very married to the idea of him mama Mia-ing his potential dad jsut cos of the power of that! Also he’s a car boi like Jake and he’s learning to surf... with mixed results.
This is getting to be a pattern, but yeah again! No real canon personality... like he likes cars less than jake and embry and he was worried about them when they phased but..?
Anyway I see Quil as probs the most book smart of their lil trio, like he’s one of those people who gets straight As without really studying? He’s also probably the most confident, he has a super close supportive family and he tends to be loud and outgoing.( an aside to this, wtf didn’t Smeyer let any of the wolves have two parents?) He is always ready to tell people what he thinks, and and is his high school has a debate team? He is on it.
Canon Emily could honestly be in the running for most tragic woman, which is wild cos smeyer loves to make her women suffer... she’s an angelic survivor of male violence (ugh i can barely type this) and she lives only to cook for her boys. She suffers under the racist, sexist writing and is basically a cardboard cutout.
Anyway the first step of my Fanon Emily is that Sam can’t have been the thing that gave her the scars. It is such an awful story point and goes completely against the idea of the wolves as protectors. To better fit the themes it works if she was attacked by a predatory vampire or even just a regular bear. Then was rescued by the wolves. It fits better and shows how they actually help the people in their communtity. As for her personality, I see her as someone who is deeply sensible and self assured, the kind of person who would make a fantastic teacher, and who is deeply passionate about the traditional crafts she teaches. She loves working with her hands and tends to stress bake, which is why her house is always full of too many baked goods. Oh and she’s still best friends with Leah.
Anyway hope y’all enjoyed my rambling 😂 I’m tagging @twilightisgaynow @big-idiot-wolf-boys @embrycallsmuffin @missbellaswan @jasperwhitcock and anyone else who fancies a go!!!
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