#sorry man you hit a hyeefixation thats been going since before i could read you gonna be here a bit lol
solaceinabandonment · 2 months
other than tcoaal, what other games do you play? could be vns, video games, board games, etc~
Recently, I've picked up breath of the wild and a nap so I can quit running in circles getting distracted. It's fun grabbing up heaps of stuff but I need some direction to the more important things.
I like factorio, but I've never beaten it. It consumes me whenever I play it and I don't have the time right now.
Rune Factory and stardew valley are nice, chill game without much stress.
Dark Souls and all their kin are... Something. I've probably got over 500 hours between all of them but I suck at them still lol.
Undertale and Deltarune need no introduction and I still gotta play chapter 2.
Visual novels are intriguing, I played a lot of them in the DS back when it was still relevant. I liked 9 hours 9 persons 9 doors specifically. I played Saya no Uta earlier this year at coffinsisters recommendation, and im working on subahibi too. Fucking 8 hours and I only got to the opening cutscene I'm gonna die
I was maybe 4 when the snes came out so anything worth playing between that and PS2 era games I've probably played it lol.
Wishlist, idk I kinda wanna play helldiver's 2 or palworld. Oh and that one weird game that's modeled after Kings Field. Lunacid? I'd look but I don't want my draft to disappear.
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