#sorry nonnie this got loooooonnnng lol
yorshie · 5 months
Me skipping unto your inbox for the ask game thing ⛷️
Stuck it under a read more line cuz it got LONG lol. thank you for asking, nonnie!
B- hmm... while none of my fics are directly inspired by personal experiences, the emotions behind a few of them are. I like using writing as therapy sometimes, a safe place to get out an emotion so i can process it appropriately
H- i would call it just shy of a run on sentence lol, with a lot of emphasis on using faces and hands as vehicles to cue the correct emotions in readers. I know i was really inspired by ET Hoffman's short stories when i got into college and really started to play with writing stories. I wanted something that flowed like water, something close to emotional poetry. Every now and then i have a fic that i tilt my head at and go "oooo yea i barfed all over that" lol, but i do enjoy the process of seeing how much scenery or description i can shove into a scene before it gets tedious to read.
I - Me? A guilty pleasure in fic? hahahaha noooooooo. *sweats* ....... i mean, the list is a little long.... but if i was going to admit to anything in a general sense, I might admit to a fondness for soulmate fics.....
N - hm.... no? I mean, i'm comfortable with my current wips and my plans for them, and i know exactly how i want them handled. As for fics I wish other's would write, I don't think it's an exaggeration to say i start vibrating with excitement anytime my friends float a new fic (or art)idea. They are all so talented, and while there is a list I'm eyeing at the dinner table like a starving raccoon, i know how much work going into creating a fic. I am patient lol, but I'm always ready to pounce on new story or cheer them on.
R - Oh gosh.... hm.... shootybangbang (not tagging because i technically don't talk to them) really inspired me in my red dead time because we were covering some similar subject matter at the same time. @desceros infected me with hand appreciation and I've noticed sometimes i word things in a manner they might, definitely feel a little more prone to poetry after i read their work. ET Hoffman for sure, his short stories were a big influence, probably because i read The Golden Pot while having the Flu. If we go back to my werewolf boyfriend days probably Lora Leigh. And just general inspiration and influence that helps me get my stories out i have to add the whole turtle fam. Best people to have in your corner.
T - Hm.... one sided fights. I don't really like it when one character does Everything wrong and the "reader" just sits there and takes it or cries. I think everyone has a natural breaking point, where you turn around and bite back, and sense i have a pretty big bite back tendency, lol, i end up doing that meme 'when Y/N does something i would never do'. Cuz I'd even take Big Blue down a peg or two if he decided to be a little shit. And I don't really like the connotation that someone might actually "care" for someone and do that, yell at them while they cry. I don't like yelling, i don't like fighting really, but I really don't like just taking it. So that bleeds over i guess.
U - 3? Just 3??? I am sorry nonnie but there are so many. I cannot play favorites and risk leaving someone out. just to name a few of tmnt writers whose stories i read: @desceros @gbao3 @justalotoffanfiction @fuckedupcleric @friggysblog @thejudiciousneurotic @luckycharms1701 @tmnt-tychou @oozedninjas @tinkabelle24 @damniteggs @avery73 and so much more but I feel strange tagging them because i don't technically speak to them. As to why I like them so much, it's because they're telling stories! that in itself is wonderful! I can't stress how much I just love wonderful storytelling! Adding @khayalli and @hitwiththetmnt because even though they are artists primarily, they are telling stories with their art! *looking around* gosh there's so many people. And I'm sure I've forgotten someone. I'm gonna feel horrible about that. Just know if I've ever commented/kudos/reblogged, etc, I loved your stories and art.
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