#sorry somer everytime you ask me things I become an anime protagonist
1 and 12! 1 and 12!
How many words did you post this past year?
According to AO3 statistics, 52,549. I think that was closer to 50,000 around the new year, but I may count from when I started posting in the fall instead.
12. What inspired BDOR?
Heck if I know. Mainly that therapy isn't free but fanfic is so I push all my problems onto the blorbo. (This is kinda a joke but--) especially when I first found this fandom, it became an escape from some not fun things going on in my life, and I love allaya'll so much for that, even if I never directly commented on anything or interacted until now. The writing just kinda came from that. I appreciate ya'll <3 it's weird being here and sharing my stuff and talking to some of ya'll that I've been following for years XD
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