#sorry this is out so late I'm running a poll to give the Coordinator and Charmer new outfits
ask-thearchivists · 11 months
Also, uh, while the Coordinator is gone, sorry if that earlier question was a bit awkward. I guess I didn't really think about how that might be a bit uncomfortable to answer around her. - Frog
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The Cartographer: It's fine. It's not like you know us well enough to have anticipated that. She gave me this job, she thinks it's good for me, I don't care to tell her how much I hate being alone. Otherwise I do like what I do. It's better than what she does. It's way better than what Charmer does.
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The Cartographer: The last time I was forced to help Charmer went so poorly that I am now no longer brought onto planetary missions to interact with mortals unless it has been thoroughly assessed as being extremely low risk for escalated conflict.
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