#sorry this is really soapboxy or whatever im just
transamus · 3 years
something i've been having a really hard time articulating is the focus on the Glory of Violence on the left, like. especially among other white leftists, especially among goyim, especially among TME people, a Complacency with just painting fascism as this Enemy Figure and focusing on nothing but that. there's a great video by the youtuber noncompete called Quixotism on the Left that does a great job of getting into it, but just like.
especially During Hanukkah, seeing "leftist" youtubers upload videos with swastikas in their fucking thumbnails, think for a second about how many videos you see, how many books on display at book stores- even leftist ones, how many posts, how many talking points, are just "fuck terfs" or "nazis bad" & plaster swastikas everywhere, compared to how many times you've ever seen anything about cherishing jewish lives, cherishing trans lives, cherishing the lives of people of colour, about learning more and focusing on Protecting over Glory.
it's never reassured me at all to see "fuck terfs" 1000 times from someone TME who hasn't once went out of their way to uplift trans voices. it's, at best, a tragedy for someone to devote their lives to fascism, & i think it should be treated as such? which isn't to say "oh violence isn't the answer", because it is. a lot of the times its the Only answer. there's just no glory in this, & there never has been.
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