#sorry this one is kinda long
zodiackillerlouis · 1 year
choose your own adventure Pt 7
God, he looks like Cas. His hair is lighter like Kelly’s, but he’s got the same blue eyes and the same square jaw, not to mention the still-as-a-statue body language. It makes no sense, unless the little bastard chose to look like him, the same way he’d chosen Cas as his father.
However it happened, it makes Dean want to lob a bottle of whiskey at his head. First Jack took Cas away from him, and now he has the audacity to look like him too? And that look in his eyes—it’s getting a little too familiar. Dean drinks the second whiskey fast and snaps “don’t fuckin’ look at me like that.” Jack looks abruptly down at his lap, and Dean feels suddenly and inexplicably guilty. The buzz is already setting in. He can’t actually remember the last time he ate. That morning, maybe? He feels dizzy.
“I’m sorry,” Jack apologizes, looking anywhere but at Dean.
Dean doesn’t say anything. He just drops his plastic cup on the bedside table and takes off his boots (with some amount of struggle). He manages to get his belt off too, then gives up and rolls over on top of the duvet, shoves his face into the pillow, and falls into a restless sleep.
He wakes to the sound of the door exploding off of its hinges. He’s on his feet in an instant, even with the whiskey dampening his senses, and grabs his angel blade from the top of his bag, which is still on the bed. To his right, Sam rolls and lands between the two beds, tangled up in his blankets. Jack stands frozen by the TV, clearly unsure of what to do.
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nurbler · 2 years
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Late in the night...
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K: So are you staying?
J: I can't.
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kamokachan · 12 years
Day 12/100 Fax
In my writing, I base most of my male character's physical appearances off of a previous "look" I've had in the past. I've changed my appearance enough for this to actually work so long as I make some minor changes to the character like eye/hair color and physical height/weight. The origin of their personalities, however, vary depending on how I intend to use the character and what role they will be playing in the story. Some of them do actually come from a sect of my own personality. However, the character's personality diverges enough from it's respective origin in the story development that there really is no noticable correlation. This allows me to use the same inspiration for two different characters without fear of them becoming the same person personality-wise.
Don't get me wrong, it's not like all of my character's are based off of myself in one way or another. However, to an extent, this is actually true. In all writing, you must put at least a little bit of yourself into the story, or it wouldn't be genuine. After all, the person we all know inside and out better than most is ourselves. What better to write about than what we know?
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