#sorry this probably looks shit I'm trying to dabble new gifs
stevie-nash · 1 year
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Michael Stevenson as Iain Dean
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circular-bircular · 2 months
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I'm putting this blog to rest.
I'm done. I'm out. And god, is it a relief.
You might notice I'm posting this around the same time that SAS is posting a major post in an effort to light the tag on fire. I highly doubt it'll work, but it's the best attempt. Me and SAS are close. Nearly one in the same, some days...
You'll notice the end of the post says, "just wait for what happens next."
This is what happens next.
I'm deleting my syscourse blogs. Finally. No "maybe I will" or "I've been considering it." I've been considering it for a loooong time, and I've actually been intending on getting rid of Circular's-Reasoning for awhile now. I just... haven't had the energy to.
But now... My life is moving on. I'm moving on, quite literally, I gain possession of my new house... probably today when I end up posting this. I'm not sure, it's my first draft, we'll see how this goes. That's terrifying to realize. I'm like... an adult. I'm an adult who's craving good conversations about my disorder, about systemhood and how it's conceptualized, and more intricate parts of my selfhood. And... Syscourse just is not that.
I've done this sort of thing before, if you all know MotCR -- @memoriesofthecircularroom, for the uninitiated. That's the OG Circular Blog, and is an archive of the first few years of syscourse. But... Now, it's going to become a bit more. Here's my game plan.
I update MotCR to be the Circular Archive. Anything I think needs archiving -- good posts of mine, silly reblogs, or just good posts overall where I added something of my own -- will get reblogged there. It's gonna be busy for a bit.
In the meantime while I start that process, I answer any and all final questions/asks or drafts that've been in the works. I don't want to leave people hanging.
I delete a lot of blogs. And... I do mean a lot -- not even just the syscourse ones. Just the ones I think it's time to let go of.
I've often teased how many blogs I have. It's fluctuated wildly in the past. But here's the down and dirty. Here's what I own, and what I'm planning on removing.
@circular-bircular (Hi, Hello, You're Here)
@circulars-reasoning (Already planned to be gone awhile ago)
@systemquirks (I just don't have the energy to run it, and I'm so sorry for that)
@yourfaveissecretlysas (Yes, I am the one running that)
@system-confessions (Surprise! No name blog that barely exists, again, I don't have the energy)
@debunkingsyscourse (Look, I make these too easily)
@equalsys (Not sure how this is a shocker to anyone)
@ricejustdidthings (An old system-no-syscourse blog I have that I don't use anymore)
@my-systems-cringe (Been meaning to delete this for ages)
@circulars-answers (Unneeded)
And potentially one other, unnamed for now blog -- that's the one I've never told people I have outside of select discords...
So that's 11 blogs I'm getting rid of, potentially more. And that's with me still keeping 2 syscourse blogs and an 18+ system blog. Jesus christ.
It feels good to get it off my chest, though. It feels really good to be leaving.
"But Circ! Your posts make me happy!"
Fantastic! You can follow the new system blog I'm going to be making, @thecircularsystem (is that link working? I don't know, it's a brand new blog.)
Try this link out instead if that doesn't work!
I'm still going to be posting system related content there. I'm still going to be doing my normal random shit that I always do. I may even dabble in syscourse -- and definitely in sysconversation. I like that tag! But I'm not going to be doing syscourse nearly as often, and I'm going to try and stay out of that tag in search of reblogs and such. Too often, it results in me getting aggressive with someone, rather than just... spreading good information about systems, or existing online as I want to exist.
I just need a refresh. A new step, a big change. I'm moving on.
I really hope you all can too <3
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eternalwritess · 6 months
Hallo! Humbly requesting a romantic and/or platonic HH matchup =D
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Ace/biro
Personality: Depressed boi who is way too obsessed with fandoms. Awkward and asocial in new situations, but can grow comfortable with people over time. Loves physical touch (cuddles, hand holding, etc) but is paranoid about invading others' space. Very kind and wants to make sure everyone feels appreciated. Very lazy, doesn't exercise, chubby and a bit insecure about it. Would spend all the time in my room unless asked otherwise. Simentantiously doesn't care what others think (taking care of myself, how I look) and does care (don't want to seem rude or obtrusive). Always doing something (bouncing leg, cracking bones, snapping, drumming fingers). Cat person, but likes dogs too. Addicted to the Internet for high dopamine intake. Prefers sleep as an escape from existing. Bc of depression, usually hard to get happy/excited over things, but will fake it for others' sake. Has the tendency to avoid asking for help over a self-destructive mindset that I need to take care of myself. Will laugh at things that are not funny/inappropriate with no intention of disrespect. Has to think about social etiquette and finds socializing exhausting after a while. Avoids serious vices (alcohol, drugs, sex, etc). Introvert, but tries to help a conversation with other introverts.
Hobbies: Writing, dabbles in drawing, cross-stitch, singing, dancing, musical theatre, card games (rummy, solitaire, War, Uno, etc), obsessive researching, over-the-top analyses, ranting about random topics, maladaptive daydreaming, Internet, badminton if you squint
Pet peeves: Very intense stimuli, impatience, arrogance, selfishness, cruelty, unnecessary hostility, rowdiness, vulgarity, brashness, pushing serious boundaries, rudeness
I think that's everything. Hope I added enough ^-^
𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕕 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙…
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When you met Vaggie it was most likely after the exterminations and when she got cast down into heaven. Charlie most likely wanted her to go around helping people and she found you most likely being bossed around and getting uncomfortable with some people
"Hey! Leave her alone assholes!!"
When you saw her come on over to beat the ever living shit out of them you were slightly terrified most likely being a new soul in hell and not knowing what was going on or what to do
She then grabbed you and took you somewhere else and calming you down and apologizing for being so aggressive
From then on she always helped you out around hell and protecting you from others
You slowly ended up opening up to her about smaller things
She totally gets you always moving or doing something (the bouncing legs and stuff) as she herself kinda does the same thing every now and then
Since she is an exorcist she would most likely have some sort of depressed attitude towards that saying that she feels as if she doesn't deserve you at times
"Shit I'm sorry it's just... nothing,"
Although you would take care of that telling her how great she is and that she needs to take care of herself and how much you love her
She doesn't mind that fact that you don't exercise. Actually she over works herself at times and you pull her back and help her chill more around you
She gives you a ton of physical touch. Constantly running her hands through your hair, giving you pats on the shoulder, hugging you, forehead kisses, she's obsessed with giving you affection and making sure that you know that you are loved
Whenever you're feeling down she'll always be there for you to comfort you and hug you telling you that you deserve the world
Not to mention she probably has some pet names for you too if you don't mind that
"Why the frown babe?"
Also going on you being addicted to sleeping or being a bit too lazy. She will also try and push you out of your comfort zone every now and then although making sure that you're not too uncomfortable and instantly pulling back when she sees that you are
She doesn't mind when you find it hard to get excited over things and honestly will tell you that it's hard for her to do so also as she tends to overthink things
When you shows her stuff on the internet she might not get it at first but will soon learn to and will also become obsessed making a few semi-cringy jokes on it every now and then
She likes that you avoid serious vices as she's uncomfortable with most of them
"Honestly... I'm not much of a drinker either,"
She loves watching you draw as she's not that good and she'll constantly ask you for tips will she sees you doing so
She'll also play card games with you and might be slightly competitive
Although she's not really unnecessarily hostile she's slightly hostile to others but you can always pull her back and when you tell her to stop she does but she always looks out for you
Also sorry to everyone for this taking so long. Some of the other matchups will also take a while as school is kicking my ass and there are a lot of matchups. They might close in the next few days so theres a warning :)
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