ofbirds-blog · 8 years
Replies tomorrow! Sleep tonight!
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ofbirds-blog · 8 years
( Question: Why the FUCK are we casting a new Poison Ivy? We have a WONDERFUL actress for her, & frankly, I liked seeing the kid side to her, y’know? I liked seeing her on par with Selina & Bruce– age wise. From what I’ve read, they’re casting a kid in her late teens to be the baddie we all know & love. How in the fuck are they planning to write in her story without disregarding Ivy Pepper? I mean, I get that Poison Ivy is Pamela Isley, but like…. it doesn’t make sense to me. & it seems to like they’re doing it for another villain. Another. Goddamn. Villain. Already in Season 3, we’ve been promised Solomon Grundy, Mad Hatter, Tweedle Brothers(?), Jerome, Penguin, Ed, & even Vicki Vale is rumored to make an appearance. Not that any of those are bad. I’m super thrilled but like. Come on, guys. We still have to wrap up the Arkham/Strange arc. What about Fish Mooney? That Bruce!clone that we’ve already seen? What about the Court of Owls? & now a new Poison Ivy? I’m not QUITE sure what the Gotham writers are thinking. So last season, they had four BIG bad villains. Theo/Azrael & Hugo Strange, Penguin ( to a level ) & Ed. Freeze has a more minor part, just like Matches Malone, Tabitha Galavan & even Silver had a part in it. & speaking of, did Silver fall off the face of the planet or what? Wouldn’t she be under Tabby’s care or….?
I’m just. I think we’re moving too fast with the characters in this show. It’s like the writers trying to spit out as many characters as I can to keep us guessing as to who they’re going to show next. But like, I don’t know if I speak for anyone else on this, but I want to see each & every character developed. That’s REALLY what I love(d) most about the show. Getting a villain & seeing their origin story, seeing them slowly be molded into the baddie we all know & love. I also enjoyed seeing the writers add their own, NEW flare to characters we’re so familiar with. Like, I LOVED Harvey Bullock during the first season for the development they gave him. Same with Penguin & Montoya. But, suddenly it’s like the Major Crimes Unit doesn’t exist when in all honesty, they helped Jim in NUMEROUS cases along the first season. Same with Harvey Dent ( but I don’t want to seem TOO biased on this post ). 
I just. I don’t know what they’re doing. & don’t get me wrong, I love the show. I do. I’m just slightly frazzled at the whole fact that the good guys aren’t getting anything. It’s like Jim & Bullock are the only people in Gotham who give a damn about the city & that’s not QUITE true. & I don’t understand why we need a handful of NEW villains either? Like why do we need a whole bunch of them if we’re only going to give them two-episode origin stories & brief off-screen mentions? Why not wait & really develop the characters later on? Take the ones we have now & really lay down who they are. But no. We have to overload the audience with more characters than we need. ) 
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ofbirds-blog · 8 years
“Seems like a lot of things are handed down in this family.” Robin smirked widely, his grin visible beneath his helmet. His ‘uniform’, at leas,; was all him, nothing flashy or ‘here I am’ as the others had been. “I guess it suits you, though, so... there’s that.”
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“Is it ever a social call? Seriously, does no one just say ‘hi’ anymore?” Another jest, but this one without the accompanied smirk. It was a little frustrating, though not harshly so, and he wouldn’t truly mind any advice the former Robins had for him. Batman had been planning something else, of course, so he hadn’t gotten this guidance from the other nocturnal vigilante.
He wouldn’t admit it, but he was glad Tim Drake had taken this opportunity.
“I’ve hardly met the family, honestly.” He shrugged once. It wasn’t a big deal; he wasn’t exactly an old friend. “What did you have in mind?”
“Red Robin, huh? After the burger joint, or did'ya just like the name too much?” He KNOWS who he is. The third one, not long after the death of his predecessor, and a great detective to boot. Someone good to have on YOUR side.
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If he could feel the other’s eyes racking him over, it was hard to tell. He didn’t squirm under scrutiny like others might, and he wouldn’t buckle just because RED ROBIN gave him a once over.
“Isn’t that what the mantle is about? Or did I miss something?” He doesn’t mean to sound so short, but it comes out almost as a snap. “I do what’s right. Same as you, same as him.”
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ofbirds-blog · 8 years
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“It’s nice to see you again, Mister Wayne.” The surprise wasn’t masked from Duke’s voice, and he held his backpack a little closer. It was rare to see the man, and a personal visit at school was rarer still. “Why are you here?”
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ofbirds-blog · 8 years
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Favorite Marvel Characters » 7. Remy Lebeau [A.K.A. Gambit]
The X-Men are heroes. I’m a thief.
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ofbirds-blog · 8 years
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Lark sighed loudly, pulling back the visor of his suit before stooping down to sit at the edge of a building. He pressed his hand to the side of his helmet, connecting to the commlink between him and Batgirl. “So, find anything yet? I’m beginning to think he’s a little paranoid.”
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ofbirds-blog · 8 years
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The city seemed to be as overrun with vigilantes as it was with crime and corruption. He’d followed the other curiously, keeping a distance as best he could. It was interesting to see someone who took up fighting crime and who hadn’t gotten the attention of the bat. At least, not to his knowledge. @starandr
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ofbirds-blog · 8 years
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He was out of costume this time, on his way back home from cutting class. Her face was unmistakable, but Duke knew it was her. Well, at least this time, she seemed to be following the law. Of course, he was staring now, something she probably would catch up on, even if he didn’t. @smclbutmighty
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ofbirds-blog · 8 years
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He’d been watching carefully, his eyes following her every move. Duke was even leaned into her, slightly, his eyes narrowed as he tried to keep up, and then ‘poof’. “Holy cow! ” His outburst was loud. “Come on, how’d you do that? A trick of the light?” The sixteen year old was utterly amazed. @zataramagic
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ofbirds-blog · 8 years
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Duke chuckled. “Unfortunately, yeah. It’s Gotham; we make Detroit look like Disney world.”
                                              { @ofbirds }
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       “ If you do not mind my asking, is this quite commonplace here? “
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ofbirds-blog · 8 years
Starter call.
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ofbirds-blog · 8 years
Starter call.
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ofbirds-blog · 8 years
“Standing up to people who think they’re better than everyone else does not condone stepping on everyone else in the process. Criminals don’t care who they hurt, and they certainly do not do any good while failing to prove they’re better than everyone else, too.” He’d heard this argument before, and last time, Lark hadn’t a proper answer. He’d been practicing.
Not that he’d admit it.
If it weren’t for the sensors in his visor, he wouldn’t have seen how her heart jumped at just a simple touch. He’d made to be gentle, but maybe he didn’t know what he was capable of just yet. He’d have sworn, but that would probably be the moment the cowled vigilante chose to listen to the comm.
Lark wouldn’t have called himself ruthless if she had said it out loud. He didn’t come from money, and his parents were killed by the Joker when he was still a boy, but he didn’t turn to crime or petty thievery to get by. He turned to fighting crime, not causing it.
“I think I have a pretty good understanding of what it’s like. I take sympathy on the poor, not the criminals. They deserve it, you don’t.” He pointed out casually, like he was commenting on the weather. “And I’ve never been to the theater, except maybe once or twice. Though, usually because of people like you.”
He thought on her question for a moment before responding.“ Take what you took back to the museum, and then we can talk about mercy.”
Lark stared down at the girl from under his visor, and he sighed softly in exasperation. To anyone who hadn’t trained under the Bat, she might get away with whatever it was she had done wrong. He was no Batman, but he’d caught on soon enough.
“We’ve got to keep up with the rest of this city. The GCPD certainly can’t keep up, and it seems that crime is multiplying faster than we are.” His eyes narrowed, and he looked her over, unsure as of yet where whatever she took was. “Oh yeah, Batman’s school of how to kick ass and take names. Class is in session.”
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He saw it just before she flung the bag, and he reached out for her wrist just as she flung it down an alley. Great. If it was anything breakable, the museum was just going to blame him.
Lark tsk’d regardless. “Not much of a sweet talk kinda guy. I suppose you can say I take after him, in that regard.” He let go of her wrist rather forcefully, hoping to knock her off balance. “I prefer the truth, if I’m honest, and a nice trip to the Gotham Theater. Not a cheap date.”
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ofbirds-blog · 8 years
Lark stared down at the girl from under his visor, and he sighed softly in exasperation. To anyone who hadn't trained under the Bat, she might get away with whatever it was she had done wrong. He was no Batman, but he'd caught on soon enough.
"We've got to keep up with the rest of this city. The GCPD certainly can't keep up, and it seems that crime is multiplying faster than we are." His eyes narrowed, and he looked her over, unsure as of yet where whatever she took was. "Oh yeah, Batman's school of how to kick ass and take names. Class is in session."
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He saw it just before she flung the bag, and he reached out for her wrist just as she flung it down an alley. Great. If it was anything breakable, the museum was just going to blame him.
Lark tsk'd regardless. "Not much of a sweet talk kinda guy. I suppose you can say I take after him, in that regard." He let go of her wrist rather forcefully, hoping to knock her off balance. "I prefer the truth, if I'm honest, and a nice trip to the Gotham Theater. Not a cheap date."
@ofbirds liked for a starter [ x ]
“Seriously?”  Fen grumbled as she was suddenly face to face with a man in a mask - he was adorned in yellow and black and the teenager stopped herself from making a comment about Hufflepuffs or bumblebees.  “You people are everywhere these days! Is there, like … Some vigilante school we normal people aren’t being told about?” Not that Fen was normal by any stretch of the imagination, but all these vigilantes definitely seemed to think there was something special about them.
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As she spoke, she used her arms a bit more than she normally would. It wasn’t subtle by any means, but subtlety wasn’t really what she was going for. The bag of her stolen goods flew from her hand, flying into an alleyway off to the side. Obviously, the boy would see it, but she was planning on relying on her ability to talk in circles. “I don’t even have anything, so I don’t know why you’re even here! There’s probably some bad guys somewhere just - just wreaking havoc! You should go get them. Go … Go vigilante them. Nothing to see here.” She flashed a bright, nervous faux smile. 
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ofbirds-blog · 8 years
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DUKE #dukethomas #batman #rebirth #robin #comics #dc #dccomics #art #artist #sketch #gotham #drawing
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ofbirds-blog · 8 years
A tall and jealous boyfriend is a turn on.
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ofbirds-blog · 8 years
In a universe where everyone is born with numbers on their wrists counting down to when they’ll meet their soulmate, send me 00:00:00 for my muses reaction to their numbers hitting zero when they meet yours.
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