#sorry to akane enjoyers that i never have anything nice to say about her i promise i am not a hater lMDKFJSKDND
aihoshiino · 1 year
your analysis are really interesting and are a joy to read! i wanted to ask about your thoughts on the tokyo blade arc of the manga because its really interesting and gives a lot of characters more depth
thank u so much anon! 🥺 I feel like I've said this in like every ask but it really does surprise and delight me how many people vibe with my longform takes on the series when the extent of my fandom engagement for the last few years has been talking about fate grand order in a group chat comprised of like 5 other gay people LMAO
That said, Tokyo Blade is... an arc I have mixed feelings on! It was, in fact, the arc I originally dropped the manga on back when I was first following it in 2020/2021 feeling it was poorly paced and that I wasn't able to get invested in the cast to the degree it wanted me to me. But upon revisiting the series and this arc in particular with fresh eyes, I think I was being pretty unfair to it - though I do stand by my feeling of the pacing being not the best at least when reading it week to week. It's one of those arcs that definitely works better when you can take it all in at once as opposed to having it doled out over what felt like an agonizingly slow 30+ weeks.
As for my current feelings... in isolation I think it's extremely strong and has some incredible moments that I am PUMPED for seeing animated in season 2 but the further we get away from it and see its long term effects on the cast (or I should say, the lack thereof) the more I feel like it ultimately adds up to less than the sum of its parts.
Not that it's a bad arc, mind! Like I said, it has some insanely strong individual moments and I think the character arcs it ends up serving are super interesting. Its commentary is compelling and I literally can't gush enough about the massive glowup Melt gets in this arc. Every time I have new friends get into the series and understandably react with derision towards him in Sweet Today I just sit there crying tears of blood like that's my fucking baby son you don't understand
I also just really appreciate that the arc is willing to slow down and just let us breathe in some of the emotional baggage the characters are all dealing with without needing to shackle it to Aqua's revenge quest. Even the side characters like the mangakas and the production staff feel like they have real, human lives beyond the ways they factor into the plot and again, it feels like there are real weight and stakes to ensuring the play's success beyond just whether or not it will help Aqua do a thing. So many people's careers (and by extension, their lives) are hanging in the balance and you feel the weight of that responsibility absolutely crushing everyone involved. It's great!
This is potentially a sillier point to add but can I also say that I really like how authentic Tokyo Blade feels as an in-universe piece of fiction LOL. Everything from the premise to the designs rings so fucking true to the exact sort of manga it's a pastiche of that I'm half expecting to hear about the Studio Bones Tokyo Blade anime adaptation announcement any day now because it feels so real to me.
On the less positive side, though... like I said, this arc is s l o w. I believe it's still Oshi no Ko's longest arc at three volumes's worth of chapters and change and it's such a change to the story's until-then relatively breezy pace that it can be really jarring when you go in not expecting it. Again, having the arc available in full to read as quick or slow as you like does a lot to alleviate this problem but if you aren't connecting with it, you're stuck with it for an incredibly long time. This also means that B-Komachi in general and Ruby in specific get completely side-lined for almost thirty entire chapters - Ruby basically vanishes during this entire arc and if you were invested in and excited about her as a character, it sucks to see her get so immediately and completely sidelined after what felt like a big triumphant step forward for her, which is a pattern that will unfortunately continue through the rest of the series.
And speaking of unfortunate patterns... Tokyo Blade is the arc where Akane starts taking steps towards becoming the version of herself I like the least lmao. I've said to friends elsewhere that short hair/LoveNow!Akane and long hair/post Tokyo Blade!Akane basically feel like completely different characters to me and while I really love and am invested in LoveNow!Akane, PTB!Akane is easily my least favourite member of the main cast for reasons that are not entirely her fault.
She doesn't quite achieve her final form in Tokyo Blade arc but the seeds of my worst future annoyances with her (lack of meaningful connection to the extended cast, largely just orbiting Aqua, the overly convenient nature of her deductions, etc) start to take root here. There are some teases of interesting ideas and I particularly enjoy the build up, development and reveal of the true nature of her rivalry with and animosity for Kana but I don't feel like these bear any long term fruit.
That's probably my biggest problem with Tokyo Blade - it feels like an arc that should massively advance the story and the arcs of all the characters associated with it. In some ways it does and we get some tasty crumbs about the central mystery but when you take a step back and really look, the broad strokes status quo of the plot and the character relationships really don't get much of a shakeup and even the things that do feel like they should lead to big changes (Akane figuring out Ai's secret, Aqua finding his half-brother, Kana getting her shine back and Akane's reaction) just kind of... don't? Or at least not in ways that are as impactful as they feel they should be.
Kana and Akane's rivalry is probably the worst example of this. It's built up across the whole arc to the point of their on-stage confrontation basically being the arc's climactic high point. Kana finally stepping into the spotlight again and outshining Akane so beautifully really feels like it should have served as a gigantic change to their dynamic but not only have they barely interacted in any meaningful capacity since it happened, but the times they have it's just been the same old shit of hostility and sniping at each other with the tiny flavour difference of "oh gosh, akane is just such a tsundere tee hee <3". It just doesn't feel like the meaningful, impactful change it should have been based on how hard the end of that arc made me FEEL it.
I've said elsewhere before that a lot of the characters feel sort of like they've been stuck in holding patterns since Tokyo Blade and I'm hoping that in the Movie arc, with the cast being crunched together into a single, extremely emotionally taxing and relevant project, it might shake a bit of life back into the proceedings, especially given that Aka has said that he thinks the manga's ending is probably within sight - though that could be anything from fifty to a hundred more chapters depending on what he's got planned so who knows how things might shake out.
I do ultimately feel more positively about the arc than negative, though! I feel like I rambled a lot more about the things I dislike here than the things I enjoyed but that's because I feel like the arc's strengths speak for themselves while the stuff I don't like as much needed a bit more explaining. At the end of the day, I think Tokyo Blade is a really solid arc that I'm beyond excited to see animated - it has one of my favourite scenes in the whole manga (given that I am an Ai enjoyer you can uh, probably guess which one it is) and I'm really hopeful that we might get a sneaky peek at a certain someone if season 2 ends at the point I suspect it might...
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dadsbongos · 3 years
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Insert Coin - Chapter 3.d / Series Masterlist
“It could be awkward for the others to see me leaving your cottage,” Hajime spoke in the silence after Monokuma’s morning announcement, “The last thing we want is for someone to make… assumptions about us.”
“Just don’t let it come off awkward,” (Y/n) giggled as she pulled on her shoes, “It’s easy!”
“I don’t see how ‘just don't’ is a valid way of avoiding awkwardness…”
“Nobody can make fun of you if they don’t know what you’re doing wrong,” the girl stood, hand on the doorknob of her cottage, “In other words, if you’re confident, people won’t poke holes in what you’re doing! I’ve seen people walk into movies without getting tickets because they were just super confident. Look like you know what you’re doing and people will leave you alone,” she pulled the door open, letting Hajime out first, “Except Hiyoko.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
Hajime hesitated as he walked off, but his posture suggested an allusion of bullheadedness unmatched by even Kazuichi. And, just as he’d desired, nobody approached him with teasing remarks or questions as he went to his own cottage to change. He could’ve done so while (Y/n) was changing in the bathroom, but apparently, her furniture was especially distracting - locking him in place on her bed.
Upon entering the dining hall, (Y/n) was struck into stunned silence. Her eyes widening in shock at the scene before her - Akane was wailing over the possible upcoming death of Nekomaru, Ibuki was mindlessly nodding along to any rude thing Hiyoko said, and Nagito… Nagito wasn’t even there.
Approaching Sonia, (Y/n) quirked a brow as she gestured to the group, “You know what their deal is?”
Shaking her head, the princess crossed his arms as she stared over her peers sadly, “Mikan said they feel warm, well, besides the obvious… ailments.”
“(Y/n)...” a loud groan came from behind the pair, both turning to see a paler-than-usual, sweaty, miserable Nagito stumbling over to them, “You look so disgusting today! So irrevocably horrific I can’t stand it, I hate that I have to see you! My day was perfect until I saw you!”
“Nagito, what the hell?” Hajime spat from the doorway, brows furrowed at the luck's rudeness, “She’s been nothing but nice to you this entire time- "
“What if he’s sick too?”
“I feel fine!”
“Look at Akane and Ibuki,” (Y/n) pat her friend’s shoulder, she was ever so grateful for Hajime stepping in even though it probably wasn’t necessary, “they’re acting totally different from usual. It probably wouldn’t be much of a stretch to say Nagito was affected as well,” she placed a hand over the sickly boy’s forehead, “He’s warm too. He was warm yesterday.”
“No, I wasn’t!” Nagito’s breath grew ragged, sweating profusely in (Y/n)’s grasp, “I’m perfectly fine! Don’t touch me! I’d rather die than let you touch me!”
His eyes widened before rolling back, spittle flying from his mouth as he fell back - landing on the dining hall floor with a harsh ‘thud’. Rushing down to his side, (Y/n) took up the convulsing boy’s head and cradled it, looking to the Ultimate Nurse for guidance when loud giggling interrupted the group.
Monokuma held his little conniving paws in front of his mouth, clearly finding enjoyment out of the group’s hazy confusion, “Oh, dear! It seems that some of your friends have caught the Despair Disease!” at the group’s continued confusion, he huffed, forcing on a charisma of television’s finest host, “Surprise! It's your next motive! Ibuki has the Gullible Disease, Akane has the Coward Disease, and Nagito has the Liar Disease!" he gave a last few giggles and a warning of it being contagious before disappearing.
“Hajime, lift Nagito with me,” (Y/n) instructed, taking up the unconscious boy’s body as carefully as she could while speaking to the group, “Mikan, there’s a hospital on the third island, right?”
"R-r-right, we could c-care for them th-there," Mikan nodded.
As the group headed out, some straying farther away than others in fear of catching the Despair Disease, (Y/n) thought back to the things Nagito had said to her. It was silly, especially in a scenario such as theirs - but she couldn’t help but be transfixed on what he meant behind his lies.
Once everyone had been settled in the hospital and the communication device was being worked on by Kazuichi, (Y/n) found herself in a difficult situation. Jammed between two friends she cared for deeply.
“Hajime, you can’t be serious right now. He has the Liar’s Disease.”
“(Y/n)’s exactly wrong. She’s too stupid to figure it out.”
“He said he wanted me gone.”
“Hajime,” she muttered, taking the bridge of her nose between forefinger and thumb, “What do you think Liar’s Disease means?”
“It still hurt,” Hajime crossed his arms before turning towards the door, “I’m going to find Mikan…”
“Ask her to do another check-up on Nagito when she has the chance, please? He’s doing worse than the others and I’m not sure why,” (Y/n) had an inkling, but she shouldn’t spill secrets so openly.
A mere nod and Hajime was walking out, Nagito smiling as he spoke, “You’ve been such a nuisance this entire time. I need a better caretaker.”
It took a brief mental translation before (Y/n)’s heart was warming, “Oh, how sweet, I’m glad to be of service.”
“I really do hate your face, it’s hideous.”
“Never thought I’d take that as a compliment but there’s a first for everything, right?”
Upon Mikan’s entrance to the room she glanced between the patient and caretaker, her fingers racking together as she stepped towards Nagito’s IV, “H-how has he b-been doing?”
“Not well, he’s been talking about being extremely hot and keeps saying he feels great.”
“I…” Nagito’s eyes fluttered, coughing as he spoke, “I feel… amazing… my vision is perfectly clear too, how incredible… so hot…”
“There’s spare blankets in the storage room, correct? I can grab some,” (Y/n) rose from her seat as Mikan gingerly took the boy’s temperature.
Hospitals sickened her deeply. The scent of sterilization and the shiny linoleum floors sent shivers down her spine at something so macabre. Lying in the beds where others have died didn’t exactly sound like good motivation for healing. This hospital was barely different - grime in the grouts and dirt collecting on surfaces not touched in however long the building had been here. Not that it helped.
If anything, it was only more bizarre and discombobulating fashioned as an abandoned hospital than a lively one. And she tried to avoid the disturbing scene playing behind plexiglass beside her in the hall best she could.
Fuyuhiko and (Y/n) arrived at the storage room synchronistically, giving each other a stare before shaking themselves out of their respective trances and entering the small, dimly lit room.
The blond spared a glance to the peacekeeper, “How’s uh- " he grimaced, hating the man attached to the name he was about to spew, “How’s Nagito?”
“Not well,” (Y/n) took out two folded blankets before handing one to Fuyuhiko, “Mikan’s checking up on him right now. He’s been looking worse than the others, I’ve noticed - it’s a little worrying. What about Akane?”
Fuyuhiko’s face fell at the reminder of his patient, “Louder than what I’m used to from her,” he held up the blanket in his grasp, “She’s soaked through two of these fuckin’ things already.”
“Oh, that’s unfortunate,” (Y/n) muttered sympathetically, patting Fuyuhiko’s back, “Good luck with all that, eh? I’ll be with Nagito if you need any help,” her chest ached at the blond’s new eyepatch, “Make sure you take of yourself, alright?”
Flustered, Fuyuhiko looked away from the girl, “I’ll be fine.”
“Glad to hear it, but, if you ever need help - we’re all here for you.”
“I didn’t come to sing kumbaya in the storage closet,” the short boy snarked before stalking off.
“Fair,” (Y/n) sighed, largely to herself, before following his example and heading back to Nagito’s room.
By the time she’d arrived, Nagito was already fast asleep with Mikan nervously watching over him - switching between his body and his vitals. The poor nurse jumping when (Y/n)’s voice suddenly peeked out in the silence - asking if she was clear to lay the blanket over their patient.
“Ah!” Mikan calmed down once she saw who it was, a hand coming up and over her chest, “(Y/n)! Y-you sca-scared me…”
“Sorry,” the girl chuckled, hoping to release the awkward tension, “Am I though? Good to put down the blanket? I don’t wanna screw with anything.”
“You-you’ll be good… just be c-careful of his l-left arm…” Mikan pointed to the IVs attached to Nagito.
Nodding, the peacekeeper carefully laid the blanket over the shivering boy’s body, tucking it where she deemed necessary. Pity plundered her poor pattering heart at the distressed furrow in his brows. She sat at one of the stools around the Ultimate Luck’s bedside, taking his right hand and brushing her thumb over the bony knuckles.
She didn’t think Despair Disease would work so heavily with his cancer and dementia. It was worse than his luck cycle, it was God pointing and laughing at a young man who had been delivered pain merely for existing.
“He sh-should be fine for n-now,” Mikan nodded to herself, still checking Nagito's vitals, “He’ll be out fo-for a while… if an-anything like th-that happens, let me know!” even her exclamations sounded so timid in her soft voice.
“In seconds,” (Y/n) confirmed, still focused on the ill boy trapped in his hospital bed, just before the nurse left she called to her, “Hey, Mikan? Thank you. It’s admirable how quickly you stepped up to do this, I’m sure the others feel the same too.”
“It’s n-nothing, really…” Mikan smiled softly to herself despite the dismissal, a light blush festering over her cheeks, “B-but thank you!”
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post-itpenny · 3 years
How would Blair and Chloe feel about everyone else?
Tagging @grodygabe since I decided to answer for EVERYONE.
Mary- Immediate new friend. Chloe thrives off building connections with others and Mary is so nice and cool! And gosh the roller skates, Chloe loves that. Plus Mary understands a little of what Chloe has gone through, which is something she hasn’t had before and… that’s a very bittersweet thing, especially in a place like this.
Cora- Also cool. Chloe gets the sense she has to prove herself to Cora though and she doesn’t know how. It’s not that Chloe needs to be friends but that she knows in a place like this it will be better if they can work together. So, it’s Chloe’s own personal mission to get Cora to trust her.
Pandora- just seems to have her own wisdom about her in- in her own way that is. Plus she’s also traveled a lot. I can imagine Chloe would love swapping stories with her.
Bastion- He seems so nice, and she really appreciates does appreciate him trying to look out for her. She accepts his help because it doesn’t seem like he’s doing it out of pity- she can’t stand when people think she needs their pity- Chloe is capable. She clearly is or she wouldn’t be here! Something tells her this place, whatever the heck it is, does not take those who can’t survive for long. Anyways, she likes Bastion and I can see these two becoming good friends very fast, she’ll want to watch out for him as well.
Kiyoko- Chloe would be surprised to realize this one is nervous around her but that’s ok! There is never anything wrong with being shy. Chloe would give her space and respect that’s what Kiyoko needs. If they’re hanging out in the same space between trials Chloe would just whip out the old guitar and play because that always seems to loosen anyone up. If it doesn’t work, then that’s ok too.
Thomas- He is also closed off, but it’s like he wants to trust her and be friends but something holds him back. She wonders why…
Johnny- His arms! She would honestly want to cry the first time she gets a good look at him. To see someone’s prosthetics look just that amazing, to see all the cool things he can do, and he built those himself?! She really would find it a little inspiring. Don’t get me wrong, she’ll still find him terrifying. But just- just wow. Calls him amputee buddy behind his back.
Thaddeus-Is it weird that in some ways he reminds her of her own grandfather? Very no-nonsense and gruff but she has a suspicion he can be nice if he really, reeeeaaaaally wants to. Plus she would find his treatment of Cora a little funny.
Gisela- Is beautiful in a very creepy way. I think Chloe would enjoy visiting her realm the most just because she likes the aesthetic of the different maps. She would be cautious around Gisela however. Chloe gets the vibe that upsetting her would be a very bad idea.
Akane- Is probably going to get the guitar treatment often X3. It’s really nothing personal, it’s just Chloe has a particular fight or flight response and if something that angry and scary is coming after her you know what you’re going to get. She would actually be rather intimidated by Akane since running isn’t her strongest suit.
Apophis-Chloe has never had a problem with snakes… until now. She normally feels a little bad when she has no choice but to get aggressive with the other killers. Chloe is determined to survive but she doesn’t really want to hurt anyone. But Apophis makes her actually feel like she’s being hunted, not just chased. He would put her on edge almost as much as Blair does.
Irene- She’s so rude and bitter! Just…. why?! Chloe will honestly love Irene’s map, but I think what will be most interesting is that Chloe will insist on being nice to Irene no matter what. Perhaps it’s a bit of a “kill them with kindness” approach.
Blair- she’s so afraid to run into him again. But she knows it’s going to happen eventually so the best she can hope for is to prep her fellow survivors for what will be coming.
Mary- This one has spirit, he’ll see her as a challenge in matches and enjoy it. Her cleverness, her quick remarks, it will all be fun banter for Blair. He’s more likely to avoid focusing on just her in a chase however. Blair plays the long game, relying on patience and strategy rather than just barreling after a survivor. He knows this would do better to throw off her game anyways if he won’t give in to any of her baiting.
Cora- He’ll see a lot of her ancestor in her, that independence and stubbornness; honestly he can respect that. I hate to say it, but Blair will mess with her in matches from time to time just to annoy Thaddeus. Purely because Thaddeus being angry is funny to him.
Pandora- Another fighter, he’s learned from Chloe it's best to watch the feisty ones. Pandora would probably be able to get in a swing but that’s it. He would switch to getting her from a distance with flash powder or fumes. If that doesn’t work then shepherd her into an area like the funhouse or animal tent instead of simply trying to corner her.
Bastion- Sorry to say it, but the moment Blair learns Bastion is afraid of clowns he’s going to go ham finding all the ways he can scare the poor guy.
Kiyoko- A bit of a mouse yes? How timid this one is, let’s see if there is a lion in her yet.
Thomas- In some ways he pities the boy for having to deal with Irene. Buuuut, not that much pity. Again, like Cora, Blair would mess with Thomas during matches because it would make Irene angry. His newfound favorite hobby.
Chloe- Here’s the thing, Blair actually respects Chloe. The entity interfered with the match which he considers cheating. But he knows that wasn’t her doing, plus it was at a minute left on the clock. Meaning there was a very real chance she could have held him off just long enough to win. So in Blair’s opinion she did win, something no one has done and walked away from with their sanity intact. All the others were assimilated into the circus, so he decided Chloe is now a member as well, regardless if she wants to be or not. Her role is a unique one at that but she is one of them nonetheless. He’ll take to quietly keeping an eye on her for now.
Johnny- Will thank him for the compliment of being called a clown, every single time. He’s definitely going to want to tease Johnny from time to time but the gentleman minds his own business and for the most part Blair will respect that. He is very curious about Johnny’s technical creations though. Blair was just a boy when the idea of “modern electric lights” and other marvels were first made available to the public. To see how far technology has come is astounding.
Thaddeus- Will also thank him for the clown compliment. Blair really doesn’t have much interest in the old man except that it’s fun to annoy him. Otherwise, like Johnny Blair will respect Thaddeus’ space.
Gisela- Now Blair has a pretty decent connection with the entity they serve, but he takes one look at Gisela and immediately will understand “that… don’t mess with that.” He will however be so amazed at the idea of real magic. One of Blair’s earliest lessons was that there is always someone better at your job, you just have to perfect your craft to yourself. He is proud of his talents but would want to learn real magic so badly. He knows however, she would not be a willing teacher. But Blair is patient, he knows when she’s visiting his realm and lets her explore freely, perhaps it is a start.
Akane- After just one meeting Blair would get the sense to just leave this one alone. He’s not afraid of her and her anger. But, something about this one and the way she acts. He just gets the feeling he should leave her be.
Apophis- While Blair finds Apophis’ appearance and abilities to be fascinating, Blair is not intimidated, definitely a lot of banter between these to. Both are proud and while Blair never has trouble sharing the spotlight Apophis will irritate him. Also, the snake is not allowed to visit his circus unsupervised for the safety of his people.
Irene- Hehe, they can’t stand each other. Blair will take a lot of enjoyment riling Irene up into a full on tantrum. He actually remembers seeing a much younger Irene in newspapers back in the old days. He thought she looked arrogant even then. You can imagine Irene’s thoughts on circus performers so these two are always going at each other.
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ryqoshay · 4 years
Tri-Arame: Ne, Wanna Bite?
Primary Pairing Trio: YuuAyuSetsu Words: ~1.8k Rating: G Time Frame: During their 2nd year in high school Story Arc: Stand Alone
Author’s Note: One of my favorite tropes is, and will likely remain, the sharing of food among couples. I’ve included it a handful of times in HL and am pretty sure I’ve done so over in HtHaN as well. If not, I guess I’ll just have to add a scene like that to the queue... though I suppose even if I have, it’s still as good an excuse as any to write more NicoMaki.
In any case, both SIFAS and the Niji anime depict Ayumu and Yuu casually trading bites as if they do so every day, and they probably do, but what might an observer think?
Also, I’ve seen Koppe Pan translated as either bread or buns, so I’ve used at least the latter as an occasional alternate noun for the food, but the actual name is just too fun to say that I couldn’t leave it out entirely.
“Ne, Setsuna-chan!” Yuu called, approaching her friend with Ayumu in tow, holding hands, as per usual. Ever the classic childhood couple. Practice had ended for the day and everyone was slowly filtering out of the clubroom. “Ayumu and I are heading to the mall to do some shopping, wanna come with us?”
“Very much so.” Setsuna confirmed with nod and a smile. “I was actually going there myself because the latest issue has been released for one of my favorite doujinshi series.”
Yuu grinned. “I know, that’s the main reason we wanted to invite you. I’m getting a copy as well.”
“You are?” Setsuna blinked. “You know I would be happy to lend you my copies whenever you desire.”
“Yeah, but after you lent me the first book, I was so hooked, I wanted to add it to my collection as well. Also, if I have my own copy, I don’t have to wait for you to finish reading yours so I can borrow it. We can read it at the same time!”
“Also, it’s easier for me to borrow them.” Ayumu chimed in.
“You are reading it as well, Ayumu-san?” Setsuna felt her heart start to pound with excitement; not just one, but two friends with whom she could talk about the story.
Ayumu smiled somewhat sheepishly. “You and Yuu-chan looked so excited talking about it last time that I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. It’s been forever since I last read manga, but I’m glad I did; it’s really good.”
“I know, right?” Setsuna felt like she could jump with joy.
“I’m not quite caught up with you two, though.” Ayumu admitted.
“Oh, what chapter have you reached?”
Setsuna nodded. “Very well. No spoilers beyond that point. But what did you two think about the battle with Jhank?”
The three girls chatted away their journey to the mall, dissecting each character development, romantic interest and plot twist. There was a bit of a line at the store, but none of them minded as it gave them that much more time to talk. Setsuna found it was incredibly freeing to be able to talk openly about her interests with others who were similarly interested.
Setsuna had several enjoyable conversations with Kasumi about idols once they were able to reconcile the fact that they viewed them very differently, but that was about where their shared interests ended. Kanata had trouble staying awake and Emma, though a kind listener, had a hard time contributing when she wasn’t nearly as invested. She had established that Rina watched anime but hadn’t had as much opportunity to talk with the reclusive girl. Ai had expressed interest, though Setsuna suspected it was mainly a means to get closer to Rina. And Karin, though not necessarily disinterested, wasn’t particularly interested either, the same seemed to apply to Shizuku as well.
But Yuu and Ayumu, particularly the former, actively participated in the conversation. They were engaged with the topic and happy to let Setsuna gush about anything and everything. Even when she realized she had been the primary one talking for several minutes and would pause to apologize, one of them would dismiss it and encourage her to continue. It was a wonderful experience, to say the least.
“Ne, are either of you two hungry?” Ayumu asked as the trio left the bookstore.
“I could eat.” Yuu replied. “Shall we get our usual?”
“Sounds good. Do you want to join us, Setsuna-chan?”
“Yes, please, if you don’t mind.”
“Of course not.”
“By the way, what is your usual?”
“Koppe Pan!” Yuu said with a smile.
Ah, that made sense. Setsuna remembered regularly seeing the couple eating a variety of the packaged sandwiches in the club room as snacks. And Kasumi had recently taken to providing the two with the results of her experiments as she honed her skills. Kopee Pan really was their usual.
Setsuna watched the other two as they discussed the menu; what they had tried already and what possible specials they looked forward to in the future. However, having never been to this food stand before herself, Setsuna ended up getting the first thing that looked like something she might like.
It must be nice, Setsuna thought to herself a few minutes later, to be so familiar with someone. What does a couple care about sharing indirect kisses in public? She sat in awe as Ayumu even commemorated the occasion by snapping a shot of herself taking a bite of Yuu’s bun. The often-embarrassed redhead didn’t even so much as blush when the twin-tailed girl wiped a bit of filling from her cheek before putting it in her own mouth. Cute. And a bit enviable.
“Ne, Setsuna-chan.” A sandwich entered her field of vision. “Wanna bite?”
“Thank you.” Setsuna responded, accepting the offer.
“Good, isn’t it?” Yuu grinned.
“Indeed.” Setsuna agreed after swallowing. She blinked upon seeing an expectant expression on the other girl’s face. “Oh, here.” She held out her own bun.
“You can also try some of mine if you like, Setsuna-chan.” Ayumu offered.
“Very well.”
Ayumu giggled. “Geez, you’re just like Yuu-chan.” She reached over to clear something from Setsuna’s cheek and ate it.
“Aww… I was just about to do that.” Yuu pouted.
“Oops, sorry.” Ayumu smiled and stuck out her tongue, looking nowhere near apologetic.
Huh, so Ayumu-san really can tease Yuu-san in return sometimes. Interesting.
The next thing Setsuna knew, Ayumu had slid closer to her and was holding her phone ready. Mimicking Yuu’s actions from a minute ago, Setsuna held up her bun while the other girl leaned down before snapping a shot, then taking a bite.
“Remember to send me those pics.” Yuu said.
“Of course.” Ayumu nodded.
“So, which one was best?” Yuu turned her attention to Setsuna. “Ayumu’s or mine?”
“That is a good question…” Setsuna pondered. “They were both good, however, Yuu-san yours was more like a dessert meant for after a meal while Ayumu-san’s was more like an appetizer to tide one over between meals. Thus, as we have not eaten dinner yet, Ayumu’s was more appropriate.”
Yuu blinked. “But which did you like more?”
“I thought I just explained?”
“She preferred mine, Yuu-chan.” Ayumu clarified. “And that earns her another bite.” She smiled as she held her sandwich out again, earning another pout from Yuu.
“Thank you.” Setsuna accepted again before smiling as Ayumu gave in and allowed Yuu another bite as well. “Although, to be perfectly honest, my own was my favorite of the three.” She admitted. “I thought it might be good because it looked just like the one Akane ordered in Episode 7 of…”
Yuu giggled.
“That way of choosing what to order is very fitting of you, Setsuna-chan. I love it.”
“And sorry for interrupting, what anime was that from?”
And just like that, conversation returned to one of Setsuna’s greatest passions. Ayumu and Yuu expressed interest in the series and Yuu ended up suggesting that they watch it together that night. Unfortunately, as a test was coming up and hanging out at the mall all afternoon had already cut into her studying time, Setsuna had to decline. Thankfully, she was able to agree to a raincheck over the weekend. With that decision made, the three girls parted ways to head home for the evening.
Setsuna glanced at the clock. Her parents should be in bed by now and she should no longer have to worry about them walking in on her unexpectedly. With mounting anticipation, she scurried over to her school bag and retrieved the doujin she had purchased earlier that day.
Given her level of excitement, Yuu had likely already read the chapter as soon as she had arrived home. As such, Setsuna fully expected to be able to discuss things tomorrow with her, being careful of avoiding spoilers for Ayumu, of course.
As she lay down on her bed, memories of the day came back to her. It really had been a lot more fun going as a group instead of sneaking out on her own.
A smile came to Setsuna’s lips as the dark-winged angel’s antics in the story resulted in the light-winged angel becoming flustered and blushing adorably. The two made a cute couple even if they denied being one. They were so familiar with one another, using exclusive nicknames, bathing together, sharing a bed, sharing food…
Sharing food… Indirect kisses…
If the doujin had been in color, Setsuna’s cheeks would have matched those of the light-wing angel’s from a few frames back. Back at the mall, she had shared indirect kisses with both Yuu and Ayumu without even realizing it. They had both behaved so naturally with her, just as they did among themselves, that she hadn’t even noticed until now.
Did they behave like that with everyone?
Setsuna scoured her memories of her time with them in the clubroom.
There was one time that Kasumi told them to stop flirting while using her Koppe Pan to do so. This had earned an amused laugh from Yuu and one of Ayumu’s signature blushes, though Setsuna wasn’t sure anyone at the table bought their denial.
But that was about it. As far as Setsuna could tell, the couple kept such things between themselves. Yuu was openly affectionate with just about everyone, but certain things seemed to be reserved for Ayumu. And now Setsuna… maybe?
Setsuna shook her head. She had to be missing something. There was no way… was there?
Yuu had said she loved her. Several times, in fact. But she had dropped the line about as casually as she did with others. There couldn’t possibly be any deeper meaning than that of a close friend or of a fan expressing their adoration for an idol, right? Certainly, that had to be the explanation.
And what of Ayumu? Setsuna had little doubt of the redhead’s feelings toward her childhood friend, which were a major contributor to why she believed the two were a couple. But did Yuu not reciprocate? Was that why Ayumu sometimes behaved the way she did? No, she was pretty sure the two were dating.
So how did any of that explain what happened? What did it mean? Did it even mean anything in the first place? For the life of her, Setsuna couldn’t figure out the situation.
But… if nothing else, Setsuna had to admit that she had liked it. A lot. That feeling of familiarity truly was enviable, especially now that she’d tasted it herself. Literally. Even if she hadn’t recognized it at the time. And she wanted more…
But was that alright? Certainly, such a trope need not apply strictly to romantic genres, right? One could be that familiar with someone while remaining platonic, right? The last thing Setsuna wanted to do was to drive a wedge between two who were so close. But it was at least alright to want to be closer to them, right?
She wanted to see them again. To hang out with them again. To discuss anime with them again. To eat Koppe Pan with them again.
Tomorrow. She would see them again tomorrow. And Yuu would want to talk about the doujin…
With that thought in mind, Setsuna returned her focus to the book in her hands.
Author's Note Continued in Followup Post
5 notes · View notes
ariadnassecretdiary · 5 years
The black swan lake AU - final act
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*Mun Ari: this is the last episode! I hope you liked the story! I know it ended up very long, I’m sorry ;-; Yet, I poured my heart into it and is now one of my favorite AU so far! In any case, I’ll now continue working on Ari’s route since it’s really close to its end as well TuT. I’m thankful for your support and now please enjoy this last chapter!
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
Ariadna was a nervous mess. She told her maids to dress her the prettiest they could. She wanted to look beautiful for Kino. Yet no matter how pretty she looked… she only cared to be able to help Kino. While getting ready, she couldn’t help but thinking how she had to be able to make a declaration of love in front of everyone. All she was about to do was for him. She wrote a small script of what to say, but she was having a hard time memorizing it or to keep a non-trembling voice. When she was having a hard time calming down, she thought just how much Kino was suffering from the curse and would just breath and try again.
(This needs to work… Kino have suffered enough. He deserves to be free) Ariadna thought.
She looked at the mirror and saw her reflection. She was pale, her hands were trembling and she had a difficult time breathing. She wanted everything to go according to plan.
(If all works out: this would be the last day Kino will spend as a swan and… how knows? Maybe he could spend more time with me) she thought while blushing and going back to her script. This was sure a ball she was looking forward to.
Meanwhile in the forest, Kino tried to freed himself from the roots at his feet. It wasn’t of much help the fact that the only tool he had was his beak and his own wings trying to pull himself off them grip. He had to get to the ball, he had to be there for Ariadna’s declaration and of course to protect her from any possible danger she might be exposed with Sabine there. 
(This is useless! And I can’t wait until I turn back into my human form to be able to free myself! By then I won’t be able to get there on time!) Kino kept thinking and trying to fight the roots as well as the poor Yuri with his own.
(No matter how much time it’ll take, I’ll be there! Just wait for me Ari!)
Back in the palace, the chandeliers provided light to the magnificent dance hall. All was highly decorated with beautiful flowers in red, shades of pink and white giving a romantic atmosphere. The music started to play and soon the dance floor was full with couples.
In the meantime, Ariadna was waiting for Kino’s arrival by the entrance. She kept looking around the guests, she greeted them, but kept looking for him.
“Still no sign of him?” Naomi approached Ariadna and she sighed.
“It’s almost time for both Akane’s and my special dance… D-Do you think something happened to him? W-What if hunters hurt him? W-What if Sabine did something to him? W-What if he’s lost?”
“Ari calm down! There’s still time. You need to keep calm. Go and have something to eat or drink”
“I can’t… I’m so worried!”
“He’ll come~ you’ll see”
Ariadna smiled, but her expression didn’t change much. She kept nervously looking around for any sign of Kino. Naomi shrugged and went to look for something to drink. While waiting for her drink, she felt like someone tapped her shoulder. She was about to ask kindly to be left alone, thinking it was an annoying suitor when she suddenly heard:
“I hope I’m not interrupting anything” the young man said.
When Naomi turned around she found herself  with a familiar face.
“Oh! Well, if it isn’t the one and only Isaac Vergara from the north kingdom~ It’s been a while since we saw each other~" Naomi greeted Isaac.
“Yes, it’s been a while” Isaac agreed.
“What are you doing here Isaac? I thought you weren’t coming today as well. I’ve heard you’ve been very busy with your responsibilities to even go outside your studio”
“I managed to get some work done beforehand and being able to attend”
“Oh? And what could it be the reason as to why you chose this particular ball~?”
Isaac smiled a little and looked across the room like searching for someone.
“I couldn’t miss the birthday of certain princess”
Naomi turned her eyes in annoyance. So Isaac was like everyone else: he was looking for an opportunity to have a dance with Akane, wasn’t him?
“I see. Well, Akane is sitting having dinner with the royal highnesses and asked politely to not being disturbed” she hissed.
“Akane? Well, thank you for the information but I wasn’t referring to her. I’m looking for Ariadna actually”
Naomi went speechless for a second.
“Ariadna? Why so?”
“It’s been a while since I last saw her and today is her special day after all. I couldn’t miss it, she wouldn’t forgive me for that. Besides…” isaac muttered a little quieter. “I would like to apologize to her about all my sudden disappearances. I wasn’t able to keep in touch with her these pasts months and I feel terrible for it”
“She was so worried and sad about it” Naomi commented.
“I can imagine, believe it or not I read them all in my free times. It made my day a little more enjoyable with all her stories and good wishes. She’s been always so kind and nice to me… yet for certain reason her letters stopped arriving. At first, I thought they went missing or she was busy herself but it was so sudden I got worried. I thought she was sick, but when we received the invitation for today’s ball I knew she was doing ok, but most likely angry with me. I came here to solve this and to spend time with her… after all I have something very important to talk to her”
Naomi was surprised with Isaac’s words, he’s always been honest with those he trusted (Naomi included) but he’s never being so opened with his private life. She was surprised that Isaac read Ari’s letters and was simply unable to write back, yet she was more surprised as to why Ariadna stopped so drastically to write to him. Naomi had always had a small suspect both  felt the same way for each other and this sudden change on Ari’s behalf caught her out off guard. However, she found it logic after she told Ariadna about Isaac’s search for a fiancee.
(She must have been so heartbroken… she would have thought she was bothering him with so many unanswered letters and could have thought she might interfered with his search for a marriage…) Naomi thought sadly.
“I was wondering if you have seen her Miss Naomi”
“Yes, I have. However, she’s busy at the moment attending the newly arrived guests”
“I see… Naomi I would like to ask you something rather personal about Ariadna”
Naomi opened her eyes surprise.
“I know it might be rude, but since you’re Ariadna’s friend for a long time now… I was wondering if you knew she had… she had received some kind of proposal”
“Proposal? Why you mean?”
“M-Marriage proposal Miss Naomi. I was wondering if Ariadna had been asked her hand in marriage or she might have fallen in love with someone”
Naomi couldn’t believe her ears, Isaac… why would he wanted to know something like that?
“Is rather unusual for you Isaac, asking for such questions”
“I know is very intrusive on my behalf, but you must have heard I’m looking for someone to join my life with. My parents insisted in looking for a suitable princess for me to marry, but I had already someone in mind”
“Y-You mean…?”
“Yes, since the beginning I was thinking of asking for Ariadna’s hand and I thought of doing so since the moment my parents brought the topic”
“A-And why you didn’t?” Naomi pressured
“Sadly, my parents weren’t very sure about my decision. After all you must understand that they insisted on marrying an immediate heiress to the throne and so an alliance to happen between both our kingdoms. They tried to convince me to chose Miss Akane, but I refused since I’m not exactly compatible with her. Finally, they made a deal with me: I had to give my word to make an effort to give various princesses a chance before choosing definitely Ariadna, if I was sure no princess could take Ariadna’s place in my heart… then I was free to ask for her hand”
Naomi was so shocked: Isaac was that day, at that ball to ask Ariadna to marry him? What a turn of events! Ariadna would have been so happy! She would have agreed without second thoughts… if only…
“Oh Isaac… I think you should tell her all this yourself. But answering your question: as far as I know I haven’t heard from Ariadna’s behalf about receiving any proposal. Yet I do want to make a small warning: it’s been a while since you both saw or wrote each other. Ariadna may have her reasons as to why she hadn’t written you and maybe she’s angry about it. You need to be able to understand whatever the reason she might have or… if she doesn’t give you the answer you’re expecting”
“As a gentleman, you have my word” Isaac said in complete understanding. “You are correct as always Miss Naomi, now if you excuse me I want to talk to Ariadna myself”
Isaac bowed to Naomi and went straight where Ariadna kept looking for someone.
“I hope I’m not interrupting”
Ariadna didn’t notice him approaching her, but when she turned around she found Isaac next to her.
“Isaac? Oh my! What a surprise! It’s been a while!” Ariadna exclaimed and hugged him. 
“I know, I’m so sorry”
“Oh! Don’t worry. I understand you’ve been busy”
“Yes, still I’m sorry I wasn’t even able to answer to your letters. I read them all, but I simply couldn’t get some free time”
“Don’t worry Isaac. You don’t have to give any sort of explanation. Please enjoy the ball!”
“Hold on: happy birthday Ari. You thought I forgot?”
“Not at all~ Thank you very much!”
“Ari… I was wondering if I could speak to you for a moment”
Ariadna looked around, there was still no sign of Kino and she really wanted to keep on waiting, but she saw Isaac was tense and seemed something rather important.
“Ari, I’m sure you are aware I’m soon to take over my throne and for that I’ve been busy with not just my responsibilities but now… I was also in search for a w-wife”
Ariadna felt a tiny knot on her stomach. Talking about it was so awkward and uncomfortable.
“Yes, Akane is in the same situation. Besides, Naomi talked to me about it”
“That is… I would like to know what is your opinion about it”
“O-Oh! I-I don’t know. To be honest, one part of me have clear that people like us sadly don’t have much of an option as marriage is complicated. We mostly use it as some sort of arrangement for two kingdoms to form an alliance. Yet…”
“Yet I can’t help but think one should marry out of love. That way sharing a life next to that person would be rather enjoyable, it would be wonderful if that were the case: marry out of love and form an alliance at the same time”
“Then… what would you think if I were to tell you I think the same way and… I’ve already chosen whom I want to marry?”
Ariadna smiled and finally said:
“That she would be very lucky. Please, treat her with respect and if you love her I hope you show it to her everyday. I’m so happy for you. Love truly is the most wonderful thing in the world!”
Isaac smiled back and he was about to speak once again when suddenly a newly guest entered the ball room. It was past the guests arrival hour and so people couldn’t help but stare. Ariadna heard the murmuring around her and when she turned around she went silent. Isaac followed her sight puzzled.
That black hair, that way of walking so sure, that pale skin, those piercing and mysterious red eyes… there was no doubt. Ariadna felt joy and relief: it was him and he had made it. 
“Who is—?” Isaac started, but was interrupted by Ariadna.
“Kino…” she spoke softly with evident happiness.
Isaac looked her face: she had sparkling eyes, she was slightly blushing and she had a sweet smile decorating her sweet face. She was shining with joy.
Kino went straight to where Ariadna was standing. He didn’t seem to care about the inquisitive stares and whispers going around him. Finally, he stood in front of her and offered his hand to Ariadna inviting her to dance the next piece.
Ariadna looked at him and with a trembling hand, but with a shy smile, she accepted. With a light pull Kino guided her towards the dance floor, right in the middle. They positioned themselves ready to start, Kino took Ariadna by the waist and she blushed.
The music start playing and slowly start dancing at the rhythm. The melody was sweet and tender, guiding them and Ariadna, although was tensed, started relaxing. 
Isaac saw everything with disbelief. Naomi stranded by his side and saw the couple before them.
“You lied to me Miss. Naomi” he said a little disappointed.
“Me? Oh no Isaac~ I answered with the information I had. I’m surprised myself”
“I’m having a hard time believing this…”
“What is it? You can’t believe I wasn’t aware of this? Or perhaps you can’t believe Ariadna is with someone else?”
Isaac went silence.
“What you expected Isaac? That she’ll wait for you forever? Sorry but that is rather selfish, don’t you think?”
Isaac said nothing and saw the couple with envy… if only he hadn’t taken for granted she was available… it could have been him dancing with her.
Meanwhile, Ariadna’s parents and Akane looked at Ariadna dancing with the unknown guest.
“Could it be…?” Daisuke’s words trailed down.
“I think it is~” Morena answered him pleased.
“It’s been a while since I saw Ariadna this happy and enjoying a ball” Daisuke commented.
“Indeed, yet I can’t help but worry… who is he?” Akane finally spoke.
“Once the dance is over, Ariadna asked me to allow her to have some words…” Morena then said.
“Ariadna did? Well, that’s new. She hates talking in public… what is going on?” Akane replied surprised.
The three of them kept watching the spectacle and Ariadna, although the shy princess she was, was graceful while dancing. Everyone seemed hypnotized by the elegant couple moving at the rhythm of the music.
While everything was taking place, a woman mixed in the multitude that gathered to watch the espectacle with an attempt to go unnoticed. Even though she seemed harmless, she possessed a great amount of power. She was mentally controlling Kino’s impostor, she made him move and must importantly… she could listen to whatever she could say. Sabine smiled sufficiently, all was going according to plan. 
Back in the forest, Kino kept trying to free himself. He was so desperate, yet the roots won’t give in. He stopped for a minute to recover. He was frustrated and he felt so useless.
Yuri observed him trying so desperate to get out of the forest into the ball. And he could notice it wasn’t to end the curse anymore: he was worried as to what could Sabine possibly be capable of doing to Ariadna in case he wasn’t there to protect her. 
(He really loves her…) he thought with understanding.
Yuri lean closer and start helping Kino instead of himself. Kino opened his eyes in surprise, but kept trying now with the help of Yuri’s beak. Within a few moments Kino was free, he hurried to help Yuri but he urged him to go to leave instead. He thank Yuri with a bow and flew away from the forest towards the ball held in the nearest castle of the nearest kingdom going northwest as Ariadna instructed him.
He flew as fast as his wings allowed him and mentally was begging for nothing bad to have happened while he was away.
In the castle’s dance hall, Ariadna kept dancing. Yet she felt something was unusual.
“You’re particularly quiet today Kino… is something the matter?” She asked him but he denied it moving his head.
“I’m a little c-clumsy while dancing in couples… I-I’m not asked much to dance…” she said again in an attempt to make him speak, but he shrugged.
“A-Are you perhaps angry I didn’t told you the truth? About me being… you know… a princess? If that’s so, I’m sorry. Y-You see I really don’t like talking about it since… well… I think that doesn’t make me any more special to others” Ariadna said apologetic.
Kino shrugged again and kept guiding her, but Ariadna thought something was odd about him. 
“I-Is it about the declaration? P-Please, don’t worry! I-I’ve been practicing! I already asked permission and…”
Kino interrupted her and give her a small purse she was rather familiar with: her family ring. Ariadna took it and she was deeply moved.
“Thank you… for everything” 
The piece finished and everyone clapped. Ariadna blushed, since for a moment she forgot they were watched. Ariadna then guided Kino towards her parents and they greet them with a bow. 
“F-Father, if you allow me…”
“Go on” Daisuke encouraged her.
Ariadna nodded and with a sign Daisuke called for everyone’s attention.
“G-Good evening everybody. First, I would like to thank you all for being joining us in such a special day as it is today. Second, if you allow me I want to take this opportunity to open my heart to all of you. Some weeks ago, I dared into the forest to clear up my mind and due to a small incident I ended up meeting him. At first, I could only think of him as a mere stranger but I had no idea he’ll become someone so important in my life”.
In that moment, Kino managed to arrive and looked for an entrance. When he got close to a window, his heart almost stopped for a moment. There she was, Ariadna was talking to the audience but standing next to her was an impostor. Looking around he finally spotted Sabine mixed with the multitud that were looking attentively. 
(No no no no no NO! Ariadna, that’s not me!!) he tried to scream, but being the swan he was he couldn’t.
“It was hard at first and many times I wished not seeing him again” Kino kept listening to Ariadna “Yet… We gave each other a second chance and with a little effort we managed to get to know each other better. I could go on and on about all the things I like about him, but that is unimportant…”
(There must be a way in before is too late!) although Ariadna’s words were so sincere he wanted to get to her and avoid a huge mistake
“I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’ve never felt with so much intensity this sensation in my life. I want you all be witness of this important moment…”
Kino kept looking for a way to get in, all windows seemed closed, the door too… and she was about to declare her love to the wrong man.
(It’s a trap Ariadna! I’m right here! He’s not the real me! STOP!) Kino tried to get his words into Ariadna’s mind, but it was impossible…
Ariadna felt hesitant for a moment to continue, she felt exposed not just by the fact she was being observed or people were whispering between each other, rather by the fact that she was going to declare her love and that was very private to her. Sabine was observing everything and was having the time of her life. She ordered the impostor to provide her comfort by grabbing her hand. He did so and Ariadna thanked the action and gathered enough courage to finally said:
“I want to make a confession to all of you… I-I…”
“I-I’m in love… I-I love this gentleman with all my heart” 
Everyone clapped and were thrilled with the declaration until the celebration was interrupted by a loud laugh and a sudden rush of  wild wind. 
Sabine made her way through the guests into the dance floor towards the center. Ariadna’s intuition told her she could be someone of danger and to be on guard.
“My my my~ what a touching and sweet speech~! Such a romantic message~” Sabine spoke apparently to the audience, but Ariadna could tell it was directed to her.
“Y-You are… Sabine?” Ariadna asked cautiously
“Oh~! It seems I’m rather popular, I’ve also heard a lot about you Princess Ariadna” Sabine answered in a sarcastic way
“What are you doing here?” Ariadna had a weird sensation that the fact that Sabine was here could meant a bad sign.
“I couldn’t miss such a performance! After all, what could be more enjoyable than failure?”
“Failure? So you came to witness your own?”��
“Not at all~ the fact I’m here means it was your failure”
Ariadna’s heart skipped a beat.
“That’s right~! You have just made a huge mistake… all according to my plan~”
“What you mean? I declared my love for him in front of everyone! He’s now free! You lost, the curse is over and you don’t have anything to do here!”
“You think so~? And with that it proves you simply don’t know and therefore… you lost”
Sabine snapped her fingers and the impostor vanished into the air. 
There were various gasps in the crowd and Ariadna went pale.
“Y-You! You cheated!” Ariadna shouted angrily towards Sabine and from behind her she took out her sword ready to attack.
“Save it. You need to accept that you couldn’t save him after all~”
“Where is Kino?!” 
“Over there” Sabine pointed towards the entrance and the doors opened revealing a weak black swan flying in the distance.
“KINO!” Ariadna went after him
“Oh my~ Who would have known? That you were the cause of his misfortune?”
“Silence! Now what are you talking about? What you did to Kino to be in such state?”
“Me? No, it was you~ You see princess: the curse said that in order for the spell to break he needed to fell in love with someone that needed to feel the same way for him. Then she needed to prove her love for him by making a declaration in front of everybody. HOWEVER, if this girl were to declare her feelings towards another person then Kino would not just remain as a swan but he’ll also die~"
Ariadna felt her whole world was falling apart.
“No! That can’t be!”  Ariadna said with a broken voice.
Sabine enjoyed the view.
“My work here is done~ there’s certain someone that surely in need for my attention~"
She vanished and that is when Ariadna ran towards the exit to her horse.
“Ariadna wait!” She heard someone calling her but she didn’t turned around.
She rode Night Star to the forest, there was no way Kino could die! She needed to see him! There must be something she could do!
Yuri felt a certain weakness and fell in the ground, he felt awful.
“Something… must have… gone wrong…” he thought siting to recover his breath
That is when he saw a black swan descending slowly to the edge of the lake and after a luminous light the black bird turned into Kino who was struggling to breath.
“K-Kino! What… happened?”
Kino couldn’t reply but when he was about to do it he was interrupted
“It happened what it had to~” Sabine appeared before them and went to Kino “Look at you: all weak and pathetic… you had to come all this way to understand?”
Kino was in pain, but looked at her with anger
“I told you: there is no way someone would love you as much as I do. Even after all I did for you… you decided to betray me once again. But is not late! Say you’ll marry me and the curse will disappear… come on Kino dear, say it”
“N-No…” he finally spoke
“Don’t be reckless! Say it and you’ll be saved! It’s the only way”
“I… won’t…”
“Please! You are about to die!”
“I-Is funny… how you… think I’ll… love you… after all you’ve… done to me… No… the one who’s… pathetic is… you…”
“You choose death over me? Why…?”
“Y-You wouldn’t… understand…”
“Tell me!”
Just in that moment Ariadna arrived running and kneeled next to him. She took carefully his weak form into her lap and looked at him.
“Oh no…  What is wrong!? Kino, what is happening to you!?”
“He’s about to die! Thanks to you!” Sabine hissed
“Is that true!?” Ariadna asked Kino
“Y-yes…” he answered
“N-No! Y-You’ll be ok! I-I’ll take you with a doctor! Just hang in there!” 
“No… just… stay”
Ariadna’s eyes started filling with tears: he was in that state and there was nothing she could do.
“P-Please no!” Ariadna begged “Sabine! Do something!”
“I can’t…” she simply answered
“You are a witch, aren’t you!? Save him!”
“I can’t do it! I can’t make a curse vanish! The terms need to be fulfilled!”
Ariadna then looked at Kino and couldn’t hold her tears any longer. She held him closer and she could only think how she had ruined things even more.
“I-I’m so sorry… I-I couldn’t help you!” she apologized
“I-It wasn’t… your fault…” he simply said
“I-I should have known! Please forgive me…!”
Kino raised a hand and Ariadna took it and closed her eyes feeling his body colder each passing second.
“There must be something I can do!”
“There… is”
“W-What is it?”
“Stay… I don’t want… to die alone”
Kino’s eyes started closing slowly to Ariadna’s grief.
“N-No! S-Stay with me!” She hold him tighter “Please…!”
But he couldn’t and so he laid still.
Ariadna kept calling Kino as painful tears ran down her cheeks. Sabine looked at the scene and felt her heart ache.
“Why…?” Ariadna suddenly asked
“Why would you do something like this to Kino!?”
“He deserved it…”
“NO! It doesn’t make sense! You said you love him! Yet you did this to him! WHY!?”
“How would you understand!? You have no idea how much I was hurt! How he humiliated and hurt me! I was heartbroken! You don’t know!”
“Of course I know! I’ve been rejected! Many times! Still I wouldn’t dare do something like this! Even if I could!”
“Don’t make me laugh! You are saying I’m the villain!? He deserved it!”
There was a silence in which Ariadna was trembling with anger and her tears kept falling.
“If you… if you really loved him like you claimed… you would have accepted he didn’t corresponded you…” Ari spoke once again softly “And even if it was painful… if you would have sincerely… wanted him to be happy. Even if that meant seeing him happy with someone else… because that is what loving someone… really is…” Ariadna finally stated.
Sabine felt regret, guilt and pain. She looked at the motionless Kino in Ariadna’s lap and felt her heart crumble… is that what she truly wanted? 
(No… I wanted him to love me… although I knew… deep down… he simply couldn’t. I wanted to possess him… for him to have eyes only on me. Just like it happened to me… and now? He’s dead… and is my fault) Sabine’s eyes started tearing down, she was heartbroken. She was blinded by the pain and anger.
She wanted to take everything that had happened back. Everything. So that Kino would be ok. 
“Why he couldn’t love me like he did to you…?” she asked more to herself, but Ariadna heard her
“I don’t know… love is a mystery. One can’t force love, it just happens…” Ariadna said weakly
Sabine remembered those moments she spent at Kino’s kingdom. How she first saw him, when she presented herself to him, all those moments she tried to win him over, but the signs were clear: he didn’t feel the same. Yet she refused to see it, she thought she could and that pride made her do all the things she made. He didn’t deserve it… she simply tried to convince herself what she did was ok. She was aware of Kino’s loneliness and she thought her love for him could fill that void, but it didn’t. However, Ariadna’s love did… and that hurted. 
Sabine closed her eyes and imagined how her life would be knowing Kino wouldn’t be on this earth anymore… it felt like the same hell.  She made a decision and finally approached Ariadna. Ariadna  wanted to pushed her away from Kino, but her face looked so miserable she didn’t move.
“Take this” Sabine handed Ariadna a small gemstone.
“What’s this…?” Ari said cautiously.
“As a converted witch I don’t have natural powers, so this gem allows me to have magic and do spells. If this gem were to be lost or destroyed I’ll be a mere human”.
“And what I’m—?”
“I want you to destroy it”
“No, please listen: I’ve caused enough harm and I want to try and fix it…”
“But going to this extent? Can’t you simply take away the spell?”
“No, because it’s a curse and for that I can’t unmake it…”
Sabine handed the gem and then she looked down at Kino.
“I caused you suffering and pain… I took everything you had and even punished others that tried to help you. I don’t deserve your forgiveness, yet I did not lied about my feelings. I’m so sorry… I hope with this at least you can go on with your life”
Sabine caress Kino’s cheek and looked back to Ariadna. She was able to see true love within her eyes. She was sincere, she looked at her with understanding eyes and could see even kindness. She truly loved Kino and he loved her back… although she felt envy, she accepted it. 
“Please: don’t let him feel lonely and… love him more that I ever could”
Slowly she stood up and started leaving, but before she could disappear Ariadna stopped her:
“Sabine… take care. Although you caused problems you tried fixing it and that counts much more. I’m sure he’ll understand”
Sabine dedicated her a sad smile and finally she left.
Ariadna then left the gem on the ground and with a nearby stone crushed it and slowly it lost its glow. After several moments, Yuri was surrounded by sparkles and after a subtle light he was freed from the spell. Their surroundings started losing its false beauty after all it was an illusion. Subtly Kino also shone momentary and with some last sparkles he seemed free from the curse. Everything seems back to normal… except Kino wasn’t waking up. 
“Kino? Come on Kino… wake up”
He didn’t respond.
“I-If it’s a joke… it’s not f-funny!”
“Kino? Oh Kino… please wake up!”
Ariadna shook him a little, but he was still motionless.
“Kino… KINO! Please wake up!! D-Don’t you dare l-leaving me alone! After all we’ve been through… look! Y-You’re free! E-Even Yuri! S-Sabine had a change in heart and s-set you free… please open your eyes!”
Ariadna started crying once again… it was all in vain after all. 
“Open your eyes… those eyes I love so much. Those beautiful eyes that pierce into my soul … but that are full with life. Wake up… I miss your voice, your sense of humor, your kindness… everything. I don’t want to lose you! That declaration was for you… what I said was for you and y-yet… please… I love you… don’t go!”
Yuri felt extremely moved, yet so heartbroken by the fact Ariadna’s declaration went unheard by Kino. He had lost his friend, almost like a brother to him… a tyrant that turned into the victim. Although he redeem it wasn’t enough to save himself.
Ariadna’s tears fall into Kino’s face and Ariadna in a last attempt to bring him back she pulled him closer into her chest… to her heart. 
“Why… are you crying?” she suddenly heard.
When she looked down Kino opened his eyes slowly. Ariadna opened her eyes in awe. He seated and looked at her confused.
“Kino! Y-You’re awake!”
“Yes… but answer my question”
Her tears kept forming and without warning she threw herself to his arms in a tight hug that nearly made Kino lose balance. 
“YOU’RE ALIVE! I’M SO HAPPY!” she choked in between her tears.
“Shh Hey… it’s fine. I’m supposed to be the one comforted, but… I hate seeing you like this”
“I-I’m I u-ugly?” She asked 
“It’s not that… is just that seeing your face like this… I hate it. It makes my chest ache…”
Ariadna kept hugging him tightly and after some minutes they separated. They look into each other and finally lean into a kiss. Kino pulled her closer and deepened the kiss. They had beaten the curse and the death itself so their kiss transmitted their love for each other and the happiness they felt to be finally together. They separated to catch their breath but kept embraced.
“Finally is over…” Ariadna said.
“All thanks to you… congratulations” Kino added 
“I thought I’ll lose you…”
“I was tempted to let myself to die… but then I heard your voice”
“M-My voice?”
“The words you said filled me with joy, but you sounded so sad I wanted to go straight back and here I am”
Ariadna blushed and let it slipped for this occasions.  After all all worked out and now nothing else mattered.
“Do you really have to go?” Ariadna asked Kino while he kept packing some things into his horse.
“Now that everything's back to normal I can go back” he answered 
“I see…”
Kino detected disappointment in her voice.
“You’re unsatisfied?” He tried teasing her and she pouted.
“I-It can’t be helped…”
Kino wanted her to insist, yet she looked at him in silence. Yet he knew her well enough to see how many things she wanted to say but she didn’t.
“I-I would like you to stay…” she finally spoke
“I need to head back. My kingdom was left frozen in time so nothing could happen to it. Even though I have many allies… I also have many enemies that could be waiting for the perfect moment to attack and conquer it”
Ariadna sighed and stepped closer to him.
“I understand the responsibility that a prince has, that is why I think is incorrect for me to insist”
Kino analyzed her words and then took her by her waist making her blush. She looked away, but he forced her to look at him.  He wanted her to insist him, if she did he knew he’ll stay.
“Y-You have to go…” she said she didn’t know how much time she could resist
“You seriously lack any romance” he stated disappointed
“W-What? You said it yourself: you kingdom needs you!”
Kino looked annoyed at her.
“Then, come with me” 
Ariadna opened her mouth, but no words came out. She was surprised of his proposal and she wanted to accept. Yet…
“I-I would love to… but I can’t…”
“M-My family… they must be dead worried about me. I left without telling them where I was going!”
“Well, send them a messanger”
“No no. I’m sorry Kino, but… I have responsibilities to attend. Besides I need to explain everything to them… I’m sorry…”
She was trembling, but from frustration. She wanted to go, but she knew that wasn’t correct. Her parents would demand an explanation and something as escaping home with an unknown prince to an unknown kingdom… it’ll cause them a heart attack.
“It can’t be helped then…”
Kino took Ariadna’s lips into his. Ariadna couldn’t avoid the tears that started forming in her eyes. Things were always like that with people that love each other, but had so many responsibilities and a crown in their heads. Sadness, frustration, pain, desperation… so many things a separation could cause.
They separated and Kino helped Ariadna get into her horse and then he rode his. Yuri was already waiting for him, but kept his distance for respect.
“Please take care” Ariadna said in a worried voice.
“How you think I am? That should be my line anyway” he said in annoyance.
“I’m serious! You got in trouble here, don’t you remember?”
“yeah yeah”
They stayed in silence. They hoped they’ll change their minds in the last minute.
Ariadna gave him a small yet sad smile. She turned around and started riding Night Star towards her home… so slowly so she could check Kino was leaving safely. 
“I’ll come back. I’ll come for you” he spoke and Ariadna turned around and smiled.
“I’ll be waiting then”
They started riding towards Kino’s kingdom. When she lost them in the distance, she broke in tears.
“Please… take care and… don’t forget me” Ariadna said softly while letting Night Night take her back home.
Some time passed. Ariadna went back that day and she got in trouble due to her disappearance. She explained she needed to save the man they saw from Sabine. They looked at her confused, who? Ariadna tried to describe them but it seemed impossible. For some reason they seemed to have  forgotten about everything that happened. Maybe due to Sabine’s spell being broken people that weren’t involved would forget about it. Except from Naomi, who clearly recalled everything that happened and was Ariadna’s only confident after the incident.  
Ariadna spent her time studying and going around the kingdom as she used to do. She felt bored about her old routine and she couldn’t help but think about her moments with Kino back in the forest. She felt so sad just by remembering him. She thought about him everyday, she tried writing him letters but there was no answer after a long time. She wrote him letters everyday, but would only send a certain number. She missed him dearly and she wished she could go wherever he was.
Apparently, Kino decided to go around and apologize about his attitude to everyone. However, he mentioned to her that he couldn’t find Sabine anywhere. Ariadna thought that possibly the destruction of her gemstone had to do with it. So many things he had to do, to the point that Ariadna stopped receiving letters from him at a certain point.
More time passed and there was no sign of him. Ariadna suffered greatly and couldn’t help but think the worst. However, at a certain point she decided  for her own well being to trust him and wait until he answered back.
“I can’t believe it” Naomi said one day during a visit.
“What is it?” Ariadna asked
“You are still in love with that jerk!”
“Don’t say that…” she answered weakly.
“You can’t possibly believe that! It’s been a year since he last wrote to you!”
“He’s simply busy, that’s all”
“That could be OR he lied and only used you to free himself!”
“No! Is not that! He needs to rebuild his whole kingdom and his alliances! Everyone forgot about him and so he need to start over”
“I don’t believe that! I can’t stand the fact he claimed he loved you and he vanished! I think you should reconsider Isaac’s proposal, he have shown how much he cares for you”
“I know… but I…”
“Ugh! If you say that you don’t love him and you’ll keep on waiting for Kino I’m going to get mad!”
“B-But… is true! I just… I can’t help it. I don’t love Isaac, I want him to marry someone that loves him the same way he does. Is not fair for him”
“But how much time you’ll wait?”
“I’ll wait as long as it takes”
“What if Kino never comes back?”
“If he never comes back and finds another girl… I’ll accept it and move on. However, until that happens I’ll wait”
“Do as you want then…” and with that Naomi ate a sandwich and looked angrily at Ari.
“You’ll see… he’ll come back. I have a feeling it’s going to be soon”
Although she showed herself trusting and strong in front of Naomi… she couldn’t help but breaking apart on her own. Still she’ll hold on that love she had for him and hoped he still felt for her. 
Some days later Ariadna woke up with a strange sensation. For some reason, she felt really down and was feeling her hopes going down.
“Maybe Naomi is right… maybe he forgot about me…” she said while tears ran down her cheeks.
 She felt down, but her parents wouldn’t allow her to stay in bed. She dressed herself and went downstairs. At the table, her parents told her that in the evening they’ll be having a very important guest from a distant kingdom. 
“Apparently he wants to discuss plans for an alliance” her father told her. Ariadna nodded and continued eating. 
Around the time the guest was supposed to be arriving, Ari felt the need to take a walk by herself. The memory of her conversation with Naomi, even though she convinced her that she’ll wait, she thought how much time she’ll be willing to do so in reality. It’s been a year and no sign of him. What if Naomi was right and he used her to free himself? What if he forgot about everything that happened? What if he had an accident? What if he had died?
(Whatever the reason… I hope he’s ok. It hurts, but if he has moved on… then I hope he has the decency to tell me so I can do the same. I hope is not too late to accept Isaac’s feelings…)
Then, she heard horses approaching. From the distance she saw that an army came by, yet she didn’t recognize the shield they were carrying. It looked like some sort of sword upside down with a feather… how strange. It caught her attention the quantity of soldiers the guest have brought with him, almost as showing off his mighty power. She was simply not interested, what was the point? Is not like he will be interested in her anyway. It really didn’t matter if she was present either way. 
She decided that the best thing to do was to try to avoid the meeting as much as she could. She’ll  keep walking until her family sent somebody to look for her. 
After some minutes had passed since the arrival of the guest. No one seem to notice her absence. Just when she was about to enter her personal garden she heard a single horse approaching her. She turned around and her heart almost drop.
“Could it be…?” she spoke to herself. 
There he was. Riding towards her no other than Kino.
She shook her head and closed her eyes, but when she opened them he was still there. It wasn’t a dream.
Kino got down from his horse with some distance. Ariadna remained still, her heart beating like crazy.
“What? Have you forgotten about me?”
“K-Kino… i-is that you?”
“What you think?”
Ariadna was speechless and after what seemed like hours Ariadna ran towards Kino as fast as she could and she jumped into his arms and he caught her. Ariadna hugged him tightly, she couldn’t believe it.
“I-I can’t believe it! Oh my God!” she said euphoric in his arms.
“So little faith you had in me?” he asked in a mocking tone.
“I had dreamt so many times about this moment…” Ariadna then said in a broken voice
Kino sensed her sudden change and looked into her face. Ariadna was crying and trembling.
“Hey! What is wrong with you?”
“I was expecting a different reaction from your part”
“I-I’m happy you’re back… I-I’m so relieve… “
“Then why are you crying?”
“T-This are h-happy tears! I was s-so worried!” Ariadna started hitting into his chest without actually hurting him “Y-You suddenly stopped answering me! I-I thought y-you had forgotten about m-me! O-Or worst… that you had d-die!”
Kino laughed and hugged her once again.
“I’m sorry”
“Y-You think t-that will be e-enough?” 
“I knew you'd say something like that”
Kino lean down and capture her lips into his. Ariadna opened her eyes in surprise, but soon closed her eyes enjoying it. It had been so much time since they had been able to kiss, to be with each other and they had no idea how much they had missed it until that very moment. Such a desperate and passionate kiss yet also sweet and romantic… the wait somehow was worth it. 
They finished the kiss and looked at each other. 
“I’m so happy that you fulfill your promise. Thank you” Ariadna finally spoke
“It took me more time that I thought, but as soon as I could I came straight here”
The day they finally reunited was that day. Ariadna couldn’t be more pleased. 
They went back into the castle, they made a plan on their way back to act as somehow strangers since she told him about the strange amnesia from her parents. Kino indeed went to discuss a possible alliance to Ariadna’s kingdom. That took some days and Kino had an excuse to stay for a while. In front of everyone, they seemed to get along pretty well and people started to notice certain behaviours between the prince and the princess.  He slowly “got to know Ariadna better” and when he had to go back to his kingdom he officially asked for Ariadna’s parents to “date” her young daughter. Of course they agreed since it was obvious “something was going on between those two”.
Months past and they were still together even with the distance. Ariadna would sometimes be invited to visit her beloved boyfriend’s kingdom and he travel to hers once in a while. In one of those trips, Kino asked her out to have an adventure back to the forest they first met. Ariadna agreed and when they arrived Kino guided her to a certain point.
“I’ve been thinking…” he started talking
“What is it?”
“Whenever we are apart I can’t help but think that some annoying men would try to approach you”
“Is that so? You have a huge imagination” she giggled.
“Is just that I don’t trust other men, specially that North prince who seems not to give up on you!”
“You don’t have to worry about that: I’m in love with you Kino. After all we’ve been through and after waiting for you a whole year without any notice of you… you think someone would separate us?”
“Your parents can”
“They like you… stop being paranoid”
“No, I need something about this situation…”
“I came with an idea actually, but I’ll let you decide if you accept it or not”
“Well then, let me hear you”
Kino stopped and Ariadna did the same. He suddenly pulled a small purse from his uniform. He took out from it a small box and gave it to Ariadna.
“In order to keep men from you I thought: what if you had a sign that told everybody that you belong to me? And, this came to my mind”
Ariadna opened the box and gasped in shock. Inside the box there was a delicate yet beautiful ring. It was a gold ring forming an infinity sign with a rather big yellow diamond.
“K-Kino… i-is this…?”
“What you think~?”
“Oh my god… Are you serious!?”
“What you think? Do you think I’ll joke about something like this?”
Ariadna stare at the ring and then at Kino. Tears started forming in her eyes and said:
“Y-You’re asking me… t-to marry you?”
“Yes, although the decision is yours”
Ariadna throw herself towards Kino and they both fell into the ground.
“Yes! I do! I do!” she screamed between cries.
“I knew it~” Kino mocked her, but deep down he was happy and relieved for her answer.
Kino took the box and placed the ring in Ariadna’s ring finger and she stared at it. Then with excitement she captured Kino’s lips. 
The announcement was given that same night during dinner time. Ariadna’s family was extremely happy for her, they congratulated them and Ariadna found out that they already knew and gave them their blessing. Now, they had many preparations to do for the wedding.
Nevertheless, the wedding was a huge event. Everyone was invited and everything went perfectly. Ariadna’s bridesmaids were Akane and Naomi and when Ariadna threw her bouquet Naomi was the one that caught it. Naomi later revealed to Ariadna that both her and Yuri were was thinking on getting marrying anyway (they started dating around the same time Ariadna and Kino had when Naomi visited Ariadna and reunited with Yuri).
Once the wedding was over, Ariadna went to live to Kino’s kingdom. A
Then a few years later, Ariadna became pregnant and soon gave birth to a pair of twins. A baby boy who named Áaron and a baby girl named Victoria. Both had their hair black like Kino, but Áaron had golden eyes like his grandparents and Vicky had her eyes dark brown like her mother. 
Ariadna and Kino ruled the raven kingdom with wisdom, generosity, kindness and freedom. They did the best they could and their land was prosperous and peaceful until the day they passed the throne to their children.
Ariadna was extremely proud and happy with her life, her dreams had came true: she had her own fairytale. Ariadna couldn’t help but wondered: what would have happened if she hadn’t gone to the forest that day? Would she had met Kino? Under which circumstances? Or: what would have happened if she had managed to ran away with her family ring that day she almost drown? What if she hadn’t came back to Kino after that? Would she had being able to fall with Kino or what could have happen? Those questions caused her interest as to how some decisions that seemed little could have surely changed her future. 
She couldn’t have asked for something better, she was pleased with the life she had and didn’t regret a thing. She was happily married with her husband, she raised her children to be capable to do whatever they wanted and made her kingdoms, to surprise of many that didn’t see her a queen, prosperous. 
And that was the story of the sweet princess that was able to save the unfortunate prince under the spell of a turning into a black swan with her love, courage and kindness. 
Mun Ari: It took me more time that I expected to post (it was ready, but I was so busy to post it) ^^'. I’m sorry if sometimes some characters were out of character >.>.  In any case, I’m so happy of how the story unfolded~ Now, I’ll work on Ari’s route completely! Thank you for those how read this story since I poured my heart into it! :’D. See you soon!
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
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