#sorry to anyone who rly loves it I just can't forget the book I love so much
equalseleventhirds · 1 year
been watching gomens 2 electric boogaloo and I'm not done yet so it may change,
but while it's fine as a tv show and ofc yay more queer couples and it follows rather naturally from how s1 was done
I do find that, even more than s1 (and s1 did do it quite a bit), it strips away all the stuff I really loved about the book.
the inventive worldbuilding, like demons traveling by telephone and the horsepeople. the clever way multiple seemingly unconnected stories wove together and affected each other, often unknown to the participants. the very genuine focus on everyday life and happenstance and people just being people, and that being enough to shake the fabric of the universe—for good or evil or something else. the shape of belief, and the way it can warp strangely. even just like. adam and the them. aziraphale being secretly bitchy as hell. etc.
like it's.... fine. it's fun. I'm not saying don't enjoy it, hell, I even enjoy it fine if I turn off my brain for a bit. it's allowed to be a continuation obvs and would ofc lose some of the book stuff, but like... idk, the core of what the book was About, to me, is missing. has been missing, a bit, but more noticeably. u kno. and I miss it.
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