#it feels like fanfic but like..... kinda flat fanfic
equalseleventhirds · 11 months
been watching gomens 2 electric boogaloo and I'm not done yet so it may change,
but while it's fine as a tv show and ofc yay more queer couples and it follows rather naturally from how s1 was done
I do find that, even more than s1 (and s1 did do it quite a bit), it strips away all the stuff I really loved about the book.
the inventive worldbuilding, like demons traveling by telephone and the horsepeople. the clever way multiple seemingly unconnected stories wove together and affected each other, often unknown to the participants. the very genuine focus on everyday life and happenstance and people just being people, and that being enough to shake the fabric of the universe—for good or evil or something else. the shape of belief, and the way it can warp strangely. even just like. adam and the them. aziraphale being secretly bitchy as hell. etc.
like it's.... fine. it's fun. I'm not saying don't enjoy it, hell, I even enjoy it fine if I turn off my brain for a bit. it's allowed to be a continuation obvs and would ofc lose some of the book stuff, but like... idk, the core of what the book was About, to me, is missing. has been missing, a bit, but more noticeably. u kno. and I miss it.
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heffrondriving · 2 years
- ̥۪͙۪˚┊ ❛ why love myself (when i found you instead?) ❜ : ̗̀❥ james × jett ┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌
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: ̗̀❥ RATING: G // WORD COUNT: 5,710 // CHARACTERS: jett stetson, james diamond // TAGS: one shot, hurt/comfort, tooth-rotting fluff, slice of life, grocery shopping, domestic bliss, idiots in love, established relationship, schmoop, jealousy, protectiveness, insecurity, himbo boyfriends, prompt fill, jett-centric, i.e. a sad mad (smad?) jett lowkey adhd-monologues a whole loooot
: ̗̀❥ inspired by the song Glitter Times by Waterparks and dedicated as ever to the wonderful @cvsmicbaddie1 💜
: ̗̀❥ [Part 5 of Cupid Got Us F♡cked Up]
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❝ so when you go, trap the feelings we both know, line your ceiling love you so rough it burns my bones yeah, when you go, leave those feelings home alone, busted pieces... ❞
The grocery trip wasn’t going out as well as Jett had hoped, and he was seething mad.
No, it wasn’t because he and his dumb boyfriend had wasted thirty minutes in the dairy aisle shivering and locked in a pointless heated debate about what kind of milk to get (James wanted plain oat milk—talk about Stuart Snooze!—but Jett wanted to try out this schmancy Japanese mushibou-gyuunyuu milk made from rice that was a million times healthier and was loaded with vitamins from A to Z and could probably extend your lifespan by like a good ten years or something, which they were so gonna need if they wanted to preserve their ‘best-looking people ever’ status). Or the fact that the gawky-faced teenager manning the checkout counter hadn’t been broken in on how to input simple coupon codes and nearly cheated Jett out of a good deal—seriously, 40% off on Le Labo hand soap and a free box of ultra-soft makeup tissues? That was a SuperStore steal!—if the scowly bearded manager with the unwashed apron and Hail Mary keycards hadn’t shown up to perform his pre-lunch break miracle (even with his reclaimed freebies, Jett still unfortunately had to use James as a human buffer to keep McNotLovin’It dude’s ick from spreading to him, as he made a mental note to cleanse his boyfie with palo santo and lavender incense later before he let him step a single cursed foot inside the apartment). Or even the disastrous fact that the flimsy paper bags ripped apart just as the couple had finally exited the premises and mister caveman-handed Diamond had to duck back and ask for some new ones, leaving one extremely miffed super actor superstar to chase after and pick up the tumbling products that had long-found their way to the disgusting confines of LA’s sidewalk gutters.
At that point, Jett’s life was just trying to be some sitcom. Some unfunny, sound effect-riddled, cheap cardboard sitcom that certainly didn’t deserve to have an A-list celeb such as bien à vous anywhere on its tiddlywinks show roster. If he heard that stupid disruptive uh-oh-oh song playing anywhere at all, he was seriously going to lose it and commit unspeakable acts of gorgeous violence (like how he played his role as a gorgeously evil half-wizard, half-demon in Witches of Rodeo Drive, but like, minus the star-spangled robe costume and zappy lightning magic and for realsies this time).
All of these consecutive troubles only really left the weary actor to wonder, not for the last time in his grievous life, why he even allowed James to tag along with his important shopping duties when he was perfectly capable of doing it alone without any added hassle. Sure, Jett could also just assign the weekly grocery list to his saintly agent and have her toss the task off to another lackey who’ll take care of everything without him having to lift a finger or touch the money with hideous old men in it, but he quite liked the rigmarole of this mundane ritual more than he’d openly admit, and he just couldn’t trust some unpaid intern to choose the perfect quality ingredients for his delectable recipes. Besides, Jett wasn’t about to pass up any easy opportunity to get all suavely styled up for the weekend and fatten up his paparazzi portfolio with candid photos of how glamorous and yet still smashtag relatable he was—tweenies and tryhards on ScuttleButtr ate up that kinda lifestyle press, after all.
James also had a big day off from howling in his papa dog’s studio today and an even bigger heart for wanting to help out...but that heart was unfortunately as sharp-witted as its biggest idiot owner and always ended up klutzily knocking the last seven letters out of assistance, no matter how desperately James wanted to spend his time with the amazing Jett ‘Sexyman’ Stetson enough to lap after his heels and do him all these spare domestic favours.
Which fine, Jett can’t really fault anyone for that, he liked having some (or lots of) extra muscle around and he was just that amazing after all—but he could, however, still fault James for the rest of this grocery pickle (no, not the ones that just did an Olympic-sounding splooshy dive into an open manhole). Matter of fact, why was the amazing Jett Stetson the one out here actively making a fool out of himself trying to play catch the freaking street cabbage anyway? For crying out loud, he was so not gonna make his super special cherry tomato couscous salad with cholera-infested chickpeas and sewer-tangy feta cheese!
Though, all things considered, their time at the grocery store was all sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows with a bearable side of bickering and business as usual. Surely a few lost purchases was the far ideal outcome than say, James’ rabid hockey hound besties making a surprise cameo and ruining their lovely day out together with some ‘brilliant plan’ that would inevitably burn down the whole establishment and get someone’s troublemaking butt carted off to the nearest LAPD station. But Jett found that it was always simply getting back home afterwards that was the hardest part of going out.
After all, he was going out with James Diamond, a looker and a stunner and a charmer all around, cicely smiles and a carved physique and a crooning voice that could haunt kaleidoscope daydreams and velvet-lined palace hallways alike. Whenever the heavens rained down to bless their horizons with affection, James always got soaked to the bone and still had enough space left to drown the ocean. Flitting spotlights and starry eyes couldn’t get enough of him, and neither could Jett—even if most of that irresistible attention came in patronising backchat and lethally exasperated doses (and sometimes sneaky kisses). Still, like the contrary was god’s gracious truth, maybe the actor should also count himself pleasantly lucky to be with such a spectacular trophy boyfriend for the crushers and the cameras...but then again, why should any other five cent vanilla-plain cretin be able to share the same four-leaf clover fortune as him?
It’s just not frigging fair.
No, it wasn’t some kinda weird obsession, whatever—‘cause people obviously obsessed over Jett, not the other way around!—but it was just plain common sense. Jett was more than used to getting attention. He doesn’t have to turn all choosing beggar for it like anyone else in this hack town, it was served up to him with a gold-flaked garnish and a lifetime supply of garlic breadsticks with an all-expenses paid bill, and that’s all part of the Stetson charm.
But when he was with James? As much as Jett hated to admit that he had met his match, the warning signs couldn’t lie when they were smacking into his forehead all over the city, reddening his vision and forcing him to pay attention to the attention that was supposed to be all his, now divided into measly portions. Wait, no, not just divided—it was like some dumb waiter with string worms for arms decided to draw the line between who was gonna get the bigger half and who was gonna starve for scraps.
Surprises, surprises, James always got his fill. And Jett was left feeling like the trophy idiot. It made him painfully sick to his stomach, that infuriating imbalance, feeling like he was somehow lagging a thousand steps away from James as they walked arms steadfastly looped and strides side by side down the bustling boulevards of Hollywood, Jett forced to take a backseat for once—even that alone was already unfathomable, unless he was being chauffeured around in his personal CW-provided limousine—and watch James’ hungry gravity suck every innocent passerby in, James Diamond in his best element and he knows it.
And he knows Jett knows it, too.
See, Jett wouldn’t give a sewer rat’s mangy butt otherwise. Have a bottle-blond boy draw down his pricey knockoff Ray-Bans for a ‘Cuda cool check-out and a sneaky snake-skinned wink or have a tropicana-fragrant girl flip her sundress and temptingly wiggle her fingers in the smoggy wind to the siren’s lure of a prospective date, fine, whatever—that was all standard shindig and fruit loops flattering. But seriously, did his jerkfaced Jimmy Dean really have to lay down the charisma card so thickly suffocating with polite affectations and keep going all showbiz talk-show to every sweaty stranger who stopped them in their tracks with a disgustingly-drawled beckon of his name?
One moment, James was holding Jett’s hand, tenderly rubbing his thumb over his boyfriend’s knuckles (a reflexive habit, it seemed, but an endearing one all the same), and juggling the stuffed paper bags in one cradled arm so he could stoop down to sneak Jett exasperated giggles and fleeting chocolate-chip kisses (James was one of those chronic post-grocery snackers, so Jett made sure to toss in some nice cookie treats or two in the shopping cart for him) as they talked about their plans for the rest of their treasured day off together; which resulted in the usual squabbles and tongue-in-cheek threats to shut up before the other’s cherry lips did the shhhhutting up for them.
But Jett can’t even enjoy that much, because everyone just kept getting in the way.
Have these rude litterbags seriously never heard of the side of the sidewalk? Trust the city of angels to be littered with devilish desperados looking for their next cheap thrill hit, carelessly sticking to boot soles and the roof of mouths like discarded cigarettes. Some frumpy Tweedledumb and their preening Tweedledork twinsy looking like Old Navy mannequins gone rogue, hanging around at CVS parking lots like their next illegal prescription fill depended on it always had a wry greeting, a smudged phone number, a halitosis-callous “ditch...whoever that total loser is you’re with and go out with me instead, why don’t you?” to sic upon James. Now Jett really wished one of the hockey hound besties would actually show up, so he could then sic them as an easy distraction for all the townie weirdos craning their necks out for a back-alley good time. Sure, Kendork might not fall for such a ruse, but maybe the helmet shortie terrier or poindexter nerd supreme could work well enough with biting off a couple ankles. Freaks, geeks, and wannabes were the new online trending topics these days too, wasn’t it?
James might kill Jett for it. Or James might actually have some spare brain cells in his elephant heart enough to understand that it was all a part of the fame game, just as much as Jett understood the best when to be a gracious gentleman and let someone else take the spotlight for once—nevermind that it was always inevitably going to get shined back to him. But this courtesy was saved for show premieres, press releases and junkets, and dazzling red carpet walks with fellow illustrious celebrities, not for some lame skeezebag with a pick-up line filthier than their fingernails trying to snatch up his man!
Jett couldn’t stand it anymore. His long-suffering pride absolutely would not stand up nor stand down for it, and he was on his last leg today. He could easily withstand a gaggle of fawning fangirls (‘big timers’ or ‘BTRmy’ or ‘rushheads’ or whatever the heck tacky title they called themselves—at least the Jett-Setters had a cool nickname to scribble all over the back of their lined notebooks) who wanted nothing more than an autographed Overeager Haberdasher headshot and a fantastical one-way trip into the esteemed James Diamond’s low-rise pants. Jett’s had some personal experience with that crowd himself, and more often than not, they were just some harmless little squawking ducklings with the occasional overexcited bitey oddball in between that a hefty bodyguard could easily handle.
But Jett would take that baby wacko wrangling any day of the week than having to deal with some disheveled unattractive rando shooting him the evillest eye that sent a cold shiver snaking down his spine and made him feel colder than getting trapped in a dairy aisle, while mister gross gawker pulled James’ ear real close and whispered something in it. Something slimy and deeply sickening no doubt, judging by the way James’ eyebrows shot up so high they disappeared into the luscious forest of his swoopy bangs. Even with all the various brazen flirtscapade moves Jett had witnessed against James today, that one was truly the lowest of shameless lows. If they handed out annual awards for Most Outstanding Creep, that stranger danger would win every single one without even having to show up.
But that wasn’t even the worst part of everything. Because Jett looked up from sulkily reshuffling his beat-up groceries for the nth time to witness James not immediately drawing back and defending his honour with a sword-fight (or maybe a more sensible shove-fight), and instead simply smiling his perfectly lethal smile as he made a firm grab for the man’s arm. And he leaned in uncomfortably close—making Jett crush up a handful of cherry tomatoes into bloody mush—and whispered something back, something that made the man’s sunken eyes bug out of their sockets as his jaw dropped to the floor and his Skeletor face burned red...even redder than the dripping fruit pulp that the enraged actor had slapped over James’ face in a rightfully aggravated fit. If he was gonna act like a clown, then he was gonna get treated like a clown.
The disgusting nerve of it all!
So no, it really wasn’t Jett’s best move. It was a move for sure, but causing a whole diva tantrum scene, dropping his crumpled grocery bag full of not-so-fresh organic produce for the second time that day, and abandoning James in the middle of the street with Abnormal Bates didn’t scream out superstar sophisticated—but what else was Jett supposed to do? Keep gritting his teeth and smiling politely to the ignorant vision-impaired plebians who didn’t have enough functioning brain parts to recognise and acknowledge his beloved presence? Keep letting those revolting schmucks get away with slobbering all over James as his clueless boyfriend did nothing but stupidly swallow their drip? Keep silently suffering through the blacktop-burning anger that blistered his perfect skin and made him feel hot and numb and shaky all over? Jett was gonna end up knocking someone’s pricey veneers out if he kept it up. Or vice versa, and he can’t get awesome acting roles and rock modelling his awesome movie posters with yucky dentures!
Jett didn’t know how long he ran for, didn’t really know where he was escaping off to, didn’t even realise he had curled up in some dirty alleyway next to an overflowing dumpster until the putrid smell hit him full-force and made him choke into nauseated rage and bitter laughter. Well, whatever. Maybe this was where he belonged right now—he was down in the dumps, after all. He’d laugh some more at his quick-footed wit if his twisted ankles weren’t actually killing him.
With a groan, Jett gingerly stretched out his feet, distastefully kicking aside a soggy takeout box as he did so. Really, he couldn’t have ran that far nor intensely to warrant such a kind of flaring pain. He seriously had to jump back on that elliptical. Or return to his weekly spin class with Anna-the-juice-cleanse-and-capybara-loving fitness instructor. Hopefully the wet market-smelling slimeball three stationery bikes behind Jett who kept ogling those unblinking fish eyes at him had finally decided to change gyms by now...
Jett’s begrudged musings were interrupted by a swarm of unidentifiable insects milling their way out of the discarded food box, as he started with a scream and curled himself up again and seemingly pulled fifty muscles in the process. Jett sighed resignedly. He was just so unlike his perfect baby blue boyfriend, who had the alarming workout ethic and brawny muscles of an ichor-guzzling demigod, who could compete in an Ironman marathon on a downright whim and win that first place red ribbon and sweetest Gatorade shower without breaking a single sweat, who could easily pick him up and carry him around like it was nothing and spoil him with supertastic cuddles like it meant the world and—
Jett only realised his grave mistake right as he felt someone’s brawny arms gently drape around him, the redolent smell of some toxic-man-branded ‘Cuda perfume, his favourite subtle spice aftershave, and the fresh sweetness of cherry tomatoes enveloping him and making his lungs hurt, hurt, hurt.
“Why are you still here?” Jett snapped, refusing to lift his head from his folded elbows. If he had to gander at that wide-eyed sad puppy dog look he knew all too well James was sporting like the latest Milan look, he was going to use the sheer brewing force of his evil will to zap him into a pretty-faced portobello mushroom (yes, very much like those meddling kids in Witches of Rodeo Drive). “You clearly don’t need me around!”
“Babe...what’s wrong?”
“I’m sick of people getting all upfront and personal and creep central with you! I’m Jett freaking Stetson, they should be looking at me, I’m amazing and gorgeous and like, the bestest superstar ever to exist in this slipshod city that I’m way too high-calibre to grace my brilliant presence with!”
“Seriously, is that it? You’re mad at me ‘cause I’m taking the attention away from you?”
“No, it’s because they’re taking your attention away from me, you dense idiot!” Jett’s tone had taken on a petulant whine, and he hated that he couldn’t help it. Just as much as James couldn’t help being so irritatingly...himself. After all, a good stupid heart got you some places, but stupidly good looks gave you the skeleton key to the entire world. Jett didn’t want to let himself open up like this, but James had to hear it from him sometime. If not now, then it would be never. “You crave all the attention and you get all of it whenever you want and from whoever you like and I wouldn’t care—but you also keep flaunting everything in front of me and practically shilling out VIP passes to your gunshow like you’re some kinda discount Oprah, and it’s really annoying! They don’t deserve it. They don’t deserve you.”
“Well, it’s not like I can really do anything about it—”
“Yeah, but you also don’t have to freaking enjoy it so much that you’re practically wearing me down with all the smarmy face-rubbing you’re doing!”
“Dude, seriously—ugh, look, believe me, I don’t really enjoy it as much as you think I do. And I swear I’m not trying to do anything like that to you like, at all.”
“Oh? Then why aren’t you acting like it?” Jett accusingly spat. “And seriously, why do you even like me, James?”
“What?!” James threw his hands up bewilderingly. “Where in the world did that come from???”
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed by now or you’re just trying to play nice—‘cause you just love doing that with your innocent little boy act and shiny halo, huh?—but not a lot of people really like me. Sure, they adore me or fear me or obviously wanna be me but they never really care about me beyond that. And like whatever, they’re all just stupid jealous haters and unattractive losers who need lives anyway—but then maybe you shouldn’t have to put up with me, either. ‘Cause I hate fakers worse than plain jerks more than anything else, it’s so obnoxiously tiring. So. I’ll ask you again. Which one are you?”
“Jett, come on...we’ve been together for ages! What makes you think I’m still just faking all this?” James pleaded. “‘Cause if that’s the case, then I’m probably the best darned actor in the whole world and I deserve all the super cool awards and shiny trophies and stuff. But I’m not, you are. And if you’re asking me how I really feel about you, I can only really tell you one thing, and that’s I love you.”
“Yeah, you say that now ‘cause it’s what I wanna hear—but what if you fall in love with someone else, huh? You wanna settle for someone a lot less better than me? You’re gonna find your next love at first lousy sight and final happily ever after on these filthy streets and have your magical movie moment that even Hallmark wouldn’t freaking sell? And then what?” Jett’s shrill voice splintered into a thousand pieces, lodging in his aching throat and heaving chest and prickling his vision to a watery blur, smearing the beautiful image of James Diamond into bleeding bokeh lights. How easy it was to let him walk ahead and fade away, to leave Jett in this unknown alley stretching out to an obscure infinity so he can pick up his uglier pieces by himself and salvage what’s left of his shattered dignity somehow. “Then you’ll leave me too?”
“I’ll never do that even if you paid me a spajillion dollars,” James assured without hesitation, nuzzling his face on the crown of Jett’s head and planting small kisses all over it. Jett shivered lightly as the other boy indulgently breathed in the elusive fragrance of their latest experimental Tropical Coconut conditioner with shea deep moisture (Jett thought the packaging looked really pretty like him, James complained that he didn’t wanna smell like a beach, Jett called him an extremely rude rhyming word, and James gave up...well, after a little more physical persuasion). “And besides, what’s not to love? Like you said, you’re Jett freaking Stetson. You’re amazing and funny and super talented and surprisingly caring, and you can cook up exotic world-class dishes that could put every fancy-schmancy pricey restaurant in LA to shame, and you’re super smart with all those weird obscure history and fashion and culture thingies that even the genuisest person I know wouldn’t be able to catch up with. And yeah, maybe I get super annoyed sometimes, but that’s only because you’re also the best-looking person at the Palm Woods. Or maybe everywhere else you go, for that matter.”
“Well, duh!” Jett huffed with a bemused roll of his eyes, lightly beating a fist on James’ lap. “See, that’s exactly why I don’t even know why you bother with those scuttling street rats when you have me.”
“‘Cause they all want you too, it turns out.”
“...Come again for the big man?”
“You know what that crummy lowlife wanted from me? He was asking all about you, Jett.” James explained. “He said some really nasty things that he wanted to do with ‘your pretty friend over there’ if I did him a solid and introduced you ‘cause you way too busy with moping over the groceries to notice, and I had to very kindly tell him to shove off with sleazing out on my precious boyfriend before I put my pretty foot in ugly places the sun don’t reach. Believe me, I almost friggin’ did. I just can’t let anyone disrespect you or hurt you or speak about you like that, ever. It makes my blood boil just thinking about it...” he exhaled harshly and shook his head in resentment. “But luckily, you running off saved me from having to do anything really bad in the end, so there’s that.”
“Yeah. And everything about this whole crazy sitch today, from our whole grocery shopping mess that was surprisingly fun to having to fight all those creeps away which was, well, not really so fun...all of it just made me even realise how much I don’t ever wanna lose you to anyone else.”
Jett didn’t respond. He couldn’t bring himself to, not without some oncoming embarrassing breakdown—and he’d had enough of those for one day, thank you very much!—so he settled for a sniffle instead. Maybe it was pathetic enough to sound cute. Or maybe it was the other way around. He couldn’t tell.
“I mean, do you know just how blessed I am to be with you?” James continued in an earnest whisper, lifting Jett’s chin to lovingly wipe off his cascading tears with the sleeve of his jacket. “That out of everyone you could’ve chosen, you went with me, James Diamond, the luckiest man in the universe? Do you know just how crazy you make me feel, babe? You make me feel so happy, so insanely wild for you, so much better everyday that I’m with you, and that’s never gonna change. As a famous pep-talking man always says, things like these come once in a lifetime, and I know that I’m in this for life. So no, I don’t care how many date-worthy people are roaming out there and asking for my number, ‘cause I’ll never feel anything as amazing as when I’m with you, and you alone.”
“Of course! You’re my boyfriend, my Jett-ski, the luuurve and liiiight of my life,” Jett scrunched up his nose at James’ unabashed cheesiness, making the singer laugh, “and I love you so much, and I’ll never stop loving you forever and ever, times infinity plus one. And I promise you with all my heart and soul and my awesomely smooth hair that I only have eyes for your gorgeous face, you sulky little idiot.”
“You better, or I’m poking them out with a kebab skewer—and it’d be a right shame, ‘cause you’ve got some pretty golden peepers on you and I’m gonna miss looking at them too.”
“I promise.”
“On your life?”
“What, the heart and soul and hair wasn’t enough for you?”
“See, I was almost convinced you weren’t gonna say something immensely annoying between all that glitter-sprinkled sappiness, which means that you’ve probably been replaced by an evil brainwashing skull-faced alien and then I’m gonna have to go all chew gum and kick butt on you.”
“Ugh, sure, I’m the one being annoying—and yes, of course on my life! On our lives together. And my lucky comb. And my cool white v-neck shirt that you keep stealing. And my gorgeously gorgeous washboard abs. Do you want me to go on? ‘Cause I could totally go on.”
“You honestly had me until that last part, which is a total lazy lie.” Jett snorted, poking at James’ stomach and making him burst out in a peeved giggle. “You’re starting to get all soft around the sides—I’m cutting you off from binge-watching Spanish telenovelas while scarfing those guilty pleasure Slap E. Cheese burger abominations with your sleepover besties before you turn all Stay Puft Diamond Boy on me.”
“Nah, that’s actually from you spoiling me all the time with your delicious home-cooking, ya big dummy,” James said, coyly spreading his arms wide open. “But does that mean you don’t want supertastic cuddles from your Jimmy Dean anymore?”
“I didn’t say that...” Composing himself with another tiny sniffle, Jett threw himself on James and smothered him in a koala hug, nearly knocking him flat on his back and onto the teeming insect trashopolis prospering on the ground. “And well, next time, you have to be super mean to literally anyone and everyone else who tries to get with you!”
“Ooh, you know I can’t do that, fuzzybumpkins. You know the paparazzi’s totally gonna tear me to beautiful confetti shreds if rumour gets out that James Diamond of wholesome boyband act Big Time Rush is a total jerkface to fans, and then the whole band’s gonna get in big time trouble with Gustavo and Kelly and big boss Griffin over all the bad PR, and we can’t really have that, can we?”
“Eh...who cares? You’re badly due in for an image do-over anyway, ‘cause the whole snoozy sweetheart show is really starting to go past its prime like rancid oat milk—anywayzies, haven’t you heard lately that bad boys and grunge gangs are making a surprising comeback these days?”
“Jett...” James sighed.
The actor pouted at his boyfriend’s hushed scolding, but slowly shook his head in begrudged understanding anyway. “Okay, maybe not then. But just remember that you’re mine, okay?”
“Awww,” James cooed, biting back a smug smirk, “I love it when you get all adowable and possessive with me.”
“Shut that little mutt mouth—and you’re still mine!”
“All yours forever, babe.” Jett felt James’ lips grazing his goosebumps-stippled nape, pleasantly warm and smiling with the quiet promise of forever, and Jett had no choice but to believe him. Curse his sneaky elephant-hearted charmer for being so good at making him fall in love again and again and still make it feel brand new. Being with James really was once in a lifetime, and Jett was deeply doomed and in it for life—on their lives together.
“Okay...the paparazzi’s totally not gonna...” Jett absently muttered, and gasped in horror once the realisation hit him like a charged clown slap to the face. “Were there any of them today?! Did you hear clicking cameras anywhere or see any E!News vans around?! Did they see any of this go down?!”
“Jett, chillax, I don’t think—”
“No, you don’t, but freaking listen to me—you may be fine with having a rowdy rockstar rep on blast, but I absolutely cannot have anyone seeing me, the amazing Jett Stetson, slap anyone outside of my show-stopping award-winning teen dramas—or—or even dumpster camping!” The shaken actor yanked his shirt collar to cover his face up to his nose and distrustfully looked around the dismal area, using his brawny human buffer to shield him from any potential showbiz vultures lurking around the corner.
“Hey hey, don’t worry—I’m sure we can take it on together,” James assured. “I’ve been through some way worse scandals before...like that song swifting thing with Kendall and Lucy, and Carlos and Logan accidentally terrorising street grandmas, and even Cher Lloyd getting real mad and going after my pretty face!” He threw in a mortified signature hand-face move for extra emphasis. “So we can handle it easily. And if things get out of hand, then...me and the boys will take care of it.”
Jett arched a suspicious brow at him. “Does your ‘grand plan’ for it involve low-level mischief crimes, weird crank calls and ridiculous costumes, and tacky tree hats?”
“Whaaaat??? Noooo, not at all, like we’re—we’re just gonna, y’know, haha...” a sheepish James coughed as he hastily knocked off the leafy headdress that had inexplicably popped up on him. “Like I said, don’t even worry about it, babe!”
“And seriously, I’m really super sorry I kinda caused all that trouble just because I didn’t pay more attention to you today. I mean, I don’t know if you’ve noticed it, but I was kinda busy fighting off everyone else who wanted the same thing with a limp baguette.”
“I’m really super sorry you didn’t pay more attention to me too, ‘cause I’m not the one who’s missing out here!”
“Clearly not.” James chuckled. “Anyway...you wanna get outta dodge now or what? This is sweet and all, but the paps still have a good chance of catching us in a bad spot and we’re not exactly in the best setting for this rom-com movie moment to sell to Hallmark...unless we’re secretly filming a segment for HGTV’s Double Dumpster Divers Week and you’re totally punking me hard with the dumpster camping right now. Which if you are, then it’s working, ‘cause well. This place seriously stinks.”
“I think that’s the nasty feral pheromones of all those milquetoast flirters and desperate chancers clinging on you, actually,” Jett snarkliy pointed out. “But we probably should go now, yeah.”
“After you, my darling.”
With a graceful flourish, James stood up and outstretched a hand to help Jett out. Jett accepted it and shrieked in surprise as James suddenly whirled him around, holding him snugly by the waist and dipping him low before bringing him back up in a tight embrace, laughing delightedly at his flustered state. Applemint-cool breaths tickling Jett’s mouth, James cupped his face and leaned in for a happily-ever-after kiss, but Jett interrupted it with a generous pinch of James’ cheek, making his boyfriend cry out in indignant protest as he profusely rubbed at his throbbing face, now red as cherry tomatoes (but minus the smacking application of said fruit this time around).
“Don’t think I’ve fully forgiven you, Diamond boy—you’re not gonna get away with your crimes that easy!”
“What can I do to make it up to you? I’ll do anything, I swear.”
“Well, I think I have a few good ideas.” Jett grinned toothily, ocean eyes crashing with the familiar tidal wave of mischievousness James had come to both dread and look forward to. With the amazing Jett Stetson, it was always going to be a surprise, but he knew James wouldn’t have the light and luuurve of his life any other way. “But first, we should probably get that rotten smell off you with a nice long bubbly bubble bath, then I’ll whip up a super special, three-course, hopefully sewer disease-free dinner for deux, and then you could show me how just much you’re mine, babe.”
With their scores and plans finally settled up, Jett softly kissed James and gave his flushed cheeks one last fond pinch before intertwining their hands to drag him all the way back to the Palm Woods, their haul of battered grocery bags threatening to fall apart again, their coupled cicely smiles gleaming bright and sweet in the throes of a languid weekend afternoon. So maybe the grocery trip didn’t exactly go as Jett had planned, but it didn’t really matter anyway.
Going home was with James Diamond was always the best part of everything.
❝ so when i go, f♡♡k those stupid girls that don’t mind their business hope you know you’re the only one ‘cause i’d sleep on your sidewalk ; ❞
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tornado1992 · 4 months
My dude, all your fanfics and ideas for baby Tails break my heart. I need more! How do you think Sonic would take care of a sick Tails? Do you think Tails would be so delirious with fever that he would not calm down until Sonic holds him? Who knows....
Glad to know I’m damaging your heart! That’s my whole goal, thank you for reading!
We don’t have nearly enough Tails’ sick fics out there, but BABY TAILS sick fics? We have a shortage, and that can’t be.
Now, as for how would sonic react to a sick baby tails, in case of a babyfied Tails there’s a variety of angst and comfort levels all around, but, if it were the unbreakable bond early days, both little Sonic and baby Tails? He’d be so stressed! These kids are all alone, don’t have a home, and clearly are not medicine professionals, so just try and imagine poor little Sonic panicking because suddenly his tiny fox kit started coughing and wheezing and he doesn’t know what to do, and poor baby Tails longing for Sonic to just hold him and tell him everything would be right?
Just imagine…
Sonic knew Tails was small
Tails was already so small, way too little for a four year old, his arms and legs way too short, his fluffy fur hiding how thin he was, and his tails big enough to blanket him almost completely, he was way too adorable, and so, so small.
But looking at him, right now, with the sweat staining his messy fur, his ears flatted down to his skull, and his little nose sneezing restlessly while he tried to curl into the littlest, tiniest ball of fur ever with little whines and whimpers leaving his throat almost every time he breathed, all while the speedster could just sit beside him cause nothing he did seemed to soothe him, Sonic felt like he was the small one.
Worried? an understatement. Scared? An inexactitude. Sonic was right down panicking.
The blue blur could handle 10 ton killing machines, ruthless natural disasters and evil crazy scientists threatening to end the world every day. But hiding from the rain in a cold, dark cave, sitting on the rocky ground beside a sweaty sick fox cub who pretty much looked like he war right up dying? Seeing and hearing how every cough and sneezed hurt him from the inside? He wasn’t sure he could handle this.
Tails was breathing heavily, almost like crying, but no tears left his eyes, not that he could see them anyway, he hadn’t opened his eyes since a few hours ago, sniffing and getting coughing fits every few minutes while his chest made a rumbling sound, but it wasn’t the kind of rumbly buzzing it made when the kit was all snoozed close to Sonic, when he wasn’t sick, when he wasn’t in pain. He wants that sound back.
The warmth that surrounded the little fox was nothing like the comfortable coziness Sonic felt whenever he snuggled close to him, when his little paws would reach for Sonic’s arm and try to hug him, when the little kid’s head below his chin felt like he was holding the most softest, warmest, freshly baked bread bun in the world. No, this wasn’t like that. This time, the heat that evolved him felt like hell was inside the kit’s skin trying to melt both himself and Sonic’s heart.
Sonic knew that being sick felt like freezing in your own cold sweat, your body fighting against itself trying to stay alive, even if it meant setting itself ablaze while feeling so he didn’t wanted to rip the thin blanket way from him, but the kid was not just warm, he was burning.
There was nothing his speed could do against the baby fox’s inmune system, nothing that his quills could break with a spindash, no way he could just take the kid and try outrun the threat.
He gave him all the water they had, tried to put some wet rags on his body and spent his very last dime on some cough syrup that didn’t seemed to be of much help. Tails was hurting, and Sonic couldn’t do anything about it.
He doesn’t know how didn’t he noticed him getting ill, sure, he was kinda quiet, but it have been raining for some days now and neither of them enjoyed stormy nights, both of them stayed silent when they were sad or upset, so he thought it was probably just that.
It wasn’t.
He did everything he knew was supposed to be done when a kid was sick, even when said kid’s little paws weakly waved him away when he tried to comfort him, even when he pouted and whined as he was forced to drink some water so he wouldn’t dehydrate, and even if he refused to open his mouth every time he needed to take his medicine; poor kid must be so scared and confused, not fully awake curling in himself not to show his face to Sonic, he must think someone was trying to hurt him. He must think he was alone again.
Sonic hadn’t left his side in hours, he wasn’t planning to, and yet, he was starting to feel lonely himself.
Tails thought he wasn’t a bad kid anymore.
He’d been told all his life than only bad kids would get sick like him. All the adults from his hometown yelling at him for even daring to get close to the village when he was coughing. All the other kids running from him when he sneezed. And his own body betraying him whenever he tried to stand while his head felt like exploding.
Apparently being “cursed” with twin tails wasn’t enough. He was bad enough of a kid to be sick almost everyday of his life before he met Sonic.
Tails knew only bad kids got sick. Because bad kids who stole from peoples garbage would get the most horrible tummy aches. Because bad kids who stayed in the rain when there was a storm would always fall to the ground when their chest made those nasty grumbly sounds that hurt every time they breathed. Because only bad kids would vomit nothing but liquid when they took water that wasn’t theirs.
He thought that now that he was with Sonic and didn’t need to do any of that, then maybe he was a good kid, maybe the universe forgave him, maybe the cosmos knew he always tried to help Sonic save the world, maybe reality wasn’t as cruel as to make him sick now that he was a good kid!, so he ignored the lingering pain in his chest whenever he talked for too long, he didn’t mention anything about how stuffed his nose felt and how nauseous the thought of food made him feel, neither about how as the hours passed he felt like his body was trying to cook itself alive, he was a good kid now, so it must’ve been a defense mechanism against the cold weather, nothing else.
But he did got sick, so he was still a bad kid.
It was fine, he had been through this before, he just needed to wait a little while, maybe less than two weeks, he was in better shape now than last time this happened, when he was alone and got sick he knew if was hungry enough he would just fall asleep for a few days and wake up with a horrible headache and a runny nose, but that just meant he would feel better in three or four more days, he could take it. But he wasn’t alone now, and even if his heart wanted nothing more than to fall asleep in his big brother’s arms until he got better…. He didn’t want Sonic to go through that, Sonic wasn’t a bad kid, he was the bestest friend in the world, the bestest greatest brother in the world, he didn’t deserved to get sick.
So even if he couldn’t open his eyes, even if all his body hurt like he was made of broken glass, he waved him away, surely Sonic didn’t know he could get sick from being around him, so he needed to protect Sonic from his sickness, he needed to protect Sonic from him. Even if he tried to pet his forehead or scratch behind his ears, and even if Tails wanted nothing more than to be hugged by him, he needed to protect Sonic, so he curled in himself, rolled on his side when his brother got too close, and even scratched his arms when he tried to pet him. Tears finally started rolling down his tired eyes when he heard his brother’s sudden hiss to the touch of his claws, no, anything but that, he didn’t wanted to hurt him, he didn’t wanted him to be ill, he didn’t wanted his brother to suffer because of some cursed freak, and now he was the one crying, he didn’t deserved to cry, he didn’t got time to cry, he could already feel the rest of his energy going away with the falling of his tears, his body already felt so heavy, sleep taking him down more and more with every heart beat, and as much as it hurt, he needed to get his brother away from him or he would try to comfort him again, he couldn’t risk Sonic getting sick just for petting him.
Bad kids didn’t deserved to be petted.
That was it. Trembling and whining were bad enough besides being sick, but tears? The blood coming out from the little claw scratches on his forearm didn’t sting nearly as much as the tears falling down the kid’s eyes did.
No, he couldn’t take it anymore, it didn’t matter if he scratched his face, growled at him or bit his hands, he couldn’t give him a solid home, five star medical care or even a proper bed, but he could give him this.
He was no doctor, and he knows that no amount of hugs could cure the little fox, but again, no doctor could really know how much better it made Tails feel whenever he was hugged, but Sonic knew, cause no matter when or how, or the limited time’s he’s done it, but he knows that for this tiny baby fox, hugs made him sleep, hugs made him purr, and hugs made him smile. When all the wet rags, medicine and blankets don’t do their job, hugs were the best comfort in the world.
And so the speedster finally placed himself on the ground, not just beside the fox, but completely surrounding him, holding him close to his chest while the kit mumbled silent whines and tried to move his paws against him, hoping the lullaby of his heartbeat could be enough to soothe the little cub, longing for the calm sound of his brother’s almost silent snoring, demanding to anything that’s out there to let him keep his brother alive, to let him end his pain and make him smile soon.
He didn’t really believed in anything up there, if they were real, they weren’t doing their job if the traumatized kid in his arms had anything to say. But Sonic believed in himself, and if the universe wanted to take his kid from him, they’d have to rip him from his dead cold hands, and he wasn’t going anywhere.
He held Tails even closer, whispering soft nothings to him, the kit’s wet nose pressing to his chest while he pet his ears and ran his fingers through his bangs, the fox’s whimpers and loud breathing made his heart ache, but he was still breathing, all cold, sweaty and scared, but breathing.
He wasn’t crying anymore, no longer fighting his big brother’s embrace, no longer trying to get away or to hide from him, and suddenly melting into his touch, relaxed enough that Sonic could feel the heartbeat on his chest against his own.
Then the most beautiful sound ever blessed his ears.
Tails didn’t know why Sonic didn’t leave him alone. He didn’t know why he seemed even more eager to get close to him after he hurt him to the point of bleeding. He didn’t know why he got to the ground and held him closer to his chest when the tears appeared, when he was the one who hurt him. And he didn’t know why he didn’t try to stop him. He needed to protect him, he was barely awake but he could try a last effort. He could push him away. Letting him know he was dangerous to be around one last time. He had to.
His brother’s heartbeat was always fast, almost sounding like a buzzing instead, what would be annoying to most people, but to Tails? Being held right now, his head cradled to the crook of his hero’s neck, listening from up close to the rapid beat, it was the most soothing sound he’s ever heard. As much as he needed to push Sonic away, and as much as his mind told him to protect him, his heart knew that being there, in his big brother’s arms, he didn’t wanted to move away from there, ever. It felt like the safest place in the world. It was the safest place in the world.
Just being there close enough to feel the hedgehog’s breathing over him, getting his forehead rubbed and his ears scratched while the speedster’s voice engraved itself in his heart, It made his headache almost bearable, his tears slowly stopped, his breathing no longer felt like chocking, and the warmth that he felt before was no longer burning, but rocking him to slumber.
Only good kids deserved to be held with love, he knows that, he was never held like this before. Even when every single person on his home island refused to even touch him if it wasn’t to hurt him, and even if he doesn’t remember ever being held like this by his parents, Sonic was here, holding him. His brother was holding him.
The pain and sorrow that embraced him finally being replaced by a comforting rumbling coming from his own chest.
Maybe he was a good kid after all.
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
oooooh reader who likes spots big handss
Hands to Hold
YAHOO, gonna try to knock out these asks !! So sorry for not writing yesterday, I got caught up in stuff!!
I may also open doodle requests! Been a while since ive drawn and u gotta get my brain juices flowing (if I open them they'll have their own post!)
Also breaking my usual format for this ask, the standard bullet points didnt feel like they fit; not quite fanfic style but like. Pseudo
Kinda got. Whacky with it and carried away
Without further ado
Not proof read we die like uncle aaron
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If Spot had anything about his body that he still liked, it would be his hands
Long, spindly, large...
Good for all the tinkering he does with machines, great for precision
Great tools for throwing punches.. though their owner can't fight to save his own life
But best for holding their lovers
Spots hands were your favorite for similar reasons
You loved all of him, of course, but there was something about how his hands worked away at his latest little invention; one that was sure to fail him in his next attempt at crime. Or how his fingers flex when he's gripping a pen, deep in thought as he pondered his next move in a word puzzle. You loved them most when he intertwined his fingers in yours.
Some nights, long after your boyfriend has fallen asleep; you'd lace your hand into his, and his fingers would twitch and curl around yours.
On other days, you'd grasp his wrists and put his palms flat against your face. A smile would creep through when he began to rub his thumbs against your cheeks; though on some days he'd receive an amused huff after he decided to squish those same cheeks.
Everyday you would hold his hands, counting on each finger every reason you love him.
One for how endearing he is, as goofy as he is.
Two for his intelligence, as a scientist.
Three for his ramblings, for his interests.
Four for his passion, in his work.
Five for his humor, although accidental.
Six for persistence, to keep going.
Seven for his kindness, reserved for you.
Eight for thoughtfulness, for the gifts he showers you with.
Nine for his protectiveness, for always wanting you safe and near.
Ten for the shared and simple love you share for one another; one that grew every day.
You never said these things outloud, merely sitting in silence as you held his hands; while he watched in silence.
The inevitable will happen, you know this. Spot still wants to be seen by spiderman, to be his nemesis. Protest was futile, but at least for now, you could hold his hand for just a little while longer.
Perhaps your favorite part of him
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simplydannie · 2 months
Fanfic about Poppy, Viva, and Velvet?
Great minds think alike! I had another friend request a little something between Poppy, Viva, and Velvet! @fairytypingg
Poppy and Viva friends with Velvet seems kinda out place, especially with Velvet's character being the way it is. But I think the little happiness that Poppy and Viva bring might be just the thing to help her.
We Got You
"IM FINE! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE VENEER!" Velvet marched into her suit, and shut the door. "Vels!" Her brother attempted to run in after her, but the door was locked. He jiggled the knob, "Vels, please, talk to me."....Silence. She had been on edge recently, well, not recently, more like when they got out of prison...actually...when they were in prison. Veneer had made every attempt to talk to her, to have her open up to him about things that were going, about their next steps together....but she's completely shut him out. With a heavy sigh, Veneer retreated.
"The twins were set to call Vacay Island their home for the next couple of months. Bruce and Brandy have allowed them to work and live in one of the suits. Veneer enjoyed it, he felt like he was finally doing something right, something good. Velvet felt different. So many emotions were building inside of her, so many questions that needed answers. What would happen to them when they were done with their community service? Where would they live? The Trolls didn't really care for them. She hated how Veneer was always after them, always seeking their approval. They were always judging them she knew, but they didn't know it, they didn't know anything.... Velvet noticed...It was the first thing she noticed: Veneer was sick again. "Hey Vellie!" Velvet rolled her eyes at the sound of an annoying little Troll...Poppy. She just ignored her, just like she always would. She continued to clean he tables at the resort. "You know I'm going to get you to hang out with me and Viva! We're always looking to add another sister." The little Troll chimed. "I don't want a sister." Velvet said coldly. Another annoying voice piped up next to Poppy. "Uh, of course you do! Who wouldn't want a sister!" Viva exclaimed. "I have a brother. I'm good. Now can you PLEASE leave me alone." Velvet's tone was flat. Poppy tilted her head as she took a good look at the Rageon....Sadness, worry, fatigue...That's what Poppy saw. Velvet was trying to hold everything together, Poppy knew there was something beneath the service that was really troubling her. She opened her mouth to say something... "Hey guys!" Veneer came in holding a tray. He sported a dark blue vest with a black rolled up sleeve button up underneath. Black skinny pants were worn beneath his torso. "Guess whose the new waiter around here?" He did a full turn to show off his new look. "Meow! Vels doesn't your brother look so handsome!" Viva chimed. "Ugh." The Rageon rolled her eyes as she moved on to the next table. Veneer followed her hesitantly. "You know, we get off at the same time. Oh! Let's go snorkling before it gets dark!" A smile spread across his face. Poppy looked at Velvet to study her response. The Rageon's expression was left unchanged. "Seriously, you're asking again? " She replied without turning to look at him. "Go get the drinks to serve! Or you're fired." With a defeated look, Veneer retreated into the kitchen. Velvet could feel the eyes of the two small Trolls piercing her from behind.
"Why don't you ever want to hang out with him? Us, I guess I understand. But he's your brother. I'd give every chance to always be with Poppy." Viva explained. Velvet remained silent. Viva turned to her sister, hoping for some support.
"Velvet, is something else going on? I don't mean to always pry, but I always hear Veneer trying to open up to you...You just seem to...always shut him out. You know you....you can talk to me...You can talk to Viva! Girl to girl." Poppy tried her best to express her feelings of concern for the Rageon. One thing she learned about being queen, was how to read people, how to know when someone was sad, afraid, holding back.
"What goes on with me is none of your business. I just want to do my time and get out of here..."
The three girls turned their heads towards the sound of breaking glass coming from the kitchen. Velvet was the first to run in: Veneer was on the floor, struggling to get up, broken glass all around him.
"Vennie!" Viva attempted to go to his aid.
"Stay away!" Velvet was the first to his side.
"My bad!" He attempted a smile. "I-I slipped." Liar, Velvet mused. She could see the weakness in his arms and legs, how they went limp, how he struggled to find his strength to stand.
"Don't lie to me, Ven." She demanded. Her brother fell silent as she struggled to help him to his feet...his legs continuing to give out.
"How can we help you? Vellie, please tell us what to do." Poppy begged.
"YOU CAN LEAVE US ALONE!" Velvet screamed. She latched one of Veneer's arm over her should, struggling, she began to lead him away towards their suit.
"Vels!" Viva called out after her. But the Rageon ignored any kindness and any help that was thrown her way. A feeling fell at the pit of Viva's stomach as she watched the twins march off. "Poppy, I can't help but feel that something is wrong...Something is terribly wrong."
"I know Viv....me too." Poppy stretched and reached for Viva's hand.
Poppy and Viva continued to replay that moment in the kitchen throughout the rest of the day. They couldn't think right, couldn't eat. Velvet was always tough in the surface, but something told them, deep down, there was a little girl crying for help, crying for an answer to all their problems.
How would they know? Because they were that little girl at one point. Viva leading the group of surviving Trolls after the Bergen attack, living 20 years thinking she had lost her family. And Poppy...She made it seem like being queen was all cupcakes and rainbows, but she learned that it wasn't, but she knew her kingdom couldn't see her weak...she had to always be strong no matter what she felt. They wanted to tell Velvet that it was okay to be vulnerable sometimes...but how could they? She'd always close them off.
Poppy was headed off to the rooms of the resort that were specifically for Trolls. She had a warm tea in hand to help her calm her nerves and thoughts. That's when Viva came running down the hall.
"Poppy! Hurry come here!"
Without a second thought, Poppy dropped her tea and followed her sister.
Viva lead her outside the door of a suit. Inside, they could hear the sobs, the small little cries. Poppy held her hand over her mouth as her heart broke.
"Who is it?" She asked.
"I....I saw Vellie walk out of her suit. I followed her hoping she'd want to talk. She walked in here...That's when I heard the cries." Viva responded with saddened eyes. The Troll sisters took a moment before making up their mind. Nodding to each other, they pushed open the door that was luckily left slightly open.
The cries grow louder as they walked inside the suit. All lights were off, the only thing illuminating the room was the moonlight shining through the window. The girls followed the sound....That's when they found Velvet hunched in a corner.
She held her knees tight, her face buried in them. Her shoulders shuddered with every cry she made...
"Vels." Poppy whispered as she made her way to the Rageon.
"Go away..." Velvet said in between her cries.
"No! That's enough of you trying to push us away!" Viva said sternly. She made her way up to Velvet's knees, placing a small hand on her fingers. "Talk to us. Please."
"We want to be your friend Velvet. We've wanted to be your friend since you guys arrived to us." Poppy explained.
"I don't want friends."
"Maybe you think so now....but you DO need people who care for you. You have your brother, and we want to be there for you too." Viva said.
Upon the mention of Veneer, Velvet's cries grew severe. Poppy and Viva enclosed around her, laying their hands on her, embracing her as much as they could.
"Velvet....please." Poppy pleaded once more as she embrace the Rageon in her small arms. They allowed silence to pass between them, they allowed Velvet to just be vulnerable....to cry. This was something she had held in for so long...
"He's sick." Velvet finally spoke. "Veneer is sick again....and I don't have the money to help him." The Trolls looked at each other, a horrified expression in their eyes...This is what she had been hiding for so long.
"...I wish you had said something sooner." Viva exclaimed as she continued to hug her.
"Why? There's nothing you can do."
"How do you know? Vellie, you only know your little world, the world inside Rageous. You have no idea how big the world is....and you have no idea how many options there can be to help your brother." Poppy joined Viva on Velvet's knees, together they lifted the Rageons head so she could look at them. "We care for Vennie as much as you do....We want to help you."
"Please, Vellie. We know how it feels like. We know how it feel's to try and have it together! You don't have to go through this alone. Let us be there for you. We got you." Viva added.
Through teary eyes, Velvet glanced back and forth between the two sisters...There was no lie in their voices. She could see they were looking at her not with pity, but with genuine concern. Velvet really never allowed for anyone to see her vulnerable...especially her brother. She always wanted to be the tough one, the strong one...but maybe with these girls she could be. Velvet hugged her knees tighter...
"....okay...." She said softly. No more words were exchanged, no more words needed to be exchanged. Viva and Poppy drew closer to Velvet, this time hugging her face, hoping that she could feel their love and care for her.
They had her.
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olderthannetfic · 10 months
I had an incredibly odd moment last night at an event night for my dorm. Basically this girl and I were the last people left painting after everyone else had finished, the conversation was going well, and then she mentioned fanfic and how cringy and bad it was. Confused by my fellow nerdy type disliking a core part of nerdery, I admitted that I wrote fanfic, that I loved canon-divergent AUs and I wasn't sure what was wrong. "It's equally fictional either way," I said, which she did seem to pause and think about before acknowledging that was true.
Then she clarified the problem was Boku No Hero Academia. (For full transparency, I have not watched it. Confused, I said, "Isn't that just some shounen series? What's wrong with that? I like shounen." So then she hits me with, "The fandom is gross. That write things that shouldn't be depicted or portrayed." I stared at her, confused. "Like pedophilia."
I admitted, because I felt comfortable with her, that I had written fanfic about CSA and a survivor finding hope for the future, a therapist, true love and his abuser eventually getting his comeuppance. She looked at the painting and not at me. I couldn't tell if she was mad or not. So I added that, over the course of the year and a half of writing it, nine people had told me that reading it had helped them either decide to seek out therapy or helped them realize what happened to them was abuse and that it mattered. And I think it's worth it to make something that makes someone uncomfortable if it helps other people out, and also, the back button is right there. No one has to read something.
Looking upset but affect flat, she said that BNHA fans write things that "glorify" pedophilia. And I, because I am a dick with no social skills, went, "Well, don't read it." She clarified it shouldn't be allowed to exist because it "does harm to people". I said that abusers are responsible for abuse they commit, and nothing they read makes them do it. Psychologists, I reminded her, since several people in her family are psychologists, study and witness things much more horrible than we can imagine, which abusers often say are necessary, justified and sometimes kinda cool, and they don't do any of it. Stephen King didn't commit any murders as a run-up to writing about murder.
She went back to staring at the paint and said I didn't understand the harm it was doing, because it was normalizing it. So I pointed out that no amount of movies where killing the bad guy is a cool, glorious, badass thing to do has made murder socially acceptable in society. "But that's killing," was the objection. "Which is violence," I said in return, "just not sexual violence. But if a hundred years of killing the person who wronged you in cinema didn't make people fine with murder, I don't think a fanfic is going to make it that way." She scoffed and looked away. In a gentler tone, I finished with, "I don't think all of the socialization someone goes through in life and everything they've been told in their entire life can be undone by some anime characters."
She did not say anything to me for the rest of the painting time. She left without a word. I thought for sure she was angry with me and we weren't going to take anymore.
Today, she smiled and waved at me on campus like everything is fine and nothing uncomfy happened.
I don't understand. I am, however, neurodivergent, and therefore bad at social signals, so I may be missing something, here. She was never visibly angry at me when we talked, nor did she raise her voice, so I don't think that I was awful, here. However, not saying anything to me for a full forty minutes or even looking at me indicates to me I had said something that made her upset.
Neurotypicals, please advise. What is going on, here?
Well... probably she just had her dumb assumptions challenged and wasn't sure how to feel about it in the moment.
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ckiine · 3 months
Butterflies in the Stomach # Summer when they were 14.
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A/N 1) - To whoever that missed me :P I am back guysss. I wanted to write this fanfic but it kept taking too long and once I started writing it became waaayy too lengthy so please bear with me.
A/N 2) The fanfic is kinda inspired by this pic. Such cuties!!! <3
A/N 3) All the credits to the actual artist. This image is NOT MINE.
A/N 4) Please forgive the typos!
There are a few easter eggs in this fanfic. Let me know if you guys managed to find them :) Without further ado. Enjoy!
Shinichi was annoyed.
He clearly knew he was annoyed.
His gums were aching because he was clenching his jaw way too tightly, his hands were tightly fisted and he just knew for sure that he had a very ugly expression on his face.
Since he aspired to be a detective he had deduced why he was feeling this way but no amount of rational logic was helping him right now.
Meanwhile, the core reason for his irritation remained completely oblivious to his agony and was happily chatting away with him.
He sighed and went to his seat not like he could interrupt.
Shinichi's emotions were all over the place.
He glanced at Ran who was chatting with Fuji Kaname. The two of them had become acquainted when both of them were assigned morning duty and to make things worse a seat change had happened. Shinichi and Ran who were seated together previously were separated and that guy now occupied the seat next to Ran, meanwhile, Shinichi was thrown at the back of the class. Throughout his classes, Shinichi's eyes would wander towards them. He would have a strange churning in his stomach every time he saw them interacting. He knew what this meant. He has always known what Ran was to him.
The problem was the other boys were looking at her too. Back in elementary school they had a crush on her too but were too immature and childish to figure it out and acted like bullies towards her.
But now in middle school, these boys were trying to put in effort to talk to her and vie for her attention. He was well aware of the eyes on her, the interested, curious gaze, the infatuated look anytime Ran was around. Shinichi was almost glad that Ran was oblivious to the attention she was getting. At least she was not interested in them.
"Shinichi? What happened? Are you alright?"
Shinichi jerked up and came face to face with a pair of concerned blue eyes.
"R-Ran?? What's up?" Shinichi called out in surprise on seeing her.
"Oh I just wanted to confirm what time your soccer practice will get over today? Regional matches will be starting soon, right?"
"Oh it's just the usual time for this week, we will have extended practice from next week."
He answered her automatically.
"Hmmm." Ran had a look pondering look on her face. Meanwhile, Shinichi snuck a glance at Fuji who was staring at them and their eyes met. Fuji didn't turn his gaze away from them.
"Then I guess we can go back together. Is that alright?" Ran asked cheerily.
"Yeah, sure." Shinichi answered in a daze and Ran went back to her seat.
Shinichi felt a bubble of joy in his heart.
"It sure has been a while since we walked back together." Ran stated simply.
"But I guess it is for this week only when our club practices will end together. Next week, I guess the soccer team will stay back for longer time."
"Are you match-ups out already?"
"Shinichi?? Shinichi are you listening to me?? Shinichi??? Shinichi look out!!!!"
Shinichi couldn't get the image of Fuji and Ran out of his mind.
Should I ask her about him? Am I meddling? Will she become conscious of him if I ask her and start paying attention to him??
In his worries, he missed the steps in front of him causing him to tumble down and fall flat on his face. Thankfully it was not very high and just three steps.
"Shinichi are you alright??"
Ran crouched near him and checked up on him.
"What were you thinking?? You are hurt." Ran said softly wiping away the dirt.
"I am fine... I was just-
"Thinking about Sherlock Holmes." Ran finished for him absent mindedly while taking out a small first-aid pouch from her bag.
"No it was something else." Shinichi defended himself.
"Really? Shinichi are you capable of thinking of something else apart from Holmes and Scoccer, I didn't know that." Ran poked fun at him and chuckled as she cleaned his hands and face.
You, you idiot. I think of you. A little too much.
"So what got you in such a daze that you tumbled down like this?" Ran asked now bandaging him up.
Shinichi just stared at her in a daze. His eyes drank in her features, her hair, her eyes, her nose, supple-looking cheeks which were just waiting to be pinched and dare I go lower. Her lips.
NOOOOOOO!!!!! He felt his cheeks burn
Shinichi smashed himself mentally.
She just had to be the prettiest looking gal, didnt she. Shinichi almost resented her.
Cant you just stick to me? Like, forever? Why the hell is this Fuji guy making googly eyes at you!? Punch him away with your karate!
"Why is your face turning red? Don't tell me you have a fever too. You looked listless in the class today as well." Ran came closer to check his temperature.
"Enough! I am alright. Don't touch me so recklessly like this."
Shinichi couldn't stand this torment and before he knew it he was sprinting away from Ran as if set on fire.
Oh the pains of an awkward teenage boy with the girl he crushes on.
UGGHHHH!! What have I done!? She definitely hates me now. What do I do? I didn't want to behave like this. She must be hurt.
Panting heavily and completely out of breath Shinichi entered the house, ran to his room and slumped by the door.
He did not know how to handle this jealousy and worst of all he ended up being irritable towards Ran of all people.
I really need to apologise to her.
"Shin-chan come down for dinner."
Shinichi's intercom buzzed.
The Kudou mansion was pretty big so they had intercoms in the rooms for easy communications.
Shinichi came down and took his place at the table and saw his parents share a glance.
Dinner was strangely quiet and Shinichi observed the strange behaviour of his parents who kept glancing at each other and at him.
"So what is it you guys want to talk about?"
Yukiko and Yusaku looked at Shinichi though not very surprised with his observation.
"Well Shin-chan, your father and I were discussing a few things and we are deliberating the option of moving abroad, US to be more specific."
Shinichi was caught a little off guard by the statement.
"Nothing is final yet. We are just discussing and we would like to hear your opinion about it. I know it is a lot to take in right now but think about it."
"But why the sudden idea?" Shinichi asked slowly.
"It's not really sudden."
True, the US was a frequent family destination for them.
"As you know Yusaku's book on the Night Baron has become an instant hit and for research purposes, the US is a good option. The country has a broad spectrum of studies and case analogies."
The 'Night Baron' novel series was a very well-planned plot. Yusaku Kudo wrote individual crime thriller novels but it always had a shadowy and mysterious character who manipulated the protagonists in very subtle ways. Not something which would be picked in the first reading. After writing multiple novels with such a vague figure a lot of conspiracy theories were making rounds on the internet as to who this mysterious person was. Finally, a few weeks ago the first book In the Night Baron series was released which literally disappeared from the shelves within a day. The people devoured the book like crazy and it was still on the bestseller for six consecutive weeks already.
"Shin-chan, moving abroad will be a big change but I think living in the States will be good for you too. Think about it okay."
"Is that all?"
Yukiko and Yusaku looked at each other and nodded. Shinichi walked to his room and crashed on his bed.
He could only think of her.
Will I be able to leave Ran? Will she miss me? Will I become a distant forgotten childhood memory? Will she fall in love with someone and become his girlfriend?
Fuji's lovestruck face flashed in his mind and why just him, so many countless guys were infatuated with her. Who will win over her heart?
I-I- cant...
He had a vague idea of what he needed to do and for that, he needed to speak to hakase urgently.
****The next morning****
"Hakase? Are you up? Hakaseee??"
The door clicked open, "What is Shinichi-kun? So early in the morning?" Agasa- hakase said yawning and still very much sleepy.
Like a cheeky brat, Shinichi just pushed hakase inside and said,"I need a favour hakase and only you can do it."
"What is it?" Hakase asked a little more alert now.
Shinichi looked at him and deliberated for a moment but in the end hakase was best possible option.
"My parents are planning to move abroad hakase. I want you to take legal guardianship of me in their absence." Shinichi said in a blunt and straightforward manner.
"NANIIII??? Shinichi-kun do you have any idea what you are saying!?" Hakase was completely bewildered at the Shinichi's request.
"Please hakase, do me this favour! You and my father have been friends even before I was born, you have seen me since I was an infant and you just live next door to me. I-I have my reasons for not wanting to leave Japan and you are the only possible way I can convince my parents to let me stay here. Please." Shinichi deeply bowed his head in front of Hakase.
"Shinichi-kun!" Hakase was flustered by the sudden development and the request.
"Have you told your parents about it?"
"No, not yet." Shinichi said slowly.
"But why do you want to stay? Studying in the States is a wonderful opportunity, especially if you want to be a detective."
Shinichi looked up at hakase, his eyes showed a determined gleam.
Feeling slightly better after talking to hakase Shinichi set off for school.
Shinichi kept glancing at the clock and at the door of the classroom waiting for Ran to appear who had still not arrived. Ran was not late yet but it was later than usual time for her. Just then Ran walked in through the door.
Shinichi moved towards her but the moment their eyes met, a look of pain flashed in Ran's eyes and she hurried away form him to rush to her seat.
"Ohayo Mouri. It's rare for you to be this late." Fuji greeted her
Ran just passed him a sheepish grin and settled down in her avoiding Shinichi who was just left stunned in his place but quietly went back to his seat.
Of course, she is avoiding me, especially after how I behaved.
Shinichi tried multiple times to talk to Ran throughout the day but Ran successfully managed to avoid him and before he knew it she was sprinting out the door the moment classes got over. Shinichi felt dejected and was not sure what to do.
Shinichi turned and came face to face with Fuji and flinched.
You are the last person I want to see right now.
"I saw you were trying to talk to Mouri today."
"Arent you being a little too pushy? She is clearly avoiding you. Stop bothering her."
"Mind your own business." Shinichi frowned and shot back coldly.
"I will mind my own business after you stop bothering her," Fuji said haughtily, not backing down.
"It sure is a good play, playing innocent childhood playmates and taking advantage of that."
"Fuji-kun!" Ran called out horrified.
Shinchi and Fuji looked in surprise to see Ran standing there, looking at Fuji with hurt and disappointment. He paled under her hurt gaze.
"Mouri! I was just-" Fuji started now, stripped off his arrogance but stopped unable to say anything.
"Please never talk like that ever again," Ran said firmly.
"Let's go Shinichi."
She grabbed Shinichi's wrist and they walked away. Their footsteps sounded loud in the empty corridor but Ran refused to slow down as she was still feeling extremely annoyed.
"Ran calm down." Shinichi started slowly in a placating tone.
"How could you let him talk to you like that Shinichi!?" Ran glared at him feeling extremely agitated.
No Ran, I was actually just a second away from punching him in the face, you arriving there actually prevented a fistfight.
Ran was seething, she really thought Fuji-kun was a nice person. He was nice and polite as a seatmate, they got along fairly well but to think he had such a shallow opinion of her relationship with Shinichi.
Shinichi and her have been together since kindergarten, she has known him since she was four. All through elementary school and even now in the second year of middle school they have always been together. Also, Shinichi always had valid reasons for acting in a certain way and Ran knew for sure that none of his actions were ever meant to hurt her.
"I thought you were mad at me," Shinichi said slowly.
"I was a little annoyed but right now I am angry for a completely different reason." Ran huffed.
"Don't mind it, I don't think he really meant it anyway." Shinichi didn't want to defend him but he sort of understood where he was coming from.
"But even so." She mumbled.
"Gomen Ran, for yesterday," said Shinichi
Ran looked at him. The deserted corridor was dyed in an orangish-yellow hue of the setting sun and Shinichi's eyes were fixed on her with an unwavering strange intensity. They were so sincere, shaking almost shining. She felt a pang in her chest, it felt like a bittersweet ache. It didn't hurt but somehow it did, it felt warm and lovely. Ran felt a vague realisation. She has felt like this before but for some reason, this feeling was getting stronger with every passing day.
The moment Shinichi looks at me like that I will forgive him for anything and everything in less than a heartbeat.
A sweet smile blossomed on her face reflecting the warmth she felt in her heart.
"Shinichi is Shinichi no matter what." She said smiling. Shinichi grinned at her somehow understanding and not understanding the statement. She felt the same, the words that came out of her mouth were something which perplexed Ran herself but she didn't want to indulge much in these complex intense emotions for now.
This deduction nerd and her were walking back together, which made her happy.
"Tou-san, kaa-san, please listen to me." Shinichi spoke with a deep breath.
Here goes...
"I wish to stay in Japan, I don't want to move abroad."
"But Shin-chan-"
"I spoke to Agasa-hakase, if you guys permit then he can take over my guardianship. He said that if you both agree to it then he will agree as well."
"What about wanting to pursue the path of being a detective?" Yusaku asked bluntly.
Shinichi clenched his fist and prepared to answer.
I got through to Agasa-hakase, I am sure I will get my intensions through to my parents as well.
"Tou-san, kaa-san, being a detective is my dream, and I wish to achieve and fulfil that with my own strength and efforts. Even if it takes a little longer, I want to remain in Japan. If in future certain conditions turn favourable I will think of going abroad, till then please let me stay here. Onegaishimasu!"
Shinichi felt a tense silence in the room but he looked at his parents with the same determination and desire which had won over Agasa-hakase in the morning.
"Fine then, I guess." Yusaku said cooly.
"Really!?" Shinichi shouted in surprise.
"But Yuu-chan!!" Yukiko whined but Yusaku managed to placate and reassure her.
Shinichi felt a sweet relief on getting acknowledgement from his parents.
I can do it! I will definitely become a great detective. I will be by her side. The girl who carries a first aid pouch for me. The girl who values the relationships of people around her. The girl who has me wrapped around her fingers. I won't have to part from her, for now, this is more than enough. For now, this will do.
"Please it's alright. I really don't want to impose on your family time like this." Ran said flustered and distressed to Yukiko-san.
"Oh Ran-chan, don't worry about it. We really want you to join us."
Ran glanced towards Shinichi for help who simply shrugged his shoulders. Though fireworks of madddening happiness were exploding in his heart.
Good job mom!!!
"Alright then! It's a four-day trip and pack accordingly Ran-chan."
Ran was completely shocked to find that the Kudos had planned to move to America. She felt as if she had been robbed of her breath for a moment but when she found out that Shinichi was going to stay in Japan she felt a trickle of relief in her veins.
He is not going! He is not going to leave me.
As of now, she was in the Kudou mansion and was invited to Shinichi's parent's villa mansion in Karuizawa. The Kudos were planning to move to America at the end of summer vacation. They would be spending time with Shinichi in Japan during the holidays. Knowing that they would be leaving in two months Ran felt distressed about being invited to a family vacation but on Yukiko-san's insistence, she gave in.
Ran and Shinichi's eyes met.
Is this really ok?
Yes. Yes, this is perfect. Shinichi felt his face growing warm and looked away.
These kids really grow up really fast.
Yukiko's eyes gleamed with nostalgia and mischief as she looked at her son sharing a moment with her (future daughter-in-law?).
A/N - Damnnn this is too long. Thanks to everyone who stuck with it till the very end. Please let me know how was, I look forward for your feedback!!
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kamimarroco · 1 month
First time meeting Ren
Good morning, good afternoon and good night everyone! I brought another BTD fanfic that I worked on for a few days, and I confess that it gave me a bit of work. Anyway, the title gives it all away, and also, it can be considered a sequel to my first story. Enjoy it!
As your eyes felt heavy, the complete darkness of the basement was inviting, your eyelids slowly closing in the face of exhaustion and the pain of freshly inflicted wounds. Usually you weren't one to admit this, but your captor really made you feel the worst possible sensation with this last torture session. Maybe he was too excited about the discovery of your immortality and the possibilities that fact opened up for him. You still remember the smile of genuine euphoria on his face when he saw you returning from the dead, breathing like any other living being. At that point, everything went downhill.
Without anything else to do and with drowsiness already affecting you, you allowed yourself to sleep peacefully in the face of this situation. Even though you were still tied to a pole and the pain from the bruises continued to burn, you just wanted to escape it for a moment. Who knows, maybe you'll wake up in your bed and realize it was all just a terrible nightmare. And then, you would laugh and tell your friends about this madness like it was no big deal. If that weren't the case, then you'd be content to dream about cotton candy or pudding, it doesn't really matter.
These thoughts brought a smile to your face as your consciousness switched off, finally being able to rest from this fucking hell, your breathing becoming regular and deep.
Because you had nothing to guide you about the time, you didn't know how many hours had passed since you slept. The only thing you were sure of was the sound of soft footsteps coming down the stairs, as if someone wanted to go unnoticed. Well, bad for that person, because you noticed their presence the moment they entered the basement. Even so, you didn't bother opening your eyes to find out who it was.
“So you're that immortal girl he talked about so much? Damn, you look just like any other”, a young, male voice said, making you confused and forcing you to finally open your eyes to satisfy your curiosity. "Hehe, I knew you were awake”
Looking carefully, you noticed that it was a young, short boy with visible red hair. You would have considered him an ordinary boy if it weren't for his fox ears and tail. Goddammit, you had no idea your captor had another prisoner.
“If I'm not wrong, either you are cosplaying or you are a beastkin”, you stated your first observations. “And to be more exact, I'm a grown-ass up woman”, your tone sounded a little irritated.
“For a grown woman, you sure don't have the manners of a lady”, arms crossed, the tail twitched methodically, flat ears on the head and a judgmental look on his face.
You sighed, trying to regain your posture. “Right, sorry. I'm probably just taking my anger out on you”, you hoped your words sounded sincere, wanting to lighten the mood. “You know, can't expect someone to be in a good mood when trapped in a basement”
The beastkin looked to the side, seeming to relax for a moment. “It's alright, I know how it feels"
“Yeah, I kinda figured it out”, you said, referring to the scars and the collar around the boy's neck. Some of the injuries on his body were fresh while others were completely healed. “It seems like you've been experiencing it longer than I have”
“You can say that”, he closed the distance between you and him, crouching down to look at you closely from top to bottom. You hadn't paid attention before, but his amber eyes were very beautiful to look at. “Looks like he didn't bother to take care of your wounds. Do you want me to help you?”
“You are gorgeous”, those words left your lips without a filter, making him blush slightly. “I would be very grateful if you helped me”
“Right…”, still embarrassed by the compliment, the boy got up and started searching for something in the basement cupboards. With his back turned to you, you could see the fox tail more clearly and observe its movements from side to side, your eyes completely mesmerized by the animalistic feature. Come on, it's not every day you come across an almost human being with animal parts, this could be your only chance to see something like this.
“Enjoying the view?”, he asked as he grabbed a medical kit, turning to face you.
You immediately looked away, embarrassed that you had been caught staring for so long. “I wasn't looking at anything…”, you made the cliché move of denying your attitude.
“Let's say I believe it”, he chuckled as he crouched down again to treat your injuries, taking some objects from the medical kit. “This might hurt a little, so be prepared”
“Don't worry about me, go on”, you said in a confident tone. As he cautiously brought his hands closer to your wounds, you couldn't help but eagerly anticipate the touch. And no matter how much you mentally prepared yourself for the moment, the cloth moistened with alcohol still made you groan in pain, the burning sensation making you grind your teeth. Still, this was nothing compared to Strade's playtime, so you tried to do your best to look strong during the process.
You could see a look of admiration on his face as you occasionally glanced at him, your attention more focused on the treatment of the wounds. The striking color of your blood, so beautiful and bright… Was that why Strade got excited so quickly?
Well, whatever, the important thing is that your wounds were finally being disinfected, which would save you from future problems. Being already used to the pain, it didn't take long for him to take care of the rest, making you let out a sigh of relief.
“And it's done”, the beastkin spoke as he finished his work, getting up to put the medical kit back in the cupboard. “You surprised me, I thought you would at least complain about the pain”
“I couldn't make myself vulnerable so easily in front of a boy younger than me”
“Come on, I'm not that young”, he put his hands on his hips, a smirk on his face. “Maybe you're just too old”, he chuckled.
“You know, it's rude to ask a woman her age”, you looked at him with a smile on your face, enjoying the moment the two of you were sharing. “Besides, I've been through worse”, remembering the origin of the bruises sent shivers down your spine.
“I know exactly what you mean”, his eyes stared at the ground, his facial expression changing to a more serious one. “Anyway, I think I stayed here too long. He probably noticed that”, the boy stated as he approached the stairs.
“Wait!”, you called him, trying to be as quiet as possible so as not to attract attention. “Thank you for taking care of my bruises, and I'm sorry for being rude earlier”, you said softly while maintaining eye contact. “Can I at least know your name?”
The boy looked thoughtful for a moment, but then began to speak. “It's Ren. You can call me Ren”
Ren... It was a beautiful name to say. “It's a cute name, it suits you”, you stated without hesitation. “You can call me by my legal name”
“Really? And what would it be?”
As you spoke your name, you saw his smile returning to his face, seeing a sparkle in his amber eyes when he heard you, ears twitching along with his tail.
“It's a good name, I think it suits you”, he gave you a compliment before leaving. “Maybe I'll see you again, who knows”
“Yeah, maybe…”, you whispered as you saw the boy going up the stairs, hearing the sound of the door being locked seconds later. Without any more company, you sighed, looking at the blood-stained floor as you waited for something to happen again.
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flibbetygibbetsbro · 2 months
Some people really liked it, so here is some more of my unhinged fanfic of keefe in the forbidden cities
kid had come out of nowhere and she managed to hit him with her bike. Shit.
"Holy crap, are you good, man?" 
The boy she had hit blinked through his blurry vision to see a girl kneeling over him, her messy hair blowing in the breeze. All he could do was groan. His butt hurt. The boy tried to stand but only wobbled, nearly toppling over. The girl caught his arm keeping him steady, but that only seemed to make him woozier. His vision went blank.
"Wowsa, I guess you're NOT good then."
That was the last thing the boy heard before passing out. 
Name. What was his name again? He couldn't remember. His head hurt. His heart ached. What was his-
Oh yeah.
It was Keefe.
He forced his eyes open to find himself laying on some sort of table and bench combo thinking in the shade of a gigantic oak tree. Keefe turned his head to look at the bench connected to the table. Why connect them? Humans are weird. As he studied the bench, his gaze was caught on a leg.
That leg belonged to a person.
Keefe shot upright, ignoring the rush of lightheadedness as his body tensed, ready to flee.
"Woa there, bud. Chill out. I'm not going to steal your liver," the blond girl next to him said. The reinsurance should have made him feel better, but the thing about the liver seemed very unessacy. It made his gut twist a bit, almost like she was going back on her word and stealing his liver right then and there. "So, uh, what's your name?" the girl inquired. She seemed a little shy, but not in the "omg you're so hot and charming" way he was more used to, but in the "I just carried you to a table in a park and now I have no clue what to do with you now" way. Keefe supposed he'd feel about the same in her place. 
Keefes brain was so out of wack, he didn't even answer the girls question. He just looked at her blankly while his brain grasped onto the least important things. Like how she wasn't acting like most girls did around him. Maybe she was one of those people Sophie mentioned to him. What were they called again? Lemonon? Lebonan? No, lesbian. 
Before he fully grasped what he was saying, he blurted out, "Are you a lesbian?" 
"Nice to meet you "are you a lesbian"," she retorted dryly. 
Keefe reddened and crossed his arms irritably. (GOSH his head hurt). "I don't need to tell you anything."
She snorted and smirked a little, "Well aren't you a salty little cookie." Keefe just stared at her confused. Did she just call him…a baked good? He was befuddled before, but now he was baffled. He may have watched humans before, but this was the first time he had actually spoken to him. Were they all this confusing? 
Keefe must have looked as baffled as he felt because the girl cringed slightly and seemed to shed a little bravo. "Sorry, I kind of forgot that you literally fainted, like, 20 minutes ago."
Wait, he'd been out at long?! "Wait, I've been out that long?!"
"Yep, you kinda freaked me out. I have a couple of friends that faint sometimes, but it usually isn't for more than a minute or two. You'd better get home and get something to eat." 
"Oh yeah, I guess." Sweet, he could just walk away and everything would be fine-
"I'll walk with you."
Keefe bit back a curse. This weird human was making it VERY hard to be undercover. With a forced grin he hoped was charming (he probably looked like he was freshly done with his daily hair appointment…with the mouth of Verdi the T-Rex), he stood to leave and find a corner hidden enough to lightleap away. "Nah, I'm good, uh…" She never gave HER name either. "...cookie." Wow. That was smooth. (Not really). 
As Keefe moved his legs to leave, everything went fuzzy for a moment before his vision cleared. Suddenly towering above him was the girl with the tail end of a shocked expression twisting into a mix of amusement and irritation. Realizing that he had fallen flat on his butt, he looked up at the girl a little sheepishly. 
"You're "good", huh? Oh, and my name is Soda." Soda was worse than Cookie in keefes mind, but Soda dragged him to his feet before he could dwell on names for too long. "Come on, we're going to Subway."
Subway, as it turns out, was not an underground collection of dangerous human transportation, but an above ground collection of dangerous human food. Wasn't the ham Soda ordered made from pigs? Ew. 
Soda turned to Keefe after she finished ordering her sandwich on the weird assembly line. "What do you want?" 
Keefe tried to play it cool, but his nose wrinkled a bit when he mumbled, "I'm good."
Raising an eyebrow, she seemed ready to add a sparky remark, but she paused when she noticed the way Keefe kept sending sideways glances at the meat section. "Oh. You're vegetarian." 
Before Keefe could intergect Soda had already ordered him a vegetarian sandwich. Keefe recalled that cheese was made from cows milk.
The two of them sat in a corner booth. As Soda calmly ate her sandwich and drank her soda (was she named after drink of was it named after HER?), Keefe figeted and ignored his sandwich. The human emotions didn't make the world spin like it did when he first leaped, but his head still pounded and he had trouble focusing. Again, he found himself focusing on all the wrong things.
"Why do you have the same name as your drink?"
Soda smiled slightly (she was used to people asking about her name), but the way he phrased the question made her lips twitched downwards once. It was almost like he didn't know what soda was. Nah,that's crazy…
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thatonekreachur · 4 months
hhhhh finally I have time to now post this hshshshshhshs
anyways au
Tumblr media
so um, yeah, so um uh...
Some days ago I decided to listen to a song for the first time, Symbiotic by Starset, and then i thought "wow. this is absolute broppy material." until it came to me.
guys, hear me out... in this au the trolls have glowy markings all over their body, and the bergans are giant machines that feed on their energy.
Also, the colors of the glowy bits on the pop trolls are like the colors of stars... they can be blue, like a hot blue star, or red, like a cool red star, or yellow, like our sun (even though it's kinda white...). Just a little detail of think is cool, and it's gonna be overall space and glowy themed and such!
And it will of course focus on our famous duo over there! Some things under the cut
The perks of this au includes:
Space and glowy themed ofc
Adding in to the worldbuilding
It will cover all three movies, and I will rewrite the story of each
More interaction between characters
Extra action and suspense and violence
So I am like torn between turning this au into a ao3 fanfic or a comic, or maybe both... idk... let me explain.
So, for comic, which is what I am really leaning into more, my art would look a little... flat at the start, and I would improve and advance as I work on it a little more. One disadvantage is how long the comic will take to complete. One other comic that I read on Deviantart literally took ten fucking years to complete, and for something that's going to cover three whole movies, I don't really think it's gonna be plausible.
Like, the comic will have an introduction chapter, and will be divided into three parts, each representing the three movies, with more being added with future installments. Like, if it will take ten fucking years to complete one part, then I will literally grow old and die before I even start one that will cover the potential fifth or sixth movie, not to mention the high chance of hitting artist's block. So my solution is to keep this short, but not too short to not make the plot feel rushed, and not too long so it won't literally take more than 2 years to complete...
So, for fanfic, it will take a lot less time to complete, and I get to learn how to write, but not how to draw. And for doing both, I get to learn how to draw and write but then I might overstimulate myself doing a buncha things at the same time.
But one thing for both of them is that I have to overcome the fear of writing the characters names on there, so you guys have to help me out on this one. I have no idea why I am afraid of putting the names on there, like its a bunch a words... what harm can they do?
I might've made the conclusion, I will do the comic one better. Guys if this feels a little rushed and the grammar feels broken is because I am writing this at the point where I need to go asleep and the melatonin is kicking in. so, yeah goodbye
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redlerred7 · 18 days
I'm like a hundred words into the next chapter of Sincerity is Rock, Actually and I'm reminded if some comments I received and conversations I had back in April about the way I write Ryo. Specifically, about how strong my characterization of her is.
It confused me.
Don't get me wrong, I was happy everyone liked the way I wrote her, but I didn't understand why the people I talked to insisted my Ryo was different.
At the time, I wasn't familiar with the fanfic scene for Bocchi the Rock. Even now, I'd say I'm still not very familiar with it—but at least I've read a dozen or so fics since that time. I think I kinda understand the difference now?
The biggest thing I've seen is how a lot of Ryo's unleasant traits are toned down. She's less of an asshole; she's more emotive; she's more talkative; and most importantly, she thinks about how her actions affect other people and seems to adjusts her behavior accordingly.
No, stop that! She's a judgemental elitist with a permanent bitch face who borrows money from people without paying them back. Writing Ryo like she's a decent human being with a working concept of action and consequence removes the most interesting point of tension to her characterization: the fact that she can be so unpleasant while still being Ride or Die for her friends. You lose so much by sanding down those rough edges.
This sanding down of Ryo is also the reason I find myself not feeling as strongly for many of the shippy fics involving her. Ryo being such an asshole that you question why people are friends with her informs a lot of the friendships she does have.
Bocchi is a doormat who Ryo takes advantage of, but they also have An Understanding™ because of their mutual respect for the other's musicianship and a shared experience with being alone and unable/unwilling express their feelings to other people. Bocchi is willing to accept Ryo's worse qualities because… well, frankly, it's because she's desperate for friends. However! The other reason is because Ryo understands her, and will engage with her loneliness and negative feelings in a way that basically no one else in the cast is willing or able to engage.
Kita is infatuated with Ryo's coolness and uncompromising commitment to the bit—which, again, Ryo takes advantage of. From the other direction, Ryo respects Kita Go-Getter attitude and willingness to actually put in the work to get better at guitar—it's just that she's completely unable or unwilling to express that respect. Despite that, I get the sense that Kita still feels Ryo's respect on some level, and it makes her feel valued enough that her infatuation with Ryo never really goes away.
And finally, there's Nijika, who I went on a whole spiel about in chapter 2 of Sincerity is Rock, Actually, which I'll copy-paste here.
Honestly, Nijika's acceptance of Ryo's worst qualities is so fascinating for their dynamic. She's not trying to "fix" Ryo—and the fact that she isn't seems to be something Ryo is aware of. And even more fascinating is that, despite knowing that Nijika does very little to stop her, I don't really think Ryo tries to take advantage of Nijika the same way she would try with others. I'm not sure whether this is because Ryo rationalized a reason Nijika would be off limits or because Nijika gave her reasons. Regardless, it leaves them with a strange sense of equal footing that I find appealing.
All of these relationships lose a quality to them when Ryo isn't constantly trying to take advantage of people.
Though, I suppose I'm focusing too much on the Ryo-being-an-asshole part, since it's not like those tendencies would be relevant in every story. What is relevant is Ryo's lack of emotional intelligence.
I mentioned earlier that Ryo's flat affect is one of those things that are toned down often in fics. It's not nearly as toned down as the asshole aspects, but it's still different enough that I noticed it.
The difference, I've found, is that people seem to write Ryo's stoicism as either:
A. Ryo deliberately holding back her emotions,
B. Ryo simply not feeling her emotions that strongly,
or lastly, C. some combination of the above two.
C feels the most correct of the options I listed, and is also relatively common in the fics I've read, but I also feel like it's incomplete. It misses an important aspect in that I don't think Ryo actually understands emotions in general. Like, at all.
Think about it: Ryo doesn't feel most of her emotions very strongly. Whatever emotions she does feel stongly, she doesn't understand, so she pushes them out of her mind and doesn't express them—at least not outside of music. In doing so, she creates the outward appearance of stoicism, which her peers find her cool, thus reinforcing the behavior.
Sounds about right for Ryo, right? Wanna know how that reads to me?
Ryo is a teenaged boy—or at least she acts like one.
Like, it's so obvious to me! The commitment to the bit; the emotional constipation; even the general assholery! From the moment I first watched the show, Ryo always felt so "teenaged boy"-coded. She reminded me of a bunch of friends I had back when I was studying at an all-boys highschool.
Which also explains why, of all the fics I've read, the ones where Ryo is a trans girl were the ones most similar to how I would write her. Because of course they would be! Trans!Ryo writers obviously understand the teenaged boy-like aspects of Ryo. The difference seems to be that trans!Ryo writers want to distance Ryo from those aspects while I lean harder into them.
So, to conclude this post, let me answer the question that confounded me at the start: what makes the way I write Ryo different from others?
My Ryo is an asshole
My Ryo doesn't feel most emotions strongly. When she does feel them strongly, she doesn't understand them. To avoid confusion, she shoved those emotions aside and doesn't think about or express them.
My Ryo is basically a teenaged boy who is a girl.
Does that make sense?
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appledashbitch · 6 months
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rainbow dash human headcanons wooo!! (going to be mad long j a warning)
she is 19. i actually do not like the idea of her being short/average height! I see her as ab 5’9 so tall but not taller than applejack duh
she is def very thin but toned!! she just zooms around toooo much for me to think she’s jacked 😢 i HIGHLY dislike it when people use bra sizes as a guide bc they vary so much depending on the band sizes. she is flat chested like let’s be real here. i also j LOVE this idea of rarity basically forcing her do to modeling for her fashion designs bc of her proportions and because everyone loves rarity she will do it just for her 😏
ethnically i like the idea of her being hispanic & white, was thinking along the lines of colombian or cuban?? and then i feel like the white would be italian, specifically having an italian mom bc they are something! skintone i see her as very tan. naturally and due to being outdoors allll the time
it’s time to discuss the classic one.. what is rainbow dash’s sexuality? my idea is she would only ever date a girl because she is literally a gay horse but BUT she is not opposed to getting w/ men. this is because she is kind of a slut! i just see her having a higher libido and not giving a fuck about being “ran through” bc she knows it’s all misogynistic bullshit. i also feel like she ends up getting w/ a lot of her friends bc she is just that bitch. definitely twilight, rarity, pinkie, & aj. no fluttershy bc she sees her as the sister she never had.
appearance-wise she mainly wears shorts, jeans kinda like a levi’s 501, crop tops and sweats. she will dress up depending on the occasion. she is obsessed with converse for sure. she has a bunch of ear piercings and three big tattoos. one of them is ofc a pair of wings on her back, then lightning bolts under one ribcage and clouds under the other. in general she is very pretty and she in fact cares a lot about her appearance. she keeps her hair about armpit length because she feels more traditionally feminine that way, and she keeps it up all the time. i’m thinking naturally light brown hair and blue eyes and she would eventually bleach her hair and dye it rainbow.
she has ADHD, PTSD, and seasonal depression, with the PTSD and seasonal depression stemming from a major car accident she was in at 14 that killed both of her parents and severely injured her. she kinda “copes” with it by smoking a ton of weed during the off season from soccer since she wouldn’t want to test positive for any drugs & she just for sure has a thing for beer and cider. scotch if she wants to get really fucked up
last but not least, applejack ❤️ she has had a crush on applejack for FOREVER and after they drunkenly hookup AJ begins to see her in this way.
okay that’s it! that’s my dashie. i feel like there’s a LOT of potential for fanfic writing with all of these headcanons so we’ll see how it goes
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stormkobra-5 · 2 years
Can i request the moon boys reacting to y/n getting angry at a sibling over a special interest I think it might be funny seeing the moon boys reacting to y/n who is usually nice and sweet just go ballistic
I kinda lost it at my brother today swore like a sailor over marvel icronicly 🤣
I keep requesting cause i love your writing so much 💖💖
Bro?!?! Buddy?!?! Are you me?!?! This literally happens to me all. The. TIME. I know exactly how you feel. I’m flattered you think my writing is that great, I don’t mind you sending in requests at all! uwu
Pairing: Moon Boys x gn!Reader
Fic Type: Blurb
Summary: You’re typically sweet as sugar, but when your sibling teases you a little too much about a special interest, you take a turn that’s extremely surprising to your boyfriends.
A/N: This takes place in an au where Moon Knight is not in the MCU, they’re real superheroes serving the real god of the moon and the MCU is a movie series. :p (I was gonna use Star Wars, but you mentioned Marvel, so I decided to use that if that’s okay.)
Note: [Y/S/N] = Your Sibling’s Name
Rating/Warnings: 14+, strong language, probably some incorrect MCU references, an AU that doesn’t make sense b u t *shrugs* this is fanfic, bewildered Moon Bois, gn!sibling so that it’s more reader-friendly (I didn’t want to just add brother or sister lmao), cussing, swearing, and name-calling to a sibling in a loving manner, a sibling teasing reader in a sibling way, reader using crappy insults because I’m not very creative lmao
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Your sibling had come to visit you in Steven’s little flat, an unexpected surprise that neither of you were anticipating in the slightest. Unannounced completely. It wasn’t bad, it was just… Startling? Yes, startling is the correct term.
I mean, the flat was a mess. Your lazy weekend was indeed the laziest of weekends. That meant lots of cuddles and not so much actually getting up to put things in the trash can, or do the laundry, or do the dishes. It looked like the flat hadn’t been cleaned in months. I mean, what were they gonna say about you to the rest of the family?! That you and your boyfriend(s) were slobs?!
Marc and Jake immediately retreated into the headspace when Steven opened the door curiously to find your sibling standing there. “Oy?! Lads?! Where’d’you think you’re going?!” Steven’s desperate thoughts were met by Marc and Jake’s unadulterated terror.
“Ohoooo no, hombré,” Jake said, turning to hide in one of the back rooms of Steven’s mind-replicated flat. “I’m not ready to face that yet!”
“Besides, Steven,”Marc reasoned, slowly backing away, “You’re the nicest and most likable out of the three of us.”
And so that was how Steven alone was promptly smushed into a bone-crushing hug. “So you’re the boyfriend!” 
“U-uhm… Yes, I am?” Poor Steven voiced it like a question, glancing back over his shoulder to try and convey his fear to you as you approached with a lazy smile. 
“Yes, he’s my boyfriend,” You gently pried Steven out of the hug, patting his back a little so that he might be reminded to breathe. The poor guy looked like a deer in the headlights, waiting for what he thought was the inevitable disapproval of your family member. “Steven, this is Y/S/N. Y/S/N, this is Steven.”
“Nice to finally meet you,” Y/S/N shook Steven’s hand adamantly, whereas your boyfriend was a little more hesitant, a shy smile on his face. “Y/N’s told me a lot about you.”
“They have?” Steven seemed surprised. You wrapped your arms around one of his and leaned into his warmth.
“Don’t be so shocked, silly. Of course I talk about you.” To your sibling, you said with a jerk of your chin, “What’s up?”
“I was in the area for business,” Y/S/N replied, “Figured I’d swing through.”
“You have a hotel?” You inquired, pulling them further into your flat. Steven quietly shut the door behind you, ensuring that it was locked.
“Well, yeah, but it’s one of those old creepy ones like you see in scary movies.” At your frown, Steven perked up.
“Uh oh,” Marc thought, rushing into the headspace. “Don’t even think about it, Steven.”
“Amigo, if you do this, I swear to god, I will kick you in the crotch.”
“...Jake, we share a body.”
“And if he does this, we’ll be in pain already. Might as well make him suffer for it.”
“Why don’t you stay with us?” Steven offered, ignoring his alters. He saw your concern and wanted to get rid of it. You didn’t need to worry like that. He wanted to help, and the way your face lit up at the suggestion only made him more certain that this was the right thing to do– not to mention, your smile also shut his alters up for a second as they admired you.
Your sibling eagerly agreed, and while they went to collect their things from their hotel, you and Steven tidied up the apartment. You laughed and rambled on excitedly about having your sibling stay with you for a few days, and that night at dinner Steven grew more comfortable around them as they spoke, conversations touching on old family stories, amusing tales of childhood endeavors that ended in chaos, and nostalgic recollections of old places.
That is, until your sibling noticed your Marvel merchandise in the bedroom as you gave them a tour. 
Comics, movies, an action figure or two, you had a connection to the movie franchise that your boyfriends found endearing. You would have them watch the movies with you, telling them all the details that they hadn’t noticed or pointing out comic Easter Eggs and similarities. They were pretty sure you could recite Black Panther line-for-line just from memory alone, and for all it was worth, the boys tried their absolute hardest to keep up with all the information, although the MCU was notoriously confusing. 
“You’re still into Marvel, huh?” Your sibling joked.
“Um, yeah?” You gave them a look as if that was the dumbest question they could’ve asked.
Y/S/N just shrugged.
The boys thought nothing of it.
Y/S/N intended to stay for only three days, and on the first day, things went over smoothly. On the second, Steven overheard your sibling teasing you about your Marvel collection again. From where he sat with his book on Egyptian mythos, Steven lifted his head to listen to the exchange.
“Shut up, Y/S/N! Put that down!” You were sweet as always, your voice soft and tender.
“What, you mean your toys?”
“They’re not toys, they’re action figures.”
“Action figures. Action figures which you set on your five million Marvel comics. I’m surprised the floor doesn’t cave in.”
“Ugh, you’re impossible…”
“And you’re a geek.”
Still swapping playful banter, you and your sibling left the bedroom and went out for the day– but not before giving Steven a goodbye kiss. You pecked him a second time– “For Marc” – and a third – “For Jake” – before pulling away. 
You returned later in the evening, with no sign of Y/S/N. “Where’s Y/S/N?” Steven questioned, glancing toward the door as if he expected them to enter as he spoke.
“We split up,” You answered as you started up some popcorn in the microwave. “They’ll come back later. For now, though…” You wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a kiss. “We’ve got the evening to ourselves.”
“Sounds lovely, darling,” Steven hummed, kissing your cheek. His arms wrapped around your waist, hugging you close. “Marc says it’s your turn for movie night.”
“I know!” You chirped excitedly as the corn kernels in the microwave started popping. Steven– and Marc and Jake, within the headspace– watched fondly as you zipped around him, headed for the tv remote. “I know exactly what we’re watching.”
“Age of Ultron?” Steven guessed, eliciting a scoff from you.
“No. We’re watching the first Avengers. The original.”
As you prepared the streaming site, Steven continued where you’d left off with the popcorn, getting out the designated gigantic bowl and your favorite drinks. It was then that your sibling walked through the door, all smiles and warm greetings until they seen what you were putting on the tv. “Ugh. Avengers again? Haven't you seen it a billion times already? Give it a break, will ya?”
Steven, Marc, and Jake watched as you put your hands together like you were praying, taking a deep breath. 
And then, you just…
It was like an atomic bomb went off or something. 
“Alright, listen up you fucking dingbat,” You said— you! Their sweet Y/N, cussing?! The boys stared with wide, surprised eyes as you kept going. “I don’t give a shit— nay, two shits— what the fuck you think about my interests, because that’s just what they are. My interests. Hear that? Lemme say it again for your brain cells in the back: my. Fucking. Interests. So that means whatever two-cents you care to drop are promptly shoved in the ‘who-gives-a-fuck’ bin, which is lower on the goddamn rung than the ‘i-don’t-give-a-shit’ barrel. You’re here as my guest you fucking skunk-wad, and while you’re here you can either shut your damn mouth and enjoy the damn movie I’m putting on for entertainment, or walk the fuck away and go on casually about your boring-ass evening in whatever way you choose. But it’s my turn for movie night, dammit, so we’re fucking watching Avengers. Unless you wanna go fucking prance around the flat, then be my guest. Otherwise, shut up, fuck off, peace out.”
With that, you plopped on the couch as if nothing had happened. “Steven, honey, you can bring the popcorn. Come sit down.”
Oh shit. 
Oh fuck.
Maldito infierno.
Steven very cautiously approached, feeling for all the world as if he were a soldier sneaking between two opposing lines of fire, still wide-eyed with shock. Did that just happen?! He was surprised when Y/S/N only nodded, as if impressed by your outburst. Steven sat beside you and braced for the worst, especially when your sibling sat down on his other side. You pushed play.
And simultaneously, you both grabbed a handful of popcorn.
What the bloody hell?
What the hell?
¿Qué carajo?
Then you both started excitedly making references and pointing out keys of the plot, as if you hadn’t snapped at your sibling. Oh, well. I guess we fight like that a lot, don’t we?
“Yeah, you’re right,”Marc shrugged within the headspace. “Though… I’ve gotta admit…”
“That was… Extremely sexy of them,” Jake added when Marc lost his words.
Steven didn’t vocalize it, but he didn’t need to. He was in full agreement. When your sibling left the next morning, Steven told you almost before the door had completely shut, “Y’know that was really bloody hot when you told them off, love.”
You laughed, leaning into his chest as he wrapped his arms around your waist. “You think so?”
“Yeah,” Steven admitted softly, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Jake and Marc think so, too.” You hummed, thoughtfully. Maybe even somewhat shyly. You’d hardly ever gotten more than frustrated, so your little sailor-swear outburst was unexpected, even for you. You were drawn out of your thoughts, a peal escaping from your throat as Steven tickled your sides a little to get your attention. “We’ve got ourselves a little spitfire, lads!”
And from then on, that’s what you were.
Their spitfire.
Thanks for reading! ^^ I hope you liked it!
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mlmxreader · 11 months
Ruin Our Friendship | Tommy Conlon x gn!reader (🍋)
anonymous asked: Tommy Conlon: Hello, hello! I hope you're doing good 🖤. May I please ask for a little something using the following prompts for my sweet baby Tommy Conlon X non-binary, male, or gn!Reader: "Stay with me"+"Never wanted anybody more than I wanted you" Thank you so very much 🖤! 🐍anon
summary: you and Tommy think it's finally time to change the nature of your relationship.
tws: swearing, dry humping
support your fanfic writers by reblogging what you read & enjoy
Soaked in sweat, Tommy slowly peeled off his shirt, his skin glistening as he exposed his muscles and his tattoos, all too aware of the eyes watching him; he bit down on the inside of his lip, wondering if he should ask even though he already knew the answer.
Thoughts already swarming his head as his breath hitched in his throat; all too aware that your gaze was following the droplets of sweat as they slowly trickled down his back. It was always like that when he got back from the gym, knowing that you were waiting for him at his flat for tea and a film, knowing that you couldn't fucking stop staring at his body.
He wished you would ask already, but he knew you too well and knew you wouldn't. He wished he could just turn around and crash his lips against yours, pin you to the bed and claim you for himself; he cleared his throat, sighing heavily.
"Stay with me tonight," he muttered. "Please?"
You quirked a brow, tilting your head slightly to the side. "You sure? Don't you have to be up early?"
Turning around, Tommy shook his head as he slowly approached the bed, standing between your spread legs and wishing that it was all different.
Wishing that he was about to watch you strip so eagerly for him and expose your body, beg him to claim every inch of it for himself.
"Yeah. No, I don't… I, uhm, I kinda… I don't… you never stay over."
You thought about it for a second. You used to stay the night almost daily, before… before things got awkward.
Before you realised that his biceps were so big and his chest was so heavy; before you realised how thick his thighs were and how large his hands were. Fuck. His chest looked so good, and his thighs even better. All glistening with sweat.
Why did he have to wear shorts?
You swallowed thickly, nodding slowly. "I can stay."
Tommy nodded, the closest thing you would ever get to him actually thanking you, but you didn't mind; you knew Tommy well enough to know that he meant it. He always did enjoy company, even if he worried that you would leave, even if he worried that your love would come with certain terms and conditions like it had done with everyone else's.
But it never did. He looked at you for a moment, examining the way you gazed at him before he gently took your wrist in his hand and brought it to his chest; he grumbled softly at how gentle you were as you groped his chest, clenching his jaw.
You retracted your hand, looking up at him. "Tommy… we shouldn't…"
Tommy furrowed his brows. "Why?"
"We're friends," you breathed out. "And alright, yeah, I've never wanted anybody more than I wanted you, but… we're friends, Tom. It ain't right."
"Did I do something wrong?"
"No, baby," you murmured, waiting for him to drop to his knees before you stroked a hand through his hair gently. "You didn't do anything wrong, just… I'd feel bad."
"Because I love you," you chuckled. "And I'd only fuck it up."
His breath hitched in his throat as he looked up at you. "You think I wouldn't be the fuck up?"
You shook your head. "You? No. You've always been great, Tommy. Always… it's me."
"I don't get it," he huffed.
"I just…" you shook your head. You weren't sure if it was the smell of his sweat or the way he looked at you, but you couldn't hold it in any more.
You grabbed him, pulling him onto the bed as you fell onto your back. His hips against yours as he groaned softly, his arms either side of your head and buried against the mattress. Your arms went around him by instinct, legs spread so it was a little more comfortable for you both, your eyes on his lips.
"Can I?"
"I thought you'd never ask," you admitted with a soft laugh.
Tommy smiled, nodding as he dared to lean down a little more, capturing your lips softly; something in him snapped, and he felt like suddenly everything made sense.
But fuck, the way you ground your hips against his was hard to ignore, and he couldn't help but to do it back; you copied, and he ground as hard as he could, making you break the kiss as you tilted your head back and moaned.
"Should I stop?"
"No," you pleaded softly. "Fuck, do it again."
Tommy smiled to himself, angling his hips as he thrust against you, the fabric of his shorts becoming tighter as he felt the fabric rub against his cock. Shit, he couldn't believe he was doing it. He grunted softly, rutting against you as you copied every movement; his breath was harsh and heavy as he pressed his forehead against the mattress, his lips right by your ear as you moaned his name softly. Bucking and rolling your hips as you chased every bit of friction that you could.
Tommy rolled onto his back, bringing you with him and tugging you to straddle his waist; bucking his hips up into you. Strong arms holding you close as your hands settled on his chest; you could feel his cock pressing against your ass as you opened your mouth, purposefully wiggling your ass just to tease him.
"Tommy, are we really gonna do this?" You asked.
"If you want to," Tommy breathed out.
"Are we gonna ruin our friendship?"
He shrugged. "If you want it to."
You paused, thinking about it for a second before you nodded, daring to laugh. "I've had enough of the awkward shit, ain't you?"
Tommy grinned, letting his hands roam up and down your body as he nodded, swallowing thickly as he felt up every inch of you before tugging at your shirt; his eyes widened, excitement in his irises, as he watched you expose inches of skin before finally slowly taking your shirt off. He nodded in approval.
"I'm ruining our friendship."
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nocturnalchaos · 1 year
M’kay. So, for those who did not see it previously (as the post was a reblog and is kinda hidden on tumblr), below is the rough draft of the prologue that I am working/pondering on writing. And I am going to include my rough draft of the opening chapter I had in mind when I wrote this.
Author’s Note: This is written as a DamiRae fanfic which will explore what happens when Raven gets pregnant. I’m also contemplating if I should have the fanfic be a JayRae fanfic instead of a DamiRae (ie. Raven is pregnant with Jason Todd’s baby and there is no romantic relationship between Raven and Damian). When I first planned out this storyline I had DamiRae in mind. But a JayRae pregnancy is a storyline that is not really explored by a lot of fanfics (via what I can find on AO3 or Fanfiction.net). Also, I feel like I have a better handle on how I want to write Jason in this situation/fanfic. I don’t know… I will need to sleep on it.
John Constantine had never needed a cigarette so badly in his life.
And alcohol.
He needed a cigarette for the stress and enough alcohol to make him forget all of this shite.
He would have gotten that cigarette by now if he wasn’t afraid of a certain Nutter with a katana removing the hand holding the desired cigarette. The last one he tried to smoke near her had ruthlessly been bisected by a Batarang.
John looked down at the young, very pregnant, woman at his feet. Her panting could be heard over the chaos outside the pocket of calm readiness that enveloped the magic circle. The magic circle beneath their feet gave off a red glow. Giving everything an eerie vibe as they were partially lit from below. John prayed that this magic circle would do its job and provide enough protection from the shit show outside.
“Ahhhh! CONTRACTION!!” She shrieked as her hands clenched and stretched the fabric of her oversized shirt. Her face briefly turning demonic before reverting back to her usual appearance. Sweat dotted her face and dampened her hairline. Purple strands of hair clung to her sweat soaked face.
Bracelets of a matte black metal encircled the woman’s wrists. Hairline cracks had starting to appear in the metal when her first contraction had occurred. With each subsequent contraction the cracks had grown, and occasionally, gave off the odd black spark. Both the magic circle and metal bracelets encircle her wrists working together to protect everyone. Especially the bracelets, they will hopefully prevent her from leveling… everything.
Through gritted teeth she spoke.
“John!” Determination filling her usually emotionlessness voice.
“What!” He snapped the word at her as he stood next to her supine body. On the opposite side of her body, the Nutter stood guarding her with a katana in each hand. The Nutter shot John a glare before going back to his vigilant readiness.
“You’re going to have to deliver the baby!”
Chapter 1 (wip)
*10 months earlier*
Raven smiled softly as she looked at Damian from her reclined position on the king size bed. Afternoon sunlight from the nearby window illuminated her slightly disheveled purple hair as she head rested on a pillow. Titus’s big black blocky head rested on her flat stomach beneath her gentle hand. Eyes closed in contentment, the Great Dane’s big body sprawled on the bed next to his mistress. The dog’s stillness indicated that Titus was awake to Raven.
Titus tended to be a restless sleeper. He would shuffle, scoot, twitch, and curl during his sleeping hours. This habit of Titus’s bugged Damian when he allowed the dog to sleep on their bed at night. As the dog’s restless sleeping habits would wake Damian in the middle of the night. Because of his early upbringing with the League of Assassins, Damian was a light sleeper and always would be.
It had become part of her morning routine to make Damian a strong cup of coffee after nights when Titus was allowed to sleep in their bed. Yes, their bed.
When Damian had turned 18 and had been her boyfriend for 2 years, Damian and Raven had decided that they wanted to live together in shared a room in Titans tower as they were both still an active part of the Titans team.
Titus let out a deep sigh bringing Raven back to the present. Sounds of rustling and a deep male grumble came from Raven’s right.
Nearby, a 19 year old Damian Wayne, sat in a wooden chair. Long legs spread wide to support the lap desk holding his sketchbook in his lap. He sat hunched over the thick pad of paper. His fingers were covered in the sooty black charcoal.
Please let me know what you think in the comments or reblog. I am really curious to see what you have to say about how this story should turn out or explore.
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effervescent-au · 4 months
Hey, I know it's been awhile and unfortunately I won't be active in Tumblr often. But I just wanna know what's going on right? If you're okay about giving a small recap of the reason about having a new AU
Okay so there’s a couple reasons that I a) have this AU and b) am working on it instead of the Splat Chat.
First and foremost, Effervescent existed about a year before the Splat Chat, and while I wrote some stuff for it, I never shared anything for it. Effervescent was really the reason I got into writing fanfic, as that the story that I really, really wanted to tell. Back then, it just wasn’t very well put together, and I was not confident in what I had written. I also never worked on the old Effervescent fic consistently; I’d write 10k in a week, and then stop working on it for months. I ended up setting it aside for a while, as I was just not happy with how it was turning out.
Then Splatoon 3 came out, which I played day 1. That was my first time actually playing a Splatoon game (I was about to get splat2, but they announced splat3, so I decided to just wait ). I loved it, and then once I finished the story mode, I was reminded of my Effervescent fic, and I decided I wanted to give it another go. However, I had read a chat fic for another fandom that I really liked and decided that I first wanted to try writing a couple chapters of a chat fic as a warmup, and then I’d go back to Effervescent. So that’s what I did; I wrote a chatfic with some generic usernames and generic personalities, and figured I’d do like 5 chapters and call it done. I also decided to post it to AO3 since I liked how it turned out.
The Splat Chat got a much wilder reception that I could’ve ever hoped for. I loved having people vocally love my writing, so I wrote more and more, abandoning my intentions of writing for Effervescent and instead building out my own universe with the Splat Chat. I started building some lore, character quirks, and eventually named my agents. As we all know, the Splat Chat took off and became it’s own series, with the main fic and all the side stories.
So what happened? I kinda began to lose interest in the Splat Chat last summer. It got harder and harder to write for and think up plot. I really think I should’ve just ended the storyline after Raid Under Storm and Stress, but alas, I did not. The problem was that I never really had solid outlines for the Splat Chat, so I had very little direction besides some vague ideas in my head. Because I started losing interest in the Splat Chat, I ended thinking about Effervescent again. I went back to the old fic and began editing it again, with the intention of posting that. However, I soon realized that it was kinda not great, so I decided I would just rewrite it, and that’s what I did; I uploaded the prologue and chapter 1 in July, iirc.
Then I got caught up in moving out and trying to get ready for university, and I lost a lot of interest in writing in general. The only reason why I was able to post so much stuff for the Splat Chat anniversary was because I really kicked myself into overdrive to do it, because I had hyped it up so much and didn’t want to fall flat. But after that, I was really just exhausted with the Splat Chat universe and writing. I tried to get back into it for NaNoWriMo, but I ended up just getting back into Effervescent instead, and that’s when I started regularly updating that fic, and I’ve pretty much been focusing on writing for that universe since.
Why? Well, if I had to pick favorites between my AUs, it’s Effervescent. I actually have a really good outline and plan, so it feels much more cohesive, whereas the Splat Chat’s story was always messy. Effervescent is also the fic that I always wanted to write, whereas the Splat Chat just kinda… spiraled. I don’t always feel in control of the Splat Chat universe anymore. The Splat Chat just isn’t what it used to be, and I’ve had people point that out too. The cast is huge, the way the series and side fics are organized is horrendous, and it’s definitely a different fic that it was when it first started. I had someone comment that they didn’t like the new direction I was taking the series and they felt it was way too dark when I was working on the end of Amaranthine, and I got really discouraged by that. I was really trying to finish out my vision for that fic before I lost interest, but being told that it’s not what it should be really made me lose confidence in the Splat Chat series as a whole. It was the final nail in the coffin for my interest in the Splat Chat.
All in all, Effervescent was the story that I always wanted to tell, and I was just waiting for the right time. I do want to come back to the Splat Chat eventually, especially because I don’t want to leave a story unfinished when it was a fic a lot of people found solace in, but now’s just not the right time for me. At the end of the day, writing fanfic is just a hobby of mine, and I’m gonna write what I want to write.
Sorry that was certainly not a “small recap” but I think I needed to finally put an explanation down into words about what’s going on with my writing.
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