#sorry to my girl Galadriel that’s rough
fvckinggvy · 2 years
He’s a 10 but he forged the One Ring
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animerina · 3 years
Your Eyes Are Like Starlight-2
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Haldir X F!Reader
Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
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Summary:  Haldir and his patrol rescue a woman outside of the forest and bring her to Caras Galadhon. She is allowed to stay to recover from her injuries, both physical and mental. Haldir quickly finds himself as her protector and worries what will happen when she leaves.
Note: TW for attempted assault, eventual smut, minors DNI. I wrote this a while back and it is incredibly self-indulgent. I know I probably screwed up actual lore, but I really enjoyed writing this so I hope you do as well. It was previously posted on A03.
All Italics are Elvish.
Chapter 2:  With Trembling Hands
Y/N stood before the Lord and Lady of Lothlórien entranced by their ethereal beauty. Not knowing whether to bow or drop to her knees in awe she settled on bowing her head and staring at the ground.
“Raise your head, Y/N. You have nothing to fear here,” a soft female voice spoke.
Y/N looked up meeting the gaze of the two radiant beings.
“We welcome you to Lothlórien,” She heard the voice again, but the woman’s mouth did not move though she smiled at Y/N’s shocked face. Lady Galadriel stepped down from the platform where she and Lord Celeborn stood. She took the girl’s hands in her own and examined her much like Rumíl had earlier.
“You have be blessed by the Valar,” her mouth moved as she spoke this time. “However, our healers will still see to you.”
Celeborn stepped forward as well.
“Where is your home?”
“Far from here, my lord. I was taken after our town was attacked my orcs. We’d been traveling for three weeks. I’m not entirely sure in what direction as there were a few days I was kept blindfolded.”
“And your family?”
“They’ve been gone for years, my lord.”
Galadriel began speaking to Y/N’s mind again.
“Worry not, you may stay here as long as you need. Rest peacefully. Our healers will be brought to you.”
The Lord and Lady departed leaving Y/N with Haldir. He offered her his arm, which she gratefully took, and began walking towards one of the many platforms in the trees. She realized that this one is where she would be staying in as it looked as if it had just been prepared. Y/N settled into the small talan the Lord and Lady provided for her. Haldir stood by the door awaiting the healers that were promised. There were several candles lit so she could see clearly.
“Once you are looked over, Lindiel will run a bath for you. You may rest as long as you’d like. Someone will be here to meet you after sunrise for morning meal,” he explained still gazing outside.
“Thank you, Haldir,” she said as she sat on the bed letting everything that had happened sink in. Her body healed quickly but still ached from the rough handling of her. A shiver ran down her spine as she recalled Gregor above her. It seemed he was there every time she closed her eyes and the thought she had been so close to being violated made her want to vomit.
“I don’t know how to repay you, Haldir. You saved me,” her voice cracked under the weight of everything that had happened. Unable to stop the tears, she let them fall freely. Haldir knelt in front of her, his hand holding her shoulders in what he meant to be a comforting manner.
“Be calm, my lady,” he whispered. He did not understand why he wanted to comfort her so badly, but he did. Perhaps it was the fact he felt guilty for letting those men get out of hand.
“My only regret is that I did not stop them sooner.”
She shook her head still crying. “You did not know what they would do.”
Haldir sighed, closing his eyes. He should admit the truth now before anything else. He chose his words carefully.
“I saw them hurt you and I waited. I am sorry,” he admitted.
She looked up from her lap and into his blue eyes. “Still, you saved me. For that I am grateful.”
Her hands found his on her shoulders, a small smile on her lips. “I don’t know what would have happened to me if you had not intervened. If you need anything of me, I will gladly repay you.” She knew how it sounded, but could not stop herself from making the offer. Y/N felt she owed him everything.
Haldir stood in front of the woman, pulling his hands from hers gently.
“Lady Y/N, I would ask nothing of you. I only wish for you enjoy your time in Lothlórien, for as long as you choose to stay.” His eyes showed pity for her and she chose to ignore the ugly feeling it brought her.
The healers finally arrived and Haldir moved back to the entrance of the talan. Another elf, just as blonde as many of the others she’d seen, greeted her with a bow.
“Good evening, my lady. I am Berendir, and this is my assistant, Alassë,” he gestured to the beautiful elf next to him. She bowed in greeting as well.
“We will be tending to you until you are fully healed.”
Y/N was maneuvered to lay down onto the bed so she could be examined once again. From where she lay, she could see Haldir turn around to allow the healers and herself privacy. Berendir examined her wrists first, puzzled by what he saw.
“Pardon me my lady, but how long were you restrained?”
“I’m not sure,” she hesitated unsure of what they had been told about her.
“These past three weeks have been a blur,” she explained lamely. That seemed to settle Berendir and he moved on to her face.
Alassë began rubbing a salve into what was left of the rope burn on her wrists. Her touch was gentle and appreciated, making Y/N smile at her. She was floored when Alassë smiled back.
Berendir tilted her head towards him and made the same puzzled expression, his finger tracing her fading bruises. Unsure of how to explain her accelerated healing, she stayed silent and let him continue the examination. Alassë rubbed a small amount of the salve onto her lip.
“You are healing quite well,” was the only comment he made to her. Turning to Alassë, he began speaking in elvish. She nodded and grabbed the white sheet at the edge of the bed and began to spread it out. He turned back to Y/N reaching out to help her sit up.
“Can you remove your dress?”
“What?!” She sputtered.
“I have been asked to check for any additional injuries,” he said grabbing the other end of the sheet. “You may use this sheet to cover yourself if you feel embarrassed.”
“I don’t have any other injuries,” Y/N insisted.
“Fear not, my lady, we are not here to judge you,” he said mistaking her discomfort for embarrassment.
“No!” She cried and then cringed at the sound of her voice. “No, please, I’m fine.”
She could see Haldir turn, looking tense, and badly wanted to reach out for him. ‘How pathetic’, she chastised herself for needing to be saved again.
As if he read her mind, Haldir approached and spoke to the healers. Berendir nodded before stepping away. Alassë, however, stayed and sat on the bed beside her.
“My lady,” her voice was high pitched and not what Y/N had expected. “Would you like for the ellons to leave?”
Y/N did not want Haldir to leave her, but she knew she needed to be looked at and refused to undress with them in the room. Nodding, she turned to the she-elf who dismissed the others from the room. The two elves stepped out and waited outside the door, ready to return at a moment’s notice.
The she-elf moved around the bed to reseat herself in front of Y/N and met her eyes.
“I do not know what you have endured, but know that you are safe here.”
“I know, it’s just-,“ she trailed off. “It has been-,“ She paused again not knowing how to explain how she felt.
“You need not explain,” Alassë said and started undoing the laces on the front of her dress. “I will do this as quickly as I can.”
She quickly pulled the dress down to reveal Y/N’s torso, searching for any wounds that may have gone unnoticed. Alassë’s fingers prodded against her shoulder that also sported yellowed bruises.
“That was from yesterday,” the woman explained. “They tossed a bottle at me and I didn’t dodge fast enough.”
“I am sorry,” the elf spoke as she turned her over. Her back had slight bruising as well, but Alassë knew they would be gone in a day or less.
“Raise your skirt for me, please.”
Y/N hesitated again and, sensing her discomfort, the elleth tried to ease her worries.
“If you were-,” she paused trying to find the right word while reaching for another salve. “If you were forced, I have something that will soothe the pain.”
Red in the face, Y/N answered. “They did not-,” she turned away from the healer not able to say the words. “They didn’t get the chance,” she forced out as tears fell again.
The elf pulled the dress back into place, tying the laces loosely sure that someone would be bringing her clean clothes. Wiping the woman’s face with a cloth, the elf couldn’t help but sense the despair radiating from her fëa, catching her off guard. Her hands cradled Y/N close to her as she pet her hair and let the woman sob until her trembling had ceased. Once she felt Y/N ease, Alassë stood to prepare a tea to further calm the woman. Y/N drank it eagerly and the elf wondered how long she had gone without proper food and water.
“The salve looks like it has settled into your skin. You can bathe freely. Would you like for me to call Haldir back?”
“If you could. Thank you Alassë.”
The elleth smiled in return and left to fetch the ellons outside. Haldir approached her again, eyes searching for any signs of distress while she remained on the bed. He spoke to the two healers who then bowed and bid the two a good night.
“Are you well?”
“Yes.” She answered too quickly for her liking.
Another elleth entered the doorway of the talan, greeting Haldir as she entered. She carried a bundle of clothes and set them on the side table as she fully entered the room. She was the first elf Y/N had seen without a shade of blonde hair. Instead, she had a deep chestnut mane with delicate braids.
“Good evening, I am Lindiel and am here to assist you during your time in Lothlórien.” She placed her hand over her heart. “I’m sure you would like to bathe and change. If you’d follow me,” she started to the adjoining door, picking up a white nightgown from the pile of clothes she had laid out. Y/N sat up and followed but was stopped by Haldir.
“Lindiel will see to you now,” he placed his hand over his heart and made his way to the door. “Someone will fetch you for morning meal. Rest well Y/N.”
“Good night, Haldir.”
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myrish-lace-love · 7 years
Oooh for your ficlet prompt thingy... Jon really didn't appreciate his job at the costume hire shop until that one particular Saturday. Jon x Sansa please!!! Xxxx
A/N: thanks to @zip00198704, @greengableslover, @bluecichlid, and others for ideas of “kick-ass women in dresses”! Part of the inspiration for this fic comes from Sophie’s quote about rooting for “girls in dresses who are intellectually very strong”.
Also @lathwell55 this got a little bit away from me, hope you don’t mind! :)
Jonreally didn’t appreciate his job at the costume hire shop until that oneparticular Saturday. 
The job was fine, as far as it went, buthe didn’t exactly have a golden tongue when it came to the customers. Jonusually breathed a sigh of relief when the street lamps came on and he couldflip the cardboard sign on the door from Open to Closed.
But his night had just gotten a wholelot better, and more nerve-wracking, because Sansa Stark was fidgeting in frontof the counter – gorgeous, sweet Sansa Stark, whom he’d always admired from adistance, and who was, miraculously, his chemistry partner this semester. Thankgoodness she didn’t hold that Bunsen burner incident against him.
And since she was kind enough to drivehim home after class, he’d also been able to help her through the breakup thatpast February with Joffrey. It had been tough. The Baratheons were a powerfulfamily, and Joffrey had done everything he could to “make Sansa regret being astuck-up bitch.” Sansa, naturally, held her chin high and glided past him inthe hallways, and ultimately, the breakup blew over.
Jon had one indelible memory from thatcold month –holding Sansa when she suddenly broke down and cried in the carafter a particularly rough day of Joffrey’s mocking. She’d tried to apologizefor ruining his shirt. He’d simply held her against his chest until her sobs lessened and ceased.
“It’s hard, to pretend to be so strong,”she’d said. “To keep up the front.” She looked up at Jon briefly withred-rimmed eyes. “Thank you for keeping my secret.”
Always, he’d wanted to tell her, but his heart was in his throat,so he’d only nodded. She’d pressed her hand briefly to his chest before sayinggoodbye. He’d almost stumbled getting out of the car, and spent a sleepless nightdwelling on the softness of her hair.
But it was only one moment, nothing more.He didn’t want to be a rebound guy. And more importantly, he valued theirfriendship. He could be content with the way she nudged him in class when hiseyes started to close, or the code names they’d invented for Professor Luwin ashe droned on about catalysts and precipitates. She never mentioned that nightin the car again, and he didn’t press her about it.
He only got to be near her for an hourevery day, and that was enough for h–
“Jon, um, am I bothering you? You’restill open, right?” Sansa was biting her lip, and Jon could have kickedhimself. Damnit Snow, she’s going tothink she’s annoying you.
“Yes, sorry, Sansa, we are, how can Ihelp you?” Could he sound more likean employee at a fast food chain? What was wrong with him?
Sansa smiled. “I hope so. Marg isthrowing a costume party, a ‘badass women’ bash, and I know…I’m supposed towant a Black Widow costume, or some sort of armor, to really be ‘on theme’, butI just don’t feel like that’s me, and I don’t think you need to wear armor tobe strong, you can kick ass in a dress, you know?”
Thank god, a topic hecould actually talk about, he thought.  “Yeahyou definitely don’t, I mean there are a million examples of strong women indresses, like Arwen and Galadriel from Lord of the Rings and Eowyn who was ashieldmaiden of Rohan and–“
You’re babbling, you dork, stop it! Sincewhen do you babble?
Read more below or continue on AO3
Sansa tilted herhead, considering him. “You know, I always wondered what else was going on behindthose eyes of yours in chemistry class. Now I know.” She smirked, but her voicewas kind, and Jon felt himself relax a little. He showed her around the shop, andshe gravitated to the Eowyn costume right away. It was one of the shop’s mostelaborate ensembles, and he did not squeak, exactly, when she came out of the dressingroom with her red hair around her shoulders, but he did make some kind ofcoughing noise.
The dark greenvelvet was beautiful against her pale skin, and she had the height and grace topull off the long, sweeping sleeves of the gown. The empire waist showed offher slender figure and Jon didn’t need to look in a mirror to know that he wasblushing.
“Will anyone knowwho I am?”
Jon was indignant.“Of course they will.”
She cocked aneyebrow at him. “Anyone who hasn’t been inhaling Lord of the Rings since theage of five?”
“Um…” Jon sighed.This was why he wasn’t nearly as good as the other workers – Pyp, or Grenn, oreven Edd, for that matter. He was a terrible liar. “Well…maybe not.”
To his surprise,the ghost of a smile passed over Sansa’s face. “Well, I don’t mind being alittle mysterious. What was Eowyn like?”
“She was a fiercedefender of her house. She went into battle and killed a witch king and savedan army. She fell in love after the war and married a man wholoved and respected her for who she was.”
Sansa was standingvery close to him now. He was pretty sure he could drown in her blue eyes.
“What was his name?”
Jon swallowed.“Faramir.”
“How did they fallin love?”
“She met him in theHouses of Healing after the war. They were both hurt badly, and they’d both lost peopleclose to them.”
Sansa looked down. “Sothey took care of each other.”
Sansa plucked athread off his shirt. “Maybe comforted each other a few times.”
“I – I never reallythanked you, Jon. For what you did for me.”
He couldn’t helpit, he touched her cheek. Her eyes fluttered shut. She put a hand on his waist,and he took that as an invitation to pull her closer. She rested her head onhis chest, like she’d done that night in the car.  Jon thought he could die in that moment and behappy with the weight of her in his arms.
Sansa toyed with the buttons onhis shirt. Her head was still tucked against his chest. “Tell me somethingFaramir would have said to Eowyn, Jon.”
She nudged him in the ribs. “If you’re going to pretend not to have thosebooks memorized…”      
“Sansa, I-“ He did,of course he did, but he knew if he recited the lines it would pretty much behim telling her that he loved her. He was terrified of what that confessionmight do.
“Please, Jon.” Hervoice was almost a whisper, and he couldn’t deny her this, just like he couldn’tdeny her anything else. He took a deep breath and brought up the words frommemory, murmuring them into her hair.
“All my limbs arelight, and a hope and joy are come to me that no reason can deny. Eowyn, Eowyn,White Lady of Rohan, in this hour I do not believe that any darkness willendure.”
She let out agentle sigh, and tilted her head up. When he moved to kiss her, she wrapped herarms around his neck, and when their lips met it was soft and sweet and hungryand perfect.
Sansa didn’t make it to the party that night, and Jon didn’t lock up the store till hours later. They left hand in hand, when the moon was high in the sky, well on their way to falling in love, and never looked back.
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