#sorry to put you on the spot brotato
shibotaibo · 6 months
6 Songs on Repeat
Tagged by @edmunderson (bro.....🥹🫶)
YT links because I'm too cheap for Spotify<3
Remedy by Little Boots
Racing into the Night by YOASOBI
Thong Song by Sisqó 
Dearly Beloved (Leg Day Remix)
Prayer X by King Gnu
Chocobo Theme (60's Surf Big Band Version) from The 8-Bit Big Band
Tagging my only moot who hasn't already been tagged/done this (I THINK????) @littleberrybat
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georgebenjiart · 6 years
Okay, so I only got 2,599 words. lol. This is a story that I’ve been working on and crafting for 3 years now, with the help of my older sibling who isn’t on tumblr. At one point I had 10k long novella written out for it. There’s also a 2nd 10k long novella from another character’s perspective as well. This is most likely going to be the first chapter, and I’m sorry that it’s really rough. This story doesn’t have a name, but at one point it was known as How I Lived, so I’ll be referring to it as HIL until I decide on something better.
(if you’d prefer the google doc link to read it, dm me)
Words- 2599
Summary- A world where your chest glows a color when you’re near your soulmate, Heath, a boy who doesn’t believe in soulmates, or love, gets the biggest surprise. (note: only about half of this is in the story so far lmao)
My brother always tells me that waiting is even better than the reward, but to that I say bullshit. That’s all we do, right? We just sit back and wait. We wait until it’s time to talk to our friends, we wait until it’s time to go to sleep, to wake up, to go to work, to go home. Loops and endless waiting. My brother will die on a hill claiming that the wait is the best part. Personally, I think he’s just looking for an explanation as to why he hasn’t found his soulmate yet.
Like clockwork, Mel knocks on my door at six-forty-five that morning and I’m out the door, a quick goodbye to Onus and my backpack swinging onto my shoulder.
“Alright, spill. Jungle Blitz 4 demo, promising or no?” Last night we were up on a voice call waiting for leaks of the newest demo of the next game in our favorite video game series. Mel had to go to bed before the demo dropped.
“Depends. Do you like good games or not?”
“Oh God. That bad?”
“Think Kingsley has a kid.”
“So… good then?”
“Continue thinking, Lane is canon.”
“Holy shitting fuck. No.”
Mel squeals a little bit and I know she’s going to be smiling about this for the rest of the day. “I can't believe the audacity of them to release the demo on the first day of school.”
“Oh, come one, it was world wide, they didn’t do it just to spite you.”
“You don’t know that, Heath.” Mel wiggles her finger at me and I can’t tell if she’s completely serious or not.
We continue our conversation as we make our way to school and as we pass through the student parking lot, a group of jock-ish seniors slow their conversation to glare at me. Mel just kind of glances my way and we don’t say anything about it.
“Alright, your first period is Mr. Long in room 105? Algebra 1?” I flip my hair out of my eyes and Mel laughs just a little bit.
“Get a haircut, and yeah. Well, yeah and no. Mr. Long in room 105, yeah. But it’s for Algebra 2.”
“How in the- That’s… I’m only in geometry you smart bitch.”
“Yeah! Remember, I was ahead of you in middle school too.”
“Yeah, yeah.” I walk her to her class and hug her goodbye. “Good luck, sorry you’re like ten minutes early.”
“Eh, it’s the first day, who cares?” Mel shrugs and her jackets make a sound.
As soon as Mel enters her class, the first bell rings and I head to the stairs. On my way up, I spot a very confused and short freshman gripping their class schedule.
“You need help finding your first period?” I’m afraid my voice scared the poor kid.
“My.. My brother said that he would… he would walk me to my first period.”
“Where is he?”
“I don’t… know.”
“I can help you in the meantime, can I walk you to you class?”
“Okay, coo. What’s your class?”
“Room 105.”
“Hey, I just walked my friend Mel there. She’s super nice, and a freshman like you.” I turn around and motion for them to follow me. “So what’s your name?” After a beat, “And pronouns.” They look very feminine, short bleached pigtails, blue tips, very big, bright blue eyes, a small button nose, and a thin pink jacket.
“Naomi.. And uh.. She/her.”
“Okay, cool. I’m Heath and I use he/him.” I smile at her, but she still looks like she’s ready to explode any second. “So what are you into? Do you play video games or anything?”
“Um… Kind of, not really.” We get to her class and I point at Mel, who is sitting at a table by herself.
“Go make sure Mel makes at least one friend, please.”
“Sure.. thing…” Naomi then rushes into the class, her tiny backpack bouncing with her.
When I finally get to my class, I choose a seat towards the back of the class, having not recognized any friendly faces in the crowd. My first four classes go by slowly, my teachers discuss silibi and give us “peer bonding” assignments to get to know the classmates we’ve known since freshman year. Lacking as that sounds, it’s still stressful and by the time I get to lunch, I’ve forgotten that Mel and I have the same lunch.
“Heath, I’ve been texting you. What the heck?” Mel sits down next to me, startling me from the astral plane my soul had traveled to.
“Oh, sorry, I was spacing out.” I check my phone, sure enough there’s five unread messages about lunch.
Then Naomi sits down next to Mel and gives me a little wave.
“Hey, you have lunch with us!” That gets a simple smile from Naomi. I pull a piece of bread from my backpack and begin to chow down.
“You cannot be serious.” Mel glares at me, her glasses slipping down her nose.
“What?” I ask, my mouth full.
“That’s your lunch?” Mel has pulled out a sandwich and soda can, while Naomi has a bag of chips and a salad.
“Yeah. I slept in this morning and Onus forgot to make me lunch.”
“Oh for christ’s sake, here,” Mel pulls out a second sandwich from her bag and hands it to me.
“Ohoho, thank you!” I kiss Mel’s hand begin to chow down a second time.
Just then, a loud bang sounds and we look over from our cafeteria table near the double doors, to see none other than Ronnie fucking Yule, their face pressed against the glass. “Let me in bro,” they mouth.
“Who’s that?” Mel asks.
“Ronnie, they’re in our discord server. You’ve talked to them before.” I open the door for then and they join us at our four-person table.
“My little brotato chips, what is cracking?” I can just feel the cringe radiating off of Naomi and I’d be lying if I said the only reason why I wasn’t cringing as well was because I love Ronnie with my entire fucking heart.
“Not much, just my bones.” And then I crack my neck.
“Oh, yucky. Hey, who’re you, you little carraromo?” Ronnie is talking more so at Naomi, rather than with her. That’s just a thing that they tend to do tho.
“I’m N-Naomi.”
“Sweet! Hey, so say you’re not just Naomi, but also a sister. Would you be having a brother who is on the football team?”
“Uh… Yes…?”
At this point in the conversation I’ve spaced out again and only really care about my sweet sandwich. I wait for lunch to end. Then I wait for the day to be over and I walk home with Mel.
I ask her if she plans on joining any clubs, she says no. I ask her what she thought of Naomi, she tells me Naomi is pretty cool so far. I ask her how her day went, apparently okay. I ask her if she wants to hang out at my house to play Jungle Blitz, she says yes.
My house isn’t much to look at, to be fair I’m surprised we still have it. It’s a mobile home, and a very homely one at that. It’s painted a perfect suburban beige on the outside, and a sickly sweet yellow on the inside. Our kitchen and livingroom are mostly connected, but there’s still a breakfast bar separating the two. We have fairly lights up in the living room year round because one reason or another when Onus and I were younger. The house always smells like either musty old books or whatever was most recently cooked, usually pancakes or spaghetti.
I sprawl out on the couch, Mel takes her place on the floor, leaning back on the couch, and she starts playing the third Jungle Blitz game. “I need one of the achievements still.” I fall in and out of sleep, watching Mel play. We hold a running commentary on events of the game, events which I am so well in tune with that I’m able to talk about them in my sleep apparently.
Mel leaves after a few hours, and I’m free to sort out the stack of silibi and other assorted papers I need my mom to sign. I leave them on the couch and I head to bed.
The next day of school is the first day of one of the three clubs I’m a part of (I know, social butterfly Heath), which is the first thing Onus informs me of when he hands me the stack of papers my mom signed sometime during the night. The next thing he tells me is that he’s made pancakes. I’m out of bed, ready for school and pounding my fists on the table within the next four minutes.
“Calm down, bro. I have a headache.” Onus serves me the pancakes and it takes everything in my not to eat the plate with the pancakes. “Didn’t put butter on-” I take a bite out of the stick of butter on the breakfast bar. “No. No, jesus christ, not this early in the morning you fucking gremlin.”
“Awugh c’mon O-nie,” I spit some crumbs his way and he rubs his temples.
“How old are you? Six or sixteen?”
“As if a six year old could be as funny as me.”
“Fucking Hell.”
“I have club today?”
“Chew your goddamn food. Yes, you have GSA today. Tomorrow you have DnD.” Onus reaches into his backpack haphazardly lain on the kitchen counter to pull out a textbook and a bunch of papers.
“What- that?” I swallow my food between words.
“Just some biomed bullshit. Doesn’t really matter.”
“Ah.” Just as he spreads his papers out to start working on them, there’s a knock at the door, and I’m stuffing my papers in my messenger bag and sprinting out the door, tugging shoes on as I run.
“Guess who got breakfast this morning!” I brag.
“You, for once?” Mel yawns and clearly would rather be in bed.
“Haha! Onus is the bestest brother in whole entire wide world ever!”
Mel yawns in agreement.
Similarly to yesterday, when we pass through the parking lot, the group of seniors hanging around some small sports-ish car all stare at us, mostly me, and glare. One of them laughs a little bit. When I glance over, usually I ignore them, I realize that I do, in fact, recognise most of them. The one laughing is Calvin James.
Calvin James sure is a character, or something like that. I’ve never spoken to him, but I’m certain he’s spoken about me. Not that his friends are horrible and the worst people in the whole world, but they sure don’t like any of the trans kids who go to school here. Including me. And probably Mel is they ever get close enough to her to know that.
“I need a haircut still,” I whine as we enter the school. Calvin James is the hottest guy I’ve ever seen. “This sucks!” I flip my hair out of my eyes and my glasses almost fly off my face.
“Get one then.”
“I need Onus to take me, but he’s busy with, like, adult stuff or some shit.” When we get to Mel’s class I walk in and sit with her at her table.
“Do you think my parents could take you?”
“Um… Maybe?” I think about this for a moment. “Wait- new topic, are you going to GSA today? Please say yes. You have to say yes or I’ll cry.”
“Fucker.” We makes hearts with our hands to really get the fact that we actually hate each other across.
While we’re having our chat, Naomi joins and we welcome her, there’s a brief exchange in which Mel agrees to go to the club after school today, only if Naomi goes too and Naomi agreed to because it beats just watching the football team practice while she waits for her brother to drive her home.
I only get a few complaints from teachers about the crumpled papers, it’s mostly just jokes though. At lunch, Ronnie joins us again.
“Heath, you need a snake?” Ronnie offers an applesauce cup to me and I oh so humbly accept it from them.
All but inhaling the applesauce, it’s gone sooner than anyone can start a new conversation. As I slam the empty applesauce cup onto the table, a group of preppy-adjacent freshman girls pass by us and sicker to each other, pointing at Naomi.
“I can beat them up for you,” I offer, wiping applesauce from my face.
“Haha, n… no. That’s not… needed.” I’m just now realizing that Naomi might not be stuttering from anxiety and she might actually just have a stutter.
“If you say so.” I shrug my shoulders and start a conversation with Ronnie about our Dungeons and Dragons characters, before moving on to talk about how GSA is meeting after school.
After lunch, my next three classes are boring and nothing particularly happens in them. At the end of the day, I head back to my art class where GSA meets.
“Hey Heath!” I’m greeted by Jae, who is in conversation with a freshman, who must me new this year.
“‘Sup.” I start moving some of the tables together so there’s a large table for about twelve people to sit around. “We’ll be starting soon, probably. Take your seats, please.” Jae and the freshman sit down at the other end of the table, soon Ronnie joins, then three small freshman, then Mel and Naomi. “Okay, we’ve got mostly everyone who will be showing up today, and it’s about time to start.” We start with check ins, which consists of stating your name and your pronouns?
“I’m Heath, this club’s president, and I use he/him pronouns.”
“Ronnie, I’m the vice president, they/them.”
“Mel, she/her.”
“Naomi, she/her.”
“Christian, he/him.” The freshman with Jae.
“Jae, the secretary, he/him and they/them.”
“Felicity, she/her.” One of the three freshmen.
“Alex, she/her.” The next freshman.
“Kali, she/her.” The last freshman.
“Okay, thanks for coming, everyone, today we’re just gonna set some stuff up for the rest of the year…”
The meeting goes well enough, the three freshmen mostly just whisper and giggle to each other, but other than that nothing goes wrong. I walk home with Mel after the club and I eat dry cereal out of the box as I do homework in the living room.
Mom doesn’t come back home that night, and I feel sorry about how many hours she’s currently working.
The next morning goes business as usual, except for the fact that I didn’t get any sleep at all. Onus arrives at the house, makes me a pancake, packs me a lunch and does does homework while I get ready for school. I leave the house with Mel, we walk through the school parking lot.
“School parking lot” is where things deviate from business as usual. As we’re walking by the regular group of jock-adjacent kids, they snicker at me and I turn to them.
“You’re just gonna do that everyday, huh?” I shout. The morning is bright, cool and the perfect time to throw some hands.
“Keep walking, girl,” one of the guys, a taller, lankier one, who isn’t even facing my direction just kind of shouts back out of the side of his mouth.
“Keep laughing, asshat.” I tiptoe my way towards them, and I can feel Mel plant herself in the pavement.
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