#sorry will but this is not a luke skywalker situation I’m going to make Glenn’s fall to loserdom have MEANING
etre-grantaire · 2 years
I absolutely loved Glenn’s tumble down from the echelons of coolness in this episode bc I feel like it reflects a lot of what people have been saying, that Glenn’s whole Cool Guy persona is put on bc that’s what people expect, and people don’t really question you when you’re behaving in the way they expect
Like it took 23 episodes for the other dads to notice that Glenn never talked about his wife bc he created this persona who you can’t imagine you can have deep conversations with. He hid behind this character he created, which of course is still rooted in him and his personality, because it’s easier to play a role than it is to allow yourself to be vulnerable after you’ve been hurt.
But now that he’s back with Morgan (even if it’s a slightly different Morgan, and is that weird? I think it’s kind of weird) he doesn’t need to hide as much, so while he’s still ultimately the same person, it doesn’t matter as much if he stumbles over a joke or completely whiffs it because he doesn’t have that same fear of vulnerability, because he knows that Morgan knows that he’s kind of weird and kind of passionate in an off-kilter way and she loves him for that
And he still has his Cool Guy persona but it’s more clearly a performance and she sees what he’s saying with it, and she loves him whether he’s shredding a solo or stumbling over a Cool Guy line
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