#I haven’t laughed this hard at an episode since they were stabbing each other in the head at the papa john’s
etre-grantaire · 2 years
I absolutely loved Glenn’s tumble down from the echelons of coolness in this episode bc I feel like it reflects a lot of what people have been saying, that Glenn’s whole Cool Guy persona is put on bc that’s what people expect, and people don’t really question you when you’re behaving in the way they expect
Like it took 23 episodes for the other dads to notice that Glenn never talked about his wife bc he created this persona who you can’t imagine you can have deep conversations with. He hid behind this character he created, which of course is still rooted in him and his personality, because it’s easier to play a role than it is to allow yourself to be vulnerable after you’ve been hurt.
But now that he’s back with Morgan (even if it’s a slightly different Morgan, and is that weird? I think it’s kind of weird) he doesn’t need to hide as much, so while he’s still ultimately the same person, it doesn’t matter as much if he stumbles over a joke or completely whiffs it because he doesn’t have that same fear of vulnerability, because he knows that Morgan knows that he’s kind of weird and kind of passionate in an off-kilter way and she loves him for that
And he still has his Cool Guy persona but it’s more clearly a performance and she sees what he’s saying with it, and she loves him whether he’s shredding a solo or stumbling over a Cool Guy line
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mercy-burning · 4 years
Petite Etoile
Pairing: Spencer Reid x femReader Summary: BAU!Reader used to be a stripper, and when people where she used to work are being murdered, the team is called in to investigate. Category: Fluff, Smut 18+ (oral sex- male and female receiving, penetrative sex, Reader also does a stripping performance) Warnings: Sex, language, mentions of murder/violence and all the things you’d normally find in an episode of Criminal Minds. (As always, if there’s anything I missed, let me know what I should include in warnings! I want to be as mindful as I can about what I post. Thank you!) Word Count: 7.8k
NOTE: This is going up way later than I said it would, so I’m sorry if you were looking forward to this, I just haven’t been motivated lately. But  I really have to get out of my writing slump, and I’m hoping I can do that soon. Anyway, I hope you like it! Thanks for reading 🥰 Also, I know that Don’t Blame Me by Taylor Swift doesn’t exist at the time of early season 2, which is when I imagine this taking place, but for the sake of the story let’s pretend it does, because that’s the song I had in mind when I wrote the performance scene 😉😂
When Y/N walked into work Thursday morning, everything was as normal as it could be. She chatted with Elle on her way up the elevator, handed JJ her coffee as she made her way to Hotch's office, and ruffled Reid's hair when she passed him, smiling at the way he blushed at her affectionate gesture.
But when the team was called into the round-table room, and she watched as JJ presented their next case, Y/N felt a little sick to her stomach.
Over the past week, three strippers from the town she'd lived in for years before moving to Virginia had been found stabbed in various parts of the block surrounding Starsight. She knew the place well. Not only did she used to work there as a stripper after she graduated, but her best friend, Irene, owned the establishment, and she'd practically become the sister Y/N never had. She helped her through college and pushed her to go into the Bureau. If people, Irene's people, were dying, why hadn't she called or said anything?
Thankfully Y/N didn't recognize any of the dancers who'd been killed, because if she had, she'd feel a lot worse. But even still, she wanted to find who was behind it, and she would. The BAU always did. And with her background knowledge of the scene and the town, Y/N figured she might be able to lend an extra helping hand.
But first she had to tell the team about her past.
It wasn't a secret that she used to be a stripper. In fact, it wasn't really something she was able to hide. With someone as curious as Penelope Garcia in her life, Y/N wouldn't have been able to hide it even if she wanted to. Thankfully though, besides the occasional teasing comment from Morgan, and sometimes Elle, the team didn't treat her any differently. She wasn't Y/N The Former Stripper, she was just Y/N. She was good at her job, and everyone respected and liked her just the way she was.
While debriefing on the jet, she was about to bring it up when Morgan did it first, seemingly sly like he'd discovered some big secret. "Hey, Y/N, didn't you used to live near this place?"
She nodded, clearing her throat. "Uh, yeah, that's actually what I was going to bring up. Starsight is where I used to work before I moved here. I know the owner of the place, she's one of my best friends."
She could tell Morgan wanted to tease her some more about her previous work, but before he could get a word in Gideon spoke from behind her. "Irene Whitcomb?"
"Good, when we land I want you, Morgan, and Reid to go talk to her. See if you can find anything out."
Y/N nodded, and in front of her, she noticed Reid was a little flushed. It didn't surprise her considering when everyone found out her previous job, he almost choked on his coffee, and Morgan laughed hysterically while he had a coughing fit. It was obvious to Y/N from the beginning that Spencer had had a little crush on her, and it didn't bother her at all. Every once in a while she'd pat his knee before she got up from her seat next to him or wink at him as they saw each other briefly in passing, just to see how he'd react, and by now it was a staple of their relationship. It never did go any further than that though, Y/N afraid she might make him too uncomfortable.
But even still, she couldn't help but give him a flirty smile as he blinked rapidly in front of her, still seeming to process what was going to happen when they landed. When he excused himself to go to the bathroom, she gave him one more wink and a small bite of her lip as he passed.
Morgan laughed softly beside her. "You're gonna ruin the poor kid if you keep that up, girlie."
"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about," she responded, even though the smile on her face suggested otherwise.
A strip club being almost at full capacity in the middle of the day was more common than one might think. It had surprised Y/N when she first started working at Starsight, and even now she still didn't really understand why. Regardless it was almost 3pm, and if things had stayed the same over the years, which by the looks of things seemed to be the case, Irene should have been behind the bar.
It must have been a sight to behold, Y/N mused as she and her colleagues navigated through the club in search of its owner, and it sounded like the beginning to a bad joke— a former stripper turned FBI agent, a guy who looks like he just walked straight out of a procedural cop show, and an adorably and obviously nervous skinny kid with glasses and trembling hands walk into a strip club at 3pm... The thought made Y/N laugh to herself, right before Irene spotted her.
It was obvious that she wanted to jump over the bar and give her old friend a hug, but given the circumstances, Irene settled for dropping a shot glass, spilling the drink on the counter, and clapping her hands quickly a few times in succession. A wide smile and kind eyes greeted the three agents as they approached.
"Irene, hi," Y/N greeted with a large smile of her own. "I wish I could have came to visit under better circumstances."
"Right, me too..." The blonde woman's smile faded for a second, just long enough that the recognizable signs of grief came and go quickly before replacing themselves with bittersweet niceties. "Anyway, you wanna introduce me to your friends?"
"Yeah, Irene, these are my colleagues, Derek Morgan and Spencer Reid."
Irene reached out to shake their hands, eyeing up Morgan with only the slightest bit of shame, and laughing softly at Reid's polite avoidance of the gesture as he settled on a wave and a shy smile.
"We were hoping to ask you a few questions about the past week," Morgan said.
"Yeah, anything. Just give me a minute to clean this up and we can sit down."
"So, you used to work here?"
Y/N laughed, kicking Derek under the table. "Yep. Looks exactly the same as when I left, too. Only difference is that I'm not here to bring everyone in on Friday nights."
As Derek laughed, Spencer tensed up beside Y/N, and he started to play with his hands under the table they all sat at.
"She's not joking," Irene said as she approached the table with a smile. She took the seat next to Morgan and gave him a wink. "Petite Etoile over here was the main attraction."
Y/N groaned a little. "Oh, c'mon Irene, don't use my nickname here, that's not who I am anymore."
"Don't tell me you've lost your shine, Little Star." From the tone in her voice to the look on her face, it was clear to Y/N that Irene was just as devious as she'd been since the day they first met. "You know it would just break this town's heart."
"I highly doubt that... Besides, this little star shines just as brightly as it used to, thank you very much."
At that statement, Y/N felt Reid's knee hit the table with a loud thud. As Morgan questioned whether he was okay, she wondered what was running through his head. It didn't last long though, because shortly afterwards Morgan started asking questions about the case.
"Was it particularly crowded on the nights the dancers were killed?"
Irene hugged her arms to her stomach, her eyes drooping a little at the mention. "It gets pretty crowded every night to tell you the truth. But Friday nights are busiest. The nights Carrie, Lola, and Evelyn disappeared were just like any other night here."
"I know how hard it is to keep track of everyone, but is there anyone you might have noticed that seemed a little too lurk-y?" Even as she asked the question, Y/N felt like she already knew the answer.
And Irene really did seem to try to recall something, anything that could help, but she was visibly frustrated, tears welling in her eyes. "No, Y/N, I'm so sorry. After Carrie... the first time... we heightened security and everything, but it just wasn't enough, I... I don't know what to do."
Y/N reached across the table to grab her friend's hand. "It's okay, 'Rene. We're gonna figure this out, alright? I promise you."
Through tears, the blonde smiled and squeezed Y/N's hand. "I know you will, Little Star."
"Would it be possible for us to look at your surveillance tapes?" Reid asked quietly.
Irene looked up at him and nodded, still squeezing Y/N's hand. "Anything you need."
"So... Little Star, huh?"
Y/N rolled her eyes with a smile as she, Morgan, and Reid got into the car. When she got in the passenger seat, she waited for Morgan to be in the car before responding. "Oh, don't start. I swear to God, Derek, if you start calling me that I might just have to kick your ass."
"Well, you gotta at least tell me how you got the name?" he laughed, putting on his seatbelt while Reid climbed in the back.
"Well, how do you think? The place is called Starsight after all... So, Petite Etoile just made sense."
It was obvious that she was lying to get him to drop it, so Morgan kept pushing. "Okay, sure, but that's not the whole truth. Carrie, Lola, and Evelyn didn't have star names."
"Ugh, okay, fine, if I tell you will you shut up about it?"
Y/N caught a glimpse of Reid in the back through the rearview mirror. As expected, he was fidgety and just a little red.
She sighed and waited until Morgan pulled out of the parking lot to talk. "Okay. Once every month Starsight does a 'Midnight Sky' theme night. They light the place up in deep blue lights and everyone wears... space-themed outfits. Every dancer does their own special routine with songs and outfits that they pick on their own. My first time working a theme night, everyone seemed to really like what I did; I ended up doing an encore later in the night before we closed. Another dancer who worked with us at the time, Jenny, was learning French, so after my performance she called me Petite Etoile, and it just stuck."
"Okay, but why did you get the nickname and no one else?" Morgan asked with a smug smile. He knew she was still holding something back.
"Do you really want to know?"
"Yes, Y/N, I really want to know."
She sighed. "Let's... just say my outfit was... well, it barely covered me, and what it did manage to cover was covered by fabric in the shape of stars."
While Morgan laughed, Y/N looked in the mirror to see Reid with his head low, even more red than he was before. He was biting his bottom lip and fiddling the the seatbelt strap, and when his eyes briefly met hers in the mirror he was quick to avoid eye contact once again. If Y/N didn't find it completely adorable she would have felt more badly about it. But just to make sure, she called out to him.
"Reid, you okay back there?"
He looked up to meet her eyes again through the mirror, but only briefly before trying to ook anywhere else. "O-oh, yeah, I'm... I'm good."
Morgan laughed. "Yeah, I bet you are."
Y/N punched him in the arm and met Reid's eyes once more. "Sorry."
"Oh, you don't have anything to be sorry about, it's... it's okay, really, I-I'm not... it's..."
"Hey, don't worry about it," Y/N said calmly, giving him a reassuring smile. "We're all good here, right?"
"Right," Morgan and Reid said one after the other.
"Good. Now let's catch this creep."
Unfortunately no one had gotten much of anywhere in the next few hours. The security footage showed a man following each of the girls out of Starsight but there wasn't anything distinctive about him. Somehow he'd avoided all the cameras face to face, so he knew where they all were. And as for how he chose which dancers to target they weren't sure.
Until Irene walked into the station, that is.
"Y/N, I completely forgot something! I can't believe I missed it."
She stood before the team in the office that the station had given them for the time being, everyone else sitting down. Y/N stood up and nodded. "What is it?"
"Carrie, Lola, and Evelyn were all Spotlight Performers."
"What does that mean?" Elle asked from behind them.
Y/N turned to the group, her arms crossed. "Every other night Starsight spotlights a different dancer for a large performance at the end of the night, sort of like a grand finale before the club closes."
"So you're saying each of the girls was the Spotlight Performer on the nights they went missing?" Hotch asked, more like a clarification than a question.
"Yeah, Carrie on Saturday, Lola on Monday, and Evelyn on Wednesday," Irene said frantically.
Y/N reached out to grab her hand. "Well, it's Thursday. So, if he sticks to pattern, he's going after tomorrow's Spotlight Performer. Who do you have lined up?"
"Well, no one yet. After the murders the girls have been hesitant to schedule, and I don't blame them... So what should I do?"
Before Y/N could answer, Hotch did. "Y/L/N, you haven't gone undercover before, but I think it would be a good idea. You used to work at Starsight, you could lure him out."
She turned around sharply. "Oh, I... I don't know, Hotch, I haven't danced in so long, I'm not sure I—"
"He's right," Gideon interrupted. "It's the best chance we have at catching him."
Between Hotch and Gideon's opinions on the matter, Y/N knew she didn't have a say anymore.
"You still know your routine, Petite Etoile?" Irene asked, only slightly amused.
"Petite Etoile?" Elle wondered aloud.
Y/N heard Morgan laugh and she sighed.
"If I didn't know any better I'd say you were nervous," Irene said as she straightened another piece of Y/N's hair.
She played with the hem of the sheer robe she was wearing. "Well, I'm about to go undercover for the first time, stripping for the first time in years in front of all my colleagues so I can lure out a serial killer, so I guess you could say I'm a little nervous."
"Well... When you put it like that..."
Y/N looked up at her friend. "I'm sorry, Irene. Really, I'm okay, and we will get him, I promise."
"No, I know you will. I'm not worried. So... Who do they have watching you tonight?"
"Gideon and Hotch are outside, but Elle, Morgan, and Reid are in here with me. There are some extra officers all around the block, too, just in case."
"Hmm," Irene mused, and Y/N could tell she wanted to say something.
"I don't know, it just surprises me they'd send Reid in here of all people. He seems almost more nervous than you."
Y/N laughed. "Well, when it comes to girls he gets a little nervous, but... he's good at his job."
"I'll take your word for it. But I also wouldn't be surprised if he short circuits when he sees you up there."
The thought made her smile a little, though she wondered how badly Morgan would tease him about the whole situation. Things between them all would no doubt be a little awkward for a while, but in no time they'd go back to normal like it never happened. At least that's what she told herself, because she wasn't sure what she'd do if her friendship with Reid was permanently damaged and awkward because of her past. The thought worried her just a little, but before she could get too psyched out, a knock at the door brought her back to reality.
"Y/N, it's Elle."
"Come on in!"
Y/N got up from the chair and turned around to meet Elle in the doorway. Her eyes wandered for a moment before nodding with a smirk. "Damn. Petite Etoile indeed."
Despite the nerves, Y/N smiled. "You here to give me an earpiece?"
Elle nodded and closed the door behind her. As she turned on the device and handed it to Y/N, she spoke. "You nervous?"
"A little, but it's just because I haven't done this in a while. Not to mention I'm doing it in front of everyone, and I'm luring out the unsub."
"No pressure, right?"
Y/N laughed, adjusting the earpiece and taking a deep breath. "It'll be fine. How long until I go on?"
"Five minutes. I'll be near the front with Reid. Morgan is in the back with a few officers, and everyone else is outside. We all have communication with you, so if we see him we'll let you know what to look out for."
"Got it."
"Y/L/N, can you hear me?" It was Hotch's voice through the earpiece.
"Yeah, loud and clear."
"Good. We're all in position. Whenever you're ready."
Elle met him near the front of the stage. To say he was nervous would be an understatement. Spencer didn't have a problem with strip clubs in the least, but it was bad enough that he'd thought about Y/N on multiple occasions in his dreams, now he was going to have to see her stripping just like he'd imagined many times over. The whole situation spelled out disaster, and if she didn't already know he had a crush on her, she most certainly would when the night was over.
As Elle approached him, he took a deep breath and stretched out his hands to calm his nerves. "She okay?"
Elle nodded. "Ready to go. I'm gonna stand on the other side of the stage, keep a look out for anyone who seems like he could be our guy."
Before she left, Elle patted him on the shoulder and smiled knowingly. "Oh, and Reid... Try not to get distracted."
Yeah. He was fucked.
When the music that was playing stopped and the lights started to shift, Spencer took another deep breath. Irene's familiar voice came through the speakers.
"Thank you for coming to Starsight. Tonight's Spotlight Performer is a special one. Returning to the stage for the first time in years, shining brighter and better than ever before, give it up for our very own little star, Petite Etoile!"
A deep, seductive song that Spencer didn't recognize replaced Irene's voice as the lights shifted again, and the crowd around him applauded. It was just as crowded as it had been when he, Morgan, and Y/N met Irene the day before, but with a serial killer no doubt present and Y/N about to come on stage, everything felt heavier.
A dark silhouette broke through fog on the stage, and even though Spencer knew it was Y/N, it didn't feel real. He'd only ever seen her at work, in work clothes, and sometimes in casual clothes when they all went out for drinks on occasion.
So when she finally came into view, her hair tumbling down her back and shoulders rather than in a ponytail, and wearing almost nothing at all, he wasn't even sure it was her for a split second. But the way she looked, her magnetic presence and the way she carried herself across the stage was so remarkably her it was hard to miss. Everything about her confidence was elevated in that moment, and his own confidence—in his job and ability to function as a human being—was completely shattered when she caught his eye. It was just a split second, but that was all it took.
She must have noticed, because she gave him a small smile and a wink before turning her attention to the rest of the crowd as the music built. Spencer cleared his throat softly before glancing around, trying his best to scan everyone for anything suspicious. When he was sure there was nothing around him to be concerned about, he reluctantly let his eyes wander back to the stage.
By now Y/N had rid herself of the sheer robe that was on her, leaving her in a deep blue one-piece... contraption was the only word he could come up with. It was all connected by thin straps of fabric that weaved around every curve of her body, crisscrossing and leaving little to the imagination. Just like she'd described back in the car yesterday, small patches of fabric shaped like stars covered the front of her breasts and...
The second he looked down, she squatted, spreading her legs open and rolling her hips, exposing almost the entire front three rows of people to her barely-clothed pussy.
Spencer felt his cheeks grow warm as he quickly averted his gaze and pretended to survey the crowd again. To his credit, he did really search for anyone who could be the unsub, but the whole time he heard the song and the cheering crowd, and in turn Y/N occupied almost every corner of his brain.
When he finally had the courage to look at the stage again, she was making her way to a chair in the middle. Every step was on beat to the music and purposeful. She danced around the chair for a bit before another big beat drop in the song happened, and she squatted in front of it quickly, rolling her hips as she slowly got up.
Her eyes found his once more as she mouthed along to the words of the song, almost like she was singing directly to him. He wouldn't have thought anything of it, but she held his gaze for much longer than he'd been able to handle, and she knew exactly what she was doing. Which was made evident when she bit her bottom lip and ran her hands down her body, stopping at her knees before she sat in the chair and spread her legs, her hands finally dragging along the insides of her thigh.
Her eyes remained on him the entire time.
Butterflies immediately erupted in his stomach at her intensity, stronger than they'd ever been before. He'd always felt it when she affectionately ruffled his hair or patted his knee in passing, but now? She wasn't even touching him and he was about to crumble to the ground.
Thankfully something in his ear saved him from that. "I've got a visual." It was Morgan. "He's in the back, black long sleeve and jeans. Buzzcut. Y/N, look up at me and blink three times when you see him."
Reid looked up and and noticed her doing it. To anyone else it wouldn't have seemed out of pace, but he could tell she was a little rattled. In any case, she broke contact with Morgan and continued on with her performance as if nothing happened.
Though it meant there was most definitely a serial killer in the room and he would follow Y/N out of the club later, Spencer was glad for the past minute, because he wasn't sure how much more of the performance he could take. Suddenly there was a job to focus on again, and he was thankful for that.
"You're sure you're okay?"
Y/N laughed as she approached her motel room, phone in hand. "Yeah, Irene, I'm okay. Promise. He got a hold on me but my team was there to stop him before he did anything. No nicks or bruises or anything."
"Okay... You were great out there by the way. If you weren't such a kick-ass FBI agent now, I'd ask you to come back."
Laughing, she turned her head and noticed Reid at the end of the hall, walking to his room. He caught her eye and gave a shy smile before disappearing behind the door and closing himself off from her. She contemplated a moment before starting her journey to his room. "Well, I'm glad we could help. Maybe if I find myself in town again, I'll stop by."
"Yeah, you better. Though I'd prefer if a serial killer wasn't involved."
"You and me both. I'll come see you before we leave tomorrow morning, yeah?"
"Yeah. Goodnight, Petite Etoile."
With an affectionate roll of her eyes, Y/N nodded though her friend wouldn't be able to see. "Night."
She hung up and put the phone in her bag, taking a deep breath before knocking on Reid's door.
The answer was almost immediate. He stood before her, and it looked like he'd just gotten undressed, wearing grey pajama bottoms and a white tee shirt. "Oh, Y/N, h-hi," he stammered, pushing his glasses up his nose a little. "What's up?"
"Do you... mind if I come in? I know it might sound a little weird but I don't really want to be alone right now..." It was true. Though she was okay after catching the unsub, the idea of being alone after everything that happened was sure to leave a small ache that wouldn't let her sleep, and having company would make a good cure.
"Oh, no, that isn't weird at all. Uh, sure, come on in." He stepped aside and opened the door wider to let her through. She smiled gratefully as she passed him, careful to notice the faint color that adorned his cheeks.
When he closed the door behind them, she set her bag down on the floor and turned to meet him, playing with the sleeve of the FBI jacket she was wearing. Before leaving Starsight, she'd changed into underwear, leggings, and a thin tee shirt. She debated taking the jacket off, but knowing how much of her body her colleague and friend had no doubt seen that night, she figured for his sake she'd leave it on. At least for now.
"I know it's late and we should probably get to bed, but... Truthfully I don't know how well I'll be able to sleep."
Spencer seemed concerned. "You're... you're okay? He didn't hurt you badly, did he?"
"Oh! No, he didn't, I'm just... rattled, that's all. I'll be okay, really. It's just that I haven't... performed in a long time, and all of that added on to being serial killer bait was just... eventful. That's all."
"Well, if it makes you feel better, you were great."
Y/N raised an eyebrow, a small smirk playing at her lips. "Oh?"
"Oh, I mean at handling the unsub. Not that you weren't great at the other thing, of course! I just... I just meant that... I didn't mean... Um..."
"Hey, it's okay, I'm... I'm not mad or anything, I'm... flattered."
The redness on Spencer's face became more vivid under the dim glow of the room. "I- Really?"
Y/N smiled and took a step closer. "Mhmm. Y'know... Truthfully it was really hard for me not to look at you the whole time. Out of everyone in that whole room, I wanted to see only you."
His gaze wandered up and down her body briefly before meeting her eyes. "You did?"
"Mhmm," she said again. Her hand reached out to graze his bare arm, and he shivered under her light touch. "You can stop me if this is too weird, but... I really like you, Spence... Like, a lot. And, I think it's pretty obvious that you like me, too. Am I wrong?"
He swallowed. "Um... No. You're not wrong."
She was only inches away from him now, her hands gently caressing his shoulders and chest. She looked up at him through her eyelashes and smiled. "Do you want to kiss me as badly as I want to kiss you right now?"
"Um... T-truthfully I think I might want... to kiss you more..."
Y/N laughed and balled his shirt in one hand, the other snaking up to the back of his head and running through his hair. "Okay, then... You gonna prove it, or what?"
He bit his lip softly before leaning down and capturing her lips in a kiss that made her dizzy. Her hands tightened their grip on him, and the second her lips parted, he wasted no time gently swiping his tongue across her bottom lip, his confidence growing with every second. She groaned into him, pulling her body flush against his and forcing him to wrap his arms around her waist to keep steady.
They pulled away for air eventually, and by the gleam in his eyes when she looked at him, she knew exactly what she had to do.
"No one is rooming with you, right?"
"N-no. It's just me."
"Good." She whispered it seductively as she removed her hands from him and slowly unzipped her jacket, keeping eye contact with Spencer the whole time. Except, of course, when his eyes glanced down to see the progress the zipper was making. Once she slid it off her shoulders and let it drop to the floor, he took her in, his tongue dancing behind his lips.
She let him have a few more seconds before taking a step forward and kissing him again, both of her hands cradling his face and bringing her thumbs to gently rub his cheeks. He melted into her completely, wrapping his arms around her again in no time. While their kisses were slow and passionate for a minute, eventually they grew hungrier, and Y/N hadn't even realized they'd been moving until they were toppling onto the bed, Spencer falling back and her landing on top of him.
They broke apart only for a moment to adjust themselves, but went right back to each other once Y/N straddled his legs and he leaned back on his hands to keep himself upright.
Her hands played in his hair as she kissed him, each brush of her tongue against his sending him into a downward spiral. He'd only ever dreamed of this, and even then, this was better than any dream. Y/N herself was better than any dream.
She ground her hips against him, causing him to groan into her mouth, and he pushed himself forward to be closer, needing to be completely wrapped up in her for as long as he could. When she pulled her mouth from his and settled her hands on his shoulders to keep him from moving, he whined a little, the sound completely taking the both of them aback.
She smiled and cocked her head to the side. "I've thought about this for so long... You have no idea how many times I've wanted to kiss you since we met."
With a nod, Y/N toyed with the collar of his shirt, tugging it and slowly grinding her hips against him again. "Have you ever thought about it?"
It was a question they both obviously knew the answer to, but she wanted to have some fun. She loved seeing how shy he got, it made her want him even more.
"Yes... I... I think about you a lot," he breathed, blinking at her as she slid her hands down his chest and found the bottom of his shirt. She smiled and raised it up, her touch sending shivers all over his body.
"What have you thought about? Any specifics?" she asked once his shirt was all the way off. Her fingers found their way to his neck again as she pulled herself closer.
"Oh, I... Um... I-I've thought about... kissing you on the jet in front of everyone."
Y/N smiled and pushed his glasses up his nose, then traced her finger down over his lips and hooked it under his chin to tilt his head up, exposing his neck. "I've thought about that, too... You know what else?"
Spencer blinked at her, urging her to continue.
She leaned forward and kissed the underside of his jaw, then his neck, leaving small kisses in between every soft word. "I've thought about how good your hands would feel on me." Her hand grabbed one of his and brought it to rest on her side, slipping under her shirt. "Have you ever thought about touching me?"
"Yes," he breathed as she moved her mouth back up his jaw and to the corner of his mouth.
She brought her lips just inches from his, and he could feel them just barely as she spoke. "Do it. Please."
And then she let go of him, bringing both her hands to his face as she kissed him again. Her legs wrapped around him tighter as he used both of his hands to grip her sides. As soon as they knew they were stable enough not to fall backwards, Spencer slid his hands slowly up her torso and barely ghosted over her breasts. She could tell he was a little hesitant, so she pushed further into him, practically trapping his hands in between their chests. Her kisses grew deeper and more desperate as he palmed her breasts, letting a moan or two slip out to encourage him further.
Thankfully it worked, because with every passing second he got more confident with his touches. When Y/N moved her hips against his again, he sighed into her mouth and brought one of his hands out from under her shirt and to her head, running his fingers through her hair.
At this point he was noticeably hard beneath her, and she was desperate to feel more of him. So Y/N peeled herself away from Spencer and snuck her hand down to play with the waistband of his pants. "You wouldn't happen to have a condom on you, would you?"
"Oh, uh, a-actually Morgan gave me one as a joke last week. It's, uh, in my wallet. In my bag."
Y/N laughed. "Sounds like him. Why don't you go grab it."
He nodded as she got up off of him. While he walked over to his bag, Y/N quickly removed her shirt and leggings, leaving her only in a pair of thin black panties that were almost too small. Before he turned around, she sat back on the edge of the bed and spread her legs wide, leaning back on her elbows as she waited.
If she didn't know any better she would have thought that when he turned around, his eyes were going to fall out of his head. He took small steps towards the bed, and she made the 'come here' motion with her finger. "Take your pants off for me?"
He all but scrambled to get them off, and Y/N smiled affectionately at him as she watched, hoping to calm his nerves by letting him know that he had nothing to be nervous about.
But just to be sure, she told him as much anyway. "You've got nothing to worry about, Spence. Trust me, I... I want this."
Once his pants were off, he met her at the edge of the bed, standing in between her legs. "I do too, I just... It's just that I've only ever... done this before once, and... I'm not very experienced, and I don't want to disappoint you."
Y/N sat up and grabbed his hips, leaning forward to press small, soft kisses to his stomach as she looked up at him. "You could never disappoint me. Promise."
Once she was sure he was a little more relaxed, she moved her kisses lower, until they reached the waistband of his underwear. She hooked her fingers under it and slid them down slowly, keeping eye contact with him until they dropped to the floor. Only then did she look down at his dick, and it was even better than she imagined.
Giving a satisfied hum, she pressed a soft kiss to the tip and fluttered her eyes up to meet his, the look on his face completely awe-struck. She took the tip of his dick in between her lips and sucked gently, swirling her tongue around it as she watched his mouth fall open, a sigh escaping. She could tell he was holding back a little, so she traced her finger along the length of him and kept sucking lightly at the tip, hoping to get some noise out of him.
Y/N took him in her mouth completely, bobbing her head up and down just a few times to get him wet before removing her lips with a pop. When she gripped him firmly with one hand and steadily began to stroke him, he finally gave her what she hoped for.
"Y/N," he groaned, just above a whisper. His eyes were closed, but he opened them when she stopped.
"You wanna put it on or should I?" she asked.
"Spencer turned the small packet over in his hand before nodding. "I can do it."
Y/N scooted farther onto the bed and slid off her panties as he got to work, and thankfully he wasn't as nervous anymore. He moved to take off his glasses, but she stopped him. "Keep them on?"
The devious grin on her face made him blush, and he nodded, crawling over the top of her and pressing tentative kisses to her stomach, only he travelled downward instead of up to her mouth.
"You don't have t—"
"I want to," he reassured, kissing her inner thighs. "Truth be told, Y/N, I've thought about doing this, too. Is that okay?"
"Yes," she responded clearly, extremely turned on by the needy tone in his voice.
Almost immediately after she answered, his tongue darted out to taste her, swiping gently over her clit and sending her into a state of speechlessness. She leaned up on her elbows to watch as Spencer took his time, exploring and savoring every inch of her. She knew now why he'd wanted to take his glasses off, but if anything the sight of them riding up his face as he ate her out made the whole thing even hotter.
"Fuck, Spence, that... that feels so fucking good," she breathed, trying to keep her eyes open to look at him but ultimately failing.
Her words emboldened him, and he slipped a finger slowly inside her, his tongue paying special attention to her clit. He worked them together in a slow, sensual rhythm that eventually drove her to the edge. And she told him so.
"You're gonna make me cum," she breathed, willing herself to open her eyes. She found him staring up at her as best as he could in his position, the hungry sparkle in his eye pushing her further. What finally pushed her over the edge was when he sucked gently on her clit and groaned against her as she called out his name. Everything blinded her for a moment as she rocked her hips against his face, needing to hang on to every last second of her orgasm.
When she finally came down, Spencer pulled away and adjusted his glasses, to which Y/N bit her lip and moaned once more. "You're sure you've only ever done this once?"
He laughed a little, sucking his fingers clean with a shrug before answering. "Yeah, but I'm a quick-study."
Y/N smiled and reached one of her arms out to him. "Come here, quick-study."
The two of them smiled as their lips found one another, her hands flying to his hair once again. His hands gripped her waist, and his dick pressed up against her lower stomach, making her groan against him.
Without another word, Y/N hooked her legs around his waist and shifted their weight, rolling them over so she was straddling him now. Spencer reached up to move her hair to one side of her face, and then soon after she sat up, placing her hands on his chest.
"I'll tell you something else I've thought about," she said lowly, scratching down his chest just lightly enough to give him goosebumps. She then used one of her hands to grip his dick and lifted her hips up, running the head of him through her wetness as she looked down at him. "I've thought about how good you would look while I ride you. More than once, actually."
She sank down onto him, just a little, and his face sure enough twitched in pleasure, making Y/N smile to herself. "What about you? You ever imagine me riding this pretty cock?"
"Fuck, Y/N, yes, I— Oh my god..."
She sat down completely, rocking her hips forward a little and pressing her hands harder into his chest. "Fuck, you feel so good..."
She set a slow pace, making sure to pay extra attention to Spencer's face as she worked him. Just like she'd done before, he seemed to have a hard time keeping his eyes open, but his hands gripped her hips so tightly she was sure they'd leave bruises. The thought of that spurred her on, and she picked up the pace, bouncing steadily on his cock.
"Ohhh, fuck," she groaned, her hands leaving his torso to grab her breasts. He opened his eyes and watched her, letting out a soft moan of his own. His hands slid up her sides and under hers, replacing them with his own firm grip. She leaned forward a little so he wouldn't have to reach up that far, placing both of her hands on either side of his waist.
"Tell me," she managed to say as she continued riding him. "You ever think about fucking me at work? In the round-table room or over my desk? I know I have..."
He continued to pinch and pull at her nipples while barely being able to keep his eyes open. "Y-yes... Fuck, Y/N, I think about you all the time..."
"Feeling's mutual. Sit up for me?"
Spencer opened his eyes and she helped him sit up. They adjusted for a second before she wrapped her arms around his neck and started moving again, rocking her hips into his and giving him a better angle to hit inside her deeper.
"Fuck, baby, you feel so good," she breathed against his lips before she kissed him, missing the feel of his lips on hers. Their bodies clung together perfectly, every movement feeling better than the last, until they were both obviously close to coming undone.
Sure enough, the moment she squeezed her legs together and clenched herself around him, he groaned into her mouth and bucked his hips forward. "Y/N... I..."
She pressed her forehead to his and tugged at his hair, quickening her pace just a little and feeling herself geting close as well. Any moment now and she would feel it.
"Me, too," she breathed, brushing her nose against his. Within a matter of seconds, they were both unraveling, sighing out each others' names and holding on to each other for dear life as they rode out their highs.
Eventually Y/N slowed her hips to a stop, and she slumped against him, pressing one final kiss to his lips before she got off his lap and pulled him down to lay beside her, immediately snuggling into his side and burying her face in the crook of his neck.
"So, was that better than you imagined?" she murmured against his neck, pressing kisses along collarbone.
Spencer laughed and pulled her even closer. "Even better. No dream could ever do you justice."
She smiled, feeling herself growing sleepy. "You sap... But, for the record, I could say the same thing about you."
"Really?" He seemed genuinely curious.
Y/N looked up at him and smiled, tracing patterns on his chest with her fingertips. "Really. I wasn't kidding, Spence, I think about you... probably more often than I should. You're distracting."
"I'm distracting?" he mused. "You're... you. Seriously, it's a surprise I haven't completely made a fool of myself around you since we met. Especially after we all found out about your other job."
"Right... That doesn't... weird you out, does it?"
"That you used to be a stripper?"
She nodded, truthfully a little worried. She wasn't sure why, but it had always been a problem in her previous relationships, and she'd gotten used to that.
"No, of course that doesn't weird me out. I mean, I was definitely more intimidated around you, and I figured you were completely out of my league... Truthfully, I think you still might be."
"Oh, don't sell yourself short, Doctor. You're perfect, and really, if anyone was out of anyone's league here, it would be me. I'd be lucky to have you in any capacity, you know that, right?"
He blushed, bringing his forehead to rest against hers again. "Well... In any case, I really do like you, and... If it's not too weird, maybe you'd want to go out sometime?"
Warmth bloomed in her chest as she reached out and grabbed his hand, lacing their fingers together. "Of course. I would love to."
"Make it stop," Y/N whined, covering her ears with the pillow.
Spencer stirred beside her, barely awake himself. The knocking at the door wasn't stopping, and in a huff of annoyance, Y/N decided she'd had enough.
"We're getting up!"
She only realized what she did after the door opened and Elle walked in, a shit-eating grin on her face. "Oh my God, you were in here last night! I came by your room and tried calling..."
Y/N and Spencer both froze, completely awake and now well aware of the fact that someone else knew about their... sleeping arrangement.
"Uh, yeah... Yeah, I was here. Sorry if I worried you," Y/N stammered, trying to keep her cool. "I-I promised Irene I'd stop by this morning for breakfast before we left, so I should probably do that. Do, um... Do you mind?"
Elle laughed, giving the two of her friends a once-over before nodding. "Sure thing, Little Star. Oh, and uh... Good for you, Reid, proud of you."
"Elle," Y/N groaned, clutching the covers tighter around her bare torso.
"Right. Don't be too late."
After she left, Y/N leaned over to Spencer and rubbed his arm. "I'm sorry. I probably should have—"
He stopped her by pressing his lips to hers in a soft kiss. When he pulled away, his hand brushed the hair from her face and he smiled. "It's fine. I don't care who knows. I mean, as long as you don't, Petite Etoile..."
He said it with a grin reminiscent of the one Elle had just adorned, and it made Y/N laugh. She kissed him again and ruffled his hair. "I'm gonna get you for that."
"What? It suits you."
"You are not calling me by my stripper name. It's bad enough Elle and Morgan are probably gonna call me that for the rest of my life, I don't need it from you, too." She smiled as she said it, hoping that he knew she was only joking.
Either way, Spencer looked at her adoringly and took her hand in his. "Well, then... how about I just call you mine?"
"I like the sound of that."
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thedoubteriswise · 4 years
okay so. I am a smart adult with many important responsibilities. I have good taste and care about things that matter. for this reason, I’ve been trying to identify where in cql canon wangxian manage to fuck.
because they definitely do; I like a good post-canon getting together fic as much as the next guy, but it’s just not realistic.
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allow them. it’s already been so long.
(just like this goddamn post turned out to be, let’s do a cut)
right. so initially it looks like you could place this right after the time skip in episode 33, because it shows us that wwx is with lwj in cloud recesses. we know that he spent the night in the jingshi because he wakes up there the next morning before he goes for a nostalgic tour of his old school.
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and also visits the cold spring, where lwj is mostly naked. nice.
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but wait! wwx is surprised by the scars on his back and chest. that seems like something he would have known about if they’d already been naked together the night before, so I’m going to say they did not fuck immediately upon wwx’s return to cloud recesses. okay, fine, they’re taking things slow, that’s cool.
maybe they could work it into the next night, then. oh wait, lqr is injured and... staying in the jingshi? for reasons?
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I don’t know why. he must have his own house in cloud recesses, and it’s probably at least as comfortable as lwj’s, but here he is. he lives to stop his nephew from getting laid, I guess.
the next day they do some Q&A with the kids and determine that they need to head to qinghe to figure out what’s going on with this sword thing. great! we love a romantic road trip, plenty of alone time. but they also have to do their jobs, and then jin ling needs to get rescued from a wall of dirt, and jc is unfortunately there being himself, and then they have to grill nhs about his tomb full of angry sabers, etc. etc.
with all that going on, their next obvious chance is at the inn immediately after interviewing nhs. this evening has already included:
wwx gazing lovingly at lwj from afar
lwj carrying wwx on his back
lwj pawing at wwx’s robes trying to deal with his cursed leg
lwj helping wwx up the stairs, serving him wine, fixing his flute, and generally being at his beck and call
a very sexy and homoerotic duet
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and now they’re alone and drooling over each other as usual. this seems like a plausible spot, right?
it does! but no. after they go back to the nie basement o’ swords and hear the backstory on nmj’s death, we see them walking in yueyang and lwj asks wwx how the curse mark on his leg is doing. wwx says it’s almost healed, which may or may not be a lie, but his inner monologue says:
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he’s more concerned about the wound on his arm from the sacrificing curse, which lwj doesn’t know about, because wwx won’t tell him and they still haven’t been naked together.
also, this silly teenage shit doesn’t make much sense unless they’re still dancing around each other.
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you guys love the sound of opportunities as they go flying past, don’t you?
right after this, lwj gets drunk. I’m aware that Stuff Happens in the novel scene that inspired this bit, and they do incorporate some of that into the show by having lwj commit petty larceny and admit that he “likes rabbits” as part of the softest and most loving conversation in human history oh my god
but lwj goes to sleep right on time, and the next morning, wwx is laughing and reassuring him that nothing happened.
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after this, it’s time to go on a fucked up field trip with the kids in yi city, so they don’t really have any time alone for a few episodes until they’ve finished that and everyone is back at yet another inn. I wonder if they learned something about wasted chances and poor communication from this miserable songxiao story?
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maybe! look, they’re being cute and domestic. there are currently no material barriers preventing them from having sex, nor will there be any specific evidence later on proving that they didn’t.
but they’re still firmly in mystery-solving mode and the juniors and lxc are floating around. the vibe isn’t quite there. if I were to pick the most solid reason why I think they’re saving room for jesus at this point, it would be the tension that happens when wwx again asks how lwj recognized him. lwj asks why his memory is so bad, and wwx replies that he wishes he had a bad memory. even though they’re comfortable and happy being together, there’s still some fundamental distance remaining. there’s no sense of romantic resolution. that was actually a point against all their previous opportunities as well; they’re all very sweet, but none of these feel like the place in a story where the romantic leads Officially Get Together.
okay, off to koi tower! shit is getting extremely real. everyone’s busy insinuating that they recognize wwx, but no one is saying it explicitly. wwx isn’t supposed to be here. the guy he’s pretending to be also isn’t supposed to be here. he and his boyfriend and his boyfriend’s brother are trying to figure out if his boyfriend’s brother’s boyfriend is a murderer. no one is comfortable and the political intrigue leaves no time for fucking in front of anyone’s salad.
I guess there’s plenty of time to make dozens of armed guards and like half the people they know wait while they have a romantic moment, though.
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could they be more in love? And that sure feels like a romantic resolution that might be followed by narratively-earned sex.
ah. no, unfortunately wwx gets stabbed again. this certainly sucks, but it does have the helpful consequence of making lwj take him back to cloud recesses, where they are mostly alone and as safe as they can be in the circumstances. now there’s even more tenderness and also some plot-justified touching and skin exposure. plus, lwj just made a very public declaration of love.
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too bad wwx has probably been unconscious since he started coughing up blood in the forest near lanling. he’s also still visibly in pain. fresh abdominal wounds tend to kill the mood.
but hey, the injuries on this show are only as serious as they need to be to move the plot forward and facilitate gentle h/c scenes, so by evening he’s looking perfectly healthy and walking around under his own steam like nothing’s wrong. I guess that problem can be ignored moving forward.
lxc then offers the the most devastating highlights of lwj’s backstory, like, all at once. it’s nice that he includes a flute solo to give wwx a second to process this mountain of terrible information. what the fuck.
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there he is! the most devoted man in the whole world! turns out they can actually be more in love after all.
and then the following scene... look, I’m lazy and I don’t know how to make gifs, but screenshots cannot properly convey how good it is. you all know. the hesitant way wwx approaches, the slow and gentle piano version of wangxian, the two of them watching the snow together, it’s. ugh.
remember how I was talking about how the last scene with no material barriers was an unlikely candidate because of the lack of romantic resolution?
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well, here’s wwx still being cagey at the beginning of this conversation.
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and here they are in the middle of this conversation, having some epiphanies about the course of wwx’s life - I love this shot for a lot of reasons, but I extra love it because it shows wwx out in the snow, with lwj as the safety and warmth waiting behind him, god this show goes hard, holy shit
they both recall their vow to live with a clean conscience and internally say some very corny things about each other because they are both So Much, and then,
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ah, what the hell. he can say it out loud after all. romantic resolution accomplished.
and then the camera slowly pulls away as wuji plays.
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a slow zoom out? swelling music? listen, I am a connoisseur, I know a tasteful fade-to-black indicating a sex scene that won’t happen on camera when I see one. at last, we have a winner!
now you may think this post is finally over, but I actually have one more piece of evidence for you - the next scene shows the two of them the morning after, meditating behind a screen in the hanshi while lxc is waiting for jgy to show up.
before wwx got de-cored, he was a pretty powerful cultivator, right? the chances that he’s just bad at meditating or that he can’t stay focused on this task seem slim to me. so why does he keep falling asleep?
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well. he had kind of a late night.
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rent-a-bat · 3 years
Drabble #2
Promt: #100 “I’m yours”
Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader
Requested by: Anonymous
Requests open
A/N: I may have gone a bit overboard with this one, but once I started I couldn't stop. Just beware, this is full of angst, I tried to make this happier for him, but you know how it is.
I really hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it.
You were sitting on your bed.
The same place you've been for the last 12 hours. You haven't moved since you got there, haven't even eaten, the knot in your stomach making it impossible to keep something down or think about food and the knot at the back of your throat, too busy keeping the water from your eyes to do the same with another.
The clock marked 3 in the morning, which meant you only had 4 hours left if you wanted to rest before work. If you wanted. You weren’t sure you wanted to work tomorrow, you weren’t sure what you wanted at all. Not since that last text.
Your work at the Bank of Gotham had you busy for the last few weeks, and today you could finally get home early, free to enjoy the weekend, not that you wanted it that much. Jason had been out on a mission for three weeks now, making the extra hours at work feel like a blessing if it meant not going back to the apartment you both shared, cold without his presence. Long missions always made you worry, not knowing how he was and if he was okay. In his line of work there were always risks, you both knew it well, too well.
After changing out of your work clothes and making you dinner, you finally sat down on the couch and relaxed, keeping you busy with Netflix before going to bed. A few minutes into your second episode, your phone rang. Groaning internally, hoping it was nothing work related, you opened the message to a picture and a single question.
The force with which your hand gripped your phone you were sure was gonna break it. The message showed a photo of Jason, arm in arm with another girl, a pretty girl, walking into one of the jewelry stores on the other side of town, and the question “Is this your guy?”, right at the bottom. The text came from one of your coworkers and friends, so you were sure it wasn't just some random person trying to hurt you.
It hit you like a bucket of water. You knew Jason had friends, all kinds of friends, doing what he does is part of the job, even if sometimes his personality didn't help. So you knew about them, boys and girls he could call that, he’s talked about them. And that was the thing, you talked. Talking has always been an important part of your relationship and it wasn't just talking, it was about building trust. You always talked the truth, you had agreed on that since day one, since he decided to trust you with his secret identity, letting you choose between staying with him, or leaving, trusting you with that knowledge and that you'd keep it safe, regardless of your choice. That's why telling you everything was crucial if you were dating a vigilante, if you were dating him, being truthful with each other, which meant telling you what you needed before missions, how long he'd be out, if he could talk and if he would be going with someone, it was his way of showing you he cared, that he loved you.
And last time you talked he was still on a mission, out of Gotham, but he had assured you he was coming home before Monday, so seeing this on Friday wasn't something you could easily take.
The buzz of your phone took you out of the hole your mind was heading. Your friend had followed him inside and the photos they sent were like a stab to the heart, each digging deeper and deeper until you were sure your heart was bleeding right there. He was smiling, broad and unbashful while she was trying pieces of jewelry. And the girl, she was pretty, younger than you, her dark hair a compliment of his and her small frame made them look like a perfect pair. She looked comfortable with him, the way someone did when they knew the person, the kind that took time, or trust. You were sure you weren't the jealous type, but the way he smiled, how he seemed to be laughing with her, it reminded you so much of the way he did the same with you. The ease of their relationship, different from yours.
You couldn't finish your food after that, you went straight to your room and sat on your bed, the loneliness of your home now fitting to how you felt, which took you to now. You didn't want to believe that, not wanted to believe that, so you stayed up thinking about it, what to do, how to broach it. You needed to hear the truth from him.
Ignoring the time, you reached for your drawer, taking out the burner phone he had given you for whenever you wanted to talk when he was out.
Minutes passed before you finally pressed the calling button, each ring on par with the beat of your heart until you heard the sound of his voice as he answered.
“Hello, y/n.” The softness in his voice when he said your name was threatening to unravel the knot you were trying so hard to keep at bay.
“Hello, Jay.” your voice was barely a whisper, fearing the tears might come out if you spoke louder and make him worry. But even if you tried you couldn't keep him from noticing it.
“Is everything okay? Did something happen?” His concern was making everything harder, were it not for the photos, you would have been sure it was real.
“Nothing happened, just.., I was missing you, that's all.” You tried to keep your posture. “Hey, Jay? When are you coming back?”
“Uhmm, I'm not sure y/n. The mission with B. is taking longer than I thought, uh, I'm not really sure when I'll be back. I'm sorry.” Lies. They were all lies. He had lied to you.
“It’s fine” The control you had was breaking. “Please, stay safe.” You needed to end the call. “I love you” Now.
“I love you too, y/n”
The moment the call ended you finally broke. The one thing you promised, shattered by mere words. You cried until your throat hurt, you cried until your eyes burned and every breath came harder than the other. You cried until it was the last thing you did before falling asleep.
You called in sick the next day. You didn't want anyone to see you, and if he was really back, you didn't want to see him.
The home you had both shared now felt wrong. Its walls pressing on you, telling you how you were no longer his, no longer welcomed. You had to get out.
You took out a suitcase from the bottom of your bed. His bed now. Quickly filling it with enough things to last you until you could find a new place, for now you guessed a hotel was enough, you had enough money saved and a stable job, the only problem was getting a new place in such a short notice.
When you were sure you had everything you might need, you headed to the door. Leaving your suitcase on the floor you turned around to take a last look at the home you had both shared, now just a reminder of what you lost and what he did.
Life must not have been done playing with you, for when you opened the door, the last person you wanted to see appeared in front of you.
"Jason." His name left your lips before you could stop yourself.
"Y/n." Your name said so softly, like he couldn't believe you were really there, it had been a long time after all. He was standing before you, the smile on his face making you hurt all over gain. His fist in midair, like he was about to knock.
"Surprise?" He asked, brows furrowed looking at you and the suitcase on the floor.
"Uhm, did I miss something?"
“I'm leaving” you said, grabbing your suitcase. "I'll be back for the rest later."
"Leaving? Where?" Confusion tinged his voice.
“Look Jay, it's fine. I kno- I know you had your reasons. You just didn't know how to tell me.”
"Y/n, I don't know what you're talking about. Let's go back inside so we can talk about this." He moved, trying to get you both into the apartment. You raised a hand to stop him.
"It's fine. You don't have to do this. I already know."
"They saw you, Jason. With… her. Yesterday, remember?" The way his face paled was worse than anything.
"So what I'm saying is that I'm leaving, I don't want to interfere with anything. You are free of me. Free to do whatever you want..., or whoever you want."
"No. Y/n, let me explain. That's not… it's not like that." His voice pleading as he reached for you, making you flinch, hurt flashing on his face at that.
He took back his hand, fingers tightening into a fist at his side, stepping back. It pained you seeing him like that, but he had hurt you too.
Gathering all your resolve, you started to talk again before you lost the courage to do so.
"Not like that how, Jason? Not like you were out with someone else? Not like you lied to me about not being here yet? About how the "mission" was taking longer, while all you were doing was going around with someone else?" You huffed, shaking your head, not wanting to look at him. "All I want now, is to leave."
You pushed past him on your way out when a hand on your arm stopped you from moving further.
"Jason, let me go." You said, not daring to look back.
"No. Y/n, just…"
"Please!" You almost shouted, still not looking back.
"Y/n, look!" The tug on your arm and the tone of his voice making you turn around.
On his hand was a single blue box, the other still on your arm, keeping you from leaving.
"What is this?" Your voice wavering as you reached for it.
"Open it." Both of his hands went to his pockets as he stepped back, giving you space while you did it.
Inside the box were a pair of rings, a simple silver band and a smaller more elaborate one with a single gem in the middle. The styles were different but you could tell they were meant to be a pair.
Your confusion must have been clear on your face, as he spoke before you could ask. "It's for you. For... both of us."
Still not understanding you lifted your face to look at him, your eyes landing on his. His expression was clear on his face, he was opening to you, letting you see how vulnerable he was right now, only to you.
"Last mission made me realize how much you mean to me, and how I don't want to be apart from you." He reached to grab your hand, and this time you accepted the gesture, firmly grasping his as you touched.
"And so I hurried to finish early and came back home. I wanted it to be a surprise, that's why I didn't tell you" he rubbed at the back of his head. "But now I see how that wasn't the smartest thing to do. I know we agreed on the truth and I should've told you." He rubbed your fingers as he rushed through his words.
"I'm really sorry, y/n. Please, believe me." That last thing said so low you wouldn't have heard it if you weren't so close to him.
You pondered through his words, this was the truth, the whole truth, no cover-ups, no white lies, the pure, absolute truth. And you believed him, but the main question remained.
"And the girl… who was she?" You asked slowly.
"Ah…" he covered his face, his ears and cheeks going pink. "She's… my … sister"
You lifted a brow. There's never been a sister.
"You have a sister?"
This was the only thing you never talked about. Family was a hard topic for him, and you respected his privacy. The few things you knew were purely coincidental, occasions where you met his brothers by chance. He introduced you to them and that was that, you knew he would tell you all when he was ready, so now hearing about a sister was a bit shocking, but you understood.
"Her name is Cassandra. Cass. When I told her about you and how I felt, she offered to help me pick something for you" the fondness in his voice warming you up.
"She's not the best at words, but her actions speak a lot, I guess that's why we get along so well."
He looked at you, waiting for you to say something, anything. Instead, you placed the open box back on his hand.
"Would you help me put it on?" Relief washed over him, the smile he gave the brightest of them all. It was full of love, just like the one you gave back.
"I'm yours, y/n" he said as he slipped the ring on your finger. "Now and forever."
"And I'm yours, Jason. Always will be"
A whisper between the two. A promise you both made, sealed with a kiss.
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harrysgloves · 4 years
Three’s Company (part 2)
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Harry Styles x Reader x Florence Pugh
>>>PART ONE<<<
Story Summary: You deal with your breakup.
Word Count: 5.5k
Warnings: Language // Angst // Pretty sure I made the reader an alcoholic // oh and you know smut!! YEAH bet you didn’t think you were getting makeup sex but oh you are. (threesome so proceed with caution, thanks)
Authors Note: I got carried away... but don’t we all when it comes to them? Anyways, feedback is always wanted and deeply loved. Hope you you guys like it!! xx
"Is this color too moody?" You asked your neighbors cat that was lounging in your living room.
The midnight black ball of fur lazily blinked open his eyes long enough to croak out a "meow" before going back to sleep. Your head nodded in agreement as your 5th beer bottle of the day pressed against your lips.
"No, you're right. It's allowed to be moody." You agreed with the very large, very old, cat who always wandered over to your apartment. His owner, Ms. Thompson, gladly let you babysit him for a few days after she came to your door to find him the first night. Your blood shot, tear filled eyes when you answered the door, fully gave away the fact you'd been crying for the last few hours. 
A bowl of Tupperware with hot chicken noodle soup laid on your doorstep the next morning along with the first gorgeous bouquet of flowers. 
It had been four days since your break up with Harry and Florence. Four days of sleepless nights, alcohol filled days, and meaningless activities to keep your mind off how you were feeling.
Four vases of flowers that you couldn't bring yourself to throw away sat on your cluttered counter. The delicate petals were starting to turn brown around the edges from your lack of care. The notes on each one seemed to glare at you everytime you walked to your fridge to grab another drink.
Each one a variation of, "I'm so sorry. -H"
"When we broke up it was for totally different reasons. I wanted to raise the kids Jewish; you wanted to sleep with men." Debra Messings' voice and the horrible laugh track of 'Will and Grace' filled your lonely apartment. Your comfort show played on repeat. The same jokes, the same voices, the same fucking void in your heart.
It'd be four days and you felt like you were a second away from losing mind.
And sure, maybe, you could have called them. You could have said you overreacted and that you messed up so badly. Instant regret hit you as soon as you had walked out his door.
You'd get over it, get over them but it didn't seem to be as easy as you originally thought.
Everything reminded you of them.
"Love this one." Harry said the last time he'd spend the night with you. Your favorite record played softly in the background when he placed the needle down on it.
"Oh, this is one of my favorite episodes!" Flor cheered as she ran out of your kitchen to the living room at the sound of a 'Friends' episode starting.
"Got yeh this when I was out today." Harry handed you a dumb pen holder. A small Julius Caesar that had pens jetting out of his back.
"Take this before you freeze." Florence mumbled as she moved your blanket slightly off Harry and towards you while you all cuddled in your bed.
Everything that reminded you of them had been boxed off, separated, put away somewhere else until you could look at it again. You were left in an almost barren house that no longer felt like a home, with a cat, that wasn't even yours, sleeping on your coffee table that was littered with empty beer bottles. All while you drunkenly painted your walls at 2 in the afternoon. 
How did shit get this bad?
The sound of a knock at your door called you out of your mind. An instant sinking feeling started in your chest as you walked across the floor. The wave of alcohol that ran through your system calmed some of the nerves but not all of them.
They wouldn't show up here, right?
You could feel the sweat starting on your hand as it rested on the doorknob. Another knock came from the other side of the door made you jump in your skin. 
"You haven't answered your phone in four days! Open up!" One of your brothers yelled from the hallway as his fist pounded on your door. You rolled your eyes as you stood there debating if you could avoid him. Your plan to stay as quiet as possible quickly went to shit. 
"Y/N, do not make me call dad." Your other brother, the one who's slightly fucking scary, voice boomed through your door like it wasn't even there.
You threw your door open to the absolute shit show that was your family. All four dumbass brothers stood outside of your apartment door. All four let out a simultaneous sigh of relief before walking into your very messy apartment.
"Jesus." Jason, the youngest, breathed out when the smell of alcohol hit him right in the face. His nose scrunched as his worried eyes flashed over the room.
"Did you drink an entire liquor store?" Tommy, the one you were closest to, asked as he scanned the damage done to your living room and what the hell you'd been doing to your liver the last four days. 
"Shut up." You mumbled as you sat down on the floor, the couch was deemed unusable by you until further notice. Way, way, too many memories on that dumb thing.
Raphael's lips pursed as he studied the new living room color. He didn't even bother to hide the fact he was judging your meltdown as he turned to you.
You two were the closest in age. You were only 6 months older, and were both adopted at the same time. It definitely didn't make getting along as children necessarily easy. The both of you butted heads so much the other 3 acted more like referees than siblings. Which is why the room seemed to shift dramatically as he turned to you.
"So, you stonewall your way out of a relationship and then ignore everyone who checks on you?"
"Here we fucking go." Jack, the middle child and probably the most sensible brother groaned as he sat down cross-legged on the floor. His head rested in his hand as he stroked Marshmallow's black fur.
"Hey! We said we weren't going to bring you if you started a fight." Tommy snapped right before Jason interrupted.
"He has a point, Tomás."
"Like you haven't had your heartbroken."
"She's the one in the wrong!"
"No she isn't!"
"You can't defend her forever. She has to own up to her shit."
You groaned, your head laid back as you listened to them argue about you, right in front of you. 
There wasn't enough alcohol in the world to deal with this.
"Get out." You said as you stood from your place on the floor, all eyes darted to you as you demanded for your own space. 
"Wait, what?" Tommy asked as the rest of them looked at you like you had magically grown three heads.
"I said, get out. I'm not listening to this. You guys want to fight, go to dad's." You opened your front door, held it wide open for all of them to filter out. Each one gave a sad or sympathetic smile as they left.
"Y/N, I think you should really give them anoth-" Jack tried to reason with you before you shut the front door, hard. The slam echoed through your now quiet apartment as you stood there yet again, alone. 
Your hooded eyes stared at the same spot on your ceiling. Your back rested on the cold hardwood floor of your wrecked living room. Your head swam with a fuzziness that only happens when you spend too many days on a bender.
You were fucked and your heart, your soul, hurt in a way you didn't think was possible. 
You could feel the prick of tears starting again in your eyes as your mind ran over everything. The good times, the bad, the moment you wished you could take back.
Why did you leave that damn house? You could have at least let him explain.
You sighed as you sat up. The uncomfortable feeling of the room spinning only got worse as you shifted forward to grab the drink you'd poured earlier. The glass pressed against your dried out lips as the same laugh reel ran in the background.
Was this your life now? You wondered as you sat on that cold floor of your apartment. You used to be okay with nights like these. You used to be fine being alone.
Now, the silence felt like a stab to the gut.
Your phone that laid on the table vibrated non-stop. The worried texts of people who loved you flooded your phone, you were worried about you too but you couldn't admit it.
Why did this hurt so bad?
Was it because you'd never experienced a loss like this before?
Or was it because deep down, shut away in the corner of your mind you dared to never go to, you knew exactly how you felt about them? And it scared the shit out of you.
You gulped down the rest of your drink. Not wanting to begin the vicious cycle of why you were so quick to give up on them. Why you were so determined to leave before any explanation could be given. 
Fucking hell, you needed therapy.
Your shaky legs walked over to the TV, turning off the reruns. Your glass placed on the edge of your coffee table as you made your way to your bathroom. A hot shower would always fix everything. 
The stream of warm water pounded against your back as you sat in your bathtub. Your mind fluttered around the idea of taking a job that required you to permanently leave the country for a while. Maybe you could fall in love with a nice coast side in Italy or a small Cafe in France.
You didn't notice the sound of your front door opening or the footsteps in your apartment. Your eyes were already so heavy. The steam of the shower only made the low lullaby of sleeper louder in your mind.
Sleep and everything will be better. 
You woke up the next morning in your bed. The bright sun burned your eyes as you blinked away the foggy feeling of sleep that still lingered around you. Your brain felt like a pile of mush as you reached for the bottle of water you kept on your side table.
How did you even get to bed?
The last few days had blurred together into a muddy picture. Everything jumbled together; drinks, painting, TV, organizing your kitchen, looking at apartments in foreign countries online.
"Morning!" Your brother chirped happily as he walked into your room. 
You could have literally jumped out of your skin. You screamed, loudly, almost falling out of the bed.
"What the fuck!" 
"I came back last night and you were asleep in the shower!" He said like you were the dumb one. "A thank you would be nice."
"Why are you in my apartment?" You asked, but only received the blankest of stares back. You knew why he was here. "I don't want to hear it."
"Too bad. Obviously, you need to hear it 'cause your apartment smells like a bar and you haven't talked to anyone in almost a week." He shrugged as he sat on the edge of your bed. The black ball of fur you'd eventually have to give back to your neighbor wasn't far behind him. Small black paws circled around you before he found a place to sleep comfortably.
"This sucks." You mumbled after a bit of silence. You could tell Jack didn't want to push you. Usually, this was a thing Tommy would handle but for some reason, the tribe had sacrificed Jack to be the emotional voice of reason this time.
"You know," he said as his hand ran through Marshmallow's fur. His teeth bit the inside of his lip as he debated what to say for a second before continuing. "you could just admit you were in the wrong and go apologize. I mean, you clearly fucking regret it." 
"I don't." You answered so quickly even Marshmallow didn't believe you. His green eyes stared in lazy disbelief. "I mean I do but… I don't know, Jack. It's weird 'cause I'm so sad but… what if this never gets better? What if it's always like this? Like, we're always struggling to be a normal couple?"
"You're not a normal couple so why would you try to act like one?" 
Your eyes shot to his at the words that poured out of his mouth so carefully. You'd never thought of it that way before. Your brows furrowed as you stared back at the bed. 
Was there a chance for you to make this work with them?
"Look, Y/N, relationships are fucking hard no matter what but you can't just… walk out on people before they get a chance to hurt you."
"I didn't."
"You did. It's kind of your thing, you know?" He smiled softly to you. Not condescending or in a know it all way, in the way only a sibling could without getting smacked. "Not that it doesn't make sense but if they made you happy, maybe you should try to hear their side of it."
"When did you become the smart brother?" You teased with that wide smile across your face.
"Right after I came out of the closet." 
"Shut up." You said through a laugh. The first one you'd had in days. That weight that laid on your chest seemed to have lifted a small amount.
Maybe, just maybe, you could talk this through with them.
You stood on the same doorstep you angrily stormed across not even a week ago. The pink door that you used to love, suddenly felt like a door to the electric chair. 
Maybe you couldn't do this.
You sighed, your eyes darting back to the old Camero you loved just a little too much. Arms crossed over your chest to keep you warm as you stood in your place. You knew you couldn't go back to your apartment this quickly without getting asked questions. 
Raphael, Jack, Tomás, and Jason were all waiting for your post-breakup meltdown if this didn't go well. Each one said they'd stay with you on rotation shifts until you felt better if you needed it.
Which was sweet, but you kind of wanted to rot in silence and alcohol if this went as badly as you thought it was going to. 
Your tongue grew thick as your stomach churned. Your eyes closed as you sighed heavily, your ass plopped down on his front steps, head rested in your hands.
You didn't know where to even start when it came to talking to them. Your feelings were hurt but you shouldn't have walked out without giving them a chance to explain. You didn't want to feel like the odd man out but didn't want to broadcast your relationship. 
The whole thing was messy and complicated. You wished so hard that it'd be easy. That talking about what you felt would be easy.
But you knew it wasn't, it never was, at least not for you. You shoved all your emotions down and kept chugging along your whole life. You pretended everything was fine, even when it wasn't. Which was exactly what ended you up here in the first place.
If you would have told them sooner they would have ended the PR shit.
"Hi." The thick accent from behind you startled your thoughts for a second but you didn't turn around. Your fingers messed with the edge of the rip in your jeans as your eyes focused on the crack in his sidewalk.
"Hi." You said quietly after what felt like a full minute of silence. You heard him let out a small sigh, his feet shuffled forward until he sat down quietly beside you.
You tried to not look at him, knowing if you did you'd burst out into tears. So you stayed focused on the ground, the dead leaves that floated along the road, the grass that was getting crunchy from the cold weather. 
"Y/N, 'M-" he started but you waved your hand to get him to stop. Your head rested against his shoulder that tensed up from your touch. 
You didn't want to talk for a second, just a second. You breathed in the familiar smell of him, the cologne he always wore was faint on his skin. The sleep shirt he wore was your favorite, you realized. The blue sweatshirt always made his eyes look so beautiful.
"I missed you." You said into his shoulder. Your lips brushed against the soft fabric as you spoke. 
"'M missed yeh too." His voice cracked as he rested his cheek against the top of your head. His fingers laced through yours as you moved closer into the warmth of him. "Flor's inside if y'wanna talk."
You sighed, you knew you needed to talk, knew you had to talk about it. You just didn't want to. The feel of him being close to you again, the intoxicating smell of him near. 
Your head lifted from his sweatshirt, only to see how rough he'd been doing himself the last few days. His bloodshot green eyes had large bags under them. His scruff on his face, messy brown curls. He'd done just as bad as you.
You only caught sight of his lips for a second before saying fuck it. Talking could happen later, you'd missed him so much.
Your lips pressed against his with a force that knocked him backwards for a second but you didn't care. No, this was the most "at home" you'd felt in days.
He felt like home.
His lips molded to yours so perfectly, once he got a hold of himself. His hand slipped to the back of your neck to pull you closer to him.
Your heart felt like it was going to pound out of your chest as your lips parted, welcoming him back. 
He pulled you up with him. His hands around your waist, lips still connected with yours as he walked the pair of you inside.
You wished you could slow down the moment. The way he was holding you tightly to him, like he never wanted to let you go again. The fleeting feelings ran through your mind but they all ended the same way.
You fucking loved him, so much.
All your energy was going into not crying from your surge of emotions. The rush of adrenaline was intoxicating, your shaky hands danced in the messy tangle of his unkempt brown curls as you tried to hold onto that shred of sanity you had left. 
"I missed you." You breathed out when you came up for air. His forehead pressed against yours, his body crowded yours to the wall. "God, I fucking missed you." 
He chuckled, a slight smile on his now swollen lips but you couldn't help it. It was the only thing your brain could come up with besides how sorry you were for not giving him a chance to explain.
"Miss me any?" Her voice made you look around Harry. Her arms crossed over her chest but that hint of a smile smoothed across her lips as she leaned on the doorway that led to the entry.
"Wanna see how much I missed you both?"
Maybe this wasn't necessarily the healthiest way to deal with your problems as a couple. But at this moment you could have cared less what a therapist would say about your tendency to avoid things that were important.
You laid on your back, your legs wide open, toes digging into the mattress as Florence's tongue pressed a wide thick lick through your folds. Circling around your bundle of nerves before slipping into you. 
You would have moaned out loud, if it wasn't for the dick rammed down your throat. Your head laid off the side of the bed, your vision upside down as Harry's pulsating member slid down your open and waiting mouth. His hand around your neck, squeezing himself.
"Missed fuckin' yeh throat, pup." He groaned out as his hips snapped against your spit soaked face. He backed out long enough for you to catch your breath before shoving his way back in. Your abused throat would hate you for this in the morning but right now you didn't care.
"Feel good, baby?" Flor asked as her finger curved inside of you, hitting that sweet spot that always made your eyes roll back. She didn't have to ask if it felt good, she knew it did, she just wanted the bragging rights of who gave you the better orgasm of the night.
Harry's member pulled out of your throat. You tried your best to catch your breath as he crouched down to your level. His hands doing the best they could to wipe away all the saliva that ran down your cheeks. Playful green eyes met yours.
"Gonna cum, sweetheart?" He asked even though he really didn't need to. The sound of your moans alone was enough to tell you were close.
"Mhm." Was all you managed to get out, your hands threaded through Florence hair as her mouth joined her fingers. Your eyes closed as you got closer to your high, your skin raised in goosebumps as she did that fucking flicking, swirl, of her tongue that always did you in.
"Good, 'm gonna make you cum harder than that." Harry's words faded in your mind as that crashing sensation washed you away. 
Florence scoffed as her head lifted from between your legs. The back of her hand wiped your juices away as she rolled her eyes at Harry.
"Good fucking luck trying to top that one." 
"Guys," you groaned, your hand over your eyes. "Supposed to be makeup sex, not a competition." 
"Can be both." Harry mumbled under his breath, quietly, but you still caught it. Your eyes glared at him as you turned around on the bed.
"Shut up." You mumbled as you reached forward, your hands around his neck as you brought him up to your level. Your mouth enveloped his quickly to stop the argument.
You pulled him onto the bed with you two. His knees hitting the edge before climbing up the rest of the way as your tongue took control of this kiss. It didn't happen often but when it did you ran with the opportunity. His mouth following your lead until you pulled away slightly, your teeth catching his bottom lip softly causing him to moan.
"Fuck," he cursed as you pulled away that sweet smile on your face like you didn't know that he loved that.
Florence came behind the pair of you, her lips pressed against your shoulder, up your neck, small love bites left here and there before she took the chance to kiss you when Harry pulled away. Her hands pulled on your waist, tugging you down to the bed to lay on your back.
"Ready?" She asked as Harry stroked himself, the nod of your head was all he needed to hoist your legs up. His pulsing tip ran through your folds as you reached for Florence, your arms wrapped around her thighs as you pulled her down on your mouth.
Harry continued to tease your opening. His tip slipping in and out of you easily as your tongue ran rapid through Florence's pussy. Her wetness was almost to the point of dripping down your face. You groaned as you pulled her by her thighs down harder onto you as your tongue circled into her hole. Fuck, you missed her taste. 
You heard the sounds of their kissing, her moans, before he finally pushed his way into you. Your walls clinging around him immediately, pulling him closer into you, making him hiss lowly.
"Jesus, she always so fuckin' tight." His hands embedded themselves into your thighs as he held you open for him. His fingers pulled back the lips of your pussy briefly before you felt Florence shift forward, her core off your mouth as her tongue circled your clit.
Your loud, unabashed moans filled the room. Your mind clouded with nothing but desire and lust, barely functioning at all. Thoughts weren't making sense, you were going based on instinct when your fingers slipped into her cunt that was inches in front of your face.
Harry's grunt and groans as he fucked into your tight cave halted for a moment, his erection pulled out of you briefly. The unmistakable sounds of your girlfriend choking on your boyfriends cock filled the room.
You moaned at the sound, your core clenched as your fingers finally twisted into the right angle. Her velvet walls pulled you in as she tried her best to keep breathing around Harry's thick member.
"Fuck, keep doing that." He panted, accent thick, voice deep with pleasure as you hit that spot in her again. A flood of her arousal coated your fingers as she let out another loud moan, her body slacked on top of you as Harry pulled out of her throat. 
You weren't prepared for when he thrusted himself back into you. Your moan cracked as you gripped tightly onto Florence's thighs. 
"Told yeh I was gonna make you cum harder." He mumbled as Florence let out a laugh. She rolled over to lay beside you, her lips lazily kissing yours the best they could through Harry's rough thrusts into you.
"Make her cum harder than I did and you can cuddle her tonight." Florence smirked, her hands ran over your hair as you pouted.
"Hey! I wanted to cuddle both of you." Your head shot off the bed as you glared at the both of them, who were both very very clearly taking their competition too far.
Leave them alone for four days and you come back to them acting like children.
"Tomorrow night, sweetheart. I got somethin' prove." Harry smiled as he leaned down to you, his lips capturing yours before you could protest, a roll of his hips had you moaning.
Maybe this bet wasn't that bad.
"Yeah, proving I'm better." Florence scoffed again, adding fuel to the fire as her hand leisurely traveled between her legs. A soft moan passed through her lips as Harry basically growled at her through his teeth.
You rolled your eyes at her as she gave you a shrug and a smile. His length pulled out of you again as he lifted you up, switching you over to be on top of him.
He was pushed back into you in less than a second, his hands grasping the round flesh of your ass tightly as he leaned you forward into his chest. His legs pushed himself upwards, hitting your sweet spot every single time.
You were thankful he pulled you into his chest. Your moans rolled easily as his hands dug deeper into your skin, you were teetering on the edge with in minutes. His gruff groans as his sensitive pulsating member pushed into you only added fuel to the fire. 
"Come 'ere, baby." He said as he slowed down his punishing pace his hand left your bum, fingers slipped into Florence's mouth for only a few seconds before finding their way back to you.
The pressure from his finger prodding into your back hole had your eyes rolling in the back of your head. The deep, low, sound that resonated in the bottom of your chest had a smug grin on Harry's face.
He knew he'd won.
His finger and along with his cock fucked into you until you could hardly register your own name. You could feel your heart beating in your core, your nipples so sensitive you could barely stand to have them brush against his own chest. 
Harry hummed as you seemed to lose yourself in the feeling of your mounting high. Florence's hand between her legs, stroking herself faster as her lips pressed to Harry's.
You felt a pressure in your stomach you'd never felt before, building and building, ready to bust any second. You didn't even have time to warn him when you felt the dam release. Your head floated in the clouds as your juices ran down him, soaking the bed.
"Well, fuck, I've never made her do that." Florence mumbled after Harry's final thrust into you. His gloating laugh filled the room as you laid limp.
"Told yeh so." He cooed as his hand ran down your back in soothing circles. Florence kissed softly on your shoulder, your arm, wherever until your eyes finally focused on her.
"You okay?" She asked as she brushed away the hair that was stuck to your face.
"Mhm, wanna sleep." You whined, your head pressed into Harry's shoulder tightly as you felt him soften inside of you. Your hips shifted to move off him but his hand quickly pressed your ass down again.
"Go to sleep, darlin'." He kissed the top of your head before he nuzzled into your. Florence arm wrapped around the both of you as Harry opened one arm for her to cuddle into his side. 
"Mornin', sweetheart." Harry hummed as he rounded the corner to his kitchen. A quick kiss placed on Florence's lips before he picked up the cup of tea she already had made for him.
"Morning." She mumbled into her cup. Her legs pulled up beside her as she sat on the counter. 
"Wot's wrong?" He paused before taking a sip, his eyes studying her as she sighed.
"It's just…" she stared at the coffee pot that hadn't been used in a week. The steaming brown liquid dripped into the vessel below it. She sighed, shaking her head. "I woke up this morning and the first thing I did was make sure she didn't leave again." 
Harry's eyes softened, his hand ran through her hair, lips pressed to her forehead. Trying his best to comfort her which is what he tried, and usually failed, at doing all week long.
"We'll talk to her, okay?"
Flor nodded her head, her lips pressed to his one last time as they heard the door to the bedroom creak open. A shirt you'd taken out of Harry's closet hit your knees as you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes.
"Morning." You said as you gave both of them a kiss, your eyes more trained to the pot of delicious coffee than either one of their faces.
"Y/N?" Florence asked as you poured your first cup, the smell wafting into your senses had your knees almost buckling. 
"Yeah, baby?" You asked without turning around. The glass pressed to your swollen lips from all of last nights kissing, the warm mug felt like a relief to them.
"Can, uhm," she started, you finally turned around to see her looking uncomfortable. Her tongue wet her lips, eyes glanced to Harry before she continued. "can we talk, you know… about everything now?" 
"Right, yeah of course, we should… just-" You could feel the nerves pit in your stomach growing as you nodded towards the table. The three of you sat in your usual chairs, your usual mugs in your hands, but it wasn't an usual morning.
No, now you actually had to talk about what was bothering you.
"Right." Harry said, hoping to get the conversation started with already but the room was dead silent.
"Right." You repeated mostly to fill the awkward silence that was growing thicker in the room by the second. You could feel your ears rushing, the room was so quiet. No TV to drown out the weird atmosphere, no music to cover up the fact you had to talk about what happened.
"So, I guess 'm gonna start." Harry said after he glanced at the both of you two, seeing he was going to have to get the ball rolling on this whole thing.
"Yeh know 'm really, really, sorry 'bout the Gemma stuff. I was gonna tell her the next week after the last interview but she decided to come in early and surprise me." Your lips rolled in your mouth as you listened to him. You knew the whole time you sat in your apartment, drunk, that a version of this was what happened. "And I didn't want yeh to get hurt and 'm so sorry it seemed like I was hiding yeh away from people."
You could feel the start of tears in your eyes. You sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down from a blubbering meltdown that was about to happen. Which you might have been able to avoid if his hand didn't wrap itself around yours from across the table.
"Just," you sighed, your hand squeezed his as you tried to wipe away the tears that rolled down your cheek. "Just, I should have said it was bothering me before it got to that point and I'm sorry I didn't and I blew up then walked out."
"It's okay." Florence said softly, her other hand laced through your free one. "But… maybe, we should agree to talk about stuff a bit more."
"Yeah, think that would probably be good." Harry agreed as he scooted forward in his chair, his hand wiped away the rest of your tears. "So, yeh gonna stay, right?"
You smiled up to him, your hand laced tighter through Florence's fingers as you nodded your head.
Yeah, you think you'd stay with them.
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Swiss Ghoul (Ghost) 18+
I realized a while ago that I always shoulder shimmy whenever I hear a song with a particularly good beat (usually Hispanic music lol), so it was about time I wrote something about Multi.
Warning: The reader has night terrors. I don’t have night terrors myself, so I apologize if I portray it incorrectly! +SMUT.
Edit: I’m adding smut at the end of this...don’t know why. This would be the first time writing something so explicit. So, 18+ 18+ 18+!!!
Every night, you’d get these horrible night terrors.
It started when you were a young, after your parents died. You’d always cry or scream in your sleep. You went to the church’s Priestess for help, but she told you that there was nothing she could do. You prayed to your lord every night, hoping that he could take away your suffering. He never answered.
Eventually, almost a week of screaming every night, it was decided to move your room to the most secluded part of the abbey. You didn’t blame them. You were sure you’d get tired of listening to your screams every night too.
You knew everyone felt sorry for you, but you didn’t need their pity. You just wanted one good nights sleep...was that too much to ask?
In your room, no human could hear your screams. No human. But unfortunately, the Ghouls could. Curse their super hearing...
The Ghouls didn’t have to tell you that they could hear you, you could tell by the way they looked at you with pitiful stares every time you’d pass them in the halls in the mornings. You felt so embarrassed... 
The worst part for you was everyone in the abbey treating you like you were made of glass. You had lived with night terrors for so long now that you knew how to make sure that you didn’t get hurt. You did not need their help with that.
After one practically awful incident, you grew more and more careful of how you slept. It was when you were living in foster care, about a year after your parents died. You had already dealt with the night terrors, but that night, you got hurt. You don’t usually remember what happens when you have these episodes, but your foster parents told you that you flailing around so hard that you fell off your bed, hitting your head on the bedside table in the process.
You had to deal with the risk of getting concussions after that, and ever since you’d make sure to wherever you slept was basically safe enough for a child.
After becoming a Sister of Sin, the night terrors mellowed out for a while, but it didn’t last.
You sighed, pushing your fork around, some scrambled eggs and a sausage being the only thing left on your plate. You looked around the mess hall, it was pretty empty. You were usually one of the first ones to arrive for breakfast since you rarely got your full eight hours.
Even if the night terrors were detrimental to your sleep, you were still thankful you didn’t remember them. But ever since you got hurt, you’ll admit, you’ve been afraid of sleeping. Nowadays, you get about four or five hours every night at the most.
You suddenly think back to a psychology class where your teacher said that lack of sleep can cause early deaths and heart attacks...oh well.
“Good morning, Y/N!” Swiss’ voice called out, making you drop your silverware in shock.
“Morning.” You sighed and yawned.
“Sleep well?” He asked, making you glare at him. He grinned nervously, knowing full well of your predicament. “Bad joke? Sorry...”
Being annoyed, you still chuckle. “It’s alright.”
“Gonna eat that?” He asked, pointing at your neglected eggs and sausage.
You smiled weakly, and pushed the plate over to Swiss. “Knock yourself out.”
Swiss licked his lips in anticipation, a puddle of drool already pooling on the table. He grabbed your previously held fork and stabbed it into the greasy piece of meat. He lifted up the impaled sausage and brought it to his mouth, only to bite the bitter metal of the fork.
Swiss whined and looked around for the culprit of his stolen breakfast, only to see Dewdrop already scoffing it down. “Hey! That was mine!” Swiss fussed.
Dewdrop grinned and sucked off the leftover grease that coated his fingers. “You don’t eat sausage with a fuckin’ fork. You were basically asking for it to be stolen.”
“Civilized Ghouls use their manners!” Swiss growled.
“Swiss, when has Dewy ever been civilized?” You chuckled, making Dewdrop narrow his eyes at you.
“I told you not to call me that, brat.” He growled.
“Ha! You’re calling me a brat?!” You laughed loudly.
“You wanna meet your maker early?!” Dewdrop shouted.
“Ugh, children. Stop fighting!” Aether said suddenly, sitting down beside you, opposite of Swiss, making you feel quite protected from Dew’s empty threats.
“She started it!” Dewdrop pointed a sharp claw at you.
“If you wanna get technical, it actually Swiss that started it.”
“What?!” Swiss squeaked.
Dewdrop suddenly grinned evilly. “You know what, you’re absolutely right.” He said, Swiss immediately begging for his life before Dewdrop tackled him to the floor.
You and the rest of the Ghouls watched in amusement as Dewdrop and Swiss wrestled each other on the floor, Aether enjoyed his breakfast while watching the show.
“Hey! Hey!” 
You all looked to see Sister Imperator storming towards the group, a spray bottle in hand. She quickly sprayed a still fighting Dew and Swiss with water, forcing them to break apart.
“You Ghouls are supposed to be at practice soon! Copia is gonna waiting!”
The Ghouls suddenly remember that they had to go on tour soon, frowning when they had to leave you alone. But shooed them off anyway, you didn’t want to be the cause of their possible punishments for blowing off work.
“We’ll hang out later, okay?” Swiss smiled at you, showing his pearly white teeth, water still dripping off his silver mask.
You nodded and smiled, but frowned as soon as his back turned and headed off to the studio where they usually practiced. “Y/N,” Sister Imperator said, “can I talk to you?”
You held your breath for a moment, nervous about the grim look on her face, but you answered anyway. “Yes, of course, Sister.”
Sister took a seat where Aether previously sat, and put a gentle hand on your shoulder. “Your terrors haven’t stopped.” She stated.
You furrowed your eyebrows. “H-how...?”
“The Ghouls.” She answered. “They haven’t been getting much sleep lately. The band is suffering because of this. They just can’t focus on their music due to lack of sleep.”
You looked down embarrassed. “Sister...I’m-”
“I know it’s not your fault, dear. But...” She sighed. “It needs to stop or else they won’t be tour ready.”
Your heart almost stopped. “...are you kicking me out?” You almost cried.
“No, no, no!” She said. “Not permanently.” You nodded tearfully. “It would only be until they go on tour, dear. I promise. It’s just...they need their sleep to get the most out their practice time.”
“I understand.” You said, your voice barely passing a whisper.
“You won’t be homeless. We’ve already set up a living arrangement with a member of the church that’ll be happy to house you for awhile. Okay?”
“When do I leave?”
“Anytime tomorrow.”
You bit your lip to keep it from trembling. “Okay...I’ll go pack now if that’s okay with you Sister.” You said and got up without waiting for an answer.
You dug your nails into the soft material of your habit, willing yourself not to break down on your way to your room.
The waterworks started flowing at soon as you closed your door, throwing yourself onto the familiar comforting feeling of your bed, remembering that you wouldn’t have this bed until you got back.
It made you cry for hours, until you fell asleep...
You suddenly gasped awake, quickly trying to escape the claustrophobic feeling you felt around you. “Hey, hey, hey...shh...” You heard.
You looked up, and quickly realized who the voice belonged to. “Swiss...” You smiled, but Swiss didn’t smile. He looked worried. “What?”
You tried to sit, finding it difficult when you suddenly felt a sharp pain in the palms of your hands and forearms. You hissed in pain and looked at your arms. They were covered in scratches, and your palms had deep crescent shaped indents in them, all bleeding.
“Y/N...” Swiss frowned. “We got to take you to the infirmary.”
“No, no.” You groaned. “It’s okay. I have a first aid kit in my closet. Bottom shelf, I think.”
Swiss immediately rummaged through your closet and pulled out the kit, bringing it over to you as you sat up. “Does this happen often?” He asked while take out some antibiotic ointment.
You sighed. “Not really. I usually don’t hurt myself...it hasn’t happened in a long time.”
“I didn’t know it could get this bad...” Swiss gently took your arm, uncapping the tube. “I’m sorry.”
You smiled. “It’s not your fault. If anything, I’m the one who’s sorry.”
Swiss briefly gave you a confused look, continuing to treat your self inflicted wounds. “What do you mean?”
“Sister...she told me I’ve been keeping you all awake because of...my screaming. You Ghouls have always had better hearing than humans.” You laughed nervously.
Swiss’ eyes darkened. “She told you that?”
You nodded. “Practice hasn’t been going very well for you guys.”
Swiss sighed and shook his head, starting to wrap your hands with gauze. “I...yeah, it’s true. But it’s not your fault!”
“You’ve lost sleep because of me! How is that not my fault?”
“You can’t control what you do in your sleep, Y/N.”
“I have to leave tomorrow.” Your statement made Swiss halt his actions. “I have to stay at a Clergy member’s house until the band goes back on tour.”
“Fuck that.” Swiss suddenly said, making you blink in shock. “I’m not letting you leave.”
You chuckled bitterly. “It’s not like you have a choice.”
“I don’t care. You don’t deserve to be kicked out, even if it’s temporary. because of something you can’t control. I will go on strike, hell, all of us will.”
“Swiss...” You tried to scold, the determination in his voice making it hard for you to crush his hopes.
“Nope. Shut up.”
“Swiss.” You laughed.
“I’ll talk to Sister Imperator. I’ll convince her to let you stay.” Swiss said, looking you in the eyes. “Okay?”
You sighed in defeat. “...okay.”
Swiss finally finished treating your wounds, and put the first aid kit back in the closet. “Move over.” He ordered when he got back over to your bed.
You were confused but listened anyway. “What time is it?” You asked.
“Hmm, about ten.” He said and sat beside you.
You frowned. “You should probably leave then.”
“No, I’m staying with you.” Swiss said, making you blush. “If you want that it. Maybe it’ll sleep better?”
“Swiss, I don’t wanna hurt you.”
Swiss giggled. “I don’t know if you remember, but I’m a Ghoul babe. You’d have to be really freaking strong to even leave a scratch on me.”
You giggled. “Okay then. Fine.” You said and snuggled up against Swiss, finding his muscular body quite comfortable.
“I’ll make sure you don’t hurt yourself again.” You heard him whisper before his warmth lulled you into a deep sleep.
The next morning, you woke up still in Swiss’ arms. You found it surprising that you hadn’t scared him away. You looked up to see a sleeping Swiss. His mask was slightly crooked, showing a tiny bit of skin underneath. You smiled when you heard his soft snores. You always found him adorable.
But you frowned, remembering that you had to leave the abbey today...you had to leave Swiss.
You reached up and gently poked his jaw, him groaning in reply. “Hmm?”
“It’s morning.” You said softly, looking back towards your window that had sunrays shining through.
“Oh, really?” Swiss yawned, finally opening his eyes to look at you. “Guess what?”
“What?” You smiled.
“You didn’t scream in your sleep.” He smiled.
“Really?” You almost shouted, making Swiss wince slightly.
“Mhm, you didn’t even more around that much. You mumbled a little, but other than that, you pretty much slept like a baby.”
“Huh...that’s odd. I mean, it’s great but still, kinda odd. That doesn’t usually happen. I guess that means the others Ghouls finally got some sleep too.” You laughed.
“Oh, don’t worry about them. You should be focusing on yourself.” Swiss snuggled into your neck, the cold metal raising goosebumps all over your body.
“I have to leave today...” You frowned. Swiss stayed silent, not loosing his grip on you. “Swiss...”
“I told you I’d take care of it.” Swiss said, slightly muffled. You sighed and decided to sit up, making Swiss groan. “No, come back.”
“I have start packing.” You started to get up but Swiss grabbed your wrist, pulling you back down and looking at you with an intense glare.
“I told you, I’d take care of it.” Swiss said and stood up. “Stay here. Don’t fucking leave.” He ordered.
You rolled your eyes and fake saluted him. “Yes, sir.”
As soon as Swiss left your room, you started packing your suitcase. It’s not like you didn’t trust Swiss’ abilities to talk his way out of any problem, but talking to Sister Imperator was a whole other thing. She wasn’t one to take anyone’s shit, so that was worrying.
You didn’t exactly know how Swiss was going to try to convince Sister, but you hoped he could anyway.
Meanwhile, Swiss gathered up his fellow Ghouls and explained the situation. Dewdrop made the mistake of joking around that he wouldn’t mind if you left, making Aether slap the back of the head.
But they all agreed to help out, quickly going to Sister Imperator and successfully convincing her to let you stay.
You however decided to change out of your habit, not really thinking you’d have the need to wear it in your new temporary home. It felt like you were being put in foster care all over again...
You swiftly removed your habit, neatly folding it and placing it on your dresser. You picked some comfortable clothes and briefly wondered if you should take a shower. But before you decided, Swiss barged in through the door without knocking.
You squeaked and quickly got underneath your bed covers, hiding your half naked form. But it was too late, Swiss was already wearing a smirk. “Oh, learn to knock, will ya!” You blushed furiously.
“Sorry.” He laughed. Yeah, he obviously wasn’t sorry.
As if he wanted to make you more embarrassed, he sauntered over and sat in front of you. “Swiss...” You whined and sighed.
Swiss smiled, looking over to your open suitcase and frowned. “You were packing?”
“...uh, yeah.”
“I talked to Sister Imperator. She said you could stay.” He said, still frowning.
But you grinned. “Oh my...wow, really?! That’s...Swiss, I don’t know how you did it, but thank you! I’d totally hug you right now, but well, you know.” You giggled nervously.
“Y/N...” Swiss said lowly. “Didn’t I say that I’d take care of it?”
“Uh, um...” You stuttered, suddenly nervous by Swiss’ gaze.
“Use your words, babe.”
“Uh, yeah. You did say that.” You sighed.
Swiss moved closer to you and placed a gentle hand on your knee. “So, why is it that you’re packed, huh? Did you not have faith in me?” He pouted.
“N-no...I didn’t have faith that Sister would be convinced.” You chuckled.
“Hmm, I suppose I can understand that.” Swiss said, moving even closer to you and placing his hand on your cheek. “Guess you’re stuck with me now, huh?” He smiled.
You suddenly became aware of how close he was to you when you felt his warm breath on your face. He would not stop looking into your eyes. You glanced down at his lips, feeling the urge to taste them.
Swiss smiled and leaned in, the cold metal of his mask hitting your face first then his soft lips.
You almost moaned at the pleasant feeling. You always had a soft spot for the charismatic Ghouls, now, you were finally his.
Slowly but surely, you started to feel the fabric of your duvet slid off your body. “Is this okay?” Swiss whispered.
You nodded rapidly, wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders.
As soon as you gave consent, Swiss ripped off your coverings. Moving closer to you, he rubbed his large hands up and down your thighs. You could already feel yourself become slick with excitement.
Swiss brought a hand up to your underwear, delicately moving the article of clothing out of the way. You gasped when his cold fingers started moving in between your folds. “You’re so wet for me already, babe?” He grinned beautifully.
Swiss then inserted a finger into you, pumping in and out at a rate that made your head spin. You panted and tangled your fingers into his hair, placing the other hand on his bicep to try and steady yourself.
You moaned in pleasure when Swiss added another finger, then rubbing tight circles on your aching clit with his thumb. “Fuck, Swiss...”
Feeling a little guilty that you were getting all the pleasure, you brought your hand down from his head to palm his hardening length through his pants. “Eager, are we, Y/N?” Swiss groaned, throwing his head back slightly and chuckled.
With Swiss’ consistent pressure on your clit, you felt yourself getting closer and closer to the edge. Quick shocks of intense pleasure making your body jolt occasionally. “Swiss...I’m gonna-”
Swiss quickly pulled his hand away, making you whine and almost let out a sob at the loss of contact. He grinned and brought his hand up, licking and sucking you off his fingers. “Can’t have you cumming just yet, babe.”
Swiss stood up from the bed to remove his clothes, taking off his briefs released his throbbing cock, a bead of precum already leaking out of the tip. He then hovered above you, placing himself in between your legs. “Again, you sure about this, babe?” He asked softly.
You almost groaned in frustration. “Yes, Swiss, I’m sure. Now please just fuck me!” You begged.
Swiss quickly obliged, thrusting up into you with a snap of his hips, not worrying about getting you to adjust to his size since you were already so prepared. You moaned loudly, finally feeling him stretching you out. “You feel so good.” Swiss moaned.
Swiss kept up a steady pace, his length hitting all the right places.
From already being so close to your release from his fingers before, you could feel the knot building up inside you once again. “Swiss, I’m so close.” You stuttered.
Swiss nodded and picked up the pace, close to his release as well. He thrusted into you fast and hard, making your tits bounce and your head close to hitting up against the wall. His mouth pouring out delicious moans every time he felt you clench around him.
You soon felt that familiar sensation flow throughout your entire body. The knot in you finally snapping, causing waves of ecstasy to burn through you like lava. You moaned loudly, eyes tearing up and your vision becoming hazy as you rode out your orgasm.
Swiss’ thrusts became sloppy, chasing and finally catching up to you in reaching his own climax. The shots of his warmth filling you up, making you moan in unison with him.
Swiss pulled out of you with a huff, throwing himself beside you and soon wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “Wow...that was-”
“Fuckin’ amazing.” You giggled.
I came up with a really dumb, cheesy title for a Multi Ghoul story. “Shimmying his way into my heart.” But I have no idea what to write to fit that title😂
Also, that was my first time writing smut so I’m sorry if it sucked. The cringeeeeeee 🙈
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btsmakesmehappy · 4 years
Sweet Scent | 4
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Genre: Agent au. Colleague au. Mutual pining. Angst with Fluff at the end
Pairing: Agent!Jungkook x Forensic Doctor!reader
Word Count: 10k
Rating: 18+ (M)
Warning: reader feels a little insecure. reader is held on a gun point. (Not too explicit) violence. Guns. Reader and JK are hurt. Angsty with fluffly ending. I think it’s all? (Please tell me if I miss something!)
Chapter: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | completed
Summary: Why does he always look so nervous in front of you? Is it because of your excessive flirting? But how come you don’t tease him when he looks so incredibly cute every time he blushes?
Series Masterlist: The Company
A/N: Thank you for @arizonapoppy for betareading mine. You’re the best! Also the next part (sequel/drabble) will be posted next year just so the timeline makes more sense. So the next update will be the other member <3 Hope you enjoy!
Send an ASK if you want to be added in the taglist!
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A knock on the door made you turn your head in confusion. You’re not expecting anyone right now. It’s almost nine o’clock in the night, and the building should be emptied by now, it’s past the office-hours.
Maybe a new case?
With the thought of that, your smile was beaming. You rose from the chair quickly and walked to the door. It’s the person behind the door that made you thank God that you decided to stay late at the Company.
Jeon Jungkook.
It’s been a month since you saw him in the firing range. You’re hoping to meet him again somewhere in the building, especially the cafeteria (because there is some information that you’d find him there), but you’ve never got the chance. The funniest thing was the other colleagues always found him there, except you. It’s just like destiny didn’t want you to meet him.
You believed in destiny. You believed in the universe.
You believed in the fall-in-love -at-the-first-sight. You believed in there’s sparks when you grazed someone's hand. You believed in the fallen books when you bumped the one in the corner of the street. You believed in the stranger sitting beside you on the plane while you’re travelling.
But unluckily for you, that’s never happened.
Still, you tried to believe in destiny, hoping to get some of it in your life.
After a month sitting in the cafeteria, waiting to bump a certain someone there, you’re getting tired of waiting for destiny. Well, even though you’d met him, would you still call it destiny? Weren’t you forcing it?
Which is why, it’s so weird how the universe just sent him to you that day. The day when you skipped washing your hair for the four days because you overslept and you’d tie it into a bun anyway. The day when your eyebrow pencil suddenly went missing. The day when you ate tomato pasta and dropped it on your shirt, leaving your white shirt with a huge red stain on the chest.
Why should it be that day?
Maybe the universe hated you.
“Y/N, right?”
His voice rang like a church bell, ringing through your ears and shaking your entire body. It’s almost magical that he sounded like an angel, and you longed him.
You couldn’t remember how long you looked at him, as his face turned red and uncomfortable. “He-Hello?” He timidly asked.
You shook your head quickly, “Ah, sorry. What can I do for you?” You opened the door widely as you gestured to him to come inside.
But Jungkook stayed in his spot, outside the doorway. He lowered his head to look at the paper in his hand, refusing to look at your eyes. “I need a report from the Ahn case.”
You crossed your arms over your chest, leaning to the door frame. “About that, I don’t think it will be done by tomorrow. As you know Doctor Lee is still sick, so there’s no one to finalize the report.”
Jungkook bites his lips and sighed. “Yeah, I heard. Can you just- you know what, nevermind. Thank you.”
He bowed to you slightly and walked away. Even his body was that bulky, you could see how tired he was from behind. And somehow it hit a soft spot in your heart.
And maybe, you just wanted to be with him.
“Hey!” You yelled, he turned his back to you in confusion. “Do you want to see the report for a bit?”
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Three days.
Three days you rejected every call from Jungkook. Three days you ignored all the knocks at the door from him. Three days you deleted all the messages he sent without even reading them. Three days.
And by Friday, you’re back to work, only because your days off are over. And unfortunately for you, Jungkook knows it too. It’s about time for you two to meet each other. It’s about time for you to stop avoiding him.
So, on that same day, you wake earlier than usual, leaving your apartment earlier than usual, but still go to work as late as you can. You hide at the bakery near the Company, eating a chocolate croissant, drawing it out by pulling it into flakey pieces, procrastinating.
You still can’t meet him yet. You don’t want to.
You walk as fast as you can to the elevator when you arrive at the Company. You look left and right as you tap your foot impatiently, waiting for the elevator. This elevator is taking so long.
You tense as you hear your name, looking timidly to the source of the voice. Please don’t be Jungkook, please. And when you look at the man standing behind you, you sigh in relief. “Hey, Jimin. What’s up?”
“How are you doing? Why do you look so pale? See a ghost?” Jimin asks while resting his arm on your shoulder.
You laugh awkwardly. “Ah really? Maybe just from the lack of sleep.”
He looks at you weirdly. “You literally had days off, why did you have a lack of sleep?”
You clear your throat, there is no way you would tell him about what happened and how it bothered your sleep so much. How his best friend and colleague is the reason for your tiredness. “Just some Netflix. Catching some dramas.”
“Really? What drama did you watch?” He asks excitedly.
“Uhh. Itaewon Class?” You let it slip your mouth. You don’t even know what the drama is about, only heard the title from Sehun a week ago.
Jimin looks at you with widened eyes and takes a step backward. “Well, I shouldn’t be too close with you then. I don’t want to be spoiled. I haven’t watched all of the episodes.”
You smile. “Yeah, maybe you shouldn’t.” In the corner of your eyes you can see a familiar man walking to both of you, a man that you want to avoid. Somehow in the middle of a busy lobby, your eyes were still drawn to Jungkook. He still doesn’t see you, which is good news. Checking the elevator, you hiss softly because it is still on the eleventh floor. Too long. “Anyway, I’m gonna have a call first. See you later!” You walk away from Jimin, without spending another glance. You need to get out of there, fast.
You still can’t see him yet.
Lucky for you, you decided to wear sneakers today. At least you can run four flights of stairs without being afraid of sprained ankles.
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“Hey Kook!” Jimin calls and waves excitedly. “Overslept?”
Jungkook smiles weakly. “You can say that.” Lie. In fact, he woke up earlier than usual and he went to your apartment, and after two hours of waiting in front of your apartment like a persistent stalker, he finally realized that you’d already left the apartment. But Jimin doesn’t need to know that.
Jimin nods in understanding. “Oh, you know who’s come back to the Company? Y/N! Apparently her days off have ended. Actually, she was here just now.”
“Really?” Jungkook asks with widened eyes. “Where is she now?”
Jungkook’s reaction catches Jimin off-guard. The way Jungkook finally shows some interests in you, makes Jimin happy. “Well.. She said that she’s calling someone. You know, since you can’t have a phone call inside the elevator. But I don’t know where she is.”
Jungkook looks around him, but he still can’t find you. A thought drifts into his head, that you saw him and still didn’t want to meet him. And with that thought, he feels a stab in his heart.
Jungkook, you’re so stupid. You’re drunk stupid.
He wants to hit himself. Oh, he would if he can, especially in front of you. Not that he wants to show off or something, he just wants you to know how terrible and bad he feels about what he’s done. He even swore himself that he won’t get drunk ever again.
You stupid drunk jerk.
Even if you wanted to see him, what should he say? He hasn’t thought about it, and yet he called, messaged, and came to your apartment for three days in desperation.
“Kook?” Jimin asks warily. “Are you okay?”
Jungkook shakes his head. “Ah. yes. I’m okay.”
Jimin sends a mischievous smile to Jungkook. “You want to run after Y/N, don’t you?” he asks as the elevator finally arrives at their floor.
Jungkook looks at his feet and decides to step into the elevator. If she still doesn’t want to see me, there’s no point for me to force her. “Nah. I don’t want to.”
How he wants to see you so much. So damn much it’s hurting him.
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“Well-well, who’s there?” Sehun turns his chair to see you, still controlling your breath in front of the door. ”Why are you out of breath?”
“Stairs.” You roll your eyes as you wipe the beads of sweat forming on your forehead. You really need to work out sometimes, not just sitting and living a sedentary lifestyle.
He raises one of his eyebrows. “The elevator is broken?”
You shake your head weakly and sit on your chair. “Just need a little exercise.”
Sehun squints at your face and hums, realizing something is not right about you. “How are you? Okay?”
You nod and sigh. “Yeah.” You send him a weak smile. You look at your desk, it’s clean but you can still see the horrible image burned in your mind. It’s kinda hard for you to just delete it from your memory. Besides, it happened less than a week ago.
“Oh, I also finished your report. I was thinking that at least we should send an actual report, even though the investigation fell apart. What do you think?”
“What? I’m sorry. What are we talking about?” you ask, looking lost.
Sehun sends an assuring smile. “This report. We should send it to the agents. Don’t you think?”
You fiddle the corner of your shirt. “Yeah, I think we should.”
“You want to give it to them?” Sehun asks again. You bite your lips, your mind wanders. Seeing your sudden silence, Sehun rises from his seat and taps your shoulder lightly. “Actually, just stay here. I’ll take it to them.”
You watch his back disappearing from your sight. Again, you’re alone in this office. This office, your second home, but you barely feel comfortable sitting here. The scent of coffee you usually make every day is absent, since Sehun never drinks coffee in the office. You only detect the lemon scent from the air refresher in the corner. It’s supposed to be relaxing but instead, it makes your heart beat rapidly.
You feel sad.
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Jungkook sighs again at his desk for God knows how many times. And everytime he sighs, it is just getting louder.
It begins to irritate the other agents around him. Especially since they haven’t been assigned to another case yet. To them, The Case of The Young Man in Distress, is their new case, and it somehow excites them.
Hoseok steals a glance at Taehyung and Jimin, sending signals right then and there. After they nod, they roll their chairs closer to Jungkook’s desk. “What’s up with you, Kook?” Hoseok starts.
Jungkook stares at the screen of his laptop, hands continually moving his mouse without any intention. “I’m fine.”
Taehyung snorts. “No, you’re not. Tell us what happened.”
“I’m fineeee.”
The older men share another look between them, they all look so concerned about Jungkook, but what can they do if Jungkook shuts his own mouth, let alone his feelings?
Jimin notices that their office door is open and yells deliberately loud. “Oh. Here’s our favorite forensic doctor!” It makes Jungkook flinch and Jimin sees Jungkook trying to steal a glance at the door and takes a deep sigh. “Our Sehun-ie. What can we do for you?”
“Just delivering some reports.” Sehun looks at the agents crowding Jungkook’s desk and points directly to Jungkook. “What’s wrong with him?” The agents shrug simultaneously.
“We are trying to find out. Wanna join?” Hoseok pulls another chair beside him, tapping the seat, gesturing to him to sit.
Sehun throws the report on the desk. “I want to. But I also need to find out what happened to my staff too.” Sehun turns his back and waves to them over his shoulder. “She looks troubled and unfocussed. Bad day, I think. See you, then.”
With the sudden drop of information, the three of them look at Jungkook’s reaction, who freezes in his seat. Something must have happened with the two of you.
Jimin asks cautiously. “Did something happen with Y/N?”
“Maybe on the day when you went missing after drinking with Yoongi?” Taehyung adds, which makes the older guys look at him questioningly. “Yoongi-hyung told me.”
Jungkook doesn’t answer, instead he sighs and runs his hand through his hair in exasperation. The other agents know that they hit a sore spot. He bites his lips, hesitant to talk to them, but on the other hand, he doesn’t know what to do. Everything he chose seems like a wrong choice. Everything he does seems to push you away even further. “I-I just don’t know what I should do, Hyung.”
Hoseok pats Jungkook’s shoulder softly. “Tell us in detail. We’ll help you.”
And just like that, everything opened in public, well, to his best friends. How his heart feels weird whenever he sees you. How his heart ached when he saw you hurt. How you looked so weak and pained and disappointed when he took you home. How he went to your apartment drunk. How he wanted to apologize to you. How he kissed you drunk and how you pushed him back. How his heart crashed when he saw you cry, sobbing on the floor.
They listen to his story carefully, patting his shoulder several times when he looks like he’s going to burst into tears.
“And now, she doesn’t want to see me. I’ve been trying for three days.”
The silence falls in the room, it is interrupted when Jimin hits Jungkook’s head lightly. “Aigoo, you are an adult now. Stupid, but still, I’m just so proud of how you grew this fast.” Jimin smiles and hugs Jungkook lightly.
Jungkook whines. “Hyung, that’s not the point. What should I do?”
Taehyung suddenly raises his hand in the air. “Wait a minute, if Y/N really likes Jungkook, why did she push him away like that?”
“Well, y’know,” Jimin rolls his eyes, “you didn’t exactly get her permission before you kissed her.”  
Hoseok held his hand up, silencing Jimin and Taehyung. “She might have thought that you just did it out of guilt.” Hoseok says softly. “Or maybe a pity, just a mere responsibility.”
“What?” Jungkook looks at him weirdly.
Hoseok explains further, “You know like a novel, when you hit someone with a car, and he/she lost their ability to walk, so you just decide to be with them? Or remember when you spilled coffee on my report and you decided to write it yourself and also bought me a pair of sneakers?”
“But I didn’t do those things to her out of guilt.” He gulps. “I-I don’t hate her. I don’t even know why I did it.”
Jimin smiles again widely, his eyes turn into crescents. “Are you sure you don’t know? I know that deep down, you know it.”
“Just tell her sincerely then about what you don’t know.” Taehyung smiles and puts his hand on Jungkook’s head, ruffling his hair softly.
Jungkook sighs again. “She doesn’t want to see me.”
“If she really likes you, she’ll come around, Kook.” Hoseok smiles and hugs the younger man. “Now, go find her!”
Jungkook looks at him with widened eyes. “Like, now?”
“Of course, silly. The faster the better.” Jimin laughs. “Go!”
“I don’t know what to say to her, I don’t prepare anything.”
Taehyung looks at Jungkook in disbelief. “What do you want? A teleprompter? Just tell her your feelings, dumbass!”
Weirdly enough, Jungkook rises from his seat and takes off running, leaving his cubicle empty. “I thought you bet that Jungkook won’t end up with her, hyung?” Jimin teases.
Hoseok scratches the back of his neck and smiles. “The moment he told us what happened to him just showed who’s gonna win the bet. And besides, I just want him to be happy.”
Taehyung moves his chair back to his desk. “How about we change our bet to another topic then? We have plenty of subjects to bet about.”
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You rack your brain, trying to find a place where you won’t meet Jungkook. And after mentally listing the places, you decided to hide in the infirmary. It’s unused and no one is gonna be there. So you can hide for a moment. Just like when you’re in high school, you fake a stomach ache, just so you can get some sleep or when you forgot to bring your math textbook.
Well, five minutes of sleep are considered a privilege then, as you hear the door opened.
You look from inside a curtain, trying to identify the man who just came in with a cart full of cleaning supplies. Cleaning service? The man quietly sweeps the floor skillfully, and you suddenly feel that you shouldn’t be there, as you’re just gonna disturb his job. Just as you open the curtain harshly, you tilt your head in confusion. “Jin?”
Jin looks at you in surprise, almost dropping the broom on his hand. “Y/N? What are you doing here?”
“Resting,” you say with an awkward smile. “What are you doing here? What’s with the broom and the gloves?”
Jin sighs and turns away from you, continuing to sweep the floor. “Cleaning.”
“Do you do this every day?” It’s just so weird for such an elite agent doing some cleaning in this place. Especially, since the Company also hires a cleaning service.
“No. Just every few days. Since it’s not used, it doesn’t get dirty that fast. I just clean this room when the cleaning service has their day off.” Jin answers lightly as he picks a towel to wipe the surface of the table.
“I don’t know. Maybe it’s just my hobby,” Jin pauses and looks at the white wall. “or maybe I just hope that she’ll come back. You know right that she hates dust?” He laughs awkwardly. He clears his throat and looks at you warily. “Are-are you still in touch with her?”
“No.” You look at him quietly, somehow you can see his pain from his wide shoulder. It’s been a few years, but Jin is still hung up on her, still missing her. “Are you okay?” you ask cautiously.
Jin scoffs and walks away again, wiping the cabinet this time, “why? Do I look pathetic?”
You shake your head softly. “No. But you look broken-hearted.”
He turns his head to face you, looking into your eyes. “Well, so do you.”
Your jaw clenches, like how he hit your spot correctly. Tears threaten to fall down and you try to stop it by biting your lips. At the moment, you feel weaker and sad. You sigh and look at your feet. “What’s new?” you laugh dryly.
Jin puts away his supplies and removes his gloves as he walks to you, and plops on the bed beside you. “What happened?” he asks.
“I don’t know. I was just thinking that mayb-”
“Alright, I’m gonna stop you right there. You’re not thinking. It’s an assumption.”
You look at him in disbelief. “Wh-what?”
He sighs, “Whatever your problem was, and whoever he was, you’re overthinking this.”
“You don’t even know what the problem is.”
“I don’t. But I believe that you need to talk to him regardless of what the problem is, not talk to your mind, making assumptions. You know, the key to a healthy relationship is communication, and it applies to every relationship. Business, family, or even Love.” Jin sends you a smile. “Just talk to him. The misunderstanding won’t solve itself.”
You sigh again. “What if it doesn’t work? What if it’s not a misunderstanding but a mistake?”
“Then talk a little more. Apologize if you need to. Forgive if you still want to be with him.” Jin stops, and swallows slowly. His voice cracks. “Fight for it, if it is worth fighting for, until you can’t fight anymore. Until you don’t have any regrets.”
You look at him carefully. You’ve never talked to him ever since you worked in the Company, let alone seeing his eyes like this. But now, you can see how he’s deep in pain. And you understand what he talked about. His experience. The thoughts of what he should have done before. The choices he regrets now.
You hop from the bed and walk to the door. “Thank you. I’ll try.” As you walk closer to the door, you turn to face him again. “She must have a reason, Jin. I don’t know what it was, but she would never hurt you.”
“I know.” Jin answers quickly. He darts his eyes away from you so that he can hide his watering eyes, and smiles. “So does Jungkook.”
I know.
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You walk out from the elevator, squeezing your body from the others inside. It’s lunch time already, and you’re lucky enough that you can slip into the crowded elevator.
Seventh floor is quiet, but not as deserted as the last time you went there. You look around you, hoping to see a particular person. The one you need to see. The one you miss.
You sigh, heart thumping inside your chest. You’re not gonna lie that you’re nervous, and that’s not because of the thought of seeing Jungkook again. It’s the thought, an assumption, of what he’s gonna say. You’re afraid of hearing his reason, afraid that it’ll break your heart even more.
A little part of you tells you that it’s better this way, and just move on. But you realize, playing hide and seek with him won’t solve any problem. It will just hurt you, or both of you. If you need to move on from him, at least there’s no loose ends. And Jungkook deserves a chance to explain everything to you, in person.
You turn your head to the man calling you and sigh disappointedly. “Oh, hey Yoongi.”
Yoongi laughs a little. “Why do you always bump into me when you’re looking for Jungkook?” Yoongi looks more professional since the last time you met him, maybe because he’s sober right now, or because he wears a neat suit instead of his black hoodie.
You smile, feeling embarrassed that you’ve been found out. “How do you know that I’m looking for him?”
He shrugs, “nah, I just feel that there’s something about you two that needs to be finished.”
“Oh. I see.” You divert your gaze from him, “So, where can I find him?”
“Unfortunately, I don’t know. I just came here.” He stretches his pale arms and continues, “y’know, overslept. Actually, maybe Jungkook is in the training room. He usually trains himself when he feels stressed about something.”
Your jaw clenches with the sudden information, forcing yourself to smile once more. “Thank you, I’ll get going then.”
You nod and walk again to the elevator, just the moment it arrives. When you’re inside the elevator, Yoongi yells to you, “He feels bad, Y/N---” You can only hear a snatch from him as the door closes, stopping you from hearing the full sentence.
I know.
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You’ve been pacing the corridor for almost fifteen minutes, staring at the men’s locker room door. You perk your head to the door, every time it opens. And every time you do it, you’re left with another disappointment. Not to mention, all of the other male agents stare at a suspicious woman who’s lurking in front of a locker room.
Except one agent.
“Doctor Y/N?”
You’re leaning on the wall while massaging your calves. You squint in order to see the man approaching you better. “Kim Namjoon?”
Namjoon pauses in front of you, sending a warm smile. He’s drying his hair with the towel and his other hand holds a gym bag. “Yes, I don’t think I’ve introduced myself properly to you. Please just call me Namjoon.” He drops his bag to the ground clumsily, making some of his things flow out from the unzippered bag, reaching out his hand to shake yours. “I’m afraid that Jungkook is not here.”
Your eyes widen. “Ho-how do you know that I’m looking for him?”
He laughs and drops to one knee to gather his fallen things. “Just a little guess. A little bird told me that you’ve been working with him, so, yeah, I just thought that it might be a work thing.”
“Have you seen him anywhere then?” you sigh.
“I’m afraid not, Doc. I’ve been in the training room since dawn, haven’t seen him anywhere near here.” Namjoon smiles apologetically as he hangs his bag over his shoulder. “Have you checked the pool? He’s been wanting to practice diving since our last mission in Hawaii.”
You shake your head softly. “I haven’t, I’m gonna check there then. Thank you.”
“Anytime, Doc. You see, Jungkook is sometimes a little hard to talk to, looks distant, shy, and confused, maybe because he joined us at such an early age, but he is a nice guy.” Namjoon laughs again as he walks away from you, leaving you standing alone in the corridor.
I know.
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Jungkook walks quickly to your office as soon as the elevator opens on your floor. He still doesn’t know what to say, but he just can’t let you escape him, avoid him again. He will use everything he’s got to at least explain a thing or two to you, and if the universe accedes, maybe he can tell you a little part of his feelings. Or maybe more.
Just one step at a time, Jungkook. You can do this.
It’s weird how he feels more nervous right now than when he goes to a mission. Usually he can just barge through any door without feeling any fear, but right now? He can feel how his heart almost bursts inside his chest. Is that because he doesn’t have his gun with him? Or is it because you are on the other side of the door?
He sighs. He doesn’t know anymore.
Maybe it is because he doesn’t know anything that is going to happen when he opens the door. Maybe it is because his brain can’t work for another plan B if his original plan fails. Maybe it is because it is a do or die for him, sounds a little extreme, but actually this is maybe the last chance for him to let his feelings take control of him.
Mustering all of his courage, he knocks the door and opens it slowly. “Excuse me?”
A chair suddenly rolls from the desk. “Hey JK. What’re you doin’ here?” Sehun asks and looks at him quizzically. “Is there something wrong with the report?”
Jungkook shakes his head rapidly. “That’s not why I’m here.” He swallows dryly. “I’m looking for Y/N..”
“Y/N?” Sehun raises one of his eyebrows. “Funny you asked that. The fact is I haven’t seen her anywhere since I went to your office.”
“Really? Okay then, I’ll just search for her somewhere else.” Jungkook nods politely and walks to the door.
“Why don’t you just call her?” Sehun asks loudly.
Jungkook looks at him, and gives him a weak smile. Sehun doesn’t need to know that you’ve been avoiding Jungkook’s calls, right? “Thank you, I’ll try.”
After he closes the door, Jungkook walks to the stairwell next to him. With a sigh he sits on one of the stairs. He pulls his phone from his pocket, looking at it like it’s a foreign thing to him. His finger scrolls to the contacts and looks for your name.
There’s no specific thing to describe your name in his contact. And by specific, it means you aren’t saved in his contacts. The only thing that describes you is your phone number, which he memorizes already because of how much time he spent looking at it and how many times he tried to call you in the past few days.
He looks again in his contacts. It’s less than a dozen. The only contacts in his phone are his parents, his brother, and his best friends. That’s it.
He remembers when he received your message for the first time, he almost accidentally deleted it because he received it at the same time he received another spam message. Only God knows what would happen if he deleted it for real. Would you still get hurt? Would you still want to tease him? Would it still be the same?
Or would he still have this growing feeling inside him?
He sighs and then inputs your phone number, but before he dials it, he chooses another option.
Add to new contact.
Name: Y/N
Jungkook looks at his newly added contact and finally dials your number, hoping that you would accept it this time. Hoping that somehow his sincere feelings felt through the rings on your phone. Hoping that he can say the right things this time.
And after the seventh rings, the call went through.
Jungkook can finally hear your voice. “Hello, Y/N?” There’s a silence on the other end of the phone for a little while. It begins to make him more nervous. “Y/N?”
“Jungkook?” but it’s not your voice. It’s a familiar voice for him that he hears a lot.
Jungkook looks at the screen, makes sure he got the correct phone number. He furrows his eyebrow, confused at why you didn’t answer your own phone. “Jin-Hyung?”
“Right.” Jin laughs. “Y/N left her phone in the infirmary. She just went out to look for you.”
“Oh.” Jungkook sighs in relief. “Wh-what? She’s looking for me?”
“Yes, kid. God, I don’t know what your problem is to make both of you playing hide and seek in the middle of the day, but yes, she’s looking for you right now. But I don’t really know where she went.”
A little smile plastered on Jungkook’s face, somehow he feels a little happy that you finally decided to give him a chance to explain himself. And with only that fact, he won’t lose this chance. “Thanks Hyung! Talk to you later!”
Jungkook hangs his phone up, and stands up immediately. But if he just walks around and looks for you in this big building, it is just a waste of time. There’s a fat chance that he won’t meet you at all, and in this crucial time for him, he can’t rely on fate alone.
So, he taps his phone again, scrolling to find a chatting platform that he rarely uses, and looks for a group chat with his best friends, typing quickly and hits the send button. This time he’s gonna rely on his friends.
Jungkook 00.23 PM: Have you seen Y/N?
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You open the heavy door to the pool area with an afraid look on your face. What if Jungkook suddenly appears before you? What would you do? What would you say? What if he doesn’t want to see you?
But luckily (or unlucky for you), there’s no one in the pool. Everyone must be taking their lunch time, leaving this place completely empty.
You sigh and walk around, deciding to look at this place a little more. Maybe, just maybe, Jungkook will suddenly pop out of nowhere, hugging you from behind like some of the rom-com movies that you usually watched in your teen years.
A sudden loud bang of a door opening filled the place, making you turn your head abruptly, hoping that the universe finally sends some signals to you. But instead, you just see a man pushing a cleaning supplies cart. You are disappointed.
Why do you even feel disappointed? There’s only a little chance for Jungkook to just walk through the door. You laugh to yourself and shake your head. Maybe I should just call him.
You pat your pants to locate your phone, and a little panic goes through you as you can’t find your phone. Where is it? Did I drop it? You try to remember when the last time you used your phone. You usually don’t behave like this; for you, your phone is one of your most important things. You never walk without a phone as you have everything you need in that mini gadget. Maybe this Jungkook thing is really bothering me.
You turn and walk to the door hurriedly, you need to find your phone back and also Jungkook. You can’t just wait mindlessly in here. Just when your hand reaches the door knob, you sense the cleaning man walking to you.
“Are you Doctor Y/N?”
You look at the man, sending him a polite nod. “Ah yes. Don’t worry, I won’t disturb your job here, I’m going now.” The man looks like he is in his early 30s. You can’t really see his face, since it’s hidden with his blue baseball cap. He wears a blue jumpsuit, a usual uniform for the cleaning service. But why does it look like it’s too big for him?
The man smiles back. “Oh my. That’s fine. Actually I have a package for you.” The man rummages through his cart, searching for something. “From a man, named Jungkook, I think? He’s been searching for you.”
“Jungkook?” ears perk in curiosity.
He smiles again, almost a grin. “Yes.” the man laughs at himself as he pulls a black metal thing from the cart and points it to you. “He’s been searching for you.”
You look at him with widened eyes. A gun. “Wh-what are you doing?”
“What do you think I’m doing, sweetie?” the man laughs maniacally, the sounds send shivers to your spine, making you step back unconsciously, your back hitting the door. You move your hand behind your back, trying to locate the door knob. “Uh-uh. Do not move. I don’t want to shoot your pretty face.”
Your heart races in fear., “Wh-what do you want from me?”
“The autopsy report, where is it?”
Your jaw drops as your mind wanders to the incident last Sunday, the one that probably will leave some scars on your hands. “Were you the one who trashed my office?”
“That’s right.” The man steps a little closer and pushes the gun closer to your face. “The report. Where do you keep it?”
“I-I don’t know. I don’t have it.” Tears start threatening to fall from your eyes when the man seems unsatisfied with your answer and pulls your hair harshly. “I-I gave it up.”
He pulls your hair again until you meet his eyes. “Don’t fucking lie to me. Or do you want me to start shooting everyone who comes into this room?” He laughs again. “You’re waiting for someone right? What if he suddenly pops in right now, and my hand just slips?”
You widen your eyes and you can see his eyes, and they don’t show that he’s lying. You can see how crazy he is. “I-I think it’s on the seventh floor..”
Just after he hears your answer, he releases your hair. With a sudden lack of grip, your feet give up, making you slump on the ground. “Good choice. Now stand up. We’re going to the seventh floor.”
“Bu-but I just told you. You should let me go.”
He scoffs. “And how would I know if you’re just lying to me? Stand up!” He grips your elbow harshly, forcing you to stand in front of him. You can feel his cold gun on your back, pushing to walk forward. “Don’t do anything funny, or I might shoot others. I only want this to be just the two of us.”
Your lips tremble and your throat goes dry. You wipe your tears and take a deep breath, trying to find your courage and strength to walk. You open the door with a heavy heart, wishing silently that you won’t meet anyone in the corridor and on your way up to the seventh floor.
You walk slowly to the elevator, with the man following behind you with his cart. Whispering right there to remind you that he has a gun. Your stomach twists. You want to run away. Your hands turn into fists, sending a light pain from the still-recovering wounds. Luckily, the pain happens to keep your mind intact, make you stay sane. But still, you can’t think of anything that you can do to save yourself.
Sure, you worked for months in an agent secret service. But that doesn’t mean you can do martial arts or guns. You didn’t receive any of that training. So even in this high-security building, you’re just an ordinary woman. An unlucky one.
Wait. High-security building?
You look left and right cautiously to find CCTV cameras above you, maybe someone will see this?
The man behind you laughs again. “You think I’d sneak here with no preparation? No one in the security room is going to watch this. I’ve taken care of them.”
You choke, your heart quickens. “You.. you. Wha-what? What did you do to them?”
“There’s no need for you to know, sweetie.” He laughs again. ”It’s just gonna make you feel bad.”
You bite your lips, trying your hardest to hold your tears. This man is sick. And just then, the elevator’s door opens.
You swallow dryly and walk inside the elevator. Sighing in relief again because there’s no one inside. You reach your hand shakily, trying to push the seven button on the elevator, but just as the door closes, a hand sneaks in and it opens again.
Your eyes widen with the sight of the man, panting before you. “Jungkook?” Why are you here?
Jungkook still holds open the door with his one hand as he controls his breaths. “We.. We need to talk.”
You steal a glance at the man behind you, who acts like wiping the interior of the elevator. Your hands turn clammy. Maybe Jungkook can help you. Maybe Jungkook can save you. If this is the chance that the universe sends to you, you should take it, right? It is a perfect opportunity for you to lose the man behind you.
But, what if he shoots someone? Or worse, what if he shoots Jungkook?
You take a deep breath, your eyes looking at your feet, afraid of looking at Jungkook’s face. “The-there’s nothing for us to talk about,” you say coldly, pushing his hand away from the door and pushes the close button.
But this time, Jungkook is persistent. He doesn’t want to let you slip away from him. Again. “No.” He reaches out his hand again to block the door from closing. “We have to talk. You need to hear my explanation, at least.”
“I don’t want to!!” You push him away again, this time on his body, until he steps backward from the elevator. You don’t even realize how your hands tremble against his hard chest, how tears fall on your face like a waterfall. “Please... Just leave me alone…”
You step back inside the elevator, pushing the close door button again. But this time, Jungkook lets you.
If this is the last time I can see him….
You lift your head up to take a glance of his face from the closing door. You can’t see him clearly as your eyes filled with tears, and just like that. You sob on the ground of the elevator after the door closes, clenching your chest to tone down the tightening pain you feel.
“Well-well. Such a good girl.” The man behind you claps his hand. “Don’t worry, he’ll forgive you after he knows what happened with you and what you did for him.” He reaches to touch your cheek, which makes you flinch.
“You’re just a sick bastard,” you hiss, glaring to him.
He chuckles at your response and hits your face with his gun. He grabs your chin in his hand tightly, forcing you to see his eyes. “You’re really testing my patience, aren’t you?”
You’re shaking in his hands, a throbbing pain on your forehead also makes it worse. He releases your chin harshly and forces you to stand up as the car approaches the seventh floor. He pushes his gun again harshly on your side, with his other hand holding you close to him. You can feel his nasty breath on your neck.
I’m so going to die.
As the door opens and you walk through, that thought keeps lingering on your mind and it’s growing bigger with each step you take, and you can’t seem to shake it off. You can’t do anything right now, the only thing you can do is cry in silence, hope that at least it can ease your mind for a bit. But it doesn’t.
Because you don’t fucking know where the report is, exactly.
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Jungkook remains speechless, his hands trying to reach for your hands but they escape him, leaving him grabbing the empty air. He only sees you walk back inside the elevator and he’s sure that he sees your tears when your eyes meet him.
He doesn’t understand you at all. Why then did Jin tell him that you want to see him? And why now you don’t want to? His hands turn into fists. He bites his lips harshly in desperation. Where are you going anyway?
No, he can’t just stay here. He needs to chase you. He needs to talk to you. He can’t let you again. He reaches his hand to push the elevator button but he stops midway.
Wait, why is there a cleaning service today?
He furrows his eyebrow, deep in thoughts, trying to remember any details of the cleaning service he saw earlier. He only looks at the cleaning service for a bit, he knows that it is a man, but Jungkook can’t really see his face since he faced the wall. He remembers the man turned his face when the door was closing, and Jungkook can see a bit of his face under the baseball cap. And suddenly his face turns white. He curses quietly and runs to the stairwell, not bothering to take the elevator anymore.
Jungkook grabs his phone from his pocket and scrolls to find Jin’s contact as he runs multiple steps at once. This might be dangerous and he needs his other agents, if what he’s thinking is true. If what he’s been afraid of come into reality.
“Hey, Jungkook-ah. Wha-”
“I saw Baekhyun, hyung. He was in the elevator with Y/N. I think they went to the seventh floor.” He says it quickly, interrupting Jin. Jungkook silently hopes that Jin can hear it perfectly as it is muffled with his pants and breaths.
Jin’s breath hitches on the other side of the phone. “What? Are you sure?”
“I’m not sure, I just saw him at a glance. I’m heading up right now. Tell the others!”
“Alright! Be careful!” Jin says and ends the phone call.
Jungkook puts his phone in his pocket and runs again. He runs, and runs, and runs, ignoring the fact that his lungs start burning in his chest.
Please be okay.
Like a spell, he repeats it over and over again. Like a prayer, he repeats it sincerely in his heart over and over again. Like a song, it is played in his mind over and over again.
I’m not going to let him hurt her again.
Like a vow, he says with all of his life.
He’s going to protect the woman he loves.
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The silence in the seventh floor sends an eerie feeling to you, making your heart racing faster. Only God knows where the hell is the others when you need them. You feel the cold gun on your side, pushing harshly against your body. It is one of the things that makes you aware of what you’re doing right now, besides a throbbing pain on your head.
Baekhyun pushes you forward again. “So, where is it?”
You freeze on the spot, your hands getting clammy. You swallow dryly. “I-I’m not sure…”
“You what?” His eyes widen in anger and he shoves your body into a wall, sending a blunt pain to your back. “You dare to lie to me?” His hands somehow move to your neck, strangling it tightly.
You’re struggling to break free from his grip, kicking right and there, using all of your strength to push his hands away. Your chest is burning due to the lack of oxygen. Tears fall from your eyes. You feel weaker the more strongly you fight back and your eyes get blurry. Your consciousness fades along with the slowing of your heart beat.
And suddenly, Baekhyun releases you as he stumbles. You drop to the ground as you struggle to breath as much as you can. You open your eyes slowly, trying to see what’s he doing and there you see he is pushed to the ground by a familiar man.
Jungkook hits Baekhyun as hard as he can. Baekhyun is perplexed for a second but after he processes what’s happening he starts to fight back. Baekhyun kicks Jungkook in the stomach. The situation turns around as Jungkook is pushed under him. The sound of the fight blares in your ears, trying to wake you up. You wince in pain as you gather all of your strength to stand up. You need to find help.
“Run!” Jungkook yells as he holds Baekhyun’s body tightly.
Baekhyun snarls, using his elbow to hit Jungkook’s nose, pushing him away. Your hands shake as Baekhyun suddenly changes his view to you and charges you, not giving you a chance to run away. Baekhyun pulls his gun from his pocket and points it to you. Your feet freeze as your eyes meet Baekhyun’s. “Bitch.”
Jungkook’s eyes widen at the sight before him and curses himself. He can’t believe that Baekhyun has a gun with him and through his laxity, Jungkook didn’t strip it. Jungkook groans and stands quickly to run to you. Please be okay.
Just as Baekhyun pulls the trigger, Jungkook jumps in front of you. The bullets pierce his right chest and his stomach. His body falls to the ground because of the impact. The blood starts seeping from his body.
Your jaw drops. You’re familiar with the smell of blood. You’re familiar also with the smell of the gunpowder. And when both of them are somehow incorporated in the air, it gives you a brand new smell that’s sickening.
The tears still fall from your eyes as you flop beside Jungkook, hesitantly touching him. Just less than an hour ago, you were dreaming about meeting him in a romantic way, but now this is only tragic.  sharp pain clutches your chest, making it hard for you to breathe again. Your thoughts are only filled with Jungkook but you can’t do anything.
But Jungkook is strong, maybe one of the strongest agents in the Company. So Jungkook sits up and moves you behind him, covering you perfectly.
“Kook…” you whisper in between sobs.
Jungkook keeps you behind him with his arms slightly trembling, gently soothing your skin. “I’m okay. Just stay behind me.” Even the slightest movement of his arms makes his chest hurt even more, but Jungkook hides it in his smile. The only thing in his head is how to make you get out of here safely, and he doesn’t care about the pain. Not when you are his priority.
Jungkook slowly lets go of his hands and stands up. You see how the blood spots are getting bigger and bigger, how it affects his posture as he loses his balance lightly. And after a few deep breaths, he puts on a stance, looking at Baekhyun with furious eyes.
Baekhyun snorts. “You think you can fight me bare-handed?” He still points his gun toward the both of you.
Without answering, Jungkook leaps forward to attack Baekhyun. It leaves Baekhyun caught off guard as he begins to fire the gun carelessly. Still, it grazes Jungkook’s body as he moves closer to him.
Not only that Jungkook is one of the strongest agents in the company, he has a killer kick. It’s the one that made the Company recruit him in the first place. He rarely uses it in his fights because he rarely has a chance to have hand-to-hand combat, and even if he had a chance, he doesn’t need to use it. And if Jungkook decides to use his best skills in this fight, there’s no way for Baekhyun to win. Jungkook begins to kick him again in his stomach and tries to target his hand.
And Baekhyun knows it too. So Jungkook begins to kick him again in his stomach and tries to target his hand. While Baekhyun stumbles, he fires his last bullet.
To your direction.
It’s too late for Jungkook to realize it, to jump again in front of you. As the bullet hits your shoulder, the new pain makes you fall back from the impact. Jungkook curses and turns his body to kick Baekhyun’s hand, sending the gun flying far from them and holding his hand to throw his body, locking him in between his legs, in a way that Baekhyun can’t move.
The doors and elevator open almost at the same time, and the agents barge in to arrest Baekhyun. Finally.
“Y/N!” Hoseok runs to you and shakes your shoulders. “Are you okay?” He helps you slowly sit up, carefully not to touch your wounds.
It’s over now… You sigh in relief, but your eyes turn panic when you see Jungkook’s shirt almost turn to pinkish, a mix of his blood and his sweat. “Kook…” and just as his name falls on your lips, Jungkook stumbles and drops to the ground.
Jimin and Taehyung move quickly to Jungkook to check on him. They look panicky as they move Jungkook’s body to a gurney with the help of paramedics. ”I’m going with him to the hospital.” Jimin says to Hoseok.
Hoseok nods and turns his face to you, his eyes falling on your bloodied shoulder. “Let’s get you to the hospital too.” He holds your elbow softly, helping you stand.
And just like that, everything turns black.
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You open your eyes slowly. The harsh lights blind you and you blink as you adjust to it. You are met by the white ceiling above and white curtains all around you. The familiar smell of disinfectant steals into your nose, waking you up even more. You try to move your arms, to help you sit up, but there’s a shooting pain to your right shoulder. “Argh.”
“Yah. Y/N, you can’t move that carelessly!” Jimin yells as he puts his hand behind your back to help you.
You shake your head softly. “I’m okay. Where’s Jungkook?”
“He’s in his room. The surgery went well. Don’t worry.” Jimin says reassuringly and pushes your shoulder lightly to make you stay in the bed.
But you refuse, swinging your legs slowly over the edge of your bed. “I want to see him..” You use your left hand to hold the IV poll. But as your feet land on the floor, your body stumbles. Luckily, Jimin was holding you from falling. “I’m okay, I’m okay…”
Jimin looks at you with worry in his eyes. He holds your elbow tightly. “Y/N, you don’t look so well. Just rest for a bit.”
You shake your head again, tears threatening to fall again. “Please… let me see him just for a bit…”
He sighs. He knows how stubborn you are, and you won’t back down. “Fine. Hold on to me, okay? Tell me if you have any pain.”
Luckily, Jungkook’s room is just a few rooms from yours. Just when you are about to open his door, you hear voices yelling inside.
“Yah! You can’t move!”
“Jungkook-ah! Are you crazy?”
“She’s fine! Just stay in the bed!”
Your eyes widen in panic. You let go of Jimin’s arms and rush forward inside Jungkook’s room. The only thing in your mind is Jungkook, and Jungkook only. You want to make sure he’s okay. You want to see him again.
And your eyes meet his.
The other agents hold him tightly as he tries to walk to the door. He looks pale and pained, there’s bruises in his body. You see the bandages sneaking out from his gown. And it just makes your heart break and relieved at the same time. “Kook?”
His doe eyes look you from head to toe, blinking his teary eyes to see you clearer. “Y/N?”
His voice.
Your favorite one.
The only thing that gives you strength to step forward. The only thing that can make you run. The only thing that can make your heart leap.
And just like that you run to him, run to his embrace, rushing forward clumsily while dragging the IV poll.
Jungkook holds you tightly to his chest, not even caring if you jostle his wounds. He doesn’t even care if he feels the pain, in fact, he is glad he can feel it. So that he knows that this is real. That you are wrapped in his arms, still living and breathing before him.
Jungkook lets your scent and warmth envelop his body and he can feel the relief straight into his heart. He takes your face in his hands, looking at it carefully. He gulps a little when he spots a little wound on your forehead and bruises on your neck. “Are-are you okay?”
You sniff and let your tears fall from your eyes as you nod weakly. “Are you okay? Let’s get you back to your bed.”
“I’m okay,” he giggles but lets you hold him and take him back to the bed. And when you stumble again because of his weight, the other agents hop in to help both of you. Jin and Taehyung hold Jungkook and walk him to his bed while Jimin helps you.
Hoseok smiles at you as he drags a chair next to the bed, “We’re gonna let you talk for a bit, okay? Don’t talk too long, you both need to rest.” He pushes the other agents outside, giving you and Jungkook privacy.
It’s silent again.
But it’s comforting. And you kinda miss it.
It’s funny how just with the presence of Jungkook can stir your heart completely. Just by the presence of him, he can turn your mood around.
You bite your lips and fiddle with your gown. “Thank you for saving me. It must have hurt a lot.”
Jungkook smiles and reaches your face to wipe your tears away. “I’m sorry I didn’t come faster. You must have been frightened.”
And there it breaks you. Jungkook is the one who hurt the most, and yet he is the one who feels sorry. He is in pain, but he still thinks of you. What can you do to deserve to be with this nice man? No, you don’t deserve it all. And it just aches your heart even more. “What are you talking about….” you sob and turn away from him as you try your hard to stop the tears falling from your eyes.
Jungkook reaches your hand softly. “Please don’t turn away from me.. Please?” His other hand moves to pat your head lovingly. “Can we please have that talk now?”
You pout. “No. You need to rest. We can talk about it anytime after you get better.”
“I don’t want to. I have to tell you right now.” He takes a deep sigh. “I’ll go crazy if I keep this any longer.”
“I’m sorry for what I did to you in your apartment. I was drunk and made stupid mistakes. I’m sorry.”
You nod quickly. “Yes, I know and I’ve forgiven you. Now, you should have some rest…”
“I didn’t know why I did it, but just so you know, I’ve always wanted to kiss you. I think I felt too rushed, but I didn’t do it just to tease you or make fun of your feelings. It’s jus-”
“Wait, what?” You look at him puzzled and raise one of your eyebrows. “You-you wanted to kiss me?”
He tilts his head at your response. “Yeah?”
“But, why?”
He takes a close look at your face, and swallows dryly. “Because I like you, Y/N.”
There is a pregnant silence as you blink your eyes, processing the sudden bomb of information. “Huh?” You scratch the back of your head confusedly. “You like me? Since when?”
He blushes as he smiles. “I don’t know. It just happened, I guess… Wait, you didn’t know?”
“Duh, this is an expression of a person who knew about it,” you say sarcastically as you point to your face.
Jungkook’s jaw drops. “I really thought I made myself really clear. Even the others knew about it!” He shakes his head in disbelief. “Anyway, I just felt so rushed because you’re gonna leave soon and I thought I’m gonna lose my chance. Also it might be because these feelings are little new for me, so I was a little confused. But I-”
“But I’m still with this Company for another 4 months…”
It’s his turn to process the information and then his face turns red as he lets go of your hand. “I thought… I’m just… hmmm. I’m gonna take my confession back then…”
“No! I won’t let you take it back.” You reach for his hand, holding it tightly. You look at him with a determination in your eyes and smile widely from ear to ear. “Thank you, I’m happy to hear it.”
Jungkook replies with a smile too as he sighs in relief. “But still, I have to say it again properly someday.”
You giggle as you squeeze his hand. “Sure, let’s take this slowly. We have a lot of time.”
You both hold each others’ hands with smiles on your faces. No word exchanged, as you both know how happy you are. How relieved you are to finally hold his warm hand again. How excited you are to guess what will happen to both of you. How ecstatic you are as you feel your heart races inside your chest.
The air freshener sprays in the corner of the room, breaking the silence between both of you. The scent of vanilla disperses in the air. Filling the room with nothing but sweet scent. Usually, you always stay away from the sweet type of smell and stick with anything musky, floral, or maybe just natural ones. But now, this specific type of smell becomes your favorite one. The sweetest scent to remind you about him. The sweetest scent that you can have everyday without feeling sick.
Jungkook coughs awkwardly, “I know, you said to take this slowly. But I just can’t help it…” He looks at you with pinkish cheeks as he squeezes your hand. “Can-can I kiss you?”
You reply with nothing but a smile and nod. You lean in a little so he can be closer to you just for a little bit. And just like that, he takes your face in his hands slowly and connects his lips with yours.
And you can feel it, how your hearts are connecting too.
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Go check the other series because *sst... It’s all connected!
Series Masterlist: The Company
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heyitssmiller · 4 years
Chop It Like It’s Hot
Chapter 3: Sun’s Out Buns Out
Chop It Like It’s Hot Masterlist
Let the pining begin.
“Oh my god, there’s ducks!” Finn said excitedly, pointing to the ducks swimming in the pond nearby. Their next challenge was taking place in a small park on the outskirts of the city, which made Logan a little nervous. He was just getting used to the setup of the kitchens, and now he had to deal with this. Finn let out an aww as a group of ducklings followed their mom. “Look at ‘em, they’re so cute.”
Logan looked warily at the setup of grills a few feet away. “I don’t think we’re here to look at ducks.”
“Good morning, recruits!” Dorcas called, waving them over. Leo stood beside her, hair turned golden in the sunlight. Logan blamed the reason he was suddenly too hot on the weather.
Ah, yes. That new development Logan refused to think about too hard.
He was happy with Finn. They’d been happy together for years now.
So why was he crushing on Leo like he did with Finn back in college?
Logan wasn’t blind – he knew the signs well enough after pining for Finn for five years. He just didn’t know what to do with these feelings. And they’d learned from all the miscommunication and wasted time in college – he and Finn told each other everything now.
He just wasn’t sure he could tell Finn this.
How would that conversation go? Hey I know we’ve been happily together for three years now but I also kind of want to kiss that tall blond guy who’s been teaching us how to cook. 
Yeah. That would go over well.
“Today we’re going to be testing your creativity by having you make your own burgers! We’ll both give you examples, but you’ll need to come up with your own original ideas for this challenge.” Leo stated, dumping ground beef into a bowl. “I’m going to make a jaeger schnitzel burger. So for the meat I’m using a mixture of different meats. Schnitzel is traditionally pork or veal, but you need the right ratio of lean meat to fatty meat to make a good burger, so I’m adding some additional fatty beef.” He formed patties out of the meat and placed them on the grill. “What really sets jaeger schnitzel from regular schnitzel is the mushroom gravy on top.”
He smiled, which Logan was quickly realizing was completely unfair. “Creating a gravy is a little hard on a grill, but I’ll do my best. Basically we’re going to melt butter in a pan and fry these onions until they begin to brown. Then add the garlic and cook it for another minute. Add the mushrooms and cook until they’re golden and some of the liquid from the mushrooms has evaporated.”
Leo switched back to his burgers and flipped them before returning to his sauce. “To thicken this into a gravy. We’re going to add flour and stir. Then it’s just beef broth, vinegar, thyme, sugar, salt, and pepper.  Now the burgers are done, so we’re going to take all of this off the grill and plate it, making sure there’s plenty of gravy on this burger.” 
“And I’m going to make a burrito burger.” Dorcas took over. “First we’re going to take our meat and add some seasoning to it: chili powder, garlic powder, onion powder, crushed red pepper flakes, dried oregano, paprika, ground cumin, sea salt, and black pepper. Make sure to get the seasoning mixed in there thoroughly. Then we just throw these patties on the grill and let them cook. What really sets this burger apart are the toppings.”
She reached into a bag on her table and pulled out refried beans, salsa, pepper jack cheese, and lettuce. “I made the refried beans and salsa from scratch last night since we definitely don’t have time for that today. So once these burgers are cooked, we just add the toppings and we’re done. Easy enough, right?”
“This challenge is a blind taste test so that we can’t pick favorites.” Leo added. “Which means you guys are going to be on your own for this challenge – we can’t help you in this round.”
Everyone groaned.
“Just don’t burn yourselves and you’ll be fine. You have forty-five minutes and your time starts now!”
Mid-Episode Interview:
*Logan takes his hat off to run a hand through his hair with a sigh*
Logan: I… I might be going home today. *laughs* You know, I hate cooking. The only reason I went on this show was because of Finn. He seemed so excited about it, you know? So for the past seven weeks, I figured if I got eliminated I’d just stay in the city and spend time with him when they weren’t shooting the show. I haven’t really cared if I got eliminated or not. Now, though?
*His gaze loses focus for a few seconds, then he looks back at the camera*
Logan: I don’t think I’m ready to leave just yet.
Finn quickly glanced over at Logan as he dropped lamb chops into a hot pan. The brunet had come in second to last place in the earlier competition today and clearly wasn’t happy about it. There wasn’t much he could do right now, but he’d find something to cheer him up with after they were done filming for the day. Alex was in the city visiting their family – maybe the two of them could stop by the house and say hi, if it wasn’t too late.
“Non-stick pan, Lo!” He hissed as Logan grabbed a regular pan to put his potato cake in.
“Use a non-stick pan. That way it won’t stick when you flip the cake over.”
“Got it. Thanks.”
“How’s it going over here?”
Finn glanced up to see Leo at their shared station. “Good! I think. The lamb chops were a little hard to cut and my tapenade is kind of a mess, but I’m hoping it tastes ok.”
“And the potato cake?”
“The fact that I’m going to be flipping a potato cake is hilarious because I am not graceful at all.”
Leo laughed. “It’s not too bad, you’ll see. Logan, how about you?”
“Well, I’ve learned that I hate the taste of fennel.” Logan groused, sprinkling red pepper flakes on top of his fennel salad. “So I’m hoping to mask that flavor as much as I can.”
“It’s definitely not for everyone. Your chopping skills have really improved over the past couple of weeks, though – look at those potatoes!”
Logan looked up and smiled.
A smile Finn definitely recognized from college.
He glanced back and forth between the two, speculating. Maybe it wasn’t just Finn dealing with new feelings he wasn’t sure how to process yet.
After time ran out Finn glanced down at his two identical dishes – one for him, one for Leo – with a sigh of relief. It was still a little messy, but overall he felt pretty good about it. No matter what he was miles ahead of where he started, so he was happy with himself. He was still a little worried to be tasting his own dish, though. At the end of the day he was still a bad cook, after all.
When it was finally his turn to be judged, he grabbed both plates and placed them on the table before taking a seat opposite Leo.
“This feels like a really weird first date.” Finn teased, watching the faintest hint of a blush spread across Leo’s cheeks.
Oh my god, he’s adorable.
“I can definitely see some inconsistency in the cooking of your lamb chops.” He hurried to say, flipping one of the pieces of meat over for Finn to look at. “See, this one’s nice and brown while this one is undercooked. This boils down to variation of size in your meat. When you’ve got all kinds of different sizes, it’s hard to consistently cook them.” He cut up a piece of lamb and put it in his mouth. Finn probably stared at said mouth a bit too long before following suit.
“Well? What do you think?”
Finn shrugged, swallowing his bite. “I like it.”
Leo smiled. “You know what? Me too.”
Logan was up next. He sat down hesitantly across from Leo, looking down at his plate and hoping it was enough to save him from elimination.
“Your presentation is really good, Logan. The potatoes are nice and golden, the lamb looks perfect.” Leo said, and something about his words and calm demeanor soothed Logan instantly. He smiled. “Thanks, chef.”
“Ready to try this?”
“Let’s do it.” Logan stabbed his food with his fork, took a bite –
And instantly coughed.
It was so spicy. The kind of spicy that makes your throat close up and tears come to your eyes.
“Oh my god.” He gasped, making a mad dive towards his glass of water and downing it as fast as he could. “Jesus Christ, that’s so hot.”
Leo hummed, setting his fork down. He seemed completely unfazed. “Too much red pepper. You said earlier you were trying to mask fennel flavor, but I think you did too good a job at that.” He watched Logan with a small smile and pushed his own full glass of water towards him. “You ok?”
Logan gaped at him, but gladly accepted the water. “How are you not dying right now?”
“I literally have a show about cajun cooking; I’m used to spice. You should try ghost peppers sometime.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Don’t knock it until you try it.” Leo looked back down at his plate. “Overall, your dish was pretty good. Could’ve used a little less red pepper, but the rest of it was spot on.”
Logan felt his shoulders relax a little. “Thanks, chef.”
Logan was in the bottom two.
Finn’s heart had continued to drop as name after name of the safe contestants got announced, including his own, and Logan’s didn’t. He knew Logan didn’t really care if he got eliminated or not, but this had been so much fun to do with him. Finn didn’t want to see him go yet.
“And the recruit who will be leaving us today is…”
Finn honestly couldn’t name the person who got eliminated – all he knew was that Logan was staying. He let his tense shoulders relax and stepped forward to give him a hug. “That was close, Lo.”
“Yeah,” Logan’s voice was muffled in Finn’s shirt. “Guess I’ll have to try harder next week.”
Finn leaned back with a big smile on his face. “You wanna stay?”
“I mean, I’m a really bad cook,” Logan shrugged. “But I’ll stay as long as I can.”
“Logan?” Both boys turned at the voice. Leo stood off to the side, looking slightly awkward.
“Sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to talk to you about today’s challenges and ways to improve. I’ve got a few tips I can share, if you want.” He glanced at Finn. “Can I steal him for a second?”
“Go right ahead.”
Leo flashed him a smile before motioning for Logan to follow him.
Finn couldn’t hear what they were saying, but he could read Logan’s body language like a book. When he fiddled with his hat, Finn knew he was nervous. When he met Leo’s eyes and didn’t look away as he spoke, he was serious about whatever he was saying. When his gaze flicked down to Leo’s lips, he wanted to kiss him. When he subconsciously leaned forwards and tilted his head up slightly, he was going to kiss him.
The strangest thing was… Finn wasn’t jealous. He should be, shouldn’t he?
But Logan didn’t kiss Leo.
He seemed to catch himself at the last second and he drew back sharply, refusing to look at Leo again. He muttered something and turned to walk away, catching Finn’s gaze as he did so. His eyes widened guiltily, steps slowing as he crossed the room to where Finn was waiting.
Finn gave him a small smile and grabbed his hand reassuringly.
“I think we need to talk.”
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yxlenas · 4 years
Isaac, new betas, growing pains, and a supernatural hit list complete with professional killers Clearly canon divergent s4 AU. Allisaac, because duh. I am convinced that Liam and Isaac would not like each other, at least at face value. for Alyssa, like always @electricbluebutterflies
“I don’t like him,” Isaac grumbles into her bare chest, head pushed up between her boobs. Allison cards her fingers through his hair and works through another math problem, trying not to laugh.
“I know,” she says, and Isaac makes an angry cat noise.
“I’m serious,” he whines, “he was already too good at lacrosse and now he’s a werewolf. We didn’t need another beta.”
“Was Scott supposed to let him fall off the roof, then?” Allison asks him, erasing a step and reworking it with the right method. Her phone buzzes with a text from Lydia, saying she’s coming over. Allison sends her a picture of Isaac’s curly head nestled between the soft cups of her bra and a grumpy faced emoji. Lydia texts back that she’ll bring snacks. Isaac makes another subvocal sound of displeasure.
“Yes,” he says, no real heat in his voice. He doesn’t mean it, he’s not that heartless, he’s just feeling territorial. Scott is his alpha and his brother, and Isaac was used to being the only wolf beta. He and Malia get along like a house on fire (which gives Allison a migraine, sometimes) and she knows he’s secretly anxious that a new pack member is going to upset the balance.
“Lydia is coming over,” Allison tells him, pushing at the side of his head until he lifts it, “which means I have to put on a shirt, and you should probably at least have on a pair of boxers.”
“Mmm,” Isaac grunts, biting at her belly and grinning when her muscles contract, “are you sure?”
“You’re fucking incorrigible,” Allison tells him, flicking the tip of his nose gently, “now get dressed.”
Liam is very aware Isaac doesn’t like him, because Isaac isn’t exactly a master of subtlety. Allison thinks Liam is more than a little scared of him too, because Isaac is definitely more lupine than Scott and less clueless than Malia. It does have some benefits from what Allison can tell from up in the bleachers at the scrimmage, though, when Isaac grabs him by the collar of his jersey and tosses him into the dirt before he can rip one of Devenford Prep’s midfielders a new asshole. She watches as he struggles against Isaac’s grip, looking for all the world like a very angry puppy, but Isaac is taller and stronger and much, much better at being a werewolf than Liam is.
Allison gathers her purse and picks her way down the bleachers, Lydia and Malia on her heels. They shove their way into a spot closer to the actual field, and Isaac lopes over to her, pulls his helmet off, and kisses her hard. Allison giggles, then pushes at his chest.
“Try not to kill the kid or break his spine, please,” she tells him, cupping his cheek. Isaac nods once and presses their lips together again. Stiles wolf whistles and Isaac flips him off.
“You two are disgusting,” Malia says. Allison can’t tell if she’s joking or not, but she bumps her with a shoulder gently. On the bench, Liam glowers at Isaac, and Isaac grins nastily back.
When they both go missing a few days after the discovery of the Deadpool and the terrifying realization that everyone she loves is on a hit list, there’s a part of Allison that hopes Isaac finally got sick of Liam and threw him in a lake or something.
The alternative is much, much more terrifying.
Isaac wakes up on his back at the bottom of a ravine in agonizing pain, a 15 year old kid hovering over him and looking terrified. Isaac does not feel terrified. Isaac feels annoyed, and achy, and like he might throw up.
Liam is babbling, and whatever head injury Isaac definitely sustained? Liam’s babbling is making it much, much worse.
“Shut. Up.” he groans.
“Oh, oh god you’re awake-”
“Liam,” Isaac grunts, “Liam, shut up, please. If you don’t shut up I will puke on you.”
“Sorry,” the kid gasps, “Sorry, sorry, sorry-”
“Liam,” Isaac says, feeling much more strained this time around, “Please.”
Liam shuts up. Isaac realizes that Liam is pressing two shaky hands to Isaac’s chest, and that those hands are covered in blood and black goo. Oh, yay. Great. Today is going very badly. Isaac tries to sit up, but can’t. He tries to move a leg, but can’t.
“You’re uh, kind of paralyzed,” Liam says, “I think. I think I saw your spine through your skin.”
“Where the fuck are we,” Isaac snarls, and Liam goes white.
“Um. I don’t know? In the woods. You broke my fall. With-with your body,”
“Call Allison, then call Derek and Scott” Isaac grunts.
“Both phones are...broken?” Liam says. He looks about five seconds away from passing out even though Isaac is the one probably dying.
“So call Scott,” Isaac rasps. His head is starting to spin, and his spine definitely isn’t healing. He isn’t going to heal, not as long as the bullets are in his chest.
“Just so you know,” Isaac slurs out, feeling dazed and sick, “I’m never taking bullets for you again.”
“What do you mean call Scott,” Liam says, “I told you the phones were broken.”
“I mean roar,” Isaac says. His stomach finally gives up completely and he turns his head to the side and throws up greyish black bile. Liam gags himself, and Isaac rolls his eyes.
“I don’t know how,” Liam hisses, looking completely frantic, “You and Scott haven’t taught me.”
“So figure it out,” Isaac says, coughing up a mouthful of sludge, “because I am not dying in this place with only you for company.”
Liam looks guilty. Good. If he wasn’t such an idiot and hadn’t gone careening into the woods after lacrosse practice because he was pissed off they wouldn’t be in this mess. Isaac coughs up another mouthful of black gunk.
“Allison will kill you,” Isaac tells him, “If I die here, by the way. She’s kind of attached to me, if you haven’t noticed.”
Liam just stares at him. Isaac would absolutely strangle the little shit if he was strong enough to move.
“Okay,” he slurs, “Alright, fine. I will do it. I will immediately pass out, and then you’re on your own.”
Isaac tilts his head back and howls miserably, as loud as he can, even as his vision greys out and his stomach rolls. He keeps howling until he passes out.
Scott finds them first. Liam has never been happier to see Scott in his life, especially since he’s being trailed by Derek and Stiles and Allison. Isaac is still very unconscious, and looking worse by the second. Every time he breathes more black stuff foams out of his mouth, and Liam is very concerned that Allison is going to kill him. Isaac likes to make empty threats to scare him, because Isaac is terrifying, but Liam isn’t sure that one is so empty.
Isaac may be terrifying, but Allison is 10 times worse.
“Down here!” he yells, voice shaking. Isaac makes an awful gasping sound when Scott lands in the dirt next to them, grabbing Isaac’s face.
“Isaac,” Scott says, “Isaac. Wake up. Derek! Get down here.”
“Is he okay? Are they both okay?”
That’s Allison’s voice, sounding high and strained. He can smell her fear which is a new and terrifying ability.
Derek lands hard next to Liam and Liam lets out a very undignified yelp of fear. Isaac groans, eyes opening.
“Derek,” he slurs, and with Scott’s help Derek hefts Isaac into his arms. Isaac screams. Scott gags a little suddenly, and Liam sees why. Isaac’s back is definitely broken, compound fracture, and he can see bloody vertebrae.
Yep. Allison is definitely going to kill him.
“He needs a hospital,” Allison says, curled over Isaac protectively where he lays on his side, “Deaton can’t fix his back when it’s like that, can he? There’s no way.”
Scott is pacing, looking from Liam to Isaac to Derek to Stiles. Derek is taking Isaac’s pain, and Liam is bouncing from foot to foot. Someone tried to kill him. Someone tried to kill him, and he’s only been a werewolf for like a month and a half, and now Allison is going to kill him because someone trying to kill him almost got her scary werewolf boyfriend killed-
Stilles grabs him by the shoulders and gives him a little shake. Liam takes a deep breath.
“Take him to Deaton,” Derek says, “And if Deaton can’t fix him we take him to the hospital.”
Isaac bites Derek in the shoulder when he moves him. Derek snarls at him. Isaac snarls back weakly, eyes flashing golden. Allison approaches him and Liam flinches away, but then she takes his hand and squeezes. Isaac’s blood is still wet on both their palms.
“Are you okay,” she asks him, and Liam does a double take.
“I know how Isaac is,” Allison soothes, “But Derek and Scott have him, and he can heal.”
“I’m so sorry-” and then he’s babbling again, and Allison reaches for him and Liam flinches away from her but she’s not stabbing him, she’s hugging him.
“You don’t have to be sorry.”
“Isaac said you were gonna kill me,” Liam stutters. Allison rolls her eyes.
“You really have to stop listening to him.” Allison says, “90% of the time he’s just fucking with you, because he’s an asshole.”
“I heard that,” Isaac slurs weakly from Derek’s arms.
Deaton it turns out can patch up Isaac, and Liam gets bullied into helping hold him down. Lydia, Kira, and Malia meet them at the vet clinic, and Liam watches in a nauseating combination of awe, fear, and confusion as Lydia starts stroking through Isaac’s hair even as he snaps at her fingers.
“Yes, yes. You’re very scary. Calm down, I just got my nails done and if you keep trying to take my hands off I’ll make you pay for my ruined manicure.
Deaton resets Isaac’s spine. Allison is helping, deftly avoiding claws and teeth while she pulls shotgun pellets out of her boyfriend’s chest.
“Why are you all so calm?” Liam bursts out suddenly where he’s holding Isaac’s legs on the metal table.
“This happens more than you might think,” Allison says drily, dropping another shotgun pellet into a bowl.
Liam barely makes it to a chair before he has a stress inducing fainting episode.
Isaac wakes up in Allison’s bed with Derek sitting next to him, feeling like he got run over by a bus, then a train, then another bus. He groans, taking a deep shuddery breath and catching Derek’s earth-cedar-leather scent and Allison’s when he turns his head into the pillow, mostly the lavender of her soap. Chris is there too, and Melissa, and Lydia.
“Hey,” Derek says, and the hand not in his brushes across Isaac’s forehead, “You okay?”
“Feel like shit,” he moans, “Liam?”
“Uh, terrified,” Derek says, “and very stressed, because he watched Allison pull shotgun pellets out of your chest, but in one piece.”
“Little shit,” Isaac mumbles, “Told him not to go running off without warning.”
“I told you not to do stuff fairly often that you did anyway,” Derek says, and Isaac groans, rolling his eyes. It makes his brain throb, which makes his neck hurt, then the rest of his spine. He bites down on his lip, hard. Derek grips his wrist tightly, black veins running up his arm, and after a few seconds Isaac can breathe again.
“Can I get up,” he asks after a few seconds. Derek shakes his head.
“Your spine is still healing. So is the rest of you. Stay down. I can go get everyone, or whoever you want, yeah?”
“Allison,” Isaac says, “And Lydia?”
“Melissa is probably going to come too, you know,” Derek says. Reluctantly Isaac lets go of his hand.
Allison comes in with Lydia hot on her heels, Allison sitting on the bed next to him and kissing his face. Melissa and Chris are hanging back in the doorway
“Please don’t ever do that to me again.” She says, trying for stern. Isaac grins at her weakly, trying to ignore the fact that without Derek’s hand in his, his pain is ramping up. Lydia sits neatly in Derek’s recently vacant chair and squeezes his hand.
“You,” she says, twining his fingers with hers, “Almost bit my fingers off.”
“Sorry,” he rasps. He can feel sweat standing out on his forehead, and he digs the back of his head into the pillows.
“Here, honey,” Melissa says gently, and then she’s placing a pill on his tongue and a cup to his mouth. Painkillers. Hopefully, at least, painkillers. He swallows, and a hand curls around the one Lydia isn’t holding, a big rough one that Isaac knows is Derek’s. The pain lessens. Isaac sags against the pillows of the bed.
“I knew you liked him,” Allison murmurs, “You’re just full of shit.”
“Just because I didn’t let some weird professional assassins kill him doesn’t mean I like him,” Isaac slurs. It’s just them now, curled together on the mattress. Whatever Melissa had given him had kicked in, and he feels floaty and a little sick. Lydia is playing on her phone, still holding Isaac’s hand. When he squeezes it she squeezes back indulgently.
“You like him,” Allison says, kissing his temple.
“If I agree with you will you shut up about it?” he grumbles. Allison snickers, and he kisses her on the mouth,
“Fine,” he says tiredly, half slurred, half floating on the pain and the medication, “I like him.”
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yukiwrites · 3 years
Realization Before the End
Thank you for the support as always, @breeachuu! Your boyo is growing uppp~
Summary: Delivering the firendship jewel to Dimitri made Wolfram think hard about all of the bonds he had cultivated with his friends in this foreign world. As the war progressed, Wolfie's introspection turned deeper and deeper, until he finally found the name of the emotion he felt towards Caspar...
Commission info HERE and HERE!
Wolfram had missed his chance to give Dimitri the friendship jewel that was long overdue because of the bold revelation he had made during the morning council. However, it wasn’t as though he was going to keep pushing it off, especially since his heart was now lighter than ever due to finally being able to proudly tell the truth to his comrades.
Some of the most kind and approachable allies had come right away to ask Wolfie questions regarding his descent and mission, though certainly all, or at least most, of them had things they wanted to ask. Still, he was prepared to answer whatever they wanted -- as long as it only pertained to him, that is. If the questions had to do with the fate of this world or about the identity of the Children of the Goddess of Fódlan, then he would need to deny answering them.
Well, after the initial excitement after the morning council, the amount of people surrounding Wolfie decreased exponentially as the day went on and each one had their own duties to look forward to. It was after the afternoon meal that Wolfram managed to sneak towards Dimitri’s quarters, which was located at the innermost room under the sturdy fortress that was the Great Myrddin Bridge.
Before he got stabbed, Dimitri was adamant in sleeping whenever he saw fit -- usually close to the exit so he could wander around during particularly restless nights. However, after accepting something inside of himself, Dimitri allowed himself to take the most important and protected room of the fortress, as it would be fitting for his position from then on.
Wolfie’s steps echoed through the hard, cold stone as the room at the end of the corridor approached. Once he stood in front of the closed door, he felt a sense of deja vu as he fidgeted instead of knocking on it.
It felt just like the day he had stood for hours in front of Dimitri’s room before he finally managed to ask for a lock of his hair so he could make the friendship jewel. Even if five years in a manakete’s life wasn’t all that much, it felt so, so much longer to Wolfram, especially because he spent all of those years in solitude.
It was like there was a formless chasm between the him from right now and the fidgety one from years previous, despite both of them being in relatively similar situations at that moment. Pressing his lips into a thin line, Wolfram, just like before, placed his head on the door and closed his eyes to put his thoughts in order.
Yet, it wasn’t like he could find something to put in order in the first place. He wanted to deliver Dimitri’s overdue jewel and assure the first friend he made in this world that Wolfie would always have his back, even if they got separated by their respective worlds in the future. Of that, Wolfram was sure. He would always hold a special place in his heart for Dimitri, and the way he found to express that was through the jewel, as he had come to the conclusion five years ago.
His heart was pounding in his chest in a way that made him fidget and squirm in his boots. He knew how significant the act of exchanging friendship jewels was -- not only were part of their bodies intertwined through the magical fire of a manakete, it held the importance of being the most important way of a dragon to express their feelings towards their kin or friends.
It was something so important (not to mention the big deal all of his siblings made out of it) that Wolfram was coming short of ways to be able to express it. The way he had explained it to Dimitri five years ago was somehow awkward as well, so now that the time finally came to deliver the jewel to him, Wolfie’s legs were shaking.
From inside the room, Dimitri had felt Wolfram’s presence lingering in front of the door for quite a while now and scratched his cheek awkwardly, wondering if he should call out or wait until the young man came forward himself.
He could almost hear the uncertainty in Wolfram’s stance only through the way his shadow flickered under the door, which made the prince clear his throat uncomfortably.
“Um, Wolfram?” He asked in the end, watching how the shadow flinched visibly.
“Wah!” Wolfie jumped up in surprise, not at all expecting to hear Dimitri’s voice through the door. “Y-yes?!” He stiffened up, immediately reaching for the doorknob.
“Is everything alright? I would have greeted you at the door, but Dedue and the Professor were adamant that I stay on the bed…” His voice trailed off for a bit before raising his gaze to the door once again, “will you not come in?”
Barely were the words out of Dimitri’s lips, Wolfram banged the door open. His expression seemed more surprised at his own actions than anyone else, as though he really hadn’t expected to be this easy to enter.
Was all that worry for naught? Just looking at Dimitri’s clear eye looking at him made Wolfie’s shoulders relax.
“Oh, sorry, I’ll just close this…” He laughed awkwardly before softly closing the door and walking towards Dimitri’s bed. “Are you okay? I’ve been wanting to ask for a while…” Wolfie sat by the chair that was placed right there beside the bed, probably because of Dedue or Byleth that had been there recently.
Dimitri’s relaxed gaze turned warm as he smiled in a somewhat sad way. “Indeed, perhaps I haven’t been okay for a long time now.” He closed his good eye as his scarred one was hidden beneath his long bangs. “I have been meaning to thank you for looking out for me all this time, Wolfram. You and the Professor never left my side, no matter how much I pushed everyone away…”
Wolfie clutched the jewel in his pocket as he replied immediately, “of course I would! There’s no need to thank me for doing something so obvious…” He looked down sheepishly, remembering how he had promised himself to stay by Dimitri through his dark episode. “Besides, I’ve been wanting to, um, to give you something I’ve been meaning to for a long time, now.”
Dimitri tilted his head to the side in confusion. “Give me something? Even after you’ve given me so much by believing in me?”
“Heehee,” Wolfie giggled as he finally took the jewels out of his pocket, opening his clenched fist to display the expensive-looking, silver-gold round twin jewels he had been holding on for years now. “Remember when I asked you for that lock of hair?”
“... oh!” Dimitri blinked for a few moments as he scurried through his memory, but his eye opened widely just as he smiled brightly when finally he found the memory he had been looking for. “As I recall, you said that your kin makes a… ‘friendship jewel’ out of our combined hair, yes?”
Wolfie nodded frantically. “Mhm. Here, this is yours.” He picked one of the jewels and placed it on Dimitri’s palm. “I usually kept them in my bag since I was afraid to lose them, but now I can put it in this locket my Mother gave me,” he rummaged under his shirt to bring the thin necklace out of its hiding spot, opening it to show Dimitri how his smaller-than-usual dragonstone now had to share a tight fit with the jewel inside the locket. “You can keep it as it is or make something out of it -- it’s just, well… Special, so if you could take care-”
“Without a doubt I shall!” Dimitri closed his hand carefully so as not to pulverize the precious jewel, “it is my first time being on the receiving end of such a thoughtful gift, so I’m afraid I have nothing to give in return-”
“Oh, no, no!” Flustered, Wolfie waved both hands in front of his face. “Accepting the jewel itself is already enough of a gift! It means that we each share part of each other and regard one another as trusted allies and companions.” Wolfie recited the words his brother Meliodas had told him. “Besides, it’s kinda late since it took me so long to give it to you…”
“Nonsense!” Dimitri clasped Wolfie’s hands with his, carefully placing the jewel amidst their hold. “I have no words to express how elated this makes me, Wolfram. Truly, to have such a staunch ally, I… I feel I am unworthy.” His voice at the end was just above a whisper, but Wolfie’s ears picked it up. Before he could even retort to it, Dimitri continued. “However, being on the receiving end of such a display of loyalty brings me immense joy. I wish I could make something akin to this for you, but for now I shall gracefully accept and promise to think of a fitting return gift.”
“But, there’s no need to return-”
Dimitri squeezed Wolfie’s hands a bit to stop him from talking. “Please, Wolfram. I will not take no for an answer. I truly wish to convey just the same kinds of feelings you are telling me with this jewel right now.”
Wolfie felt the corners of his lips go up despite him wanting to deny Dimitri’s return gift. It truly felt special to be regarded with so much care.
He could only nod and smile broadly in return, squeezing Dimitri’s hand to show his acceptance.
After a moment of comfortable silence, Dimitri slid his hands from Wolfie’s as he took the jewel close to his good eye to examine it. “The gold and silver come from our hair colors, yes? They merged seamlessly…”
“Yup, I used some of my scales to make shells and then…” Wolfie passionately started to explain the process of creation of the jewels, under Dimitri’s warm and surprised gaze.
It really felt like Wolfram was of a different species as he talked about breathing fire and scales, but that only made Dimitri appreciate the present more.
Once Wolfie was done with the explanation, Dimitri asked something that had been on his mind ever since he remembered that time five years ago. “Is the process of making the jewels different depending on the feelings of the related parties?”
“Hmmm, the process is basically the same, but the thoughts and feelings poured into the fire to melt the scales is different, so the colors might merge a bit differently.” Wolfie pondered before answering, recalling what his family had told him.
“I see.” Dimitri nodded, placing his jewel inside the chest pocket of his shirt. “You were thinking of making more of these, were you not? Please take care during the night as we cannot be sure when we will be ambushed.”
“Yeah, leave it to m-” Wolfie started speaking, but then frowned in confusion as he remembered something else he had left behind five years ago during that conversation with Dimitri.
Combining that talk with the question Dimitri just asked, Wolfie felt like there was a knot inside his chest, being tied to all sorts of feelings and memories.
Indeed, the feelings poured into the fire for the jewel were different even though the process remained largely the same for both friendship and… marriage jewels. Wolfie recalled how he had told Dimitri that he intended on giving Caspar a jewel as well, but that his feelings regarding their short and loud friend was different from the ones he had towards Dimitri.
How could he pour something uncertain in his fire?
He had been so focused on giving Dimitri his jewel that the thought of making another one had completely slipped his mind -- but now that one hurdle was dealt with, he felt the looming approach of another one.
What feelings would he pour into the fire when making Caspar’s jewel?
Frowning, Wolfie fell in a deep silence while Dimitri awkwardly watched in wonder. Despite the sudden lull in their conversation, Dimitri simply made himself comfortable on his pillows, giving Wolfie the time he needed to think things through.
The journey back to the Monastery and then to Fhirdiad made Wolfie think about a lot of things regarding his personal connections amidst the army.
Perhaps he was using the word willy-nilly, but Wolfie couldn’t find a better term to describe his feelings.
He loved everyone.
Of course, the intensity of this love was different from one person to the other -- which was actually the exact thing making his head hurt in this whole affair. He loved everyone, but why was he inclined to make a jewel only for Dimitri and Caspar at the top of his head? Sure, he wanted to make one for Dedue and Dorothea eventually, but the need wasn’t as strong as with the first two.
Besides, the subtle difference in how his heart twinged while thinking about Caspar and Dimitri was the thing making him rack his brain. He thought that it was because Caspar was everything he saw during the days, mostly. He woke up with Caspar at his side, went to the dining hall with Caspar, then, after training separately, they would meet again at dinner and head back to their quarters together.
His entire day could be summed up in one word: Caspar.
Well, Wolfie interacted with a lot more people now that he had come clean about his origins -- foot soldiers who caught a glimpse of him fighting while transformed, priests asking about the goddess or just a few of his former classmates poking some questions at him -- so it wasn’t as though he was glued to Caspar at the hip… But Wolfie’s chest felt weirdly empty whenever he thought about Caspar and they were far away.
It would usually fill to the brim the moment they met again and Caspar threw that goofy grin in Wolfie’s direction like he always did. It felt just so fulfilling to be with Caspar that Wolfie sometimes just forgot to think about his feelings and enjoyed the moment instead.
Caspar, Dimitri and Byleth was also the order in which Wolfie worried about them whenever a battle broke out. He could trust Byleth’s skills -- and he relied on her to guide his movements, as well -- so although he had complete faith that she wouldn’t do anything rash, he still had the instinct to worry over the one with the Heart of Immortals. Dimitri was too strong for his own good, but he tended on putting himself at risk too often to allow anyone their rest whenever he picked up his weapon, so worrying about him was normal.
With Caspar it was basically the same as with Dimitri, though slightly different. Caspar relished in being surrounded by enemies and just ‘letting loose’ while beating them all up, so it was actually something that made Wolfie worry anxiously, especially since the shorter man used close combat to defeat his enemies.
It made Wolfie worry ten times more once they reached Fhirdiad and noticed the ‘security measures’ Cornelia had used throughout the city -- giant, sturdy humanoid beings, the Titanus. They were as tall as a palace and each step they took shook the ground, making Wolfie sweat as he saw Caspar rushing towards one armed only with his fists.
“C-Caspar!” Wolfram shrieked as he followed his roommate, readying a spell to send the Titanus’ way.
“This is hard as shit!” Caspar shook one hand after landing a punch on the Titanus’ leg. He then smirked in that way that made Wolfie’s legs go limp for some reason. “But I can break it! Take that, and that, that! Haha!” He laughed almost maniacally as he threw a volley of punches towards the impossibly large enemy.
Fanning himself to cool his face and neck off, Wolfie lost his focus and the spells around him poofed out of existence as it seemed that Caspar would actually manage to just pierce a hole in this formidable-looking enemy with his punches alone.
Wolfram’s mind was so occupied worrying and trying to focus on the battle that he missed the way he had been flustered by Caspar’s smirk, failing to take it into account so as to peruse it later.
The celebration at the royal palace after reclaiming the capital made Wolfram remember the ball they attended back at the Monastery five years previous. The atmosphere was largely different -- since it had an air of stiffness back then while today’s was more vibrant as it was a victory celebration rather than a ball -- but it made Wolfie remember the fun times regardless.
As he looked around the large hall that housed the festivities, Wolfie bumped on something -- rather, someone -- and jumped out of his skin.
“Oh, sorr-”
“There you are!” Caspar smacked Wolfie’s back, not really minding slamming into him by accident. “Ready to hit the floor?” He reached one hand to take Wolfram’s.
“Huh?” Wolfie tilted his head to the side as Caspar gripped at his hand and pulled him towards the middle. “W-wait huh-?”
“C’mon, don’t tell me you forgot! We had a blast last time, so we gotta do it again, obviously!” Caspar pulled Wolfie into an embrace before putting a strong hand on Wolfram’s back, which somehow sent tingling signals throughout the tall boy’s body.
Blushing, Wolfie grasped Caspar’s free hand as though they were actually going to go through a proper waltz, feeling his heart beating frantically inside his chest.
“Ready? Let’s….” Caspar held his breath for a second before shouting: “GOOO!” He then spun Wolfie around like he was a ragdoll, cackling energetically as they dodged their fellow soldiers and classmates.
This time, no one kicked them out of the hall -- instead, it seemed that their vigorous dancing and laughing inspired some of the soldiers to laugh louder than before and relax in a more fitting way to a victory celebration after a long war.
Wolfie’s laughter echoed through the walls along with Caspar’s, long after they got dizzy from spinning so much and had to take a break outside to take some fresh air. Smiling from ear to ear, Wolfie took a deep breath, stretched and slid his hand into Caspar’s so naturally the shorter man only accepted it and smiled in response.
“You tired?” Caspar asked, motioning with his chin towards the hall after Wolfie shook his head. “Wanna go for round two?”
“Nyaha, definitely!”
The cheery mood still lingered around even after they had received a call for aid from Derdriu. Despite them being in the middle of a war and rushing to an ally’s aid, it seemed as though they could conquer anything in their path.
Their morale was through the roof after retaking the capital, so it was no wonder that they allowed themselves to head to battle with a clear head despite the grave situation the troops in Derdriu encountered themselves in.
Claude had truly planned the battlefield to turn out just like Byleth had theorized as they traveled, though it would by no means be an easy fight.
For some reason, Wolfram felt strange when dealing with the enemies in that place. It was as though he had fought them before? Perhaps it was because he was more in touch with his own thoughts and feelings lately that he was more sensitive to his own perceptions, but he couldn’t shake off the feeling that there was something inherently wrong with the enemies, especially the one Dimitri called ‘uncle’.
However, due to how the flow of battle went, Wolfram had to relay Byleth’s orders throughout their forces from Aquilo, so he hadn’t much time to deliberate on the enemies. He had also been the first one to reach Claude, who was fighting a defensive battle from one stronghold.
“Oh! Should I be surprised you haven’t changed at all, Wolf?” Claude laughed heartily once Wolfram came down from Aquilo’s back to receive the message Claude had been holding on to so it could be delivered to Byleth.
“You grew… hair! That’s nice!” Wolfie smiled brightly, truly meaning what he said. For some reason, no men of his family were prone to growing body hair, so Wolfie actually looked up to men who could since they looked more fierce and, well, strong. Even if he WAS physically stronger than most humans by default.
It was hard to explain.
Claude was about to laugh at Wolfram’s random remark when he saw that Wolfie’s usually-hidden ears were in plain sight and whistled. “Color me impressed, we’re gonna have a lot of catching up to do once this war is done!”
“Ah,” Wolfie reached for his pointy ear before smiling awkwardly. “Yeah, we gotta make it out okay first, though!”
“Of course, of course…” Claude matter-of-factly bobbed his head to the sides, walking to Wolfie to relay his message. “So, tell Teach…”
The battle progressed much faster than anyone had expected once the Kingdom army arrived. Of course, a pincer attack was usually always a winning tactic so it was no wonder that Claude was confident in that strategy.
But the truly shocking part of that entire endeavor was not the battle itself, but the results after it was won: Claude had taken measures to merge the Alliance back into the Kingdom, solidifying a step into the unification of Fódlan by Dimitri instead of by what Edelgard had been doing for the past five years.
“I need to leave right away, so our reunion won’t be as long,” Claude had told them the night before he was set to board a ship to somewhere far away, “but when I come back, I wanna hear all of the juicy details, you hear?”
Wolfie giggled after accepting Claude’s stretched hand into a warm handshake that shared a promise to meet again, whenever their futures crossed. Wolfram wondered in passing if he would still be in this world whenever Claude returned, but somehow, he felt that regardless of how long it took, they would meet again, against all circumstances.
By then, Wolfie would be able to share all that he knew, even the tidbits he couldn’t reveal to Dimitry or Caspar for the time being.
That promise made Wolfie look forward to the future for what seemed to be the first time ever since he arrived in this world. Or perhaps for the first time after he had been alone for a long, long time.
Indeed… the future.
As their army moved south towards Enbarr, Wolfie turned even more introspective than he had been for the past few months. The time Nidra and Naga had agreed on for Wolfie’s mission to last was slowly reaching its course. Now that it all had passed, it felt like all those years in solitude had been a terrible dream, which made Wolfie enjoy the time he had with his friends with a tinge of melancholy in his eyes.
He had given Dimitri the friendship jewel, connecting their fates under the watchful eye of Naga, so although Wolfie knew that his time in Fódlan was close to ending (after all, what was a few more months to a manakete?), he didn’t feel the loneliness of parting with his first friend.
Yet, the situation with the jeweless Caspar was different. Wolfie felt anguished that he had to be separated from him, even whenever he thought that he just had to connect their fates with a jewel just like with Dimitri.
Even when he compared to what Wolfie felt regarding his other friends, it was weird that the situation with Caspar stood out so strongly from the rest. He felt like he couldn’t breathe but also more free than ever whenever they were together.
He always wore a wide smile when he watched Caspar fight with that smirk on his face, since it made his body hotter and his heart twinge in a different rhythm. He didn’t even like fighting! But it was like he could watch Caspar brawl for hours without getting bored or scared…
Besides, Caspar’s warmth had been more present than ever after the celebration in Fhirdiad. Sometimes Wolfie would catch himself walking while holding Caspar’s hand as it was normal -- and, by that point, it was. They just shared much more skinship than before in a way that progressed so naturally it baffled Wolfram when he thought about it.
They were even sleeping with their sleeping bags right next to each other! While they traveled to Fort Merceus and camped out, large tents housed many soldiers during the night, so the two of them slept side by side without even thinking about it.
The more Wolfram thought about it, the redder his face got. He could feel the heat spreading through his cheeks, ears and neck as though it would consume everything in his body, starting from his pounding heart.
“Wolf! You not going to bed? We’re marching early tomorrow, so-” Caspar called from behind Wolfram, making the tall boy jump inside his skin.
Hearing Caspar’s voice while he was thinking intently about him made Wolfram clutch his chest with both hands in awe.
The half manakete widened his eyes, slowly turning around to Caspar as though he was a rusty cog. “Um, I- I’m going in a bit.”
“You okay, man?” Caspar patted Wolfram’s shoulder, which flinched visibly from their contact.
“Yeah I’m, um, nervous, that’s all. We’re getting closer to Enbarr.” Wolfie croaked out, though the more he spoke, the more natural it felt to talk to Caspar.
Caspar’s hand on Wolfram’s shoulder pressed down with a bit more strength. “Don’t worry, I’ll take on anyone who gets close to you! It’s not the first fort we conquer anyway, so I’m not worried.” He shrugged with a confident smirk, which made Wolfie’s legs tremble.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wolfie couldn’t help but just nod mentally at what he finally felt what his heart was telling him.
“Yeah.” He nodded to Caspar with a stiff expression, which went over the shorter man’s head as he grinned widely in response.
“See you tomorrow, then!” Caspar patted Wolfie a bit more before waving goodbye as he headed to their shared tent.
“What’re you saying, we’ll still talk when we tuck in to bed…” Wolfram whispered to himself as he looked at Caspar broad back.
Breathing slowly, Wolfram closed his eyes to get in a deeper touch with his feelings, clutching his hands in front of his chest as though he could poke his heart and ask it to tell him everything with words.
However, he didn’t even need the heart to spell it out for him, even though he was actually freaking out the more he thought about it.
I love him. He thought with a nod, smiling shyly as heat rose to his cheeks once again. Not like the others, but I know now the difference.
He wanted to think of how to act now that he had this discovery; how would they talk, how did he ever look at Caspar; why did his thoughts wander in this direction; what were they going to do after this was over-
But he stopped himself.
Just that simple interaction from just now made Wolfram nod confidently that, although now he could name the feeling he felt towards Caspar, they were still the same two people. They slept together, ate together, marched and fought together. The comfort brought out of habit made Wolfie feel that everything would be okay, even though he had felt anguish regarding his and Caspar’s future just one hour previous.
First, Wolfie would focus on the battle ahead, then he would be able to figure out his thoughts and actions later.
Of course, he would need to know how to ask for Caspar’s hair and how to deal with these feelings, so he would need someone to talk to -- perhaps Dorothea or Byleth? -- though for now… tomorrow’s battle came first.
It wasn’t as though he was going to disappear out of nowhere without settling these feelings first, so he had to deal with everything that came to him one at a time, just like how he had done when he was alone.
For now, Wolfie could only confidently say that he loved Caspar. And that was enough for the moment.
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jasper-dracona · 4 years
We’ve seen Castiel fight quite a bit, he’s actually decent at it, and he has plenty of cool abilities that we see him use like once and never again. He can shoot lightning down from the sky, twist knives that he’s not touching, and he’s obviously pretty good with a dagger/knife because Angel Blades. So, here’s my Supernatural Better Ending idea.
So, after the confession Dean and Sam fight like hell to get Cas back. But, they make a rule: No more of this self-sacrifice garbage. It always gets us into more trouble than we were in before, and it hurts us all. So, we get Cas back by any means necessary, except that. Spells, trickery, killing demons, angels, reapers, all powerful creatures we’ve never even heard of, whatever, just not ourselves.
And they succeed!! It was... oooohhh my god it was fucking hard. The boys need a fucking nap.
After said nap, they sit down and discuss what they all want, and what they’re gonna do next.
Dean says that hunting is really the only thing he’s ever known, it’s what he does best. Sam got a year off to think and feel what living in the real world is like, but Dean’s never really done that, and he doesn’t really want to. He likes kicking in the door of abandoned factories and killing whatever ghoul or ghost is traumatizing or killing the local townspeople.
Sam says that he’s really tired, even after that nap. He wants to live a normal life, and he feels like he’s got the chance because for once it feels like the world isn’t hunting them down, or that he needs to go hunt someone else down to go save them. He’s got a knack for fixing things, for making things work and tick, and well... there’s this girl... But, there will always be this little voice in the back of my head saying that there’s lives to be saved, there’s ghosts to be killed, so maybe I can still help out?
Cas says, he’s not really sure what he wants, other than to be with them (it goes unsaid but they all know he has a uhhh preference if he “must” choose between them)
And Dean pipes up that, well “we’ve seen you fight Cas and you’re pretty good at it, a bit stiff” Sam snickers a bit “but, uh, you can handle yourself quite well.” He snickers again. “You can use an Angel Blade, I’ve seen you shoot lightning down from the sky in the past. Why don’t you come with me on my monster hunting trips?”
“Would I have to learn how to use a gun?”
“It might be good to know, but there’s other ways of fighting that work almost as well.”
“Alright, I... like the sound of that” Cas says, as he cracks a little bit of a side-smile.
Dean, on a bit of a roll, says “and Sam, you’ve always been more partial to research anyway, would you wanna be our...” he pauses for a moment, because this is an emotionally charged title he’s about to offer Sam, and a lot of memories and feelings come flooding back. He smiles warmly and with pride, but undertones of sorrow creep in. “Our new Bobby? I mean, like, part-time since you want a mostly normal life, right?”
Sam, seeming a bit taken aback by this proposition “d- uh- y-yeah! I’d- I’d be glad to do that! Oh and uh, I was thinking, since I’m good at fixing things and making things work, well, I could maybe design you two some new tools. I mean, we’ve got salt pellets for the shotgun and iron tools, and silver bullets, but there’s gotta be other ways to further simplify those kinds of techniques, make them more efficient.”
Dean face lowers a bit and he seems... sceptical. He’s always been one for tradition, “if ain’t broke don’t fix it” is a very old phrase and I think he’s a fan.
“Of course, never to the point where hunting would be un-fun. The danger is part of it! But, I wanna keep the number of hits you- two- (he pauses and gestures to Cas, getting used to this new dynamic) take before you kill whatever you’re hunting to a minimum, right?”
Cas, having been just kind of standing, listening mostly in silence until now, says “yes that would be good. Also, since the main weapon I use is an Angel Blade, would it be possible for us to get other, similarly styled blades for me to use? Because, as powerful as an Angel Blade is, it only kills some supernatural beings other than demons and angels.”
“Uh, yeah I’m sure we could get you that. I don’t think I could make it but I can definitely look into it.”
And then they go, they get right into a decent rhythm (I’m not technically caught up so the details of what’s going on with Sam are going to be lacking.) Sam goes and talks to his girl, tells her that he’s going to be living a mostly normal life from now on, just with a bit of research and a bit of tinkering. He gets a job as the local plumber, but also does work on cars, on electrical things. He’s kinda known around town as the fix-it guy. If you’ve got a problem or somethings broken, he’s a pretty safe bet. In his off time he designs this heavy cloth rope that’s been soaked in salt-brine and then dried, leaving it full of salt, so that you can more easily encircle a room with it. It works best for ghosts because they’re mostly incorporeal. He designs a little box, kind of like a craft supplies box, with a series of small tools and materials in each spot. Gold, silver, copper, a coin of each, a piece of iron, and all sorts of other little pieces of equipment and ingredients.
We jump to Cas and Dean, in The Car, having a laugh when Dean’s phone rings. Sam says he’s got a lead and that he has some stuff he wants them to try out while they’re there. He gives them the rundown and say he’ll mail the package to the local shitty motel.
Normal Supernatural episode stuff happens, they follow the lead, get the package, find the house, and get to work. And we get to see Dean and Cas dance-fight their way through like 12 ghosts. They flow around the room with such synchronicity, despite the difference in pace between their weapons of choice, shotgun and throwing daggers. A beautiful sweeping shot around the room of them annihilating ghost after ghost after ghost. The only interruption being that Dean takes just a second too long reloading and gets scratched across his left cheek. Cas quite promptly stabs that ghost in the back, and the room falls silent.
“I think we got them all.” Cas says, without looking around the room, eyes fixed on Dean.
“Thanks, Cas” Dean says in a near-whisper
“No worries. Let’s go get that patched up.”
Cut to Dean sitting on the edge of the trunk, with Cas patching up his cut. Can’t Cas heal people? Well... they prefer this ritual to magic-y insta healing, it’s not as fun. Cas will make sure it won’t scar, however. Cas finishes bandaging him up, and makes one more good press on it to smooth it out, leaving his hand gingerly on Dean’s cheek.
“There we go, all cleaned up.” He says, smiling and looking over Dean’s face once more, just to make sure that’s the only scratch, or is he looking for more personal reasons? Maybe both?
Dean was kinda looking off in the distance while Cas patched him up, but now he looks right into his eyes. He grabs onto Cas’s caressing hand gently, smiles ever-so softly and leans in and kisses him. It is the exact kind of kiss you would expect from Dean Winchester, if any kiss could be described as “gruff”, this would be it.
They both let go after a long moment, Cas’s eyes are full of so much: shock, confusion, excitement, joy, and for a split second, fear, thinking he might just get sent back to turbo hell the empty.
Dean however, simply has a cheeky grin on his face with a touch of embarrassment. “Y’know... we haven’t had a chance to talk much since you got back.”
“Uh- Dean- I...” it looks as though Cas’s mind is going about a trillion miles a second.
Dean revels in his love’s adorable awkwardness, that often shines through even if he isn’t the only one in his vessel, even if he hasn’t spoken, damn he’s the cutest. “I wish I coulda done that sooner. I just... felt I wasn’t ready. That one had to be 100% on my terms.”
Cas wants to say something, anything, but just- there’s so much happening in his brain right now he can’t- he just- ah! This is amazing but he just cannot get any words out.
“Hey uhh, you good there buddy? Did I short-circuit you?”
“I think maybe, yeah!” Cas finally says with a chortle and this expression of relief and excitement and at least a little bit of embarrassment.
We cut to the next scene, back at Sam’s house, giving reviews and suggestions about his inventions.
“Okay okay, I can probably fix that by adjusting the drying time based on the humidity, and you’ll probably need to keep it in an air tight container from now on.”
“Yeah I was uhh... a little distracted when we put it away last. Sorry about that.”
“It’s alright Cas, it’s good to know that proper storage matters for this one.”
Suddenly, a bunch of pinging comes from Sam’s computer.
“What’s that?” asks the ever-paranoid Dean.
“I set up a series of notifications on my computer to go off if it found any news article that had a series of key words. This seems like a big one, vampires most likely, telling by the key words it found. You guys down?”
“Always.” They say, in tandom. Somewhat surprised, they glance at eachother a moment.
Sam raises his eyebrows. His face then says the word “anyways” without him making a sound.
“The article says it happened in [town], [state]. A man was killed in the...” Cas and Dean step around the desk and Dean leans in to look at the laptop, both hands on the desk, Cas leans in slightly and looks intently as well. They begin to discuss, likely speculating what type of vampire and what to do as the camera pans back and up in an arc as Sam’s voice fades, Carry On Wayward Son begins to play (because it has to) and it fades to black.
(Honestly wanted to write that last scene as if it was far later, well after the kiss, so that I could mention an Easter egg, that would be for eagle eyed viewers if this was an actual episode, where Cas and Dean both had wedding bands. Couldn’t figure out how to make it work though, and not seems like a big, weird jump.)
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merry-melody · 4 years
umbrella academy s2 thoughts
Or you can read here if you prefer. Formatting’s probably easier there and this is like 4k, so be warned.
So, was not much of a fan. (Wasn't surprised to learn none of the S1 writers were retained into this season, either!)
I feel like it's a little early for this show to be separating the siblings into New Lives, considering how little they interacted throughout the first season.
I would have liked more childhood flashbacks, having an additional Reginald subplot in a show stuffed with seven (or six and a half) leads seems a choice when it didn't link into the siblings in any meaningful way. 
It also made all the siblings curiously less sympathetic, as Diego and Luther in particular, but also Vanya and Klaus to an extent, are berated for showing any kind of effect of their upbringing; but without much 'showing' of said upbringing (or emotional impact at all from the last season - Vanya's obviously out for that own with the hackneyed amnesia plot; Diego is completely over Patch's death - and Grace's, for that matter, although she does at least get acknowledged; and Klaus for some reason seems to have stopped seeing ghosts 99% of the time.) 
I'm very mistrustful, as I mentioned in my S1 notes, that the show will in any way support Reginald's abuse, whether it be the siblings furthering their patterns of copying him without learning to recognise and address this; or by some kind of time loop casuality bullshit.
This season didn't really allay that, just with the general tone - the line Vanya had about sarcastically saying he was loving, or Five calling him 'no boy scout' just seem tonally a very different vibe from S1, like there were already aspects of that where it felt like none of them except Klaus really acted like they'd been raised by a guy who outright harmed them so much as a tough Professor type; and here it seems to double down on that idea. 
Five in particular was almost his father's yes man to an extent, he had several lines about how right their father was; although it was intriguing to see Diego reference how Reginald may have become even worse after Five's disappearance with that 'golden years' remark.
I was intrigued by the lizard reveal, though.
So, Luther wise...hmmm.
Also, on shallow notes, the hair and fashion was really lacking from last season, like apart from Allison/Emmy who looked lovely in the 60s clothes (and Five, Ben and Vanya, who remained pretty much the same), everyone looked worse (even Luther had a little Tintin grown out hairdo going on!)
Didn't love the toilet humour, either, but again, YMMV.
He was a little more likeable than S1, I appreciated how he acknowledged his own failings (which iirc, no one else but Vanya really did all season, and since she didn't recall hers at the time, there wasn't as much emotional impact) - although the cocked gun lessened it a little, lol. And the return of that lovely musical score during, too, nice touch.
It was good to see at least two scenes with him and Vanya interacting, and for them to return to the Five/Luther duo.
It was also interesting to see how Luther, like all his siblings, projects his own feelings onto others, (like his first instinct being that Vanya's pulling some 'bullshit game' when obviously, Vanya was pretty upfront when she lost it; whereas it was Luther who was the one scamming her into the hug-n-choke.)
I liked them bonding over Five being an asshole, too.
(Although I think once again, the lack of trust between the siblings was almost contrived, like Luther in particular seems genuinely pissed off that Five didn't, what, let them all die in a fiery death? I get that they grew up in an environment that promoted mistrust and that they don't really seem to understand their own powers or each others, and Five never explains when he makes a mistake, anyway, but I'm just not sure what Luther's ideal outcome here was.)
I'm clearly an asshole also, because the 'Rooming House for Solitary Men' sign made me laugh every time they showed it.
I feel like some of his characterisation was unsubtly telegraphed (although that's a complaint over all, not just him specific) - like they decided 'sensitive' was their key word there, and just jam in everyone referring to him as that rather than showing it. (...Is Luther sensitive? Like, not dragging him, I'd just not pick that at all for him as a description.)
I also didn't much enjoy the pairing of him and Diego, like to be honest, it was never a pairing even from S1 that I was particularly fascinated by, it's such a well-worn dynamic; and while at least they weren't bickering over numbers, the dude bro banter ('women, amirite?!') and matching lack of IQ (I never thought I'd say Diego seemed dumber than cracking a raw egg to posture, and yet...) was just kind of lowhanging fruit.
I also feel like the goon for Jack Ruby stuff seemed inserted purely for plot contrivance to link to JFK.
(This is also a universal complaint, but I really felt for the actors doing promo, like they come up with all these well thought out explanations about why their characters are making these choices, but the work doesn't really show up in the writing or what was shown onscreen. IIRC, Tom Hopper was talking about Jack Ruby as a replacement father figure and how it's Luther's first stab at independence in terms of supporting himself; and there's this whole thing of Ruby saying he treated Luther like a son, when really, he's in like, two scenes and Luther is very clearly a paid goon. Which isn't to say that's not supporting yourself, a job's a job! I just felt like it didn't really go anywhere.)
I liked the idea that he's the only one who looked for their dad; I liked him still eating his feelings, funnily enough, it's just a good character note.
I don't particularly have investment in him and Allison one way or another yet - I don't care about the moral indignation; I just feel like when they're together, it seems one part them being smug about the others, one part yearning based on the same plot as S1 (she's moved on but seems to want to keep Luther as her back up guy.) Like, I'd love to see those two actually interact over something based on their disparate characters (what would Allison have said if she'd heard Luther's little defense of the Feds to Five?)
There's also a return to that odd juxtaposition from S1 of Klaus' drinking with Luther taking drugs cheerfully and to no effect. (I'm not expecting a DARE commercial, it's just all over the place in tone. That, and I thought Luther 'waSN't ReADy for THaT!')
(This isn't Diego specific, either, but they also do that thing I hate in TV, where they purposefully reference someone specifically in the episode before they rereturn, and Diego got the short straw on that one with the Pogo mention apropros of nothing, so we know we'll see Baby!Pogo shortly.)
Diego: Again, lots of telegraphing. (Do you think the writers want to get across Diego has a hero complex? I wasn't clear after he cat leaps through dimensions, stops a mugging, obsessively stalks JFK, and almost everyone he meets literally holds up placards mentioning 'DIEGO HAS A HERO COMPLEX'.)
Diego got a lot more time onscreen, which is a plus, but the haircut combined with his role as plot monkey made it a neutral point.
I also think Castaneda got the short straw on some of dialogue this year, oof, that Luke Skywalker 'it's a great reference' dialogue felt a bit try hard. 
(Sheehan also took a body blow later with the 'Sexy trash!' one, ouch, like that felt very Designed to Retweet/Gif. 
No one's topped S1 for blatant exposition yet, though: 'You haven't been sober since you were a teen! Not since you started taking drugs to block the ghosts out.')
Randomly, I liked the decent English accent he pulled out of nowhere. And again, David Castaneda I believe, mentioned Patch's death, so it's neat that he thought about the impact of her death on his character, even though it wasn't evident in the plot.
As I mentioned up top, I think Diego kind of suffered from the same thing Klaus did last year, where upon he seems to be the only one who recalls they were actually brought up in an abusive environment; and yet here the focus seems more generic to Diego's a baby (right down to constantly talking about 'bad guys' like a three year old) who has masculinity issues about his mean pop (who tbh, seems to be presented as entirely correct in labelling him a fuckwit, since he behaves like one pretty much all season: 'We chop off his trigger finger!')
(Also there's that contrived Batman style ethics that came up with Luther last year, where they're like 'We can quip over bodies and we grew up literally murdering people', but for some reason, Diego won't 'kill a man before he's committed a crime' (he can stalk one, and cut off his hand, though?)
Likewise, there wasn't a ton of interaction between him and Allison, like in S1, I enjoyed how they kind of overcame their initial mutual dislike with small moments of bonding; whereas here he has to be prompted to talk to her (and that was an adlib, which again, means the actors were considering something the writers overlooked.)
Last year I talked about how much I enjoyed Diego's character and how they walked a very fine line between him combining his desire to be the stereotypical macho figure with his innate sensitivity, so naturally this season we get him butchified to a factor of ten ('I'm the man, here!' 'You're a big pussy!') and almost zero interactions with Klaus, the person besides Grace who brought that out the most last year.
(What happened to those two, last time we saw them they were pretty much the closest in the family besides the Allison/Vanya link; here, Diego's almost contemptous. Has he levelled up in his mind now he's bffs with Luther?) I wanted to find the scene with him and Ben endearing, since we get so few interactions with Ben and any one besides Klaus, but it wasn't even that personally linked to them beyond 'Remember our one specific memory? Anyways, lolz, u should keep Klaus' body, idgaf.')
Allison Allison I think suffers from a lot of the same problems as she was introduced with - like Vanya, her powers are kind of linked to a lack of control in a way that the guys aren't; and a lot of her development is offscreen.
I actually really enjoyed the episode focusing on her, though, I thought it was one of the strongest of the season.
Her husband got a bit OTT with his catchphrase - where Diego's was 'JFK', Ray's was very clearly ' the movement!' and I found it odd how easily all the siblings but especially Allison gave up on returning to their own time and committed to another relationship built on lies (albeit this time of omission - baby steps!) but I kind of like that, like that's Allison, kind of co-dependent and self-deceiving.
Really, I feel like Allison's more interesting when they plunge into her darker side, I was riveted in the 'more!' scene, as well as the 'I heard a rumour you killed your brother'.
I think it's especially important as she's a WOC, which this season focused on more, like, it's very important not to fall into the common writing trap where the guys are allowed to be vindictive or needy or selfish and the women are there to be the moral guidance (for the same reason, I also loved the Five/Vanya stand-off); and that goes double for the model minority bit.
I was worried that they'd fall into the trap of Allison needing to be twice as good not just with how the sit-ins were portrayed but also generally (she speaks seven languages! She makes extensive notes on the state of race relations with specific regard to Dallas in the 1960s!) and once more, it seemed like Emmy Raver Lampman was trying to put across a more interesting read on Allison in terms of how isolated she was from any awareness of oppression in the outer world, first in the Academy and then through being a powerful celebrity and the contrast that creates for her in Dallas which didn't quite get met by the writing/direction.
It was great to see how she got to become part of a community in a way the others didn't, also, and particularly being protected by the beauty shop ladies when she arrived; like, the imbalance of genders as well as races in the Academy genuinely made it refreshing to see.
(The relapse is also very up and down in tone, like they make attempts at pathos, but it's also accompanied by the Styx soundtrack/60s light effects...)
Klaus and Ben - Probably my least favourite aspect of this season.
There was a bunch of telling not showing (Klaus' three year sobriety being expressed in Ben's expository sentence and that .5 second shot of him turning down a joint) and once you remove the biggest impacts on Klaus' character (the addiction and his power) without explanation, you're basically left with 'Klaus causes problems for himself for comedic value.' 
I don't really care about who fights well or which powers are developed (didn't read the comics, don't plan to) but it seems to be like the best portrayals of superheroes show the powers as metaphors for their lives - Vanya struggles to control her emotions, Ben feels powerless, etc. If you take away the powers, you take away the reasoning behind the character.
Why is Ben pretty much the only ghost (particularly when in S1, they seemed ever-present)? How or why did Klaus learn to summon them in the alt-apocalypse?
I liked the scene of Klaus interacting with Ray before they find out he's married to Allison, that was cute.
I also liked seeing him interact with Vanya and Allison (there was an interesting shot where Allison says she has a life she worked for, and Klaus smiles - is that because in contrast, he doesn't? I'd have liked them to acknowledge the link between cults and celebrity, tbh, those two have a lot in common. Or is it because she isn't using her power and neither is he?), and I thought it was cool to note how when the group are reunited, they fall into a power structure right away.
Like, right away, Klaus sells out Vanya and Allison to the guys ('It's usually Vanya!' or mentioning how Allison's being 'involved in community politics'.) Likewise, everyone kowtows to Five, then Luther, over the rest (like when Five says they won't go with Vanya to the farm) and no one speaks up for Diego in front of Reginald.
I want to give the others the benefit of the doubt and say they were kind of shitty to Klaus in particular in this season because they were in a group, because it's a huge downgrade in compassion (especially since Allison was like, covering him with a blanket when they're alone.) 
Like, I get sibling culture, I have 'em, but I feel like when you're bringing possible 'seizures' up, you're sort of skirting what's then played as comedic (Luther dragging him, the 'check please' line), especially Diego's: 'He's probably having an overdose.' (Kinda seeing why no one rushed to join Team Zero.)
Like, he and Klaus do just kind of seem contrivedly not communicating - I would think after the isolation, you'd crack through boredom if nothing else.
Ben's kind of an odd duck - I feel like with Steve Blackman's comments, he's supposed to be this philosophical voice of reason; but tbh, he seems as self-involved as Klaus, and if anything, they mirrored each other (that line in S1 about Klaus being cowardly plays a little differently after the revelation 'He was afraid to go into the light'...) rather than separating him into his own person.
I mean, I don't want Saint Ben (or St. anyone!), but Ben does kind of irritate, like it's not like he even particularly gets much wit or personality in his lines (and I doubt Justin Min would be short of inspiration there, so it does seem to be a writing choice) or they give him much warmth or concern (I still like that shot of him walking off in the sixth episode of S1, though - where is he off to?!) In S1, we do at least get to see him panicking and how helpless he must feel that he can't alert the others to danger etc. He doesn't really offer opinions that offer a personal philosophy beyond 'Stop being a junkie' (he was willing to shut off Grace - was that to tick off Klaus for taking the opposite opinion, or is he super pragmatic generally?) or 'Admit it, Klaus, Luther's Okay!' (Again, is this nostalgia for the other siblings, or what? It would have been nice to have Ben interact with all his siblings, considering they included the whole possession plot for less than necessary stuff like 'Ben kisses a girl!' and 'Vomit shenanigans!')
I just feel like his personality was kind of an afterthought still, and it made his sacrifice for Vanya, touching as it was, feel a little unearned.
Why doesn't Klaus tell Ben he wants to go back for Dallas for Dave? Why doesn't Ben tell Klaus he wants to go back to San Francisco for Jill? Was Ben in Vietnam? How come he's gone from using Dave as A Reason to Get Clean to a 'fling' - dark reading of Ben, tbh, like does he want Klaus clean purely for his own gain, and now he is, Dave's of no further value? What does Ben think Klaus is looking Dave up for - he says it's 'selfish', does he literally think Klaus is just there to hook up with Dave pre-death? It's hard to parse whether Ben has a low opinion of Klaus in particular or whether he, like the rest of them, has kind of adopted to a point Reginald's views - it was neat to see a comparison of the two there.
The possession stuff was a cool parallel, as well, if underused on the whole - Ben's happy to take advantage of Klaus' body despite his clear ambivalence and then outright refusal; Klaus is happy to take advantage and have sex with his own cult followers. 
The cult stuff was even less strong, imho - I said last year how I'd enjoy a darker reading of Klaus, as S1 I felt sometimes was unfair to the others in that we see them being impatient with him; but never how his addiction would have impacted upon them negatively; but here, there's no real exploration of Klaus' narcissism or manipulation (in fact the plot seems to play out exactly the same as Allison's in S1 - we start with all the action about why they pursued fame etc. dealt with offscreen, and begin when the lead has already tired of it all.)
I mean, Klaus is self-destructive, as we saw in S1, but here it's an odd combination, like he's at once both cowardly of physical harm (in a way he wasn't really in S1, even post-Dave, so it doesn't seem to be in reaction to his death) but also running a cult for the attention, but the attention is presented as negative almost exclusively throughout.
Like, I'd get it if it was an interest in money and the finer things in life, even, you could make an interesting point there (and iirc, Robert Sheehan and I think Emmy Raver Lampman have) about how while the Hargreeves were abused, they were also 'spoilt rich kids'; and reflect on that; but it's literally just there for gags.
There's no real explanation for the cult itself (they literally just regurgitate pop culture references) or an exploration of Klaus as a con artist (again - here's where you could show some kind of progression in character, whether it's forward or backwards, and use the powers; and have Klaus working as a shady medium, but nope, it's physical comedy only.)
You could delve into his refusing to even tell the others about Ben's presence, but that's handwaved as much as ever (Five didn't go 'Huh, well, Ben was there when the Soviets came...') not just from the other siblings, but also Ben and Klaus themselves.
‘Cause I could see how Klaus would feel guilty about saying that, regardless; but then Ben's all 'Well, I was chicken to go anyway' 
It might have been a little more affecting if Ben's motivation for possessing Klaus wasn't Jill, a character we know exactly zero about, but talking to his family; not to mention a lot more sympathetic towards Ben himself. As it is, it plays more like he's petty and jealous Klaus gets to be alive, rather than frustrated that Klaus is essentially silencing him.
And again, that's fine, maybe that is Ben, he stopped aging at 17, after all, but I'm not sure what the point is of a plot where we don't really get to see much exploration of either character.
Like, what did we learn about Klaus from this specific sub-plot? We knew in S1 he felt guilty that Ben died young, and that he was happy to allow his siblings to believe Ben is gone.
Likewise, Ben? We knew in S1 he was envious of Klaus being alive, and bitter that his position was so powerless.
It was nice to see the teenage actors (did they dub Teen!Klaus??? Odd.) post Ben's death, but it kind of didn't resolve much, really - it seemed like Klaus was supposed to be bullshitting about the 'golden light' and whether or not you can just...'go' whenever you please, but then it seemed like it turned out to be true?
(Might want to have mentioned that, then, like I get he's a Hargreeves and therefore a fail at interpersonal relationships, but you'd think it wouldn't take a smart guy to figure that if your brothers already toying with self-destruction in his teen years, it might not be the most genius move to additionally allow him to believe you're trapped in the 'real torture' of berating him endlessly solely due to his advice; if for no other reason than your one link to humanity is then going to keep up the booze and drugs that blocks you from his presence.)
I was inclined to like the Dave subplot a little more than I did last season, just because something was happening at all (and we got some tiny semblance of Dave's personality, even if it was basic as hell - he likes hamburgers!), but I feel like the Dave recasting thing really stretched credulity.
I would guess it was written backwards, in terms of if Dave was the clearly fully grown adult we saw in S1 a mere five years later, why wouldn't he just go 'Oh, thanks for the tip, dude, I'll avoid all that military jazz'? And why wouldn't Klaus just be like 'Fuck it, can we not just...date now?' Aha, we could make him a little younger, chuck in a Mean Uncle, throw in some manufactured conflict, and zow-pow!
It definitely wasn't the most contrived plot ever or anything (or even on this show), but I did feel like it's weird that again, via the cult, we're kind of asked to see Klaus as this expert manipulator of people, when he seemed almost purposefully stupid here (like, even compared with Luther and Diego.)
Why act as if the only chance you'll ever have to see the guy in the same timezone as you is right that second in front of his crazed uncle? Why say you've tried everything when you met the kid three times (once instigated by him, and I have to say, it's sort of odd, like Klaus is just drinking throughout, like you'd think this would be the one opportunity he'd take to truly and honestly engage without that) and basically just asked him twice, and in the least convincing way possible.
Shoot him in the foot! Burn down the recruitment office! Use your international platform and pull with local government to influence your huge movement towards stopping the war in Vietnam! 
Like, if what you're going for is that Klaus is defeatist and unimaginative, fine, but I'm not sure it's not just that they kind of didn't write beyond the circular 'telling him only made him sign up sooner' casuality because it's so Tragic. 
(Also, I feel like they're overplaying the iconography of those damn dogtags, like at this point, Klaus looking sadly at the dog tags has still probably had more screen time than Dave himself.)
I liked the scene with him and Vanya facing off? 
Five I think didn't really get much more development than S1, he drives the plot forward, but not much else. In fact, in S1, he probably was more interesting, in that he interacted with all of his siblings and showed moments of vulnerability and care (knowing Claire's name, telling Luther not to waste his life, asking Klaus if he was okay) and got to properly react to his siblings' deaths.
Um...it was cool to have two of him? 
It was nice and kind of ambigious where he lied to her about the cause of the apocalypse, like you could go by what he said about how he wanted to avert her anger, or you could wonder if it's a rare moment of kindness in his old age, lol.
I also loved it when he said to Luther about whether he could talk to her 'without squeezing her to death'.
I found Sissy probably the most interesting of the new characters (probably her and Lila more so than Lil!Dave and Ray, tbh.)
Vanya I probably have the least to say about. I was satisfied with how they portrayed the culpability of the others, particularly Luther, without erasing Vanya's part in the apocalypse. (I really, really hope this'll end the endless discourse on her emails book now, that got tired fast.
I could also do without the endless 'lolz, Ellen Page was so bad at playing straight they had to write Vanya as gay'. Ellen Page is pretty convincing as an actor - I bought her raping Rainn Wilson in 'Super', for god's sake, I doubt 'heterosexual' is a challenge.)
The amnesia plot was pretty cliched, and it did mean we didn't get so much actual interaction between the 'real' Vanya (so to speak) and her siblings but I really enjoyed the dream sequence of her in the academy.
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beeexx · 4 years
Set after 2x6, Alex and Kyle talk about things.
You can read it here  on my ao3 too. Just a little snippet I wrote after everything so to say.
“I need a friend.” That’s the words Alex wakes up to when he finally crawls out of his bedroom to open the door to Kyle’s persistent ringing. His cheek has a crease from sleeping in a weird position on his pillow and his hair is sleep tousled.
At the sight of Alex Kyle’s eyebrow shoots upwards and his mouth open.
“Wait, were you sleeping?” Alex is too tired to feel bothered by the fact that he is indeed only wearing sweatpants and a blanket wrapped around himself.
“Maybe.” He mutters
“Dude, it’s like 1pm.”
“Yeah well…”
“Okay, maybe you need a friend too, can I come in?” Alex bites back the reply of we’re not friends which threatens to escape. Also, the fact that he steps aside to let Kyle in probably means they are. From behind him Kyle picks up two plastic bags and sidesteps Alex to get inside. 
“Just make yourself comfortable.” He mutters to the empty space and closes it slowly. His brain really hasn’t woken up enough for this. He walks into his bedroom and puts on a t-shirt and an old ratty jumper lying at the back of his closet. When he finally makes it to the kitchen where Kyle is he decides that Kyle and him are definitely friends because a cup of hot steaming coffee is pushed into his hands. He can’t help the moan he lets out at the sip he takes. Kyle just chuckles and leans back against the counter, looking happy. 
“So, what’s up?”
“Ugh, I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Okay, if you’re not here to talk about it then why are you here?”
“Well it was this, the gym or gettin drunk, and before you ask, yes I already tried the gym. It didn’t do the trick. And the second option being alcohol, it is 1pm and I am not in the habit of getting drunk at that time, and I also have a job to go to tomorrow and I didn’t think you would appreciate getting drunk with me. Because, well because you have a job to go to as well. So I had to get creative and hanging out honestly seemed like the best option I had.”
Alex takes another sip.
 “Should I feel offended by the fact that I rank the lowest on that list?” 
“I thought you might say that so I bought bribing material.” He looks through one of the plastic bags and holds up a couple of Airheads and a packet of flaming hot Cheetos. Kyle wiggle his eyebrows.
“Yeah that is definitely not bad bragging material.” Alex puts the coffee down and takes the snacks off Kyle.
“I haven’t had Airheads in so long.”
“They used to be your favourite when we grew up.”
“You remember?” Alex is actually surprised to hear that.
“Of course I remember. I don’t even know why you like them so much but today I am definitely not judging because on the way here I stopped and probably bought mine and your weights combined in snacks.”
“You really must be having a bad day.” Alex laughs.
“I drove all the way here and brought enough snacks to give me diabetes in 20 years time, so yes I definitely am.” Kyle says and picks out a bag of Moams from the bags. Alex peeks over his shoulder to see that Kyle definitely wasn’t lying. The bags or filled up with different kinds of snacks to honestly last Alex 6 months. 
“Did you at least bring anything to drink with all of this?”
Kyle replies by taking out a six packs of Mountain Dew and Coke and Alex shakes his head but goes for the Mountain Dew.
“I haven’t had this shit since I was a kid, that’s for sure.” He takes out a glass and hands one to Kyle before he fills his glass up with the soda. He takes a sip and it tastes just like he remembers, sickly sweet. He takes an even bigger sip.
“So, what’s next then?”
“I have thought of that too my friend.” Kyle says and apparently he has because what he does next is that he he puts a stack of DVDs in front of Alex and steps back.
“Wow, you really have.” Alex leans over and looks at the selection. He spots Back to the Future at the top. 
“I have.”
“Star Wars? Really?” Alex holds the DVD up.
“Oh yes, I am desperate enough to watch Star Wars, that should tell you something.”
“Yeah, but Star Wars, that’s a new level even for you.”
Kyle snorts and pops some popcorn into his mouth. 
“I didn’t know you even owned this.” Kyle shrugs.
“I bought them a while back but I’ve not really had the time to watch them.”
“I see… well you know what sure. Let’s watch Star Wars.” Alex picks up one of the bags along with his snacks and walks into the living room, Kyle in tow. 
“This is a nice place.” Kyle notes as he lays himself down onto the couch like he owns the place. Alex lets him, just because he’s having a day. He sits down on the other end and opens up the Cheetos. 
“The military pay for this?”
“Hm, not bad.”
Alex picks up the DVD.
“Are you sure you want to watch this?”
“I’m probably the only 28 year old who hasn’t seen Star Wars, I feel like I’m missing out on part of my culture.”
“I mean yeah you probably are the only person our age who hasn’t seen this. You know you’re supposed to start with episode IV right?”
“What? How does that make any sense. Why?” 
Alex laughs at the obvious confusion Kyle seems to feel over this.
“George Lucas had the idea for Star Wars for a long time and while he was making the first film he had already figured out a lot of the backstory and what happened before it. But because he wasn’t sure it wouldn’t completely flop he waited to make the others after the success was already certain of the three first films.”
The room’s silent and Kyle’s looking at him like he’s slightly insane.
“Okay, you asked.” Alex says, his cheeks only heating a little.
“Yeah, no, okay that was totally on me. I did ask.”
Alex replies by chucking a Cheetos at his face and Kyle’s reflexes kick in and he catches it mid air. He looks proud and Alex just rolls his eyes. 
“Okay, are you sure you want to spend the afternoon watching Star Wars of all things? I’m sure I can find something that you’d actually enjoy.”
“Nope, I’m certain.” Alex relents and puts on episode IV. He’s having a little bit of a hard time  believing this whole to be fair but whatever if Kyle doesn’t want to talk about it then he’s not going to push him. 
Alex lasts about 40 minutes of munching snacks and drinking Coke like he’s 15 again, and a part of him enjoys it because he doesn’t have to think about…...things……. but he’s been living by his own motto when it comes to everyone which is that he left bullshit in Iraq. He sighs and presses pause.
“Hey, that Luke person was just about to do some training with the erm stick….oooo lightsaber, why did you turn it off?”
Alex is surprised Kyle actually seems to have grasped what is going on.
“The fact that you’re keeping up tells me this is serious enough that we need to have a conversation.”
Kyle’s eyes widens and he slumps down in his seat and crosses his arms.
“Are you pouting like a child??”
“No.” The tone is so petulant Alex laughs.
“Come on, what’s going on? I’m trying to be a friend now. For real totally trying.” Kyle grimaces
“I’d rather watch Luke Skytalker.”
“Yeah, whatever, I’d rather watch him and Han Solo save Carrie Fisher.”
“Princess Leia, also you know who Carrie Fisher is?”
“Of course I know who she is, I was a jock but I wasn’t blind.”
Alex can buy that.
“Nope, we’re still talking.”
Kyle sighs and lies down completely on the couch. 
“Okay, well the other day was definitely weird. I’ve been avoiding Liz because, well I am struggling a little bit with having to deal with her choosing Max and me doing her every bidding which is clearly not healthy so I went to this gay bar just to get away a little from everything and I ran into Isobel. Now I like Isobel, and we danced and had a good time and then we were totally gonna sleep with each other but I chickened out because I kind of like this other girl so I went back to the hospital to see if she was still around only to find out that she was in surgery, all alone without telling me anything…. and I’ve been feeling kind of off since.” He rambles on.
“Wait, did you just tell me you went to a gay bar?” Alex cannot believe this. Kyle groans and hides his face.
“My hopes were that you would hyper focus on me and Isobel almost sleeping together rather than the gay bar part.”
“Oh you and Isobel almost sleeping together that doesn’t surprise me one bit to be honest. I thought it would happen sooner than this.”
“....what?” Kyle shouts.
“But you, Kyle ‘Hyper Masculine’ Valenti went to a gay bar?”
“Can we focus on the other parts of the story?”
“No, definitely not.”
“Ugh, well I’m very comfortable in myself and my sexuality thank you very much but even us straight guys enjoy putting glitter on our faces from time to time.”
“Oh my god.” Alex laughs, loving this. “You had glitter on your face?”
“Please tell me you have pictures.”
“Well that’s just a crime, you went to a gay bar with glitter on your face and didn’t take any photos?”
“You can just come with me next time and see.”
“Honestly I might, it sounds very tempting.” Alex jokes and Kyle smiles. 
“Back to the issue please.”
“What is the issue exactly?”
“I don’t even know, I like Steff and I thought we had something going on. But now I’m worried about her too, and then the whole Isobel thing and it’s all just messed with my head.”
“I don’t mean to make it into a competition over who’s had a worse day out of the two of us, but I honestly think I win.” Alex says without thinking. His eyes widen and he shakes his head.
“No I mean nothing by that.”
“Pfft, you left bullshit in Iraq, well I left bullshit in high school, so what’s going on? I’m only going to assume it has something to do with you staying in bed like a teenager to 1pm.”
“I can’t believe I’m about to tell you this... Well I went with Maria to find out more information about her mom’s disappearance and we ended up in the middle of nowhere with this crazy guy who stabbed me in the chest and chased Maria through a cornfield. Michael came later too, but Maria had already disabled the guy by then and I was mostly fine. Then we find out the crazy guy has a twin who is well, not crazy and shoots his brother in front of us and tells us to call an ambulance and then get the hell out of there. Which we do and then after coming down from the adrenaline of almost dying well, I have a threesome with Maria and Michael….”
Kyle spits the soda out. 
“What the fuck?!”
“So I win then?”
“Oh totally, but also what the fuck? You had what now? A threesome?”
“Yeah.” Alex runs a hand through his hair and avoids looking at Kyle. 
“But you’re gay.”
“Yeah definitely.”
“Erm so why? I mean not that I’m against threesomes, you do you if you know what I mean. I am however having a little bit of trouble understanding why you slept with the love of your life and your best friend in this world?”
Alex tries not to flinch at the words because he’s kind of tried to stay in denial about the whole goddamn thing and when it’s put in the terms of love of your life and best friend in the whole world it sound really stupid.
He shrugs.
“I just… I just… I don’t know I didn’t want to be alone after everything that had just happened. I mean getting stabbed is not something that’s ever happened to me. It wasn’t exactly common when I was deployed so getting sneaked up on and then assaulted wasn’t something I wanted to go home to an empty house with. I have enough PTSD already and that was just doomed to set of insomnia for a while. So staying was better than leaving and then one thing led to another.”
“Wow man...that’s tough. How are you feeling?”
“How often do you think I end up sleeping to 1pm?”
“So, is this one of those instances where I have to go beat Michael up?”
Despite all it makes Alex smile. He feels grateful for Kyle.
“No it wasn’t his fault. And also we’re not in high school anymore, I could totally take the both of you on even with just one leg.”
“Yeah that’s definitely true. Well you say the word and I will drive over and drag him out the junkyard myself.”
Alex smiles again.
“Thanks, but no need.”
“So you’re not angry?”
“No no, not angry, I just…”
“He chose Maria again?”
Alex wonders if it’s all written on his face and that’s why Kyle seems to be able to read it all.
“No it’s not really that. I just. I feel anger towards my dad sometimes. Because he fucked me up so badly when I was young.”
“Hey hey, there’s nothing wrong with you.” 
Kyle puts his hand down between them on the sofa, leaving it there for Alex to take if he wants to. He exhales.
“I went to therapy after I lost my leg. It’s the first time I went. I should have gone way earlier because my pile of issues were huge even before I lost it. I was forced to go when I lost my leg, because even then I was convinced I didn’t need help. Because going to therapy is the weakest thing a man can do. That’s what I heard on repeat in my head when I was being wheeled into her office a month after the truck had exploded with me in it. It was his voice saying, “You’re weak Alex, you’re weak” over and over again…”
Kyle doesn’t say anything, Alex has turned his head away, staring in the opposite wall so he doesn’t have to look at Kyle’s face. 
He does take Kyle’s offer up on support and grabs his hand on the couch in reassurance. Kyle grips it tightly and Alex continues.
“We didn’t really talk too much about my life before the Air Force. She was a good therapist, she really was but I wasn’t really there to unpack the trauma of having all my self worth being beaten out of me by my father, so we didn’t. Which is why, now that I’m back here that the things that happened before I enlisted have just been pushed away and undealt with for years. Which is not the ideal way of dealing with issues. They are all just being dragged back up again and I keep going in circles around it. So sleeping with Maria and Michael really wasn’t the solution to anything, but I’m not sure it made anything worse either.”
Kyle grasps his hand again encouraging him to go on. 
“Michael’s the only person I’ve ever had any sort of relationship with, the only person I’ve ever really wanted to be with too but when we met I was young and the issues had only just begun. Michael had his own set of problems too and while I am definitely guilty in how things went down between us then and now I still even now, I just…”
He starts scratching at a loose thread on the sofa, just to have something to do. 
“Love always comes with some sort of conditions. That’s all thanks to my dad… I can’t escape the feeling of every time I let myself be vulnerable something is going to happen that ruins it. That I’m not good enough or that I’m not loveable because I am who I am… I don’t like myself at times because my dad drilled that into me, that I am unlovable, and if I don’t love myself how is anyone else supposed to? I never feel secure either, in myself or any partner. It’s just a big mess tangled together.”
Alex takes breath and bites down the tears. Even talking about it is really hard for him. 
“I love Maria as a friend, but I guess she’s just had this ability to make me feel safe where no one else has, not even Michael. And it isn’t Michael’s fault really, because he didn’t know what I needed, how could he? I didn’t even know at the time… I just know that after what happened between us that it’s time to move on, move forward and demand better for myself. I just want more than what I’ve been given before…”
“Wow, I really should have brought alcohol shouldn’t I?”
Alex chuckles watery and looks over at Kyle who looks like he’s been hiding his own tears.
Ugh, not really how he planned for this day to go. 
“Sorry, didn’t mean to put all that on you.” He clears his throat in embarrassment.
Kyle looks annoyed and pulls on Alex’s arm. He doesn’t understand but moves closer to Kyle. When he’s close enough Kyle wraps his arms around him and Alex is stunned into silence.
“Don’t ever apologize to me Alex. Especially not for something like this, okay?”
Alex nods silently and for a moment allows himself be held. After a while he distangles himself and moves away. Kyle lets him. 
“So, are you and Michael over then, for good?”
Alex takes a long moment before he replies.
“I always had this idea that we would end up together, but after everything I honestly don’t know any more. If I live long enough then maybe yeah in the future. But not for a while. I need some time to figure out who I am.”
“Okay, well even so, even after what you and Michael have been through, however bad it was at times it would make some sense too if you wanted to give yourself some time to mourn him and whatever you had together. If you don’t then that hole in your chest might just expand forever.” He says softly. Alex gulps and sighs, refusing to cry again.
They’re both quiet for a while, Alex just sitting with what he’s come to terms with.
“So, more Star Wars?” Alex nods and jumps on the distraction Kyle offers. He opens up a package of Maryland cookies and munches them down.
All this food is looking more and more like comfort food to him.
Two films later Kyle is laying on the floor, crumbs on his chest and his head in his phone trying to figure out tiktok dances. Alex has taken up the whole couch and he feels drunk. He probably is going through a sugar high because his whole body is buzzing with energy.
“I can’t remember the last time I had this much sugar.” He groans and eats an M&M.
“Me neither.” Kyle is definitely looking way to concentrated on that tiktok thing.
“Kyle you’re almost thirty, are you sure there isn’t an age limit on the app?”
“Shut up.” Kyle mutters but puts the phone down. Alex snort and throws some popcorn at him.
“Do you have any food around?” 
Alex shrugs, he has no clue. Kyle groans but gets up and walks into the kitchen. He’s wearing a pair of Alex’s sweatpants that are way too small for him, but the day spent eating just junk food, the jeans he arrived in had long gone been discarded of. Kyle bangs about in the kitchen for a while and Alex doesn’t move because he’s kind of comfortable where he is.
“You have pizza, that will do.” Kyle declares and comes back out with the stack of DVDs that had been left in there earlier.
“So you pick something. I need something other than the force, lightsabers and aliens. I feel like we should both be done with aliens for the night.”
“Then why did you bring Infinity War?”
“What? I like that film.”
“God who are you?”
“What? It’s really good, also Captain America is inspiring.”
“Patriotism and steroids your thing Valenti?”
“Funny, no, well you know what he’s actually pretty hot and he’s workout routine is impressive as hell.”
“Honestly, I’m more into Robert Downey JR. and that man is over 50.” Alex quips back. Kyle looks thoughtful.
“Nah, still digging Chris Evans more.”
“I mean blondes were never my type.”
“Yeah that much is clear.” Kyle snorts. Alex throws some more popcorn at him and Kyle whacks him with a pillow.
They end up watching Legally Blonde instead and this is definitely one of the strangest days Alex’s ever had. But it’s also kind of the best ones he’s ever had too, not that he’s letting Kyle know that of course.
It gets late, way after 2am and Alex is not cruel enough that he is going to let Kyle drive home at that time.
“Okay, I’ll stay but I am taking the couch.” Kyle says. Alex scoffs.
“Don’t be ridiculous, this couch is really uncomfortable, it will mess up your posture for sure.” Kyle eyes it suspiciously.
“My bed is big enough for two.”
“Are you sure?” Kyle looks uncertain.
“I’m sure.” Alex says reassuringly. 
So, they end up sharing a bed just like they used to do when they were kids and things were good and normal between them. Also Alex’s bed is definitely big enough for the two of them. He invested in this bed when he decided to stay here long term. He’s spent too many years of his life sleeping in uncomfortable beds that he’s done with that forever. So he had splashed out on this because he deserved it. And he was nearing 30, his back definitely deserved it.
“This reminds me of us as kids.” Kyle says later when they are comfortable. Ales chuckles.
“Yeah same, I hope you’re not still a snorer.”
“I haven’t snored a day in my life.”
“That’s definitely a lie and you know it.”
Kyle laughs and fake snores. Alex snorts at the ridiculousness of it all.
He falls asleep feeling a little better though.
At 4:30 am they are abruptly woken up by someone knocking on his door.
“What the fuck?!” Kyle groans. Alex doesn’t even turn over, instead he starts poking Kyle’s arm. He refuses to get up. Kyle groans some more but after a while he gives in and leaves.
Alex is so tired he doesn’t even listen for who it is. That’s a mistake.
The person who has decided to come disturb him at this god forsaken hour appears to be Isobel, and her voice is loud. 
“Oh my god Kyle, you left the bar a changed man I see. I can’t believe you slept with Alex.”
Alex sits up immediately, as quick as he can with just his one leg and pulls the duvet up to cover himself. Her eyes trail over him and Alex brains clicks into action because that’s definitely what this looks like to an outsider. Kyle comes running in, his hair a mess, shirtless and still looking half asleep.
“That’s definitely not what happened.” He says, Isobel narrows her eyes.
“Well it’s not really any of my business. I hope you used protection.” She sits down on the bed and Alex doesn’t understand what is happening because Isobel and him are definitely not close, and for her to sit down on the bed like she knows him is strange as hell. 
“What are you doing here Isobel?” He asks.
“Oh, well we’ve been trying to get in contact with both of you for hours, but none of you have been replying. You usually answer when Michael or Maria calls but you dodged those too, which is strange but whatever.”
Alex honestly doesn’t even know where his phone is, he hadn’t looked at it all day yesterday, so he definitely has no clue what has been going on in the life of people outside this house.
“But after everything that happened I felt like being nice and charitable and drive all the way over here. I also thought you’d be up by now Captain, doesn’t your day start at 5 normally?”
Normally yeah, he might be up by this time, but not when he’s consumed his own weight in sugar and gone to bed late while dealing with things, then he doesn’t.
“So I’m charity now?” He says instead.
“Something like that, come on let’s get going. Chop Chop.”
“What happened?” Kyle asks.
“Max remembers something, from a dream maybe. Alarming things, so come one. I’ll buy you two coffee on the way there.” 
She blows a kiss at Kyle and leaves the room. Kyle gives him a look at Alex sighs.
Yep, no rest in Roswell, that’s for sure.
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thetravelerwrites · 6 years
Harlan (White Bison Minotaur)
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Rating: Explicit Relationship: Male Minotaur x Female Human Additional Tags: Exophilia, Minotaur Boyfriend, Monster Boyfriend, Reader Insert, Friends to Enemies to Lovers Content Warnings: Sex, Kinks, Light Bondage, BDSM, Sex Toys, Spanking, Whipping, Pegging, Ass Play, Female Dom, Male Sub, Biting, Safe Sex, Condoms Words: 6746
Another commission and more art by @oddacle​! A young woman trying to move up in her company is disappointed when she's passed over for a promotion for her best friend, but it's a development in his love life that forces her to distance herself from him. Please leave feedback!
The Traveler's Masterlist
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“Heard about the promotion yet?” You asked Harlan over the lunch in your office.
“Only rumors,” he replied, eating his salad like he’d gone three days without food. “With Canus leaving to start his directing career, it leaves a spot open for a new Senior Content Director.”
“I want that promotion,” You told him vehemently, stabbing at your plate of pasta. “I’ve been at this company for years and I’ve worked my ass off. I deserve it.”
“You can have it,” He said, chuckling. “I’m fine where I am. This company already treats me like the sun and moon live in my ballsack. I don’t need anymore ‘special favors’.”
Easy for you to say, You thought to yourself bitterly, though you’d never say that to him out loud.
Harlan was an absolutely massive white bison minotaur, handsome and sweet, with bright red eyes, long pearly horns, a pale blonde beard decorated with braids and beads. He stood head and shoulders above you, and everyone else, even without the horns. He’d been your best friend since college, and you both had applied for this job at the same time after graduating.
White bison minotaurs were an extremely rare, and as such, people bent over backwards to make them happy. People put high value on creatures who were rare, seeing them as paragons of good fortune, so Harlan was used to getting anything he wanted; he didn’t even have to ask for it. Despite being close friends with him, you had always resented the fact the people just handed him anything he wanted for no other reason than he was considered lucky.
But this was different. This promotion would prove your worth at the company, and you would have done it with your own wit, determination, and effort. No one was going to take it from you.
“It’s still just a rumor at this point,” Harlan said, watching your face. “Don’t get your hopes up. The higher-ups may just close ranks. They did it last time someone retired.”
“I’m working on a big get for the streaming service,” You said, shaking your head. “You’ve heard about Rebel Yell, right?”
“Wasn’t that that dystopian show that got canceled halfway through the second season a year ago that has a huge cult following?” Harlan asked.
“Yep,” You said. “I’ve been talking to the creators of that show, and they want to continue working on it. I’m negotiating a renewal deal as well as buying the rights to run the original episodes on Binge.”
“That would be huge!” Harlan said, excited. “Subscriber projections would be through the roof if you managed to get that. They’d be insane not to promote you.”
“Exactly,” You said pointedly. “I’m so close to it, I can taste it.”
“Well, you deserve it,” Harlan said, wiping his mouth. “But you’ve also been working too hard lately. We haven’t hung out outside of work in months. Let’s get a beer tonight.”
“Can’t. I’ve got to double down on this acquisition. I’m not going to let it slip through my fingers like I did with Keepers. That one set me back months.”
“After, then. Promise?”
You sighed. “Yeah, yeah, okay.”
He stood up and threw his plastic salad tray in the garbage, and stared at you judiciously.
“Do you ever think about quitting this job?” He asked you.
“What?” You replied, appalled. “No! I’ve spent the last seven years getting to where I am in this company. I’m not going to throw it away when I’m this close to a lead position.” You looked back at him, frowning. “Do you think about it?”
“Sometimes,” He admitted. “I just… I don’t feel like I’ve earned any of this. They keep pushing me into higher positions with no training, throwing me into projects I don’t know anything about, and every time I make a mistake, they just brush it off and blame it on someone else. I feel like everyone resents me here, even you.”
You stayed silent and didn’t meet his eye. You loved the big guy, but he wasn’t wrong. When you started your internship at Styx Media, which was the owner of Binge Streaming Service as well as a production studio for indie films, it had taken years for you to find a foothold and climb out of the archives, whereas Harlan had been promoted in less than a month.
It was infuriating. You’d had to fight and claw to get to where you were. Harlan was no more skilled than you. In fact, he was less so, since most of college he goofed off and yet somehow managed to make valedictorian. Even now that the two of you had equal positions in the company, he was still making more money than you. He often offered to help, but you refused. You didn’t need his charity.
“Got to get back,” He said, changing the subject. “Jensen has some kind of advertising project he wants me to help him with.”
“You mean, do for him? Jensen is a leech,” You said dismissively.
“Yeah,” Harlan sighed. “I may have gotten this job on merit, but I still want to do well. Helping Jensen is the least I can do.”
And now you felt like an asshole.
“Harlan,” You called after him as he started down the hall.
“Yeah?” He asked, poking his head back in.
“Let’s do pizza and beer tonight,” You said.
He smiled crookedly. “You sure? You won’t be too busy?”
“I think I can spare a few minutes to have a beer with my best friend,” You said.
He grinned widely at you, ducking his head. “It’s a date.” He disappeared down the hall, the beads in his blonde beard clinking against each other as he walked.
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That evening, you met him at your favorite pizza place and ordered two slices and a house beer with a lime wedge. He ordered an entire veggie pizza and a pitcher of lager to himself.
“How’s Jensen’s advert project?” You asked him.
“No shop talk at dinner,” He said sternly, booping your nose before picking up a slice and folding it in half. “Besides, I’d rather hear about what you’re doing when you’re not at work. Feels like we haven’t caught up in a while about our non-work lives.”
“What non-work life? Work is my life.”
“That’s kind of what I’m worried about,” He said. “You do know there’s more to life than work, right?
“Not for me,” You said, sipping your beer. “Not till I’m in that corner office with a legion of people working under me. I have a goal and I’m so close to reaching it. I’m not giving up.”
“I’m not saying you should, I just think you need something else in your life. Like…” He sighed and sat back. “Like, maybe, us.”
“Us?” You echoed. “What do you mean, us?”
“You and me. Dating.”
Your head rocked back. “What?”
“I think it could work,” He said, looking sincere. “You and me have been friends forever, and I think we could be really good together.”
You gaped at him. “You’re serious. You want to date?”
“Yeah.” He shrugged. “Is that so weird?”
You sighed unhappily. “Harlan… you’re my best friend and you know I love you, but… I don’t have time for a relationship. My job comes first and I can’t compromise my work ethic for anything or anyone. Not even you.”
Harlan was silent for a minute. “So… your job is more important to you than our eleven-year-long friendship.”
“I…” You tried to argue with that, but you weren’t completely sure that wasn’t true.
“It’s fine,” He said, not meeting your eye. “I figured you’d say no, but it couldn’t hurt to ask.” He flagged down a waitress and asked for a to-go box, throwing some money on the table.
“Harlan, I…”
“I’ll see you at work tomorrow,” He said, taking his half-eaten pizza and walking out of the restaurant.
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Things were a little weird between you and Harlan for the next week, but during that time, you’d managed to secure the Rebel Yell deal, which was a huge win for your department. They even threw you a party.
During the party, as everyone was milling around, eating cake and drinking champagne, you approached Harlan for the first time since the pizza place.
“Hey,” You said hesitantly.
“Hey, there,” He said, smiling at you. “Congrats on the deal.”
“Thanks,” You replied. “Listen, I want to apologize about the other night. Of course you’re important to me, but my career is important to me, too. I just hope you don’t think it means that I don’t want to be friends with you.”
“No, no, it’s okay,” He said, patting your shoulder. “I’ve always known your career was your priority. I was being selfish. Besides,” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ve actually met someone.”
Your heart thudded against your chest and your brain blanked for a moment. Cold washed over you. Your lungs forgot how to breathe.
When you regained composure, you said. “Oh, that’s great! What’s their name?”
“His name is Greg, he works in I.T. He’s nice, I think you’d like him.”
“I’m sure I would.” Stupid Greg.
“I felt this instant connection to him, you know? Just like,” He snapped his fingers. “Like that. We’ve only been on three dates, but I think this could be a serious thing.”
“I’m happy for you, man,” You said, giving him a playful slap on the arm. “He sounds great.”
He laughed shyly. “Yeah. Seems like we’re both getting what we want, huh?” He gave you a quick squeeze before walking off, meeting a tallish man with a ponytail and kissing him on the cheek.
“Yeah,” you said, watching him. “Seems like.”
Harlan introduced you to Greg, who seemed nice enough. You still didn’t like him, though, but you had to convince yourself that it wasn’t because you were jealous. You’d turned Harlan down; you didn’t have any right to be jealous.
A few weeks passed as normal as they could. You were trying to keep your mind on your work, finding new content for Binge and investing in new creators, but Harlan kept creeping back into your thoughts. It wasn’t like he hadn’t dated people before, but there was something different this time. Maybe it was because he had told you he wanted to date you, or maybe it was because his relationship with Greg seemed to be moving like a bullet train, but whatever it was, it made you uneasy.
The two of you managed to keep your friendship steady, although he had lunch with you less and less often. He still called and texted everyday to talk, or sent you an email when he wasn’t busy. You couldn’t understand why all of a sudden it felt like you’d swallowed something burning whenever you heard his voice or read his texts.
Finally, at one of the morning board meetings, your boss, Mr. Richardson, stood up and called for silence.
“Alright, now, I know you’ve all heard rumors that there is a promotion up for grabs,” He said, and there was a murmur among those sitting at the table. He waved his hands to calm them. “I know you’ve all been dying to know who’s going to get the open Content Director position, but we wanted to take some time, observe your performances individually, and one of you stood out. One of you exemplifies what this company is trying to do. And today, that person will be rewarded for their hard work.”
You took a breath and swallowed, your heart in your throat.
“Congratulations, Harlan!”
The whole table cheered as Harlan froze, wide-eyed. The anger rose up in your chest, but you forced yourself to clap along with everyone else. Harlan’s eyes cut to you, and you looked away, your jaw working. He knew you were pissed.
“Get up here, Harlan!” Mr. Richardson said, and Harlan reluctantly got up from his seat and joined him at the head of the table, shaking his hand a little awkwardly. “Get used to calling this guy ‘boss’ from now on.”
Harlan looked like he would rather be anywhere else, but he plastered a smile on his face while everyone congratulated him.
Later, back in your office, you were trying to complete some work, but your anger blinded you. You finally gave up and just sat back in your chair with your eyes closed, trying to calm yourself.
A knock at your door opened your eyes, and you said, “Come in.”
Harlan slowly poked his head in. “Uh, hey.”
“Hey,” You said flatly. “Congrats on the promotion.”
He sighed. “You okay?”
“Me?” You asked, getting up to put files that you should be working on away in a cabinet. “Yeah, I’m great. I’m just great. Don’t you worry about me.”
“I am worried about you,” Harlan said pleadingly. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
“Why are you even here?” You asked him, looking up at him for the first time since he came in. “Shouldn’t you be settling in to your new corner office? Don’t you have a new job to do?”
“I don’t want this job!” He protested.
“You didn’t exactly turn it down, did you?”
He sighed. “Greg… thinks I should take it. He thinks it’s a good opportunity for me.”
“Oh, well, if it’s what Greg thinks…” You said sarcastically.
“I thought you liked Greg,” Harlan said.
“This isn’t about Greg!” I retorted. “Could… Could you just… leave, please? I need time to deal with this.”
He hesitated. “When you stop being mad, let’s talk, okay?”
“Yeah, fine,” You said dismissively. “Go. I have work to do.”
He disappeared and you was left alone in your dinky office with poor lighting, surrounded by work that wasn’t going to get done that day.
Before the end of the work day, Mr. Richardson called you into his office.
“Hey, there, wanted to talk to you for a second,” He said as you came in.
“What about, sir?”
He got up and sat on the edge of his desk. “Look, I’m not blind. I know you wanted that senior position and you fought hard for it. But the decision came from higher up. It wasn’t my call. If it had been up to me, you’d have gotten that job.”
“Thanks sir, that means a lot.” You replied.
“In fact, that’s actually wanted to talk to you about,” He continued. “We have another senior position available, but it’s at our London office. It’s yours if you want it.”
My eyebrows climbed. “Seriously, sir?”
“Seriously. You interested?”
You put a hand to your head. It was exactly what you wanted. But… in another country? Leave everything behind? Your family, friends… Harlan?
“Can I have a little time to think about it, sir?” You asked.
“Sure, but don’t take too long. There’s a few people vying for this job, although not as qualified. If you hold out too long, it’ll go to one of them.”
“I understand, sir,” You said, holding out a hand. “Thank you so much for recommending me.”
He shook your hand. “Don’t thank me. Your work speaks for itself. They’d be lucky to have you.”
“Thank you, sir, I appreciate this more than you know.”
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The next day, early in the morning, you got in early to work on the files you hadn’t done the day before, and Harlan met you at your office door.
“Before you--” He started, but you stopped him.
“Don’t worry about it, Harlan,” You said. “I’m not mad.”
“You’re not?” He asked trepidatiously.
“No. I thought about it. There are other opportunities for me. There’s no point in being pissed at you.”
“Great,” He said in a relieved exhaled. “Because I wanted to tell you something, and I was afraid you wouldn’t talk to me.” He pulled an envelope out of his jacket pocket. “You’re my best friend and I wanted you to know first.”
You took the envelope he gave you, which was gold with embossed white lettering. Opening it, you found a card that said You Are Cordially Invited to the Wedding of-- and you stopped reading. Your heart dropped into your toes. Pins and needles stabbed at your spine and a stone lodged itself in your stomach.
“I know it’s only been two months, but I love Greg very much. I want you to be my best man. Or woman. Or whatever.”
“Wow,” You managed to say. “I’m… I’m so happy for you.” You pulled him into a hug so he couldn’t see your face.
“So will you? Be my best man, I mean?” He asked you.
“Of course,” You forced out. “I’d be happy to.”
You held him long enough to put something that resembled a smile on your face and released him. He grinned his great, big, sweet grin at you, and the knife twisted.
“Well, I’ve got some more invites to hand out, but I wanted to make sure you got yours first.” He pulled you into another hug and said. “Thanks. Love you.” And made for the elevator with a departing grin.
You went into your office, locked the door, and cried. You don’t know how long you were on the floor, sobbing into your knees, but you stopped when you heard people out in the main area. Getting yourself together, you wiped your face, reapplied your eyeliner, walked out of your office, and marched into Mr. Richardson’s office.
“What’s up? Are you alright?” He asked.
“I’ll take it. I’ll take the London job.”
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June 14, 10:25 A.M.: Hey! How are you settling in? Is London as awesome as you thought it was? Call me when you get a chance. June 16, 3:22 P.M.: Hey bud, I wanted to ask you about some wedding details. Are you going to bring a plus one? We’re working on the seating chart. Call me later. June 20, 7:02 P.M.: You doing okay? How’s the new job? I know you’re probably busy, but message me when you get a chance, okay? Miss you, buddy. June 21, 9:19 P.M.: Missed Call from Harlan June 23, 5:47 P.M.: Missed Call from Harlan July 4, 10:34 P.M.: Wish you were here. The fireworks are awesome this year. July 10, 6:54 P.M.: Are you okay? I haven’t heard from you in a while. Just text me and let me know if you’re alright. July 10, 7:01 P.M.: If there’s something wrong, you can tell me. We’re still friends, right? Call me. July 10, 7:25 P.M.: Missed Call from Harlan July 28, 2:56 P.M.: I called your office today. They said you were busy. Are you avoiding me? Why? Did I do something? Talk to me. August 3, 12.01 A.M.: Happy Birthday! August 3, 8:23 A.M.: Missed Call from Harlan August 3, 11:31 A.M.: Missed Call from Harlan August 3, 2:59 P.M.: Missed Call from Harlan August 3, 5:49 P.M.: Why aren’t you answering my calls? August 15, 6:20 P.M.: Look, just send me one text, okay? Just one so that I know you’re okay. September 8, 2:46 P.M.: It’s kind of bullshit that you got this big, new job and won’t speak to me anymore. If you don’t want anything to do with me, the least you could do is call me and tell me yourself. You’re being a coward by ignoring me. September 8; 3:04: P.M.: Fine. Have a nice life. December 13, 1:58 A.M.: Listen, I know you’ve got your own stuff going on right now, but I could really use a friend. Please call me. Please.
That was the last text you got from Harlan. You almost broke and replied, but the sting of hearing his voice would have been too much.
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Nearly a year after getting the job in London, during which it took some time to get used to living in a different country, you were invited to a conference to discuss the success of the international campaigns and to encourage further expansion back in the US. You were worried you’d run into Harlan, but this was a work function, and as Content Director, it was pretty much mandatory.
Being back in the states was weird, but the familiarity was comforting. You got your key to your room and went up, intending on taking a quick nap to get rid of the jetlag. It ended up being a nine hour coma. You woke at three in the morning starving.
The only thing open in the hotel was the bar, which had basic bar food and you figured it was good enough. You threw on a comfy shirt and a pair of jeans and headed down to the lobby. There were more people in the bar than you expected to be at this hour, but then again, there was a huge conference going on. Lots of people had problems with public speaking, yourself included, and needed some liquid courage to get themselves on stage.
You sat at a table and ordered a beer with a lime wedge and some nachos, which would tide you over until breakfast. As you sat, waiting for your beer and food, feeling… a lot of things. You’d grown up in this town and coming back home had brought up a lot of memories. You’d driven past the playground where you spent most of your Saturdays as a kid, past your old office and the pizza place where Harlan had suggested the two of you start dating, past the campus where the two of you had gone to school.
You didn’t even know why, but you could feel tears welling up in your eyes.You hadn’t realized how homesick you were until you actually came home.
A shadow fell over you, and a hand set a plate of nachos and a beer in front of you.
“You and your lime wedges,” A familiar voice said.
Through your tears, you looked up in horror and saw Harlan standing in front of you, wearing a t-shirt with the bar’s logo on it and a pair of extremely tight black jeans.
You weren’t proud of it, but you ran. You ran out of the bar and into the elevator, escaping back to your room. You closed the door and bent over, gripping your knees and gasping for breath.
A banging on your door startled you, and you jumped.
“Let me in!” You heard Harlan say. “I know you’re in there! Let me in! Stop avoiding me!”
“Go away!” You yelled.
“This is because of the promotion, isn’t it! You’re still pissed that they gave the job you wanted to me, aren’t you! Well, you can feel better about yourself now because I quit months ago!”
“What?” That shocked You into opening the door, where he was standing, still wearing the bar attire. You suddenly put two and two together. “You quit? Why the hell would you quit? That was our dream job.”
“It was your dream job that I sniped out from under you and I never stopped feeling guilty about that.” He said.
“You didn’t have to feel guilty about it, I got a better job, so you were welcome to that one!” You shouted.
“I never cared about that job!” He yelled back. “I never cared about that company! I only applied when you did so I could be close to you!”
You was stunned into silence, your mouth hanging open.
“Look, can I come in, or do you want to conduct this shouting match in the hallway?” He asked. Wordlessly, you stepped aside. He came in and sat down on your bed, his hands clasped between his knees.
“What are you talking about, you only applied for me?” You asked him.
He sighed and cocked his head in irritation. “Everyone, every single person I’ve ever known, has treated me like some good luck charm. My whole life, people have gotten close to me because they thought that I could do something for them, that by being near me, they could share this luck I’m supposed to have. They thought it could get them good grades or a good job or whatever they wanted. You were the only person who didn’t seem like you gave a shit about that. You were the only person who wanted to be my friend for me, and not what I could do for you.”
He stopped talking and stared at his hands, which were shaking.
“I applied at Styx because I wanted to stay with you, the only person who treated me like a person and not a walking, talking rabbit’s foot. So when you shut me out after going to London, it felt like you had used me to get where you wanted, just like everyone else.”
“Oh…” You said. “Oh… no, Harlan, that wasn’t it at all.”
“Then what was it?” He asked, getting angry. “Why did you just start ignoring me once you got that corner office, huh? What made you so busy that you could send me one text? That you could pick up the phone? No one else had a problem getting a hold of you! So why couldn’t you talk to me?”
“I…” You swallowed, your throat tight. “I can’t tell you.”
“Why?” He said, getting up and advancing on me. “Why can’t you tell me? I thought we were friends! I thought you actually cared about me! But you’re just like everyone else. You just like the company! You’re just like my parents! You’re just like Greg!”
“What are you talking about?” You asked, your brow furrowing in confusion. “I thought you and Greg were getting married.”
“If you had picked up or answered any of my texts, you’d have known that Greg left me,” Harlan said, angry tears in his eyes. “He left when I quit. He just wanted the life being a big-shot got me. He didn’t want me, he wanted the money. The lifestyle.”
“I… I’m so sorry, Harlan,” You said quietly. “I didn’t know.”
“Well, you wouldn’t have, would you?” He said loudly, his tears spilling down his cheek. “You never bothered to check, did you? You went off and couldn’t have given a shit about me.”
“That’s not true!” You yelled.
“Then how! Tell me how you could just write me out of your life like the last decade meant nothing! What did I do that offended you so much, you just had to get away from me and never talk to me again? Tell me!”
“You got engaged!” You blurted out, pushed to tears yourself. You stepped away and gripped you hair. He was never supposed to know.
“What?” He said, confused. “But… you said… you said you didn’t want…”
“And I didn’t,” You replied. “When you started dating Greg, I figured it was no big deal. I hadn’t ever care when you dated before because they never got serious. But when you got engaged… I… I just… It felt like I’d been shot. And you asked me to stand at your wedding, and I wanted to be there for you, but the thought of standing beside you while you married someone else made me want to die. So… I ran. I ran away. It’s all I could think to do.”
You turned to see him staring at you in disbelief. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
You laughed mirthlessly, wiping your nose and sniffling. “What was I supposed to say, Harlan? ‘You can’t get married because I’m in love with you but I didn’t realize it until you got engaged? Oh, and you have to choose between me and your new fiance?’ Is that what you’d have wanted me to do?”
“No, but…” He stood up and approached you, looking down at you. “You’re really in love with me?”
“Yes, I am,” You admitted reluctantly, staring at his chest and not his face, fearing his reaction. “I just didn’t--”
You were cut off by him picking you up bodily and pushing you up against the wall, kissing you hard. Your legs wrapped around his waist and you kissed him back, grabbing handfuls of the fur on his neck and tugging him closer to you. It wasn’t gentle; by the time you broke apart for air, both of your lips were bleeding.
“I’m so sorry,” You said, breathing hard. “I’m sorry I shut you out and left. I’ve never been in love before and it scared the shit out of me. I didn’t know what else to do.”
“It���s okay,” He said, hugging me close. “It’s okay. We can start over.” He held you up by tilting his hips up and removed his shirt. He then took your shirt and pulled it over your head, revealing your exposed torso. He pressed his lips to your breast, sucking it into his mouth, and you gripped his horns, moaning breathily.
You jumped down and unbuckled his belt, opened up his pants, and reached inside. He groaned as your hand encircled his length, already straining against the tight fabric of his jeans.
“Let me apologize properly,” You said, getting ready to kneel down, but he stopped you.
“No,” He said, shaking his head. “People always want to please me and I’m sick of it. What can I do to please you? That’s what I want. I want to please you.”
You bit your lip and smiled slightly. “Really?”
“Yes,” He said. “Tell me what you want.”
“Okay,” You said, thinking. “Take off the rest of your clothes.” He hurriedly started to undress, and you said, “No, slowly.”
He grinned and began stripping, making a show of it, while you leaned against the wall with your arms crossed, watching. Eventually he stood there, nude and glorious, and you pushed yourself off the wall and walked up to him.
“Now take off my clothes,” You told him. He knelt down and took of your shoes, socks, pants and underwear. He started to stand, and you said, “No, stay there.” And he stopped and returned to his knees.
“Put your hands behind your back.” You said.
He complied. You went to your luggage and found your sturdiest pair of leggings, and tied his hands behind his back.
“Hurt?” You asked.
“No,” He said.
“Good,” You said, and settled in a chair just across from where he was kneeling. Using your foot, you traced a line down his body, starting from his lips, down his neck, chest, abdomen, and just above his cock, which pulsed and jumped in his lap. Harlan was breathing hard, but he stayed still. You pulled your foot away and slowly opened your legs, resting your heels on the arms of the chair, and reached a hand between them, slowly circling your bud, making sure Harlan was watching.
Oh, he was watching: he was practically drooling. You slowly rocked your hips against your hand, the muscles in your thighs tensing and relaxing as you did.
“Let me--” He began, but you stopped him with the ball of your foot.
“No talking unless I tell you,” You said, and he clamped his lips shut.
Your fingers sped up, and you moaned and writhed, watching him the entire time. His muscles were straining against the restrains and he looked desperate to touch, but he obeyed and stayed still.
“You’re being a very good boy,” You told him. “How about you use that tongue of yours as a reward.”
He wasted no time in scooting closer and pressing his long, flat tongue against your slit, licking and sucking enthusiastically. You gasped, grasping his mane and pulling, and he moaned against you.
He had an extremely talented tongue, and your legs were shaking in a matter of minutes. You cried out over and over, not really caring if your neighbors could hear you.
“Make me cum,” You gasped. He was happy to obey, and within another few seconds, a wave of ecstasy hit you and you pulled harder on his hair.
“Stop!” You ordered, and he pulled away as you relaxed and tried to catch your breath. He sat in front of you, waiting for your next command.
“Go to the bed and lay down on your stomach,” You told him breathlessly. He stood and did as you told him, his hands still tied behind his back. You went back to your luggage and opened a special bag, taking out your favorite toy and a bottle of lube. You also took out your pack of condoms. Using condoms was the easiest way to keep your toys clean.
“Spread your legs,” You told him, and he complied.
You put a small amount of lube on your fingers and massaged his pucker, and he groaned against the blankets.
“Does this feel good?” You asked him, slowly inserting one finger.
“Oh, god, yes,” He said, his voice muffled.
You slapped a hand over his ass cheek hard, and he jumped and cried out.
“You want more?”
“Yes, please,” He begged.
You took the toy and covered it in a condom, then slicked it down with lube, and placed it against his entrance, slowly pushing into him. He whimpered over and over and it disappeared inside him. You pulled out and pushed it back in a few times before letting rest fully seated. He clenched down on it.
You got your belt out from the bag. You bent down and sank your teeth into his right cheek, not enough to break the skin but enough to leave an impression. His body tensed and he moaned loudly. Your rubbed the bite mark before slapping it, and he grunted sharply.
“More?” You asked.
“Yes!” He shouted.
You lay the belt on the bed where he could see it.
“You want this?” You asked him.
He nodded, but you grabbed his snout to stop him.
“Say it.”
“Yes, I want it,” He breathed.
You got back off the bed and poised yourself behind him, holding the belt in your grip. Carefully, you bent the belt double and reared back, cracking him across the ass. Your first strike was tentative, but he groaned appreciatively and said, “Harder, please!”
The next strike had more power behind it, and by the time you were done, he had several red welts across his ass. He was breathing heavily and moaning, and thanking you profusely. The toy stayed firmly in place the entire time.
You crawled on the bed and lay down next to him.
“You okay?” You asked him, caressing his face.
“Yes,” He said, kissing your palm.
“I’m going to have to get a harness and fuck you silly,” You said, pressing your thumb against his lips.
“I would greatly enjoy that,” He said, kissing your thumb and sucking on it.
“Are you done or can you keep going?” You asked him.
“I’ll go as long as you want me to, Boss,” He said.
You grinned. “Call me that again.”
“Fuck me, Boss,” He said.
“Mmm,” You moaned, biting your lip. “That sounds really good.” You sat up and untied his hands. “Lay back on the bed and put your hands above your head.”
“Yes, Boss,” He said, doing as you told him without hesitation.
You tied his hands to the headboard securely and kissed your way down his body. When you got to his cock, you stroked it for a minute before grabbing the lube and condoms. You tore open a wrapper with your teeth and rolled the condom down onto his member, checking for holes, and then lubed him up. You crawled up his body to kiss him.
“Ready?” You asked.
“Yes, Boss,” He said obediently.
You grinned at him as you sank down onto him. He was big, bigger than any of your toys, but the feeling of being completely filled from bottom to top was mind-blowing. You ground against him for a minute, during which his eyes rolled back and he grunted.
You bounced against him, your hands braced on his chest, your breasts rolling with every thrust down. You lowered your body while riding him and bit down hard at his nipple, and his body rose up underneath you. He shouted loudly.
“Too much?” You gasped.
“No, Boss!” He cried out.
You licked the nipple you had bitten, and he moaned.
“Keep moaning,” You told him, rocking against him faster. He obeyed. God, you loved it when he obeyed. You moved at a frenetic pace and he rolled his hips in time with your thrusts. He pulsed inside you and you clenched around him. The pleasure rose up and hit you just as hard as it had before, doubled by the sensation of him cumming inside you and the delicious sounds he made.
As the pleasure ebbed, you collapsed onto his chest, gasping for breath. He was just as winded as you.
“Are you okay, Harlan?” You asked.
“I’m incredible,” He said. “No one has ever done that for me. They always want me to be in control.”
“You liked it, then?” You asked as you sat up, fighting the vertigo.
“Oh, god, I loved it,” He said. “That was the best.”
“Good to know,” You said, reaching up to untie his hands. As soon as they were free, he hugged you tightly, kissing your face.
You felt him soften and slowly fall out of you, and said, “Let’s get cleaned up.” You got off of him and pulled the toy out of him. He groaned softly.
He got up after you and pulled the loaded condom off, disposing it in the trash. You took the one off the toy and threw it away as well. In the bathroom, you washed the toy and dried it, then put it, the condoms, and the lube back in their special bag.
In the bathroom, Harlan had started a shower and held out his hand to help you into it, then stepped in after you and closing the curtain. You rubbed his bruised behind and the bite marks on his chest, and he caressed your skin and kissed your shoulder.
“How did you even know what room I was in?” You asked.
He laughed. “I told the front desk you ran out on your tab.”
“Won’t your boss be wondering where you are?”
“You’re my boss, Boss,” He said with a smirk. “Besides, I don’t care about that job. I only enjoyed working when I was working with you.”
“Aww,” You tsked. “I wish we could work together again. I’m sorry I took a job so far away. I didn’t realize how homesick I’d be.”
“Come back to work with Styx in the States again,” He said.
You sighed. “That feels like a step back. A demotion. I want something else.”
“Like what?” He asked, scrubbing your back.
It hit you like a bolt of lightning. Of course, it was so fucking obvious.
“Like starting my own media company.”
He stopped and turned you. “Wait. Are you serious?”
“Yes! I hate working for other people, I want to be the boss, you know that. That’s why I’ve been fighting and clawing my way to the top of Styx. But starting my own company, I’d be the boss from the beginning.” You scratched his chin under his beard and his eyes closed in pleasure. “Want to be my partner?”
His eyes opened wide. “What, really? You want me to be co-owner?”
“Yeah! Between my expertise and drive and your natural charisma, I think we’d be an unstoppable team!” You bit your lip. “What do you think?”
“I don’t know,” He said. “Are you only talking about being business partners or… are you saying you want to be with me?”
You grabbed a fistful of his beard and tugged him down. “Are you questioning me?”
“No, Boss,” He said, his eyes sparking.
“Good,” You replied, kissing him. “Because you’re mine. Aren’t you?”
“Yes, Boss,” He said, smiling.
You kissed him deeply while the water ran over the two of you. In a few hours you’d be giving a speech about international synergy, and after that you’d be tendering your resignation. But you knew this was the right step. You and Harlan were going to do great things together, but most importantly, you’d be together, just like you were always meant to be.
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The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
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harry is fine and nina is fine: part iv
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It takes him twenty-five minutes, and when he gets there, Nina is sitting on the stairs into the building.
He stops walking as soon as he recognises her. She’s sitting with her elbows perched on her knees staring at the ground below. Her hair is short again, and he can just see the tip of her chin through the curtain of it. He watches as her fingers come together and tangle, the tips of them pressing together in what he knows will be a melody in her head, imaging an instrument beneath them.
Harry watches, standing in the middle of the footpath, unmoving. He was going to take a few moments to himself once he found the right building, but she is waiting for him outside, which stabs at something. He wants to walk right back into her life, but Nina is sitting at the door guarding it away from him.
His boots as he starts walking catches her ear, and she looks in his direction.
Nina’s on her feet in an instant, crossing her arms around her stomach which bunches up the jumper she’s wearing.
He just wants her.
“Hi,” She says quickly, raising one hand for a moment in a wave. Nina’s stepping down to meet him on the street, and Harry looks at the door again, wishing he was being invited inside where he can see soft light coming from small windows.
Who else lived in there with her?
“My housemates are watching The Bachelor,” She explains, noticing Harry looking behind her, “It’s a Friday night thing. None of us has time during the week, so we save the episodes to watch together.”
Harry’s not said anything, and he watches Nina get annoyed at herself for speaking. He never wants her to stop talking. Ever.
“I miss you, Nina, so much,” His voice cracks and he swallows it down quickly, “I don’t want to overstep, but I’m here … I’m in New York ... I just … I just needed to see you.”
Nina takes a step closer to him, and if he reaches out, he could get the material of her jumper between his fingers and pull her against him. He doesn’t, but she's close enough that any second now he’ll smell her there. Then he’ll be completely done for.
“You couldn’t call from London?”
Her words are pointed but lack any real sharpness.
Harry roughly scratches at his hair and looks out to the street for a second, feeling shut down but also frustrated he can’t just bloody tell her to stop being scared of him being there. She’s terrified, he can tell, and he hates that more than anything. Harry just wants her to feel safe with him again. Nina's on guard, and he could scream from the heartbreak of it.
“Nina.” He says her name because he isn’t sure how else to reassure her.
“You look really well, Harry.”
He laughs darkly, “Liar. I look like shit.”
Her lips curve up slightly, and Nina looks at her feet, “You look like you, that’s never shit.”
“You look more beautiful than ever,” Harry gushes quickly, wanting to move closer to her, wanting to feel her body all over because now that he’s so close he just needs all of her.
He watches her eyes widen slightly, and Nina lets out a long, deep breath, “How is everyone, is everyone good?”
Harry can only nod at her, but finds his voice once he’s decided what to say, “Have you missed me? Us? I … Do you love it here? I’m so fucking proud but …”
“Yes,” and her voice is so quiet he almost misses it because Nina’s crying, but then she meets his eyes and repeats her answer, “Yes. Of course, I’ve missed you, Harry. Something reminds me of you every day.”
His heartbreaks. He could almost taste the 'but' Nina was thinking.
Nina’s hands drop from around her body, and she clutches them together in front of herself, they briefly swipe at her face, but she’s trying to hide the tears from him. Harry has watched her cry so many times over the years; there’s no way he isn’t acutely aware.
Harry gives in and steps forward, swallowing her frame in his and clutching her tightly against his chest. He stages his legs wider than hers and Harry’s crying now too because he’s finally holding the one person he’s wanted to hold for eight months, and she feels perfect. She feels like his. She feels like Nina.
“I'm sorry,” He gulps through tears, “I’m such an idiot for not being here months ago.”
Nina’s body shakes, and for a moment, Harry thinks she’s started crying even more severely, but he then realises it’s a self-deprecating laugh, “I shouldn’t have left London.”
His grip on her loosens at that and Harry rests his hands on her shoulders for a moment before he’s pulling back Nina’s hair so he can see her beautiful, wet face, “You don’t like it here?”
He’s frowning, ready to hail a cab and take Nina right to the airport—right like this—and take her home if that’s what she says she wants.
Nina hums slowly and shakes her head, meeting soft resistance where his hands still rest, “No,” she says quietly, “I like it a lot, but it’s been hard. I miss everyone all the time, and I miss London, and I miss you, but this is good for me. I think.”
"You think?"
She smiles, and it squeezes a few lingering droplets from the corners of her eyes, "I've never done anything like this, Harry. I'm living in a different country, and I haven't seen my family in months. I've been entirely on my own and had to build everything here from scratch ... And it's been so hard," Nina's voice breaks on the last two words and Harry watches her compose herself enough to speak again, "But I feel like I'm getting there."
"I wish I'd been here with you," Harry says before he can stop himself.
Nina shakes her head, "I never would have done this with you, Harry. There would have been a million reasons to stay in London. I wouldn't have done this if I hadn't had a reason to get away."
"Neens," Harry's heart hits the concrete under him, and he feels as though he needs to vomit.
"It felt so pathetic to be in London. Seeing everyone and pretending everything was normal and okay when it was anything but," Nina being so forward floors and impresses him at the same time, "It wasn't because I didn't want to be near you ... It was that I was and everything was still fucked. I couldn't escape you because everything and everyone in London was something I built with you."
What is she doing? Where has this monster inside of her come from? Nina can't stop herself from hurting him. She's resisting him and steps back from where Harry can reach her.
He looks perfect, even with no sleep and tears in his eyes and sunken features. Nina's lungs hurt from forcing herself to breathe evenly because he's just so gorgeous, and somehow she had started to forget just how much he affected her.
Seeing him brings everything back to the surface as if it was the minute after they broke up all over again. Her whole body aches with sadness and Nina swears she isn't hallucinating how hard it is to breathe.
Yet some rotten part of her is resisting him and Nina isn't sure why. He looks wounded by her moving away from him, Harry is a romantic and she’s convinced the version of this grand gesture that he’d built in his head is slowly crashing and burning.
She wishes it didn’t have to.
Harry looks back down the street and then takes a deep breath when he meets her eyes again, "Do you want me to go?"
She's shaking her head before he finishes his sentence, "No. Harry, I ..."
They watch each other silently for a beat and Nina isn’t sure what to say, but she knows that none of the things running around her head is the right thing to choose.
I’m still so angry.
What the fuck are you actually here for? A reunion?
Stay in New York. Can we please go back to how things were before?
It’s as though she’s spent so long telling herself not to be the pathetic girl who has split apart after a breakup that now Nina is incapable of just falling back into his arms like she’s secretly been wishing to every single day since she last saw him.
Nina was being insane. Harry wasn't the enemy anymore, she was.
"Did you come to clear the air?" She finally asks, needing to know what his intentions were.
Harry starts by shaking his head, then squares his chin defiantly, "No. I came because I fucking miss you. And I want to be us again. I want the world where we're together back. I miss you being my best friend and my lover and my music teacher and my date to boring shit I don't want to go to but have to," Nina steps towards him, wanting to stop the tears escaping down his cheeks. Still, once Harry starts he can't stop himself though, "I want to be the person you call when you feel like chatting about nothing and when you can't make a decision about something trivial or when something awful has happened, and you need me. I want you to need me again. And I want to be in there," He points emphatically to the door behind Nina, "I fucking hate The Bachelor, but I just want to be in there watching it with you."
"I hate it too," Nina says quietly.
"Thank god," He sighs dramatically, "I'm not sure I could actually sit through a whole episode ...” the playfulness that briefly appeared disappeared again, “I don’t want to be nothing anymore, Nina. I miss every inch of you, and I want all of our beautiful life together back.”
Nina bites her lip, half an inch from a sense of relief that has alluded her for eight months, "I live here now. I still have at least 18 months left of study before—"
“—I’ll stay,” Harry tells her quickly, “I’m in New York as long as you’re here.”
"You're crazy," She laughs, not holding back the new set of tears washing down her face.
Harry's eyes glimmer as he smiles back, "Not crazy."
All of a sudden Nina is aware of how far she has come in the last eight months. How had losing Harry gone from feeling like this—like her insides were about to fall out or that she might never be finished crying—to being the duller version she had been living with up until an hour ago when he called. The dullness evaporates in the time Harry's been standing there, and Nina finds herself feeling everything again for the first time.
Harry steps towards her and Nina takes a breath she can't let go of.
His smile is kind and gentle and exactly how she's always known it. Harry tucks all her hair behind her ears like she always said made her look like her brother. He just wants to see her, and in this moment Nina wants him to.
"Nina Mae," He whispers.
Nina launches herself at him, but not into the kiss she knows he had been leaning in for.  Nina just needs to hold him and be held and feel all of him there. She's missed the safety and comfort of Harry's arms completely around her and holding her world together.
He stumbles slightly against her, Nina's arms come to join around behind his neck, which forces him to take a lot of her weight. Harry's arms link low and steady, pulling her tightly against his chest.
"I love you," She says quietly, turning her face into his neck, feeling her lips move against his skin.
Harry shivers but squeezes her tighter, "I love you too."
He wakes with a start and her name on his lips.
“Fuck,” Harry’s arm snaps out hunting for her body before his brain has fully woken up.
She’s there.
His hand meets her side, Nina has turned away from him in her sleep, and his heart is racing because for a second there he wasn’t sure if he would find her next to him. He’d had dreams like this that had felt so real but fallen away to nothing.
Harry drops his arm down over her belly and tucks his fingers between Nina’s hip and the mattress. She’s warm, and her weight on his hand feels marvellous. She’s here.
Harry lifts his leg over her thigh and pulls Nina’s against his body. His nose connects to the back of her neck, and he breathes in deeply. Harry feels tears clogging his throat again, he’s so fucking relieved.
Nina moves against him, disturbed by being moved but not pulled from sleep yet.
Her room is tiny, and Harry’s kneed the walls multiple times already. The size of the bed makes Harry feel as though he’s in Alice in Wonderland, and the room has shrunk around it. Or maybe the bed has grown into the room. Regardless, it’s small but cosy, which means the whole place smells like Nina’s perfume and body creme. Other than that, he room has barely anything in it. Nothing to show a world-class musician lived there.
There’s still a pit of worry in Harry, but it’s residual. He’s so used to the ache of not having her, his body hasn’t quite let go of the feeling yet despite the fact she’s naked in his arms. Harry wants to wake her up so he can hear her voice and know that she hasn’t woken up feeling differently. He has no reason to distrust her, but grief has worn down his confidence, and a lack of love has moored self-doubt to his heart.
Harry falls back to sleep and is woken sometime later by Nina slipping back into bed.
“Morning,” She presses her lips against his eyebrow and shuffles under the covers under the arm he’s slightly lifted in welcome.
He keeps his eyes closed and doesn’t say anything, Harry finds that he can’t think of what to say. He’s terrified something could shatter the wonderland he’s living in right now.
“Harry?” Her fingers lightly trace over his cheek.
Harry opens his eyes and Nina’s right there.
“Hi,” He says.
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Only Time
Summary: They used to spend almost every moment of their lives together. Everything changes once high school hits, and Roman begins to realize that his actions have consequences. 
Notes: This is my half of an art/writing trade with the wonderful Wren (@dailypattondoodle or @moonfang03), who wanted some twin Logince with angst and a fluffy resolution. Welp, hope you enjoy this :)  This is going to be posted in a couple different chapters, purely for the sake of my editor and formatting on Tumblr. Hope you enjoy, Wren! 
Logan and Roman Everhart had always been non-normal children. They were an adopted set of identical twins, something very unheard of by most. Their adopted fathers were always quick to defend the legitimacy of their claim to parenthood, however, with Roman and Logan none the wiser. The twins also never quite seemed to act their age. Roman began to recite Shakespearean sonnets at 8 without being in an acting company. Logan was reading high-school level chemistry textbooks at age 10 and actually understanding them. Roman was fluent in at least 3 languages including English by the age of 11, and Logan could translate texts in at least 5 by the same age. Their fathers were extremely proud of their children (although baffled over how they learned these things that quickly) and encouraged their interests as individuals.
At the same time, however, both were still just average children. Roman enjoyed going to movies and playing outside and doing sports while also joining a Shakespeare youth company and a choir outside of school. Logan found a STEM group outside of school and joined that while also enjoying reading in his spot on the windowsill in the living room. Both boys had their differences, both from each other and from other children, of course, but first and foremost, they were brothers. They did everything together as children, from watching new shows and movies to starting new books and even trying to cook together. In other words, they were siblings. Yes, they fought, and had their differences, but at the end of the day, they were each other’s best friend. The two of them were always there for each other. Well… until high school, that is.
The first day of high school, Roman met the other theatre kids and was instantly enamoured by them. They understood him perfectly. They supported and participated in his dramatics. They didn’t laugh when he began to geek out over the latest Disney news or the latest Broadway musical or the newest episode of a cartoon show that he really should have stopped watching years ago when he got “too old for it”. They were there with him, just as passionate about the same things. Oh, sure, they all had their differences, and drama, but overall, Roman knew that he had found a new family in this small group of social outcasts in the theatre department at his new high school.
Logan, however? Logan struggled. Not only was he seen as a freak for his selective mutism (and yes, it was selective, he had a hard enough time talking normally so it wasn’t much of a stretch to only communicate in sign), his uncommon interests pushed him even further away from his peers. While he made a couple of friends, mostly fellow science fans, they had lives and responsibilities away from him and their group, and, as all of them were introverts, they tended to not meet up outside of school very often. As such, Logan was extremely lonely without Roman. But this was fine, he told himself. Roman was a social person by nature. He needed people to talk to that weren’t his brother. Logan had no reason to be upset, right?
“And then he just started bawling! I mean, it’s understandable, that spider was far too large for any five year old to handle, but I think that’s the most emotion he’s ever shown in his life!” Roman finished, head thrown back from the force of his laughter. The rest of his friends giggled a bit as well, all too used to hearing about the adventures of Young Logan and Roman.
“Roman, you’re so mean to your brother!” Mabel giggled, tossing her long brown hair over her shoulders. Her brown eyes twinkled with mirth as she almost dropped her fork into her pasta. Roman snorted and rolled his eyes, far too used to Mabel’s clumsiness.
“Mabel, you have no room to talk,” he shot back, grinning. “I seem to recall you telling us stories about being an absolute menace to your brother one summer when you were 12?” The other six people at the table laughed and oohed along with Mabel and Roman like the immature freshmen that they were. People at nearby tables shot them looks but did not speak up, ultimately succumbing to the apathy high school filled you with and returning to their regularly scheduled lunches. Nonetheless, their table did quiet down, not wanting to cause a fight to break out in the crowded lunchroom.
“Hey, speaking of brothers, I haven’t seen yours in a while, Roman,” Shiloh mentioned, instantly dampening the mood of the conversation. While Logan was liked by all at the table, more than one person had a complicated relationship with him, whether it be from classes or indirect experience through another person. Roman blinked in shock at Shiloh’s statement, mind whirling. He had just spoken to Logan an hour ago, hadn’t he? Outside of Logan’s Honors English classroom? And hadn’t his friends been with him? No, they had not, he concluded as the memories solidified. He had talked to Logan alone.
“He’s been busy with classes. He’s in all honors, remember, and he has a lot of activities to do outside of school,” Roman answered, voice even and unconcerned. Why should he be concerned, after all? This was normal behaviour for Logan, who did not like to talk to most people that were not in his immediate circle of Trusted Humans. Plus, these were not Logan’s friends. Acquaintances, yes, but not friends. Logan had his own friends, a couple of fellow sciencey introverts who did not mind Logan’s methods of communication. Why should Roman be concerned, then, that his friends had not seen Logan for a bit?
“Yeah, true. I dunno, though, he used to stop by at least once a lunch period. He hasn’t done that for at least two weeks,” Shiloh continued, chewing his bottom lip. Dani murmured in quiet agreement and shoved the rest of her sandwich in her mouth, and Mabel sighed, eyes flickering with melancholy. None of them would admit it, but they missed Logan’s visits, if only to see his adorable banter with his twin.
“He’s probably just busy, okay guys? Nothing’s wrong,” Roman huffed, stabbing violently into his pasta. “Why are you worried, anyway? He’d tell me if something is wrong.” Dani and Shiloh looked at each other across the table, silently communicating with eyebrow raises and glances. Clearly, Roman wasn’t paying attention to his sibling. Should they tell him, or let him figure this out on his own?
The bell to signal the end of lunch interrupted their decision making, and the group all stood to scatter to their afternoon classes, groaning the entire time. Roman hiked up his backpack and stalked off to algebra, slipping into his seat just before the late bell rang. Logan was fine, he knew. His friends had no reason to make such a big deal over this. Right?
Logan choked back his tears as he checked his phone for the fifth time in the last minute or so. Roman wasn’t coming, it was clear. This was far from the first time Roman had skipped their meetings, and it was very unlikely to be the last. He had a life, and friends, and better things to do with his time than spend time with his stupid nerdy brother who was still far too clingy at age 14. Five more minutes, he thought, I’ll give him five more minutes. He was already five minutes late, Logan knew, but he was not quite willing to accept that fact yet. He was not ready to admit that his brother was abandoning him.
Five minutes passed and Roman was nowhere to be found, as was normal lately. Logan sighed and began to walk towards his next class half an hour early as usual, ignoring the pangs and tearing in his chest. He should be fine, he couldn’t possibly expect Roman to spend every moment with him, he should be happy for his brother and his new friends. Logan knew that change was natural in high school, yet he somehow still felt awful over it. He should have made more of an effort in his younger years to talk to people other than Roman. Maybe then he’d know how to deal with this.
“Logan? You’re here early again. Is something wrong?” his Trig Honours teacher asked, concern dripping from her voice. Logan swallowed down his feelings, shifted his binder to his right arm, and lifted his left hand to reply.
No, I just finished lunch early and my friends are busy. May I please stay in here? he asked, hand shaking slightly at the thought of rejection. His teacher must have noticed and smiled at him, waves of calm radiating off of her.
“Of course you can stay in here, Logan. In fact, could you help me grade the Algebra 1 tests? If that’s not too much trouble,” she replied, holding up a stack of paper. Logan nodded and set his materials at his desk before walking back over and settling down to help grade. Grading relaxed him and took his mind off of his issues.
“So, Logan. Do you need to talk?” she asked, looking over her glasses. Logan shook his head, focusing on correcting a poor freshman’s factoring. She sighed and went back to silence, allowing Logan to stew in his thoughts. Far too soon, the rest of his class began to filter in, and Logan had to go back into his daily schedule, still raw and uncertain about what was going on with his brother.
Luckily, school was over quickly, and Logan began his walk home, not willing to wait for Roman to finish play practice today. Plus, he had homework, and Dad would need help making dinner since Papa was working late tonight. It’s not like Roman would worry, anyway, Logan knew as he reached the front door, reaching into his pocket to grab his house keys. He walked in the door, the scent of burning sugar hitting his nose.
“Logan? Can you help me? I can’t… figure out how to cook!” Dad’s voice called, tinged with panic. Logan chuffed, threw his backpack onto the couch, and walked into the kitchen, eyes widening as he took in the destruction around him. Flour dusted every surface. Eggs were splattered across the table. Sloppily chopped cloves of garlic lay on the floor, and a bottle of olive oil lay on its side, thankfully sealed and not leaking. In the middle of this cooking disaster zone stood Virgil Everhart, a famous author who still didn’t know how to cook at age 30. Logan smiles slightly and walked over, picking up a discarded chopping knife.
What are you trying to make, Dad? Virgil sighed and turned back to the stove, shutting it off and taking the slightly-smoking pan off of the burner.
“This… this nice pasta recipe. And we had all the things to hand make pasta… and I wanted to surprise Patton with something special? But… I failed,” Virgil muttered, gesturing around the room. Logan nodded and gently took the pan from Virgil. He grabbed out all the ingredients he was going to need and set to work, smiling.
I can do this, Dad. Just focus on cleaning up, Logan signed before setting to work. Virgil shuffled around behind him, cleaning up everything that he had almost destroyed and handing Logan the olive oil for later. Logan snorted and took it, giving his Dad a large smile and a big thumbs-up. Virgil was trying to learn a new skill, it was clear.
“Okay, it’s all cleaned up. Can I help?” Logan shook his head and finished kneading the dough, beginning to set it up to roll it out and cut it. The kitchen descended into silence as the two worked, Virgil mostly handing Logan things and stepping back and watching his son make the meal. Logan was just finishing dishing the pasta into bowls when the front door slammed open and Roman’s voice came floating in.
“I’m home, everyone! Do I smell garlic?” Logan stiffened a bit but focused on finishing his task while Virgil went out to find and talk to Roman.
“Yep. Logan actually made dinner. Talk to him,” Virgil drawled. Logan finished topping everything with parmesan and hurried towards his room, snatching a bowl on the way. No, he wasn’t avoiding Roman, what were you talking about?
He walked into his room and softly closed the door before collapsing into his desk chair, pulling out his math textbook and flipping open his notebook. This was not the first time he did this, eating dinner and doing homework while avoiding his family, and it would be far from the last time he did this. He shoved down the bubbling heat, stabbed his fork into a mushroom, and threw himself into graphing conic sections for the second night in a row.
“So… Roman. We need to have a talk,” Virgil started, sitting down with his noodles across from his more extroverted son. Roman blinked and looked up, mouth full of pasta and carrots. Confusion painted his face, which Virgil would find adorable in any other scenario, but right now made anger bubble in his gut. It was clear Logan was hurting, and Roman should have noticed and known, but he clearly had no idea, and that made Virgil angrier than he thought.
“About what? My grades are fine, I’m not having issues… what’s up, Dad? Is someone dying?” Roman babbled, eyes wide and panicked. Virgil sighed and pinched his nose. Wow, how did he raise such a dramatic child? He blamed Patton.
“No one is dying. You’re not in trouble. It’s Logan.” Roman’s face paled and he almost dropped the bowl, catching it at the last second. “I… what? What’s wrong with Logan? Is he being bullied? Is he okay? Is he sick? Does he have depression? Who do I need to fight?” Roman rattled off, fists clenching and teeth gritting. Virgil actually… felt scared of his son at that moment. That… that should not happen.
“Whoa, hang on, Roman! Slow down! No, Logan is okay in most of those fields. Please let me talk!” Virgil babbled. Roman quieted down, brown eyes wide with expectation. Virgil sighed, steepled his fingers, and began. “I… I believe Logan may be exhibiting symptoms of depression or anxiety. And… I want to ask you if you have any idea why?”
Roman frowned and began to think. He seemed to finally stumble across a solution and his eyes widened, horror and despair filling their cocoa depths. “I… holy shit. I have no idea,” he whispered. Virgil sighed, took a bite of his pasta, and began to think about how to explain things to his son.
“I… you talk a lot about your friends, which is great, don’t get me wrong, but you also used to talk about Logan… and I’m wondering if you’ve just stopped talking to him?” Roman frowned before comprehension dawned.
“I haven’t been talking to him… oh crap, we were supposed to meet up at lunch today… oh crap!” Roman bolted upright, face pale. “I… where’s Logan! I need to talk to him! I- I need to fix this!” He sprinted out of the room, leaving Virgil alone to eat his pasta and contemplate all the horrible outcomes this situation could bring.
The front door opened again and closed again, and Virgil looked up to find Patton smiling softly at him. “Hey, honey, what’s going on?” Virgil sighed and pecked Patton on the cheek.
“Roman and Logan… are having some issues. They’re talking it out now.” Patton nodded and sat next to him, squeezing his hand.
“It’ll be fine, darling. They’re strong. They have a great bond. Everything will be okay,” Patton whispered. Virgil leaned against him, smiling softly.
“I hope so, Patt. I hope so.”
Knock knock. “Logan? Can we talk?” Logan’s head snapped upwards and he gulped at the sound of Roman’s nervous voice. His brother only sounded nervous when things were serious. Had Logan done something wrong? The mere thought sent nasty whispers through his brain, and he tried to block them out, focusing on the present. He stood and walked to his door, opening it to find Roman fidgeting with his sleeves in the hallway. “Can I come in?” Roman asked, eyes shining with something Logan couldn’t decipher. Logan nodded and let him in, closing the door behind his twin before sitting back in his desk chair while Roman perched on the bed. Silence reigned as the brothers faced each other, neither putting forth any words. Finally, after a solid three minutes of silence, Roman placed his hands on his knees, sighed, and began.
“Logan. I… you’ve been acting off lately. A bit more… depressed? And anxious? And I’d like to know what’s going on.” Logan bit his lip and wrung his hands together, trying to formulate a response. Should he be honest? Should he tell Roman the truth about his feelings? Or should he try and make Roman feel better? Looking into Roman’s earnest eyes, however, Logan felt all plans of lying leave his head. He had to tell his twin the truth.
I… have been feeling abandoned lately? You have been skipping our lunch meetings to hang out with your friends… and we don’t talk much anymore… which is fine! You have your own friends and your own life. I just feel a bit sad and hurt over it, Logan signed. His hands shook as they formed the damning signs, his hands lowering when he was done. Silence reigned, and Logan’s throat began to close up. He was so stupid, why couldn’t he just push his feelings down, why couldn’t he grow up and let Roman go-
Logan was suddenly yanked into a hug and he gasped, tears bubbling in his eyes. “You’re okay, Logan. You’re okay. I’m so, so sorry, bro, I didn’t know, I’m so sorry,” Roman sobbed, squeezing Logan. Logan slowly lifted his arms and hugged Roman back, finally allowing the tears to stream down his cheeks. There the two brothers sat, crying, for a length of time neither could tell, simply basking in the presence and love of the other, their best friend since birth. Eventually, Roman pulled back, sniffing, but kept his hands on Logan’s shoulders, giving him a watery grin.
“Okay. I promise, I will not forget our meetings, okay? In fact, I’m going to start spending all of lunch at least once a week with you. How does that sound?” Logan’s eyes widened and he frantically shook his head. No, he didn’t want that, Roman’s friends would start to hate him for taking Roman away-
“Hey, Logan? My friends will understand, okay? You come first, anyway. If they can’t handle me spending time with my brother, then they weren’t that great of friends in the first place,” Roman stated firmly, his voice cutting through Logan’s spiraling thoughts. Logan gulped and raised his hands.
I don’t want to cut into your time with people you enjoy, though. Roman growled and shook Logan gently.
“Logan. You matter more, okay? Plus, they all miss you. Just… trust me on this, okay?” Logan slowly, shakily nodded, and Roman smiled softly. “Good. That’s great, Logan. Now, yell at me if I do anything stupid, okay?”
Logan snorted. You’ll be smacked about ten times per day, then. Roman blinked before his cheeks puffed out.
“Hey! That’s rude!” Logan giggled, and Roman simply pouted more in an effort to be the largest drama queen on the planet. This caused Logan to giggle harder, and finally, Roman broke down laughing as well, happiness welling up in both sibling’s souls. They ended up cuddling on Logan’s bed and watching Netflix, somehow, but neither complained. This was the most time they’d spent with each other for a while, and neither was willing to have this end.
What neither knew was that, when they eventually fell asleep, Patton slipped into the room and tucked them in, plugged in Logan’s laptop, and dropped a soft kiss onto both of their foreheads. “Sweet dreams, kiddos,” he murmured before leaving, smiling to himself. His kiddos were finally beginning to make things better, and nothing could be better in his eyes.
“Logan, calm down. They all like you, remember?” Roman murmured, nudging his brother in the ribs gently. Logan gulped and adjusted his grip on his Caesar salad, staring across the lunchroom at Roman’s usual table filled with loud, laughing theatre kids. Mabel was draped across Dani, the two girls watching something on Dani’s phone. Shiloh and Tommy were shouting in Hebrew about math homework (Logan could only tell because he glimpsed their open math textbooks), and Clair was giggling along with Cory and Kate about cute humans. Overall, an alien environment to Logan. He didn’t fit in; he didn’t belong there. Roman huffed and grabbed Logan’s arm, yanking him after him as he marched over.
“Friends! Countrymen! Gentlewomen! Lend me your ears!” he called, causing the entire cafeteria to turn around and stare at them. Logan flinched, but Roman and his entire friend group took this in stride, grinning.
“Yes, Your Highness? What say you?” Shiloh yelled back, his voice lilting with sarcasm. The entire table chorused agreement, a cacophony of sarcasm erupting from the table. Logan flinched back, but Roman pushed onwards, gently shoving him in between Shiloh and Alfred. Logan simply fidgeted with his fork and waited to be kicked from the table.
“I say that my darling advisor, my dear brother, will be joining us today!” Roman chirped, lowering his volume. The rest of the cafeteria ignored them once again, and Logan swallowed as all the eyes at the table turned to him. He was acutely aware of how his argyle sweater vest and tie made him stand out among this group of fashionable teens. He fidgeted, not used to this much attention. Mika and Wirt were much more subdued and hated eye contact as much as Logan did. This… this was not in Logan’s comfort zone at all.
“Cool! So, Logan, do you listen to musicals? I just finished listening to the UK version of Heathers and do I have some opinions,” Mabel answered Roman, slamming her fist into the table.
“Oh, en guarde, bitch, you do not get to trash that recording!” Tommy yelped, slamming his fist into the table. Mabel yelled a challenge back, and Logan soon found himself embroiled in a conversation about which version of Heathers was better, a topic he knew nothing about. However, he found this conversation… pleasant, even fun. All of Roman’s friends were very welcoming and warm, and all of them took their time and let him sign, Roman translating for him. Never once did Logan feel excluded. This was… nice. He smiled his first genuine smile in months. Things were finally looking up.
Notes: And that’s Chapter One! I’m most likely posting Chapter 2 tomorrow (fingers crossed!). Hope you all enjoyed this! 
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