#sorry. does this make anys ense
transexuality · 1 year
rhe thing about kairi is that she is so underdeveloped to an utmost degree beyond any other kingdom hearts character even though she is the POINT of kh1. yes, sora and riku's relationship is in the forefront of kh1, but sora is searching for KAIRI hes mad at riku for what hes done to KAIRI. but she has 0 agency. she is asleep 90% of the game and for the last 10% she does nothing. naminé and larxene are the next original female characters introduced in chain of memories and immediately we see them have more interesting development and storylines and personalities than kairi. naminé suffers a bit from being a female character written by men who dont know how to write women, but she has struggles and she has her own motivations, she is complex. she feels jealous and wants sora to forget everything and stay with her, but she sacrifices those wants because she knows its for the greater good. larxene is an active antagonist and she is a ruthless villain, with agency and power in the narrative. jump to kh2, naminé has become basically a ghost, larxene is dead, and kairi has been captured again. we get moments in kh2 of some personality from kairi, certainly more from what weve seen, but ultimately she still lacks agency and doesnt do much. riku just sort of gives her a keyblade at the end and then shes there to reunite sora and riku, since finding riku is the point of kh2. they had the chance to make her do more in kh3 and while i appreciate that she at least is given a fighting chance it ultimately falls flat because her character revolves around sora. her existence is to support sora and riku's friendship. shes the case that is replace her with a rock and nothing changes. and im saying this as someone who loves kairi! shes fun! shes cute! shes sweet! shes snarky sometimes! but ultimately her personality is Nice Girl Who's Nice :) and there is an untapped well of potential for her to get some depth and it ultimately isnt there as the writers have made her character shallow that pales in comparison to her counterparts. but somehow people hate her EXISTENCE for this and thats what drives me crazy. even with all of these criticisms i have with the writing i still really like her and think that she needs to exist. and yeah sure sora and riku have much more chemistry and are written with such a beautiful bond that its hard to see it as anything other than accidental gay romance but sora and kairi is still there and its still sweet. soriku shippers hate kairi for whatever reason cause it gets in the way of their gay ship and thats whats frustrating. sora and kairi are clearly intended to have romantic undertones and while yes its a shame that kairis character is reduced to this, people shit on it for the wrong reasons. theres nothing wrong wirh sora and kairi's relationship, and its been there from the very start and its not going away. they both care a lot about each other and its sweet! kairi is hated on for merely existing but people dont take the time to step back and critique the way that she is developed and written, they just go for the jugular and perpetuate the misogyny that is already written into the franchise. you can have a problem with the way things are handled, but just shitting on a female character for existing in a male dominated cast written by men is just not cute. Can anybody hear me
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Chapter 12/24: Out
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FANDOM: Marvel’s MCU SERIES: SEADLA Verse, version 2.0 RATING: Mature WORDCOUNT: 4 626 PAIRING(S): - CHARACTER(S): Tony Stark, Nick Fury, Clint Barton. GENRE: Jail time sucks. TRIGGER WARNING(S): This chapter contains brief and non graphic suicidal thoughts (it’s really small, but it’s there) as well as iffy matters of consent regarding telepathy that aren’t really discussed. (Check the AO3 listing for a glimpse of what’s to come). SUMMARY: In which there is a rescue team.
DEDICATION(S): As always, to the first version’s readers, to the people who leave comments on the fic three years after its last update, and to 2012!me, who needed to write this fic a lot.
SEADLA ON TUMBLR: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7] [Chapter 8] [Chapter 9] [Chapter 10] [Chapter 11]
Tony stares into the abrupt darkness with his heart hammering against his ribs until a green and gold flame, no bigger than a thumb, whispers to life. The light flickers over Loki’s face, makes his features handsome, childish and fearsome in turn, a thousand faces birthed and killed by a thousand tricks of lights.
It makes Tony’s head swim.
Loki, apparently unbothered, sends the flame hovering a little above his head and lights another one, then another and another, until several dozens of small fires float in the air around them, casting their light over Loki and deepening the pitch blackness around him.
“You look like the Boogeyman,” Tony blurts out through the wild rhythm of his breathing, twisting his fingers into his sheets, just to make sure the bed is still there.
The whole scene looks and feels a little like the Big Bang did, except there’s neither scientific wonder nor any sense of emotional closeness to keep Tony calm, and sweat starts prickling at his brow long before Loki shrugs and deadpans:
“Well I did do a bit of interim for him.”
Tony gapes, unable to tell whether this is supposed to be a joke or not, until his eyes catch on to a slightly-less-dark rectangle in the blackness behind Loki. He twists around a little, careful to keep his movements limited to the approximate area of the bed, until he catches sight of something moving in the rectangle, like black heavy fog trying to hide paler silhouettes. Tony thinks they look like trees, but they’re too pale to be real.
“Where are we?” He asks at last, struggling to tear his attention off the door and onto Loki.
“I suppose you could say we’re technically both in you cell. This is your mind. Well, a possible manifestation of it, at least.”
“A physical manifestation of—wait, I’m dreaming?”
“In technical terms,” Loki corrects with impossibly precise enunciation, “you are being Visited.”
“Oh right,” Tony retorts, switching from surprise to sarcasm almost before he has time to decide on it, “and you couldn’t ‘visit me’ before because…?”
“You didn’t pick up the knife.”
Tony’s face flushes red in less time than it takes to blink. What does the fucking knife even have to do with anything? And what the fuck does Loki mean, Tony didn’t pick it up? He spent literal days cutting into his arm with that stupid fucking thing, and Loki has the gall to blame him for not picking it up?
Worse, still! The bastard looks sad! Hurt, even! Like he’s the one who suffered instead of Tony! Oh, what a fucking joke, what a bastard—a week! A full week, at least, in custody, all but tortured into drinking, not knowing when he’d come out and that’s what—oh, what a fucking moron Tony was.
“Oh, forgive me your highness,” he hisses, trying not to choke on his fury, “I guess I’m not smart enough for princely mind games, after all!”
“That’s not what I said,” Loki replies in a neutral tone, one eyebrow raising with so much elegance Tony wants to punch it open, “I’m simply saying��”
“You’re saying bull, is what you’re doing. I picked your damn knife up! For nothing! I’ve been calling you for help—”
“I’m actually fairly certain you were punishing yourself,” Loki replies, drawing his head back like an offended bird.”
“You told me there was a spell in it—that you’d know if I tried to use it on myself—why d’you think I went back to cutting? The aesthetics?”
“Contrary to what you seem to believe, I didn’t actually get inside your head about a minute ago. I knew you were cutting, not why.”
“Oh, right, because that makes everything so much better!”
Tony is all but kneeling on the bed by now, body tense and boiling with the urge to start throwing punches. He’s not even picky about where: face, chest, legs, anywhere it’ll take so long as it gets Loki begging for forgiveness and the ugly mess of Tony’s memories out of his brain forever.
Loki doesn’t seem to care, if he even notices at all.
“It doesn’t,” he says with a slight shrug, “you had to call for me. I planted the knife as because I knew you were too stubborn to—”
“What? Too stubborn to die like you planned?”
Technically, there’s no wall to stop him here, no ground to slam into, which is probably the only reason why flying off and landing in an undignified heap doesn’t physically hurt. The gesture still reels him though, pulls his thoughts into a sharp sideway twist.
Fuck, he wishes it’d hurt though. Wishes it’d bleed like a proper wound so he could just stitch it up and be done with it instead of having to watch himself fester down into nothing. It’d be a bitch to go through but it’d be clean. Straightforward.
God, he misses simple.
But it doesn’t hurt.
Loki’s face though, that gets something out of Tony, because he looks hurt. He looks like he’s hurt and betrayed, like Tony should commiserate with the poor widdle god of trickery and lies regret at sending a so-called friend flying. Like Tony should be craddling his cheek and say ‘it’s alright, you’re not really an asshole for trying to throw me into concrete, or whatever you thought would stop me mid-flight’.
Fuck that game. Tony’s most definitely not playing it.
“If I’d meant for you to die,” Loki hisses after a long, shivering pause, “All I had to do was leave you here. I could have killed you a dozen times as Lorna. Better still, I could have ignored your letter and let you do the bloody job for me, you pathetic coward!”
The lights around them burn brighter with each word, swelling with Loki’s venom and turning his hair from black to a bright copper, draws lines of runes onto his face. Tony watches the change proceed with sick fascination, blood humming in his veins as Loki’s ordinary black leather shifts into thick winter gear, his chin colors with a thick copper beard where the runes come and go like words on the wind.
It fills something primal in Tony, like he’s witnessing something he shouldn’t have access to, and there’s the beginning of a punch building up in his fist when Loki strides up to him, seizes him by the collar and hisses into his face:
“You’re a lucky coward, though, I do not intend to let you die. Be ready for an escape tomorrow. You will know when the time comes.”
Tony does punch then, as hard and fast as he can manage, satisfaction blooming into his chest when he hears Loki’s nose crack and spots blood dripping onto the elegant mustache. Fuck him. Fuck him and his mysticism, his arrogance, his every fucking thing! If he wants to think he’s above everyone, fine! But if he thinks Tony’s gonna lie down and take it in silence, he’s got another fucking thing coming.
His thing with Lorna might have worked wonder, but Tony is sure as hell not about to take another one of his lies, fuck him very much.
“Lorna was a lie, that much is true,” Loki says while he dabs elegant fingers under his nose, “but it wasn’t mine.”
He’s out of the door before Tony can try to punch him again.
Tony wakes up to a major kink in his neck and the taste of a hangover gone stale on his tongue. He lies on the bed like a a stringless puppet, crusty-eyed and sweaty, desperatly trying to ignore the headache forming behind his eyeballs. At the edge of his memory, shouting and pain mix with green flames in the dark, and it’s all he can do to push them back in favor of Loki’s words.
Be ready for an escape tomorrow. You’ll know the moment when it comes.
Of course he had to be a fucking cryptic with that, too. What an asshole.
Tony still hopes, though. He thinks about the not-quite-dream all day long as he lies down, unable not to wish Loki said the truth. Unable not to feel like time has turned into especially thick syrup as he keeps his hands under the pillow, clutching Loki’s open knife just in case.
Somewhere around what’s probably the beginning of the afternoon, Clint comes back with more food. He doesn’t make a show of roughing tony up this time, which is definitely progress, but he does mouth ‘be ready’ when he leaves the tray. If nothing else, it probably means Clint is on Tonys side.
In times like these, it’s a thought worth clinging to.
As far as Tony can tell, it’s about four when the guards start screaming. Muffled shouts and the slap of flesh on flesh fill the air for a hot second, and then there’s a pregnant silence and the hiss of Tony’s cell door sliding open. Tony, who at this point is little more than a random collection of ill-kept hair and bloodshot eyes in hospital pajamas, watches a skinny silhouette in red and blue spandex stride into the room with confident step, pause into a full-bodied show of surprise, and exclaims:
“Dude, you look like crap!”
The boy sounds something like seventeen, maybe eighteen. Barely college age, at any rate. It doesn’t stop Tony from saying he’s been worse.
It’s both true and false. Afghanistan hurt more, physically speaking. He doesn’t remember feeling that empty while he was there, though, too busy trying to figure out how to get Yinsen and himself out to feel sorry about his life.
He wouldn’t go back there just to stop being depressed though, thank you very much.
“How did you know where to find me?” He asks, following the kid out into empty corridors with Loki’s swiss knife in hand, “Clint managed to get blueprint out?”
“Yeah, and then a little spider talked to me in a dream.”
A pause, and then:
“I mean, it was really more like the biggest tarantula the world has ever seen, but it’s not as funny an image.”
Tony’s too busy trying to walk in a straight line to care much, either way, but whatever rocks the kid’s world, really. How or why on Earth Anansi got involved, he has no idea. Same goes for Spiderman, actually, but neither of these questions feel pressing enough to distract him from the very real, very urgent need to get away from this place.
So he runs.
They reach a doorway that probably leads outside about fifteen minutes into Tony’s escape, four S.H.I.E.L.D agents standing in their way with old Nazi weapons at the ready, and Tony’s heart sinks.
No way he’ll get past them.
“Okay,” Spiderman says, twisting his head until the bones in his neck crack, “no offense but I think we’ll be better off if I handle that one on my own. You’re in no shape to fight, pop.”
Tony would quip back and say the kid is being a little generous about his suit-less abilities, but he doesn’t have the time. He’s barely started opening his mouth, and one guard is down already, dragged to the ground with a clever use of silky—and sticky—rope. Spiderman runs toward the next one, yells ‘crotch!’ and hit the man with exactly that part of his anatomy, catching one of the two women in the jaw with his foot as he twists the male guard around.
The second woman manages to get a grip on him and twist his arm behind his back, but before Tony gets to helping him, he’s jumped and twisted in such a way that he broke the woman’s nose with his knee and wriggled free of her headlock.
“Phew,” he says, voice rough from the chokehold, “thank heaven for super flexibility, right?”
Tony doesn’t have time to answer before someone grabs his arm and forces him to start running. He barely realizes it’s Clint in time to avoid punching at him—and then it stops to matter, because he’s finally outside.
He was never a very outdoorsy person before but hell, he’s ready to get into full time camping right now, relishing the wind on his face more than he could have thought possible, so happy to be let out of that damned cave of a jail cell that he barely manages to hold himself upright.
“Stark!” Clint yells in his ear with the tone of someone who’s been trying to get his attention for a bit, “they’re trying to torture Banner into hulking, we gotta move out fast!”
“He’s not gonna do it!” Tony protests even as he picks up his pace to keep up with Clint, “Bruce—”
“I’m not wondering if he wants to hold it in,” Clint replies, guiding Tony away from where a gaggle of agents are fighting a man on a horse car, “I’m wondering if he’ll be able to! He’s never had to resist torture before, we don’t know how it’ll affect him!”
Tony, still half-drunk from sudden freedom, wishes he could protest. Bruce saved his life multiple times already—sometimes as Hulk, even!—but Clint as a point. This is brand new territory, and they’re probably better off getting to safety before they start pondering the nature of Bruce’s doppelganger and how it’s gonna react to pain.
Around them, the air screams with explosions and too many voices, multiple fights breaking on the ground and across the sky as Tony lets Clint and Spiderman drag him out into what may or may not be the desert of New Mexico. He thinks he makes out a voice that sounds like thunder in the chaos but, really, there’s no way to be entirely sure.
“We gotta come back for Bruce,” he manages between two steps, dodging Clint’s elbow when he shoots at an agent.
“We gotta get you to safety,” Clint says, eyes roaming the landscape around them for something, “if Banner’s smart he’ll let the other guy come out and get him out of Fury’s hands.”
“But he’s—”
“I don’t see out back up!” Spiderman yells, “Where’s she?”
“Hell if I know! You seen a cat recently?”
Tony stumbles on the uneven ground, legs of cotton and shot vision combining to mess up with his balance, but he’s still got enough brain to despair at Clint’s words. A cat? they’re hanging their survival on a damn cat? God, they’re so lost—he’s just gonna die here and get this kid who asked for nothing down with him and then—
“Oh fuck!”
Tony twists on himself to follow Clint’s line of sight, trusting the guy to take them through a manageable path...and immediately regrets his decision.
Behind them, mounted onto some kind of vaguely horse-like mechanical monstrosity, the scarred man who visited Tony is flinging people out of his way like they’re annoying flies and not full grown adults. He’s yelling something Tony doesn’t understand but, more importantly, he’s catching up to them. Fast.
“Damn it all!” Clint shouts, “Bastet! Where the fuck are you!”
There’s a flash of grayish-pink flesh by Tony’s feet, a shape running toward the artificial horse as the scarred man prepares to shoot, and then he’s flung to the ground under the weight of a hairless lion with a snarl of hatred that shakes the air around Tony.
“The portal’s behind the rock,” the lion—lioness, judging by the voice—yells over the scarred man’s struggling body, “go!”
Tony is scrambling to turn around before Spiderman even manages to grab him—there’s a sharp pain in his guts as he runs, the exhaustion finally settling in, but he doesn’t let it stop him and keep going, passing a giant boulder at breakneck speed.
He doesn’t notice the hole until he’s already falling.
“Finally,” a deep, cheerful voice exclaims when Tony climbs back to consciousness, “I was beginning to think you’d never wake up!”
Trying to ignore the voice, Tony keeps his eyes closed and tries to list his injuries—there should be some, considering the day he’s had...whenever he got knocked out.
He doesn’t find anything.
Nothing hurts.
There’s no fire in his veins, no throbbing in his head, no itching and pulling around the reactor, no dull ache where he thought he’d pulled a muscle running, nothing at all.
He’s not sure what it says about him that the absence of pain is what makes him open his eyes and panic.
“Alright, alright, try to calm down,” the voice says when Tony bolts upright, “it took a while to patch you up, and probably even longer to negotiate your return with Hades, let’s not go and ruin all that good work.”
Tony turns, and stares at the woman he finds there. She’s about as tall as Thor, though her shoulders and hips are slightly narrower. Long, bleached-blond hair tumbles into a thick braid over her right shoulder, and when she walks closer to examine Tony it’s easy to spot the freckles on her golden cheeks.
“What the hell?” Tony exclaims when she inspects his wrists and there’s no trace of scarring there, “Where the fuck am I?”
“The exact answer is a little complicated,” the woman says with an apologetic smile, “so for the sake of simplicity we’ll just say it’s my infirmary, for now.”
“Right. And how long have I been in ‘your infirmary’?” Tony asks with his heart in his throat.
“A little under three days. You were awake for some of it, actually, but you kept trying to tear your glowing gadget out and re-open your wrists, so I sedated you. You should be able to get out tomorrow, depending on your state of mind...i the meantime, you can visit Anansi in the next room but going further would be a bad idea.”
Tony blinks, and takes his first proper look around the room.
White stone walls, too smooth to be natural but not enough to be a modern building, curve in as if to cover whatever is inside them. Blue light, rippling over the room like it had to get through water, mixing with the light of several candles to paint the atmosphere a golden kind of turquoise. It’s unusual and somewhere halfway between magical and spooky, but it’s also oddly soothing.
Secure, more than stifling. It’s a nice change of pace.
As for the furnitures, aside from the way they curve in to accommodate the walls, they look fairly infirmary-like. A spartan bedside table for each of the three narrow cots, a roll up tray with instruments waiting to be used, and a basket filled with whatever it is an infirmary needs to throw away. To the left, a closed door. To the right, a door left ajar, the low hum of conversation filtering through it—probably Anansi’s room, then. Tony should probably go and visit.
He doesn’t have it in him to do it, though.
He didn’t expect to wake up. didn’t even really want to, either. What does he have to come back to, these days? An empty house without Jarvis? A bunch of broken dreams? More problems than he can even begin to count? And that’s taking Loki out of the equation. Loki who, unless he’s even more of a jerk than he already showed, might come walking though that door at any moment.
Honestly, tony wishes he could stop thinking about him. He’s going to have to, at some point, whether he likes it or not. Might even be a good idea to do so, in the long run. Right now though, nothing in his body hurts—not even the reactor—and his mind is just numb enough to keep him from a fall in complete despair.
It’s not ideal, but compared to the past few days it’s progress, and Tony is not going to ruin it with undue concern, thank you very much.
“Aren’t you going to ask me about Anansi’s health?”
It take tremendous effort to look at the woman again. Here eyes, almond shaped with a distinct fold at the corners, are so dark they’re almost black, but they’re warm too, and comforting. Well, there’s also a hint of reproach in there, but Tony doesn’t really have the energy to care about that.
“I assume he’ll be alright. He’s a God.”
“That doesn’t mean you can’t try and be a proper friend to him. Or, you know, a polite person.”
Tony tries to snort, but it comes our more like a huff of breath. Either way, it’s not the answer the woman was angling fro, because she crosses her arms over her chest with a more obviously disapproving stare. She’s wearing an apron over a purple wool tunic, more prepared for viking ships than the imperial court of China, but what does Tony know about mythology, after all? Just ‘cause nobody talks about godly emigration doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
“Just because you’re out of it doesn’t mean you get to be an ass, Tony Stark.”
“And just ‘cause you know my name doesn’t mean you get to use it like you’re my mom,” Tony replies without much heat, “I don’t even know who you are.”
“Only because you didn’t ask.”
The woman’s voice deepens with every sentence, like her annoyance at Tony can be measured in how many octaves she can drop. She still reaches for a bowl and holds it out to Tony, with a firm ‘eat something’ when he takes it in hand.
It’s something like gruel, bland-looking on the whole, though when Tony tries it he finds nuts, honey and dried fruits as well. He doesn’t have the capacity to enjoy it in full, that’s true, but at least it tastes of something.
There are worse thing to unenthusiastically munch on.
“My name’s Sigyn, by the way.”
The name sounds vaguely familiar, but Tony doesn’t quite get why until Sigyn adds:
“You might know me as Loki’s wife.”
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my-muses-in-op · 6 years
Unexpected meeting
After parting with Marco, Ann went to the small island where Ace and Whitebeard were burried. She hadn’t been there at all, so it was about time she did pay them the respect. Even if she felt anxious about it. She tied the boat to the small port and for a moment she stared at the sea, bracing herself to face the graves. Her heart felt heavy and at the same time it raced.
With another sigh, she turned around and noticed the figure at the graves. She tensed lightly, but it could be one of her brothers or one of their former allies. No need to fear a fight, but that didn’t mean she shouldn’t be on guard. Alerted she walked closer to the two massive graves. She had to admit it was impressive and in her heart she thanked Shanks for doing this. Ace deserved this and Whitebeard even more.
The man was sitting down, shoulders moving. He cried and she was sure it was someone who knew either Ace or Whitebeard or maybe both. However, she didn’t recognize him, but then again, it was hard to remember all the allies and brothers she had gained over the years and Ace had been on missions without her, so it could be someone he met under those mission.
Not wanting to intrude, she stayed behind for a while, giving him space to mourn. It was kind of nice to know people still mourned and she wondered how many of her brothers and sisters did actually come here to mourn and pay the respect both Ace and Whitebeard deserved. She didn’t know and she felt awful for first coming here now, but she also knew that Ace and Whiebeard would understand.
One day she would bring Luffy here and he could tell Ace how he had become the Pirate King and how. She was sure Ace would like that and Luffy too. Maybe even his whole crew.
Her body tensed when the man moved, getting onto his feet. It was an unconscious reaction and she couldn’t help it. When he grabbed his hat and put a pipe on his back, her body ensed even more. The blond hair, the way he dressed and that pipe... It reminded her of a boy she knew. A long dead brother. No, her mind was playing with her.
She grabbed her tattoo, the one she had gotten a few months back. A reminder to a wow she once made and what was her biggest treasure.
Then he turned, a soft and sad smile on his lips. He didn’t look surprised that she was standing there and she got the feeling the sadness and guilt in his eyes were directed at her. She froze. Those eyes... No it couldn’t be. He was dead. She only had Luffy.
“Hello Ann... Long time no see, as you say.” His voice was sad too. She frowned. He couldn’t be that person, there was no way, but ... Then who was he?
As she didn’t answer, he stepped aside, showing her Ace’s grave better. A crate was in front of it, along with a newspaper of Luffy and ... and ... four red cups, filled with sake from the bottle that also stood upon the crate. No. Only her, Ace, Luffy and Sabo knew of this. It couldn’t be Luffy that placed it there and she hadn’t so ... But it was impossible.
“I’m sorry. I should have been there. There’s no excuse for not being there when my brothers and sister needed me.” He said, as she didn’t respond to him. That snapped her out of her thought. “Who the fuck are you?” She snarled, angry he spoke to her like they had known each other for a long time.
A sigh left his lips. “You hurt me, sis. Have you really forgotten me? The wow we made with Dadan’s sake that Ace stole?” He did look hurt, but she refused to believe his words. It couldn’t be Sabo. “Liar. I don’t know how you know about the wow, but I won’t tolerate an imposter. Sabo is dead. Dogra saw his ship blow up.” She growled.
The blond’s eyes widened and pain, hurt and regret flashed over his face. Ann wasn’t sure what to think about this situation. Part of her wanted to hit the man, but at the same time she didn’t want to. Fighting someone on the graves of her beloved brother and father? No, she couldn’t and shouldn’t do that. It was disrespectful and she wouldn’t do it.
“So you heard about that... I should have died, but I didn’t. Dragon found me, brought me along and gave me medical treatment. He wanted to bring me back to my parents, but I refused, though I didn’t know who I was. I had lost all my memories and if it hadn’t been for Ace... I might never have gained them. Reading about his death ... It brought all my memories back. Everything at once and my body shut down. Koala told me I almost died. For 3 days I was out.”
She listened to him, trying hard not to believe him, but his voice was so sincere and so sad. “You ... forgot us? Forgot Luffy?” It was hard to believe that someone would forget Luffy. He wasn’t one you could easily forget, but Dogra had tol dher about the ship and how it exploded. If this really was Sabo, it was a miracle that amnesia and the scars was all he’d gotten.
“Yes I did and I’m so sorry. I’ve spend so many nights and says, wishing I could turn back time or that I could have remembered sooner and been there. I almost lost my siblings without knowing. So thank you, Ann. Thank you for being alive.” There were tears in his eyes, but she could see he refused to shed them. She to felt a lump in her throat, but she didn’t want to cry.
She stepped towards him and he let her. He wans’t on guard, she could easily take him out now, but it wasn’t her intention. Instead she placed a hand on his cheek. They were about the same height, he a little taller, but just by few centimeters. For a moment she just looked into his eyes and she knew it was him. Her heart had known so from the moment he turned to look at her.
“Sabo... You shouldn’t apologize. Amnesia is an excuse. You simple didn’t know. Besides, there’s no telling if Ace would have survived or not. He didn’t turn his back on the fight. Remember?” Her voice sounded strained, as she was holding back the tears.
He nodded lightly. “Ace would never back down from a fight. When Luffy was captured and we had to save him from Porchemy, Ace didn’t turn around and run. Neither did you, Ann. Or when any thugs tried to steal from us. Nt once did you or Ace turn your back on anyone.” The memory flashed pass her eyes for a brief second and she nodded. It was a strength and weakness both of them had had.
It then reallyhit her that this was Sabo. Her brother. The one she had believed was dead. She might have lost Ace, but Sabo was here. He was here too and together they could protect Luffy. It was their duty as the oldest siblings. The burden wasn’t hers alone any longer. Furthermore, this was SABO.
All fight was lost, as she leaned into him, holding his jacket and let go of her tears. Thhese wasn’t tears of sadness, but of happiness, relief and regret. “I couldn’t save him... I was there and stil ... Oh god Sabo... He died in Luffy’s ARMS.” She sobbed, her heart aching.
Sabo hugged her gently, knowing how hard this must have been on her and Luffy. They saw Ace die. While they tried to save him. They failed. “Ace is dead, yes, but you’re alive and that makes me happy. I’m sure Ace will kick my ass for not being dead, but at the same time, he’s probably happy I can help you.” He tried hard not to cry with her.
She nodded lightly, calming down, but didn’t let go of him. “Ace died with a smile on his lips... He looked peaceful, as if he had found an answer to his question. I’m sure he did.” She said, knowing exactly what question it was. Sabo hummed to that. “That’s good. He deserved to know. I’m glad you both found a family that gave you what you needed. Now, what are you going to do now?”
Freeing herself from his emrace, she dried her eyes. “I’m going to do everything I can to help Luffy become the King of the Pirates.” Sabo smiled softly at this. “Well, why don’t you come with me for a little while? You can gather some Intel on some of the people Luffy might need to fight to be the Pirate King. It could help Luffy if his crew had some knowledge and you can provide it to them.”
She grinned. “That does sound like a good plan. Where are we going?” Sabo chuckled. “Dressrosa.”
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