#sorry. i need a way to pass the time lest i go insane and im running low on options
wiihtigo · 3 years
jyushimatsu please please please
how about i finish these years later like i never stopped
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them
hes a cartoon character. like i know hes from anime but hes a cartoon character like bugs bunny or wile e coyote. i really love crazy fucked up insane stupid loud unpredictable characters like that if you just glance at my blog and how much i like max. Aside from my usual answer for why i like literally anything being "its funny" i like how surprisingly perceptive he is sometimes! evident in esp kitty and jyushimatsu falls in love and also a few moments here and there where he plays the straight man bcuz hes the only one whos had a girlfriend before and the only one who knows how to be normal about women LOL those moments always make me laugh. you know shit has gone south when jyushimatsu is telling you to calm down
least favorite thing about them
literally nothing
favorite line
this is so random but in the first tidbits episode in the space skit when choro and oso are talking and hes just in the background spinning around and screaming "SPIRAL! SPIRAL!!!!!" thats what popped into my head first
WHO doesnt love suuji. theyre plus and minus. theyre ssmile and frown. happy and sad. cat and dog. opposite ends of the autism spectrum. theyre everything to me. they had such an interesting and notable dynamic from day one and its continued to be sweet and entertaining. i just always think "edgy depression guy who sucks only lets his guard down with one person" is always cute and theyre literally besties. im so convinced his middle school essay titled MY BEST FRIEND that demons were reading in front of him in hell was about jyushimatsu. i could go on and on about suuji
homura of course! across 3 seasons and a movie i think jyushimatsu falls in love is one of the best episodes of osomatsu to date. its one of those episoes that makes you go "waow! those writers really know how to compose an episode of television!"
actually since coming back to ososan there were a few details i missed about that episode that got pointed out to me/i found out after rewatching that make me feel HOPELESS. 1. the bandages on homuras wrist and the wrist band that jyushimatsu gave her off of his uniform to cover them with (ur gonna call me an idiot but when i saw that wristband first time i watched i was like "?" and didnt know what it was and just didnt question it LOL, but tbf i wasntreally on social media as osomatsu s1 was airing so i didnt see like ppl online pointing it out for me or anyhting) 2. him swinging his bat up to 6000 times was probably intentional bcuz he noticed her up there and kept going to keep her from jumping. i did put together the AV stuff when i first watched but having all this in mind for another watch is really so much. i love jyushimatsus weird little girlfriend so much
cant think of any
random headcanon
jyushimatsu having autism is so ingrained into the show for me i forget sometimes its not explicit. except it is. but it isnt. but it is
unpopular opinion
he knows what sex is. sorry
song i associate with them
something about us - daft punk
sorry this isnt jyushi CENTRIC but this is THEEEEEEEE pivotal jyushimura song of all TIME
favorite picture of them
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your brother saves you from arrows. and you kill him
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freedomscall-aa · 4 years
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Fleeing from the Grey Wardens following his allowance of Justice into his body and the bloody events that took place immediately afterwards, Anders takes refuge within the walls of Kirkwall among the hundreds of other Ferelden refugees who now call the city home after the yearlong Blight laid waste to townships and smaller hamlets. He establishes a small clinic in the filth and crime ridden under city, Darktown, where he offers his talents as a healer near free of charge to suffering, displaced families and individuals. Through rumors his prior association with the Grey Wardens and the maps he carried with him eventually becomes a topic of interest to a fellow Ferelden and their growing gang of misfits.
This verse takes place during the events of the game's first act and thus encompasses Anders' first encounter with Hawke, the death of Karl, the trek into the Deep Roads, etc. The default state of this verse leans towards a friendship path with Hawke, but will be adjusted as needed.
Three years out from the Dark Roads expedition Anders has found his connections to the now wealthy Hawke and their associates something akin to a gift from the Maker himself in various ways. Life is now somewhat easier with the support of those in the group he considers himself friends with, though the mage's personality is forever changed by the death of Karl all those years ago. Over time he has developed a propensity to further isolate himself when not following the call of Hawke and has been known to display forms of increasingly paranoid behavior by those he comes into close contact with. Despite this, Anders further commits himself to tending to refugees when not out and about with Hawke. In turn, he trusts their loyalty to protect knowledge of his whereabouts from Templars who've caught wind of his activities. Their protection is a small blessing in and of itself, as Justice's, now Vengeance's, strength has further manifested itself with his body-- Anders now finding it increasingly difficult to control himself from causing harm when face to face with those within the Templar Order. Overly sympathetic to the the plight of the mages imprisoned within the Kirkwall's Circle now more than ever, the blond has begun to dedicate himself to pursuing a feat he once considered madness before his merger with Justice-- the separation of the Circle from the Chantry. In-between his time spent with patients within the clinic and Hawke's adventures, Anders begins writing the first draft of what would become his manifesto and finds himself becoming involved in a small resistance group of like minded apostates to help ferry runaway mages out of the city.
This verse encompasses the whole of act two and the three prior mentioned years following Hawke's expedition in the Deep Roads. The default state for this verse assumes Anders begins the act on a full friendship path with a Hawke that has flirted with him, then after Leandra’s death said Hawke quickly swings towards a semi-rival in the later half, leaving Anders heartbroken. In this verse Anders is ultimately able to regain control of himself from Vengeance to prevent the death of the female mage in his companion quest, Dissent.
Another three years pass, the time spent with the mage finding himself at constant odds with himself. His inner struggles with Vengeance are a day to day activity, Anders for a period of time devoid of all interest in the plight of his fellow mage due to seeing himself as nothing but an abomination after almost losing himself completely to Vengeance's urge to kill a young mage some years ago. He has become further withdrawn with his attempts to regain control over the spirit inhabiting his body, a battle that he will ultimately lose in the end. As a consequence of this fight of control he has further developed traits that reflect the current state of his mentality-- prone to increasingly wild mood swings ranging from fits of melancholy to purely manic phases of determination to channeling his bitingly vicious anger at whoever is unfortunate enough to be at the opposite end of his staff during his excursions with Hawke and company. To further this issue, he has begun to suffer lapses in memory when not out with the Champion; often finding himself in locations he has no recollection of traveling to and regularly discovering he is missing large gaps of time out of his day to day activities. To those who he considers himself closest to it is obvious that he's begun planning something, though what and if it is Anders himself in control of the process is unknown.
This verse features Anders at his worse, markedly mentally ill with no feasible way out of act three's inevitable conclusion. His relationships with Hawke and the rest of the gang are heavily strained and the default state of this verse assumes him to be a full rival path with a Hawke who, despite being heavily traumatized by what happened to their mother, ultimately sides with the Mages. You all know how it ends, so I imagine I don't have to say much more.
Hawke should have killed him, is what Anders used to tell himself frequently before finally settling in his guilt--- mind rife in his knowledge that, despite it all, he would do it again in a heartbeat. There were no other options, despite his regrets, the blond’s actions a year later inciting a rebellion the likes of which hasn’t been seen in centuries.
Vengeance is sated, frequently quiet-- leaving the mage with nothing but his own thoughts for the first time in nearly eight years. Yet, in the scant moments where the spirit’s thoughts invade his own they’ve begun to slowly resemble those of the friend he once he had. He is full to the brim with anxieties, abandoned by those he called friends in the wake of his actions in Kirkwall and unwanted by the very mages he sought to free. Once again a lone apostate, or more accurately: a wanted abomination, Anders travels familiar lands following the path of the war his actions served as the catalyst for. Supposed sightings place him all over the world, the blond on the very rarest occasion finding some humor in the fact that he can apparently now be in several locations at once. If only it was so simple all those years ago when he was just a boy trying to get back home to his mother.
These days he finds himself like he did back in Kirkwall before everything came to a head, offering his healing services to refugee camps before moving on lest someone figures out who he really is. It stings, however, when even more non-mages refuse his aid-- perception of mages further tainted by the war. In between camps he lives a rather bare bones existence, sequestering himself away in the forests that dot his path to a place unknown before the Templar army or, worse, the Inquisition can find him-- all the while ignoring the cruelest of siren calls, one he recognizes well from his time with Hawke within an old Grey Warden prison so many years ago.
IM GONNA REVAMP THIS EVENTUALLY SO LIKE A LOT OF THIS DOESN’T APPLY ANYMORE, SORRY Hawke should have killed him, is what Anders tells himself frequently. Instead, however, they sheltered him-- from Kirkwall, from the Templars, from the world when the results of Vengeance's, of HIS actions boiled over and sparked a war. In fact, Anders could go so far to say that they sacrificed everything they had earned over that decade in Kirkwall for him. He's not sure how they tolerate him these days, awash in guilt as Vengeance whispers in his mind that Hawke is holding them back from joining the Mages’ in their fight against their centuries long oppressors. That Hawke covertly wants to sedate him, control him, lock him away, suffocate him--- The angry insistence of a spirit that is no longer his friend. Anders has worked for years to stifle the spirit's control over him and for once he finally feels as though he's winning, only at the cost of the world and everything else he held dear. His struggle is something Hawke knows, but he is, however, sure they think him insane, which is fair, and still something of a threat regardless of their feelings for him or his claim of control. Anders thinks himself completely mad these days too, especially when Vengeance falls momentarily silent and the blond is left with his own thoughts. Thus, it was no surprise when the day Hawke informed him that they’re leaving came. But what came after, however, was. Not that they’re leaving him, but that instead they’re leaving their makeshift home, together, following the call of an old friend who has seemed to find themselves involved in the Inquisition.
twenty nine year old man loves a tiny kitten to death, the verse u//c, obviously
actual baby twenty-something has to pretend that everything is okay after losing his bf for almost another decade all while silently plotting his next and greatest escape before getting chucked into solitary for a year. u//c, obviously
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A purely self indulgent verse to explore the what ifs if Anders had never ran away from the Grey Wardens. By default this verse assumes that by not merging with Justice, Kristoff's body eventually was unable to function and Anders instead helped him return to the Fade, despite how he would have otherwise been willing to go through with other plans if not for Rolan's presence when the moment finally came. I'm willing to adjust this verse's default assumption of what happens to Justice as needed to other character's verses where they instead become the spirit's host.
This verse extends through the same period of time as Dragon Age 2 onwards and certain events in it might put him in Kirkwall or Inquisition locations at various points in time. In this situation, Anders ultimately avoided possession by his friend, a spirit of Justice--- the blond finding himself unwilling to go through with such a thing while both mage and spirit were under then constant watch of a former Templar that was allowed into the Order shortly after the Warden Commander had moved on. Hesitant and suspicious of the fact that both of them were constantly given the same assignments with said former Templar by the Orlesian Wardens who outranked him ( and made him give up his cat ), Anders eventually sensed something was up. Mind rife with paranoia, he eventually deduced that Rolan was just waiting for him to make some small tiny mistake to justify outright killing him and, by extension, such a thing would also allow the Senior Wardens to wash their hands of the former apostate. 
Without melding himself with Justice, many of Anders' budding issues that the spirit would have otherwise taken issue to and attempt to correct only continued to grow through the years; the mage becoming something close to a functional alcoholic with a promiscuous streak that waxes and wanes in accordance to his moods and, ultimately, mental state. He is still an extremely skilled healer despite this, and, as the years past, has become expected to train both new mage and new non-mage wardens under him in the nuances of quick, messy field chirurgy and intermediate herbalism--- a role that he enjoys far more than he imagined he would.
The Maker, if He does exist, certainly has a sense of humor. Or at least, this is what the mage grimly told himself when faced with the reality of the pulsing, agonizing wound upon his palm and the distrusting, angry faces that surrounded him once he woke. He had just wanted to see it, hope in his heart for the moment where the Divine sided with the mages--- wishful thinking for a man who had gone through all that he had. Yet, as with all things in his life: his wants never quite go to plan.
your typical ‘what-if’ verse, u//c
A licensed physician with a complicated past, and the mental illnesses to go along with it. Anders thinks he works best under the stress of the emergency department, though a part of him longs to settle into life as the owner of his own private clinic. A mundane man, with only _slightly_ eccentric interests ( an educated man, vaguely interested in the occult? ), who somehow managed to gather ( and keep! ) a gaggle of friends from all walks of life despite how ' depressing ‘ he can become at times.
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mass effect? fallout? elder scrolls?
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onlyjihoons · 7 years
cotton candy;l.g.l
wannawrite said:WELL YOU BOUTA GET BUSY NOW full offence but i rlly need some cute guanlin fluff in my life ??? so pls write me some quality 😫😤👏🏼 'Guanlin takes you to an amusement park and confesses' pLS FEED ME IM
a/n; YES MY CHILD THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING,,,,,full offence im lowkey soft for guanlin, i really hope you like it
starting line: “You’re as sweet as cotton candy”
synopsis: guanlin takes you to disneyland, also revealing a side of him you have never seen before
warnings: none, i think
genre: non-idol!au, floof, slight angst if you squint properly
length: | a paragraph | drabble length | a short story | your average essay of less than 10,000 words | a fic too long but too short for a part 2|
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You woke up to your ringtone piercing through your dream. You groaned, who on earth would disrupt your precious sleep time on a school holiday?
Without much thought, you unplugged your phone from the charger as you slid the “answer” button and placed your phone to your ears.
“Hello?” You answered groggily.
“Y/N?” You heard your best friend’s voice on the other side of the line, you immediately shot up.
“Yes?” A smile etched on your face as the your cheeks started to heat up.
You hear Guanlin chuckle at the other side of the line, “It’s a videocall Y/N.”
You slowly peeled the phone away from your face, as you see Guanlin’s handsome face on your phone screen. His hair was in a mess, and it was dark, but his good looks practically shone through the phone screen, sometimes you question how you deserved such a sweetheart like Guanlin.
You and Guanlin were best friends since kindergarten, living in the same estate area since the both of you were young. The both of you attended the same primary and secondary schools, also conveniently classmates for the past 10 years. Naturally, the both of you sat next to each other in classes and also walk home together. 
Growing up, the both of you would have lunch at each others’ house, courtesy of the both of your mothers. The two of them would always joke how the both of you are almost set to get married, pushing the both of you towards each other. Shy smiles and pushing comments, how you wished it was real, but considering how Guanlin treated you as nothing more as a friend, you decided not to get your hopes too high up. Especially when he has a hoard of fangirls in school going after him.
“No…My face is bloated and I have no makeup on.” You faced your front camera away from your face, showing the wall beside your bed.
“Stop whining and be ready in 20 minutes.” With that, Guanlin hung up and you were left confused. 
“What’s wrong with this kid honestly...” You muttered to yourself as you lazily slung your legs off the bed.
“Y/N!” Your mother called you from outside.
“What is it mom?” You called back as you wriggled into your shorts.
“Guanlin is here!”
“Oh crap,” You muttered to yourself, as you brushed through your hair in a hurry, not wanting to let Guanlin wait for you. Just as you were about to start looking for your makeup, Guanlin let himself into your room, leaving the door slightly ajar.
“I’m so sorry, just give me 15 minutes...” You rummaged through your makeup bag for your bb cushion, as you swore you put it in there yesterday. 
Guanlin grabbed a tinted lipbalm from your stash of lipbalm, then pulling your face towards his, as he applied the lipbalm meticulously on your lips. Your heart couldnt help but to do flips at the heart-fluttering actions. He’s just impatient, you thought.
“Done.” Guanlin pulled away, “You don’t even need makeup honestly, you look just fine without it.”
“Well, thanks?” You didn’t know whether to feel offended or touched by Guanlin’s words honestly, as you shrugged your shoulders and went with the latter.
“Where are the two of you going?” Your mother questioned with her arms akimbo, pointing to your interlocked arms with Guanlin.
“We’re--”Before Guanlin could complete his sentence, your mother interrupted, “No, no, it okay, you don’t have to tell me. Enjoy your date, sweetie!”
“Just go,” Your mother pushed you and Guanlin out of the apartment, leaving the both of you in bewilderment.
“So, where are we going?” You raised your eyebrow at Guanlin, who only shot you a smirk.
“You’ll see.”
Being the direction-crippled person you are, you had absolutely no idea where Guanlin was bringing you to until you neared your destination.
“Yeah. You’re disappointed?” Guanlin put his arm around your seat as he scooted closer to you.
“No... I was just surprised.” You shook your head, attempting to also shake off the blush forming on your cheeks.
As the both of you were scanning the available ticketing options at the counter, you gape at the prices of the tickets, pulling at Guanlin’s shirt, “Yah, let’s just go somewhere else, the tickets here are so expensive.”
“No way, I already bought the tickets beforehand, let’s not waste my money.” Guanlin interlocked his fingers with yours, squeezing it a little.
You frowned, Guanlin was acting weirdly today, being a gentleman at everything. Not like he wasn’t on usual days, he just was exceptionally nice today. You really wanted to question Guanlin’s change of demeanor, but you decided to shrug it off, lest Guanlin got offended.
After the both of you collected your tickets, you read the back of the ticket, wait, it wasn’t a ticket but a card of a picture of minnie mouse printed on it. At the back read, “SPECIAL PASS  ALL ACCESS” ,slung on a Disneyland lanyard.
Once the both of you entered the theme park, you made a beeline for the souvenir shop, to the headband section. You picked out a Minnie headband for yourself, and a Mickey headband for Guanlin. You tip-toed and tried to reach for the boy’s head, but your best friend was too tall for you to reach.
Guanlin smiled, then slightly lowering his height by slightly splitting his legs apart. He lightly ruffled your hair, which made you puzzled. 
“You’re so cute, Y/N,” Guanlin mumbled.
“Yeah, thanks idiot.” Your eyes wrinkled to crescents, which made Guanlin smile even wider.
When you proceeded to the counter to pay, the cashier told you that all of your expenses were already covered for, which shocked you. Was Guanlin the owner of Disneyland or something? Everything that happened so far was like a dream, and also a rest from the mugging for your upcoming exams thus far.
“Are you the owner of Disneyland or something?” You linked your arms with Guanlin, who stiffened up but later relaxed slowly, “Everything’s been covered for us.”
“It’s a secret,” Guanlin winked, which made you cringe slightly, “Just kidding, I just paid a little extra for that.”
“By extra do you mean--”
“Let’s go on the roller coaster!” Guanlin dragged you to the nearest roller coaster he could spot, and the blood in your veins went cold.
You didn’t really liked roller coasters, in fact, you didn’t see the fun in strapping yourself to a plastic seat and being thrown in different directions. You had wanted to overcome your fear of roller coasters for a long time, but you didn’t find the courage to do so.
Looks like this time, it was your chance.
You can do this, Y/N, don’t be a pussy and just get on that ride and try to enjoy yourself. 
Thanks to Guanlin, you didn’t need to even join the 2-hour long queue to get to the roller coaster, you just had to scan your card at the express lane, and it only took you a 3 minutes wait before you could get on to the cart. 
“Are you okay?” Guanlin stared at you, your face as white as sheet. “We can get off if you want.”
“No, no, its okay,” You grimaced, “I’ll get over it.”
Without warning, the cart blasted at an insane speed, one moment you’re facing the sky, one moment you’re facing the ground. It was a thrilling experience really, you began to scoff at your earlier fear of roller coasters. 
After a few rides, you and Guanlin were hungry, the both of you decided to grab lunch at a nearby restaurant. The food offered in the restaurant were really adorable, some of the dishes in the shape of Mickey Mouse’s head. Of course, the food was delicious, but you were still hungry.
Guanlin suggested going to the snack stalls to grab some churros, and you willingly agreed. Guanlin smiled to himself at your child-like behaviour when you eyed the menu, pointing to whichever snack you desired. Sometimes he wished you actually felt the same way about him, he was on the brink of giving up on his $500 confession plan given your obliviousness.
When the both of you settled down on a seat, Guanlin put his chin on his palm, admiring you inhaling the food that you ordered. 
“Why are you staring at me like that?” You waved your hand in front of him, mouth full with food.
“Nothing, its just... you’re as sweet as cotton candy.” 
“What’s wrong with you honestly, you can’t stop being so nice,” You placed the back of your hand on Guanlin’s forehead, “are you sick?”
“I’m not sick,” Guanlin swatted your hand away, “just eat up, I want to go on more rides.”
You scowled at Guanlin’s split personalities, one moment he’s sweet, one moment he’s back to your best friend.
Ride after ride, the sun slowly dimmed and it was already 5pm. The sun was beginning to set, radiating a beautiful orange hue in the sky.
“Let’s take a break, I’m tired.” Guanlin sat down on a nearby bench, leaning against the backrest.
“What happened to the ‘I’ll ride all rides’ Guanlin?” You teased, taking the seat beside him.
“Shut up, I’m tired.” Guanlin muttered under his breath.
“Thanks for today. Really. I enjoyed myself very much.” You turned to face Guanlin, who turned to face you as well.
“You’re welcome, I splurged alot on today.” Guanlin laughed, which made you hit his shoulder playfully, “How much did you even spend? Tell me honestly.”
“Its a secret babe,” Guanlin winked which made you frown and turn your attention back to the setting sun.
A wave of comfortable silence washed over before you began, “The sunset’s really pretty.”
“Like you.” Guanlin casually remarked, making you giggle.
“What’s up with you today seriously?” You pushed your fingers in between Guanlin’s eyebrows, the force sending him leaning backwards. “Your pick up lines are so cheesy.”
“Honestly, I brought you here to confess to you, Y/N,” Guanlin sighed, “I really like you, I really don’t like that we have that friendship wall in between us. I have been trying to break it down but whenever I do so, you build it back up. I honestly don’t know whether you’ll like me back, but I really like you Y/N.”
You fell silent at Guanlin’s mini ramble, shocked at his words. 
“Whatever, I’m just gonna,” Guanlin’s eyes slightly flickered to your lips, then swiftly leaning in to place a light kiss on your lips, leaving you dumbfounded.
“I’m sorry if you don’t feel the same way Y/N, I shouldn’t have did that.” The tips of Guanlin’s ears turned pink, slightly turning away from you.
“N-no, I like you too, Idiot.” You held Guanlin’s face in your hands, making him face you, “You’re so stupid you know that, you shouldn’t have splurged this much just to confess to me.”
Guanlin extended his arms, as you welcomed yourself into his embrace, warm and calming. 
“Are you my boyfriend now?” You asked, making Guanlin click his tongue.
“What are you talking about, this is our first day as a couple, idiot.” Guanlin ruffled your hair, pecking your lips once again, as you smiled into a kiss you’d never forget.
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