sourpatchlegacy · 4 years
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We enjoyed the cake, and I loved seeing Caleb and James so happy, it was great! Then I think moved by Uncle Vlad’s speech everyone seemed really eager to join my melody and become a blood sucker. I warned them that Vlad might be glorifying it. I turned Arthur, Janine and Summer all on their requests. We sent the guests home with plasma packs and Umbrellas as favors.
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sourpatchlegacy · 4 years
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Sharing the BIG news
We had a little get together with Vlad and Caleb to let them know about the future nooboo. Everyone was super excited. Caleb went and had a heart to heart with Fuifui. Great Uncle Vlad offered us to move in because there was absolutely no room in my starter home. 
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sourpatchlegacy · 4 years
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3rd trimester
Wedding day and while trying to take photos we decided to do a little maternity shoot as our little bloodsucker will be arriving soon. 
courtesy of pregnancy hormones for the variety of emotions.
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sourpatchlegacy · 4 years
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We’ve been busy
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sourpatchlegacy · 4 years
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Adley the Author 
I didn’t know if after graduating I’d get this feeling again especially after opting out of college. The feeling of being seen as successful, being congratulated on my accomplishments. Sure motherhood brings its own set of victories and awards but this is about me, about what I can become and have achieved. This is a good feeling.
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sourpatchlegacy · 4 years
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Stories about Bats
I picked up writing as a hobby, it’s not new to me I’ve written a few things before. I recently had written a series of short stories entitled ‘Stories about Bats’. Bats are a metaphor in my book for vampires...believe it or not. Fuifui is Freelance Article Writer. He read my short stories and asked if he could show them to his publisher, I of course agreed. Fuifui arrived home from work with great news!! They loved it and I was to be published!! We thought we could throw a Black and White party, with family and friends to celebrate and we would give out signed copies. 
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sourpatchlegacy · 4 years
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Winterfest eve
Adley is about to pop! Her and Vlad invited over the Climates to help teach them a few melodies and do some necessary training. They some how managed to decorate the house, tree, bake cookies and fix Santa some hot cocoa. 
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sourpatchlegacy · 4 years
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Saphy Fire Vatore
Caleb called me and said him and James had someone they wanted us to meet and to bring Bloomer too. They had adopted a little girl named Saphy. Bloomer, the charmer made instant friends with sweet Saphy.
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sourpatchlegacy · 4 years
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Calling the Grandparents
Uncle Vlad asked me if I planned on seeing my mom and dad again and my first reaction was of course. He handed me the phone and said,” they love you the way you love that little boy in there, unconditionally.” I called them and invited them to celebrate Bloomer’s birthday with us and said that we could catch up on life. I don’t plan on telling them yet I’m a vampire, one step at a time but I will let them be in my life if they want.
They arrived almost immediately
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sourpatchlegacy · 4 years
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Is Adley, alright?
Fui: Did you see how often she naps?
Vlad: she may be tired from getting up with the baby, they keep cruel hours even for the undead.
Fui: that they do but you had to hallucinate her to get her to back to sleep in her bed . She was having a cocktail and reading a sad book that she wrote.
Vlad: True, you’re right Adley has been a bit off. She hasn’t changed out of those clothes in a few days. I think I know who to call but she might hate me for it later.
Fui: we’ve got to do what we can to help her, call whoever you need to. I just need to know that she is okay. 
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sourpatchlegacy · 4 years
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The proposal
After getting settled into the mansion. Fuifui thought it was time I meet his family since we are a family now as mommy and daddy to be. We meant at the faux movie theater. Princess and Corill are as great as they come. They had a nice dinner while I sipped on my water we watched Lost Dogs Journey Home. Then I look down and Fuifui was down on one knee. I was so overcome I jumped into his arms. He held me sturdy but barely I’m in my second trimester he may not be able to carry me for much longer.
I’m a bit sappy now probably just the sad movie.. not the fact that I wish I could share this moment with my mom and dad. I’m strong, I got this. It’s the hormones (sniffles) these damn hormones.
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sourpatchlegacy · 4 years
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Eek-  used as an expression of alarm, horror, or surprise.
so yeah, EEEK
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sourpatchlegacy · 4 years
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New years eve we opted out of the pre-parent traditions having two tots had us rethink our plans. I called Caleb and James and asked if they would want our families to meet up at the theater to catch the new Void Critter movie. Caleb and Saphy came, Caleb mentioned that Lillith had called James in for some type of soldier meeting.
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sourpatchlegacy · 4 years
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Bats are feared, bats are respected as night hunters. They eat blood hungry mosquitoes like it’s their job. They are known to be dangerous to humans, disease carriers. We are curious about their peculiar sleeping habits and their sleek flying ability. How  you think you’ve seen one fly by you at night but can’t ever be for sure you seen it. How do we allow something to not be good or bad . Bats definitely reside in the gray...not much gets to remain in the gray feared and left to be, humans usually never accept these things but they have made an exception with the bat.
--author A.G.S
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sourpatchlegacy · 4 years
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After adding the new addition to the household we rested, luckily Bloomer was patient for the rest of his presents.Instead of a big breakfast we all got around for a nice brunch.  Vlad’s making the best out of his easel and Fuifui is learning how to massage.
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sourpatchlegacy · 4 years
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Big Brother
Adley: Bloomer guess what?
Bloomer: What, Santa here?
Adley: No, not yet but soon.
Bloomer: when will he be here
Adley: Soon. Buddy guess what’s in mommy’s tummy?
Bloomer: A big, big, big toy?
Adley: nope, a baby
Bloomer: I didn’t ask santa for a baby
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