#soul crash salacia
tokachithewarrior2 · 3 months
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Otro ves mire esto y mire a esta bonita :3
Creo que era versión beta de raucza 🩷🍬
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storytimewithnova · 9 months
"Whispers of the Cursed Crew: A Folklore Journey"
Plot: shona the youngest Atsumu Miya the oldest Osamu Miya the middle the miya triplets the story will involve the cursed crew a group of pirates that are cursed and can only been seen at a full moon but if you stay out to late you become part of the cursed crew their captain name is Salacia but those were just stupid stories right? their parents told them to scare them Right? Unless
Unless, of course, those stories held a grain of truth in them. Shona, the youngest of the Miya triplets, often found herself lost in the enchanting tales of folklore that were whispered in the quiet corners of their seaside village. She loved the mysterious, the otherworldly, and the beauty that could be found in the unknown. Little did she know that her fascination with these stories would soon lead her and her brothers, Atsumu and Osamu, on an unforgettable adventure.
It all began on a stormy night, when the village was illuminated by the pale glow of a full moon. The wind howled fiercely, and the rhythmic crashing of the waves seemed to create a symphony of chaos. Shona, unable to sleep, gazed out of her window and noticed a flickering light in the distance. It beckoned to her like a lighthouse guiding the lost.
Curiosity burned within her, and without a second thought, she woke her brothers, whose eyes flickered with a mix of excitement and trepidation. The three siblings ventured out into the storm, the salted air whipping through their hair, as they followed the elusive light that seemed to dance on the horizon.
As they drew closer, the light transformed into an eerie green glow emanating from a ragged ship, battered by the relentless ocean. The legends of the cursed crew flooded their minds, but their youthful curiosity urged them forward. They boarded the vessel, their hearts pounding with equal parts fear and excitement, unaware of the adventure that awaited them.
Suddenly, the ship trembled beneath their feet, and rowdy laughter echoed through the air. The Miya triplets turned to find a group of spectral figures, clad in tattered pirate attire, emerging from the shadows. The cursed crew, led by the enigmatic Captain Salacia, stood before them.
"The stories were true," whispered Shona, her eyes wide with wonder.
Salacia, her voice bearing an ethereal quality, revealed the truth behind the legends. The cursed crew had once been ordinary pirates whose lives were forever intertwined with the full moon's magic. They could only be seen under its enchanting light, but any who ventured too close would become a part of their cursed company.
Though taken aback by the revelation, the triplets' curiosity was insatiable, and they felt an inexplicable connection to these ill-fated souls. They pleaded with Salacia to allow them to explore the cursed crew's world, promising to help break their enchantment.
With a mix of reluctance and hope, Salacia agreed, and the Miya triplets became honorary members of the cursed crew. They embarked on perilous adventures, traversing treacherous waters and braving mythical creatures in their quest to break the curse.
Their journey was fraught with challenges, yet their determination never wavered. They delved into ancient tomes, sought the guidance of wise mystics, and faced their deepest fears. Along the way, the triplets discovered that the curse was a result of their ancestors' greed and betrayal, leading them to find the redemption that the cursed crew yearned for.
As the full moon bathed the ship one final time, the Miya triplets rallied their courage and performed a ritual that unleashed a potent spell. The curse that had plagued the crew for centuries was finally broken, sending a surge of golden light through the ship.
The triplets, now grown and forever changed by their adventure, bid farewell to the cursed crew, who were finally free to sail the seas as they pleased. Tears of joy and gratitude glistened in Salacia's eyes as she thanked the Miya triplets for their selflessness and bravery.
Returning to their seaside village, the Miya triplets carried with them tales of adventure and folklore that would be passed down through generations. Though their journey had ended, Shona, Atsumu, and Osamu understood that life itself was the greatest adventure, and they vowed to seek magic and wonder in every moment.
And so, their cherished memories faded into the realm of folklore, forever etched into the hearts and minds of those who dared to believe in the extraordinary.
Years passed since the Miya triplets' encounter with the cursed crew, and their lives took different paths. Shona became a renowned storyteller, captivating audiences with her vivid retellings of the adventures they had shared. Atsumu, driven by a newfound sense of purpose, became a skilled navigator, guiding ships through treacherous waters with unwavering precision. And Osamu, with his natural talent for craftsmanship, crafted magnificent ships that sailed with grace and elegance.
Their lives were fulfilling, but a longing for the sea always lingered within them. They often found themselves gazing out into the vast expanse, remembering the trials and triumphs they had endured. It was during one such moment, on a moonlit night, that Shona received a mysterious letter.
The letter was from Captain Salacia herself, inviting the Miya triplets for a reunion on a secluded island that shimmered with magic. Filled with a sense of nostalgia and curiosity, they set sail on Atsumu's meticulously crafted ship, eager to see their old friends once more.
As they approached the island, they were greeted by the beaming faces of the now free cursed crew, who had thrived in their newfound freedom. Captain Salacia, now no longer confined to the shadows, stood proudly and beckoned them forward.
"It warms my heart to see you once again," Salacia said, her voice gentle yet filled with a tinge of melancholy. "We owe our liberation to your unwavering compassion and determination. You gave us a chance at a life beyond the curse."
The island was a sanctuary, where tales of adventure and folklore adorned every nook and cranny. The Miya triplets and the cursed crew shared stories of their achievements, reminiscing about the moments of fear, laughter, and growth that had shaped them. The island itself seemed to come alive, whispering secrets of forgotten treasures and hidden wonders.
Moved by the tales, Shona proposed combining their skills to create a mesmerizing exploration vessel—a ship designed to seek out the mysteries and folklore of the world. Atsumu's navigational expertise, Osamu's craftsmanship, and the knowledge of the cursed crew would form the foundation of their grand quest.
Months turned into years as they poured their hearts and souls into building the ship. Intricate carvings of sea creatures and mythical beings adorned the hull, while magical artifacts were carefully integrated into its very framework. Their creation stood as a testament to their shared aspirations and unity.
Finally, the ship, aptly named "The Legacy," was complete. Its maiden voyage marked a new chapter in the Miya triplets' lives—an eternal voyage of discovery, guided by the wisdom and lore of the cursed crew. They pledged to roam the seas, seeking forgotten tales, and preserving the magic of folklore for generations to come.
Together, they delved into lost realms, encountering ancient spirits, and encountering legendary creatures thought to be long extinct. Each encounter became a story to be shared with the world, passed on through Shona's vibrant storytelling and forever etched in the depths of human imagination.
As time went on, more adventurers and wanderers joined their cause, drawn to the allure of the enchanted ship and the unforgettable experiences it promised. The Legacy became a symbol of hope and inspiration, a vessel to bridge the gap between reality and the mystical realms that shimmered just beneath the surface.
Through their journeys, the Miya triplets and the cursed crew discovered that folklore is not merely a myth or a legend. It is the beating heart of humanity's collective imagination, a connection to the wonders that lie just beyond what the naked eye can see.
And so, they sailed ever onward, not in search of treasure or fame, but driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a desire to preserve the enchantment that dwells within every story. The Legacy, with its crew of dreamers, continued to carry the torch of folklore, reminding the world that magic is real to those who are willing to believe.
And so, the Miya triplets and the cursed crew sailed into the horizon, disappearing from the shores of ordinary life. Their names and deeds became legendary, whispered in taverns and recounted by storytellers for centuries to come.
The Legacy, carrying the weight of countless stories, became more than just a ship. It became a symbol of courage, curiosity, and the unyielding spirit of humanity. People from all walks of life sought its guidance, hoping to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery and to find solace in the embrace of folklore.
As the years passed, the Miya triplets and the cursed crew became immortalized in the realm of folklore itself. Their descendants carried on their legacy, passing down the tales of their extraordinary ancestors, ensuring that the magic they had unearthed would continue to ignite imagination in generations to come.
And so, as the whispers of the Miya triplets and the cursed crew traveled on the winds, the power of folklore and the wonders it held continued to weave its spell upon the world, forever reminding us that within our imaginations lies an endless sea of possibilities waiting to be explored.
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lampmeeting · 4 years
since i can now do this ldsfk 1-Metalocalypse (obvi) and 2 Chickles back at you :3
oh HELL yeah *rubs hands together* okay this’ll be long so i’ll do a cut
Favorite character: PICKLESSSSS
Least Favorite character: everyone says rockso and like I GET IT he’s revolting, but my ultimate least-fave is toki’s dad. fuck that old man.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): CHICKLES, HAMMERTOOTH, uhhhh (what else is there?? i’m kidding) nathan/abigail, charles/magnus, nathan/toki
Character I find most attractive: oh fuck don’t do this to me. i have too many types!! i can’t pick! fuck. i’m just gonna say charles. even though it’s magnus. wait. no. it’s pickles. charles. toki. fuck. magnus. i can’t do it dfkgjhf
Character I would marry: realistically?? like, i would say charles but unless i’m a member of dethklok i’m gonna be getting like .02% of that man’s time. honestly i would pick toki or nathan. toki would be so sweet and attentive, all the huggings and kissings, awww. nathan i feel would be the same, but only in private. you gotta kinda work on him a lil bit haha.
Character I would be best friends with: my heart says pickles but my soul says murderface. i would FOR SURE laugh at one of his off-hand under-his-breath comments because that’s just what i do, i fucking laugh at everything, and he’d be like OH? someone thinks i’m funny?? and then my life would never know peace (in a good way)
A random thought: i wanna hear all the dethklok albums from before the show started. like that album where their abs were airbrushed, wtf did that sound like?
An unpopular opinion: season 4 was good. :O i feel like i hear the sentiment from quite a few people that season 4 on the whole was bad. i love all the seasons equally actually.
My Canon OTP: CHICKLES. may i present to the court, exhibit A *points to my icon* (shhh no, let me dream)
My Non-canon OTP: toki/magnus :’) i think this is just about as non-canon as you can get, really. but the heart wants what it wants.
Most Badass Character: DEFINITELY charles.
Most Epic Villain: sorry, mags... salacia.
Pairing I am not a fan of: i think i’m willing to at least entertain most any ship. i’ve read some interesting things for sure. i draw the line at seth/pickles though (i’m glad that doesn’t really seem to exist anymore? it was around more back in the day).
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): aside from magnus and abigail, who both needed WAY more screen time?? i would say dr rockso in a sense. he was sort of that kooky rascal you wave your finger at when he gets in trouble, and then they had to go and do the whole dory mclean thing. and i get the point of the episode, but after that i wasn’t rooting for rockso anymore and he kinda became more of this sinister kinda figure? i dunno. i think that whole angle could’ve been done away with and it would’ve been a lot better. also him trying to fucking drown toki in the christmas episode. 8( ouch, man.
Favourite Friendship: probably nathan and pickles, since they’re the lynchpin of the whole outfit.
Character I most identify with: pickles with some toki on the side. :’) ahhh.
Character I wish I could be: i wanna be that girl that nathan was dating for a while, the one the boys end up befriending and playing scrabble with. i want to be their friiiiiiiiiend
When I started shipping them: WELL....okay so i actually just went back and looked at my old deviantart account and the first drawing i did of them (yes i’m linking to 14-year-old art pls don’t judge me) was on Oct. 18, 2006, so like...the dethfam episode hadn’t even aired yet. god damn. there was someone in the sausage festival livejournal community who had drawn the two of them, and then i fucking went ravenous for it real quick and it became like the only thing i drew for months hahaha. i had been nickles up until then. :O
My thoughts: MY THOUGHTS??? this is so vague. i have many thoughts. uh, for one? they’re perfect together? the straight-laced workaholic and the lazy degenerate? yes please, gimme. they’re like yin and yang, opposites attracting. and yet i feel like, once they get past that, they realize they’re both so similar at their cores. and pickles helps charles loosen up, and charles gives pickles some structure. they both give each other someone to lean on when shit gets bad. pickles can be a surprisingly good caretaker when he wants to be. :’)
What makes me happy about them: everything?? i really don’t know how to adequately describe just how much i love them and just how much that means hahah... you ever ship something for 14 years?? i know some of y’all have. it gets in your blood. that’s like over a third of my life right there. not to be dramatic or anything hahaha but they’re important to me. that ship helped get me through some rough months back when i lived alone in a crappy apartment, and it’s hilarious to me that i’m getting back into it hardcore like i was back then considering everything that’s going on right now, just current events-wise and personal stuff-wise.
What makes me sad about them: god damn, anything about those 9 months charles spent “dead”. anything post-doomstar. anything snakes ‘n barrels where they’re together for a short time and then never see each other until charles becomes dethklok’s manager. pickles pining after him for like a decade after the band forms. or charles pining, having to watch pickles party and do drunks and sleep around. or BOTH of them pining and not realizing it, or REALIZING IT and not acting on it because what if it hurt the band somehow? maybe charles wouldn’t want to jeopardize it but pickles would be okay with it, and charles would have to be the one to say no. ahhhhhhhHHHHHH
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: oof, i agree with you here, Ash. i’ve read a couple fics where, like, the bdsm aspect wasn’t even fun. i probably know the exact fic that left a bad taste in your mouth because there’s one specific one i’m thinking of that left a bad taste in mine (actually two...). like i had to actually get up from the computer and go do dishes hahah... uck. but yeah. don’t like charles being abusive to pickles. i think pickles does like some punishment from time to time, and he definitely has some daddy issues. but i don’t want it to get fucking sinister haha y’know? pickles, at his heart, is a good-times guy. he likes good feelings. he wants to feel nice. and charles, at HIS heart, is all about service.
Things I look for in fanfic: are they in love or just hooking up?? i mean i’ll take either at the end of the day, but i’m a romantic and i need the love, i crave it.
My wishlist: give to me all the fics about snakes n’ barrels chickles. how i haven’t written one baffles me (though i did have that huge plot write-up from months back haha...i should turn that into a real fic sometime). would also love a huge fic about their marriage, complete with canon-typical buffoonery. fics about them retiring together. ;0; fics about them just having nice peaceful moments. literally just.....any fic haha...
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: my soul literally begins to shatter apart if i consider them ultimately ending up with anyone else hahaha... other relationships can come and go, but at the end of the line i need those boys to be together. <3
My happily ever after for them: after galaktikon II, dethklok has kinda run its course. the band uses their near-infinite resources to help rebuild the earth. shortly after, it’s pickles who proposes in a surprising turn of events. shaken after the battle, he doesn’t wanna waste any more time. they get married barefoot on the beach probably in like fiji or something (pickles’ idea) with friends and family present (the okay ones haha, also magnus is there with toki because this is my dream, damnit). pickles has white flowers in his dreads in lieu of a bouquet. T~T everything goes well, no one crashes the wedding. they have a lovely honeymoon there when everyone else leaves. pickles says he’s decided to retire from music, but it’s not long before he’s working feverishly on new music in the home studio at their new place. some real expansive stuff. he’s kinda doing it as a weird therapy, coming to terms with some stuff. he never gets clean but he’s not using drugs and alcohol as a band-aid for his problems quite so much anymore. charles retires from managing bands (he doesn’t have the heart for it if it’s not dethklok) and ends up doing the adjunct professor thing whenever he gets bored. but he practices guitar a lot, pickles teaching him some advanced stuff, they jam together sometimes. he takes up sailing because it’s something he’s always wanted to do but never had time for. after pickles releases his first solo album, charles takes him on a long, romantic sailing trip. everything is perfect, everything’s gonna be good forever. 8′) forever. the end.
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jboitmbd-blog · 6 years
Frost Prime Bio
Frost Prime:
"Keep moving dammit!", the captain shouted in desperation.
One of the soldiers fell behind and was immediately consumed by the pulsing slob of sinew and flesh. His screams were quickly drowned out by the increased shuffling of feet from the remaining soldiers.
"Aaagh!", the soldier in dead last screamed as he fired his rifle wildly at the monstrosity.
The captain rushed to him, grasping viciously at his tunic.
"I. Said. Move!"
The captain slung him to the front of the platoon, sprinting through the frozen landscape towards the network domicile. The monstrosity quickly gaining on them with each passing moment.
"Yielding! On my mark, shoot those cryogen canisters!"
"Gotcha, dead set!"
The monstrosity reamed forth with a sudden jolt, heaving itself upon the platoon.
Yielding fired his rifle at the canister, the projectile pierced the thick metal plating, forcing the pressurized cryogen out into the general vicinity. In an instant the monstrosity reeled back in pain, slowing its movements to a near standstill. A faint crackling could be heard as the mucus in the muscle fibers began to freeze. One of the soldiers aimed his rifle at the hulking mass, but the captain quickly placed his hand on the ridge of the weapon.
"It's far from over, Son. Let's all get inside before it thaws out."
The platoon entered the domicile, barricading the entrance with large struts meant for repairs and another cryogen canister placed precariously atop the doorframe. The men were exhausted, many of them had been trudging about for hours with no breaks. A few soldiers slumped onto the side of the corridor leading into some back rooms.
"Let's do a head count and see where we're at," the captain ordered.
The men stood single-file in the lobby, there were 13 men total (including the captain).
"Alright, Yielding and Banks inspect the back rooms. Cover any vents you see and set up kinetic siphon traps near all of the exits. We need to get comms set up if we want any chance at escaping this nightmare."
"Excuse me, Captain," a young recruit spoke out from his filing. "We were told by our CO that this would be a simple search and rescue, not a suicide mission. Would you care to explain just what we were up against out there!?"
The captain walked straight up to the recruit and placed his hand on his shoulder. "They lied to you, Son," the captain stepped back and looked at all the men in front of him. "They lied to all of you. We're cleanup for some of the Empire's experiments gone awry. The only reason I'm telling you any of this is because I don't like our chances of survival. I've been instructed to contact 'Superior' in the event of a failure. Doing so will force them to send down the Tenno and the entire station will become a 'Dark Sector'. A phrase I'm sure none of you are familiar with, so let me clarify. It's essentially a forsaken zone that must be cleansed. Entirely."
"Just what the hell is a Tenno, Sir?", the recruit inquired suspiciously.
"Let's just say you don't want to meet one."
"So what's the plan then?"
"You let me worry about that. I need you all in a defensive lineup. I want as few blindspots as possible within this area," the captain pointed at the social recruit. "I want you with me. You're going to be my toolbox for a while."
Random snickering erupted from the platoon. The recruit followed the captain with little enthusiasm. The two stole away into one of the back rooms. The room was filled with all sorts of gadgetry and computers. Mysterious vials were littered about a long table, all empty. A strong smell of ammonia filled the air. The captain rummaged around in a storage locker for a few moments before producing a data pad.
"Here we go. This should do the trick. What I'm going to do now is encrypt a distress signal out past the orbiting cruiser and see if we can distract Superior with some extra traffic. This facility has an underground network that leads to some landing crafts. With any luck we should be able to break away to Salacia before they start sending out scouting vessels."
"That's actually a pretty sweet plan, Captain."
"Yeah it is, now hand me that diapolarized driver."
"Sure thing." 
As the recruit turned around a large drop of sludge fell from the ceiling nearly onto his shoulder. The two looked up and saw a vent leaking the putrid waste. The captain immediately drew his pistol and backed up slowly. He motioned towards the recruit, who then raised his rifle. The sludge began dripping faster and a loud thumping started to drum about. Then the vent collapsed and a malformed body erupted from the ceiling. The captain began firing at the corpse, eviscerating what little structure it had retained from whatever had ravaged it. The captain expended his clip and reloaded, readying another volley.
"Captain! It's dead."
The captain looked at the recruit, his eyes were large and wild like a shark in a feeding frenzy. He breathed shakily as he holstered his pistol. Then the corpse leapt up and grabbed the recruit, it dug into his body with jutting bones and began to thrash violently. The captain watched in pure horror as his fears became confirmed yet again. He grabbed the data pad and rushed out of the room. The remaining platoon was waiting at the end of the corridor with their rifles raised.
"Halt!", they yelled.
The captain raised his hands, and began to walk slowly towards them.
Their rifles became cocked as he inched closer.
"We've lost another member," he said woefully.
"We know," Yielding said with a distasteful tone. "We know everything, Captain."
Yielding tossed the captain a blueprint of the facility. The blueprint showed that this area was a testing booth built for observation. There were camera hookups at nearly every angle.
The captain began to chuckle. "Looks like they didn't do such a good job this go around. I always told them that you can't leave stuff like that behind. Who figured it out, huh?"
Yielding stepped forward, rifle in hand. "I thought it was odd that we would be placed in a platoon like this without a proper introduction from our CO. Then you used the word 'Tenno'. I've only heard that once before, as a code."
The captain began to grin vicariously at the mentioning of a code.
"You led us straight into a trap."
"They wanted a real fight this time, and I told them I would give them one."
"You're a madman."
"No. We're all dead men."
The entire facility began to shake as a great wind howled through the main door. The barricade was burst forth with a vortex of ice and permafrost. The platoon fired on the captain before turning their attention to the door, but their bodies had already began to freeze over. The platoon became completely frozen in a blanket of crystalline atmosphere.
A researcher stared on in awe at the power of the weapon. The magnitude of the freezing capabilities were shocking. The entire landscape was covered in a thick ice sheet. She began jotting down as many notes as she could before the cameras shut off. Cleanup was always a fun time for the research team. It was almost like a treat compared to the countless hours studying biological reactions to the mutagen masses that they crafted. Just like building a sand castle on the beach, sometimes it's more fun to watch the waves crash into the structure than actually designing it. The researcher walked over to a simulacrum pod and bonked it a few times. The pod opened up and a male figure rose up out of the container.
"Do you think I'll ever get to fight one of those bad boys, Misha?", he asked with the same grin that he gave to the poor souls he condemned.
All rights reserved to Julio J. Ramirez (ramirezjj72195)
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tokachithewarrior2 · 2 months
Beltren: Hey salacia! I made some cupcakes with my brothers I brought some for you *holding a box with 4 cupcakes and holding one of these cupcakes, they can give you night vision ability temporarily*
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Salacia: Is very Delicious! So I might also share with the others! Thanks You very much Beltrán!
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tokachithewarrior2 · 7 months
Salacia's transformación
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tokachithewarrior2 · 10 days
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y se pregunta qué está sosteniendo en su mano, es un brazo apuntado por ella
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tokachithewarrior2 · 7 months
RS: -Tokachi fue atacada por uno de los enemigos del bosque en el entrenamiento, así que luciel se salieron fuera del examen para que la auxilien. Sin embargo no todo salió muy bien por la actitud de lucy Crow.
- Luciel no le gusto la forma y Zero empatía que tenía Lucy crow-
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Luciel: Como se te ocurre en darte cuenta de nuestra almas? Tienes el mínimo poca preocupación por nosotras!
Terri: Ciel!
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Lucy Crow: No es el momento de discutir tu hora de morir luc-
-lucy se ofende al ser interrumpida-
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Lucy Crow: !Como te atres-!
Luciel: Deja de actuar así me das asco!
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Lucíel: Las veces que nos dices que "Así es la vida" Toda esa aura de la tristeza o recordatorio que tenemos poca vida me da nauseas, Como se te ocurre cermoniarme!!
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Luciel: Quien pregunto sobre quién o año de su muerte?! Nadie!! NADIE!! Estamos aquí para que? Para que una ente nos recuerde que estamos para morir? NO?!
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Luciel: Nadie quiere saber quién muere! Ni se lo deseo a quienes desprecio! Talvez seas la reencarnación de la muerte pero la actitud fría, destacas las opiniones de la gente y las atacas contra tu autodid. Así son los dioses?!
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-El enfermo con ellas y avisa a las demás-
Enfermó: Señoras de la Señorita Tokachi, aquí?
Terri: Aquí estamos.
-Terri habla con el enfermero informando de que tokachi despertó y que pueden verla, así que Terri entra a la habitación donde ella esta-
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Luciel: No quiero más recordatorios y menciones de lo contrario. No eres más una sincorazon
-Luciel va a la habitación, lucy Crow se quedó en afuera sin una reacción de lo que había discutido con Luciel, que eso no se trataba de saber que si una de ellas muere otra se volverá más fuerte?... Esto lucy no puede comprender-
Anterior | capitulo 1 | sigente
-En el cuarto de hospital de Tokachi-
Doctor: Listo este suero tendrá el medicamento contra el veneno, tu niveles de sangre ya están bien, y por 4 días más de reposo te sentirás muy bien.
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tokachithewarrior2 · 3 months
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Hola buenas noches y les ponemos está maldición de anatomía aquí
:} los quiero mucho 🍵
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tokachithewarrior2 · 7 months
Salacia — P 18 🍉
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"Esto se mira muy veraniego para esta semana pero está bonito!"
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tokachithewarrior2 · 2 months
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Mira nada más como dibuja OuO
Este es muy bien para saber cómo hize esas anatomías y lore diferente,
Ihcakot al principio huba a ser como una incubo, pero al final la termine destacando
Y la forma que hacia las caderas era el plan de evitar que en mi escuela y llamarán a mi madre =^=
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tokachithewarrior2 · 4 months
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tokachithewarrior2 · 3 months
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Salacia: Mmm está terriblemente callado por el momento.. no crees?
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tokachithewarrior2 · 10 months
How My Oc's carry a mellow
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Shayo + Beat the gigante lizer
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tokachithewarrior2 · 7 months
P16 :3
Feliz cumpleaños salacia ^^ ❤️ 🥳🎉
"Muchas gracias 😊" (hasta que lo conteste :""p)
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"Este está mucho mejor? Perfecto para el medio día!"
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tokachithewarrior2 · 5 months
Hola Nat! Si no le molesta, me podria decir sus ocs y como se ven?, es que siempre me confundo entre ellas/os
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Ah! Si pues un pequeño repaso de como son ellas
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Shayo - la reina de las almas
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Zayo - El hermanito menor de tokachi y luciel
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Olga - la Bartender
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Lucy Crow - hija/ceicarnacion de la muerte
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Y Irena la sirenita
Tengo más pero creo que haré más tarde para revivirlos! Así espero haber respondido bien a tu pregunta 😃
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