ladykubecosplay · 5 months
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I don't play a lot of fighting games (because I'm REALLY BAD) but the Soul Calibur series was always one of my favorites, and Tira was my favorite character of the lot BY FAR. Something about her just really spoke to me, and getting to cosplay her was such a dream. This cosplay is an absolute mess, it was my first ever really big build with armor, using foam and worbla and I'd love to remake it one day.
📸 Amie Photos
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devileaterjaek · 4 months
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Not anon for the ask meme I am biased so I'll say your selfships with Maxi and Aqua! From what I know about em? Very good. 10/10 top tier selfships
YAAAYY Thank you!! Those two are so special to me!
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superdoggie5000 · 1 year
im glad i can still be into fighting games technically without having the reflexes/motor skill for them, i always felt a bit bad the chemistry upstairs kept me from being able to muscle memory combos and such, i still dont get to chat about Everything but still,,,, love my funny guilty gears and street fighters and whatever else i get into watching
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oofuri2003 · 1 year
i need tekken 8 to come out not because im a tekkenhead but bc then bamco can start on soulcal 7 👍🏻
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dhagone · 2 years
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#GamblingAsAHero #soulcalling #fullofconfidence #standstrong #idontcare #idontcarewhatyouthink #needmiracle #goslowbutsure #demandcrossoffering @mallambassador4884 @andy__fashion__ @hammersonicfest @bennyrosz (The Fellas) @rendy_fauzy27 (TheCamm) (at Mall Ambassador Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio, Kuningan 12940 Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp5NPuxP2T5Zk30yKwhZdcJjrI0j11CWDtqXXo0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mintlysweet-tea · 2 months
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My art fight attacks so far :D
Characters listed are for as follows:
Liam Soulcaller and Winston for @necroam
Mr Dreamland interacting with L.I.L.E.3 for @anatthema-art
Kei for Nenwapri on AF
Guy for Sparroet on AF
Bortholomew for deceitxdeceptions on AF
Oma for @drmetalwarrior
Lychee for BagelSkins on AF
Candle for @suna1suna1
Null and Void for @foxlow
Marigold and Pip for @pipittypro
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snekatiemainy · 3 months
First 6 attacks woo
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Stella for @veskarts and Vesuvius for @its-coda
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Lukebot for @samthecookielord and Varuna for VarunaHusky
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Vee fursona design for @apple8ees and Soulcaller for @starsmidnighttrial
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laikaflash · 8 months
In regards to the SoulCal ask I have start with number 1!
(1. How were you introduced to the series?)
My first actual glimpse of it? A long time ago (mid-2012 more or less), my sister got SC5 mostly for the character creation, if memory serves. I wasn't into fighting games at the time, so I was kind of like Huh, 'kay... Shame our Xbox 360 up and died years later, as those things did.
In hindsight, it might be telling that I don't remember seeing her play story mode.
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danco110 · 9 months
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“Soulcaller Delmar…WHY is my face plastered across the sky overlooking the city?”
“Er, well, you see, Your Majesty…”
The geistcaller balked at his queen’s pointed question. Marchesa had no patience for Delmar’s stammering, however, and continued to press the issue, pointing up at her giant likeness staring down at them both through a skylight.
“I’m waiting, Delmar.”
“Well, you were saying the other day, you wanted to someday keep a prying eye over the entire city. I figured you meant figuratively-”
“And yet my FACE is UP THERE!”
“W-Well! Like I was about to say, I still wanted to cover all my bases, so I summoned some of the spirits I protect. I told them all to glow different colors and fly up so they looked like you from far off!”
Marchesa blinked blankly at Delmar, then looked up again at her face. This time she squinted and saw that her image was indeed comprised of glowing wispy spirits. This did little to relieve her temper, however, as she turned back to glare daggers at Delmar once more.
“That has to be the most-”
“Brilliant?” Delmar suggested, hoping beyond hope.
“-idiotic idea I’ve ever heard! Recall them, at once!”
“I…yes, Your Grace.”
Delmar hung his head in shame, but not before putting two fingers to his mouth and giving a shrill whistle. The spirits dispersed from their positions in the sky, leaving the air above the city Marchesa-free once more.
“Apologies again, my Queen. I merely thought that, with how…er…”
Marchesa narrowed her eyes. “‘Egotistical,’ Delmar? Is that perchance the word you’re seeking?”
“Er, yeah.”
“Hmph!” Marchesa turned her nose up at the suggestion. “This flattery does nothing to help you here, you know.”
“I know,” Delmar sighed.
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warlock0103 · 2 years
Alright, if Loki's off limits, what about Gunmar vs. Mirage?
*Puts on Death Battle hat*
Now this is one that we can look at with some science. (Or at least a lot of googling)
Gunmar the Black, Trollkind's greatest threat and tyrant.
Mirage the Soulcaller. Travelling bard and former adventurer.
After discussing the feats of Gunmar with @katanamasako and @xdeusxmachinax, (Since Mirage is my character. I know what she do.) the math was done, the numbers were crunched and simulations were made. It's time for a
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Centuries ago, when humans and trolls started fighting each other for control over the Earth, it created the War for the Surface Lands, and there were many deaths. This led the first Heartstone to rot from within, and Gunmar was born from the corruption and darkness. Joining under the warchief, Orlagk, Gunmar began his bloody conquest.
He killed man and troll alike with his inhuman strength and seeming indestructibility from kings of other troll tribes to human settlements. It was only when he betrayed his Gummgumm leader that he finally took damage. Losing an eye to Orlagk, and gaining the sword Decimaar.
Later, Decimaar would get an improvement from Morgana, and the ability to warp the minds of those with weaker wills than Gunmar to be his eternal slave unless entering an area that cancels magic.
Even after being sealed in the Darklands for centuries, Gunmar retained his ambition and hunger for power. Only he was thwarted by the Trollhunter. Merlin's chosen warrior with the power of the eclipse blade. Said to the only weapon able to deal Gunmar a mortal wound.
Gunmar's strength and indestructible nature are by far his strongest boons. He can easily toss cars and boulders around, leap through floors of a museum and through the ceiling, and as Fish pointed out, if he can get a hold of an opponent, they can be eaten in mere seconds. He's also much faster than the average human, being able to go speeds of 30 mph at least.
His weaknesses on the other hand are harder to parse. He retains the standard troll weakness of sunlight turning him to stone. Music based magic also seems to work on him via Douxie in the Wizards series. The claim that "only Eclipse can deal him a mortal wound" is especially odd given that Orlagk with Decimaar has caused him injury and even Excalibur. So it's potentially that only potent magically enhanced weaponry can hurt him, and the eclipse thing is more of a prophesy than a definitive.
In a world of Gods and Titans, Mirage was born to struggling musician and cursed human father, and a tiefling mother with decent magic potential, Mirage grew up poor, but never unloved by her parents. They taught her how to play the violin, do simple magic spells, and survive in a world that looked unfavorably to those with her and her mother's infernal ancestry. Her parents also did their best to keep the family curse from affecting her life too much.
Should a member of the family approach a spirit of the dead, the spirit would latch onto them, and transfer all the feelings of sorrow and sadness onto the family member, that they experienced in their lifetime. Such a vast amount of negative emotion lead many of the family to suicide, and unfortunately for Mirage, her parents were no exception.
Now forced on her own at 15, Mirage eventually left her hometown to find a cure for the curse a few years later. Travelling with a Cleric of Hades looking for misguided souls, a royal guard turned mercenary, and a druid who set the world ablaze with her charm.
Mirage initially focused on support, but soon learned her skill in illusions and fire based magic. Using her father's violin, she played songs that confused foes, healed her allies, burned enemies in hellfire, create an illusory dragon that cannot be killed, but does damage like a real dragon. She even has spells to grow plants for harvest, turn invisible, teleport, and even change a creature or object into something else completely and permanently.
The burning grew even stronger when after set to do a favor for the sun God Helios, Mirage's fire magic was able to ignore a creatures natural resistance to fire. She could burn through magic armor, fire dragons, and even other flames itself.
Her adventuring days came to an end during a climactic battle with a cult of Typhon, the scourge of the Olympic gods. The cult brought Typhon back as a demigod and due to loopholes in the laws of the divine, the Gods couldn't fight him to stop his continued rampage. Not directly anyway. Mirage's group was gifted boons, and Mirage's was the Aegis Armor. Armor worn by a younger Athena, and able to defend against mental effects and blows that would kill the average human. Typhon was defeated, but Mirage was left alone as the sole survivor of her party. She retired from adventuring after that battle, but still travelled, and spread her songs across the land.
Mirage's strengths are... Many. She's a versatile spellcaster, her fire spells bypass immunity, Athena's armor make it very difficult to actually hit her, she can heal, evade, teleport and more.
Her weaknesses are that she's still mortal. If her opponent can overpower her defenses, she doesn't have much to stand up to attacks. She was never the muscle of any group she was in. Also important to note, that many of her good illusion spells take time to cast, only one can be active at a time, and while teleportation is nice, she's no faster than a normal human, and by the rules of death battle, no escape allowed.
Speaking of, the results of the fight. I don't have the time or budget to do an animation, so let's just say the result and how that was decided.
Mirage wins.
Don't get me wrong, Gunmar is a potent fighter and physically powerful, but from the talks with Fish, his most powerful feat was throwing a car. As fast as it was going, the joules needed for that feat was ~450,000. There might be more, but let's look at Mirage's feat of tackling Typhon.
Typhon was once at least on par with Zeus, who can throw literal thunderstorms at people he doesn't like. The average strength of a thunderstorm according to google is 10^15 joules of energy, so this is the benchmark.
Typhon was turned into a demigod sort of being to free him from the bindings he was under after his initial rampage. Let's say an eighth of the benchmark, and divided again for the 4 members of her party. (The ones that actually fought Typhon that is.) Which gives us a total of 31,250,000,000,000 Joules of energy. That's roughly 31,250,000 sticks of dynamite.
Yeah... That's a bit more powerful. She would need to beat that to do damage to him, and despite not being the main attacker, she was still able to damage Typhon.
Gunmar's combat experience is also something to note. He's fought wizards before and would know how to face them, but Mirage's versatility and skill is something Gunmar has shown no perfect counter for. Even if he reaches Mirage, she has several skills that would allow her to avoid harm or even misdirect him. Hell, she could turn him into a mouse and teleport him into the deepest part of the ocean. He's a literal rock monster and would sink. Either drowning if he can, or just unable to move by the crushing weight of the ocean.
For that matter, she could just teleport them both to a location in sunlight. She knows a thing or two from her travels, and a troll's aversion to sunlight is well documented in most realities where trolls exist.
And finally, the Eclipse blade. As stated before, magic weapons like Excalibur can pierce his indestructible defenses. Hell, he's been winded by being tackled or having a large rock thrown at him. I'm 90% sure it's less of conditional immortality, and more a prophesy of what is needed to finally end him. And thanks to Helios, Mirage is a magic weapon effectively with her fire magic. Bypassing immunity, both natural and magical. Should it not be conditional immortality, Gunmar would be literal toast.
TL;DR, Against this Mirage, Gunmar's feats were just an illusion of grandeur.
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calamitysymphony1 · 1 year
the fact that the soulcal tumblr fandom is still alive is baffling to me
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devileaterjaek · 5 months
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Man... I've been too busy as of late to play s.oulcalibur..
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shodansbabygirl · 2 years
I like tekken significantly better than soulcal but. The soulcal characters are waaaaay more fuckable than the Tekken roster
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oofuri2003 · 2 years
nodding to myself i have approximate knowledge of many fighting games and fg characters
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