korolnichevoya · 1 year
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guess who’s back and betta than ever! it’s your boy salem! what’s up let’s go! anyway i live in los angeles and my income doesn’t always support fun things like--- bills. so i’m opening commissions back up! ( ignore that it says ‘soulscatter’ at the top; i didn’t want to make a new graphic uwu ).
( still ) $20.00 ( gif )  $25.00
( unedited ) 100 - $20.00 200 - $30.00 300 - $40.00 400 - $50.00 500 - $60.00. 1000 - $110.00
( edited is $5.00 for editing per each 100 [ ie. $70.00 for a batch of 400 ] )
( still ) $12.00 ( gif )  $15.50
( code provided by you ) $40 ( code provided by me ) $45
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illfatedpartners · 4 years
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plotted stater for @soulscatter​
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❝Don’t you think we should go after them? Everyone that has hurt us?❞ he murmurs, even though he already knows what his father will say. But he hates it, sitting around, doing nothing. They he should do something, anything.
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❝You know I have the power to do it now.❞ The guilt of being unable to do so before, when he needed to the most. But every day he promises to never let that happen again. Does he really need his father’s approval? Still, he does need someone, he does need him. 
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musescomefrompain · 4 years
@soulscatter liked for a starter from Q!23
Quentin sniffed the air and stilled, much like a predator sensing nearby prey, hunching before a pounce. His muscles tensed and he and his foot (which had been tapping in rhythm to a sound in his mind) stopped. He sniffed again just to be sure. 
“Eliot Waugh...” He almost purred, a laugh building up inside of his chest. “Last I knew, you were a ghost. Don’t tell me that Alice brought you back to... and without Margo. How shocking”
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peacesought · 4 years
𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭 : @soulscatter​ (qui-gon)
“you  look  like  you’re  deep  in  thought,  master  qui-gon;  should  i   be  worried?” 
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youthblamed-a · 4 years
i saw on the dash that we're giving you love and i WANTED TO JOIN IN! because you're amazing and i love how you've developed levi and you're such a sweet amazing person and i love writing with you.
tagging ur other blog just in case @soulscatter
but kjdbkdjbg this is so sweet ???? im ???? probably going to cry ??? i don’t even know what to say dkjfbgdkjfgb but. i love our little threads and i love the voice you gave elio and just !!! seeing u on the dash whenever you were around made me v happy. im so glad to see you around again +  👀    👀    👀   excited to see all your other characters and all the potential for interaction there omg. i support ur writing no matter what 😌 
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emmafrrost · 4 years
@soulscatter​ // [ cont. ]
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A SHARP hiss escapes him as she presses him back down. how easily she does it is testament to the damage the porcelain bullet did to him. his fist curls tightly by his side in a mixture of pain, anger, and bitter frustration.
      ❝ i’m fine, emma. ❞ or he will be. ❝ it was a clean shot. i’m fine. ❞
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           ( |   frown pulling against her mouth, eyes sharp &&. her tone harsh as iron as she feels his heart beat against the palm of her hand.   ❝ this stupid bravado really doesn’t suit you, ERIK. ❞  he’s not one to show his emotions, &&. neither is she, but he is bleeding out under her fingers &&. she can’t deal with him being stubborn right now.  ❝ you have muscular tearing &&. internal bleeding. i can staunch it, but i need to clean the wound first. ❞ a brief pause, &&. then. ❝  i’m going to take the pain away. LET ME.  ❞   | ) 
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xweofmanyfaces · 4 years
     Satine was lost in absentminded thought as she stood beside her bed, having just slid on her robe with the intent of tying it up but her mind seemed to float away as she ran her finger tips over the lace around the neckline, staring at the wall without focus. She was measuring her breaths each time she inhaled, counting how many seconds would go by before she could take no more air into her lungs before counting how many seconds she could hold that breath before her chest began to burn as if someone spilled hot wax across her flesh. She swallowed thickly after doing this a few times, not realizing how long she had gotten lost in her own thoughts before glancing out of the large opening in the front of her elephant balcony at the full moon that hung among the stars. It was a beautiful night, but her mind felt too muddled to focus on such beauty.
     She finally reached down to grab the sash around the back of her robe and tie it up around her waist, swallowing thickly as she did so. She felt as if the entire world was on her shoulders, as if too much was expected of her for her to be able to function without falling apart. She kept thinking about The Duke, about how Harold and the others were all counting on her to make him happy. She had always known that she was the biggest money maker at the Moulin Rouge, that she was the most trusted to put food on the table and to bring in paying customers. This was spoken of as if it were an honor she was trusted with, but so few seemed to understand how much pressure she was under. If she failed, if she made The Duke unhappy, he could destroy everything. The club would be lost, Christian could be hurt, everyone would lose their jobs and they would all be starving on the street. Moments like this made her wish she was simply still selling herself, that she had not worked so hard to chase her dream of being a star. Life was so much simpler as a diamond dog.
     Satine took a deep breath and walked over to her vanity, sitting down before it and looking up at her reflection. She was pale with worry, though not as pale as she sometimes got after her fainting spells. Well, they were all calling them fainting spells anyway. Satine knew better. Everyone seemed to think she was still a child somehow, Harold and Marie the most. She could be trusted to feed them all but not to be told the truth about whatever it was her doctor kept saying whenever he would come to see her after she got sick. They never told her about the blood she coughed up, but she could taste it. She wondered if Harold would ever tell her, if he had the balls to. She wondered what her father would say if he knew that his best friend, the man he trusted his daughter to when his life was over, was lying to her and using her as a coin purse. She wondered if he would be ashamed of Harold, or perhaps of her. She wondered what her mother would have thought, or if perhaps neither of them would have cared. And as she stared into her own eyes in the mirror, she felt like the world was spinning.
     She picked up her hairbrush from the table and began to half heartedly run it through her ginger curls, her mind falling to Christian again. She had to keep all this to herself, couldn’t let him know that she was sick or that she was afraid, couldn’t tell him all the pressures she felt on her shoulders or how much stress she was truly under. He would worry, he would suggest she leave, he would ask her to run away with him. She couldn’t do any of that and she knew it, she couldn’t even take so much as a break. And she had a feeling that if The Duke found out she was ill, he would see her as damaged goods and want to return her, to take all of his money out of the show and blame them for swindling him when they knew she was sick. He would take it out on the other girls, he would take it out on Harold, he would take it out on Christian. She was not a woman who was raised to care about what happened to herself, not really thinking she was worth much. She was worth what someone was willing to pay for her.
     She sighed softly as she closed her eyes and sat her hair brush down after only a few strokes through her hair, her gaze flicking back up to the mirror and staring at her neck. She wondered briefly if her throat was coated in old blood and she simply was used to the choking feeling and could breathe through it now. She flinched slightly at the thought, her hand reaching up to stroke over her throat almost protectively. She had to last as long as she could, had to last through at least the first show. She had to do this, to save them all. The Duke was a dangerous and powerful man, she would have to be stupid to think otherwise. And she was the only one who could please him. She had to do this, to save Harold, to save everyone who worked at the Moulin Rouge, to save Christian. If her sickness took her, or even The Duke did, everyone would be safe by the time she was gone. They would all be safe...if she didn’t fail.
     Satine was startled out of her thoughts when she heard someone at the opening of the elephant, her head snapping in that direction and her fingers falling away from her throat. “Christian?” she questioned, turning in her seat before slowly standing. “What are you doing here? You could get caught, have you lost your mind?” she asked, though the tension in her seemed to lessen when she saw his face again. She really did love him...
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thexcasey · 4 years
@soulscatter​ said:“ i want it noted that i took out six of their guys. ” - chuck
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casey grunted, eyes rolling. “yeah? i took out the other ten. good job, bartowski,” he said sarcastically, though there was a hint of a smile on his lips. “you ready for six more or you need a break?” he teased.
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prlman · 4 years
i didn’t know if you’d care if i came back - oliver
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“Of course I’d care,” he murmurs softly, and rubs a hand over his face as the emotions swell up inside of him. Does Oliver really think Elio doesn’t care? That he wouldn’t want him to come back ever again? Maybe they ended things too soon, maybe there’s still heartbreak lingering in Elio’s chest, but one thing he’s known for certain ever since that day is that he’ll always want to see Oliver again. “I’ve always hoped you’d come back.”
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alderaqueen · 4 years
@soulscatter ( bail organa ) sent: and i can see us twisted in bedsheets ( meme )
“Mmm, is that so?” Breha smiles coyly through her sultry purr, the holo propped up on Bail’s empty pillow where she can see him without needing to keep holding the holo. She misses him through these long separations, though she would not dream of telling him to resign his position as Senator and come home to Alderaan to be only her husband. He loves his political career, and he is good for Alderaan as their Senator. Even if it means that their Queen must miss her husband for weeks or months at a time when he is on Coruscant being their voice in the Senate. 
Their frequent holo calls help ease the loneliness of separation, though are still a poor substitute for the warm embrace of his arms around her while she sleeps. “And what else do you see, my love?”
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spymade-a · 4 years
@soulscatter​   liked   for   a   thing  !
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     “   hey   uh  --  it   appears   i   seemed   to   have   picked   up   some   mail   that   was   muddled   up   with   mine.  ”   one   hand   lifts   to   rub   at   the   back   of   his   neck,   a   gesture   of   awkwardness.   “   i   think   these   might   be   yours  ?   ”   free   hand   offers   them   two   letters,   grimace   twisting   his   lips.   “   im   new   to   this   place   so   i   didn’t   really   know   how   the   mail   delivery   worked.   i   apologise.   ”
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hraunwyf · 4 years
To make something beautiful should be enough. It isn’t. But it should be. - jakob
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“i believe you.”
loki holds his hands in hers; she can feel the age in them, the wear and the work of the long years, and maybe how tired he is. some days it amazes even her, how jakob carries on—how in the brimming twilight of his life, he seems so vibrant. she hopes to keep that for as many years as the cosmos will kind enough to grant her. in his hands there is also strength, and tenderness, and the very power to build that he speaks of.
she listens intently. even in her thousands of years, there is more yet to learn and know. jakob is a kind teacher, and she loves him all the more for it.
“there will be a kinder world that comes,” she says softly, drawing on the lessons he himself has taught her without knowing. “where it will be enough. to bring beauty into the world, but not only that, to witness it and to cherish it.” 
her hebrew and her knowledge is lacking, a little, but nevertheless loki recalls—”vayar Elohim ki-tov. look upon your works and call them good, jakob, even if they are only small. your hands are worthy of this.”
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musescomefrompain · 4 years
@soulscatter liked for a starter from Martin Chatwin
Martin crossed his legs and twiddled his fingers in a wave for a moment, debating queueing up a tune, but Eliot Waugh was looking at him in a way that, if looks could kill, would be pretty damn impressive. He smiled. 
“Eliot Dear, do speak up... so much to do, so little time left in the day”
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immcrtuos-a · 4 years
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@soulscatter​ said: i’ve been having a hard time adjusting - magnus
“Is this not what you wanted?” As far as Raphael was aware, Magnus was entirely happy to be moving in with Camille, but then again those were Camille’s words and Raphael hadn’t actually seen much of Magnus at all while this was being arranged. 
Still, he’d had his doubts. Knowing them both he was pretty much just waiting for it to end in disaster.
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goldbuiltmoved · 4 years
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@soulscatter​  ( magnus )  said  :   “You’re really not saying goodbye?”
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𝐁𝐀𝐆𝐒  𝐀𝐑𝐄  𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃  𝐀𝐍𝐃  𝐇𝐄'𝐒   already      started      picking      them      up      when      the      familiar      voice      reaches      his      ears      and      jace      stops      ,      raising      an      eyebrow      as      a      smirk      dances      on      his      lips      and      he      turns      around      to      face      magnus      .         “      what      ,      you      going      soft      on      me      now      ??     “              he      teases      ,      head      tilting      to      the      side      .         “      it’s      not      like      i’m      moving      away      ,      magnus      .      i      just      have      to      take      care      of      something      in      idris      and      i’ll      be      back      .     “
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guccibutdeadly · 4 years
@soulscatter​ // from here...
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THERE’S STILL anger sparking around him, but listening to the cadence of her voice as she speaks is able to, at the least, soothe the violent edges. which is good. he doesn’t enjoy feeling violent around people that doesn’t deserve it, and this girl certainly doesn’t. he shakes his head at the story she tells, a sharp scoff coming from his lips.
      ❝ i think your father and mine may get along. ❞ a growl creeps into his voice,       ❝ though i’ve got a pretty good idea of where yours ended up. ❞ he’s talking          to her, but he’s still turned away, eyes distant. that is until he feels her          hand gently touch his and he glances over, surprise crossing his features.          he considers her for a moment, head tilting. ❝ yes. i suppose we do have          quite a bit in common, don’t we? ❞
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          𝓔lle gave him an empathetic smile complete with big blue caring eyes. It felt like some of Peter’s personality had rubbed off on her. Yes, she’d give him credit for this because it certainly couldn’t be all her. “Yeah, I’m sure daddy went to the bad place.” She continued to pat his hand gently, amazed that it was working so well. It didn’t even cross her mind to shock him. Was she getting soft or something? “And if you’re anything like me, you’re thinking it’s time for a drink, aren’t you? What would you like me to make you? I don’t mind.” Of course, she didn’t mind -- there was a big beautiful buffet of booze right there! “You just get comfortable and I’m all ears, sweety. Feel free to let it all out if you need to.” This psychology thing wasn’t so hard, ha~!
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