#we all know they are the queen and prince consort of phone sex. WE ALL KNOW IT.
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—1D Monthly Fic Roundup—
Hi, and welcome to the 1D Monthly Fic Roundup for March 2023! Below you’ll find 1D fics that were all published this month in the order they were submitted to the blog. We hope you’ll check out these new fics! If you would like to submit your own fic, please check this post on how to submit or visit our blog @1dmonthlyficroundup​. You can find all our other posts here.
Happy reading!
* Blow Me Like A Fan by larry_hiatus / @larry-hiatus [E, 4k, Harry/Louis]
When Harry accidentally posts a selfie to his Instagram story while wearing an old One Direction shirt, Louis decides a little roleplaying is in order.
* play pretend by @hellolovers13 [T, 1k, Louis/Harry]
just a bad day for him
for her
* Pale Pink by stretchmybones / @harryslonecurl [E, 2k, Harry/Louis]
Harry is:
a tease Louis’ babygirl wearing a pink bucket hat
* too into you by @disgruntledkittenface [E, 11k, Harry/Chris Pine]
“So, tell me something, Harry,” Chris says, rocking on his heels. “Why is it that you flirt with all of the other customers except for me?”
Harry laughs. And not like a sexy deep laugh or a chuckle or even a nervous giggle, which would have been embarrassing but something he could live with. No, he barks a loud, strangled laugh right in his regular’s– right in Chris’s face. Oh, God, he’s never going to live this down.
Harry works in the café of a popular used bookstore and he’s been pining after his favorite regular for years. When the seemingly impossible happens and his regular actually asks him out on a date, Harry worries that he’ll screw it up because he’s just too into him. Little does he know how well it’s going to go. The Cinema/spitgate inspired AU that no one asked for.
* i'll drive and you just lay back by @alwaysxlarrie [E, 10k, Louis/Harry]
It's been two months since Louis took care of Harry and gave her the best sex of her life. Now, Harry wants to return the favor. If Louis takes control and doms Harry into doing it along the way? That just means more fun for them, really.
* Bloodline of Queens by @enchantedlandcoffee [T, 302 words+, wip, Harry/Louis]
It has been a long standing tradition for future queen omegas to have an arranged marriage to create a strong alliance for the country. When their first child is born (nearly always an omega), the Prince Consort will become sick and pass away soon after, with the child starting to possess magical powers. It is said to be a curse on the bloodline. It is seen to be a sign of bad fortune if the first born child is an alpha. More often than not, the child will be secretly given up for adoption to a family in another country and no one ever remembers them. In our time, the queen-to-be, Harry, is hiding his secondary gender, posing as an omega to avoid being sent away. During his lessons, he learns about the history of his kingdom and his ancestors and he starts to get flashbacks to an older boy in his household who looks a lot like him. He begins to become suspicious of his predecessors and starts researching the recurring deaths and disappearances. The only way he can find out what really happened to the other alphas in his family is to search for one that is still alive.
* Is this for me? by yeah_alright / @uhoh-but-yeah-alright [E, 1k, Harry/Louis]
Harry's got a new hat.
* Mangia Tucci by yeah_alright / @uhoh-but-yeah-alright [E, 7k, Harry/Stanley Tucci]
Harry's on holiday with his friends in Italy when he finds himself at the same restaurant as an older actor he's had a crush on since he was a kid. His excitement is obvious, and he apparently makes an impression, because he ends up receiving an offer he can't refuse.
* Everything I need, I get from you by @lunarheslwt [M, 6k, Louis/Harry]
“I’m sorry for ruining our Valentine's Day plans :(“ Louis was shaking his head at Harry's text before he even gave the phone back. “You haven’t ruined anything, Haz. Don’t say that. We can have a day in, and it’s still going to be just as good.” Harry didn’t look convinced, as he typed in something else. “But it’s because of me. I’m sorry Lou.” Louis nudged his chin up gently. “Haz, look at me. You don’t have to be sorry, okay? Where we are or what we do does not matter to me. What matters to me is that you’re happy and okay." Louis did not give Harry time to protest, before he was adding, “Besides, who says Valentine's Day needs to be cancelled?” Harry’s eyes fixed on him curiously, cocking his head as if to ask, ‘what?’ “We can have our own version of Valentine's Day at home, hmm? A quiet day in. We watch a film, have something to eat, and cuddle?” Or, it's Valentine's day and Harry wakes up fatigued. Louis shows him that a change of plans is not a bad thing, and that the day can still be perfect as long as they spend it together. A quiet day full of love ensues.
* Still on that tightrope by @lunarheslwt [E, 12k, Louis/Harry]
“Let me take care of you?” “I don’t need to be taken care of,” Louis scoffed, though he still tilted his head up in efforts to get Harry closer. “Why?” Harry asked with a hum, “If this were about me, you wouldn’t let me pull this shit.” Louis’ defiance crumbled as Harry rubbed his thumb back and forth across a nipple, breath catching. “So why is it any different when it comes to you?” “Because.” Harry skimmed over his tummy and chest teasingly. “Because?” “Because,” Louis repeated, breathier, unfocused. “Let me take care of you, baby,” Harry asked again, pushing his shirt up. “Let me make you feel good. I’ve got you.”
Or, Louis has never bottomed before and carries that shame, and Harry has never had to deal with Louis keeping secrets from him before. Neither were prepared for walls to be built or arguments to knock them down, when really, all Harry wants to do is take care of Louis.
* Something Unholy by @ohharold [E, 2k, Harry/Louis]
When Harry goes to a Halloween part as a sexy nun, he doesn’t expect to meet an actual priest.
*Where Like Stars by @justanothershadeofblue [G, 1k, Louis/Harry]
“Choir members”, it says, with a list below. And there, at the very bottom, he finds it: “Boys Choir soloist: Louis Tomlinson.”
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alderaqueen · 4 years
@soulscatter ( bail organa ) sent: and i can see us twisted in bedsheets ( meme )
“Mmm, is that so?” Breha smiles coyly through her sultry purr, the holo propped up on Bail’s empty pillow where she can see him without needing to keep holding the holo. She misses him through these long separations, though she would not dream of telling him to resign his position as Senator and come home to Alderaan to be only her husband. He loves his political career, and he is good for Alderaan as their Senator. Even if it means that their Queen must miss her husband for weeks or months at a time when he is on Coruscant being their voice in the Senate. 
Their frequent holo calls help ease the loneliness of separation, though are still a poor substitute for the warm embrace of his arms around her while she sleeps. “And what else do you see, my love?”
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smkkbert · 8 years
Time for a story - Unusual clients
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Felicity looked up from the papers she was reading to see her assistant Emily standing in the door to her office, smiling at her warmly.
“Your last clients are here.”
Without any hesitation, Felicity put the papers into the topmost drawer of her desk and folded her arms on the edge of the tabletop. She puckered her lips and frowned, cocking her head.
“Oh… I remember seeing an appointment when I checked for my schedule earlier today,” she said slowly. “It’s a long appointment, isn’t it?”
Emily nodded, the smile on her lips telling Felicity that she knew exactly what her boss was doing. “I think it’s a very long appointment because it is so very important. When the clients called, they repeated several times that it was very important that you take a lot of time for them. It will probably take the rest of your day.”
“That’s a pity,” Felicity said with a dramatic sigh. “I was supposed to spend the rest of the day with my family.”
“Of course you were. It’s your birthday after all,” Emily agreed, nodding her head. “They made clear that they really need your full attention for the rest of the day.”
“In that case of course I will give them my full attention,” Felicity replied with faked seriousness. “Do you remember the names of the clients? I know you noted them with the appointment, but I don’t remember right now.”
“Oh, let me check,” Emily replied and started working on her tablet for a moment.
Felicity ignored the giggling sounds that came from outside of her office though they made her smile. She had known that it was a good idea to have this little talk with Emily before her clients would come in.
“Here I got them,” Emily said after a few minutes. “Your appointment is with Princess Destiny, Prince Consort Nemo, Baron Crush, Lady Dory and Merlyn.”
“Just Merlyn?”
Emily smiled. “Just Merlyn, no title. I asked about that twice on the phone, but Princess Destiny told me that it was just Merlyn.”
“Hm,” Felicity made and frowned, trying to prolong this game just a little longer. “I don’t remember the names from before. Did I ever meet these clients before?”
Emily hesitated for a moment, puckering her lips. “I am not sure.”
“You’re not sure?”
“Yes, they were very mysterious when I talked to them on the phone,” she explained. “I don’t think you ever had a business appointment with them, though.”
“Well, if that doesn’t sound interesting…” Felicity said. “Maybe you ask my clients in and-“
She didn’t get to say the last word because before she could, Emmy was already running into the office. She was holding Tommy’s fingers in her right hand and a dozen of balloons in her left. The balloons got caught in the doorframe as she was unable to pull all of them through so easily. She had to stop to tug at the strings that attached the balloons to her wrist to make them get through the door and into the office one by one.
As soon as she had done so, she turned around on her heels and continued running to Felicity, exclaiming happily, “Happy birthday, Mommy!”
Without any hesitation Emmy came running around the desk and flung her arms around her mother’s neck. Felicity chuckled and hugged her daughter close for a moment. She kissed her cheek before she pulled back enough to look at her.
“Thank you so much, Sweetie.”
While William and Oliver, who was carrying a sleeping Millie in the baby sling in front of his chest, were stepping into the office, Tommy crawled onto his mother’s lap and kissed her lips.
“Happy birthday, Mommy,” he said quietly, resting his head on her shoulder.
“Hi, Buddy,” Felicity replied, rubbing her hand over his back. “Are you tired?”
“No,” he answered immediately. “Just want cuddle.”
“That’s great because mommy loves cuddles.”
“I know,” Tommy replied with a yawn, making her chuckle.
Tommy adjusted his position on her lap, snuggling closer to her and moving his head against the side of her neck. He was probably going to fall asleep within the next minutes.
“I guess someone regrets he refused to lay back down when he woke up at six-thirty this morning,” Oliver said with a look at Tommy.
“You woke up so early today?” Felicity asked Tommy with a dramatic sigh.
“Yes,” he giggled in response, making Felicity chuckle.
When William stepped in front of her the next moment, she straightened up as much as Tommy’s weight on top of her allowed her to. William put an arm around her shoulders and hugged her shortly.
“Happy birthday, Felicity.”
“Thank you, William,” she replied and smiled at him, “and it’s nice you are here by the way. I didn’t know you were going to come here today.”
“One of my teachers is sick, so the last class was canceled and I decided to take the afternoon to spend with you guys. I hope you don’t mind.”
“No, absolutely. The family is only complete if you are here too and we are always happy when you’re here,” Felicity told him honestly and William smiled.
“Mommy, I think Tommy has fallen asleep,” Emmy said with a giggle.
Felicity turned her head, seeing that Tommy’s eyes were indeed close. If she listened carefully, she could actually hear him snoring softly against her skin. Smiling, Felicity kissed his hand that was clenched around the neckline of her dress and continued rubbing her hand over his back slowly.
“Mommy, do you-“
“Hey, hey, hey, first mommy will get the most important congratulations.”
“Right,” Felicity said and looked at Oliver, smiling teasingly, “Millie didn’t congratulate me yet.”
“Hey, I am the most important congratulator,” Oliver replied and pinched her side playfully.
“You think so?” Felicity asked, cocking her head.
Oliver put his hands to the armrests of Felicity’s chair and leaned forward until their faces were on one level. He nuzzled her nose with his for a moment before he brushed his lips against hers in a feather-light kiss that barely lasted a second before his lips were already sliding over her cheek to the lobe of her ear.
“You know only nice birthday girls get the birthday sex, right?”
His voice was low, barely louder than a breath, so the kids wouldn’t hear him. It didn’t miss the huskiness she loved so much nonetheless. Felicity pursed her lips firmly and sucked in a breath, pressing her thighs together. Birthdays were definitely in her Top Something of favorite occasions for special sex. When Oliver pulled back a little, Felicity’s eyes locked on Oliver’s. He licked his lips, making Felicity suck in a deep breath.
“Do I get a real birthday kiss?” she asked since she hadn’t gotten one yet.
Usually Oliver always woke her up with birthday kisses, but he had been out on the streets long last night and she had told him not to wake up for her, especially since she had been forced to get up very early for a video conference that had been set for six a.m.. Oliver had tried to fight her on it, but his loud snoring this morning had revealed how tired he really had been.
Oliver smiled and leaned forward, capturing her lips in a gentle kiss that made her sigh against his lips. She loosened a hand from Tommy’s back to move her fingers over his shoulder before stroking them down his chest and brushing her fingertips against Millie’s soft cheek.
Before they got the chance to deepen the kiss, Emmy already complained, “Daddy, we don’t have time for that now! You can kiss mommy later!”
They pulled apart with a chuckle and Felicity turned to Emmy, asking, “Later? You mean when mommy comes home after work?”
“No, later when we are out of here, Mommy!” Emmy replied. “We have a surprise for you.”
“A surprise?” Felicity asked with a dramatic gasp. “For me?”
“Yes!” Emmy said happily. “Because it’s your birthday!”
“But I need to work,” Felicity replied. “I have clients that want to talk to me. They have an appointment. There is a Princess Destiny and…”
“That’s me!” Emmy exclaimed loudly.
Tommy’s snoring faltered for a moment before it started once more. When Emmy was about to continue, Oliver put a hand on her shoulder and immediately she looked up at him.
“Not that loud,” Oliver told her with quiet voice. “Tommy and Millie are sleeping.”
Emmy nodded and stepped closer to Felicity, explaining in a whisper, “We are your appointment, Mommy, so you don’t have to work on your birthday. I am Princess Destiny. Tommy is Prince Co-“
She turned her head and looked at Oliver with questioning eyes. Stroking his hand over Millie’s head and wiping some spit from her chin, he said, “Prince Consort-“
“Nemo,” Emmy added, looking back at Felicity. “William is Baron Crush. Millie is Lady Dory and daddy is just Merlyn.”
“Just Merlyn, huh?” Felicity asked, shooting Oliver a short glance and he rolled his eyes.
“It’s from the movies with Nemo, Mommy,” Emmy continued to explain.
“Oh, really,” Felicity said. “I didn’t know that until you remembered me.”
Emmy nodded proudly. “And because we are all Queens we used other titles, so you wouldn’t realize.”
“Wow!” Felicity smiled. “You totally took me by surprise. Did you plan all of that?”
“William helped a lot,” Emmy replied.
When Felicity turned to her stepson, he pushed his hands into the pockets of his pants and hunched his shoulders. Felicity smiled at him. With a wink she said, “I know you and Emmy are just up to no good when we leave you alone.”
“We are up to good,” Emmy hurried to say. “You have a free day now.”
“That is true,” Felicity replied.
She smiled at her loved ones, grateful that they were here. She had planned on taking the whole day off originally, but she had been unable to delay that video conference and two more short appointments had been added to her schedule for the morning. When she had seen the appointment of Princess Destiny and her friends, she had of course known who was behind that. She hadn’t said a word about it, though. She loved that they wanted to surprise her like this.
“And what are we doing with the rest of the day now?”
“Oh, Princess Destiny and Baron Crush have some great ideas about what to do,” Oliver told her, shooting Emmy a meaningful look.
Emmy nodded her head eagerly. “We planned the whole day, but it’s all a surprise. You need to come with us, though, Mommy.”
Felicity smiled. “Alright… and do I get my own codename?”
Emmy laughed. “We don’t need them anymore, Mommy! It was just for the appointment.”
“Ah, that makes sense,” Felicity replied, nodding. “So… we are leaving now?”
Emmy nodded. “Yes, yes, yes!”
Not waiting for her mother to even get up, she already ran ahead towards the elevator. William quickly followed her, while Felicity slowly got up from her chair, adjusting Tommy’s position in her arms, so she could carry her.
“This was a really nice idea,” Felicity told him.
Oliver lifted his hands. “It was all on the kids. They planned out everything. I was just looped in a week ago to help with some details, make us some food to enjoy the day and pay the money for whatever they wanted.”
“They planned everything on their own?”
Oliver nodded. “Well, I think William did most of it. At least I can tell that I didn’t. They wanted to make this day special for you.”
Felicity smiled. “I guess we will end the day with a lot of ice cream to properly thank them then.”
Matching her smile, Oliver stepped close to her and kissed the tip of her nose. “And once they drift into a sugar coma, we are going to celebrate the adult-version of your birthday.”
Felicity chuckled. “Nice way to put it.”
“And absolutely true,” Oliver added, leaning in and kissing her. “The kids wanted to make the day special for you, so I let them do that and decided to make your night just as special.”
* * * * * 
When she fell into their bed five hours later Felicity decided that this had indeed been a special day. After Oliver and the kids had picked her up at Queen Industries, they had led her to their beach house, the very same beach house that Moira and Robert Queen had built years ago and where Oliver had proposed to Felicity for a second time. Everything had been decorated with balloons and there had been a lot of muffins and wonderful sweets to get them through the day. They had spent the rest of their day there, enjoying the sun while playing at the beach and swimming in the water. It had been a perfect day.
She smiled when Oliver stepped into the room with only his boxers on and crawled onto the mattress, so he was hovering over her. Felicity moved her fingertips lazily up and down his back while Oliver was just taking her in with gentle eyes.
“Did you enjoy your birthday?”
“It was perfect,” she replied with a tired sigh.
“You mean it was perfect except for the fact that there is still a gift missing, right?”
Felicity chuckled. “Don’t worry. I haven’t forgotten about the birthday sex.”
“Well, how could you? I was half-naked all day to remind you of it.”
“I noticed,” Felicity replied. “It was one of the things that made this day so amazing. Yet it was also nice to just have all the kids there and spend the day together. It was really William, who had that idea?”
“I think Emmy helped as much as she could, but most of it came from William, yes,” Oliver replied and cocked his head. “Why are you so surprised?”
“I don’t know.”
Felicity bit down on her bottom lip, lowering her gaze to where Oliver’s hips rested against hers. Her fingertips continued their path up and down his back, moving over the scarred skin lazily. When she looked back at Oliver, intending to change the subject, she found his eyes already on her, the expression in it telling her that he was not going to let it go this easily.
“I love William,” Felicity whispered, “and I know we are getting along well, but… We had a rocky start with everything that happened before I got to know him. Then we were both kind of unsure how to act around each other. We found our common ground and we are really getting along well now… I mean he talked to me about Samantha’s new boyfriend before he talked to you about it, so I guess that is good for me. I just… I think I just didn’t know how much he actually liked me before today and I think that has been the greatest gift I got today.”
Oliver leaned down and captured her lips gently before he pulled back a little to smile at her. “Happy birthday, Felicity.”
@just-arrow @secretglimpses @promiseyoullbepatientwithme @bytemegeekette @felicity-said--yes @phanseptiic @mariel-olandag   @orangeisorange @aguscha333 @whentheheavenfades @aussieforgood @emmaamelia95 @smoakingskye @fex-84 @itsabeautifulstory95 @seaolicity @ourwritinginvein @lightwoodhook @1022bridgetp @felicityqueenforever @leagueofolicity17 @yryssss @myhauntedblacksoul @somewhatinvisible @sherlock44 @sinceriouslybea @arrowsalways @olivyflavescentdeer @olicitys-castle @ofnothingcharming @boo-ritz-radley @vaelisamaza @smoakedandcharmed @alexisa1206 @bandanab310 @florence-bubbles @addictiontelly @queens-of-arrows @memcjo @hysterical-for-joshifer @oswinelevenforever @olicitylovemaking @bandanab310 @mymusiclove101 @lynslogic @scarletqueen23 @olicityshipper19 @alex-wesley @arrows-4ever @unabashedlynerdypatrol @louehmysoul @ligiapimenta @chattyyana @charlie-leau @dalisia3 @coal000 @samcrowleys @sherrynoconan @ishippolivia @julianegomesqueen @malafle @miriam1779 @charlinert @melaux @camsten-olicity @ontheolicityship @hiddenchamb3r @myshipperlife @wrightainsley @lexi9515 @ladygreenwood @multi-fandom-crazy-fangirl @morinamel @mje-thomas @kebarr @canadianheartgirl @nannett2307 @almondblossomme @dontyou-forgetaboutme89 @paarti12 @kathrynelizabeth89 @imdfabulous @cutearrowgirl @mrt2501 @insecureneuroticcontrolfreakk @maria102375 @mecha1330 @deathofrainbows @arsipaci14 @o-li-ci-ty @mzminx @chellemanalastas @salasvia @brandis91 @cainc3 @clarkesoverwatch @morganmiguess @pr0fessi0nal-fangurl @iamisalima @nessafra @purplish-sky @sammaldonado9 @jonhdiggle @niki-is-amazing @universed-posts @dancingwithlyn @hopeful-warrior @senoritaswiftie @bellemmie @stygian-omada-fan @arilny @iheartarrow @olicityovereverything @oliverfel4 @navyaarsha @fandoms-breathe-life @simone4mcswarek @olicity-in-the-heart @fullychippedcreation @geemarie @eternal-olicity @everything-but-normal-cat @tookurmatches @myarroworld @tjmartinez @pleasantfanandstudent @itsmagnoliagirl @olicityforeverandalways1 @j69confessional @scentedcolorpirate @icanica74 @felollie @javinancupil @tjmartinez98 @kebarr @certainmentalityface @tatianadamaceno @ryelew @wildwillowzepplin @kath4703 @missafairy @letsplaymurde-r @lipizette @positivepiper @nuttymilkshakehologram @laksagirl @arsipaci14 @puddintan3 @ccdimples88 (If you want to be tagged or untagged, just let me know. :))
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