leondxs · 5 years
@soulsofnirn | starter call (x)
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❝ The scent has gone cold. ❞
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yivohn · 5 years
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𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙳𝚂 𝚆𝙴𝚁𝙴 𝙲𝙻𝙰𝚂𝙿𝙴𝙳 𝙱𝙴𝙷𝙸𝙽𝙳 𝙷𝙴𝚁 𝙱𝙰𝙲𝙺, a cheeky grin pulling up her lips as she sauntered over to the imperial. casually, confidently, she brought them forward---- the light of the ragged flagon caught off the shiny gold surface of the jewel encrusted goblet she held in her palms. grin simmering into a smirk, she tossed it over to her fellow thief.   “ done and done. you sure this was meant to be a challenge, vex? could’ve done that with my eyes closed. ”
@soulsofnirn​ (vex!) ♥’d !
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xsilver-wings · 5 years
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@soulsofnirn, I hope your morning gets better! In the meantime, enjoy this quick edit I did of Xia and Farkas being adorable. 
I imagine they’re sitting off to the side (I tried to find the area opposite as a screenshot but I didn’t so, uh, imagination!) watching the others train or something. And Vilkas does something stupid, like trip or something, so ofc Farkas is laughing at how stupid he looked or whatever (brothers being brothers and all, and I imagine this is right after Vilkas maybe teases him about the flower crown), and Xia is trying to get Farkas to hold still so she doesn’t mess up his braid. Idk. lol. Just dorks being adorkable. :)
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woeblades · 4 years
♢  cont. from here  ♢  |  @soulsofnirn
cicero may be mad, but he wasn’t a fool. well, he IS a fool, but not the kind one may be thinking about. he could take a hint-- but that doesn’t mean he was going to act on it.
the sickening smile was still brightly plastered on his face, as he allowed himself to sink down from his tiptoes and instead sway around a little, arms still tucked behind his back.
“ oh... cicero was just wondering what the kind listener is so busy with. cicero is also busy, mind you, but CLEARLY not as much as the listener! “
the jester sighed, then slumped his shoulders as he dropped his straight posture a little. he pushed out his lower lip in an over-exaggerated pout.
“ cicero is... bored! i admit it! for the first time in years, cicero can’t keep himself occupied tending to the nightmother. he... misses to kill. “
now, cicero wondered, could the listener take a hint as well? maybe see that cicero was asking him to take him out to murder unsuspecting victims? not contracts, of course, because the keeper shouldn’t perform those. but sithis surely wouldn’t mind a little stabbing on the side, right? the listener would understand. he had to.
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marshfirc · 5 years
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@soulsofnirn​ said: “ you idiot, why didn’t you tell me sooner?! ” from bryn.
meme | accepting
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     ‘ You idiot, why didn’t you tell me sooner?! ‘ No sooner have the words left Brynjolf’s mouth before Elona takes a half-step back, flinching at the harshness of his tone. Why hadn’t she said anything sooner? She was as guilty as Mercer had been, keeping what he did a secret nearly as long as he had. Still, the nord’s words seem to cut into her like a knife; tears have sprung to her eyes, and she struggles for several beats for an answer.
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     Before long the tears are falling, and her chest tightens as she finally gives a reply. “ I was scared, ” she blurts, choking on a sob a second later. “ I was afraid of what would happen to him if I told. I was-- I was afraid of losing him. ” Ironic, all things considered. She’d lost him a long time ago, the Key had seen to that. “ I... gods, I loved him, Brynjolf. I loved him, and made the decision to keep his secret for as long as I could. And then Irkngthand-- ” Another sob forces her into silence, and her legs seem like they’re about to give out from under her.
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     “ I’m so sorry, Bryn. I didn’t-- I never wanted to hurt anyone, I just wanted to keep Mercer from harm, and... and it was stupid of me. It was a mistake, to think his secret would’ve stayed that way. To think that he would’ve been safe from the consequences until he’d gotten the Eyes and left Skyrim. ” She collapses to the floor on her knees, crying brokenly in the middle of the cistern. This had been a second home to her, a place she could escape to when Winterhold got too stressful. “ Please, Brynjolf, I don’t- ”
                                                Please don’t force me to leave.
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scaredofbeeans · 5 years
@soulsofnirn replied to your post “i can’t…. find any zim icons ;n;”
If I can find some YouTube videos, I could make you screencaps?
i have hu.lu (for the series) and netfl.ix (for the movie), so i can probably try and do them myself, it’ll just be very time consuming. Thank you for the offer though! <3
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dragxnsfire · 5 years
❛ Hey, watch it! ❜ from Farkas.
Whiterun was a particularly crowded city as of late, traders packing into the cramped market, spilling out past the city gates. The young Dragonborn grumbled as she squeezed her way through men like giants as she strove to gather her supplies for the long journey back to Winterhold-- at this rate, she’d be left with the worst pickings in the market. With a detrimined grunt she dove forward through the crowd; for a moment, it seemed her plan worked, until her forward momentum sent her sailing headlong into a great mountain of a Nord clad in silvery armor. The girl winced as she rubbed her aching head before turning a glare to the giant man. 
“It’s not my fault no one can move around here!” she huffed, brushing stray hair from her eyes as she stood quickly. As the world ceased spinning, the Dunmer was able to more closely study the wall she’d run into: steel armor adorned with wolves, black fur trim, odd face paint-- she’d run into one of the Companions. Haleth swallowed a thick knot in her throat; she’d often heard tales of the warriors as a child. “You-- you’re a Companion?” she asked, jaw hanging open at the man. It only took a moment for her to realize the stupidity of the question. “What’re you doing out here?”
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daedrichaggler · 5 years
“Oh, don’t be so grim.” from Nocturnal :)
The Witcher 1.05
meme | Accepting
“Grim?! Look who’s bloody well talking!” Clavicus Vile practically shrieked in utter offence at the relatively dismissive tone his sister took with him. “If this deal doesn’t go through for me then the world will be absolutely plundered into chaos, Miss… Missy Miss… Miss oooh look I’ve got shadowy cloaked people to do shadowy cloaky things for me URGH you’re so annoying, did you know that?!”
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gvildmastcr · 5 years
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@soulsofnirn​ said: ❝ stay .  please ? ❞ but maybe from like young Bryn?
meme | accepting
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     Well, he certainly hadn’t expected those words to come from Brynjolf, of all people.
     The breton pauses at the base of the ladder, one hand already gripping the wood and a bag slung over his shoulder. He was supposed to go stake out a mark, but...
     He glances at the nord over his shoulder and offers a smile and a slow blink. Mercer supposed he could hang around the cistern an extra day or two. (Surely Gallus wouldn’t be upset with him.)
     “ What’s all this about? ” he wonders, coming to sit next to Brynjolf. “ Wouldn’t have expected this from you. ”
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extraordinarygrrls · 5 years
“Is that the best you’ve got?” from Isran to Zadine.
“Cheeky bastard...” She muttered, taking aim with her crossbow again. “Y’know, you’re the one who taught me to shoot, old man...”
Those were good memories, back at the farm, before Zadine and her parents went on the lamb, before Isran lost everything and became a Vigilant. He was just her cousin back then, a big brother who gave her the first bow she ever owned. Now? Now they were strictly professional at the best of times. Snippy at the worst.
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“Why did you bring me to your big, fancy fort anyway? I distinctly remember you having a whole team back in the day.” She didn’t quite think she was Dawnguard material, she rarely dabbled in matters of the supernatural.
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leondxs · 5 years
💀 from isran.
74. “Did you put something in my drink?”
Fear was a plaything for Leondas. Feeding in the midst of battle was just one way he toyed with mortals’ feeble constitutions. He reveled in the looks of horror and disgust as he fed upon their companions, giving them just a taste of what was to come. It was no different when it came to vampire hunters. In fact, it was even more entertaining.
He unleashed a foul cackle as he held the young Dawnguard recruit in his claws, wrenching his neck back for better access. He stared Isran down, his gaze confident and spiteful. In a moment, he sank his fangs into the poor lad. He uttered a pleased moan at the taste, letting the blood messily spill past his lips and dribble down his chin. He did not take enough to kill the mortal, no. He planned to play some more before settling down to slaughter them all. Prying himself away from his prey, he tossed the soldier to the ground. A confident, blood-drenched grin was sent Isran’s way.
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But something was wrong. A fuzziness began to nestle within the vampire’s mind, warping his vision and leaving him woozy. He stumbled in his steps, smile faltering as a dulled sense of panic set in. His eyes widened, pupils dilated. The vampire began to cough, sputtering flecks of crimson onto the ground. Had he been poisoned? It was not out of the question. The Dawnguard studied and hunted vampires passionately. Perhaps they had managed to create a poison, capable of harming vampires in some manner. Had he drunken poisoned blood?
His mind was beginning to fail him, almost as if he were drunk. Limbs felt overwhelmingly heavy. He crumbled to the ground, claws scrounging about to prop himself up, but failing miserably. He dry-heaved, eyes now pitiful as he gazed at Isran, powerless.
❝ Did you… put something in my drink? ❞ he warbled, before passing out.
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yivohn · 5 years
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“ maven,”  the dunmer greeted plainly, leisurely taking the seat across from her on the upper floor of the bee and barb. “ we need to speak business. things are going to be different with mercer gone. ”
@soulsofnirn​ ♥′d for a starter.
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xsilver-wings · 5 years
“at least let me clean the wound!” from Farkas to Xia! :)
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   ❝It-it’s fine Farkas; I’m okay,❞ Xia lied, wincing even as she spoke. She didn’t want to be a bother. She could surely take care of it herself, she just had to get over the pain first. She hated pain, which was partially why she also didn’t want Farkas to touch it — cleaning it would make it hurt more! Although she also understood the lack of logic that was behind it, she really wasn’t in a state of mind to think logically. 
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woeblades · 5 years
“Is this a cure, or a poison?” for Elysia from Brynjolf.
“ i... have no idea, actually. “
elysia’s original smile faltered, and her expression turned into confusion instead. she furrowed her brows and rubbed over her chin as she looked at the contents of the expensive-looking vial she’d stolen from an alchemist in the reach somewhere. she swirled the purple mixture around a bit, then promptly decided to pull off the cork that closed off the thing.
purple fumes erupted from within the vial, which only made the half-elf grin in excitement. she leaned in a bit, and decided to smell the fumes-- and she seemed pleasantly surprised.
“ that smells really good! it might be perfume-- wanna smell it?! “
she happily held out the vial for brynjolf to take a whiff himself, expecting him to be just as curious as her.
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marshfirc · 4 years
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@soulsofnirn​ said: “I would write an angsty sonnet illustrating my contempt for you, if I actually cared enough about what you were saying right now.”  from Vex.
meme | temp not accepting
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     “ I mean, given you’ve even made that statement, it proves that you care at least a little bit about what I said. ” Smirk. She’s got you pinned down, Vex. Good luck.
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manidottira · 5 years
soulsofnirn liked your post
You’re all fired
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