#ιc | ρσѕιтισи αиd ρσlιcιεѕ αяε ιяяεlεναит
marshfirc · 4 years
@tymesend​ | call
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     “ Maliinah! ” The argonian’s voice is a chirp when her gaze falls upon the breton. “ I haven’t seen you for some time! How are you? ”
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marshfirc · 4 years
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     “ Imagine being so bothered by two people getting engaged that you’ll actively try to sabotage it. ”
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marshfirc · 4 years
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@yivohn​ said: " happy birthday, elona! "   valvossa burst into the flagon late into the night, waving a linen-wrapped gift in her right hand. a grin was stretched across her clearly tired face, and her hair was tied back and messy, flecks of ash across her cheeks; it was clear she'd been at the forge. as she approached, pleased, she held out the gift to the argonian, bouncing excitedly on her heels. within, elona would find a dwarven dagger, its metal blackened into a glossy, iridescent ebony. amethysts and rubies were encrusted into the pommel, lending the weapon a more intricate and elegant look.   " i was going to have it enchanted, too, but.. i figured you might want to do that yourself."  she paused, then leaned forward to embrace elona with a tight hug.
misc birthday asks | only accepting today!
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     “ Oh dear... has someone been spreading rumors about my birthday again? ” Not that she’s upset about it - quite the opposite, in fact. Her birthday was well-known among the members of the guild, anyway, so she would have been more surprised if someone hadn’t mentioned it. “ Ah well. I suppose someone would’ve said something eventually. ” She pauses a moment to spy Valvossa’s tired and ash-flecked face, raising a brow. “ Did you spend the entire day up at the forge? You look exhausted. ”
     Regardless, she takes the gift as it’s passed her way, unwrapping the linen to reveal the dagger concealed within. A look somewhere between surprise and excitement settles on her face as she lifts the blade to examine it. “ Val, it’s beautiful, ” she breathes, giving it a couple of experimental swings. It was weighted perfectly, and would no doubt see some use before long.
     At the embrace, the argonian tenses for a moment before returning it with one of her own.
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     “ Thank you so much. ”
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marshfirc · 5 years
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     “ Too much courage made you foolish. ”
@childoflegends​ | call | x
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marshfirc · 5 years
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@soulsofnirn​ said: “ you idiot, why didn’t you tell me sooner?! ” from bryn.
meme | accepting
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     ‘ You idiot, why didn’t you tell me sooner?! ‘ No sooner have the words left Brynjolf’s mouth before Elona takes a half-step back, flinching at the harshness of his tone. Why hadn’t she said anything sooner? She was as guilty as Mercer had been, keeping what he did a secret nearly as long as he had. Still, the nord’s words seem to cut into her like a knife; tears have sprung to her eyes, and she struggles for several beats for an answer.
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     Before long the tears are falling, and her chest tightens as she finally gives a reply. “ I was scared, ” she blurts, choking on a sob a second later. “ I was afraid of what would happen to him if I told. I was-- I was afraid of losing him. ” Ironic, all things considered. She’d lost him a long time ago, the Key had seen to that. “ I... gods, I loved him, Brynjolf. I loved him, and made the decision to keep his secret for as long as I could. And then Irkngthand-- ” Another sob forces her into silence, and her legs seem like they’re about to give out from under her.
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     “ I’m so sorry, Bryn. I didn’t-- I never wanted to hurt anyone, I just wanted to keep Mercer from harm, and... and it was stupid of me. It was a mistake, to think his secret would’ve stayed that way. To think that he would’ve been safe from the consequences until he’d gotten the Eyes and left Skyrim. ” She collapses to the floor on her knees, crying brokenly in the middle of the cistern. This had been a second home to her, a place she could escape to when Winterhold got too stressful. “ Please, Brynjolf, I don’t- ”
                                                Please don’t force me to leave.
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marshfirc · 4 years
ulfhrafnx replied to your post: @ulfhrafnx​ said: “ hey… hey, no, no, don’t do...
“ what im hearing is…break his hands for hurting elona
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     “ Please don’t do that. ”
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marshfirc · 4 years
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@ulfhrafnx​ said: " hey... hey, no, no, don't do that, don't close your eyes, you gotta stay awake! "
meme | temp not accepting
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     She lets out a horrible, wet cough, and a second later spits a glob of blood onto the ground next to her. It was getting harder and harder for her to keep her eyes open, to stay focused on the other woman. She wanted so badly to give into the darkness that played at the edges of her vision.
     “ Lira, ” she coughs again, mustering whatever energy she could so she can look the werewolf in the eye. “ Please... don’t hurt him. He didn’t mean to- the Key makes him... lash out at people blindly. ” Gods, this was so much worse than the last time he’d done it. This wasn’t a small gash along her side, or a slice across her face; no, this time she’d been impaled proper. Straight through the torso with his sword. “ Fuck-- this really stings. ”
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marshfirc · 4 years
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@soulsofnirn​ said: “I would write an angsty sonnet illustrating my contempt for you, if I actually cared enough about what you were saying right now.”  from Vex.
meme | temp not accepting
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     “ I mean, given you’ve even made that statement, it proves that you care at least a little bit about what I said. ” Smirk. She’s got you pinned down, Vex. Good luck.
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marshfirc · 4 years
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@soulsofnirn​ said: “No, stop. No one is getting naked.”  from bryn because lol.
meme | temp not accepting
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     “ Oh, thank the gods. ” Could you imagine how awkward that would be? No thank you.
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marshfirc · 4 years
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@soulsofnirn​ said: ❛  don’t patronize me.  ❜ from vex. c:
meme | temp not accepting
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     “ You think this is patronizing? ” She laughs, smirking at the imperial in a knowing manner. “ I’d hate to think of what you think it is when I’m actually patronizing you, Vex. ”
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marshfirc · 4 years
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@soulsofnirn​ said: ❛  uhg. I do not like you.  ❜ from vex. c:
meme | temp not accepting
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     “ Get in line, Vex. You’re not the first to dislike me, and you won’t be the last. ” If she had a septim for every time someone treated her with disdain, she wouldn’t need to steal things for money.
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marshfirc · 4 years
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@luckydxy​ said: " where's elona ? wh-- oh... "
meme | temp not accepting
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     “ I know what this looks like, Ara. ” Gods, how could she have been so careless? Why had the homeowner returned so soon? Had she been ratted out by the client? A number of thoughts dance through her head as she clutches the wound in her side, the guild members gathered around her. Mercer lingers nearby, pacing impatiently, but there’s no denying the worry present in his gaze. She offers the imperial a smile, but grimaces a moment later.
     Eventually her gaze drops to the floor, and she continues to fight consciousness. “ Since the rest of them would rather gawk than help, can you fetch me a potion or something? ”
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marshfirc · 5 years
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     “ Keep your head down! ”
@luckydxy​ | call | x
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marshfirc · 5 years
“Maven … ?”  he replies, a dry lilt carrying a grim bastardization of what could only be labeled as testy humor – all in an irritable sigh.  He wasn’t in the mood.  & somehow his mood curdles further.  Mercer bristles, turning his back to Elona as he takes exceptional interest in the parchment in hand — all but burning holes into the paper, with the intensity of his stare.  Empty if not for this inferno that ever burned behind faded eyes, which never do meet her own.  The physicality of it kept him grounded, while the ink & words spun in a nauseating pace.  He knew the name.  He knew who he’d so cruelly gifted this unrelenting blame upon.  & still the blame was his own.
     Elona rolls her eyes at his turned back, exasperation painting her expression. And yet she can’t help but humor him, at least for a moment -- perhaps it would help to put him in a more agreeable mood. “ Yes, Maven. You’re absolutely correct. Finally decided she had enough of our help and now she’s turned on us. ” Gods, if only Maven would leave them be. The argonian detested any sort of meeting with the nord woman, even if they were very brief and only for business. (Thinks she’s better than everyone else...)
     Blinking, her gaze drops to the parchments that litter his desk, heaving a sigh. “ We should have known she’d come back, ” muttered only loud enough for the guildmaster to hear. “ There’s no way she would’ve stayed in hiding. She’s doing this to get back at you, I think both of us know that. ” A pause as she straightens, carefully making her way to his side. “ ... what should we do? ”
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marshfirc · 5 years
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     “ Should have known you’d bring me heartache... ”
@bastardswxrd​ | call | x
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marshfirc · 5 years
@childoflegends​ | call | x
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     “ Their judgement will slowly bring me down. ”
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