#soundwave's deranged children
killzilla · 2 years
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addicted to posting in the middle of the night.
wanted to draw Soundwave's deranged children. [in reference to what Starscream called them.] haha.
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elfelt-valentine · 1 year
People love to project their ideas of what the characters are like into other continuities that just doesn't make sense rly often esp w idw
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tech-obssessed-shark · 9 months
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rilldied · 1 year
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soundwave and his deranged children
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hgfstreamchats · 7 years
Christmas Eve Eve Stream
Welcome to the 'highglossfinish' room. Knock Out: To you too! blythe1: Hey all Knock Out: Hello there! thenightetc: Hi! thenightetc: Don't know why chat wasn't working there Knock Out: Livestream hates Christmas, clearly. thenightetc: Apparently! blythe1: Livestream will be visited by three ghosts tonight to rediscover its love for Xmas. blythe1: I've lived in worse towns. thenightetc: ...Oh, right, and you put the wrong link in the post. thenightetc: Left out the "original." at the beginning Knock Out: Let me fix that! Knock Out: There we are. Thank you for letting me know! Shockbox: Ah. Shockbox: Of course. Shockbox: Good evening, folks. thenightetc: Good evening. blythe1: Hi Shockbox Knock Out: Good evening! blythe1: We need a robot who looks good in red with an ever happy smile to be Santa, Knock Out do you know someone like that? Knock Out: I may know a mech. Knock Out: But I demand my own Christmas special. blythe1: If only.
thenightetc: They didn't think this through very far. Shockbox: The height of comedy. Shockbox: Hm. If I recall correctly, I only saw the very end of this episode last year. Knock Out: There's a reason it's a yearly staple! Shockbox: I think I understand that now. Shockbox: Here we are, I recall this. thenightetc: I do like that ending. blythe1: I like a show with a nice clear moral Shockbox: It's decent. Shockbox: So, what's this about a calf? Knock Out: Also a tradition. blythe1: I;m curious about that cockatiel thing there! thenightetc: Oh no. Knock Out: And of course, the drugged children. thenightetc: Honestly, days should all be silent, too. blythe1: I kinda want to ask those kids to blink twice if they need help. Knock Out: When Breakdown and I first heard it, that's what we thought was she was saying. blythe1: This is GENIUS!!!! thenightetc: Good content. Knock Out: Birds certainly are...something. Shockbox: //Clasping hands together. Shockbox: Agreed. Shockbox: Ah, it briefly sang jingle bells. Clearly this is a christmas video. Shockbox: Very relevant to this stream. Knock Out: 100 percent. blythe1: Thank you KO! Knock Out: Of course! Shockbox: Oh, this looks vintage. Shockbox: Early 2000's? Knock Out: 1997, apparently. Shockbox: Close enough. blythe1: It has the voice of Blanche from the Golden Girls in it. That can't be recent. blythe1: Sounds like he ought to have wished for a newer truck. thenightetc: Oh, great. Knock Out: Grandpa's consideration for his disabled grandson's comfort is something to behold. Knock Out: Just bring the barn children along so they can snuff out matches on him between songs. Shockbox: //A gentle sigh. thenightetc: I know, right? Knock Out: They look like siblings. Shockbox: How is that canine waving with its ear? Knock Out: Something demonic. Shockbox: I am under the impression that all of the fauna presented are not of earthly origin. thenightetc: Don't nail boards to your child. Shockbox: ...I /must/ wonder what Soundwave would think of this..."Representation". thenightetc: Whooops, I guess Aunt Agnes has been drinking too much eggnog. blythe1: Finally a character I can empathise with, where is that 2nd bottle of wine. thenightetc: The hell? blythe1: Oh, wait. Nope, Can't empathise with a childkidnapper. Although I can empathise with her being a pennypincher. Knock Out: She should have had more eggnog. She wouldn't care so much about childnapping. blythe1: Now that is a message I can get onboard with, KO blythe1: Eggnog for everyone. Shockbox: The barn burnt down, but luckily, every animal in it survived. Shockbox: Those are not ears, I'm thoroughly convinced they're some type of arm. blythe1: Oh. Did anyone read about that fire at London Zoo this morning? It didn't have as happy an ending, they lost an aardvrk and 4 meerkats. It was so sad. thenightetc: Oh no! Knock Out: Well, that's depressing. thenightetc: ...This just took a turn for the surreal Shockbox: Hm. Knock Out: Why couldn't these animals have died in a fire instead? Shockbox: I'm sure this old mythical man has plenty of time to stand around to talk on christmas eve. thenightetc: ...What. Shockbox: The horse is flirting with that human. blythe1: There was once a guest on Jerry SPringer who claimed his horse was flirting with him Knock Out: Of course he did. Shockbox: Was he one of those..."Bronies"? blythe1: This was pre-Brony era. But he did marry his horse live on air and kissed it. Shockbox: I...See... Shockbox: I see Blaster landed himself a voice acting gig. blythe1: Well that cockerel just volunteered to be Sunday Dinner. blythe1: Just a PSA, kids. Never Drink and Drive. thenightetc: oh boy Shockbox: This family is a mess. Shockbox: ...You can't gift the calf, she's sapient. thenightetc: I think this is one of those uncomfortable universes where they're not aware of that. thenightetc: After all, it's a "secret" that they can talk Shockbox: I suppose Santa of all people wouldn't be against slavery. blythe1: Seems like the drunk aunt might have a point? thenightetc: Well, NOW there's no passing it off. Shockbox: ...The pig just spoke in front of all of them. Knock Out: He goes into the house and writes a small novel about it. Shockbox: He's shown to be literate, after all. blythe1: I feel like this raises many questions, especially about the food system in this universe. thenightetc: You know they're raising that pig to eat him. Shockbox: Too many 'talking animal" universes have this problem. blythe1: Again, I feel like drunk aunt Agnes might have a point. blythe1: again blythe1: I mean, nothing wrong with a second opinion from a specialist. thenightetc: AT some point they're probably going to be shown eating meat. thenightetc: And nobody will comment. blythe1: We've already seen them leaving milk out for Santa Knock Out: That's probably why grandpa impregnated Annabelle's mother. Knock Out: ...Had her impregnated. Shockbox: .....Knock Out.... Knock Out: It's out there. Now we all have to live with it. Shockbox: Primus. blythe1: Lives on a farm, can't identify a cow. Shockbox: She's two days old, maybe back off? Knock Out: You're all talking because a fat man sprayed you with magic dust. Shut up. Shockbox: Oh here we go. Shockbox: Obligatory musical number. blythe1: This reminds me entirely too much of the song sequence from Watership Down. Knock Out: Dear Unicron, you're right. caffienatedconfetti: henlo Shockbox: Greetings. blythe1: Hi caffienatedconfetti: what are we watchin Knock Out: Annabelle's Wish. Shockbox: Deranged Calf Show caffienatedconfetti: is it any good? Knock Out: No. thenightetc: Uhhhh Knock Out: Can't fences be mended? thenightetc: This doesn't seem legal blythe1: I feel like that should require a court order. caffienatedconfetti: that is definitely illegal Shockbox: This shouldn't be legal at all. Shockbox: It's a few pieces of wood. blythe1: Not to mention even I could have fixed that fence. All it needs is wood and nails. caffienatedconfetti: heck i coulda fixed it and i don't know anythin about fences blythe1: He could get those from dissassembling one of the porch benches Shockbox: "You touched my flimsy pieces of wood? Well, I guess I'll just take one of your food sources without your consent." caffienatedconfetti: NO caffienatedconfetti: NO caffienatedconfetti: NOT THIS thenightetc: ...A calf is definitely more valuable than a music box caffienatedconfetti: ANYTHING BUT THIS caffienatedconfetti: COUNTRY MUSICCCCCC Shockbox: Song count: 2 caffienatedconfetti: NOOOOO caffienatedconfetti: auuguuhu Shockbox: I would average the song quality to be, on average, 2.5/10 caffienatedconfetti: i hate country musc so, so much Shockbox: You can mute the tab. caffienatedconfetti: thank you caffienatedconfetti: tell me when it stops Shockbox: Will do. blythe1: That calf doesn't seem to be growing, they should call a vet blythe1: Some sort of pituitory problem there, surely. Knock Out: The last one was nice. They doubled their mileage by applying it to sick human children, apparently. caffienatedconfetti: she's secretly an alien Knock Out: The intergalactic community doesn't want her. Shockbox: Finally, the song is over. blythe1: Song's done caffienatedconfetti: thanks! caffienatedconfetti: my ears didn't need that cancer Shockbox: It seemed to go on much longer than it wanted to. Shockbox: *needed Shockbox: ...Sign language exists. Shockbox: Nonverbal forms of communication exist. thenightetc: Now trample them. caffienatedconfetti: ah, the old "bullies don't like girls" caffienatedconfetti: how original Knock Out: It doesn't seem like a sign language kind of town. Shockbox: Sigh. blythe1: I think they only know one hand sign there. caffienatedconfetti: "hhneh" Knock Out: Sign language, court orders, doctors... thenightetc: Hhahaha caffienatedconfetti: what's this? caffienatedconfetti: who is that screechy blonde witch??? Knock Out: Drunk Aunt Agnes. caffienatedconfetti: why does she want him?? blythe1: Drunk aunt agnes, who is unpleasant but has been in the right. thenightetc: I'm not really clear on that, to be honest. blythe1: He has been in danger on the farm, he does need a second opinion, eggnog is a basic human right! caffienatedconfetti: the animals are agents of chaos Shockbox: She apparently just didn't want to celebrate christmas alone. Shockbox: That is her entire motivation. caffienatedconfetti: lord caffienatedconfetti: end me caffienatedconfetti: so why can't the kid talk...??? thenightetc: There was a fire Shockbox: He was in a barn that caught on fire and....Was presumably traumatized? blythe1: From context, smoke inhalation has damaged his vocal chords. I think thenightetc: and presumably he inhaled some smoke and damaged his lungs or something Shockbox: Or, perhaps, the smoke destroyed his vocal chords. blythe1: SInce he's only been seen by the old country GP, it could be anything. caffienatedconfetti: santa is a WITCH thenightetc: Do they not hear that rooster Shockbox: Yes. Yes he is. blythe1: Cocaine? caffienatedconfetti: ah, the magic of hard narcotics thenightetc: But the magic dust only lasts for a day. Shockbox: Way to get the child's hopes up. blythe1: I'm not sure that is how child removal orders work? blythe1: I feel I may be being too mean for this movie. caffienatedconfetti: great caffienatedconfetti: their children will be HIDEOUS thenightetc: Really. Shockbox: Why has her face not changed at all. thenightetc: Oh, I guess it didn't just last the one day. Shockbox: That is not the face of an adult cow. caffienatedconfetti: the face of pain caffienatedconfetti: and cheap animation Knock Out: Those antlers are probably weighing down her old neck. caffienatedconfetti: "SANTA COMES, TO FULFILL YOUR DARKESTS DREAMS" blythe1: Is Santa also the Grim Reaper? thenightetc: ....Maybe? Shockbox: It's probable, in this universe. Knock Out: You can't prove he isn't. Shockbox: *There was only green under his jacket.* Shockbox: If you stare underneath the old man's jacket, you stare into the void. caffienatedconfetti: ...but females don't have antlers??? thenightetc: It's a christmas miracle! Knock Out: They actually do! blythe1: I think it depends on the deer species caffienatedconfetti: huh Shockbox: You're all missing the obvious conclusion. caffienatedconfetti: female reindeer have antlers? Shockbox: They're transgender. Shockbox: Case closed. caffienatedconfetti: that was my first thought, actually blythe1: I just want to say, I should have drunk far more wine before watching this one. Knock Out: According to your datanet, female reindeer have antlers. And during your holiday season, the males don't. caffienatedconfetti: i left by accident caffienatedconfetti: oh my god thenightetc: So are all of Santa's reindeer animals he rescued(?) and magically changed the species of? caffienatedconfetti: ....'santa and the ice cream bunny'? Shockbox: It's possible, according to that movie. caffienatedconfetti: oh my god, is this MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER??? Knock Out: It's rifftrax. We used up our MST3K Christmas quota the last two years. caffienatedconfetti: lel Shockbox: Mmmm. Shockbox: I suppose we won't have much to say, they'll do all the riffing for us. thenightetc: If Santa *weren't* also Death then why wait until she was apparently dying to show up. caffienatedconfetti: what are they singing even? blythe1: The Christmas palm tree? blythe1: Global warming is really taking its toll. Shockbox: And then...Santa ran into Amelia Earhart. blythe1: And ate her? Shockbox: No, no, he watched her get eaten by crabs. Shockbox: "It's not Christmas, therefore helping you is outside of  my jurisdiction." blythe1: Santa stuck in Florida? Is this an I Dream of Jeannie crossover movie? Shockbox: Is...This some kind of opera? caffienatedconfetti: i think it is blythe1: Santa is tripping caffienatedconfetti: judging by the hand-flailing Shockbox: He's very bored with his situation. caffienatedconfetti: i love these guys caffienatedconfetti: DOG caffienatedconfetti: oh my god caffienatedconfetti: they know what we're thinking Shockbox: Is Santa casting some sort of spell on the humans of the world? thenightetc: Maybe? blythe1: I'm thinking, "Jimmy Saville's home videos" right now. caffienatedconfetti: THEY KNOW caffienatedconfetti: SANTA CALLS thenightetc: I guess the Time Stop wore off? caffienatedconfetti: KAZOOS caffienatedconfetti: KAZOOOOOOOOOOS Shockbox: He's just summoning all of these random children to this unspecified island? caffienatedconfetti: THE KAZOOS thenightetc: Santa is the Pretend Spirit Knock Out: That can only end well. Knock Out: NO. caffienatedconfetti: i swear to god they're psychic thenightetc: Search your feelings.  You know it to be true. Shockbox: This is directed and written in a manner that is uncomfortably close to modern productions that are /meant/ to be vaguely disconcerting or frightening. caffienatedconfetti: i love mystery science theater SO GODDAMN MUCH thenightetc: Is that a racoon thenightetc: it IS a racoon caffienatedconfetti: i can't stop laughing caffienatedconfetti: aaaaand i just snorted my seltzer blythe1: Be careful with raccoons, one attacked a baby in philedelphia a couple of days ago Shockbox: Good job, CC. blythe1: got in the house and mauled a four month old caffienatedconfetti: there is exactly one black child thenightetc: And they all immediately kneel down Shockbox: Ah, Representation. caffienatedconfetti: BOW TO YOUR LORD blythe1: Santa endorses child labour thenightetc: Is he going to turn them into reindeer and make them pull him around Cardinal: Hello! Knock Out: Cardinal! Hello! blythe1: Hi Cardinal caffienatedconfetti: henlo, we're watching 'santa and the ice cream bunny' Cardinal: wh Cardinal: what is this caffienatedconfetti: 'santa and the ice cream bunny' Shockbox: A masterpiece. caffienatedconfetti: DOG caffienatedconfetti: cut dog, good dog Shockbox: A horrible masterpiece. caffienatedconfetti: *cute caffienatedconfetti: just let me pet the dog Cardinal: what is this caffienatedconfetti: 'santa and the ice cream bunny' Shockbox: A masterpiece. caffienatedconfetti: DOG caffienatedconfetti: cut dog, good dog Shockbox: A horrible masterpiece. caffienatedconfetti: *cute caffienatedconfetti: just let me pet the dog blythe1: Did the spell wear off? caffienatedconfetti: the pied piper of the north pole caffienatedconfetti: ....what caffienatedconfetti: what caffienatedconfetti: i dont thenightetc: Where did she get a gorilla caffienatedconfetti: what blythe1: It is the ghost of harambe Shockbox: Ah, I see, she recruited bigfoot. caffienatedconfetti: i don't Cardinal: . . . caffienatedconfetti: this is oddly sexual caffienatedconfetti: it's the grunting okay Shockbox: ...He just needs his sleigh out of the snow, doesn't he? Shockbox: Er. Sand. Cardinal: Wouldn't it help if he . . . got out of the sleigh. Shockbox: Why doesn't he *get out of it* before asking people to move it. thenightetc: Yes, you'd think he could pull it out himself. Shockbox: //Snort. thenightetc: It doesn't look that heavy. blythe1: It does not look like a heavily built vehicle, Santa himself must weigh more than the sleigh caffienatedconfetti: angry pig thenightetc: Exactly. blythe1: Oooh, the Christmas ham has arrived. thenightetc: Maybe he's stuck. thenightetc: Or just very stupid. caffienatedconfetti: wait why would a pig work better than a mule and a m man in a gorrilla suit??? thenightetc: Oh so he CAN get out! Knock Out: Dear sweet Unicron. caffienatedconfetti: those poor animals Shockbox: There he goes! It's not that hard. caffienatedconfetti: sobbing blythe1: I'm guessing this movie did not get the "no animals were harmed" award thenightetc: Were they even trained animals? blythe1: trained better than the film makers caffienatedconfetti: the raaccon and the dog were obviously somewhat trianed blythe1: Oh it is the cast of the last movie caffienatedconfetti: ohhh, that poor horse! their hooves aren't built for sand!! caffienatedconfetti: poor baby caffienatedconfetti: stop hitting the horse!! blythe1: Yes, get out! caffienatedconfetti: STOP caffienatedconfetti: THAT POOR HRSE IS SO CONFUZZLED thenightetc: The horse just seems confused. blythe1: These kids are obviously within walking distance of a populated area. Go walk there and phone for a taxi. blythe1: It isn't even slightly buried. thenightetc: Is he.  Still trying to sit in the sleigh and dig it out a tthe same time. thenightetc: Does anyone else find it strange that it's just him in the sleigh, and no presents? Knock Out: He's not Santa at all, just a bad man. blythe1: Oh god, singing. Cardinal: . . . Knock Out: With filthy pants. Shockbox: ...Well, at least we went for a good few minutes without having to endure this singing. Cardinal: Didn't Rudolph establish that Santa is a bad man? caffienatedconfetti: yes caffienatedconfetti: we're in hell blythe1: Either in hell, or on a hell of an acid trip Shockbox: Is....Is this really happening? thenightetc: I'm so confused. Shockbox: Okay. Cardinal: WHY caffienatedconfetti: we're dead and in hell caffienatedconfetti: *get sshot in spanish* Shockbox: And *then* the protagonist in this movie will start talking about a protagonist from a *different* story. caffienatedconfetti: i can't stop laughingggg Knock Out: I'm wheezing. thenightetc: Why is the ceiling in there so low blythe1: Remember when asking for children from witches and the fey always be specific in your wants. They love to screw you over with exact words. caffienatedconfetti: i love these guyss blythe1: The ceiling is so low because she bought it cheap from Yoda's estate caffienatedconfetti: "buy cheap, this house, you will" thenightetc: pffff thenightetc: They were really desperate to fill out the running time, huh. blythe1: duck into a swan, an anthem for the CRISPR generation Shockbox: Apparently. caffienatedconfetti: WHEEZE caffienatedconfetti: ....that looks like a boy wearing a wig caffienatedconfetti: "you and i are going to have fun together" blythe1: That is some bad CSO, even for this movie thenightetc: Uhhhhhhhhh caffienatedconfetti: is that a man in a frog suit caffienatedconfetti: WHAT HAPPENED TO SANTA caffienatedconfetti: i think marriage is a consent thing??? blythe1: WTF? thenightetc: Are they supposed to be... insects? thenightetc: I mean, the extra..... limbs blythe1: Giant shrooms, I think I've found the explanation for this movie thenightetc: Is her mother even looking for her? thenightetc: She can't be too far away blythe1: the snow in old movies was actually asbestos. Not even joking about that, they used to use asbestos for fake snow thenightetc: Well, that's cheery caffienatedconfetti: assbestos thenightetc: yikes caffienatedconfetti: why this Shockbox: ...How much longer. Shockbox: How much longer is this film. blythe1: It never ends caffienatedconfetti: it will last for eternity caffienatedconfetti: this is hell after all blythe1: It lasts forever, ahahahaha thenightetc: This is what happens when you get on Santa's naughty list!  Take note. blythe1: Damn, I didn't realise just how naughty I must have been this year thenightetc: errrrr blythe1: A saga of child trading and forced marriages, such a classic tale for Santa to tell kids. caffienatedconfetti: wait caffienatedconfetti: I JUST REALIZED SOMETHING caffienatedconfetti: THAT MOLE MAN IS WEARING THE BODY PART OF THE GORILLA SUIT thenightetc: Oh my god.  Yeah, plus a coat Knock Out: By the core, it is! thenightetc: I'm so uncomfortable with how they keep saying how young she is and how she's a child. thenightetc: "you're such a beautiful child!  marry me" thenightetc: :| Cardinal: uhhhh caffienatedconfetti: jesus thenightetc: see? blythe1: A day, but it feels soooooooooooo much longer. thenightetc: "but I AM rich" caffienatedconfetti: it puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again thenightetc: "he'll die pretty soon and then you'll be a rich widow!" Knock Out: This couldn't have less to do with Christmas. caffienatedconfetti: i don't know where i am thenightetc: Please tell me the bird's not going to try to marry her, too blythe1: I think I actually miss drunk Santa at thispoint caffienatedconfetti: yes Knock Out: AHHHH! blythe1: She is not a human being, she grew fully formed from a seed caffienatedconfetti: plant hybrid caffienatedconfetti: OH MY LORD blythe1: I can't imagine there could be a worse fate that being in thiis movie blythe1: Winter is coming! Shockbox: So...When will this have anything to do with an ice cream bunny? blythe1: It melted Shockbox: At the beginning? Cardinal: . . . . blythe1: Another forced  marriage? blythe1: I seriously question the message this movie is pushing thenightetc: So... what about her mother Thebes: Oh man I'm late--what fresh nonsense is this? blythe1: I hope those flower buds they are standing in are the same as those from little shop of horrors thenightetc: So, they absolutely just spliced another entire story in, didn' tthey blythe1: back at Santa's cult thenightetc: Credits and all thenightetc: Er, movie blythe1: Yes, Santa is dead, we're freeeeeeeee Cardinal: . . . caffienatedconfetti: am i on crack thenightetc: No, this is really happening Thebes: This feels like a festive fever dream blythe1: THE SIREN MEANS THE NUKES ARE COMING, RIGHT? blythe1: And they just ran over the camera man, which must be a relief for him caffienatedconfetti: screaming blythe1: You know the worst apart about this? caffienatedconfetti: i am screaming caffienatedconfetti: the screaming never ends thenightetc: The dog turning to look at the camera blythe1: I hear Michael Bay has signed on for a remake. Thebes: I feel like that's untrue but... cite your sources blythe1: He's signed on for a reboot for everything else. caffienatedconfetti: eeend me caffienatedconfetti: hwy tjhs caffienatedconfetti: whys blythe1: Just get him on the car and drive to the closing credits, already. thenightetc: The dog seems kind of freaked out at the bunny, there. caffienatedconfetti: please kill mee blythe1: Just for the record, that is not the right way to crank start a car blythe1: if it kicks back then it can break your arm. thenightetc: Look at that kid struggling to keep the dog from running off. thenightetc: ....So could he have done that at any time, or Thebes: I... I don't know blythe1: Is it over, truly? caffienatedconfetti: thank god thenightetc: That description caffienatedconfetti: i am freed Knock Out: It's over. Dear sweet Unicron, it's over. Knock Out: But will we ever be free? That's the question. blythe1: I'll be good next year, promise. Knock Out: I promise nothing. thenightetc: That was really.... something. blythe1: I have to look up that movie's IMDB page to see if anyone in it ever worked again Knock Out: Wasn't it just? Knock Out: Thank you all for stopping by and enduring it! thenightetc: Thank you for infli--*sharing* it with us. blythe1: Wouldn't have missed it for the world, KO. Thank you. blythe1: I love your Christmas livestreams. THey are always great. caffienatedconfetti: goood night Thebes: I only caught the end, but even that was...amazing, shall we say. thank you! Knock Out: You're all very welcome! caffienatedconfetti: it was endless pain caffienatedconfetti: and trauma thenightetc: That description caffienatedconfetti: i am freed Knock Out: It's over. Dear sweet Unicron, it's over. Knock Out: But will we ever be free? That's the question. blythe1: I'll be good next year, promise. Knock Out: I promise nothing. thenightetc: That was really.... something. blythe1: I have to look up that movie's IMDB page to see if anyone in it ever worked again Knock Out: Wasn't it just? Knock Out: Thank you all for stopping by and enduring it! thenightetc: Thank you for infli--*sharing* it with us. blythe1: Wouldn't have missed it for the world, KO. Thank you. blythe1: I love your Christmas livestreams. THey are always great. caffienatedconfetti: goood night Thebes: I only caught the end, but even that was...amazing, shall we say. thank you! Knock Out: You're all very welcome! caffienatedconfetti: it was endless pain caffienatedconfetti: and trauma caffienatedconfetti: it will be in my nightmares blythe1: Merry Christmas, everybody. caffienatedconfetti: mebby chruistmun Knock Out: Merry Christmas, happy holidays, may Santa's filthy pants keep clear of your dreams! thenightetc: Same to you!  And goodnight. blythe1: Since it is now 5am in my timezone, I will bid you all good night. See you all next year. Thebes: good night!
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elfelt-valentine · 1 year
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soundwave's deranged children
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