#source: @tendou-satori-chocolatier
star-trek-shallot · 2 years
Chekov: *is borrowing Sulu's phone*
Chekov: *sees contact titled "love of my life"*
Chekov: Awww, is that my number?
*calls the number*
The other end of the line: Hi, this is Sorok's Interplanetary Bistro. Would you like the usual, Mr. Hikaru, sir?
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cynyxx · 2 years
incorrect quotes with the bumbling and interchangeable squad (pt 62)
nyx: when i get murdered can u make sure im an unsolved case??
flynn: what
nyx: i want to be on buzzfeed unsolved
flynn: can we go back to the part where u said "when i get murdered"
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meigh-day · 3 years
Meet Cute (Tendou x F!Reader)
Title: Meet Cute
Pairing: Tendou x F!Reader
Warnings: Fluff!
Status: Complete
Word Count: 2.1k
"I can do this..." You mumble to yourself, eyes focused on the single page menu in your hands. The words scrawled across the page wanted to seem familiar but only a couple managed to find their meaning while the rest just sat there taunting you. Maybe choosing to eat out was a bad idea. It had been only a couple of weeks since you'd uprooted your whole life and moved to beautiful Paris. Sure, your apartment wasn't the prettiest or the biggest and yea maybe not actually speaking a word of French prior to moving wasn't the brightest idea but you couldn't say you regretted the decision. Not yet anyway. A kind looking waitress approached your table, pen poised to take your order as she spoke to you. Her words came quick and left you staring up at her with an awkward smile while she stared at you, expectantly at first and then confused when you said nothing.
"Oh... uh... un moment..." Is all you finally manage to stammer out in your very limited French. She sighs a bit but nods and disappears back inside, leaving you to stare a bit longer at the menu as you worry your lip between your teeth. With a sigh you place the menu flat on the table. Resting your chin in your palm as you stare out at the bustling street before you. People wandered by, laughing with friends, arms full of shopping or flowers, hands intertwined as soft words passed between them. It seemed familiar in a way, watching others pass by on their way to or from some place. Yet, that familiarity only seemed to make you feel all the more alienated, amplifying that feeling of loneliness that was starting to creep up on you. You let out a soft hum of acknowledgement, your train of thought derailing immediately after as you realize someone was talking to you and you'd absentmindedly acknowledged them.
"Ah, sorry!" You sit up, turning your attention towards the source. An amused smile greets you as a pair of sharp red eyes catch your own. For a moment you sit stunned, mind stuck on one word: pretty. A short chuckle brings you back and you clear your throat as you try to think of something, anything to say to this stranger. "Uhm... Ah... P-pardonner monsieur." You offer up a stammered apology, though you aren't sure if you are sorry for not hearing what he said or for deciding to grace this café and the city with your inadequate French. Both maybe?
He laughs and shakes his head before pointing to the seat across from you as if to ask permission. You nod, offering him a somewhat nervous smile as you watch him take a seat. He was tall and thin with the prettiest red hair you had ever seen. He squints his eyes at you a moment before plucking the menu from the table and reading it over. With nothing else to occupy your attention, you watched him, curious why he had decided to approach a complete stranger.
"Hmm, do you like sweet stuff?" He questioned, eyes peering at you from atop the menu, not a hint of French accent in a single syllable.
You smile and nod, humming in affirmation before your eyes widen. "Wait... You speak... You're not..." A sigh of relief passes your lips as you relax in your chair, grateful to not have to stammer and stutter through the minimal French you'd managed to remember. The red headed man snickered at your obvious relief, hiding his smirk behind the menu.
"Geez, you poor thing. I admire your courage."
"Yea. I didn't try my hand at dining out for like the first 2 or 3 months." He lowered the menu, his smirk now visible to you as he placed the menu back down on the table.
"Oh, heh, yea probably not the smartest move. It just smelled really good and my stomach overruled my brain."
He nodded, almost as if to say he understood the feeling before glancing back up at you. "I know we just met and all but do you trust me?" He taps the menu as he asks, indicating the reason behind his question.
"I might be inclined to trust you a little more if I knew your name..." You chuckle, watching his eyes widen in the realization that not a single word of introduction had passed between you. The smirk that had been on his lips is replaced by a sweet smile, his squinted red eyes soften as his whole express shifts from that slightly mischievous one he'd been wearing to a rather warm one.
"Ah, yea. It's Tendou, Tendou Satori."
Several minutes later, introductions now over and your order placed by the very gracious man before you, you two sat chatting back and forth. Both curious what had brought each of you to Paris, almost equally as unprepared. You found out Tendou was attending school to get his associates degree in bakery and pastry arts with the intent on training to become a chocolatier after. You stared at him, eyes wide with excitement as he spoke very animatedly about his latest project.
"But yea, not super exciting or anything." His own excitement dwindled a bit, nervousness settling in as he realized he'd been prattling on about himself for the last ten minutes.
"That sounds incredible!" You finally say. It had been so fun watching and hearing him talk about something he clearly loved.
"What about you?"
"Me? Ah..." The main reason you'd come to Paris was school. Well that's what you told people when asked and it was true. Though you couldn't deny to yourself the underlying reason for moving halfway across the word was to get away from your family. They had wanted you to stay local, go to college and work at your uncles company when you graduated. What a nicely planned future, all neat and packaged with a bow. It wasn't what you wanted though and you expressed that on many occasions. In the end you decided that if you were going to go to school for what you wanted you might as well do it as far away as possible while you were at it. Not wanting to unpack any of that though you gave him a very watered down version of why you'd come to Paris.
Tendou could tell as you spoke that something was missing from your story. Maybe it was the way your eyes shifted around as you spoke, or the stiff smile on your lips, but it was clear to him you maybe weren't telling the whole truth. Though considering he was more or less a perfect stranger, he couldn't fault you for that. Just as you were wrapping up your food arrived so any further talk regarding your coming to Paris halted in favor of eating whatever deliciousness Tendou had kindly ordered.
"Ah, that was so good." You breath out happily, leaning back in your chair in an effort to alleviate the fullness in your stomach. Tendou gave you a wide grin as he set his empty cup down. "I did a pretty good job guessing at what you'd like then?"
"Mhm!" You agree enthusiastically. "God knows what I would have ordered if not for you. So.. uh..." You sit up a bit, fixing your eyes on him as your smile softens. "Thanks. I really appreciate it."
He shakes his head, waving off your gratitude. "Nah don't worry about it." The waitress comes back around and leaves the bill, just the one, but before you can even think about how to fix this, Tendou has paid for the both of you.
"Oh no you don't have.. "
"Consider it a welcome to Paris gift." He stands and smiles down at you before slowly turning, a bit of reluctance in his step.
This was not how you had anticipated your lunch going. If anything you thought you might order something, hopefully delicious but at the very least edible, in your awful broken French and then go home. You couldn't fathom you'd end up meeting someone so kind and generous, who you maybe also thought happened to be the most beautiful person you'd ever seen. Yet you had, and now you were sat in your chair like a complete idiot watching his back grow smaller and smaller, he'd be lost in the crowd by now if not for his lovely hair.
"What am I doing?!" You harshly mutter to yourself as you stand, grabbing up your jacket and bag before breaking out into a run.
Tendou chewed on his lip as his feet carried him away from the small café. It wasn't like it was totally unusual for him to talk to strangers but he'd never just invited himself to eat with a complete stranger, pay for their meal and then leave. Yet here he was, having done all that, though the latter was being done rather reluctantly. Part of him wanted to turn around and go back to you. You'd only spent the better part of an hour together but he was curious about you. There was something that had drawn him towards you. At first he thought he'd gone to you out of the desire to help, and that was part of it to be sure, but maybe there was more to it. Sure your wobbly French had drawn him over but that wasn't why he stayed. Was it the way you had smiled up at him? Or was it the way you sat and listened to him ramble on with actual interest? Perhaps it was the gentle look on your face when he'd caught you staring off into space. Whatever it was, it had his already slow pace halting.
"Tendou!" His eyes widen at the shout of his name, turning to see you waving at him as you run, reaching him a moment later half out of breath.
"Miss me already?" He jokes, watching as you lean down, bracing your hands against your thighs while you attempt to catch your breath. He isn't kept waiting long as you stand upright, a nervous chuckle finally coming out in response to his initial reply.
"Kinda, yea."
"I-- uh... What?" Tendou falters as he tries to process what you just said, not trusting his ears.
"I know we really don't know each other but it seems like such a shame to just... ignore this."
"Ignore what?" He asks, genuinely confused.
"This!" You state as you frantically motion between the two of you. "I mean what're the odds we'd even meet. Besides, I don't know about you but I don't really know anyone around here and it'd be really nice to change that..." You end with a shrug, starting to second guess this whole endeavour as you watch Tendou stare down at you. His dark red eyes were wide at first, surprised that you had even bothered to run after him but even more so that you wanted to be...well friends or at the very least friendly. His look of surprise softened a moment, a smile on his lips before he narrowed his eyes at you, a glint of mischief in them.
"Sounds pretty suspicious to me but I suppose I can show you around or whatever." His smile widens, almost curling at the ends. "But it'll cost ya."
"C-cost me?" Oh no, maybe this was a bad idea. Perfect stranger remember?! "W-what?"
"Whoa now." He chuckles, holding his hands up in as if the action would ward off whatever dubious thoughts were drifting through your mind. "Just your number... It'd be pretty hard to show you around if I can't get a hold of ya."
"Oh... OH, yea right." You nod, cheeks tinged pink from embarrassment. You pull out your phone and enter his details, not really sparing him a glance, too mortified by the assumptions that had sprung to mind.
"I'll text you so you have my number too." You mumble as you type a short message and hit send. A moment later you hear a ding and Tendou pulls out his phone.
"Ah, is that the time?!" He practically yells as the screen lights up, his carefree smile replaced with panic. "Shit, I gotta go!" He offers you an apologetic smile before hurrying away, leaving you a little startled by his sudden departure but overall happy with the outcome. Your grin down at your phone only to see it light up as it buzzes in your hand.
(02:37pm) Y/N: Hey it's Y/N :)
(02:41pm) Tendou: You Free tomorrow?
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1-800-imagine · 4 years
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nineteen: “i know that voice all too well” -- tendou x reader
✎ genre: fluff
✎ warnings: timeskip spoilers
✎ word count: 0.3k
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your visits to paris were always so tranquil in comparison to your busy bee life back in japan. the living space your boyfriend called his home had the most perfect view of the city -- like those picture books you’d read as a child. 
one moment you’d be basking in the warm illumination of the city of lights, reading those french food magazines featuring a redheaded chocolatier. the next you were enveloped in darkness -- the only source of light coming from between the cracks of cold, lanky fingers. 
“guess who?” a voice sang. it’s a familiar voice -- all too recognizable. from the first word, you identified the stranger to be none other than tendou, for more than obvious reasons. 
“hm,” you played along, “i think i know that voice all too well.” placing the magazine down in the center of your lap, you pulled his hands off your eyes and collected them in your own.
you leaned your head back on your seat to reveal the male’s buzzed red hair and the sulky expression marked on his face. “hello satori,” you greeted, an affectionate, the ear-to-ear smile on your face mirrored that of your boyfriend’s. 
tendou leaned down, placing a kiss on your forehead. “look who’s the ‘guess monster’ now?” the male mentioned. you let out a chuckle at his remark, and he did the same. the redhead circled around to the front of your chair, turning on some soft french music along the way. 
 he reached out for one of your hands and gave you a little bow. “would you care to join me for a dance?” tendou requested. “it would be my honor,” you complied, taking the male’s outstretched hand to pull yourself up. 
bright smiles illuminated the room and your laughter filled the empty space as you swayed, spun, and stepped. if it weren’t for your early morning flight home, the two of you would have danced all night in the city of light; the city of love.
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check out the twenty-five days masterlist
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star-trek-shallot · 1 year
Kirk: Two bros, chillin' in a hot tub! Five feet apart 'coz they're not gay!
Spock: You are my bondmate.
Spock: And you are on my lap.
Spock: Literally everything you just said was inaccurate.
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star-trek-shallot · 1 year
Spock, accepting an award: I would like to dedicate this to my father, who said I wouldn't be winning this award and to not bother preparing a speech.
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star-trek-shallot · 2 years
[Bones and Spock are arguing again]
Bones: I was referring to your dad.
Spock: Ah. Fair enough, carry on.
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star-trek-shallot · 2 years
Bones, digging through his medical kit: Hey Ensign, be useful for once and hand me that jar over there.
Chekov, watching everyone pass vials back and forth, frantically trying to revive Captain Kirk: Yknow, back in my day, we just died.
Bones: ...You're 22.
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cynyxx · 2 years
incorrect quotes with the bumbling and interchangeable squad (pt 51)
nyx, telling alex later: despite being at a loss for words, they yelled at me for 45 minutes
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