#sp s25
clydesdonovan · 1 year
Have we gotten any new news about s26 yet actually?? Besides that it exists
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gonnacrackaribbb · 10 months
this is my official ranking of my fav sp episodes of each season
1. Cartman’s Mom is a Dirty Slut (s1 ep13)
2. Merry Christmas, Charlie Manson! (s2 ep16)
3. Rainforest Shmainforest (s3 ep1)
4. Cartman Joins NAMBLA (s4 ep5)
5. Osama Bin Laden has Farty Pants (s5 ep9)
6. Bebe’s Boobs Destroy Society (s6 ep10)
7. Krazy Kripples (s7 ep2)
8. Up the Down Steroid (s8 ep2)
9. The Death of Eric Cartman (s9 ep6)
10. Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy (s10 ep10)
11. With Apologies to Jesse Jackson (s11 ep1)
12. Breast Cancer Show Ever (s12 ep9)
13. Butters’ Bottom Bitch (s13 ep9)
14. Mysterion Rises (s14 ep12)
15. Ass Burgers (s15 ep8)
16. I Should Have Never Gone Ziplining (s16 ep6)
17. A Song of Ass and Fire (s17 ep7)
18. The Magic Bush (s18 ep5)
19. Tweek x Craig (s19 ep6)
20. Skank Hunt (s20 ep2)
21. Put It Down (s21 ep2)
22. Dead Kids (s22 ep1)
23. Tegridy Farms Halloween Special (s23 ep5)
24. N/A
25. Help, My Teenager Hates Me! (s25 ep5)
26. DikinBaus Hot Dogs (s26 ep5)
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wendytestabrat · 1 year
why butters is an awful character now
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ok i’ve already talked about this in full length on my amino blog but like i feel like i have to talk about this shit again bc matt & trey still haven’t fixed this problem and it’s pissing me off lol. ok so like i think butters used to be an amazing character in the golden seasons in like seasons 6-9 when he started becoming a more prominent character and hanging out with the boys more. like those iconic cartman & butters episodes like awesom-o & casa bonita are some of my favs lol. but honestly i think they really ruined him around s12 or s13 when butters started becoming way more mean and douchey for no reason (prob bc the boys corrupted him) lol. i mean the appeal to butters character was how he WASN’T an asshole like the other kids and he was all nice and innocent and behaved like a normal kid that’s what made him funny. now it feels like every single butters episode is just for shock value at this point, like matt & trey seem obsessed with making butters be mean and act all edgy and out of character. i mean like it’s funny when it’s used in moderation bc like it’s cool seeing butters stand up for himself every once in a while when he’s always nice to people but now it’s like all the shock value is gone bc he does that in every single episode now and it’s getting old. like honestly i think the nightmare started in the episode “butters bottom bitch” which was out of character af for butters to do all that pimp shit & then he literally calls a girl fat & ugly in “the hobbit” and sells vapes with cartman in “tegridy farms” and just now in the recent episode he was being a dick to bebe for no reason so she kicked his ass. honestly you know it’s gotten bad when kyle is starting to seem more innocent than butters now lol like how kyle was the one who was against selling vapes while butters wasn’t. some may say it’s character development but it’s honestly just bad character development imo. and the other issue i have with butters now is he gets way too much screen time and appears in more episodes than some of the four boys lol. i’m sorry but i liked butters more as a secondary character and he’s usually only funny to me when he’s interacting with the boys or cartman is messing with him and they’re just using him for some scheme. i rlly don’t like seeing entire episodes focused just on butters bc he’s a lame character on his own & his parents are unlikable too and they’re in too many episodes. he’s honestly suffered the same fate as randy but no one wants to talk about that. you never wanna overuse a comic relief character bc the novelty gets old after a while. like literally the two worst episodes from s25 were the two butters centric episodes. that one where he was doing dressage was so stupid and i also didn’t care for the st patricks day one either. i think it says a lot when the best episodes from s25 people liked the most were the ones that focused on the other boys. my favs were “city people” which was a cartman centric episode and then “the big fix” was a stan episode and “help my teenager hates me” focused on all four but mainly kyle. i mean even on imdb those two butters episodes were the lowest rated ones the stupid ass dressage episode only got a 6.6 lol. i feel like it’s only the normies and casual fans that are obsessed with butters and say he’s their fav. when u take a closer look at the sp fandom and the rlly hardcore fans who watch every episode hardly anyone says butters is their fav lol everyone is mostly obsessed with the four boys.
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north-park · 10 months
You should watch the dressage episode. The Butters parts are adorable.
YEAH i'm going to be honest i missed all of s25 because i wasn't into SP as much back when it aired lol, i know there is at least a couple of pretty good episodes in it so it's just matter of time till i catch up 👍
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not even putting this in the tag bc the last thing i want to do is get more than 3 notes, but i don't get why it seems like tumblr's south park viewers didn't like sp season 25 or feel pessimistic about s26. s25 was awesome aside from being too short; all six of the episodes were good and "the big fix," "city people," and "help! my teenager hates me" were all especially fantastic imo
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allfirmwareos · 2 years
Symphony Helio S25 Stock Firmware ROM (Flash File)
Symphony Helio S25 Stock Firmware ROM (Flash File)
Symphony Helio S25 Stock Firmware Download For Your Symphony Device. We provide original Android Rom and all the Stock Rom files. Get it from the official website. The zip file contains Symphony Software File, Flash Tool, and How-to Flash Guide. Use Symphony Helio S25 Flash Tool for flash Firmware on this device. [*] Model: Helio S25. [*] Driver: Spreadtrum USB Drivers. [*] Flash Tool: SP Flash…
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metukika · 2 years
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they’re neighbors :)
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antha · 2 years
Are we getting a Cartman depression arc or what? He’s been so defeated the whole season. Even in the episode when he was an ass it was because he felt lonely. And in the last ep (Credigree Weed St. Patrick’s day special) he seemed bored even when they schemed? Guess he’ll be joining Stan on the bad mental health at 10 YEARS OF AGE ride
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craigtucker-gifs · 2 years
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South Park S25 E02 - The Big Fix.
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puto-el-que-lo--lea · 2 years
Token and Stan = Weedeo and Juulieta
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mewmaru · 2 years
Wow I really wanna punch Randy in the face
Like I’ve always wanted to do that passively but Jesus Christ now I wanna throw him into a meat grinder
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1furrycat · 2 years
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Oh man they're sitting together
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Best wishes to everyone on the auspicious occasion of #MahavirJayanti. May Lord Mahavir bless you with peace, prosperity, and happiness.
Swarnprastha Public School 
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c0037 · 2 years
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I feel like this should be the other way around but this works too right
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lilpissbaby · 2 years
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although gary's one of the most genuinely kind people out there, he still has his (rare) days where he just gets tired and wants to rant. Luckily stan is always there to listen <3
(stan wont say this out loud, but sometimes he unintentionally tunes out while listening to gary because he thinks to himself, 'how can this dude be so pretty? 😳')
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l3roflovski · 2 years
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Beyond obsessed over whatever is happening in this Kyle plush review.
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