spsangryeol-blog · 5 years
hello hello hello people! i’m marie, in constant limbo between paying bills and not being a real grown up™ and i’m based in europe but i’m a nocturnal being. before i jump right into it i will say that i’m not huge on gifs cause i switch between devices a lot and i’m a huge fan of plotting!! under the cut is a brief introduction of sangryeol :) please don’t hesitate to hit me up in dms or on discord @ polly#6653!
here’s his about page with his bio (that’s still a wip), but some key points are outlined below:
sangryeol is 74 years old samjokgu spirit, which technically makes him a three-legged dog spirit
he grew up close to the harbour and still works around there as a fisherman, partly because he’s too lazy to pick up something else and partly because he likes the proximity to the ferry
when he was 12 years old he got into an accident that has left his left arm occasionally immobilized (hence him being “three-legged”)
his ability makes it possible for him to dampen other spirit’s powers! this depends on power level, physical proximity, type of power etc and if you want to plot around it we can hash the specifics out beforehand! he’s also immune to illusions
since the samjokgu is a protector of humanity in korean folklore, he will occasionally take a human or two under his wing and attempt to keep them alive. he’s not awfully concerned with all that, but if asked for help he’ll give it and a safe place to stay for anyone
i didn’t mean for him to turn into such a sea loving boy but now it’s done so,,, enjoy interacting with this mess
that’s it for now! i’m looking forward to getting to know you guys :))
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dalxsp · 5 years
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hello!!!! ⸜( ˙ ˘ ˙) i’m coming in a little late here but hello, i’m KOSMO (she/her, 23) and i love my cats! spirited away is a longtime fav movie for me and i consider studio ghibli a huge influence so i’m already in love with the concepts here! c’: this muse right here is DAL, a white tiger spirit who lives to be dramatic and thinks he’s much cooler than he probably is but it’s ok bc that’s very on-brand for cats of all sizes, thank u,,,
my pages aren’t finished and ready but i’ll definitely let everybody know when they are, i was just p late in applying and i just got online! in the meantime, here’s my app as an easy intro! i’ll probably throw out a little list of facts later just for good measure but i just wanted to get this out very quickly & my brain hasn’t fully turned on yet.
i DO have a discord if anybody wants it for plotting so feel free to ask for it any time. tumblr IMs also work for me so please feel free to hit me up if you want but please be patient bc i have a bit of a habit for forgetting tumblr ims EXIST AHJHGFDS...for real though, i’ll be extra vigilant with them from now!
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spxrina-blog · 5 years
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𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒔 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒅𝒔 !! i’m lily and i’m one of the admins here ( formerly jeno admin, now wooyoung admin ) and i can’t believe we’re finally open !!! eeeeek !! i’m on discord @ i'm meow#8735 for plotting ( might hop on the main during the day so ims are unreliable lol ) and under the cut you’ll find the intro of my first girlie, rina 🌹
⋄  rina is a cat spirit, a working girl™ from the western villages trying to get somewhere in this bitch of a world,, by somewhere she means the wealthy estates hehehe 
⋄  supposedly raised from a kitten by her parents in the western villages, but they’ve never exactly struck her as reliable narrators so.. jury’s still out on that one ! either way, life in western villages was fine for as long as she lived there  –  not great, which always bothered her, but they never really struggled
⋄  things changed quite drastically when her father was killed in a hunting accident. rina’s mother ended up having to work in the main street area, living with her daughter in the back-room of the bar she served. this disturbed rina immensely, she probably seemed more upset about the move than her dad at the time lmao ... 
⋄  rina eventually managed to find a job for herself as a server in a jumak-type establishment, serving food and drinks into the wee hours of the night and providing the most half-hearted entertainment available. she is a cat spirit after all, and cats are not easily ordered around. 
⋄  she lives in a small room in the apartment above the pub, housed by the owner of the establishment, as she is the only employee aside from the owner. she’s hardly ever free during evenings, but has quite a lot of off-time during the day so,, that’s something
⋄  it’s her capital d Dream to one day be able to live in the wealthy estates and live comfortably – perhaps it’s just in her nature to crave a life of endless relaxation and lounging. she’s not a bore though, with her taste for adventure and penchant for rule-breaking
⋄  quite temperamental, very selfish, and stubborn as all hell, rina is truly a pain to deal with in most situations. but, true to her feline ways, she’s also very warm and intensely affectionate when she feels up to it. truly, it’s just a matter of dealing with her unpredictability rather than shielding oneself – she never really means any harm, and mostly just takes joy in making people feel flustered or subservient ... a freak !!
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spxyeon-blog · 5 years
hello hello! boy m i EXCITED hehe im trina & this is my first bby, yeon! currently living in the hotel & working as jidora’s chatelaine, you’ll see her mostly around the east (hotel, wealthy estates, main street) or the forest village in the west. she’s an old lil tortoise spirit & with @spxseon​ they become the hyeonmu, black warrior/protector of the north :) she’s mostly chill & calm now, being as impartial as she can in the hotel, but she did start out as a troublemaker so... :^)
about & plots, under the cut is misc info & more plots! please tap that like button if u wanna plot c:
so... i adapted her bio from the story of hyeonmu! she’s born from him taking out his sins/humanity, and then goes n causes havoc with her sister/twin/wtv u call being born from one dudes bad shit at the same time
after a struggle btw hyeonmu the general & hyeonmu the spirits (they’ve got the same name lmao), they agree to accompany him for 1000 years, & they’ve only recently (ish) left, so yeon’s been at the hotel for not too long, about half a century or so
at the hotel: jidora is her kinda-gf! jk, but there r uhhhhhh Feelings on her side, which blinds her a lil to the fact that the spirits who work at the hotel have their names/powers taken. she tries to make up for it by being impartial & never putting the guests above the staff, as well as providing as much as she can for the staff
on her down time: she doesn’t get too much of it, but she gets to abandon the airs of a chatelaine and the duties of one half of the hyeonmu, and yeon is less put together, a lil more mischievous, silly & less imposing hehe 
as jidora’s chatelaine, she makes trips outside of the hotel often: to liaise with wealthy customers coordinate with suppliers / commissioned jobs recruit some spirits who look like they need the protection of the lady
also has the unfortunate duty of communicating her lady’s wishes to lord tagon & the wizard :/ so vassals, who have to deal w the fact that both their employers hate each other (lol) bodyguards, she’ll fite if u threaten jidora witch&wizard, whenever the hotel needs something magical done
since seon lives in the forest village they have monthly meals together hehe, so anyone living around that area would be familiar with her face!
staff at the hotel: older ones, who’ve been here before her newer ones who listen to her w a bit of reverence since she’s the one who handles their day-to-day staff who dislike her for her position staff who want to be promoted & are trying to get into her good graces
customers at the hotel: regulars who come once a week or something, she’s familiar with them & knows all their wants & desires someone she knows from her past adventures that she bested and is having fun ordering her around now high status guests whose every wish she has to cater to
from her past adventures: people she’s come across once & has re-met a victim of the chaos she created when she was younger good friends from her old adventures
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spupo-blog · 5 years
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bee again, and here with my second kiddo. UPO is my weird old man turtle, and i’m very, very excited for him !! just like siyeol i have a bio page for him as well, and i’ll also put his basic info under the cut. you can give this a like for plotting, or you can also find me more readily on discord at mothman#2762 !! 
his full name is guardian of the lake upo, though that name is meaningless to him now
upo lived for almost a millennium in peace. his role was to act as guardian for his lake, to watch over the animals and plants that resided their. his magic offered a blessing to the land, and his spirit form could also offer healing to those who approached him
he lives most of his life as a turtle that blends in with his lake and the other creatures. but he also has a human-like form for when he’s meeting with other spirits or humans
about 100 years ago, humans first made contact with his lake. upo had welcomed them, allowed them to settle but warned them to live in harmony with the creatures who already live along lake upo
the humans, of course, did not listen. their village destroyed trees, hunted the boar and deer, and mined the nearby mountain
the spill-off waste from the mining was funneled directly into the lake
soon the magic of the lake died. the animals fled or were poisoned by the silt-filled water, the plants all withered, and the water turned into a cloudy, gray sludge
the lake was dead, and upo had lost his home. and when a guardian spirit loses their home, they become vengeful 
he destroyed the entire village and every human within it. but it could not restore his home
upo then moved to the island, no longer a fierce guardian but just an old turtle
he runs a bookstore, with his little living space on the second floor. it’s not the quiet life he’s used to, but after 122 years of it, upo has grown to accept it
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spxtian-blog · 5 years
hello !! i am vanadís [est, she/her], and i bring to you my dragon shrine guardian son ! i’ll probably be asleep by the time this rp opens, so this is a scheduled post! like this and i’ll come plot with you !!
edit: i forgot to mention i have discord for easy access if preferred!!
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here are his plots, profile, and about !!
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spfengyu-blog · 5 years
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okay so i know im big late on this whole shabang im sorry ;; im ethan and here is my boy feng/fengyu (pheonox feathers kekeke)
pages: bio & bg
under the cut i’ll be providing a tldr on feng and all the deetz on him lmao also this is a hot mess but i digress
essentially is really old because he is immortal but his immortality has a catch. in the situation he dies, intentionally or not, he’ll be reborn in the ashes but loses memories from the previous life (except stuff like reading, talking, breathing just so it wont be overly complicated as it already is ;;). aka day of embers — happens every 30 years if he doesn’t die earlier. when he is reborn he doesnt turn to a baby in human form but a teenager just so no one has to take care of a baby phoenix who explodes.
because of this feng has sort of a magic guide book? made by a smart enough past fengyu to guide him? themselves??? if he isnt doing anything his reading this book.
other than his immortality, his other abilities include: pyromancy, enhanced strength, accelerated regeneration, flight, phoenix song, healing via tears and pyro-teleportation. in phoenix form, all his abilities and senses are heightened. ex: his tears can pretty much bring someone back to life in the brink of life whereas in his human form he’s only able to heal minor injuries. feng fact! he tries not to teleport as much especially around the shrine because he once caused a “wildfire” in which his co-guardian had to help fix.
he’s pretty adventurous because he feels as tho he needs to try everything due to the fact that he may never experience or remember any of it in the next life.
takes his guardian duties seriously! no littering!!! (but really pls do this would be a fun plot)
legit lights into flames when mad. dont test his patience (pls do)
his irises glow like there is fire in them. intensity varies in his state, emotions, power use, etc.
is pretty friendly and loyal to those who deserve it. actually feels really bad that he won’t be able to remember them in the next life so he started taking note of those special friends and has pages dedicated to them and everything about them.
loves to sing and is actually really good — usually heard singing in the shrine but really shy about it.
is stubborn and childish af so do wat u may with this info lmao
someone he knew before but doesn’t remember??? could tell him or not ;u; someone who used to be really special but was pre-writing friends time. could be the one that prompted the whole i need to write about my friends.
someone who thrashes/disturbs the shrine? someone loitering, trespassing(?), breaking the rules.
BFF! his ride or die. important: has been with him to help him get thru day of embers. he really hates it and gets all riled up about it. takes care of newborn feng too. loool waddap baby sitter.
shrine regulars? villagers?
someone he just doesnt get along with!
you catch him singing and now you wont stop bothering him about it HE IS NOW YOUR PERSONAL MUSIC BOX.
(will update when i think of other plots)
if you cant find anything here we can always brain storm!!! hit me up or give this post a hearteu!!! imma slide into ur dms ;) also i have discord so if you want i can give it to you so we can talk there!
peace out!!!!
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spxhua-blog · 5 years
hello !! it’s vanadís [est, she/her] again, but this time, it’s my crane spirit muse ! as mentioned on @spxtian, i’ll probably be still asleep by the time this rp opens, so this is a scheduled post! like this and i’ll come plot with you !!
edit: i forgot to mention i have discord for easy access if preferred, but i’m easily reached through tian!!
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here are her plots, stats, and about !
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seolsp · 5 years
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hello! i'm lala, the sleepless mun behind this icy baby. i'm on gmt+8 but i got a ruined body clock anyways so there are instances where i just appear out of the blue. heh. i prepared some links to better introduce seol-- basic info & bio. her plots page is still under construction and will be up as soon as everything is settled. under the cut, i have also outlined a few bits to further expound seol's nature. (i'll have these placed on a page somewhere as headcanons soon and will update it regularly oof)
seol was a human before dalnim, the moon goddess, turned her into an ice spirit. in order to save her sibling from getting drowned in a frozen lake, she sacrificed herself and this act moved the deity. dalnim then fished out her body, took seol under her wing, and gave her a name. upon shifting into a spirit, seol was left with no memories and her life restarted right where she perished, above the frozen lake. her standing on ice under the night sky was her first memory. she will never be able to remember her past life and nobody else can attain this knowledge unless someone is powerful enough to see it.
while her power is ice manipulation, seol is not the personification of winter. she is also not the only ice spirit out there. her abilities are at its peak when it is the winter season in the human world while the rest are kept into a minimum. moreover, she has mastered her power since she have lived for more than a thousand years, giving her a lot of time to practice and improve her skills.
before she decided to permanently reside on the island, seol moved from one place to another, opting caves for her to live in. she only heads out during the winter season and journey to the human world, believing it is her duty to bring snow and frost to small towns and counties. seol still practices this even after moving to the island, the only difference was that she now has a place she can return to and call it home.
one could say that seol is an ancient spirit because of the long time she have been staying in the spirit realm. she has acquired numerous hobbies to pass the time and still left her dissatisfied. she is plagued with ennui and craves for new things in her life.
since she have lived for a long time, seol managed to gather rare artifacts and scrolls, both from the spirit and human realm, in which collectors would turn green with envy. this is the sole reason as to why she managed to secure a property around the wealthy estates of the island by selling a few of them.
aside from holding auctions for the artifacts, seol sells handcrafted headpieces and accessories. this was one of her hobbies until one of her attendants saw its market potential and encouraged her to supply them to the merchants. she also entertains clients with specific and unique requests for their accessories.
her first experience of the island was being led straight to lady jidora's hotel. seol returned there a few more times before venturing out to tour around the island more. she eventually decided to permanently reside on the island because of its liveliness.
she has an air of mystery around her since she doesn't easily approach anyone unless needed. seol is bad at social affairs and prior on living on the island, she would only manage to catch up with her acquaintances once in a few years. back then, one would be lucky to encounter her more than twice.
seol can be mostly seen wearing pure white robes adorned with intricate silver embroidery. she also never fails to wear traditional hair accessories with crescent moon designs, denoting loyalty to her creator, dalnim.
--- if you have reached this part, congratulations on escaping past my ramblings! ouo this is actually a plot call so hit the like button if you want me to message you for plotting. otherwise, i will be posting a few open starters shortly for those who doesn't prefer pre-established relationships. come and play with us! c:
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