walnutcookie · 2 years
Sparkfort is definitely somethign
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katastroficwriter · 4 years
Stress Relief Sketches ft. Cookie Run
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May or may not finish these. I saw my schedule for November and I just want to cry--
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wlw-grapefruit · 5 years
ooh yay sprite edits! firecracker x birthday cookie? or if sprites aren’t fully released for that roguefort x sparkling?
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I’m not sure about Firecracker x BC because I’m unsure if BC is a child or not (and shipping her with a canonical child is iffy) but these two? They’re gay.
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katastroficwriter · 4 years
Thinking about Roguefort outside of his Phantom Thief outfit, just spending his downtime at a coffee shop and he watches Sparkling open his bar from across the street; or in the off chance he catches Sparkling in town buying groceries or something, his eyes just follow him. He’s not stalking him, no, no. It’s just that his eyes just naturally get drawn to Sparkling Cookie. It wasn’t on purpose at all!
And maybe one day their eyes accidentally meet, and Sparkling just smiles at him before going back to his usual routine. Roguefort sinks in his seat, fixes his glasses, pulls his beret down to hide his flushed face.
Please send me headcanons for them, I have a great need
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katastroficwriter · 4 years
Sparkling Jewel of the Night
Roguefort Cookie never forgets the thrill he feels during heists. The rush of adrenaline he gets as he dodges the spotlight, the excitement he feels as he claims his target in his own two hands after successfully getting past the security sensors. The little miss detective's stubborn determination to capture him in every heist is a pleasant addition to his fun of being a phantom thief as well.
Meeting him filled him with a different kind of rush.
"Grape Jelly whiskey, on the rocks."
"Your orders are getting bolder and bolder with every visit," the bartender quipped, with his trademark confident smile in place, he started preparing the drink.
"Life provides us with many opportunities to try something new--" Roguefort wore a charming smile of his own as he received the drink from the cookie of his affections. "...and I am not one to waste them."
Sparkling Cookie wore a pleased look mixed with sheer amusement. "So you were planning to try out every single drink on my menu, hm?"
"That's the dream, my dear," Roguefort chuckled as he sipped on his drink.
He wasn't, by all means, a lightweight whenever it came to alcoholic beverages. Yet being in close proximity with the bartender was all it took to intoxicate him.
They did not meet during one of Lady Cheesecake's many lovely parties, no. He first saw Sparkling Cookie in the comfort of his bar one relatively peaceful night. He had a way with words, and his patrons were utterly charmed. In many aspects, the bartender was similar to him. 
The second time he met him was during one of Lady Cheesecake’s banquets.  He didn’t think too much about it at first, he simply wanted a drink and a peaceful place to bide his time before his heist begins. He made for an amazing conversation partner, maybe that was why his services were frequently sought for by Lady Cheesecake.
Things changed when Sparkling Cookie made it apparent that he was definitely sharper and more astute compared to the other cookies when he saw through his disguise. It all went downhill from there.
In the off chance that Sparkling Cookie was present during his heists, he would make it a point to approach him whilst incognito, just to test whether the charming bartender truly could see through his disguises.
He did.
Every. Single. Time.
And Roguefort absolutely loved it.
It didn’t take too long for him to fall absolutely head over heels for the sparkling bartender. How ironic was it that he, a thief of hearts, had his very own stolen!
Roguefort paused in his drinking when he felt a gentle pressure against his cheek. Realizing that he had been in fact kissed on the cheek by none other than the bartender of his dreams himself, the phantom thief straightened himself in his seat.
“Oh?” Intrigued sea-green eyes flitted upwards to meet the bartender’s forest green ones. “Have you perhaps fallen for me, my dear Sparkling Cookie?”
Sparkling Cookie regarded the phantom thief with his trademark charming smile, “Life provides us with many opportunities to try something new, Sir Phantom Thief.” He leaned in close and whispered in the other cookie’s ear. “...And I’m not one to waste it.”
A jolt of electricity traveled down Roguefort’s spine.
He had entered the bar in the guise of Vampire Cookie and no one had questioned his presence in the bar. Even though he already knew that Sparkling could perfectly see through his disguises, the rush he felt whenever he got ‘caught’ never lost its novelty.
So enamored! So in love!
Ah, truly...Sparkling Cookie was a jewel he could not wait to steal away in his arms.
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katastroficwriter · 4 years
No one asked, but I ship Roguefort Cookie with Sparkling Cookie. What’s their ship name? Roguespark? Sparkfort? Either way, they’re both very lovely.
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